Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

RedFromMI wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:36 pm He just made a great succinct summary of what others have done. Look at PMM for more details (emptywheel).

The truth is the hack of Hunter’s account and the long path through many unknown hands pretty much make anything on the drive worthless in a court of law.
Many of the key comms were corroborated by other parties to those comms. e.g. Bobolinski's emails.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt » let Mr Weiss, Ms Wolf (from DE) & the US Atty's from DC & CA who declined to prosecute before the SOL ran, come before Congress & reassure the public as to why they declined to prosecute.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:41 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:09 pm On the tax issue, these statute of limitations arguments are simply wrong. Sometimes I wish the Internet had ever been invented.
Please explain the correct SOL for Hunter's 2014 & 2015 tax liability. When would the SOL have run ?
At the earliest, the statute would begin to run on the date he filed the returns. I don’t know whether he filed them on time or got extensions. Very common for people in his position to get extensions.

Let’s say he got the standard six month extension in both years, in which case his 2014 return would have been filed in October 2015 and the 2015 return in October 2016. Assuming a six-year statute, that would run in October 2021 and October 2022. But, as I understand it, that would only be for matters disclosed in the returns.

I understand it is not uncommon for parties to enter into tolling agreements, or whatever they are called. The government requests the defendant to extend the statute or risk being indicted, then and there. The idea is that if the government continues its investigation, they may decide not to file charges, but if pushed up against the wall, they may simply go ahead and file charges to beat the statute. Don’t know if that occurred with Hunter.

But the more critical piece of this, I think, is income he allegedly didn’t report. I don’t think the statute begins to run on that until the IRS knows about the income.

If you win $1 million at your Friday night poker game, you have to report that as income. But the IRS has no way of knowing about it. So the statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run when you file your tax return for the year in which you had the big poker winnings (assuming you didn’t report them). It doesn’t begin to run until the IRS knows about it.

I don’t know when the IRS found out about Hunter’s alleged unreported income, but from the reporting it sounds like the SOL wouldn’t be an issue in prosecuting him.

One of the allegations is that Hunter did not report $400,000 in income he got from Burisma in 2014. If he didn’t report that income on his return for that year, the statute would not begin to run when he filed the return, but only when the IRS knew about the income. At least that is my understanding.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:25 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:41 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:09 pm On the tax issue, these statute of limitations arguments are simply wrong. Sometimes I wish the Internet had ever been invented.
Please explain the correct SOL for Hunter's 2014 & 2015 tax liability. When would the SOL have run ?
At the earliest, the statute would begin to run on the date he filed the returns. I don’t know whether he filed them on time or got extensions. Very common for people in his position to get extensions.

Let’s say he got the standard six month extension in both years, in which case his 2014 return would have been filed in October 2015 and the 2015 return in October 2016. Assuming a six-year statute, that would run in October 2021 and October 2022. But, as I understand it, that would only be for matters disclosed in the returns.

I understand it is not uncommon for parties to enter into tolling agreements, or whatever they are called. The government requests the defendant to extend the statute or risk being indicted, then and there. The idea is that if the government continues its investigation, they may decide not to file charges, but if pushed up against the wall, they may simply go ahead and file charges to beat the statute. Don’t know if that occurred with Hunter.

But the more critical piece of this, I think, is income he allegedly didn’t report. I don’t think the statute begins to run on that until the IRS knows about the income.

If you win $1 million at your Friday night poker game, you have to report that as income. But the IRS has no way of knowing about it. So the statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run when you file your tax return for the year in which you had the big poker winnings (assuming you didn’t report them). It doesn’t begin to run until the IRS knows about it.

I don’t know when the IRS found out about Hunter’s alleged unreported income, but from the reporting it sounds like the SOL wouldn’t be an issue in prosecuting him.

One of the allegations is that Hunter did not report $400,000 in income he got from Burisma in 2014. If he didn’t report that income on his return for that year, the statute would not begin to run when he filed the return, but only when the IRS knew about the income. At least that is my understanding.
I think I saw it reported that Hunter did not file for 2014. His first subsequent filings were in Oct 2016, for 2014 & 2015 tax years, using the 6 mos extension for 2015. Add the 6 yr SOL, yielding Oct 2022 SOL exporstion. which aligns with the WB's testimony.
I think the WB's can be relied upon to know the correct SOL.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:58 pm let Mr Weiss, Ms Wolf (from DE) & the US Atty's from DC & CA who declined to prosecute before the SOL ran, come before Congress & reassure the public as to why they declined to prosecute. ... velations/

The Jaw-Dropping Hunter Biden–Investigation Revelations

by THE EDITORS, July 21, 2023

The compelling congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblower agents has established three things.

-- First, the investigation into Biden corruption — millions of dollars pouring into the family coffers from apparatchiks of corrupt and anti-American regimes seeking to buy Joe Biden’s political influence — is real and has been thwarted by the Biden Justice Department.
-- Second, the president’s son Hunter Biden received preferential treatment, and, next week, a federal judge should reject the sweetheart plea deal he was given by the Justice Department.
-- Third, Attorney General Merrick Garland owes the country an explanation for why the Biden investigation has been sabotaged from within, even as he maintains publicly that it was conducted with independence and integrity.

The two whistleblowers — supervisory agent Gary Shapley and the Biden investigation’s main case agent, Joseph Ziegler — began cooperating with the House Ways and Means Committee several weeks back. While Shapley went public in June, Ziegler was not publicly identified until Wednesday’s hearing. Their revelations have been jaw-dropping.

The agents recounted being blocked at every turn by Justice Department prosecutors as they tried to go about the routine steps investigators would take in any case — or, at least, any case not involving politically connected suspects. The investigation was slow-walked by prosecutors from the office of Delaware U.S. attorney David Weiss, to whom the case was assigned in 2018.

Garland and congressional Democrats never tire of branding Weiss a Trump-appointee — it’s Garland’s rationalization for not appointing a special counsel. Conveniently omitted from this story is the fact that Weiss could not have been confirmed absent the support of Delaware’s two Democratic senators, Biden allies Tom Carper and Chris Coons. More to the point, Weiss reports to Garland and, because the Hunter Biden matter is a tax case, DOJ rules dictate that any tax charges must be approved by the Tax Division at Main Justice — run by Biden appointees. Most obviously, Weiss’s appointment by Trump does nothing to eradicate the conflict of interest inherent in the Biden Justice Department’s investigation of the president’s son over conduct in which the president himself is implicated.

Weiss and his underlings used the pendency of the 2020 presidential campaign as an excuse to instruct the IRS and FBI agents on the case not to take measures that might call attention to the investigation and thus influence the election. Note that, simultaneously, according to tech executives and Republican senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, FBI agents were signaling that the pre-election emergence of derogatory information about the Bidens — e.g., the Hunter laptop and the influx of money from foreign sources — was likely the result of a Russian intelligence operation.

After Biden was elected, Shapley and Ziegler recalled being undermined in attempting to uncover evidence. The day before they planned to conduct interviews of Hunter Biden and other investigative subjects, the FBI alerted the Secret Service, which tipped off the Biden transition team. As a result, lawyers for Hunter and most other subjects refused to speak to the IRS. In connection with interviews that were later planned, the lead prosecutor from Weiss’s office, Lesley Wolf, forbade them from pursuing investigative leads that could potentially connect the president himself to the Biden family business — instructing them not to ask questions about Hunter’s “dad,” or about “the big guy” (as we now know several investigative subjects referred to the now-president).

In 2019, the FBI obtained Hunter’s laptop, teeming with data about the Bidens’ lucrative foreign transactions and Joe Biden’s potential connections to them; yet Weiss’s office denied the IRS agents access to this evidence. In early September 2020, Wolf agreed with the agents that there was more than enough probable cause to support a warrant to search a guest house at the Bidens’ Wilmington residence where Hunter was living; still, she is said to have declined to seek the warrant because “the optics” would be bad. After the election, the agents learned that Hunter had moved documents from his business office in Washington, D.C., to a commercial storage unit in northern Virginia. They convinced Weiss, over Wolf’s objection, to allow them to seek a search warrant if Hunter did not access the unit for 30 days. But, while the agents were preparing the warrant, Wolf precluded them by alerting Hunter’s defense lawyers about the existence of the storage unit, again putting the evidence out of the investigators’ reach.

Shapley and Ziegler are among the IRS’s most experienced and accomplished agents. Despite the strictures placed on them, they built a compelling tax case against Hunter Biden — even the limited evidence, according to Ziegler, showed that Hunter had evaded roughly $2.2 million in taxes on $8.3 million in foreign income between 2014 and 2019. The agents and the line lawyers in DOJ’s Tax Division and Weiss’s office all agreed that a felony prosecution was called for.

Nevertheless, Shapley recounted a meeting with the top investigators on the case at which Weiss conceded that he was not the final decision-maker on whether charges could be filed. Delaware was not the proper venue for tax charges — those could be indicted only in Washington, D.C. (for tax years 2014 and 2015), or California (for the subsequent years). Weiss explained to the flabbergasted agents that he had asked the Justice Department to give him special-counsel authority so that he could file charges in any federal district without interference, but had been rebuffed. He was thus being blocked from filing charges by Matthew Graves, the Biden-appointed U.S. attorney in Washington.

The 2014 and 2015 tax years included Hunter’s lavish, undeclared income from his sinecure at the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. This period is crucial to the potential corruption scheme. According to information provided to the FBI by an informant with a reliable track record (and released yesterday by Senator Chuck Grassley), after speaking with then–Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky placed Hunter on the company’s board and paid him over $80,000 per month (a rate that, reportedly, was roughly halved once Joe Biden was no longer vice president). The informant added that Zlochevsky told him he’d paid then–Vice President Biden and his son a combined $10 million bribe to use Biden’s influence on Burisma’s behalf, and had made the payments through a byzantine array of companies and accounts that he bragged would take investigators a decade to trace to Joe Biden. This alleged scheme strongly resembles the pattern uncovered by House investigators showing foreign actors paying Biden family members (including grandchildren) millions of dollars through labyrinthine channels that included some 20 obscure business entities, most of which Hunter set up while Joe was vice president.

Yet, the Biden Justice Department’s infighting and foot-dragging caused the statute of limitations for the 2014 and 2015 tax years to lapse, vitiating some of the investigation’s key allegations. And it gets worse. Shapley and Ziegler testified Wednesday that, in the interests of negotiating a plea agreement, Hunter’s lawyers had agreed to extend the statute of limitations by stipulation; it was the Justice Department that allowed the charges to lapse. This is simply inexcusable: Prosecutors never have an incentive to forego the possibility of filing serious criminal charges.

As for the tax years from 2016 through 2019, Shapley learned that, when Biden’s newly appointed U.S. attorney for Los Angeles, E. Martin Estrada, was confirmed in September 2022, the felony tax charges for those years were rejected. It is thus through the tender loving care of Biden appointees that Hunter was given the sweetheart plea bargain which — if Delaware federal judge Maryellen Noreika approves it next week — would allow him to dispose of the case with pleas to two misdemeanor tax charges. Not only would there apparently be no incarceration term; it is anticipated that a gun charge — for which someone not named Biden would be staring at a prison sentence of up to ten years — would be dismissed.

Garland has insisted for years that Weiss had ultimate authority over whether and where to file charges. Weiss initially backed this story publicly, but he has subtly changed his tune since the whistleblower disclosures began. Realizing how credible and corroborated the agents are, Weiss has strained to avoid contradicting them while echoing Garland, a needle that can’t be threaded. After claiming the mantle of ultimate authority, he conceded that he could not indict outside Delaware, but made the caveat that he had been consulting with the Justice Department about that problem. Later, he weaseled about how he had never formally sought special-counsel authority — which doesn’t address whether he told a room full of agents that his request for it had been denied, and whether he didn’t seek it because he knew it would be denied.

Meantime, Garland’s story is a crock. He asserts that Weiss would have been given any necessary authority — he only needed to ask. But the U.S. attorneys for Washington and California work for Garland; they couldn’t have blocked Weiss without the attorney general’s support. And it’s not a district U.S. attorney’s job to ask the attorney general for special-counsel authority — which would be tantamount to asking to be fired since, by regulation, a special counsel must be a lawyer “from outside the United States Government.” Rather, it is the attorney general’s duty to appoint a special counsel if there is a conflict of interest that prevents the Justice Department from investigating in the normal course.

Garland knew there could be no more profound conflict of interest than a Biden Justice Department investigation of a corruption scheme involving the first family. The scandal is that, instead of doing his duty, the attorney general manacled his own Justice Department’s investigation. Thanks to the eye-opening whistleblower testimony, Garland has lots of explaining to do.
Last edited by old salt on Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:37 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:25 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:41 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:09 pm On the tax issue, these statute of limitations arguments are simply wrong. Sometimes I wish the Internet had ever been invented.
Please explain the correct SOL for Hunter's 2014 & 2015 tax liability. When would the SOL have run ?
At the earliest, the statute would begin to run on the date he filed the returns. I don’t know whether he filed them on time or got extensions. Very common for people in his position to get extensions.

Let’s say he got the standard six month extension in both years, in which case his 2014 return would have been filed in October 2015 and the 2015 return in October 2016. Assuming a six-year statute, that would run in October 2021 and October 2022. But, as I understand it, that would only be for matters disclosed in the returns.

I understand it is not uncommon for parties to enter into tolling agreements, or whatever they are called. The government requests the defendant to extend the statute or risk being indicted, then and there. The idea is that if the government continues its investigation, they may decide not to file charges, but if pushed up against the wall, they may simply go ahead and file charges to beat the statute. Don’t know if that occurred with Hunter.

But the more critical piece of this, I think, is income he allegedly didn’t report. I don’t think the statute begins to run on that until the IRS knows about the income.

If you win $1 million at your Friday night poker game, you have to report that as income. But the IRS has no way of knowing about it. So the statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run when you file your tax return for the year in which you had the big poker winnings (assuming you didn’t report them). It doesn’t begin to run until the IRS knows about it.

I don’t know when the IRS found out about Hunter’s alleged unreported income, but from the reporting it sounds like the SOL wouldn’t be an issue in prosecuting him.

One of the allegations is that Hunter did not report $400,000 in income he got from Burisma in 2014. If he didn’t report that income on his return for that year, the statute would not begin to run when he filed the return, but only when the IRS knew about the income. At least that is my understanding.
I think I saw it reported that Hunter did not file for 2014. His first subsequent filings were in Oct 2016, for 2014 & 2015 tax years, using the 6 mos extension for 2015. Add the 6 yr SOL, yielding Oct 2022 SOL exporstion. which aligns with the WB's testimony.
I think the WB's can be relied upon to know the correct SOL.
Well, as I understand the rules, October 2016 would be timely for a 2015 return, assuming, of course, that the appropriate amount of taxes had been paid. October 2016 would be late for a 2014 return.

So the statute for the 2014 and 2015 returns filed in October 2016 would run six years afterwards. But that wouldn’t apply to income not reported on either return. Now, I don’t know enough detail to know whether there were charges that could’ve been filed based on the returns filed in 2016, but I don’t think the statute would have run in 2022 for the alleged $400,000 of unreported income in 2014.

Now, you might say there were charges that could’ve been filed because Hunter did not file his 2014 return until October 2016. I think, depending on the circumstances, those charges might not necessarily be criminal, or of the type that are ordinarily prosecuted.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:52 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:37 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:25 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:41 pm
njbill wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:09 pm On the tax issue, these statute of limitations arguments are simply wrong. Sometimes I wish the Internet had ever been invented.
Please explain the correct SOL for Hunter's 2014 & 2015 tax liability. When would the SOL have run ?
At the earliest, the statute would begin to run on the date he filed the returns. I don’t know whether he filed them on time or got extensions. Very common for people in his position to get extensions.

Let’s say he got the standard six month extension in both years, in which case his 2014 return would have been filed in October 2015 and the 2015 return in October 2016. Assuming a six-year statute, that would run in October 2021 and October 2022. But, as I understand it, that would only be for matters disclosed in the returns.

I understand it is not uncommon for parties to enter into tolling agreements, or whatever they are called. The government requests the defendant to extend the statute or risk being indicted, then and there. The idea is that if the government continues its investigation, they may decide not to file charges, but if pushed up against the wall, they may simply go ahead and file charges to beat the statute. Don’t know if that occurred with Hunter.

But the more critical piece of this, I think, is income he allegedly didn’t report. I don’t think the statute begins to run on that until the IRS knows about the income.

If you win $1 million at your Friday night poker game, you have to report that as income. But the IRS has no way of knowing about it. So the statute of limitations doesn’t begin to run when you file your tax return for the year in which you had the big poker winnings (assuming you didn’t report them). It doesn’t begin to run until the IRS knows about it.

I don’t know when the IRS found out about Hunter’s alleged unreported income, but from the reporting it sounds like the SOL wouldn’t be an issue in prosecuting him.

One of the allegations is that Hunter did not report $400,000 in income he got from Burisma in 2014. If he didn’t report that income on his return for that year, the statute would not begin to run when he filed the return, but only when the IRS knew about the income. At least that is my understanding.
I think I saw it reported that Hunter did not file for 2014. His first subsequent filings were in Oct 2016, for 2014 & 2015 tax years, using the 6 mos extension for 2015. Add the 6 yr SOL, yielding Oct 2022 SOL exporstion. which aligns with the WB's testimony.
I think the WB's can be relied upon to know the correct SOL.
Well, as I understand the rules, October 2016 would be timely for a 2014 return, assuming, of course, that the appropriate amount of taxes had been paid.

So, yes, the statute for the return filed in October 2016 would run six years afterwards. But that wouldn’t apply to income not reported on that return. Now, I don’t know enough detail to know whether there were charges that could’ve been filed based on the return filed in 2016, but I don’t think the statute would have run in 2022 for the alleged $400,000 of unreported income in 2014.
I think I recall reading in the Atlantic or Vanity Fair lengthy articles on Hunter's saga, that he ignored his tax advisors warning that he failed to file for 2014 earnings & the tax advisor convinced Hunter to file for 2014 & 2015, following this sort of advice. ... ix%20years.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:24 pm Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
Nonsense. In what world does Hunter not paying his taxes have a single thing to do with Joe? You keep acting like this is an iRS investigation into Joe. It's not. Joe doesn't have thing one with whether or not his son pays his taxes in full, and on time. This is absurd.

Especially, as you're claiming, they were on the clock for expirations.

But even if you believe all these clearly stupid claims: in what world does coming out with Hunter's conviction in 2021-----right after the election, not help Joe Biden?

This "dragging of feet", as is claimed, has pulled this mess all the way to 2023. Which HURTS Joe Biden, because now all this stuff is in the headlines, with Republicans pretending that this stupid 2 year delay doesn't help them.

It's all ridiculous, OS. The logic here falls apart in about 100 different directions. If this Hunter thing came out in 2021? All we'd be talking about here in the summer of 2023 is the hot weather.

I don't buy any of it.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:11 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:24 pm Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
Nonsense. In what world does Hunter not paying his taxes have a single thing to do with Joe? You keep acting like this is an iRS investigation into Joe. It's not. Joe doesn't have thing one with whether or not his son pays his taxes in full, and on time. This is absurd.

Especially, as you're claiming, they were on the clock for expirations.

But even if you believe all these clearly stupid claims: in what world does coming out with Hunter's conviction in 2021-----right after the election, not help Joe Biden?

This "dragging of feet", as is claimed, has pulled this mess all the way to 2023. Which HURTS Joe Biden, because now all this stuff is in the headlines, with Republicans pretending that this stupid 2 year delay doesn't help them.

It's all ridiculous, OS. The logic here falls apart in about 100 different directions. If this Hunter thing came out in 2021? All we'd be talking about here in the summer of 2023 is the hot weather.

I don't buy any of it.
Who knows. Hunter might have gotten away with it had he filed his 2014 taxes. Maybe all the 1099's from his multiple shell companies for him & his exrended family, all his bogus business expenses & the multiple bank SRA's would have gone undetected. The IRS is very busy.

You don't have to buy it. I shared my paid subscription access to NR with you, as I excerpted above :

Weiss and his underlings used the pendency of the 2020 presidential campaign as an excuse to instruct the IRS and FBI agents on the case not to take measures that might call attention to the investigation and thus influence the election.
a fan
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:17 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:11 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:24 pm Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
Nonsense. In what world does Hunter not paying his taxes have a single thing to do with Joe? You keep acting like this is an iRS investigation into Joe. It's not. Joe doesn't have thing one with whether or not his son pays his taxes in full, and on time. This is absurd.

Especially, as you're claiming, they were on the clock for expirations.

But even if you believe all these clearly stupid claims: in what world does coming out with Hunter's conviction in 2021-----right after the election, not help Joe Biden?

This "dragging of feet", as is claimed, has pulled this mess all the way to 2023. Which HURTS Joe Biden, because now all this stuff is in the headlines, with Republicans pretending that this stupid 2 year delay doesn't help them.

It's all ridiculous, OS. The logic here falls apart in about 100 different directions. If this Hunter thing came out in 2021? All we'd be talking about here in the summer of 2023 is the hot weather.

I don't buy any of it.
Who knows. Hunter might have gotten away with it had he filed his 2014 taxes. Maybe all the 1099's from his multiple shell companies for him & his exrended family, all his bogus business expenses & the multiple bank SRA's would have gone undetected. The IRS is very busy.
Great. So now we're back to you defending why the IRS and DoJ took more than two years.....and took it to five years.

Again, your logic doesn't work, OS. You can't turn this into protection for Hunter. The BEST outcome for Hunter was to indict him in early 2021, a few months after the inauguration.

That didn't come EVEN CLOSE to happening. I'm a reasonable man, OS. Recall that I told you BEFORE Mueller even started that I saw nothing that told me that Trump colluded with Russia. I can be swayed just fine by evidence and information with no trouble, and call balls and strikes. Its why every single poster knows perfectly well why the FBI and DoJ would investigate Hunter.....did you notice that? None of us are crying foul?

And believe me, I wish Hunter didn't have a corrupt Hollywood bailout to pay off his taxes and fines, because that would have meant taking ownership for his mistakes and crimes. Like a man. Instead of being yet another 1%ers who doesn't have to follow the rules that I follow.
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old salt
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:32 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:17 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:11 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:24 pm Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
Nonsense. In what world does Hunter not paying his taxes have a single thing to do with Joe? You keep acting like this is an iRS investigation into Joe. It's not. Joe doesn't have thing one with whether or not his son pays his taxes in full, and on time. This is absurd.

Especially, as you're claiming, they were on the clock for expirations.

But even if you believe all these clearly stupid claims: in what world does coming out with Hunter's conviction in 2021-----right after the election, not help Joe Biden?

This "dragging of feet", as is claimed, has pulled this mess all the way to 2023. Which HURTS Joe Biden, because now all this stuff is in the headlines, with Republicans pretending that this stupid 2 year delay doesn't help them.

It's all ridiculous, OS. The logic here falls apart in about 100 different directions. If this Hunter thing came out in 2021? All we'd be talking about here in the summer of 2023 is the hot weather.

I don't buy any of it.
Who knows. Hunter might have gotten away with it had he filed his 2014 taxes. Maybe all the 1099's from his multiple shell companies for him & his exrended family, all his bogus business expenses & the multiple bank SRA's would have gone undetected. The IRS is very busy.
Great. So now we're back to you defending why the IRS and DoJ took more than two years.....and took it to five years.

Again, your logic doesn't work, OS. You can't turn this into protection for Hunter. The BEST outcome for Hunter was to indict him in early 2021, a few months after the inauguration.

That didn't come EVEN CLOSE to happening. I'm a reasonable man, OS. Recall that I told you BEFORE Mueller even started that I saw nothing that told me that Trump colluded with Russia. I can be swayed just fine by evidence and information with no trouble, and call balls and strikes. Its why every single poster knows perfectly well why the FBI and DoJ would investigate Hunter.....did you notice that? None of us are crying foul?

And believe me, I wish Hunter didn't have a corrupt Hollywood bailout to pay off his taxes and fines, because that would have meant taking ownership for his mistakes and crimes. Like a man. Instead of being yet another 1%ers who doesn't have to follow the rules that I follow.
So you don't believe the 2 WB's when they lay out how the investigation was delayed & thwarted ?
They were pushing to get it resolved before the SOL ran for 2014 & 2015 tax years.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Nope, if you don't report income, fraudulently, and the IRS doesn't find out about it, you don't get a pass after 6 years of the IRS not knowing's only when that income is reported or discovered that the IRS THEN has a six year window to make a charging decision...the story the whistleblowers tell is that they didn't know about the missing income until 2018...and finished investigating it by, the decision COULD have been made in the Trump DOJ, the Trump appointed AG, the Trump appointed prosecutors in each jurisdiction...but they didn't...if the decision really needed to be made when the Trump folks were in absolute control, they blew it...note, they COULD have indicted what they had complete and sufficient evidence about, and continued investigating other possible criminal activities so it wasn't because "other evidence was coming in"...I think the likelihood is that they preferred claiming that there was something more nefarious to be concerned about with Hunter...and the prosecutor know he really didn't have any credible evidence of such that he could bring to court...

But the window for pulling the trigger on the decision would have been until 2024 for criminal charges...and 2028 for civil charges.

The Trump appointed prosecutor is saying, under penalty of lying to Congress, that post Biden taking over, post the appointment of Garland as AG, he wasn't under any political pressure to make a different charging decision, that it was his to pursue...or not. And he did the deal he thought appropriate, given the restitution and plea.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:37 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:32 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:17 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:11 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:24 pm Free read & links of the tick rock, for afan & MDLF76, who maintain there was ample time for Barr to indict : ... n-shadows/

The Justice Department tends to pause any actions that would reveal the existence of an investigation involving a political candidate in an election year that could affect the outcome, “unless there’s a strong public interest that justifies taking action,” a former federal law enforcement official told The Post.

Because of the complexities involved, the Biden case would also have been difficult to resolve before the 2020 election, the official added.

...& Barr did not want to pull a Comey just before an election.
Nonsense. In what world does Hunter not paying his taxes have a single thing to do with Joe? You keep acting like this is an iRS investigation into Joe. It's not. Joe doesn't have thing one with whether or not his son pays his taxes in full, and on time. This is absurd.

Especially, as you're claiming, they were on the clock for expirations.

But even if you believe all these clearly stupid claims: in what world does coming out with Hunter's conviction in 2021-----right after the election, not help Joe Biden?

This "dragging of feet", as is claimed, has pulled this mess all the way to 2023. Which HURTS Joe Biden, because now all this stuff is in the headlines, with Republicans pretending that this stupid 2 year delay doesn't help them.

It's all ridiculous, OS. The logic here falls apart in about 100 different directions. If this Hunter thing came out in 2021? All we'd be talking about here in the summer of 2023 is the hot weather.

I don't buy any of it.
Who knows. Hunter might have gotten away with it had he filed his 2014 taxes. Maybe all the 1099's from his multiple shell companies for him & his exrended family, all his bogus business expenses & the multiple bank SRA's would have gone undetected. The IRS is very busy.
Great. So now we're back to you defending why the IRS and DoJ took more than two years.....and took it to five years.

Again, your logic doesn't work, OS. You can't turn this into protection for Hunter. The BEST outcome for Hunter was to indict him in early 2021, a few months after the inauguration.

That didn't come EVEN CLOSE to happening. I'm a reasonable man, OS. Recall that I told you BEFORE Mueller even started that I saw nothing that told me that Trump colluded with Russia. I can be swayed just fine by evidence and information with no trouble, and call balls and strikes. Its why every single poster knows perfectly well why the FBI and DoJ would investigate Hunter.....did you notice that? None of us are crying foul?

And believe me, I wish Hunter didn't have a corrupt Hollywood bailout to pay off his taxes and fines, because that would have meant taking ownership for his mistakes and crimes. Like a man. Instead of being yet another 1%ers who doesn't have to follow the rules that I follow.
So you don't believe the 2 WB's when they lay out how the investigation was delayed & thwarted ?
They were pushing to get it resolved before the SOL ran for 2014 & 2015 tax years.
Nope, if they had the goods on Hunter when they say they did, in 2020, that's on the Trump DOJ for not bringing the case...the Trump appointed prosecutor denies, to Congress in writing, a crime if he is lying, that he delayed post Biden/Garland because of political pressure.

Frankly, I think they just didn't ever have sufficient credible evidence, despite years and years of investigation, on some of these allegations and decided it just wasn't appropriate to continue to pursue them. The investigators didn't like hearing that the "evidence" they had provided wasn't going to stand up in court as convincing...happens all the time that investigators are frustrated by prosecutors.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:37 pm So you don't believe the 2 WB's when they lay out how the investigation was delayed & thwarted ?
They were pushing to get it resolved before the SOL ran.
Asked and answered: In what world does dragging this on until 2023 help Joe Biden? And do you remember how many times I pointed out to you that this investigation was taking an absurd amount of time? Do you remember what your response was?

More to the point: where is the Trump appointee, and Commissioner of the IRS, Rettig? He was there for this whole thing. Yet hilariously, he's not even so much as mentioned in this mess. Seems he'd be keen to hammer the DoJ for doing it wrong, no? one is even going to ask him what's up? No one in the media, or the House committee?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:45 pm Nope, if you don't report income, fraudulently, and the IRS doesn't find out about it, you don't get a pass after 6 years of the IRS not knowing's only when that income is reported or discovered that the IRS THEN has a six year window to make a charging decision...the story the whistleblowers tell is that they didn't know about the missing income until 2018...and finished investigating it by, the decision COULD have been made in the Trump DOJ, the Trump appointed AG, the Trump appointed prosecutors in each jurisdiction...but they didn't...if the decision really needed to be made when the Trump folks were in absolute control, they blew it...note, they COULD have indicted what they had complete and sufficient evidence about, and continued investigating other possible criminal activities so it wasn't because "other evidence was coming in"...I think the likelihood is that they preferred claiming that there was something more nefarious to be concerned about with Hunter...and the prosecutor know he really didn't have any credible evidence of such that he could bring to court...

But the window for pulling the trigger on the decision would have been until 2024 for criminal charges...and 2028 for civil charges.

The Trump appointed prosecutor is saying, under penalty of lying to Congress, that post Biden taking over, post the appointment of Garland as AG, he wasn't under any political pressure to make a different charging decision, that it was his to pursue...or not. And he did the deal he thought appropriate, given the restitution and plea.
Does the IRS work that fast ? When did the IRS first have indications that HB had unreported income for 2014 & failed to file for 2014 ?
Was it before his tax advisor finally convinced him to allow him to file returns for 2014 & 2015, presumably in Oct 2016 ?
What triggers did the IRS have to detect his failure to file before he actually did ? 1099's ? W-2's ?
Was that not the darkest period of his addiction when he was off the rails & off the grid ?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:50 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:37 pm So you don't believe the 2 WB's when they lay out how the investigation was delayed & thwarted ?
They were pushing to get it resolved before the SOL ran.
Asked and answered: In what world does dragging this on until 2023 help Joe Biden? And do you remember how many times I pointed out to you that this investigation was taking an absurd amount of time? Do you remember what your response was?

More to the point: where is the Trump appointee, and Commissioner of the IRS, Rettig? He was there for this whole thing. Yet hilariously, he's not even so much as mentioned in this mess. Seems he'd be keen to hammer the DoJ for doing it wrong, no? one is even going to ask him what's up? No one in the media, or the House committee?
To drag it out until the SOL for 2014 & 2015 ran, extend it beyond the 2020 & 2022 elections, then take a sweetheart plea deal before the 2024 election campaign begins, while publicly embracing Hunter at every opportunity.
The latest Biden family tragedy overcome, except for grandkid #7.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:01 pm To drag it out until the SOL for 2014 & 2015 ran, extend it beyond the 2020 & 2022 elections, then take a sweetheart plea deal before the 2024 election campaign begins, while publicly embracing Hunter at every opportunity.
The latest Biden family tragedy overcome, except for grandkid #7.
1. That's Barr's CHOICE, my man. There's nothing on the books...and if he explains that the man didn't pay his taxes, and the limitations are gonna run out? :lol: Who in the F is going to complain besides idiots?

2. Now you're back to explaining why, if they were covering for Hunter, they didn't rip the band aid off WAY before 2023.

It just doesn't hold water, no matter how much you try and force it. What's more, it's plain you know this, and are just spooling me up.

Enjoy your weekend!
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:55 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:45 pm Nope, if you don't report income, fraudulently, and the IRS doesn't find out about it, you don't get a pass after 6 years of the IRS not knowing's only when that income is reported or discovered that the IRS THEN has a six year window to make a charging decision...the story the whistleblowers tell is that they didn't know about the missing income until 2018...and finished investigating it by, the decision COULD have been made in the Trump DOJ, the Trump appointed AG, the Trump appointed prosecutors in each jurisdiction...but they didn't...if the decision really needed to be made when the Trump folks were in absolute control, they blew it...note, they COULD have indicted what they had complete and sufficient evidence about, and continued investigating other possible criminal activities so it wasn't because "other evidence was coming in"...I think the likelihood is that they preferred claiming that there was something more nefarious to be concerned about with Hunter...and the prosecutor know he really didn't have any credible evidence of such that he could bring to court...

But the window for pulling the trigger on the decision would have been until 2024 for criminal charges...and 2028 for civil charges.

The Trump appointed prosecutor is saying, under penalty of lying to Congress, that post Biden taking over, post the appointment of Garland as AG, he wasn't under any political pressure to make a different charging decision, that it was his to pursue...or not. And he did the deal he thought appropriate, given the restitution and plea.
Does the IRS work that fast ? When did the IRS first have indications that HB had unreported income for 2014 & failed to file for 2014 ?
Was it before his tax advisor finally convinced him to allow him to file returns for 2014 & 2015, presumably in Oct 2016 ?
What triggers did the IRS have to detect his failure to file before he actually did ? 1099's ? W-2's ?
Was that not the darkest period of his addiction when he was off the rails & off the grid ?
Not sure when the IRS could have known, but my understanding is that the IRS guys are saying that the income not reported at all wasn't; discovered until 2018.

Note, if tax returns are amended with the full income reported, the worst that typically happens is payment required with some penalties. If you come clean before the IRS knows there's an issue, and make payment, no big deal. Happens all the time.

But this is, if the IRS agents are to be believed, income not reported at all, hidden from view on purpose...and they didn't know (or think) that until 2018. The issue then becomes whether there really is such unreported income, how much it is, and whether the taxpayer is willing to make restitution. That needn't take very long, certainly not multiple years.

I do wonder whether anyone is open to considering whether the IRS is actually grossly underfunded, on purpose, such that complex, big money cases are so under staffed that it's just easier to find a settlement and let it go...or just move on to something easier. This actually would be in the "easier" category and wasn't 'big" money. But it was high profile, and the IRS likes to use profile cases to send a message. But this was way, way less money at stake than the typical high profile cases of tax avoidance.

Ironic that the MAGA GOP is so determined to reduce funding for, "de-fund", the IRS.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:22 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:01 pm To drag it out until the SOL for 2014 & 2015 ran, extend it beyond the 2020 & 2022 elections, then take a sweetheart plea deal before the 2024 election campaign begins, while publicly embracing Hunter at every opportunity.
The latest Biden family tragedy overcome, except for grandkid #7.
1. That's Barr's CHOICE, my man. There's nothing on the books...and if he explains that the man didn't pay his taxes, and the limitations are gonna run out? :lol: Who in the F is going to complain besides idiots?

2. Now you're back to explaining why, if they were covering for Hunter, they didn't rip the band aid off WAY before 2023.

It just doesn't hold water, no matter how much you try and force it. What's more, it's plain you know this, and are just spooling me up.

Enjoy your weekend!
That wasn't Barr's CHOICE. It was his BELIEF which prompted him to return to Govt service. That the DoJ (most visibly via Comey's FBI) had interfered in the 2016 election campaign, influenced the outcome, then sabotaged the incoming Presidency.
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