ai... and all it's consequences

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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by Kismet »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:27 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:12 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 5:54 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:50 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:18 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:00 pm
DMac wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:09 am See, AI wouldn't have made that mistake, gotta get yourself one of those contraptions. tech. ;)
Didn't listen to it but I'm not thrilled about AI. No doubt it can be of great benefit but I think the
deep, dark side is going to have dire consequences. You can't tell real from fake now and I belive
it's going to get a whole lot worse. JMHO
Meh. Look at TrumpNation. No AI, no mirrors, no sleight of hand needed to fool them.

Or the Coronavirus conspiracies, where millions are convinced that Dr. Fauci is plotting to kill them and everyone they love....when he could have retired in early 2020, taken his fat Federal Pension, consulted with big Pharma for even more cheddar, and told these brilliant Americans "figure it out on your own, I don't care about you or your family. Good luck".

You don't need AI for these idiotic outcomes in America. You just need Americans, and the internet.
:lol: :lol:
might also explain why Joe Rogan (who is alleged to be a stand up comedian) no longer has to work in that capacity (and who was very forgettable in it) when he can make gazillions foisting so-called experts with various conspiracies on any topic to wannabe believers.
Can't wait for the expose' on the Bermuda Triangle and Aliens.
I don't see him listed as a performer at this link
He own the place
so what? With his cash from Spotify he certainly can afford it

Funny how he doesn't perform on stage even at a club he owns? :oops:
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:42 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:05 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:55 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:28 am ... 1704046709

Oh nooooo... not "some guy on the internet" :roll:
Still struggling to tell the difference between personalized medical advice from your doctor....and entertainment, are we?

Well, here's to the New Year, maybe this will be the one where you sort that out. ;)
Yeah a fan, mandates were the epitome of "personalized medical advice"... sort that when you're not importing more straw for 2024 ;)
Oh no! The US government and State Governors weren't perfect during the first pandemic in the information age!!!!
:lol: a fan wins understatement of the year! No one asked for perfection, Captain Strawman. How about a little honesty, transparency, humility, and a WHOLE lot less politics? Our so-called leaders failed in all those areas. Ask yourself why there is such distrust of CDC, WHO, FDA, Big Pharma?... must be because they all did such a stellar job.

Did you remember to send your hero Fauci a case of your top shelf for Christmas?

I'm sure you and your buds at TeamTinFoil would have done SO much better if we put you in charge, naturally.
Aza Raskin and Tristan Harris certainly do not fit your "TeamTinFoil" nonsense. They're on Rogan to reach as many people as possible and no one has Rogan's reach. Months ago, didn't you say Rogan was going to lose his audience? Another brilliant observation on your part.

I suggest you hold your nose and watch a fan, if you haven't already. You'll be happy to know that Rogan listens much more than speaks throughout the podcast. IMO, truly your loss if you don't.

We got the F out of a global pandemic and to a vaccine in a little over 12 months. And instead of thanking your lucky stars for alllll those brilliant minds that got us out? You won't shut up about how it wasn't a flawless, virtuoso performance by Trump (yes, Trump), Biden, and the 50 governors who all did their best to get us the F out of that mess.
Wow. Revisionist history on display. Good for you.

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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by WaffleTwineFaceoff »

Isn't there some AI generated "hottie" that has hundreds of thousands of Tik-Tok and Instagram followers, monetizing those sites for the person who thought it up. Kind of a brilliant side hustle. Soon to be a full time super hustle?
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by youthathletics »

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:19 am :lol: a fan wins understatement of the year! No one asked for perfection, Captain Strawman. How about a little honesty, transparency, humility, and a WHOLE lot less politics? Our so-called leaders failed in all those areas. Ask yourself why there is such distrust of CDC, WHO, FDA, Big Pharma?... must be because they all did such a stellar job.
Great. Get your information from Substack.

Which leaders, Techie? We have 52 leaders. Trump, Biden, and 50 Governors. Which ones failed? You have NO CLUE what the other 50 governors did in the other 50 States. Not a clue. So what, right?

And you're telling me that you want full transparency and honesty, and that you HONESTLY don't understand what that would look like? Here's what that would look like:

Fauci steps up to the microphone: well folks, we don't know what's going on to a scientific certainty, and won't have good solid data on this virus for years. So we're going to hole up in a lab until we've got information that we can share that we're 99.9% sure of. I'll be back to brief you in 2024. Maybe. We should have a vaccine through the normal rigorous FDA approval process in 2030...because the average time it takes to do that with no political pressure is 10 years. And Tech told us not to inject politics into the process's the result. Best of luck to you and your family. I'm out.

And then when we'd FINALLY get a vaccine, Fauci would have to say "here's a list of alllllll the side effects we found for the vaccines. There are dozens of them, just like all drugs. Take this vaccine at your own risk."

Meanwhile, Trump and Biden are left to fend for themselves.

Take a wild guess as to how many more people would die if they had taken this "honest" route, Tech.

Protip: the average American doesn't understand the scientific process, and that there's no such thing as 100% certainty. If you were in charge, Tech, you'd have to explain the scientific method to 300,000,000 people, and get them to understand it. And fight allllll the disinformation coming from you and TeamTinFoil. And you, hilariously, think this is an easy task.

You do you.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:19 am Aza Raskin and Tristan Harris certainly do not fit your "TeamTinFoil" nonsense. They're on Rogan to reach as many people as possible and no one has Rogan's reach. Months ago, didn't you say Rogan was going to lose his audience? Another brilliant observation on your part.
Nope. Never said one word about losing his audience. What I DID say was that Rogan should be more careful with his power when it came to his 180 degree flip on vaccines. That's it he's an entertainer. I really like his shows, ftr. Do you remember that Rogan apologized for his Covid vaccine remarks? He's a bright man, and figured out that he has to be careful when doling out medical advice to his fans....which he did do. I'm satisfied with his apology. He's an entertainer, and needs to remember his reach. Which he did. Good on him for that.

Aza and Tristan have NOTHING to do with my TeamTinFoil remark, btw. TeamTinFoil applies to: you and your vaccine pals, the Deep State, election stupidity, and Hunter Biden conspiracies. That's far, anyway. And naturally, you believe in every one of them...and you think this is a coincidence, and that you're thinking for yourself. :roll:
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:19 am I suggest you hold your nose and watch a fan, if you haven't already. You'll be happy to know that Rogan listens much more than speaks throughout the podcast. IMO, truly your loss if you don't.
Already watch. Enjoy his show. But there's a difference from entertainment and medical advice. Nice strawman, though.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:19 am Wow. Revisionist history on display. Good for you.
It's exactly what happened. They got a vaccine in a little over 12 months. They'll be talking about this miracle for decades to come. Meanwhile, TeamTinFoil will be a footnote. No one will care about your "work" reading "some guy from the internet" with your zero-medical-training.
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by Farfromgeneva »

a fan wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:55 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:28 am ... 1704046709

Oh nooooo... not "some guy on the internet" :roll:
Still struggling to tell the difference between personalized medical advice from your doctor....and entertainment, are we?

Well, here's to the New Year, maybe this will be the one where you sort that out. ;)
Musk is out on AI now and homeboys w Rogqn and they both cater to a cohort. Do the math. Guys who don’t like other guys making the money. AI is problematic but so is having Joe Rogan on rotation and claiming to be an intellectual.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by youthathletics »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:31 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:55 pm
tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:28 am ... 1704046709

Oh nooooo... not "some guy on the internet" :roll:
Still struggling to tell the difference between personalized medical advice from your doctor....and entertainment, are we?

Well, here's to the New Year, maybe this will be the one where you sort that out. ;)
Musk is out on AI now and homeboys w Rogqn and they both cater to a cohort. Do the math. Guys who don’t like other guys making the money. AI is problematic but so is having Joe Rogan on rotation and claiming to be an intellectual.
What does the bold mean?
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by tech37 »

What happens when many people start losing their jobs?

I certainly don't know enough (not my bailiwick) to speak to this sort of thing in detail but seems to me new ideas/solutions better be considered/implemented and quickly.

To this layman's mind, UBI needs to be transitioned in as needed to keep people from going under. I believe there have been UBI trial runs in some states.

So then how is enough revenue raised to fuel UBI to scale? This is where a fan's and hoodat's (where is hoodat?) federal transaction only tax comes in.

This is most likely a pipe dream but something will need to be transitioned into our system to offset unintended AI effects.

Other thoughts?
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by PizzaSnake »

tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:54 am What happens when many people start losing their jobs?

I certainly don't know enough (not my bailiwick) to speak to this sort of thing in detail but seems to me new ideas/solutions better be considered/implemented and quickly.

To this layman's mind, UBI needs to be transitioned in as needed to keep people from going under. I believe there have been UBI trial runs in some states.

So then how is enough revenue raised to fuel UBI to scale? This is where a fan's and hoodat's (where is hoodat?) federal transaction only tax comes in.

This is most likely a pipe dream but something will need to be transitioned into our system to offset unintended AI effects.

Other thoughts?
Well, there's going to have to be a significant shift in our economic model from "winner-take-all" capitalism to something a little more distributive.

That, or get ready for the fecal matter to overwhelm the rotary impeller. Too many guns, too much ammunition out there. Won't be a traditional "war," but a simmering kettle of unrest. If people kill themselves over their reduced economic prospects now ("deaths of despair"), what will happen if it increases by a couple orders of magnitude?

One might view Maga-tism as the first "volley" in this struggle.

I know, fete the Sacklers, and run their factories 24x7...

That and tune up the drone and kill-bot factories. Self-assembling kill-bots are the next, logical and necessary step. Wouldn't want those flesh-bots getting any ideas about sabotaging the master's minions.
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by Farfromgeneva »

PizzaSnake wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:43 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:54 am What happens when many people start losing their jobs?

I certainly don't know enough (not my bailiwick) to speak to this sort of thing in detail but seems to me new ideas/solutions better be considered/implemented and quickly.

To this layman's mind, UBI needs to be transitioned in as needed to keep people from going under. I believe there have been UBI trial runs in some states.

So then how is enough revenue raised to fuel UBI to scale? This is where a fan's and hoodat's (where is hoodat?) federal transaction only tax comes in.

This is most likely a pipe dream but something will need to be transitioned into our system to offset unintended AI effects.

Other thoughts?
Well, there's going to have to be a significant shift in our economic model from "winner-take-all" capitalism to something a little more distributive.

That, or get ready for the fecal matter to overwhelm the rotary impeller. Too many guns, too much ammunition out there. Won't be a traditional "war," but a simmering kettle of unrest. If people kill themselves over their reduced economic prospects now ("deaths of despair"), what will happen if it increases by a couple orders of magnitude?

One might view Maga-tism as the first "volley" in this struggle.

I know, fete the Sacklers, and run their factories 24x7...

That and tune up the drone and kill-bot factories. Self-assembling kill-bots are the next, logical and necessary step. Wouldn't want those flesh-bots getting any ideas about sabotaging the master's minions.
Need to get back to classical and reject neoclassical static equilibrium approach to competition in capitalism or else… ... _43999.pdf
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by youthathletics »

tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:15 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:58 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:28 am ... 1704046709

Oh nooooo... not "some guy on the internet" :roll:
Thanks. Listening to the link you provided....about 15 minutes in. IS there a connection to AI in this episode or did you add the wrong link?
Sorry youth... episode #2076 with Aza Raskin & Tristan Harris
About halfway through this far so good. I like the comment that the current technology in Open AI is equivalent to 24th century tech in teh 21st century. Clearly drawing focus to just how far advanced the tech is, comparatively. It truly is scary thinking that what we now call the intel on the internet could damned near be entirely replaced with output date from AI. Another comment that stood out was that AI is currently at its worst....
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by a fan »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:29 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:43 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:54 am What happens when many people start losing their jobs?

I certainly don't know enough (not my bailiwick) to speak to this sort of thing in detail but seems to me new ideas/solutions better be considered/implemented and quickly.

To this layman's mind, UBI needs to be transitioned in as needed to keep people from going under. I believe there have been UBI trial runs in some states.

So then how is enough revenue raised to fuel UBI to scale? This is where a fan's and hoodat's (where is hoodat?) federal transaction only tax comes in.

This is most likely a pipe dream but something will need to be transitioned into our system to offset unintended AI effects.

Other thoughts?
Well, there's going to have to be a significant shift in our economic model from "winner-take-all" capitalism to something a little more distributive.

That, or get ready for the fecal matter to overwhelm the rotary impeller. Too many guns, too much ammunition out there. Won't be a traditional "war," but a simmering kettle of unrest. If people kill themselves over their reduced economic prospects now ("deaths of despair"), what will happen if it increases by a couple orders of magnitude?

One might view Maga-tism as the first "volley" in this struggle.

I know, fete the Sacklers, and run their factories 24x7...

That and tune up the drone and kill-bot factories. Self-assembling kill-bots are the next, logical and necessary step. Wouldn't want those flesh-bots getting any ideas about sabotaging the master's minions.
Need to get back to classical and reject neoclassical static equilibrium approach to competition in capitalism or else… ... _43999.pdf
UBI works pretty well. Have three separate UMich Econ PhD's in our close circle of friends. One is tenured at Berkley, the other UC Boulder, and the other works at thinktank Mathematica. All believe UBI is coming, and that it is a good thing.

To Tech's point, the only question is how to do it. It will take serious leadership to tear the tax code down, and build a new one.

Leadership that is not only NOT in's not even anywhere on the horizon.
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Re: ai... and all it's consequences

Post by youthathletics »

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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