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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:08 am Pro-Palestinian protestors interrupting Senate, screaming out during Blinken's opening statement,
The usual suspects. Code Pink Lady was the loudest.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by jhu72 »

OCanada wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:26 pm
The first seems to protest too much. Ignoring history and the intertwining of responsibility. Diatribe is a good word
... she looks a bit like Senta Berger.

UN says 8,000 dead in Gaza since the 7th. That's like 4 for 1 Palestinians to Israelis to this point. UN claims 5500 are women or children.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by jhu72 »

OCanada wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:07 am Has a sixty year old feel fo it. ... es-history
... yup. Lot of knives in the backs of Palestinians. Israeli, American, British, Arab, other Palestinians, the UN.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Rabbi Wise: 'Jews need to speak up on Gaza'

“There’s no place for antisemitism in our movement for justice and critiquing Israel is not antisemitic. Zionism is not Judaism"

In an exclusive interview with Middle East Eye, Rabbi Alissa Wise states: “Our shared humanity demands an immediate ceasefire and an end to the suffering.”

She criticises the silence of many in the American Jewish community and emphasises that criticising Israel is not antisemitism. Wise calls for clarity and moral reckoning in the discourse.

Brief but excellent and truthful commentary.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OCanada »

Brooklyn wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:04 am Rabbi Wise: 'Jews need to speak up on Gaza'

“There’s no place for antisemitism in our movement for justice and critiquing Israel is not antisemitic. Zionism is not Judaism"

In an exclusive interview with Middle East Eye, Rabbi Alissa Wise states: “Our shared humanity demands an immediate ceasefire and an end to the suffering.”

She criticises the silence of many in the American Jewish community and emphasises that criticising Israel is not antisemitism. Wise calls for clarity and moral reckoning in the discourse.

Brief but excellent and truthful commentary.
There is a large segment of the Jewish population in the US that has reduced its support for Israel over its governmental actions. I kind of get why the silence but there is concern as is being played out now that Israel’s ill advised war plan is a threat to the safety of the jewish diaspora as well as Israel. Bengie has lost a lot of support. ... ar-critics
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

OCanada wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:06 am
There is a large segment of the Jewish population in the US that has reduced its support for Israel over its governmental actions. I kind of get why the silence but there is concern as is being played out now that Israel’s ill advised war plan is a threat to the safety of the jewish diaspora as well as Israel. Bengie has lost a lot of support. ... ar-critics


For intellectuals and artists who are now criticizing Israeli policies for the first time, the intensity of the backlash they face may come as a shock ... Israel’s government, which has lurched to the far right under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, responded to these shifts not by tempering its policies but by increasingly stifling its critics. One strategy has been to brand absolutely any criticism of Israel antisemitic ... The latest crackdown on dissent in the Israel-Hamas war is so stark that some journalists and civil rights groups are labeling it downright “McCarthyite.”

Any criticism of Apartheid Israel is to be "politically incorrect" and gets subjected to "cancel culture". This is precisely what we saw in the days of Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy and traitor George Bush. There simply is no difference whatsoever.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

While I think there is legitimate reason to be concerned about extremist support for Israel's government's choices and about extremist reaction to pro-Palestinian voices, whether coming from Jewish or evangelical or other ideologically aligned extremists, it is flatly incorrect to make this a binary matter.

There is NO DOUBT that the extremists on the "pro-Palestinian" side are anti-semitic, endorsing terrorism and the horrific acts of Oct 7 by Hamas as legitimate and at least tacitly supporting or ignoring the goals of Hamas to kill all Jews in Israel or elsewhere.

It's also obvious, at least to me, that being "pro-Palestinian" need not be anti-semitic, nor anti-zionist, rather it can be supportive of a future in which Palestinians can prosper and have dignity within an independent state of their own.

Likewise, to be "pro-Israel", pro-zionist, need not mean being opposed to Palestinian aspirations to achieve prosperity and dignity in a state of their own.

One CAN support both. Indeed, many Israelis who certainly consider themselves to be zionists are supportive of a successful two-state solution. So, too, many Americans...and many Jewish Americans.

The problem has been that neither the current Israeli government nor decades of various extremist leadership of Palestinians have been committed to such, and some of the neighboring states have actively fomented further violence, reaction, and counter-reaction.

Can this cycle be interrupted and changed for the better???
Certainly the status quo is unacceptable.
One merely had to see the Hamas spokesman's comments to know that Israel cannot allow Hamas to continue in power.

I haven't seen a video yet of Blinken's full remarks today after meeting with Israel's leadership in Tel Aviv, but I watched them live. I think he's striking exactly the correct, careful tone and is laying out the foundations for an enduring peace that succeeds the awful current events. It's a work in progress, but it's a vision that deserves support.

I agree that Hamas maintaining governance of Gaza is intolerable. They have no regard at all for life, whether Israeli or Palestinian. All are fodder. As the Palestinians under their rule have not shown a capacity to over turn them, whether because the funding and guns have been with Hamas, or ideological support for "resistance", the extremists are in power and, unfortunately, must be defeated by force. But that defeat is insufficient without a plan for prosperity and dignity thereafter, else a new 'Hamas' will simply emerge from the ashes and rubble.

I don't think Netanyahu and the right wing control will survive electorally after the heat of the current conflict, too many colossal errors, both tactically and strategically.

But there are some huge wild cards that could blow up the entire region, which at least some players like Iran and Russia appear to prefer.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Matnum PI »

I thought today's Daily Podcast was very good. 1948. ... -1948.html
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by youthathletics »

Kismet wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:05 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:52 am
old salt wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:47 am ... -the-west/

Anti-Israel Demonstrators Hate the West

By RICH LOWRY, October 27, 2023

The cataract of anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses has been shocking, but it shouldn’t be surprising.

It is the poisoned fruit of teaching a generation of college students to despise their own civilization.

Jesse Jackson famously led a chant at Stanford University in 1987, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go.” He was talking about the college course, but he might as well have been talking about the thing itself.

Jackson and his allies had extraordinary success in extinguishing the teaching of Western Civ. Not only have we largely stopped transmitting the story of our own civilization, we have substituted an alternative narrative that the West is reducible to racism, imperialism, and colonialism.

It is in this context that the current outburst of anti-Zionism has to be understood. Yes, it has been fed by anti-Israel agitation on campus over the decades, and yes, students are susceptible to witless radicalism in the best of circumstances. Yet the loathing of Israel is particularly intense because it is viewed as an outpost of Western civilization and all its alleged ills.

The hatred of Israel is tainted by, and in some cases driven by, antisemitism. Another way to look at it, though, is that it’s not so much about hatred of “the other,” as progressives put it, as hatred of ourselves and all our works.

It is, on one level, incorrect to consider Israel exclusively an artifact of the West. The Jews are indigenous to the region going back to Abraham, with their story caught up in the story of the land. A large proportion of the current population traces its origins from the Middle East and North Africa rather than Europe.

But there is no doubt that Israel is a Western society — in its political system, in its respect for rights, in its innovative economy, in its mores. Someone sitting in a coffee shop in Tel Aviv could easily think they were in any thriving coastal society in the West.

From any rational perspective, this would be something to celebrate. Many legitimate criticisms can be made of Israel, and indeed are a feature of the Israeli domestic debate itself, but there’s no doubt that it is a flourishing society.

If Gaza were equally Westernized, it would be worrying about whether it’s overbuilding seaside real estate rather than having to get water and electricity from the neighboring country its governing authority — a savage terror group — is trying to destroy.

Yet this is the society that anti-Western opinion holds up and wants to sweep all before it. This point of view loves Gaza for its failure and hates Israel for its success; loves Gaza for its terror and hates Israel for its self-defense; loves Gaza for its vicious anti-Western sponsors and hates Israel for its Western allies, especially the United States.

If this seems perverse, it’s what you’d expect of students and young people who have absorbed the premises of Michel Foucault, Howard Zinn, Edward Said, and their imitators. Even if students have never heard of them, these men and their thought suffuse higher education.

But what about the violence? How can these kids look past it, or implicitly endorse it?

Violence is part of the radical anti-Western vision. The anti-colonial bible, The Wretched of the Earth, written by Frantz Fanon in 1961, is widely taught on campus. Fanon sketched out a woke worldview before anyone used that term, arguing that, as a New Yorker essay put it, “the Western bourgeoisie was ‘fundamentally racist’ and its ‘bourgeois ideology’ of equality and dignity was merely a cover for capitalist-imperialist rapacity.”

Fanon wrote that “decolonization is always a violent phenomenon,” and in a preface to the book, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre declared that the wretched of the earth “become men” through “mad fury.”

By this standard, Hamas is a good and worthy anti-colonial organization, and there’s no wonder it has found supporters and useful idiots among the West’s self-loathing radicals.
This is an almost laughably simplistic screed about a constituency that resists nuance and balance, which is acquired, history and our own lives tell us, over the course of time and experience. College campuses aren't -- when we are talking generally about the student population -- about deep thoughts; we are talking about drama, fitting in, learning and experimenting, etc. But suggesting that a bunch of fracas on campus translates directly into, or is the result of, "the radical anti-Western vision" is just stupid. But you seem to like adults who traffic in this sort of black and white "journalism" and opinion.

None of us should shed a tear for a dead Hamas fighter or leader. We can rejoice it. But the situation on the ground -- murdered Israeli citizens, and displaced and dead Gazan Palestinians, with likely more of both to come -- is itself the result of decades and decades of stupidity and venality. It's complicated. So it is little wonder that college students are not yet well equipped to process it, digest, assimilate and synthesize all of the varied threads that go into and resulted in today. Indicting whole institutions because of these young people's reactions is just f*cking stupid.

Why not write about something obvious but important. If there was a military solution to this, we would have had this solved long ago. Through little fault of their own, Palestinians are stuck living among a leadership that knows nothing other than war, nothing other than the credo of death. Israelis have the right to peace, prosperity and safety. The answer is building rather than blasting. Israel will not be able to neutralize the threat, within the confines of military doctrine. They can reduce supplies; eliminate, for now, weapons supplies and ordnance; temporarily decapitate the leadership; but Hamas will always come back. Its Arab paymasters will help it reconstitute. So the aim has to be to free Palestinians from the disaster of living side by side with their own cruel and soulless leadership.

Why not write about something like that from the pulpit of a formerly well-regarded conservative media outlet? Nope: it's easier and more "popular" to make "traitors" of kids, and traitor-manufacturers out of the colleges and universities where they stop for four years in the course of a long lifetime. You read and post this sh*t because it feeds your narrative, not because it has any deep meaning.
Were any of this opiners ( and I include Bill Maher in this group) on a college campus in the 1960s-early 70s? There was much more violence and rhetoric. 4 students were essentially murdered on a college campus at Kent State by National Guardsmen in 1970.

In the current situation, I think some are trying to differentiate terrorists from Palestinians which can be a difference very difficult to discern to many folks - especially the usual clueless crowd. For the Israelis, this is also a problem as the bad guys routinely mingle with the civilian population as a matter of strategy.
Speaking of Bill Maher and the nonsense of Western Civ.... : ... 93465?s=20

I think he is speaking to people like MDlax, and not intended as a jab.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Brooklyn wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:49 am

If you were from Brooklyn you would know what I mean. Among us folks privileged enough to say we are from God's Country, we always say that Brooklyn is the Jewish Capital of the World.

“the Jewish capital of the United States” and a “kosher utopia,” according to David G. Greenfield, who lives and works in Borough Park, in addition to representing it in the City Council. ... e&ie=UTF-8

And we say it with pride!
You keep mixing and matching Brooklyn and East New York in these comments as if there’s any logic or reason to do so which there isn’t other than to distort and confuse.
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Farfromgeneva »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:04 am
Kismet wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:05 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:52 am
old salt wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:47 am ... -the-west/

Anti-Israel Demonstrators Hate the West

By RICH LOWRY, October 27, 2023

The cataract of anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses has been shocking, but it shouldn’t be surprising.

It is the poisoned fruit of teaching a generation of college students to despise their own civilization.

Jesse Jackson famously led a chant at Stanford University in 1987, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go.” He was talking about the college course, but he might as well have been talking about the thing itself.

Jackson and his allies had extraordinary success in extinguishing the teaching of Western Civ. Not only have we largely stopped transmitting the story of our own civilization, we have substituted an alternative narrative that the West is reducible to racism, imperialism, and colonialism.

It is in this context that the current outburst of anti-Zionism has to be understood. Yes, it has been fed by anti-Israel agitation on campus over the decades, and yes, students are susceptible to witless radicalism in the best of circumstances. Yet the loathing of Israel is particularly intense because it is viewed as an outpost of Western civilization and all its alleged ills.

The hatred of Israel is tainted by, and in some cases driven by, antisemitism. Another way to look at it, though, is that it’s not so much about hatred of “the other,” as progressives put it, as hatred of ourselves and all our works.

It is, on one level, incorrect to consider Israel exclusively an artifact of the West. The Jews are indigenous to the region going back to Abraham, with their story caught up in the story of the land. A large proportion of the current population traces its origins from the Middle East and North Africa rather than Europe.

But there is no doubt that Israel is a Western society — in its political system, in its respect for rights, in its innovative economy, in its mores. Someone sitting in a coffee shop in Tel Aviv could easily think they were in any thriving coastal society in the West.

From any rational perspective, this would be something to celebrate. Many legitimate criticisms can be made of Israel, and indeed are a feature of the Israeli domestic debate itself, but there’s no doubt that it is a flourishing society.

If Gaza were equally Westernized, it would be worrying about whether it’s overbuilding seaside real estate rather than having to get water and electricity from the neighboring country its governing authority — a savage terror group — is trying to destroy.

Yet this is the society that anti-Western opinion holds up and wants to sweep all before it. This point of view loves Gaza for its failure and hates Israel for its success; loves Gaza for its terror and hates Israel for its self-defense; loves Gaza for its vicious anti-Western sponsors and hates Israel for its Western allies, especially the United States.

If this seems perverse, it’s what you’d expect of students and young people who have absorbed the premises of Michel Foucault, Howard Zinn, Edward Said, and their imitators. Even if students have never heard of them, these men and their thought suffuse higher education.

But what about the violence? How can these kids look past it, or implicitly endorse it?

Violence is part of the radical anti-Western vision. The anti-colonial bible, The Wretched of the Earth, written by Frantz Fanon in 1961, is widely taught on campus. Fanon sketched out a woke worldview before anyone used that term, arguing that, as a New Yorker essay put it, “the Western bourgeoisie was ‘fundamentally racist’ and its ‘bourgeois ideology’ of equality and dignity was merely a cover for capitalist-imperialist rapacity.”

Fanon wrote that “decolonization is always a violent phenomenon,” and in a preface to the book, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre declared that the wretched of the earth “become men” through “mad fury.”

By this standard, Hamas is a good and worthy anti-colonial organization, and there’s no wonder it has found supporters and useful idiots among the West’s self-loathing radicals.
This is an almost laughably simplistic screed about a constituency that resists nuance and balance, which is acquired, history and our own lives tell us, over the course of time and experience. College campuses aren't -- when we are talking generally about the student population -- about deep thoughts; we are talking about drama, fitting in, learning and experimenting, etc. But suggesting that a bunch of fracas on campus translates directly into, or is the result of, "the radical anti-Western vision" is just stupid. But you seem to like adults who traffic in this sort of black and white "journalism" and opinion.

None of us should shed a tear for a dead Hamas fighter or leader. We can rejoice it. But the situation on the ground -- murdered Israeli citizens, and displaced and dead Gazan Palestinians, with likely more of both to come -- is itself the result of decades and decades of stupidity and venality. It's complicated. So it is little wonder that college students are not yet well equipped to process it, digest, assimilate and synthesize all of the varied threads that go into and resulted in today. Indicting whole institutions because of these young people's reactions is just f*cking stupid.

Why not write about something obvious but important. If there was a military solution to this, we would have had this solved long ago. Through little fault of their own, Palestinians are stuck living among a leadership that knows nothing other than war, nothing other than the credo of death. Israelis have the right to peace, prosperity and safety. The answer is building rather than blasting. Israel will not be able to neutralize the threat, within the confines of military doctrine. They can reduce supplies; eliminate, for now, weapons supplies and ordnance; temporarily decapitate the leadership; but Hamas will always come back. Its Arab paymasters will help it reconstitute. So the aim has to be to free Palestinians from the disaster of living side by side with their own cruel and soulless leadership.

Why not write about something like that from the pulpit of a formerly well-regarded conservative media outlet? Nope: it's easier and more "popular" to make "traitors" of kids, and traitor-manufacturers out of the colleges and universities where they stop for four years in the course of a long lifetime. You read and post this sh*t because it feeds your narrative, not because it has any deep meaning.
Were any of this opiners ( and I include Bill Maher in this group) on a college campus in the 1960s-early 70s? There was much more violence and rhetoric. 4 students were essentially murdered on a college campus at Kent State by National Guardsmen in 1970.

In the current situation, I think some are trying to differentiate terrorists from Palestinians which can be a difference very difficult to discern to many folks - especially the usual clueless crowd. For the Israelis, this is also a problem as the bad guys routinely mingle with the civilian population as a matter of strategy.
Speaking of Bill Maher and the nonsense of Western Civ.... : ... 93465?s=20

I think he is speaking to people like MDlax, and not intended as a jab.
Bottom line is trotting out Rich Lowery repeatedly and mistaking him for a real thoughtful and broadly experienced intellectual is laughable and anything derived from his work equally so.
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:04 am
Kismet wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:05 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:52 am
old salt wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:47 am ... -the-west/

Anti-Israel Demonstrators Hate the West

By RICH LOWRY, October 27, 2023

The cataract of anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses has been shocking, but it shouldn’t be surprising.

It is the poisoned fruit of teaching a generation of college students to despise their own civilization.

Jesse Jackson famously led a chant at Stanford University in 1987, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go.” He was talking about the college course, but he might as well have been talking about the thing itself.

Jackson and his allies had extraordinary success in extinguishing the teaching of Western Civ. Not only have we largely stopped transmitting the story of our own civilization, we have substituted an alternative narrative that the West is reducible to racism, imperialism, and colonialism.

It is in this context that the current outburst of anti-Zionism has to be understood. Yes, it has been fed by anti-Israel agitation on campus over the decades, and yes, students are susceptible to witless radicalism in the best of circumstances. Yet the loathing of Israel is particularly intense because it is viewed as an outpost of Western civilization and all its alleged ills.

The hatred of Israel is tainted by, and in some cases driven by, antisemitism. Another way to look at it, though, is that it’s not so much about hatred of “the other,” as progressives put it, as hatred of ourselves and all our works.

It is, on one level, incorrect to consider Israel exclusively an artifact of the West. The Jews are indigenous to the region going back to Abraham, with their story caught up in the story of the land. A large proportion of the current population traces its origins from the Middle East and North Africa rather than Europe.

But there is no doubt that Israel is a Western society — in its political system, in its respect for rights, in its innovative economy, in its mores. Someone sitting in a coffee shop in Tel Aviv could easily think they were in any thriving coastal society in the West.

From any rational perspective, this would be something to celebrate. Many legitimate criticisms can be made of Israel, and indeed are a feature of the Israeli domestic debate itself, but there’s no doubt that it is a flourishing society.

If Gaza were equally Westernized, it would be worrying about whether it’s overbuilding seaside real estate rather than having to get water and electricity from the neighboring country its governing authority — a savage terror group — is trying to destroy.

Yet this is the society that anti-Western opinion holds up and wants to sweep all before it. This point of view loves Gaza for its failure and hates Israel for its success; loves Gaza for its terror and hates Israel for its self-defense; loves Gaza for its vicious anti-Western sponsors and hates Israel for its Western allies, especially the United States.

If this seems perverse, it’s what you’d expect of students and young people who have absorbed the premises of Michel Foucault, Howard Zinn, Edward Said, and their imitators. Even if students have never heard of them, these men and their thought suffuse higher education.

But what about the violence? How can these kids look past it, or implicitly endorse it?

Violence is part of the radical anti-Western vision. The anti-colonial bible, The Wretched of the Earth, written by Frantz Fanon in 1961, is widely taught on campus. Fanon sketched out a woke worldview before anyone used that term, arguing that, as a New Yorker essay put it, “the Western bourgeoisie was ‘fundamentally racist’ and its ‘bourgeois ideology’ of equality and dignity was merely a cover for capitalist-imperialist rapacity.”

Fanon wrote that “decolonization is always a violent phenomenon,” and in a preface to the book, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre declared that the wretched of the earth “become men” through “mad fury.”

By this standard, Hamas is a good and worthy anti-colonial organization, and there’s no wonder it has found supporters and useful idiots among the West’s self-loathing radicals.
This is an almost laughably simplistic screed about a constituency that resists nuance and balance, which is acquired, history and our own lives tell us, over the course of time and experience. College campuses aren't -- when we are talking generally about the student population -- about deep thoughts; we are talking about drama, fitting in, learning and experimenting, etc. But suggesting that a bunch of fracas on campus translates directly into, or is the result of, "the radical anti-Western vision" is just stupid. But you seem to like adults who traffic in this sort of black and white "journalism" and opinion.

None of us should shed a tear for a dead Hamas fighter or leader. We can rejoice it. But the situation on the ground -- murdered Israeli citizens, and displaced and dead Gazan Palestinians, with likely more of both to come -- is itself the result of decades and decades of stupidity and venality. It's complicated. So it is little wonder that college students are not yet well equipped to process it, digest, assimilate and synthesize all of the varied threads that go into and resulted in today. Indicting whole institutions because of these young people's reactions is just f*cking stupid.

Why not write about something obvious but important. If there was a military solution to this, we would have had this solved long ago. Through little fault of their own, Palestinians are stuck living among a leadership that knows nothing other than war, nothing other than the credo of death. Israelis have the right to peace, prosperity and safety. The answer is building rather than blasting. Israel will not be able to neutralize the threat, within the confines of military doctrine. They can reduce supplies; eliminate, for now, weapons supplies and ordnance; temporarily decapitate the leadership; but Hamas will always come back. Its Arab paymasters will help it reconstitute. So the aim has to be to free Palestinians from the disaster of living side by side with their own cruel and soulless leadership.

Why not write about something like that from the pulpit of a formerly well-regarded conservative media outlet? Nope: it's easier and more "popular" to make "traitors" of kids, and traitor-manufacturers out of the colleges and universities where they stop for four years in the course of a long lifetime. You read and post this sh*t because it feeds your narrative, not because it has any deep meaning.
Were any of this opiners ( and I include Bill Maher in this group) on a college campus in the 1960s-early 70s? There was much more violence and rhetoric. 4 students were essentially murdered on a college campus at Kent State by National Guardsmen in 1970.

In the current situation, I think some are trying to differentiate terrorists from Palestinians which can be a difference very difficult to discern to many folks - especially the usual clueless crowd. For the Israelis, this is also a problem as the bad guys routinely mingle with the civilian population as a matter of strategy.
Speaking of Bill Maher and the nonsense of Western Civ.... : ... 93465?s=20

I think he is speaking to people like MDlax, and not intended as a jab.
Bill Maher makes the same, tired, boring mistake that right wing media feeds on: when he hears about "student at XYZ school protest Israel", he assumes that the handful of kids that are a part of a protest means that all of the 10,000 kids on a campus think the same way that 20 kids do.

Newsflash, Bill: since the 60's? America has ALWAYS had radical lefties and righties on campus. Always. Every year. Stop falling for clickbait, Boomer.

We had Pro-Palestinian nutjobs protesting on Campus and around Ann Arbor for every year I was there. This is NOT new. And their numbers (duh) grow every time a war flares up in Israel. In other news, water is wet.

But those few that are protesting do not represent every student and professor's views on campus any more than Hannity represents Rachel Maddow's views.

When did Maher get this stupid? He used to be able to see past low brow interpretations like this.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:58 am
You keep mixing and matching Brooklyn and East New York in these comments as if there’s any logic or reason to do so which there isn’t other than to distort and confuse.

Like I said, if you were from God's Country, you would know what I mean. Not that difficult actually so don't it worry you.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Brooklyn wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:33 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:58 am
You keep mixing and matching Brooklyn and East New York in these comments as if there’s any logic or reason to do so which there isn’t other than to distort and confuse.

Like I said, if you were from God's Country, you would know what I mean. Not that difficult actually so don't it worry you.
I have plenty of experience in NYC. Living there, working out assets, underwriting the towers above the GW bridge and having to fight coop birds Had to visit a portfolio of co ops controlled hasidics all over Brooklyn and queens where we owned the debt but had to inspect for a rep and warranty. I get it. Not to mention my super Jew convert sister.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:37 pm

I have plenty of experience in NYC. Living there, working out assets, underwriting the towers above the GW bridge and having to fight coop birds Had to visit a portfolio of co ops controlled hasidics all over Brooklyn and queens where we owned the debt but had to inspect for a rep and warranty. I get it. Not to mention my super Jew convert sister.

Good for you. If what you're saying is true then we likely crossed paths in Borough Park back in the 1970s.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Israel bombs UN school in third major attack on Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp


Ask not what your country can do for you but what your country can do for Israel and it's war crimes

Why should Israiiel not be declared as a teirroriist for what it did and is still doing?

This is heartbreaking💔

These Israeli attacks are the saddest thing I've ever seen in 56 years of life. How can this be allowed to continue? Please Europe! Band together and stand up to the US - tell them to stop ! This is not acceptable in this day and age. (I'm Australian, not muslim either - just human).
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Brooklyn wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:00 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:37 pm

I have plenty of experience in NYC. Living there, working out assets, underwriting the towers above the GW bridge and having to fight coop birds Had to visit a portfolio of co ops controlled hasidics all over Brooklyn and queens where we owned the debt but had to inspect for a rep and warranty. I get it. Not to mention my super Jew convert sister.

Good for you. If what you're saying is true then we likely crossed paths in Borough Park back in the 1970s.
Different generation. Hence I reference color TV and pop culture beyond Velvet Underground and Jim Carroll. (Who are a favorites of mine but life happened after 1995 socially/culturally for those unaware)

Honestly the worst to deal with as if we were all evil devils were generally in and around Howard Beach which is close to ENY but in fact in queens.
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by youthathletics »

What do you make of BHO’s comment here? ... a82I2GssRg
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:11 pm What do you make of BHO’s comment here? ... a82I2GssRg
That he's one of the too rare few who speak compassionately, with moral clarity AND with intellectual honesty about the complexity of the challenge he's discussing.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:07 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:11 pm What do you make of BHO’s comment here? ... a82I2GssRg
That he's one of the too rare few who speak compassionately, with moral clarity AND with intellectual honesty about the complexity of the challenge he's discussing.
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