The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by SCLaxAttack »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm
a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 11:15 am
a fan wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 11:54 pm
old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:55 pm I only engage when you quote me (notification) or call me out by name in one of your posts.
Flat out lie. Just like with not calling anyone a snowflake or whining about cancel culture.
Again. I was referring to the discussion on this issue, not to the entirety of my time on this forum.
That should have been obvious.
Still lying. Both for the snowflake, and for you "I only engage" claim.

I sent you the Pm telling you I'd leave you alone. You kept engaging me, even though I didn't quote you or name you. You did it a few times before I finally said to myself "message received, he wants me to keep posting with me", like any rational person would.

a fan wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 12:53 pm I no longer do, since you've made it your mission to play your (R) vs (D) score keeping game, rather than consider each issue as an independent variable.
This is the center of you and your personality, and explains everything. You don't want to be held responsible for any of your past posts. You want to wallow in your hypocrisy, and not get called out for the fact that your values and moral shift and move according to which party we are discussing.

You're upset that I have noticed you do this. Other posters like TLD and MDLax know you do this, too.

But at the same time you do this? You tell us you want an honest conversation....which is a lie.

What you want to do is sling mud at Dems, while protecting your precious Republican Party. So you do things like yell at your fellow posters for daring to call out Trump's corruption in Scotland, while at the same time, you call Hunter's briefcase "evidence", and get mad if anyone dares get in the way of that laptop. It's insane.

Sorry man, you're on a forum. and you're gonna get called out for intellectual dishonesty.

The part that doesn't occur to you? You can stop being hypocritical with political parties. YOU can control that. Stop doing it, and I'll stop calling you out for it. Your posts don't exist in a vacuum, sorry.

old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:01 pm When I asked you to back off before, you refused. You said it was your mission.
I'm not going to let you be hypocritical, sorry, no.

But after I wrote that? I sent you the PM. You refused that offer, too. So here we are.
old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:01 pm I made no such claim.
:lol: Yeah. Ya asked me for proof of my claim. Here ya go....
old salt wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 6:31 pm I did not call you out. I simply asked for examples. I could not recall seeing any such commercials. Now that you've provided examples, I still don't recall having seen them. Based on the article you linked, they were not widely viewed or aired. They were narrowly targeted.
:lol: Thank you for proving my point. We go around and around because you ALWAYS have some dumb excuse for being wrong.

You can't say "they were narrowly targeted". The social influencer? Wasn't on TV at all. By definition, it's more "narrowly targeted".

How did you hear about it, OS? Did you, unprompted, go to her YouTube channel? :lol: F no.

You heard about it from RIGHTWINGNUTJOBLAND in your RightWIngMediaFeed. You made it go viral.

Now your team is complaining that it went viral after taking it viral.

If you had left it alone, as you did with the 2014 piece, and not taken it viral? It would be the EXACT same thing as the 2014 would have never seen or heard about it. Which is, for the 10th time, the ENTIRE point to this thread.

And you're pretending you're too stupid to understand this.

old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:01 pm Because I did not want to get into a back & forth (like this)
Right. So concede the point, and move on. You're unable to do this. YOU are the problem, not me.

Again, you can't answer the question: when was the last time you conceded a point I made, and just shut the F up? No equivocations. No bullsh(t. Just concede the point, and move on.

But sure, it's MY fault, and you have NOTHING to do with going round and round and round. :roll:
old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:01 pm If it was a "big campaign", I would have seen the commercials or the specialty packaged product. I'm not an Ellen or Ru Paul viewer.
What are you, five years old? This is the most boomer comment you've ever made. "I didn't see the ads, therefore it wasn't shown".

:lol: Are your viewing habits the same as a 21-35 year old male? Gosh, i hope not. Protip: I didn't see it, either. I don't watch enough TV to notice ads. I can't remember the last time I saw the Superbowl live. We're not the target audience, OS. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
old salt wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:01 pm They did not attain Clydesdale or Spuds McKenzie viewership.
That's right. Why?

Becuase of my point: you and your team didn't take it viral. Which, for the 100th time, is the entire point to this thread.

Take a knee, move on.

F no. THIS is why we go round and round. Next time? All you have to write is "huh, I didn't see those 2014 ads, you're right". And then guess what? The freaking conversation is over. We move on. And chalk it up to a Xmas miracle that you were able to admit you learned something, or that you were (gasp) wrong.
old salt wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 6:31 pm ...give me a break. The whole point of Dylan's ads were that (s)he's openly trans & celebrating it.
That's the point given to you by TeamRightWingNutJob.

That's like saying the point Kim Kardashian is making is that she's openly straight, and celebrating it. You don't notice Kardashian's sexual preferences because you support it. The problem isn't Dylan. The problem is you and your fellow Americans who take even a millisecond worrying about who someone they never met sleeps with. For all you know, Dylan could like to sleep with women. Why would a man your age....or any Do you need more hobbies?

Your wife sleeps with men. Should I ostracize her because I think it's weird to sleep with men? :roll:

You're giving me a homophobic interpretation of what the Ad (it's not an Ad, but whatever) is about. The Ad is actually about Budweiser. Or do you think that Anheuser Busch paid a few million dollars with the intent of selling Clydesdale horses on those 9/11 ads?
Again -- my snowflaker denial was in reference to the recent discussion on this topic.
Doing your word search, you'll find I used "snowflake" (in my words), once, > 2 years ago, as an adjective, on an entirely different topic.
The rest of the search hits were for others using it in quote chains. Nice try.

I re-engaged with you in a non-confrontational manner, sticking to just the subject matter.
It was not long before you dragged us down another rabbit hole, personalizing it & making it a (R) vs (D) thing.
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.

I'm homophobic because I'm not sexually attracted to men, but if I was, it would be genetic. Okie dokie.
If I'm trapped in the out of touch boomer fringe, why are A-B's sales tanking ?
You don't hire a social media influencer unless you want your message to go viral.
Don't blame this on "my team". A-B got the attention they paid for.

On the A-B / Dylan issue. I reopened discussion just to update the impact it's having on A-B sales & what they're trying to do.
You immediately began deflecting & diverting, trying to tell us that this is business as usual, blaming it on "my team" & ignoring the impact on sales.
Who's gaslighting on this issue ?
It’s absolutely genetic. What kind of person would subject themselves to the derision and prejudice the LGBTQ+ have to deal with every day if their sexuality or presentation were choices?
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:10 pm They didn’t hire Dylan. This is nonsense that’s been established. In fact there wasn’t even any request or suggesting they use the can publicly. Just nonsense liek so much of what is spewed by some hereS.

Then it’s some bi**h a** claim of “oh don’t hold me to the words I use” or the pathetic I was joking/don’t take me seriously approach. I have adopted the latter. Whatever was is no more. That’s clear, some people just throw away the food they may have done in life. Going down in a flame like Jack Kerouac.

Dishonest and or a feeble mind. Doesn’t matter.
Pay attention. The ad exec who initiated the campaign has been relieved & is on leave.
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:12 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm I'm homophobic because I'm not sexually attracted to men, but if I was, it would be genetic. Okie dokie.
It’s absolutely genetic. What kind of person would subject themselves to the derision and prejudice the LGBTQ+ have to deal with every day if their sexuality or presentation were choices?
I'm referring to the double standard.
If you"re attracted to other men, it's ok, because it's genetic.
If the thought of sexual relations with another man creeps you out, you're homophobic.
Do our genes only transmit signals in one direction ?
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:16 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:10 pm They didn’t hire Dylan. This is nonsense that’s been established. In fact there wasn’t even any request or suggesting they use the can publicly. Just nonsense liek so much of what is spewed by some hereS.

Then it’s some bi**h a** claim of “oh don’t hold me to the words I use” or the pathetic I was joking/don’t take me seriously approach. I have adopted the latter. Whatever was is no more. That’s clear, some people just throw away the food they may have done in life. Going down in a flame like Jack Kerouac.

Dishonest and or a feeble mind. Doesn’t matter.
Pay attention. The ad exec who initiated the campaign has been relieved & is on leave.
Yes I dropped a long piece in about it. And know more than you do clearly about the situation. I’ve paid attention your just a drooling fool or a liar.

Idiot believes the CEO or C suite guy is going to take the fall. The piece the WSJ did was a heuristic pr battle between the CEO and Allison. Of course they out her on leave.

You’re still dead wrong and a clown.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
a fan
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm Again -- my snowflaker denial was in reference to the recent discussion on this topic.
Doing your word search, you'll find I used "snowflake" (in my words), once, > 2 years ago, as an adjective, on an entirely different topic.
The rest of the search hits were for others using it in quote chains. Nice try.
Right. You "forgot" to mention your use of cancel culture.

Your retort is more gaslighting. The translation here is: you used the words, but have excuses as to why, as always. Let's move on.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm I re-engaged with you in a non-confrontational manner, sticking to just the subject matter.
It was not long before you dragged us down another rabbit hole, personalizing it & making it a (R) vs (D) thing.
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.
Buffalo bagels More gaslighting. When someone opens a PM, the sender gets a "sent" notice. It's in my "sent" box from posting....

To old salt Sent: Mon May 08, 2023 12:44 pm

Want me to post it to the class? It's a perfectly nice note. But don't tell me you didn't see it. Everyone here has a "sent" box that tells you a poster opened it. It sits in the "out" box until they open it.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm I'm homophobic because I'm not sexually attracted to men, but if I was, it would be genetic. Okie dokie.
Never called YOU homophobic.

What I wrote, and I quote, was "You're giving me a homophobic interpretation of what the Ad (it's not an Ad, but whatever) is about"
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm If I'm trapped in the out of touch boomer fringe, why are A-B's sales tanking ?
A. Because RightWIngAmerica gets the same feed, which is why it went viral, and came across your desk

Or are you telling me that you routinely check Dylan's YouTube channel?

B. Because to the shock of no one, there are millions of homophobic men in America, insecure with their sexuality. Why do you think that the birth of Lite Beer (watered down beer for men who can't handle flavor) featured athletes and tough guys? Because they had to "Butch-up" Lite beer so that other men didn't make fun of them. Dead serious. You can read about it history of advertising books. All fruit from the same sad tree. Grow up, is my message to all of you.

C. Same reason that businesses were punished for hiring or featuring black men in advertising: You want to punish Dylan for daring to step out of the closet and live her life. Pretty simple. Again, you still can't answer: why would you POSSIBLY care who Dylan sleeps with? Do you not understand how weird that is? You're more interested in who he sleeps far....than I am. What does that say about you?

D. As Dmac wisely pointed out, there are regular Bud Lite drinkers who reasonably don't want anything to do with this stupid mess.

E. Drink American beer. Works for me. The ONLY sad part of this is the motivation you and your crew has, where you want to punish someone for coming out of the closet and making a living just like all the other pointless "influencers" in the world. There's no other reason to cheer what's happening. It's sad to watch. You shouldn't care about this at all. But you do. Clearly.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm You don't hire a social media influencer unless you want your message to go viral.
Don't blame this on "my team". A-B got the attention they paid for.
If you prefer, don't call it blame. What I'm telling you is that RightWIngMedia brought this to your attention. You're either pretending you don't understand that, or you actually don't. Either way......
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm On the A-B / Dylan issue. I reopened discussion just to update the impact it's having on A-B sales & what they're trying to do.
You immediately began deflecting & diverting, trying to tell us that this is business as usual,
You're confusing me with TLD. And that's ok. Mistakes happen.
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm Again -- my snowflaker denial was in reference to the recent discussion on this topic.
Doing your word search, you'll find I used "snowflake" (in my words), once, > 2 years ago, as an adjective, on an entirely different topic.
The rest of the search hits were for others using it in quote chains.
Right. You "forgot" to mention your use of cancel culture.

Your retort is more gaslighting. The translation here is: you used the words, but have excuses as to why, as always. Let's move on.
No. You used the search function without examining the posts. They quoted others using the word. Nice try.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm I re-engaged with you in a non-confrontational manner, sticking to just the subject matter.
It was not long before you dragged us down another rabbit hole, personalizing it & making it a (R) vs (D) thing.
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.
Buffalo bagels More gaslighting. When someone opens a PM, the sender gets a "sent" notice. It's in my "sent" box from posting....

To old salt Sent: Mon May 08, 2023 12:44 pm

Want me to post it to the class? It's a perfectly nice note. But don't tell me you didn't see it. Everyone here has a "sent" box that tells you a poster opened it. It sits in the "out" box until they open it.
Resend it. The last PM in my IN BOX is Apr 20, 2023. It might have bounced off because the IN BOX was full or I opened it in a notification chain, thinking it was another post in reply to one of my posts.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm I'm homophobic because I'm not sexually attracted to men, but if I was, it would be genetic. Okie dokie.
Never called YOU homophobic.

What I wrote, and I quote, was "You're giving me a homophobic interpretation of what the Ad (it's not an Ad, but whatever) is about"
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm If I'm trapped in the out of touch boomer fringe, why are A-B's sales tanking ?
A. Because RightWIngAmerica gets the same feed, which is why it went viral, and came across your desk

Or are you telling me that you routinely check Dylan's YouTube channel?

B. Because to the shock of no one, there are millions of homophobic men in America, insecure with their sexuality. Why do you think that the birth of Lite Beer (watered down beer for men who can't handle flavor) featured athletes and tough guys? Because they had to "Butch-up" Lite beer so that other men didn't make fun of them. Dead serious. You can read about it history of advertising books. All fruit from the same sad tree. Grow up, is my message to all of you.

C. Same reason that businesses were punished for hiring or featuring black men in advertising: You want to punish Dylan for daring to step out of the closet and live her life. Pretty simple. Again, you still can't answer: why would you POSSIBLY care who Dylan sleeps with? Do you not understand how weird that is? You're more interested in who he sleeps far....than I am. What does that say about you?

D. As Dmac wisely pointed out, there are regular Bud Lite drinkers who reasonably don't want anything to do with this stupid mess.

E. Drink American beer. Works for me. The ONLY sad part of this is the motivation you and your crew has, where you want to punish someone for coming out of the closet and making a living just like all the other pointless "influencers" in the world. There's no other reason to cheer what's happening. It's sad to watch. You shouldn't care about this at all. But you do. Clearly.
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm You don't hire a social media influencer unless you want your message to go viral.
Don't blame this on "my team". A-B got the attention they paid for.
If you prefer, don't call it blame. What I'm telling you is that RightWIngMedia brought this to your attention. You're either pretending you don't understand that, or you actually don't. Either way......
I read about it in the NYT & my brother told me about all the unsold A-B product in his store.
He has a big blue Busch logo decal on the side of his dirt track sportsman race car from his A-B distributor. ... vaney.html
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm On the A-B / Dylan issue. I reopened discussion just to update the impact it's having on A-B sales & what they're trying to do.
You immediately began deflecting & diverting, trying to tell us that this is business as usual,
You're confusing me with TLD. And that's ok. Mistakes happen.
Last edited by old salt on Sun May 28, 2023 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:28 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:16 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:10 pm They didn’t hire Dylan. This is nonsense that’s been established. In fact there wasn’t even any request or suggesting they use the can publicly. Just nonsense liek so much of what is spewed by some hereS.

Then it’s some bi**h a** claim of “oh don’t hold me to the words I use” or the pathetic I was joking/don’t take me seriously approach. I have adopted the latter. Whatever was is no more. That’s clear, some people just throw away the food they may have done in life. Going down in a flame like Jack Kerouac.

Dishonest and or a feeble mind. Doesn’t matter.
Pay attention. The ad exec who initiated the campaign has been relieved & is on leave.
Yes I dropped a long piece in about it. And know more than you do clearly about the situation. I’ve paid attention your just a drooling fool or a liar.

Idiot believes the CEO or C suite guy is going to take the fall. The piece the WSJ did was a heuristic pr battle between the CEO and Allison. Of course they out her on leave.

You’re still dead wrong and a clown.
Your fratty out of touch humor would not be tolerated at A-B. ... vaney.html
2 Executives Are on Leave After Bud Light Promotion With Transgender Influencer
Anheuser-Busch announced the moves after a conservative backlash over its association with the actress and social media personality Dylan Mulvaney.

Anheuser-Busch InBev announced that two executives were on leave after a conservative backlash to a Bud Light promotion with a transgender social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney.Credit...Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

By Amanda Holpuch and Julie Creswell
April 25, 2023

The maker of Bud Light, Anheuser-Busch, said on Tuesday that two of its executives were on a leave of absence after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer.

Bud Light’s sales have slumped amid calls for a boycott because of the advertisement and criticism of the company’s response to the backlash, which included targeted harassment of one of the executives who is on leave.

Alissa Heinerscheid, the vice president of marketing for Bud Light, and Daniel Blake, who oversees marketing for Anheuser-Busch’s mainstream brands, were on leave, the company said in a statement.

“We have made some adjustments to streamline the structure of our marketing function to reduce layers so that our most senior marketers are more closely connected to every aspect of our brands’ activities,” Anheuser-Busch said in a statement. “These steps will help us maintain focus on the things we do best: brewing great beer for all consumers, while always making a positive impact in our communities and on our country.”

The company’s turmoil began on April 1, when a transgender influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, posted a video on her Instagram account to promote a Bud Light March Madness contest to her 1.8 million followers. In her post, which was less than a minute long, she said that the company had sent her a tallboy can of Bud Light with her face on it. An image of the can was edited into the video.

Within days, conservative celebrities and politicians called for a boycott of the brand. These calls were then followed by calls for a reverse boycott, or buycott, encouraging people to buy Bud Light to show support for the marketing.

What to Know: The controversy began on April 1, when Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender influencer, posted a video on her Instagram account, where she has 1.8 million followers, to promote a Bud Light contest.

Anheuser-Busch’s Response: Amid a decline in sales and criticism from conservatives, the maker of the beer announced that two of its executives were taking a leave of absence and that it would focus its future marketing campaigns around sports and music.

A Bitter Aftertaste: The backlash shows the challenges of major companies as they lean into liberal issues that are increasingly anathema to their Republican allies and the consumers who vote for them.
“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” he said. “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

This did not subdue the criticisms of Bud Light, which grew to include complaints about its tepid response to the backlash, as well as the targeted harassment of Ms. Heinerscheid.

Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer
Critics of the advertisement with Ms. Mulvaney had found a podcast interview from March in which Ms. Heinerscheid said that some of Bud Light’s previous advertisements had “fratty, sort of out-of-touch humor” and that the company would need to be more inclusive for its demographic to grow. As the podcast quotes circulated, The Daily Caller, The New York Post and The Daily Mail published photos of Ms. Heinerscheid at a party in college in 2006.

Ms. Heinerscheid and Mr. Blake could not immediately be reached for comment.

News of the executives’ leaves began circulating after a report about Ms. Heinerscheid on Friday in Beer Business Daily, a trade publication, and another about her superior, Mr. Blake, on Sunday in The Wall Street Journal.

The controversy has had a negative effect on Bud Light’s sales, which dropped 17 percent in the week ending on April 15, Beer Business Daily said.
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.
Buffalo bagels More gaslighting. When someone opens a PM, the sender gets a "sent" notice. It's in my "sent" box from posting....

To old salt Sent: Mon May 08, 2023 12:44 pm

Want me to post it to the class? It's a perfectly nice note. But don't tell me you didn't see it. Everyone here has a "sent" box that tells you a poster opened it. It sits in the "out" box until they open it.
Resend it. The last PM in my IN BOX is Apr 20, 2023. It might have bounced off because the IN BOX was full or I opened it in a notification chain, thinking it was another post in reply to one of my posts.
Following up. I went back to through my Notifications page, via Show More.
On page 9, I found a PM from you mixed in with all the posts quoting me.
When I try to open it, I get :
You are not authorised to read private messages that are on hold.
a fan
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:23 pm
a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.
Buffalo bagels More gaslighting. When someone opens a PM, the sender gets a "sent" notice. It's in my "sent" box from posting....

To old salt Sent: Mon May 08, 2023 12:44 pm

Want me to post it to the class? It's a perfectly nice note. But don't tell me you didn't see it. Everyone here has a "sent" box that tells you a poster opened it. It sits in the "out" box until they open it.
Resend it. The last PM in my IN BOX is Apr 20, 2023. It might have bounced off because the IN BOX was full or I opened it in a notification chain, thinking it was another post in reply to one of my posts.
Following up. I went back to through my Notifications page, via Show More.
On page 9, I found a PM from you mixed in with all the posts quoting me.
When I try to open it, I get :
You are not authorised to read private messages that are on hold.
Resent, as requested.......
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:23 pm
a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:31 pm
I get few PM's. I don't delete them. I find no PM's from you in my inbox dating back to '2018.
Buffalo bagels More gaslighting. When someone opens a PM, the sender gets a "sent" notice. It's in my "sent" box from posting....

To old salt Sent: Mon May 08, 2023 12:44 pm

Want me to post it to the class? It's a perfectly nice note. But don't tell me you didn't see it. Everyone here has a "sent" box that tells you a poster opened it. It sits in the "out" box until they open it.
Resend it. The last PM in my IN BOX is Apr 20, 2023. It might have bounced off because the IN BOX was full or I opened it in a notification chain, thinking it was another post in reply to one of my posts.
Following up. I went back to through my Notifications page, via Show More.
On page 9, I found a PM from you mixed in with all the posts quoting me.
When I try to open it, I get :
You are not authorised to read private messages that are on hold.
Resent, as requested.......
Thanks. I also found this in my Outbox page.
You have 1 private message currently on hold because of full folder.
Thanks for resending it. I must have missed it when reviewing the several items in my Notifications list that day.
It would have helped had I read it.
MY MISTAKE :mrgreen:
Last edited by old salt on Sun May 28, 2023 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

There’s a limit on the # of saved pms. You need to delete at least as many as are on hold to make room for new. Not sure why there’s this low a limit, but that’s the way it works.
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:39 pm There’s a limit on the # of saved pms. You need to delete at least as many as are on hold to make room for new. Not sure why there’s this low a limit, but that’s the way it works.
Yep. I rarely use PM & I like to retain some for future ref to reconnect.
It helps that they appear via the Notifications.
I need to purge my IN Box to make space.
a fan
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:31 pm Thanks. I also found this in my Outbox page.
You have 1 private message currently on hold because of full folder.
Thanks for resending it. I must have missed it when reviewing the several items in my Notifications list that day.
It would have helped had I read it.
MY MISTAKE :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol: There it is, sense of humor. THANK YOU!

And it would have helped IMMENSELY if I had know you DIDN'T read it. I wouldn't have behaved as I have the last few weeks, and for that I apologize.

I should have asked if you got it, and I guess I didn't (thought I mentioned it, guess not)
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old salt
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:46 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:31 pm Thanks. I also found this in my Outbox page.
You have 1 private message currently on hold because of full folder.
Thanks for resending it. I must have missed it when reviewing the several items in my Notifications list that day.
It would have helped had I read it.
MY MISTAKE :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol: There it is, sense of humor. THANK YOU!

And it would have helped IMMENSELY if I had know you DIDN'T read it. I wouldn't have behaved as I have the last few weeks, and for that I apologize.

I should have asked if you got it, and I guess I didn't (thought I mentioned it, guess not)
Not your fault. Operator error on my end. :oops: We're all good again. ;)
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by PizzaSnake »

DMac wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 9:40 am
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 7:58 am It will be interesting to track Bud sales at Sturgis this summer. ... idson-cans
Yup, gonna need some kind of counter for that.
What do you suppose the Bandidos and the Water Dogs drink? ... d=99657876

"Three people were killed and five others were injured when a shootout erupted between two outlaw biker gangs at the annual Red River Memorial Day Motorcycle Rally in New Mexico, police said.

As tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts converged on the Taos County resort town for the annual event and live music festival, members of the Bandidos and Water Dog biker gangs got into a fight in which multiple rounds of gunfire were traded between the two groups, New Mexico State Police Chief Tim Johnson said at a news conference Sunday morning.

Johnson said all eight people shot in the episode, including those killed, were members of the two biker gangs."

You don't suppose they were fighting over who drinks Bud Light do you? Sounds like a fun rumor to start and see how hard the MAGA-ts bite...
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by DMac »

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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by youthathletics »

PizzaSnake wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 7:59 pm
DMac wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 9:40 am
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 7:58 am It will be interesting to track Bud sales at Sturgis this summer. ... idson-cans
Yup, gonna need some kind of counter for that.
What do you suppose the Bandidos and the Water Dogs drink? ... d=99657876

"Three people were killed and five others were injured when a shootout erupted between two outlaw biker gangs at the annual Red River Memorial Day Motorcycle Rally in New Mexico, police said.

As tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts converged on the Taos County resort town for the annual event and live music festival, members of the Bandidos and Water Dog biker gangs got into a fight in which multiple rounds of gunfire were traded between the two groups, New Mexico State Police Chief Tim Johnson said at a news conference Sunday morning.

Johnson said all eight people shot in the episode, including those killed, were members of the two biker gangs."

You don't suppose they were fighting over who drinks Bud Light do you? Sounds like a fun rumor to start and see how hard the MAGA-ts bite...
Bud Light should sponsor biker gangs next.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by DMac »

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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:54 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:28 pm
old salt wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:16 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:10 pm They didn’t hire Dylan. This is nonsense that’s been established. In fact there wasn’t even any request or suggesting they use the can publicly. Just nonsense liek so much of what is spewed by some hereS.

Then it’s some bi**h a** claim of “oh don’t hold me to the words I use” or the pathetic I was joking/don’t take me seriously approach. I have adopted the latter. Whatever was is no more. That’s clear, some people just throw away the food they may have done in life. Going down in a flame like Jack Kerouac.

Dishonest and or a feeble mind. Doesn’t matter.
Pay attention. The ad exec who initiated the campaign has been relieved & is on leave.
Yes I dropped a long piece in about it. And know more than you do clearly about the situation. I’ve paid attention your just a drooling fool or a liar.

Idiot believes the CEO or C suite guy is going to take the fall. The piece the WSJ did was a heuristic pr battle between the CEO and Allison. Of course they out her on leave.

You’re still dead wrong and a clown.
Your fratty out of touch humor would not be tolerated at A-B. ... vaney.html
2 Executives Are on Leave After Bud Light Promotion With Transgender Influencer
Anheuser-Busch announced the moves after a conservative backlash over its association with the actress and social media personality Dylan Mulvaney.

Anheuser-Busch InBev announced that two executives were on leave after a conservative backlash to a Bud Light promotion with a transgender social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney.Credit...Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

By Amanda Holpuch and Julie Creswell
April 25, 2023

The maker of Bud Light, Anheuser-Busch, said on Tuesday that two of its executives were on a leave of absence after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer.

Bud Light’s sales have slumped amid calls for a boycott because of the advertisement and criticism of the company’s response to the backlash, which included targeted harassment of one of the executives who is on leave.

Alissa Heinerscheid, the vice president of marketing for Bud Light, and Daniel Blake, who oversees marketing for Anheuser-Busch’s mainstream brands, were on leave, the company said in a statement.

“We have made some adjustments to streamline the structure of our marketing function to reduce layers so that our most senior marketers are more closely connected to every aspect of our brands’ activities,” Anheuser-Busch said in a statement. “These steps will help us maintain focus on the things we do best: brewing great beer for all consumers, while always making a positive impact in our communities and on our country.”

The company’s turmoil began on April 1, when a transgender influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, posted a video on her Instagram account to promote a Bud Light March Madness contest to her 1.8 million followers. In her post, which was less than a minute long, she said that the company had sent her a tallboy can of Bud Light with her face on it. An image of the can was edited into the video.

Within days, conservative celebrities and politicians called for a boycott of the brand. These calls were then followed by calls for a reverse boycott, or buycott, encouraging people to buy Bud Light to show support for the marketing.

What to Know: The controversy began on April 1, when Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender influencer, posted a video on her Instagram account, where she has 1.8 million followers, to promote a Bud Light contest.

Anheuser-Busch’s Response: Amid a decline in sales and criticism from conservatives, the maker of the beer announced that two of its executives were taking a leave of absence and that it would focus its future marketing campaigns around sports and music.

A Bitter Aftertaste: The backlash shows the challenges of major companies as they lean into liberal issues that are increasingly anathema to their Republican allies and the consumers who vote for them.
“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” he said. “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

This did not subdue the criticisms of Bud Light, which grew to include complaints about its tepid response to the backlash, as well as the targeted harassment of Ms. Heinerscheid.

Behind the Backlash Against Bud Light’s Transgender Influencer
Critics of the advertisement with Ms. Mulvaney had found a podcast interview from March in which Ms. Heinerscheid said that some of Bud Light’s previous advertisements had “fratty, sort of out-of-touch humor” and that the company would need to be more inclusive for its demographic to grow. As the podcast quotes circulated, The Daily Caller, The New York Post and The Daily Mail published photos of Ms. Heinerscheid at a party in college in 2006.

Ms. Heinerscheid and Mr. Blake could not immediately be reached for comment.

News of the executives’ leaves began circulating after a report about Ms. Heinerscheid on Friday in Beer Business Daily, a trade publication, and another about her superior, Mr. Blake, on Sunday in The Wall Street Journal.

The controversy has had a negative effect on Bud Light’s sales, which dropped 17 percent in the week ending on April 15, Beer Business Daily said.
You still don’t get it. It’s fine. I expect so little from you given this behavior I can’t believe I’m even replying…

To call anyone out of touch is blindness of the highest order.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Post by Farfromgeneva »

DMac wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 7:46 am Some personal experience. ... b44c&ei=12
I mean I know I’ve had kids play against the opposite sex and it’s not devastating to me.

Now I had a bad meal at a place called BrewDog and my “T” server sucked a**. The worst, and I did that job plenty in my time and watched all the other servers move and be more attentive to the surrounded sand customers. My crappy one walked at half speed and made excuses that I know aren’t true (place is packed at nights and half full but they tell me
It’s really just there). But whereas some here would say it’s because they are a T rather than just being a goofy millenial.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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