Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

The contents of hunters laptop were hand delivered to rg in the middle of a presidential campaign.

That is the complete opposite of suppression.

And sketchy af. And likely illegal.

I’m surprised it took hunter so long to getting around to suing the blind computer dude for privacy violation.

Hunter was a crack head and a sleazy dirtbag with a famous dad.

After five years of investigation by a trump appointee there’s no evidence of anything more than that.

Why do all you trumpers have such difficulty with facts and reality. Super weird. Turn off news max, get out of mommy’s basement, and go outside to experience the real world. It will be good for you.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:55 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:35 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:40 am The laptop issue is very simple. It is either HBs laptop or it is not. That is the most basic question that should be answered.
Not simple at all. I can put ANYTHING on a laptop. So can you. Not only do we not know it was his.....even if it was at some point...anyone can put anything they like on it that they want.

This is a non-story. October surprise. Dirty tricks.

We'll see more of this stuff in the future, sadly.
Your words.

Doesn't sound like "good, he SHOULD be investigated" type of narrative, now does it ? :lol: :lol:
Giuliani gave this story ONLY to the NYPost, RRR. So the time of this post? We had to take Giuliani and the NYPost word for it that this was really Hunter's laptop. At the time I wrote that? Not even the NYPost's own writers would sign the story, because they couldn't verify anything.

Stand by every word I wrote. Every word.

If you're too far gone to understand why i wouldn't believe a single word Giuliani said? Good luck with that, is all I have to say.

All the Post and/or Giuliani had to do is release the whole thing, and let everyone decide for themselves. They didn't, because they wanted to control the story themselves.

And you want to whine and complain because we didn't believe the slimeball ball that is Rudy Giuliani.

Whine away, RR. You're REALLY good at it.....
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

ggait wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:47 pm The contents of hunters laptop were hand delivered to rg in the middle of a presidential campaign.

That is the complete opposite of suppression.

And sketchy af. And likely illegal.

I’m surprised it took hunter so long to getting around to suing the blind computer dude for privacy violation.

Hunter was a crack head and a sleazy dirtbag with a famous dad.

After five years of investigation by a trump appointee there’s no evidence of anything more than that.

Why do all you trumpers have such difficulty with facts and reality. Super weird. Turn off news max, get out of mommy’s basement, and go outside to experience the real world. It will be good for you.
RRR knows all this. He's trying to pick a fight and take his day out on us. He just needs fresh air and good lacrosse game......
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Trump appointed US Attorney David Weiss, overseeing the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, sent a letter to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan on June 7 obtained by CNN making clear AG Garland granted him "ultimate authority" on Hunter criminal probe.

Garland told Gym the exact same thing.

Garland has approved Weiss testifying in Congress to Gym, where he would tell Gym (again) what Gym already knows.

Weiss has shown no inclination to charge Hunter anywhere outside of DE. If he wanted to do that, he'd just follow a couple simple procedures:

A. Weiss asks the USA in the other jurisdiction to approve the charges. Which happens hundreds of times every forking day in DOJ. #federalism

B. Weiss asks Garland to make him a special counsel, since SC's have plenary jurisdiction.

Weiss did neither of those. Not because he was suppressed. But because he didn't see anything there.

But go ahead and take a bunch more red pills so you can believe Jacketless Gym. Who has such an awesome record of under-promising and over-delivering, right? Maybe we should get Garland to hire Durham to spend another four years to come up with another airball.

And even that wouldn't satisfy you. Because, to quote Jack Nicholson, you just can't handle the truth.

RRR -- MAGA drunk loser.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt » ... y-4ae9aef0

Throw Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal in the Trash
The IRS whistleblowers say Justice sabotaged the investigation, so how can the agreement stand?
By Eileen J. O’Connor, June 27, 2023

Supervisory Special Agent Gary A. Shapley Jr., a 14-year veteran of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Division, sat on May 26 for hours of sworn and transcribed testimony with members of the majority and minority staffs of the House Ways and Means Committee. On June 1, an IRS criminal investigator who chose to remain anonymous did the same. These whistleblowers came forward because they believe that Attorney General Merrick Garland gave false assurances to Congress when he testified that he had empowered U.S. Attorney David Weiss with full authority to investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal activity and bring any resulting charges.

The plea agreement reportedly reached between Mr. Weiss and the president’s son gives credence to the whistleblowers’ statements. The judge to whom that agreement is presented on July 26 ought to consider rejecting it.

IRS special agents are the agency’s criminal investigators. They are the best in the world at tracking down the proceeds of crime. Because of this, they are frequently invited by other federal law-enforcement agencies to participate in matters far removed from tax crimes. They work hand-in-glove with assistant U.S. attorneys and Justice Department tax prosecutors to obtain search warrants and other authorizations necessary to explore leads.

The IRS opened its investigation into Hunter Biden in November 2018 as an offshoot of an investigation it was conducting of a foreign-based amateur online pornography platform. In October 2019 the Federal Bureau of Investigation learned of certain devices, including laptops, that had been abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop. According to Mr. Shapley, FBI agents had confirmed within weeks that the devices belonged to Mr. Biden and that their contents were authentic. After taking possession of the devices in December 2019, FBI agents notified the IRS that they likely contained evidence of tax crimes. Notwithstanding this notification and that the FBI had legitimate possession of the devices and unfettered access to their contents, Mr. Shapley’s testimony describes how prosecutors never permitted the IRS special agents to examine them.

This is only one of the roadblocks the whistleblowers claim prosecutors threw in the way of their investigation into Mr. Biden’s financial dealings. The IRS special agents testified that they requested and were denied permission to search the guest house at Joe Biden’s Delaware mansion and the storage locker Hunter Biden maintained in Northern Virginia. The whistleblowers claim they had reason to believe they would find records in those locations of at least some of the numerous pass-through entities that reportedly served as conduits for illicit and likely unreported payments to Hunter Biden and possibly other members of his family.

Federal rules provide that the government generally must prosecute an offense in the district in which it was committed. Charges brought in an improper venue can be dismissed. U.S. attorneys are the chief federal law enforcement officers for their districts. When a U.S. attorney discovers crimes that need to be charged in another district, he generally transfers the case and, if necessary, details some of his own staff to handle it.

By June 2021, Mr. Weiss’s prosecution team had gathered enough evidence to understand that Delaware wasn’t the proper venue in which to prosecute Hunter Biden’s tax crimes. Crimes allegedly committed in 2014 and 2015 would have to be charged in the District of Columbia and those allegedly committed 2016-19 would have to be charged in the Central District of California.

According to the whistleblowers’ testimony, the U.S. attorneys in the capital and Central California refused Mr. Weiss’s requests to charge Hunter Biden in their districts. Mr. Shapley testified that Mr. Weiss then asked “Main DOJ” to name him special counsel and was denied—possibly not for the first time. In March testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee the attorney general said that although he hadn’t made Mr. Weiss special counsel, he had given Mr. Weiss all the authority he needed to bring charges in any district he deemed appropriate.

But on Oct. 7, 2022, Mr. Shapley claims, Mr. Weiss declared in a meeting of the prosecution team that in fact he wasn’t the final decision maker with respect to charges that might be brought against Hunter Biden. It was this statement that shocked and troubled Mr. Shapley such that he braved the consequences of becoming a whistleblower and sought legal counsel on how to do so.

The Justice Department’s alleged foot-dragging and refusal to permit IRS special agents to follow the evidence allowed the statutes of limitations for 2014 and 2015 to expire, notwithstanding that Mr. Biden’s defense counsel had, according to Mr. Shapley, agreed to more than one extension. Far worse, Mr. Garland’s failure to designate Mr. Weiss a special counsel essentially guaranteed that Mr. Biden wouldn’t be prosecuted for any of his alleged tax crimes.

The “criminal information”—the charging document in the absence of an indictment—prepared by Mr. Weiss’s office, to which Hunter Biden will reportedly plead on July 26, states that Mr. Biden received but didn’t pay federal taxes on “taxable income in excess of $1,500,000.00” in 2017 and in 2018. House Oversight Committee Republicans claim to have seen Treasury Department suspicious-activity reports suggesting that Mr. Biden received vastly more than that during the years the IRS was investigating.

Judges can reject plea agreements. That would be an appropriate disposition here. And Congress, in fulfillment of its oversight obligation, must learn and share with the American public what evidence the IRS gathered, what evidence its agents weren’t permitted to obtain, and what charges might have been brought if they had.

Ms. O’Connor, a Washington lawyer, headed the U.S. Justice Department’s tax division, 2001-07. Jay Starkman contributed to this article.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:45 pm ... y-4ae9aef0

Throw Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal in the Trash
The IRS whistleblowers say Justice sabotaged the investigation, so how can the agreement stand?
By Eileen J. O’Connor, June 27, 2023

Supervisory Special Agent Gary A. Shapley Jr., a 14-year veteran of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Division, sat on May 26 for hours of sworn and transcribed testimony with members of the majority and minority staffs of the House Ways and Means Committee. On June 1, an IRS criminal investigator who chose to remain anonymous did the same. These whistleblowers came forward because they believe that Attorney General Merrick Garland gave false assurances to Congress when he testified that he had empowered U.S. Attorney David Weiss with full authority to investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal activity and bring any resulting charges.

The plea agreement reportedly reached between Mr. Weiss and the president’s son gives credence to the whistleblowers’ statements. The judge to whom that agreement is presented on July 26 ought to consider rejecting it.

IRS special agents are the agency’s criminal investigators. They are the best in the world at tracking down the proceeds of crime. Because of this, they are frequently invited by other federal law-enforcement agencies to participate in matters far removed from tax crimes. They work hand-in-glove with assistant U.S. attorneys and Justice Department tax prosecutors to obtain search warrants and other authorizations necessary to explore leads.

The IRS opened its investigation into Hunter Biden in November 2018 as an offshoot of an investigation it was conducting of a foreign-based amateur online pornography platform. In October 2019 the Federal Bureau of Investigation learned of certain devices, including laptops, that had been abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop. According to Mr. Shapley, FBI agents had confirmed within weeks that the devices belonged to Mr. Biden and that their contents were authentic. After taking possession of the devices in December 2019, FBI agents notified the IRS that they likely contained evidence of tax crimes. Notwithstanding this notification and that the FBI had legitimate possession of the devices and unfettered access to their contents, Mr. Shapley’s testimony describes how prosecutors never permitted the IRS special agents to examine them.

This is only one of the roadblocks the whistleblowers claim prosecutors threw in the way of their investigation into Mr. Biden’s financial dealings. The IRS special agents testified that they requested and were denied permission to search the guest house at Joe Biden’s Delaware mansion and the storage locker Hunter Biden maintained in Northern Virginia. The whistleblowers claim they had reason to believe they would find records in those locations of at least some of the numerous pass-through entities that reportedly served as conduits for illicit and likely unreported payments to Hunter Biden and possibly other members of his family.

Federal rules provide that the government generally must prosecute an offense in the district in which it was committed. Charges brought in an improper venue can be dismissed. U.S. attorneys are the chief federal law enforcement officers for their districts. When a U.S. attorney discovers crimes that need to be charged in another district, he generally transfers the case and, if necessary, details some of his own staff to handle it.

By June 2021, Mr. Weiss’s prosecution team had gathered enough evidence to understand that Delaware wasn’t the proper venue in which to prosecute Hunter Biden’s tax crimes. Crimes allegedly committed in 2014 and 2015 would have to be charged in the District of Columbia and those allegedly committed 2016-19 would have to be charged in the Central District of California.

According to the whistleblowers’ testimony, the U.S. attorneys in the capital and Central California refused Mr. Weiss’s requests to charge Hunter Biden in their districts. Mr. Shapley testified that Mr. Weiss then asked “Main DOJ” to name him special counsel and was denied—possibly not for the first time. In March testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee the attorney general said that although he hadn’t made Mr. Weiss special counsel, he had given Mr. Weiss all the authority he needed to bring charges in any district he deemed appropriate.

But on Oct. 7, 2022, Mr. Shapley claims, Mr. Weiss declared in a meeting of the prosecution team that in fact he wasn’t the final decision maker with respect to charges that might be brought against Hunter Biden. It was this statement that shocked and troubled Mr. Shapley such that he braved the consequences of becoming a whistleblower and sought legal counsel on how to do so.

The Justice Department’s alleged foot-dragging and refusal to permit IRS special agents to follow the evidence allowed the statutes of limitations for 2014 and 2015 to expire, notwithstanding that Mr. Biden’s defense counsel had, according to Mr. Shapley, agreed to more than one extension. Far worse, Mr. Garland’s failure to designate Mr. Weiss a special counsel essentially guaranteed that Mr. Biden wouldn’t be prosecuted for any of his alleged tax crimes.

The “criminal information”—the charging document in the absence of an indictment—prepared by Mr. Weiss’s office, to which Hunter Biden will reportedly plead on July 26, states that Mr. Biden received but didn’t pay federal taxes on “taxable income in excess of $1,500,000.00” in 2017 and in 2018. House Oversight Committee Republicans claim to have seen Treasury Department suspicious-activity reports suggesting that Mr. Biden received vastly more than that during the years the IRS was investigating.

Judges can reject plea agreements. That would be an appropriate disposition here. And Congress, in fulfillment of its oversight obligation, must learn and share with the American public what evidence the IRS gathered, what evidence its agents weren’t permitted to obtain, and what charges might have been brought if they had.

Ms. O’Connor, a Washington lawyer, headed the U.S. Justice Department’s tax division, 2001-07. Jay Starkman contributed to this article.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Hey MAGAs.

Care to explain why the IRS whistleblower is refusing to communicate with the Senate Finance Committee? Which has jurisdiction over these matters.

The dude can help but blurt out his somewhat lame narrative in front of Gym Jordan’s committee. But won’t even talk privately with the relevant folks on the senate side.

So strange. Why would that be? Any guesses magas?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:57 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:45 pm ... y-4ae9aef0

Throw Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal in the Trash
The IRS whistleblowers say Justice sabotaged the investigation, so how can the agreement stand?
By Eileen J. O’Connor, June 27, 2023

Supervisory Special Agent Gary A. Shapley Jr., a 14-year veteran of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Division, sat on May 26 for hours of sworn and transcribed testimony with members of the majority and minority staffs of the House Ways and Means Committee. On June 1, an IRS criminal investigator who chose to remain anonymous did the same. These whistleblowers came forward because they believe that Attorney General Merrick Garland gave false assurances to Congress when he testified that he had empowered U.S. Attorney David Weiss with full authority to investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged criminal activity and bring any resulting charges.

The plea agreement reportedly reached between Mr. Weiss and the president’s son gives credence to the whistleblowers’ statements. The judge to whom that agreement is presented on July 26 ought to consider rejecting it.

IRS special agents are the agency’s criminal investigators. They are the best in the world at tracking down the proceeds of crime. Because of this, they are frequently invited by other federal law-enforcement agencies to participate in matters far removed from tax crimes. They work hand-in-glove with assistant U.S. attorneys and Justice Department tax prosecutors to obtain search warrants and other authorizations necessary to explore leads.

The IRS opened its investigation into Hunter Biden in November 2018 as an offshoot of an investigation it was conducting of a foreign-based amateur online pornography platform. In October 2019 the Federal Bureau of Investigation learned of certain devices, including laptops, that had been abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop. According to Mr. Shapley, FBI agents had confirmed within weeks that the devices belonged to Mr. Biden and that their contents were authentic. After taking possession of the devices in December 2019, FBI agents notified the IRS that they likely contained evidence of tax crimes. Notwithstanding this notification and that the FBI had legitimate possession of the devices and unfettered access to their contents, Mr. Shapley’s testimony describes how prosecutors never permitted the IRS special agents to examine them.

This is only one of the roadblocks the whistleblowers claim prosecutors threw in the way of their investigation into Mr. Biden’s financial dealings. The IRS special agents testified that they requested and were denied permission to search the guest house at Joe Biden’s Delaware mansion and the storage locker Hunter Biden maintained in Northern Virginia. The whistleblowers claim they had reason to believe they would find records in those locations of at least some of the numerous pass-through entities that reportedly served as conduits for illicit and likely unreported payments to Hunter Biden and possibly other members of his family.

Federal rules provide that the government generally must prosecute an offense in the district in which it was committed. Charges brought in an improper venue can be dismissed. U.S. attorneys are the chief federal law enforcement officers for their districts. When a U.S. attorney discovers crimes that need to be charged in another district, he generally transfers the case and, if necessary, details some of his own staff to handle it.

By June 2021, Mr. Weiss’s prosecution team had gathered enough evidence to understand that Delaware wasn’t the proper venue in which to prosecute Hunter Biden’s tax crimes. Crimes allegedly committed in 2014 and 2015 would have to be charged in the District of Columbia and those allegedly committed 2016-19 would have to be charged in the Central District of California.

According to the whistleblowers’ testimony, the U.S. attorneys in the capital and Central California refused Mr. Weiss’s requests to charge Hunter Biden in their districts. Mr. Shapley testified that Mr. Weiss then asked “Main DOJ” to name him special counsel and was denied—possibly not for the first time. In March testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee the attorney general said that although he hadn’t made Mr. Weiss special counsel, he had given Mr. Weiss all the authority he needed to bring charges in any district he deemed appropriate.

But on Oct. 7, 2022, Mr. Shapley claims, Mr. Weiss declared in a meeting of the prosecution team that in fact he wasn’t the final decision maker with respect to charges that might be brought against Hunter Biden. It was this statement that shocked and troubled Mr. Shapley such that he braved the consequences of becoming a whistleblower and sought legal counsel on how to do so.

The Justice Department’s alleged foot-dragging and refusal to permit IRS special agents to follow the evidence allowed the statutes of limitations for 2014 and 2015 to expire, notwithstanding that Mr. Biden’s defense counsel had, according to Mr. Shapley, agreed to more than one extension. Far worse, Mr. Garland’s failure to designate Mr. Weiss a special counsel essentially guaranteed that Mr. Biden wouldn’t be prosecuted for any of his alleged tax crimes.

The “criminal information”—the charging document in the absence of an indictment—prepared by Mr. Weiss’s office, to which Hunter Biden will reportedly plead on July 26, states that Mr. Biden received but didn’t pay federal taxes on “taxable income in excess of $1,500,000.00” in 2017 and in 2018. House Oversight Committee Republicans claim to have seen Treasury Department suspicious-activity reports suggesting that Mr. Biden received vastly more than that during the years the IRS was investigating.

Judges can reject plea agreements. That would be an appropriate disposition here. And Congress, in fulfillment of its oversight obligation, must learn and share with the American public what evidence the IRS gathered, what evidence its agents weren’t permitted to obtain, and what charges might have been brought if they had.

Ms. O’Connor, a Washington lawyer, headed the U.S. Justice Department’s tax division, 2001-07. Jay Starkman contributed to this article.
🍷 🧀 🎻
... this will go nowhere because Shapley isn't a whistleblower, he is a republiCON tool who worked for Barr and before that Trump's WH lawyer. His claim will only fool other republiCON tools. :roll:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

I keep hearing all of this whining about it took 5 years to complete this investigation into Hunters taxes. Well who is responsible for the delay? What motivation would the investigators have to slow roll their findings? They concluded Hunters shady tax returns justified felony charges. If I'm reading correctly from an article from yesterday some of these delays allowed statutes of limitations on this case expire. What a coincidence that would be. :D
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:30 pm Trump appointed US Attorney David Weiss, overseeing the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, sent a letter to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan on June 7 obtained by CNN making clear AG Garland granted him "ultimate authority" on Hunter criminal probe.

Garland told Gym the exact same thing.

Garland has approved Weiss testifying in Congress to Gym, where he would tell Gym (again) what Gym already knows.

Weiss has shown no inclination to charge Hunter anywhere outside of DE. If he wanted to do that, he'd just follow a couple simple procedures:

A. Weiss asks the USA in the other jurisdiction to approve the charges. Which happens hundreds of times every forking day in DOJ. #federalism

B. Weiss asks Garland to make him a special counsel, since SC's have plenary jurisdiction.

Weiss did neither of those. Not because he was suppressed. But because he didn't see anything there.

But go ahead and take a bunch more red pills so you can believe Jacketless Gym. Who has such an awesome record of under-promising and over-delivering, right? Maybe we should get Garland to hire Durham to spend another four years to come up with another airball.

And even that wouldn't satisfy you. Because, to quote Jack Nicholson, you just can't handle the truth.

RRR -- MAGA drunk loser.
good chuckle.....and matnum will just let it slide. always does.

Wish US Senator (NJ) Booker got the nod instead of Biden. (he voted NAY on supporting the killing machine industry....sure you looked at that post yesterday :lol:

yeah......that IS me......big MAGA supporter :roll: .

What an illogical thing to write.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:39 am I keep hearing all of this whining about it took 5 years to complete this investigation into Hunters taxes. Well who is responsible for the delay? What motivation would the investigators have to slow roll their findings? They concluded Hunters shady tax returns justified felony charges. If I'm reading correctly from an article from yesterday some of these delays allowed statutes of limitations on this case expire. What a coincidence that would be. :D
I saw the , for the first time, naked pictures of Hunter holding a gun.

Mentally ill.

Same for those that continue to defend him, and his dad.

Now, where IS that "defense of marriage act" video clip that TLD always posts. Only the best, right dems.

"marriage is between a man and a woman" says US Senator Joe Biden. Yeah....that guy is POTUSA. Guess we all can change :lol: :lol: ... iage-2006/

ggait seems to approve of snopes.
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hard to find any video

Post by runrussellrun »

Maybe TLD can help find a better video.

"marriage is between a man and a woman "......

only the best, eh killing machine Dems :lol:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Another rando dumb as rocks post by 3r.

Not sure what gay marriage has to do with hunter.


Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law in 1996. 27% support then for ss marriage. Today 71%.

So Biden, Clinton and most of us on here were among the half of the country who changed their minds.

Leave mommies basement. Go outside. You’ll feel better.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:28 am Another rando dumb as rocks post by 3r.

Not sure what gay marriage has to do with hunter.


Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law in 1996. 27% support then for ss marriage. Today 71%.

So Biden, Clinton and most of us on here were among the half of the country who changed their minds.

Leave mommies basement. Go outside. You’ll feel better.
apply your rationale, and words, to say........the tRump family
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:47 am
ggait wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:28 am Another rando dumb as rocks post by 3r.

Not sure what gay marriage has to do with hunter.


Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law in 1996. 27% support then for ss marriage. Today 71%.

So Biden, Clinton and most of us on here were among the half of the country who changed their minds.

Leave mommies basement. Go outside. You’ll feel better.
apply your rationale, and words, to say........the tRump family
Can't. This is the Hunter Biden thread. If you post about Trump here, this guy RRR comes in and loses his mind over it.

(you're posting wrong according to RRR, my man)
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

and we all know what will happen to your reported post.

RRR HIGH loser

well, you wrote drunk, but that was then.

I predict, only a warning, as always

others post a link: BAM.....putinlike banishment

not saying you're not wrong. a very accurate statement.

for others that don't is just a bad look. think the "security" on this website IS top notch? :lol: I know who you are too...... ;)
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:49 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:47 am
ggait wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:28 am Another rando dumb as rocks post by 3r.

Not sure what gay marriage has to do with hunter.


Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law in 1996. 27% support then for ss marriage. Today 71%.

So Biden, Clinton and most of us on here were among the half of the country who changed their minds.

Leave mommies basement. Go outside. You’ll feel better.
apply your rationale, and words, to say........the tRump family
Can't. This is the Hunter Biden thread. If you post about Trump here, this guy RRR comes in and loses his mind over it.

(you're posting wrong according to RRR, my man)
or, if you are posting about gay marriage.

afan.....the "not sure..." quote is NOT rrr's.

guess this guy is upset, that I am posting wrong
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:56 am or, if you are posting about gay marriage.
Nope. That's not RRR's rule, my man.

This is the Hunter thread. If you post about Trump here, you're "posting wrong" according to RRR.

Follow your rules, RRR.

As for me: how about that Trump guy? Any thoughts, RRR? Other than "it's not hip or edgy to discuss a President's policies or actions."

Are we allowed to talk about Biden? Or is that not "substack hip" enough? I've lost track. Please advise.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:40 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:56 am or, if you are posting about gay marriage.
Nope. That's not RRR's rule, my man.

This is the Hunter thread. If you post about Trump here, you're "posting wrong" according to RRR.

Follow your rules, RRR.

As for me: how about that Trump guy? Any thoughts, RRR? Other than "it's not hip or edgy to discuss a President's policies or actions."

Are we allowed to talk about Biden? Or is that not "substack hip" enough? I've lost track. Please advise.
what an interesting response
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:59 am
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:40 am
runrussellrun wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:56 am or, if you are posting about gay marriage.
Nope. That's not RRR's rule, my man.

This is the Hunter thread. If you post about Trump here, you're "posting wrong" according to RRR.

Follow your rules, RRR.

As for me: how about that Trump guy? Any thoughts, RRR? Other than "it's not hip or edgy to discuss a President's policies or actions."

Are we allowed to talk about Biden? Or is that not "substack hip" enough? I've lost track. Please advise.
what an interesting response
Indeed. Keep telling everyone on the forum how, what, and when to post. It's great.

You should yell at MDlax more for posting 'too late" into Pride month.

You still didn't answer my question. Is criticizing Biden hip enough for you? Or should I stick to anti-vaccine YouTube stars?
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