Israel and West Bank Settlements

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

Nah, you're the problem.

Your "solution" is to exterminate all Muslims. Your hero Bush started two wars on them and killed off over a million. All those deaths are just chump change for you. The status quo in that region isn't good enough. Now you want Armageddon so that you can sit home and enjoy your war profits as more Muslims are butchered.

By any chance are you related to Pope Urban (I think it was Urban the Second) who initially called for the Crusade? When's the next war going to begin??
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:13 pm Your "solution" is to exterminate all Muslims.
:lol: We have 3.5+ Million Muslims in the US, Brookie. We'll have more Muslims in the US than the West Bank and Gaza combined in a matter of a few years, and I'm good with that.

You, on the other hand, will never be able to eliminate the Jewish people from Israel, no matter how badly you want that.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

a fan wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:40 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:13 pm Your "solution" is to exterminate all Muslims.
:lol: We have 3.5+ Million Muslims in the US, Brookie. We'll have more Muslims in the US than the West Bank and Gaza combined in a matter of a few years, and I'm good with that.

You, on the other hand, will never be able to eliminate the Jewish people from Israel, no matter how badly you want that.

On the one hand you acknowledged that I call for a one state solution and now you say I want Jews to leave Israel. An irony that, I'm sure, has not been lost on anyone.


Please share more of your brilliance.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by old salt »

Kismet wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:01 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:11 pm Some takeaways from today's shoot-down of multiple Iranian supplied cruise missiles & drones, fired from W Yemen by Houthi rebels, by the USS Carney operating in the Red Sea. ... s-pentagon

-- the 2 largest ships of the Baatan amphib group(ARG) had been operating in the Persian Gulf. They departed the Gulf & were last reported in the Red Sea. It was surprising that they had no escorts to protect them from air attack.
-- there is speculation that they will either transit Suez & join the Ford strike group currently in the E Med near Israel, or they might pull into the S Israel port of Eliat (accessible from the Red Sea) & offload the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) there.
-- the Carney is one of our oldest destroyers. She is one of our 4 destroyers homeported in Rota, Spain for Euro ballistic missile defense. She was not reported as part of the Ford strike group. She just transited Suez into the Red Sea on Wed, just in time to be in range to bring down those targets over the Red Sea, while the Baatan ARG was in transit, within range.
-- given the range of the Houthi weapons vs the distance from the launch point in W Yemen to potential targets in Israel, it's not unreasonable speculation to wonder if the unescorted Baatan ARG was their target.
-- it only required SM-2 missiles to bring down these targets. The SM-2 is the least capable standard missile we deploy. All our destroyers & cruisers all carry the SM-3 &/or SM-6 longer range missiles capable of ballistic missile defense.
-- when the Ike joins the Ford we'll have 8 destroyers & cruisers in the E Med + however many of our other 4 Rota based destroyers join the Carney.
-- The command ship USS Mount Whitney just departed homeport of Gaeta, Italy, with the Commander 6th Fleet & battle staff embarked, to join the growing strike group in the E Med. I think the last time this happened was in 2011 for Libyan operations.
-- this is the largest naval force in the Med in my recent memory.
-- Israel could be targeted by Iran & proxies along multiple axes, from N to S.
uh oh - Reports today the Eisenhower strike group will now deploy to Central Command Area which includes Red Sea and Persian Gulf ad NOT to the Eastern Med as previously announced. ... 69b028de41 ... iddle-east
If the IKE goes all the way into the Persian Gulf, we will know that we are serious.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by old salt »

The Prosecutor who nailed the Blind Sheik bringing the heat. ... e-disease/

Hamas Is the Symptom, Not the Disease

By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, October 21, 2023

In his same old, same old Oval Office address on Thursday night, President Biden noted that during his just-completed trip to Israel he managed to speak with “President” Mahmoud Abbas of the “Palestinian Authority.”

I say managed because other Arab leaders blew off the leader of the free world (such as he is) after the New York Times, the Associated Press, and the BBC hysterically claimed — based on their crack sources in the Gaza Health Ministry (a.k.a. Hamas) — that a jihadist terrorist attack gone awry in the vicinity of a hospital was actually an Israeli war crime targeting children and other civilians.

The episode proves, yet again, that a lie can make its way around the world before the truth straps its boots on — and that, in our digital age, the lie becomes “the narrative” that truth can’t penetrate. Once it inconveniently emerged that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was the culprit, that the hospital was not actually hit, and that the death toll had been wildly exaggerated, the fact of the missile strike vanished from coverage; yet, the branding of Israel as war criminal endures — from Cairo and Amman to 10 Downing Street (which the Brits may soon have to rename Allahu Akbar Avenue, if there’s still any room to step around the prayer mats and change the street signs) to American universities (where Muslim Students Association chapters dominate the campus and the faculty lounge).

And then there’s Biden’s good friend “President” Abbas of the “Palestinian Authority.” This particular “president” is now in the 18th year of the four-year term he won in 2005, in no small part thanks to the Bush administration’s sociology project in sharia democracy. Abbas is holed up in Judea and Samaria (which we are supposed to call the West Bank) because the Palestinians kicked the “Palestinian Authority” out of Gaza in 2007 after they’d chosen Hamas in parliamentary elections the prior year.

Abbas, his Fatah party (the terrorist core of the PLO), and the so-called Palestinian Authority are the descendants of Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian Marxist who later decided he was a Palestinian Marxist. In this neck of the Levant, sharia supremacists have the popular edge over oozingly corrupt lefty nationalists, so the Muslim Brotherhood birthed Hamas in 1987 — just in time for the first intifada — in order to reimagine the struggle against “the occupation” as jihad rather than a “people’s revolution.” Both brands of fascism have a one-person-one-vote-one-time approach to “democracy.” In Hamas’s case, this approach is necessary to establishing a sharia state; in Abbas’s case, it is a result of the fact that if he allowed another election, Hamas would win.

It was thus sadly hilarious to hear President Biden explain that his conversation with “President” Abbas was meant to assure the “Palestinian people” that “the United States remains committed to [their] right to dignity and self-determination” — notwithstanding the October 7 atrocities against Israel that, incidentally, entailed the murders of more than 30 Americans, with another dozen or more likely taken hostage.

It would be unfair to hang such wishful Western ignorance on Biden alone. It’s exactly what American administrations of both parties have been saying for 30 years: There are these nice Palestinians who just want “self-determination” and the “dignity” of governing themselves democratically, but they keep being undermined by a handful of bad terrorists — about whom we really can’t do much, so we need to pretend that the problem is those pain-in-the-ass Jews who stubbornly insist on existing.

In point of fact, it is the Palestinians who make Hamas possible. Let’s say Israel completely dismantled Hamas tomorrow — which, by the way, it can’t do by a ground invasion of Gaza, since Hamas is run and funded from Qatar and armed and trained by Iran. You know what would happen then? The Muslim Brotherhood would have Hamas 2.0 up and running within days. Hamas is popular in the Palestinian territories precisely because it represents the sharia-supremacist objective of an Islamic state that extirpates Israel. Hamas may be the chief executor, but the objective is Palestinian.

“Self-determination”? “From the river to the sea” is not a Hamas battle cry. It is a Palestinian battle cry.

The vision of a map that does not include the word “Israel,” a map where a sharia regime is sovereign on every inch of land from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, is Muslim Brotherhood doctrine. In the Palestinian territories, the Muslim Brotherhood runs the schools — and their component paramilitary camps for toddlers. Children are marinated from birth in Jew hatred. It’s not mere anti-Zionism, as the jihad’s transnational-progressive apologists try to maintain with a straight face — it’s Jew hatred.

Similarly, the students and radical faculty chanting “From the river to the sea” on American college campuses are not Hamas. They are the crescendo of a Muslim Brotherhood project, begun over 60 years ago, to plant and grow Muslim Students Association chapters in virtually every university in the United States and Canada. The enterprise was so successful that it has spawned an alphabet soup of Muslim activist organizations to which our government turned — in a manner as bipartisan as it was daft — when it felt the need to locate “moderates” after the spate of al-Qaeda attacks that culminated in 9/11. The antisemites are winning because the United States government and American popular culture somehow decided that “only” demanding the evisceration of Israel was tolerably moderate compared to the real crazies who piloted jumbo jets into skyscrapers (catalyzed, of course, by the same ideology that demands the evisceration of Israel).

If the Palestinians were at all interested in “self-determination” along the lines of Biden’s stubbornly delusional “two-state solution” — in which “Palestine” coexists peacefully with an Israeli neighbor — they would already have it. Gaza is the jihadist launchpad because Israel withdrew from every bit of it in 2005 — so the Palestinians could have self-determination . . . whereupon they self-determined that Hamas was what they wanted. Meantime, the Israelis would like nothing better than to wash their hands of the West Bank, too. But the dirty little not-so-secret is that there is no Palestinian vision of “self-determination” and “dignity” that would abide a Jewish state in the middle of what Palestinians insist is Allah’s turf.

This is not a Hamas thing. It’s a Palestinian thing.

Have you seen any Palestinian polling lately? There’s not a lot of it, since the West Bank and Gaza are not the easiest places from which to collect reliable data, but there is some. Here’s one from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. It tells us that, by a margin of 58 percent to 20 percent, Palestinians would prefer a renewal of the intifada (the “armed struggle”) to peaceful negotiations aimed at ending “the occupation.” That’s consistent with last year’s polling, as is the finding that about seven in ten Palestinians oppose the two-state solution.

Here’s some more: “President” Abbas must continue to resist having an election in the West Bank because, if one were held, he’d be thrashed by Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, 58 percent to 37 percent. And that’s with Haniyeh holed up in his well-appointed Qatari headquarters, from which he and his subordinates joyously watched news reports of the October 7 barbarities in real time.

There is one candidate who would drub both Haniyeh and Abbas, though: Marwan Barghouti. He would beat Haniyeh 60 percent to 37 percent. Alas, this most popular Palestinian “politician” would have to conduct his campaign from an Israeli prison. An Arafat protégé who is beloved in both Fatah and Muslim Brotherhood circles because he was a leader of both the first and second intifadas, Barghouti is serving five life sentences for brutal murders.

How’s that for dignity?

Biden claimed that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinians,” who just want to live in peace while “Hamas’ stated purpose for existing is the destruction of the state of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.”

Dream on. Hamas was elected by Palestinians because it wants to destroy Israel and murder Jewish people. And if they couldn’t elect Hamas, Palestinians would elect Barghouti, who has proven extraordinarily adept at murdering Jewish people while seeking the destruction of the state of Israel.

But by all means, Mr. President, let’s give the Palestinians another $100 million to spread from the river to the sea.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Kismet »

old salt wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:43 am
Kismet wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:01 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:11 pm Some takeaways from today's shoot-down of multiple Iranian supplied cruise missiles & drones, fired from W Yemen by Houthi rebels, by the USS Carney operating in the Red Sea. ... s-pentagon

-- the 2 largest ships of the Baatan amphib group(ARG) had been operating in the Persian Gulf. They departed the Gulf & were last reported in the Red Sea. It was surprising that they had no escorts to protect them from air attack.
-- there is speculation that they will either transit Suez & join the Ford strike group currently in the E Med near Israel, or they might pull into the S Israel port of Eliat (accessible from the Red Sea) & offload the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) there.
-- the Carney is one of our oldest destroyers. She is one of our 4 destroyers homeported in Rota, Spain for Euro ballistic missile defense. She was not reported as part of the Ford strike group. She just transited Suez into the Red Sea on Wed, just in time to be in range to bring down those targets over the Red Sea, while the Baatan ARG was in transit, within range.
-- given the range of the Houthi weapons vs the distance from the launch point in W Yemen to potential targets in Israel, it's not unreasonable speculation to wonder if the unescorted Baatan ARG was their target.
-- it only required SM-2 missiles to bring down these targets. The SM-2 is the least capable standard missile we deploy. All our destroyers & cruisers all carry the SM-3 &/or SM-6 longer range missiles capable of ballistic missile defense.
-- when the Ike joins the Ford we'll have 8 destroyers & cruisers in the E Med + however many of our other 4 Rota based destroyers join the Carney.
-- The command ship USS Mount Whitney just departed homeport of Gaeta, Italy, with the Commander 6th Fleet & battle staff embarked, to join the growing strike group in the E Med. I think the last time this happened was in 2011 for Libyan operations.
-- this is the largest naval force in the Med in my recent memory.
-- Israel could be targeted by Iran & proxies along multiple axes, from N to S.
uh oh - Reports today the Eisenhower strike group will now deploy to Central Command Area which includes Red Sea and Persian Gulf ad NOT to the Eastern Med as previously announced. ... 69b028de41 ... iddle-east
If the IKE goes all the way into the Persian Gulf, we will know that we are serious.
Ike group will pass through Suez Canal to the Red Sea and possibly beyond - nobody's talking about exactly where - Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea or Persian Gulf ... iddle-east
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Matnum PI »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:53 am Graphic, terrible images: ... trocities/
One example: "Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show a parent and child who were bound together and burned alive by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Two spinal columns—one of an adult and one of a child—can be seen in the scan. The pair were likely embracing as they burned."

And some cannot see the difference between what was done to these civilians (and what is currently being done to the 200 hostages, mostly young women) and Israel bombing Gaza in the name of destroying Hamas. Historically, for literally thousands of years, the Jews would have similar atrocities happen to them and they were powerless. They would either bite their lip or quietly move to a different country. I'm grateful that Israel affords so many Jews the opportunity to standup to the people that want to hurt them, to destroy them. The anti-semitism hasn't changed. But how the Jews are able to respond most certainly has. Thankfully.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OCanada »

Excerpt from NYT article.

All means were good to undo the notion of Palestinian statehood. In 2019, Mr. Netanyahu told a meeting of his center-right Likud party: “Those who want to thwart the possibility of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy.”

Israel has been a nuclear power since at least the 1960s.

Israel has no plan for what they will do to govern Palestine or get out of an occupation. The last thing they should do is play i to Hamas hands with an invasion that will create another century of motivation. They have the capacity to repeat the succees of Munich and use it.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by OCanada »

OS quoting this guy is absurd

During the presidency of Barack Obama, McCarthy characterized Obama as a radical and a socialist, and authored a book alleging that Obama was advancing a "Sharia Agenda". He authored another book calling for Obama's impeachment. He defended false claims that the Affordable Care Act would lead to "death panels", and promoted a conspiracy theory that Bill Ayers, co-founder of the militant radical left-wing organization Weather Underground, had authored Obama's autobiography Dreams from My Father.[6][7]

Dream on.
Last edited by OCanada on Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Matnum PI wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:09 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:53 am Graphic, terrible images: ... trocities/
One example: "Charred remains and a CT scan of the remains show a parent and child who were bound together and burned alive by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Two spinal columns—one of an adult and one of a child—can be seen in the scan. The pair were likely embracing as they burned."

And some cannot see the difference between what was done to these civilians (and what is currently being done to the 200 hostages, mostly young women) and Israel bombing Gaza in the name of destroying Hamas. Historically, for literally thousands of years, the Jews would have similar atrocities happen to them and they were powerless. They would either bite their lip or quietly move to a different country. I'm grateful that Israel affords so many Jews the opportunity to standup to the people that want to hurt them, to destroy them. The anti-semitism hasn't changed. But how the Jews are able to respond most certainly has. Thankfully.
Israel has committed its own war crimes, atrocities, and murder throughout the decades starting with the 1948 war. Including hundreds of women and children just in that initial conflict.

They are not without sin in this whole mess. And just because they have the power to fight back nowadays doesn't give them carte blanche to hurt innocents either. We can't give them blanket immunity and turn a blind eye.

Funny thing is, Palestinians are Semites too.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

OCanada wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:35 am OS quoting this guy is …

During the presidency of Barack Obama, McCarthy characterized Obama as a radical and a socialist, and authored a book alleging that Obama was advancing a "Sharia Agenda". He authored another book calling for Obama's impeachment. He defended false claims that the Affordable Care Act would lead to "death panels", and promoted a conspiracy theory that Bill Ayers, co-founder of the militant radical left-wing organization Weather Underground, had authored Obama's autobiography Dreams from My Father.[6][7]

Dream on.

Andrew McCarthy of National Review and Fox:

'Obama embraces and promotes Sharia, is a socialist, and will create death panels.' Endorsed Rudy Giuliani for the presidency. He even campaigned to impeach Hillary Clinton before she got into the White House.

USA's # 1 Islamophobe.

Pathetic. Utterly so.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

The right wing is currently imploding and infighting on whether to support Israel or hate Jews. Twitter is lighting up right now. Like watching a 5mph trainwreck.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:59 pm
On the one hand you acknowledged that I call for a one state solution and now you say I want Jews to leave Israel. An irony that, I'm sure, has not been lost on anyone.


Please share more of your brilliance.
Don't have to share my brilliance...this is YOUR brilliance, not mine.

You just don't want to tell the Forum that your idea of peace is that the Jewish people are wiped out of Israel, and----your words----Israel becomes Majority Muslim.
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:55 pm Too bad the one state solution was rejected all this time. By now, Muslims would have been the majority and we could have had a full generation of Peace.
You don't care if Jewish people die, or are wiped out. This is the game Pro-Palestinian nutjobs play. They think Israel is there illegally, and their solution is for the Jewish people to lay down their arms, and get wiped out, ala 67 war.

And then when the Jewish folks have been removed, Brookie will celebrate his idea of "peace" Jewish in Israel.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:30 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:59 pm
On the one hand you acknowledged that I call for a one state solution and now you say I want Jews to leave Israel. An irony that, I'm sure, has not been lost on anyone.


Please share more of your brilliance.
Don't have to share my brilliance...this is YOUR brilliance, not mine.

You just don't want to tell the Forum that your idea of peace is that the Jewish people are wiped out of Israel, and----your words----Israel becomes Majority Muslim.
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:55 pm Too bad the one state solution was rejected all this time. By now, Muslims would have been the majority and we could have had a full generation of Peace.
You don't care if Jewish people die, or are wiped out. This is the game Pro-Palestinian nutjobs play. They think Israel is there illegally, and their solution is for the Jewish people to lay down their arms, and get wiped out, ala 67 war.

And then when the Jewish folks have been removed, Brookie will celebrate his idea of "peace" Jewish in Israel.

Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor. Afghanistan, Iraq being examples. Same here in Israel. UN resolutions be damned. The fact that innocents were killed off and continue to get butchered is no big deal to Islamophobes. On the contrary, they give it their happy endorsement.

Say Fan, are you endorsing a resurrection of the Crusades as well? Wouldn't be very wise with 1.6 billion Muslims in this world. :lol:
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:58 pm Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor.
:lol: Hope the Forum is paying close attention to the game Brookie is playing. I'm not talking to Brookie anymore: he's quoting chapter and verse of the ProPalestinianNutJobGospel without thinking.

All you have to do is ask them the right questions. They'll get frustrated, let their guard down, and FINALLY tell you that they think the Jewish people should be driven out of Israel. He's trying to hide what he really thinks.

Brookie, hilariously, thinks the Jewish people "Stole" Israel.......yet he has no problem living on Sioux Land the he stole from them.

Heard this nonsense 1,000 times.

They call it BAMN: by any means necessary. Have a website....the whole deal.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Farfromgeneva »

a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:18 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:58 pm Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor.
:lol: Hope the Forum is paying close attention to the game Brookie is playing. I'm not talking to Brookie anymore: he's quoting chapter and verse of the ProPalestinianNutJobGospel without thinking.

All you have to do is ask them the right questions. They'll get frustrated, let their guard down, and FINALLY tell you that they think the Jewish people should be driven out of Israel. He's trying to hide what he really thinks.

Brookie, hilariously, thinks the Jewish people "Stole" Israel.......yet he has no problem living on Sioux Land the he stole from them.

Heard this nonsense 1,000 times.

They call it BAMN: by any means necessary. Have a website....the whole deal.
Yeah if one can take a step back this stuff is hilarious. Suddenly the MAGAs are tight with the #babyblooddrinkerHollywoodelitebankercabal And the academics, faux intellectuals in love with the Avacado and abstraction brunch on the SOHO/Greenwich Village, lacking real life experience are embracing dictator/fascists, human rights stomping monsters who betray every human ideal otherwise espoused but not yet demonstrated working understanding of.

It’s stridency + fear/insecurity + anchoring + narrative fallacy in a mad magazine strip.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by a fan »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:33 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:18 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:58 pm Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor.
:lol: Hope the Forum is paying close attention to the game Brookie is playing. I'm not talking to Brookie anymore: he's quoting chapter and verse of the ProPalestinianNutJobGospel without thinking.

All you have to do is ask them the right questions. They'll get frustrated, let their guard down, and FINALLY tell you that they think the Jewish people should be driven out of Israel. He's trying to hide what he really thinks.

Brookie, hilariously, thinks the Jewish people "Stole" Israel.......yet he has no problem living on Sioux Land the he stole from them.

Heard this nonsense 1,000 times.

They call it BAMN: by any means necessary. Have a website....the whole deal.
Yeah if one can take a step back this stuff is hilarious. Suddenly the MAGAs are tight with the #babyblooddrinkerHollywoodelitebankercabal And the academics, faux intellectuals in love with the Avacado and abstraction brunch on the SOHO/Greenwich Village, lacking real life experience are embracing dictator/fascists, human rights stomping monsters who betray every human ideal otherwise espoused but not yet demonstrated working understanding of.

It’s stridency + fear/insecurity + anchoring + narrative fallacy in a mad magazine strip.
Yep. That's a pretty good summary. And as you can see here on the Forum---it's about making themselves feel good. They have no actual interest in changing the outcome.
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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by Brooklyn »

a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:18 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:58 pm Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor.
:lol: Hope the Forum is paying close attention to the game Brookie is playing. I'm not talking to Brookie anymore: he's quoting chapter and verse of the ProPalestinianNutJobGospel without thinking.

All you have to do is ask them the right questions. They'll get frustrated, let their guard down, and FINALLY tell you that they think the Jewish people should be driven out of Israel. He's trying to hide what he really thinks.

Brookie, hilariously, thinks the Jewish people "Stole" Israel.......yet he has no problem living on Sioux Land the he stole from them.

Heard this nonsense 1,000 times.

They call it BAMN: by any means necessary. Have a website....the whole deal.

"Stole from Sioux"

Hahahahahaha!!!! ~ you missed the fact that I've called for the freeing of Leonard Peltier (and previously called for the conviction of the FBI criminals who framed him), was associated with AIM, and knew Clyde Bellecourt before he passed away about a year ago.

Now I'm really laughing at you.

Pardon me while I continue to laugh ....

Just one final note = here's my tribute to Clyde Bellecourt from last year:

Last edited by Brooklyn on Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Israel and Zionism

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:38 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:33 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:18 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:58 pm Pathetic. Funny how so many bigoted types hate democracy. But it's perfectly ok to invade a country, steal the land, kill off people, and then to pretend you're doing them a favor.
:lol: Hope the Forum is paying close attention to the game Brookie is playing. I'm not talking to Brookie anymore: he's quoting chapter and verse of the ProPalestinianNutJobGospel without thinking.

All you have to do is ask them the right questions. They'll get frustrated, let their guard down, and FINALLY tell you that they think the Jewish people should be driven out of Israel. He's trying to hide what he really thinks.

Brookie, hilariously, thinks the Jewish people "Stole" Israel.......yet he has no problem living on Sioux Land the he stole from them.

Heard this nonsense 1,000 times.

They call it BAMN: by any means necessary. Have a website....the whole deal.
Yeah if one can take a step back this stuff is hilarious. Suddenly the MAGAs are tight with the #babyblooddrinkerHollywoodelitebankercabal And the academics, faux intellectuals in love with the Avacado and abstraction brunch on the SOHO/Greenwich Village, lacking real life experience are embracing dictator/fascists, human rights stomping monsters who betray every human ideal otherwise espoused but not yet demonstrated working understanding of.

It’s stridency + fear/insecurity + anchoring + narrative fallacy in a mad magazine strip.
Yep. That's a pretty good summary. And as you can see here on the Forum---it's about making themselves feel good. They have no actual interest in changing the outcome.
I think for brook, its about the dopamine hit he gets when he logs in and sees someone replied to him. Then he further polarizes the conversation for continual engagement....add in the use of another username, and all the other forums he participates in, and you have a full days work. 8-)
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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