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Post by Bandito »

Kavanaugh should be preparing to sue every single sleazeball who defamed him by publicly calling him a "rapist". No one should be given a free pass for such outrageously disgusting behavior. Democrats don't have enough evidence to win in a court of law so they use lies to smear a good mans name in the court of public opinion.

Scum of the Earth

Last edited by Bandito on Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by HooDat »

(in response to JHU)

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?

If charges are being filed in Montgomery County with the local police, then that is the correct route. I guess civil charges are possible as well ... is there a different statute of limitations on civil charges?

I sincerely doubt that any police agency would spend any time on this case if it involved schmucks from the less affluent neighborhoods..... If you think this kind of case would even get presented to a DA in Garrett county, you are kidding yourself.

But if you are going to file a civil suit, then a lawyer may want to file criminal charges to try to buttress their case. Any lawyers have thoughts on that?
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Post by runrussellrun »

HooDat wrote:(in response to JHU)

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?

If charges are being filed in Montgomery County with the local police, then that is the correct route. I guess civil charges are possible as well ... is there a different statute of limitations on civil charges?

I sincerely doubt that any police agency would spend any time on this case if it involved schmucks from the less affluent neighborhoods..... If you think this kind of case would even get presented to a DA in Garrett county, you are kidding yourself.

But if you are going to file a civil suit, then a lawyer may want to file criminal charges to try to buttress their case. Any lawyers have thoughts on that?
Civil suit? :lol: What are the damages? Gee, we should all be so damaged as getting a DOC degree from such lousy edumacation of HIGHer learning like Stanford. Or the pornstar lawyers secret sauce who apparently got top top huge security clearances and is probably another Ivy league grad. State Dept. is full of full of themselves elites.

regarding gene pools.......I'm not so stupid as to live in one of the worst states in the union. (Maryland ) So smart, just can't clean up the Chessy Bay or make Baltimore safe.
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

HooDat wrote:(in response to JHU)

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?

If charges are being filed in Montgomery County with the local police, then that is the correct route. I guess civil charges are possible as well ... is there a different statute of limitations on civil charges?

I sincerely doubt that any police agency would spend any time on this case if it involved schmucks from the less affluent neighborhoods..... If you think this kind of case would even get presented to a DA in Garrett county, you are kidding yourself.

But if you are going to file a civil suit, then a lawyer may want to file criminal charges to try to buttress their case. Any lawyers have thoughts on that?
I am not JHU, but the FBI is responsible for conducting investigations and background checks on behalf of the senate. This is not a criminal investigation. The order was to come from the White House but they sat on it hoping nobody would notice. Had the right thing been done, this would have been behind us by now. The FBI could have stated we ran down all the leads and found nothing and the Senate could say "The FBI" ran down the lead and did not find anything substantial. When other saw the BS, they seem to be coming forward...... BTW, Bill Cosby is headed to the pokey.... how old were those charges..... good riddance. Hope he has a foot long or two while serving time......Hope he likes puddin' in his pop!
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Post by Bandito »

This article sums up Democrats perfectly.

This tragedy that became a farce is now a crime, the crime of purposeful defamation of an innocent man. Leftists are so determined to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a justice on the Supreme Court that they have exposed themselves as the lowlife cheaters they are, without shame or any sense of decency.

When they do not win, they will do anything to undo their loss. This is what has motivated the left since the 2016 election. From the moment Trump won, leftists set about their plans to remove him from office by any means necessary. The cabal that put this plan into motion cares nothing for the law, the Constitution, or the people its members set out to ruin as they have Brett Kavanaugh.

There are no words to adequately describe how venal these conspirators among the congressional left are, how low they are prepared to go. To this day, not one Democrat has spoken out against this monstrous plan to destroy a fine man who has led an impeccable life. Not one. Each and every one of them knows that this is an odious campaign based on lies, but not one of them will admit to this fact. The Democratic Party is officially deplorable in every sense of the word.

Blasey Ford's allegations are laughable, not at all credible. The woman has no memory of when, where, how her alleged assault took place. She was and remains known for her excessive drinking. She has no idea who groped her any more than the second woman Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer (who regularly celebrates the wrong people) have written about in the New Yorker knows who exposed himself to her, if anyone.

Like Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez also could not find one person to corroborate her story. She tried for six days! Is someone paying these women to prostitute themselves on the altar of lies in order to destroy Kavanaugh? Soros? Steyer? The Clintons? They are all infamous for funding and promoting this kind of fake news.

Can there be any Americans following this story who are not enraged and offended by the obvious orchestrated smear of a good and decent man? According to some polls, yes. Who are the people who believe these accusers? How could any American fall for such a scam? No mystery there. American educational standards have fallen so drastically that young people have no civic knowledge. They know nothing about American history or the Constitution.

This has been by design. The left has controlled how history is taught for at least three decades. Young people don't even know that one must be presumed innocent until proven guilty (see the moronic protests and walk out of Yale Law School students). These Ford-supporting senators don't seem to remember this, either. That in itself is stunning. The Democrats have assembled a mob, and "The mob is the mother of tyrants" (Diogenes).

As Blasey Ford's story disintegrates, the Dems conveniently found the second woman willing to throw herself on the pyre of indecency in order to destroy a fine man and his family. The New Yorker (of course) is on board with the rest of the left and happy to co-ordinate to take Kavanaugh down. But even the NYT refused to print Ramirez's allegation. There are no facts in her story, no witnesses, not one. There is only her admitted foggy memory of an admitted drunken evening. She had no clear memory that it was Kavanaugh until coached and cajoled for six days by leftist activists.

Taking Trump out means humiliating anyone and everyone in his administration, his judicial nominees, and his supporters – no ethics, no morals, no scruples required. Trump is dealing with the Harry Reid-Chuck Schumer brand of politics: lethal, cruel, and barbaric.

And look who are the accusers' cohorts: the 85-year-old Feinstein, who is as corrupt as Hillary Clinton when it comes to using her Senate seat to enrich herself, and Gillibrand, who rants and raves her hypocrisy like a 12-year-old. (She is pals with Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton.) Then there is the fatuous Senator Blumenthal, the stolen valor senator who falsely claimed he fought in Vietnam. He insists that it is Kavanaugh who must prove his innocence. Kamala Harris, well known to be ethically challenged, is of course howling about the "victims." Judge Kavanaugh is the victim here.

Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii is too ignorant of the Constitution and basic ethics to discuss; she is a disgrace to the Senate and her state. Men, to Hirono, should not have a voice because they are all guilty. She says the law does not apply here because "we are not in a court of law, we are in the court of credibility." No evidence needed. She is a very stupid woman, and Hawaiians actually elected her. This is a huge problem. It is disturbing that any of these people was elected. Voters need to be more cognizant of the character of the people for whom they vote.

It is too soon to predict how this horrific, criminal upheaval will end. Will the left succeed in destroying Kavanaugh? If it does, it will signal the end of our democratic republic as we know it. It will mean that the media and their fake polls govern us all; that Cloward and Piven have won, Marx has won, and Saul Alinsky has won; and that Obama did indeed "fundamentally transform the nation."

And it will mean the loss of the House and Senate in November. Republicans will be so furious at their representatives that they will not vote. If Republicans in Congress are so spineless, why bother when they let the Democrats run the show even when they are the majority party?

Clearly, Kavanaugh is a fine and decent man. Those searching for troubled women to accuse him of some unverifiable crime are loathsome. What these Democrats and their operatives in the media are doing to him is unconscionable. They know very well that these allegations are lies. They helped invent them. The Republicans must not let them win. Confirm the man now.
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Post by jhu72 »

HooDat wrote:(in response to JHU)

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?

If charges are being filed in Montgomery County with the local police, then that is the correct route. I guess civil charges are possible as well ... is there a different statute of limitations on civil charges?

I sincerely doubt that any police agency would spend any time on this case if it involved schmucks from the less affluent neighborhoods..... If you think this kind of case would even get presented to a DA in Garrett county, you are kidding yourself.

But if you are going to file a civil suit, then a lawyer may want to file criminal charges to try to buttress their case. Any lawyers have thoughts on that?

Not a question of what the FBI's job is. The FBI's job is whatever the President says it is. The FBI clearly has the tools to do what would be the best job possible. Is it a good use of their time? Probably not. So those calling for a independent fact finder to clear all this up, who or what organization would do that job??

No idea on civil charge SOL.
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Post by ggait »

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?
This has been the FBI's job for forever actually.

The FBI does stuff like this on a daily basis. Who looked into Rob Porter's spousal abuse issues? No federal crimes involved there, but that was an FBI job. Who looked into Anita Hill's harassment claims back in 1991? FBI. The FBI does background checks on every single exec branch appointee subject to Senate confirmation. They also do background checks on many thousands of people getting a security clearance.

Suppose there was a credible allegation that Kavanaugh murdered someone decades ago. You're telling me that the FBI would/should not look into that? Murder usually isn't a federal crime fyi.

The main reason to go to the local police here would be in an attempt to get an investigation done that typically/routinely is done by the FBI (but which Trump refuses to ask for). The twist here is that there's no statute of limitations applicable to a serious sexual assault in MD. So if a complaint were filed in MD, the local authorities would be obligated to look into into some extent. Clever work around to Trump's bogus posture on this.

Here's what swing vote Murkowski said about this today:

Asked if there should be an FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh’s past, Sen. Murkowski says: “It would sure clear up all the questions, wouldn’t it?”
Last edited by ggait on Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Post by runrussellrun »

hopkins 72,Civilly, I could sue you in Howard county court, or wherever your ip address leads me. (smaldo will give it to you :shock: ) Just because you are making me feel bad about myself. My lack of intelligence. I'm a person, with feelings. Guess you're the type of guy that picks on the short bus kids. And them blame your kids "manners" on the single sex teachers, not you yourself.
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Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote:
Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?
This has been the FBI's job for forever actually.

The FBI does stuff like this on a daily basis. Who looked into Rob Porter's spousal abuse issues? No federal crimes involved there, but that was an FBI job.

Who looked into Anita Hill's harassment claims back in 1991? FBI.

Suppose there was a credible allegation that Kavanaugh murdered someone decades ago. You're telling me that the FBI would/should not look into that? Murder usually isn't a federal crime fyi.

The FBI does background checks on every single exec branch appointee subject to Senate confirmation. They also do background checks on many thousands of people getting a security clearance.

The main reason to go to the local police here would be in an attempt to get an investigation done that typically/routinely is done by the FBI (but which Trump refuses to ask for).
Doesn't the FBI actually sub-contract the look see searchers out?
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Post by jhu72 »

Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
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Post by dislaxxic »

jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Post by Bandito »

No surprise here, who could possibly side with the Democrat party today is unreal ... years.aspx
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

dislaxxic wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

The "Dems" at FoxNews run the polls.
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Post by Bandito »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

The "Dems" at FoxNews run the polls.
How'd the polls of all saying Trump had no chance of winning in 2016 work out for you and your racist kind?

Exactly. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT. Sucks to be a Democrat today. What racists
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bandito wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

The "Dems" at FoxNews run the polls.
How'd the polls of all saying Trump had no chance of winning in 2016 work out for you and your racist kind?

Exactly. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT. Sucks to be a Democrat today. What racists
The polls were "wrong"
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Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
HooDat wrote:(in response to JHU)

Since when is it the FBI's jobs to investigate 36 yr old assault accusations?

If charges are being filed in Montgomery County with the local police, then that is the correct route. I guess civil charges are possible as well ... is there a different statute of limitations on civil charges?

I sincerely doubt that any police agency would spend any time on this case if it involved schmucks from the less affluent neighborhoods..... If you think this kind of case would even get presented to a DA in Garrett county, you are kidding yourself.

But if you are going to file a civil suit, then a lawyer may want to file criminal charges to try to buttress their case. Any lawyers have thoughts on that?
I am not JHU, but the FBI is responsible for conducting investigations and background checks on behalf of the senate. This is not a criminal investigation. The order was to come from the White House but they sat on it hoping nobody would notice. Had the right thing been done, this would have been behind us by now. The FBI could have stated we ran down all the leads and found nothing and the Senate could say "The FBI" ran down the lead and did not find anything substantial. When other saw the BS, they seem to be coming forward...... BTW, Bill Cosby is headed to the pokey.... how old were those charges..... good riddance. Hope he has a foot long or two while serving time......Hope he likes puddin' in his pop!
What the FBI would find most likely is a believable woman with a solid psych profile, no indication of delusion, she believes what she is saying and a man with no hard evidence he committed the crime and lots of questionable behavior in the relevant time frame, with some questionable friends. They might also find some other non-criminal hearsay regarding Kavanaugh's character. So as far as the potential crime is concerned -- not guilty, but as this isn't a criminal trial, and there won't be one, that is not the point. You are left with who do you believe? At the moment a majority of Americans believe her. At the end of the day Thursday who will they believe?
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Post by dislaxxic »


"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

jhu72 wrote:
frmanfan wrote:
My colleague Elizabeth Loftus was able to “implant” false memories in a significant subset of laboratory subjects by showing them an official-looking poster of Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny. Many subjects later remembered meeting Bugs Bunny on a childhood trip to Disneyland. Some of them even reported that Bugs had touched them inappropriately.

That was impossible. Bugs Bunny isn’t a Disney character.

Pundits have drawn a line between Judge Kavanaugh and his accusers, and insisted Americans take sides. But there is a third way: Remain agnostic until you know whether the accusations are backed by independent corroborating evidence. Without corroboration the public—and members of congressional committees—can’t know whether a memory is authentic or is a product of some other process. ... 1537830831

I would submit that independent corroborating evidence is not likely to be found without investigation by an independent organization. The Rs don't seem to be interested in the one obvious independent organization that could do the job.
I would greatly have preferred that Kavanaugh was not guilty of, nor ever accused of, these various acts. Love to think that he was a normal kid who didn't actually make any girls feel threatened or insulted.

However, I now sure as heck hope that these allegations are actually true and sufficiently believed. If somehow they are refuted effectively, it would be a huge blow to the #METOO movement, which movement I feel is long overdue.

I was pretty concerned that the 2nd allegation might prove to be very weak and possibly not accurate. No one, yet, who claims to have been in the room has corroborated the story as a direct witness.

So, how do we feel about the 'corroboration' of Kavanaugh's college roommate that he was indeed a very heavy drinker, frequently inebriated to the point of incoherence? Doesn't that make it entirely plausible that Kavanaugh did something as stupid as she claims while heavily inebriated? The roommate says he wasn't a witness to the specific event, but the inebriation was definitely in character.

I'm similarly bothered by the yearbook stuff and the BS he's said about it now.

Seems to me that it's entirely likely that he was indeed a very heavy drinker, caught up with a crowd of heavy drinkers, full of testosterone and whatever else makes us dumb and misogynistic at that age, and he may well have done some things which he himself doesn't recall clearly.

And sometime later on in his life, maybe later in his college years or thereafter, he 'grew up' and began to see the world differently, specifically about women. Cleaned up his act.

If that was his story, I'd say, 'good for him' for growing up, cleaning up, and taking control of his life and actions. Confirm him.

But that hasn't been his story. Instead he's taken this position that he was something of a choir boy sexually (gee that has new meaning these days), never, ever made anyone feel threatened or assaulted, and never lost control with alcohol to the point that he wouldn't remember such behavior. Moreover, he obfuscates on the meaning of his yearbook reference to Renata, and he claims, with very little credibility to not have been aware of his former boss's transgressions. The problem is that he appears to be hiding from the truth, or outright lying. And that is what should actually disqualify him from being promoted to the Supreme Court.
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Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Bandito wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

The "Dems" at FoxNews run the polls.
How'd the polls of all saying Trump had no chance of winning in 2016 work out for you and your racist kind?

Exactly. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT. Sucks to be a Democrat today. What racists
The polls were "wrong"
Depends how you define right and wrong. The polls were within margin of error - they were right in every state. They were right in terms of the overall popular vote percentages to within margin of error. While within the margin of error, they incorrectly predicted a handful of states would go the other way. Just a case of "heads" coming up 10 times in a row, it happens, or was it a loaded coin in some states? We will never know.
Typical Lax Dad
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

jhu72 wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Bandito wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
dislaxxic wrote:
jhu72 wrote:Latest Fox Poll on Kavanaugh. Released yesterday.
"That's no Fox News poll. Another dastardly, defamatory Democrat LIE. It's literally UN-POSSIBLE!"

Sincerely, Frito.

The "Dems" at FoxNews run the polls.
How'd the polls of all saying Trump had no chance of winning in 2016 work out for you and your racist kind?

Exactly. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT. Sucks to be a Democrat today. What racists
The polls were "wrong"
Depends how you define right and wrong. The polls were within margin of error - they were right in every state. They were right in terms of the overall popular vote percentages to within margin of error. While within the margin of error, they incorrectly predicted a handful of states would go the other way. Just a case of "heads" coming up 10 times in a row, it happens, or was it a loaded coin in some states? We will never know.
Yes....Trump was almost always within the margin of error. News drops would always bring him closer. I always look at the margin of error.........
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