American Educational System

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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm The feds can still send a check...dont need an official DoE to cut checks.
1. in what world do you think I as a taxpayer want to play the R game where your State has low taxes, and they take my money to keep them low, and give their kids sh9t educations?

2. you just said the quiet part out loud: Republican States as a whole suck, economically. And you want the rest of us to shut up and give you our money with no oversight. So each nutjob Republican governor can do things like fund Christian schools on my dime. Or stick it to poor students passing this money along to the rich ones. Hard pass.

3. You need infrastructure and fraud prevention even if you do it your way. And you need SOMEONE to make sure that they receivers follow Federal law, and doesn't waste the money. Who is going to do that? That's right: the Department of Ed.
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm I see you like keeping gov't bigger
1. says the guy who gets Federal contracts. Want smaller government? Don't line up to the Fed trough. Start with YOU, then lecture the rest of us.

2. :lol: This is Republican thinking 101: you think that "big government" means people. So what do politicians do? They make government even bigger, and then staff out the government work using taxpayer dollars, and claim "oh, look the number of Federal employees are smaller". :roll: What Vivek is proposing won't make ANYTHING smaller. All it will do is give government services a different name.

What he's proposing is like claiming he got rid of all the jobs in the Air Force by simply renaming them "the Marines". :lol:
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm ...strange that you blow us up not stop for it, now you want to keep it....make up your damned mind. ;)
Dude, I've had the exact. same. policy. since I set foot on the forum. Hasn't changed a lick.

You want big government? Great. Pay for it.

You want small government? Great. Pay for it. That's it. That's all I ask.

What YOUR hypocritical party does, as you very well know, is BRAG about being "small government", right before you make the Federal Government 66% bigger in four years like your man Trump did. All on borrowed money.

All I've pointed out is: small government is IMPOSSIBLE in a 1st world 21st century economy. It cannot be done. Know how I know this? Because A. you can't name a single nation that has this mythical small government, and B. the supposed proponents who run on "small government" EXPLODE the size of the government every time you vote them into power. So....what does that tell you?

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm Just b/c he said he is cutting those orgs, does not mean he is cutting all their services. I heard him speak of merging the FBI and ATF under the US Marshall, who has overriding authority on those entities anyway. a guy now wants to make gov't smaller, and you now fuss about that....again, make up your mind. ;)
:lol: YOU think he wants to make government smaller. He wants to make it bigger, and give the people doing these tasks "different names". If that impresses you? Fine. Let it impress you. Elect him. I'll be on here to take the same wager I offer every time you guys get in charge. And you, knowing your party is full of sh(t, won't take the bet.

Want to make government smaller, YA? Balance the budget by raising taxes. If you do that? Congrats, the interest on the debt that you will save will be MORE than the DOEd budget. THAT would make government smaller. Where's the R candidate willing to do that? Sorry man, but your party and its voters are a bunch of spoiled rotten children who don't want to pay for what they get.

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm So tell us.....who is NOT a 1% that runs for POTUS in 2024 or eveh? And no, you can't say Bernie, he is also a 1%er.
They all are. My point is: these are CLEARLY 1%er policies that shows he doesn't understand what government does.

If you or Vivek doesn't understand what the DoE does? Waddle his *ss down there and ask. He be STUNNED at all the things that they do. Good governance is like a good lax ref: you don't notice it.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

Not going to itemize each line:

He is not saying close FBI and send them all to US Marshalls. He already articulated his plan on how to essentially cut half of the employees and still provide much of the service. Sure people count does not equal more or less money.....I am sure your payroll could absorb doubling your staff for the same productivity....where do I sign up. So no, it is NOT renaming the AF as the Marines. That's your sill binary game.

Federal contract spending is just a dumb example....says the guy that wants infrastructure ASAP from a gov't that does not build anything....wonder who will do that. Oh wait....its the r's that want to make gov't bigger. :lol: Stop with your silly analogies.

Your idea of raising taxes is also silly.....all that means is that we have 'even' more money to spend on even more federal contracts, of which you seem to be against. Make up your mind my man, you are all over the place. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see, you just want to play the role of a "Karen" since you agree they are ALL 1%ers and things will never change. Well, its no wonder you like to wager at every turn.....that like going fishing in an aquarium with a net. ;)

Pleasure doing business with you... ;) :lol:
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Re: American Educational System

Post by tech37 »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:35 pm Not going to itemize each line:

He is not saying close FBI and send them all to US Marshalls. He already articulated his plan on how to essentially cut half of the employees and still provide much of the service. Sure people count does not equal more or less money.....I am sure your payroll could absorb doubling your staff for the same productivity....where do I sign up. So no, it is NOT renaming the AF as the Marines. That's your sill binary game.

Federal contract spending is just a dumb example....says the guy that wants infrastructure ASAP from a gov't that does not build anything....wonder who will do that. Oh wait....its the r's that want to make gov't bigger. :lol: Stop with your silly analogies.

Your idea of raising taxes is also silly.....all that means is that we have 'even' more money to spend on even more federal contracts, of which you seem to be against. Make up your mind my man, you are all over the place. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see, you just want to play the role of a "Karen" since you agree they are ALL 1%ers and things will never change. Well, its no wonder you like to wager at every turn.....that like going fishing in an aquarium with a net. ;)

Pleasure doing business with you... ;) :lol:
a fan is afraid of change. And you're right youth... a fan and mdlax like their plausible deniability.
Last edited by tech37 on Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
a fan
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:35 pm He is not saying close FBI and send them all to US Marshalls. He already articulated his plan on how to essentially cut half of the employees and still provide much of the service.
Great. Where is it? "Much" of the service? How about: all. These that the guys who keep our politicians in line, or in jail. Beware a pol who says he want's to be left to his crimes and shady behavior.
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm Sure people count does not equal more or less money.....I am sure your payroll could absorb doubling your staff for the same productivity....where do I sign up. So no, it is NOT renaming the AF as the Marines. That's your sill binary game.
Of course it's binary: are you spending the same dollars, or not? You're telling me "no". How?

Let me guess: the old as time "eliminate fraud and waste". :lol:
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm Federal contract spending is just a dumb example....says the guy that wants infrastructure ASAP from a gov't that does not build anything....wonder who will do that. Oh wait....its the r's that want to make gov't bigger. :lol: Stop with your silly analogies.
:lol: NOW who is being binary? Infrastructure-----write this down----has an ROI. That's what makes it different from all other spending. So yep, out of allll the things I want to spend taxes on? Infrastructure is #1. This is true even for hardcore libertarians, YA.
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm Your idea of raising taxes is also silly.....all that means is that we have 'even' more money to spend on even more federal contracts, of which you seem to be against. Make up your mind my man, you are all over the place. :lol:
What are you talking about?

I'll rephrase: Keep spending where it is, right now. Now raise taxes to balance the budget. Now? You're no longer paying interest on your spending.

This shrinks the cash taxpayers need to pay. Voila, small government. Follow the math, my man. ;)

I can tell you that when you go out to eat with me? I ALWAYS pick up the tab. Your party stopped doing that with Bush Jr. showed up. And it RUINED your party.
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:18 pm Ahhh.... I see, you just want to play the role of a "Karen" since you agree they are ALL 1%ers and things will never change. Well, its no wonder you like to wager at every turn.....that like going fishing in an aquarium with a net. ;)
Well, stop nominating these guys, my man! Gimme a Bush the 1st, where he acted like a man, and raised taxes even though he knew it would cost him his job. THAT is a conservatives. It's been so long since your party has had one, you have no clue what one looks like anymore. ;)
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:35 pm Not going to itemize each line:

He is not saying close FBI and send them all to US Marshalls. He already articulated his plan on how to essentially cut half of the employees and still provide much of the service. Sure people count does not equal more or less money.....I am sure your payroll could absorb doubling your staff for the same productivity....where do I sign up. So no, it is NOT renaming the AF as the Marines. That's your sill binary game.

Federal contract spending is just a dumb example....says the guy that wants infrastructure ASAP from a gov't that does not build anything....wonder who will do that. Oh wait....its the r's that want to make gov't bigger. :lol: Stop with your silly analogies.

Your idea of raising taxes is also silly.....all that means is that we have 'even' more money to spend on even more federal contracts, of which you seem to be against. Make up your mind my man, you are all over the place. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see, you just want to play the role of a "Karen" since you agree they are ALL 1%ers and things will never change. Well, its no wonder you like to wager at every turn.....that like going fishing in an aquarium with a net. ;)

Pleasure doing business with you... ;) :lol:
a fan is afraid of change.
:lol: Riiiight. Tell you what: if you can make this guy your nominee? I'll vote for him, take a pic of the vote, and post it here.

Then I get to sit back and laugh and laugh as he does NONE of the things he's claiming here, and as always with your party, spending yet again goes WAY the F up.

Know what he'll give you gents? Tax cuts "that will pay for themselves". And both of you will believe him, of course, and mock me for daring to point out that that's not how math works.

And i'll get to enjoy the tax cuts. Win-win.

Your party hasn't cut the size of the Federal Government since 1958. Yet you guys STILL believe this stuff. Knock yourselves out, fellas. ;)

Btw, the part that's missing from this conversation? I DON'T LIKE JOE BIDEN. I have ZERO interest in voting for him. He's as full of sh(t as anyone.

But that doesn't mean I didn't cheer his infrastructure bill!
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Re: American Educational System

Post by tech37 »

tech37 wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:35 pm Not going to itemize each line:

He is not saying close FBI and send them all to US Marshalls. He already articulated his plan on how to essentially cut half of the employees and still provide much of the service. Sure people count does not equal more or less money.....I am sure your payroll could absorb doubling your staff for the same productivity....where do I sign up. So no, it is NOT renaming the AF as the Marines. That's your sill binary game.

Federal contract spending is just a dumb example....says the guy that wants infrastructure ASAP from a gov't that does not build anything....wonder who will do that. Oh wait....its the r's that want to make gov't bigger. :lol: Stop with your silly analogies.

Your idea of raising taxes is also silly.....all that means is that we have 'even' more money to spend on even more federal contracts, of which you seem to be against. Make up your mind my man, you are all over the place. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see, you just want to play the role of a "Karen" since you agree they are ALL 1%ers and things will never change. Well, its no wonder you like to wager at every turn.....that like going fishing in an aquarium with a net. ;)

Pleasure doing business with you... ;) :lol:
a fan is afraid of change. And you're right youth... a fan and mdlax like their plausible deniability.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

You can listen to him here:

BTW - I really appreciate you doubling down on your fishing in the aquarium with his quote. And I'll wager with you, you find me a candidate that does what you want, and tech and I will find a way to vote for them, then laugh at you. That should square us all up, no? ;) :lol:
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:53 pm Riiiight. Tell you what: if you can make this guy your nominee? I'll vote for him, take a pic of the vote, and post it here.

Then I get to sit back and laugh and laugh as he does NONE of the things he's claiming here, and as always with your party, spending yet again goes WAY the F up.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:00 pm You can listen to him here:

BTW - I really appreciate you doubling down on your fishing in the aquarium with his quote. And I'll wager with you, you find me a candidate that does what you want, and tech and I will find a way to vote for them, then laugh at you. That should square us all up, no? ;) :lol:
Yes! The difference is.....I'll actually do it! ;)

Only guy that's claimed to do even a fraction of what I want is Sanders. The rest that I like....Kasich, Hickenlooper, etc. are just good men, and with guys like Joe and Trumpy around? A good man is MORE than enough for me, even if I don't like the policies.

I think that Vivek is VERY well spoken, and has a great temperament big plusses for me. He seems like a good man. And for that reason, I'd vote for him over 4 more years of Joe. Dead serious. Have heard him MULTIPLE times, because I like to hear him speak. In particular, his exchange with a "Pan-sexual" at a rally was just great. Didn't like his policy, but I LOVED how he delivered it. Stuff like that goes MILES for this voter.

But that doesn't mean I won't make fun of his silly ideas, fellas. ;)

Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently, otherwise we get status queue, with no hope.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently,
That's great. Just make sure you play this game with the D leaders, where your skepticism goes to 11.

This is the problem. You guys turn your skepticism on or off depending on those little letters. Once you figure out that the ONLY path forward is to hold guys like Trump accountable? They're going to keep feeding you what you are TELLING them to feed you.....nothing, but you're happy so long as he has that R....
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:38 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently,
That's great. Just make sure you play this game with the D leaders, where your skepticism goes to 11.

This is the problem. You guys turn your skepticism on or off depending on those little letters. Once you figure out that the ONLY path forward is to hold guys like Trump accountable? They're going to keep feeding you what you are TELLING them to feed you.....nothing, but you're happy so long as he has that R....
Not least for me. I vote (d) on occasion in local stuff, in the POTUS election between a Clinton or Biden or Obama, or Kerry or Gore.....well, you got me, kinda hard to pull that lever for that bunch. The R side did not have much better a selection....which is why I have argued I gave Trump a shot. I wanted Kasich and was bummed when he dropped out.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:38 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently,
That's great. Just make sure you play this game with the D leaders, where your skepticism goes to 11.

This is the problem. You guys turn your skepticism on or off depending on those little letters. Once you figure out that the ONLY path forward is to hold guys like Trump accountable? They're going to keep feeding you what you are TELLING them to feed you.....nothing, but you're happy so long as he has that R....
Not least for me. I vote (d) on occasion in local stuff, in the POTUS election between a Clinton or Biden or Obama, or Kerry or Gore.....well, you got me, kinda hard to pull that lever for that bunch. The R side did not have much better a selection....which is why I have argued I gave Trump a shot.
I'm learning that this is the thing some posters don't seem to understand: if you NEVER criticize a President in four years of posting....yet the criticism of a D rolls out like a rushing water out of a just-broken dam, nonstop?

We're not mind readers, and come to obvious and reasonable conclusions.

Gimme five policies you didn't like that Trump executed, and I'll buy what you're selling.
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:51 pm I wanted Kasich and was bummed when he dropped out.
Same here. An adult I would have voted for before Biden 1000 times. it's why I laugh when R's turn into Umberto Eco, and try and invent some premise that "Libs are why we got Trump". It's a stupid claim. Don't want Trump? Don't nominate him. Nominate Kasich.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:38 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently,
That's great. Just make sure you play this game with the D leaders, where your skepticism goes to 11.

This is the problem. You guys turn your skepticism on or off depending on those little letters. Once you figure out that the ONLY path forward is to hold guys like Trump accountable? They're going to keep feeding you what you are TELLING them to feed you.....nothing, but you're happy so long as he has that R....
Not least for me. I vote (d) on occasion in local stuff, in the POTUS election between a Clinton or Biden or Obama, or Kerry or Gore.....well, you got me, kinda hard to pull that lever for that bunch. The R side did not have much better a selection....which is why I have argued I gave Trump a shot. I wanted Kasich and was bummed when he dropped out.
Listening to debate. The more i hear from Vivek...the more I"m hearing "Trump's greatest Hits". Same with DeSantis.

Haley gave the only rational answer on the "do you believe in Climate Change" question. Hilarious that your party has turned that answer into the same thing as "do you hate puppies?"

Haley sounds rational on abortion.
Last edited by a fan on Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:32 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:51 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:38 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:28 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:07 pm Edit to a short watch of the video. He's making the same BS claims Trump did: gonna drain the swamp. Do you believe him?
Sure.....until proven differently,
That's great. Just make sure you play this game with the D leaders, where your skepticism goes to 11.

This is the problem. You guys turn your skepticism on or off depending on those little letters. Once you figure out that the ONLY path forward is to hold guys like Trump accountable? They're going to keep feeding you what you are TELLING them to feed you.....nothing, but you're happy so long as he has that R....
Not least for me. I vote (d) on occasion in local stuff, in the POTUS election between a Clinton or Biden or Obama, or Kerry or Gore.....well, you got me, kinda hard to pull that lever for that bunch. The R side did not have much better a selection....which is why I have argued I gave Trump a shot. I wanted Kasich and was bummed when he dropped out.
Listening to debate. The more i hear from Vivek...the more I"m hearing "Trump's greatest Hits". Same with DeSantis.

Haley gave the only rational answer on the "do you believe in Climate Change" question. Hilarious that your party has turned that answer into the same thing as "do you hate puppies?"
Recording it, will see if it’s worth watching after the reviews.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:35 pm
Recording it, will see if it’s worth watching after the reviews.
I'm losing interest in Vivek fast. I'll hold to my bet, however. ;)

DeSantis playing the Soros card. Neat.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:35 pm
Recording it, will see if it’s worth watching after the reviews.
I'm losing interest in Vivek fast. I'll hold to my bet, however. ;)

DeSantis playing the Soros card. Neat.
He has a tendency to want it be the smartest person in the year....there is always one in every meeting. But a tough dichotomy in a setting like a debate to get your voice heard.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: American Educational System

Post by youthathletics »

Crazy times. "Don't Tread on me" is a bad thing in school. ... 06483?s=20
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: American Educational System

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
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Re: American Educational System

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:36 am Crazy times. "Don't Tread on me" is a bad thing in school. ... 06483?s=20
There are multiple stories showing that over the past decade it's been appropriated by white supremacists. I'd like to think it's unlikely this kid's parents know this. Misunderstanding makes sense here.
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Re: American Educational System

Post by OCanada »

Agree. The saying has been appropriated followed by the 3 yo look of innocence. Who me?
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