"The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:09 am
a fan wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 5:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 5:22 pm But here's the thing...Durham found NO evidence that does not support Russian interference in the election, and he avoided even discussing many of the facts established in the Mueller investigation...and Report. Just ignored them...including the Campaign Manager, and the Trump Tower meeting, etc...I mean, why even bother with that, right?
Durham also left out that Manafort had worked for Putin, installing his puppet in Ukraine.

And then LIED about this on FARA forms.

And that the FBI had already investigated him in 2014, years before Trump was even a thing.

And that he was (hilariously) found guilty of multiple felonies related to his work overseas, INCLUDING laundering the $18 Million he got from Putin for his Ukraine work.

...but sure, nothing to see here. Gee, why would the FBI want to investigate the TrumpCampaign when Trump hired the above criminal and convicted felon as his campaign manager?
Irrelevant what Manafort did in 2014, years before he joined the campaign.
:lol: Right. Previous criminal activity and working for Putin wouldn't raise questions for US Intel....totally.

Is that Old Salt's new criminal justice theory of "no-backsies", where police around the world don't check suspects for criminal records?

"Hey inspector, the guy who we think broke into this house has been convicted of breaking and entering three times. Should we investigate him more"

"No, Sergeant. Remember to always follow Old Salt's rule of "no-backsies", where prior shady behavior is ignored, and we stop investigating this guy immediately".

"Yes, inspector. That's GREAT way to do things!!!"
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:15 am \Whether or not Russia interfered in the election was not at issue. The question was whether there was sufficient evidence of Trump campaign complicity in that interference to justify launching Crossfire Hurricane. The results of the Mueller investigation found no such complicity.
Durham dug deeper & investigated how & why Crossfire Hurricane was launched.
That certainly explains 8 felony convictions for Manafort. Nothing says "we shouldn't have investigated this guy" than two hands worth of felony convictions.

Especially when the convictions were for bank fraud and tax issues stemming from money he earned from Vladimir Putin for doing his work.

I don't care what you think. Or Mueller. Or any Republican you can dredge up.

I'm OVERJOYED they got Manafort away from our government. Trump fired him because of the FBI's work. Grateful.

Manafort was caught getting election intel from a Russian. You, naturally, are hilariously telling us that that's fine, too.
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:37 am
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:15 am \Whether or not Russia interfered in the election was not at issue. The question was whether there was sufficient evidence of Trump campaign complicity in that interference to justify launching Crossfire Hurricane. The results of the Mueller investigation found no such complicity.
Durham dug deeper & investigated how & why Crossfire Hurricane was launched.
That certainly explains 8 felony convictions for Manafort. Nothing says "we shouldn't have investigated this guy" than two hands worth of felony convictions.

Especially when the convictions were for bank fraud and tax issues stemming from money he earned from Vladimir Putin for doing his work.

I don't care what you think. Or Mueller. Or any Republican you can dredge up.

I'm OVERJOYED they got Manafort away from our government. Trump fired him because of the FBI's work. Grateful.

Manafort was caught getting election intel from a Russian. You, naturally, are hilariously telling us that that's fine, too.
That has nothing to do with supposed collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign.
That is not what Manafort was charged with or convicted for.
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:32 am
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:09 am
a fan wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 5:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 5:22 pm But here's the thing...Durham found NO evidence that does not support Russian interference in the election, and he avoided even discussing many of the facts established in the Mueller investigation...and Report. Just ignored them...including the Campaign Manager, and the Trump Tower meeting, etc...I mean, why even bother with that, right?
Durham also left out that Manafort had worked for Putin, installing his puppet in Ukraine.

And then LIED about this on FARA forms.

And that the FBI had already investigated him in 2014, years before Trump was even a thing.

And that he was (hilariously) found guilty of multiple felonies related to his work overseas, INCLUDING laundering the $18 Million he got from Putin for his Ukraine work.

...but sure, nothing to see here. Gee, why would the FBI want to investigate the TrumpCampaign when Trump hired the above criminal and convicted felon as his campaign manager?
Irrelevant what Manafort did in 2014, years before he joined the campaign.
:lol: Right. Previous criminal activity and working for Putin wouldn't raise questions for US Intel....totally.

Is that Old Salt's new criminal justice theory of "no-backsies", where police around the world don't check suspects for criminal records?

"Hey inspector, the guy who we think broke into this house has been convicted of breaking and entering three times. Should we investigate him more"

"No, Sergeant. Remember to always follow Old Salt's rule of "no-backsies", where prior shady behavior is ignored, and we stop investigating this guy immediately".

"Yes, inspector. That's GREAT way to do things!!!"
Again. It raised questions about what he did before joining the campaign. That's what he was convicted for.
Crossfire Hurricane & Mueller were not needed to investigate & prosecute hIm for that stuff.
If it was previous criminal activity, what did the 2012 - 2014 investigations yield ?
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“To find conspiracy, a prosecutor must establish beyond a reasonable doubt the elements of the crime: an agreement between at least two people, to commit a criminal offense and an overt act in furtherance of that agreement. One of the underlying criminal offenses that Mueller reviewed for conspiracy was campaign-finance violations. Mueller found that Trump campaign members Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with Russian nationals in Trump Tower in New York June 2016 for the purpose of receiving disparaging information about Clinton as part of “Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” according to an email message arranging the meeting. This meeting did not amount to a criminal offense, in part, because Mueller was unable to establish “willfulness,” that is, that the participants knew that their conduct was illegal. Mueller was also unable to conclude that the information was a “thing of value” that exceeded $25,000, the requirement for campaign finance to be a felony, as opposed to a civil violation of law. But the fact that the conduct did not technically amount to conspiracy does not mean that it was acceptable. Trump campaign members welcomed foreign influence into our election and then compromised themselves with the Russian government by covering it up.”

“Mueller found other contacts with Russia, such as the sharing of polling data about Midwestern states where Trump later won upset victories, conversations with the Russian ambassador to influence Russia’s response to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to election interference, and communications with Wikileaks after it had received emails stolen by Russia. While none of these acts amounted to the crime of conspiracy, all could be described as “collusion.””

This is like a friend’s cousin who caught a man in the bedroom with his wife…..her response….”nothing happened….I still have my panties on”…. That’s the OS doctrine….she still had her panties on….nothing to see here.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 3:26 am
a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:37 am
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:15 am \Whether or not Russia interfered in the election was not at issue. The question was whether there was sufficient evidence of Trump campaign complicity in that interference to justify launching Crossfire Hurricane. The results of the Mueller investigation found no such complicity.
Durham dug deeper & investigated how & why Crossfire Hurricane was launched.
That certainly explains 8 felony convictions for Manafort. Nothing says "we shouldn't have investigated this guy" than two hands worth of felony convictions.

Especially when the convictions were for bank fraud and tax issues stemming from money he earned from Vladimir Putin for doing his work.

I don't care what you think. Or Mueller. Or any Republican you can dredge up.

I'm OVERJOYED they got Manafort away from our government. Trump fired him because of the FBI's work. Grateful.

Manafort was caught getting election intel from a Russian. You, naturally, are hilariously telling us that that's fine, too.
That has nothing to do with supposed collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign.
That is not what Manafort was charged with or convicted for.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the investigation. They targeted four people in Crossfire. Four. Read the Durham report.

Three of the Four are now convicted felons for work they did with Russians, or LYING about their work with Russians.

Papadapolous: On October 5, 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign

Carter Page: no felonies, but......""The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election." However, with incomplete "evidence or testimony about who Page may have met or communicated with in Moscow", "Page's activities in Russia – as described in his emails with the [Trump campaign] – were not fully explained.

Manafort: 8 felony convictions surrounding his work for Putin, lying about the work, and hiding the money he got from Putin.

General Flynn: felony conviction for perjury in his discussions with Russians.

So ......3 out of 4 were felony convictions, and every conviction dealt with Russians. Mueller and Durham was STILL confused by Carter Pages stories.

This means that the FBI was correct in investigating these freaking felons and their Russian involvements......who wasted EVERYONE'S TIME by lying any time a Russian was involved.... sending the FBI on a wild goose chase.

I'm OVERJOYED they investigated these a88holes, and got them all the F away from my government. You've given your opinion. This one is mine.

Your opinion is ridiculous, and wholly partisan. You' act like it's a coincidence that you're upset over investigations into R that led to felony convictions...yet think investigations into Hillary and Hunter are perfectly acceptable. :lol: You're even trying to tell me that it's perfectly acceptable and normal for the CIA to hand a President campaign strategy intel.

It's just beneath you. If you were upset about the CIA doing that to Hillary and said "See? This is the Deep State....weaponizing US intel for political purposes".....I'd 100% respect your opinion

But you can't even PRETEND to care about how the CIA and FBI have handled Hillary and Hunter. Because in your mind, they have it coming, while anyone with a R by their name doesn't have it coming. And felony convictions aren't proof that investigations were warranted. It's just silly, OS.
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

Not surprised in the least, but the "usuals" are up to the same ole same ole, Don tRump, Hillary, etc.

Not a word/mention of FBI at school board meetings, the "whistleblowers" in front of Congress, THIS week.

Yikes.........still clinging to 2016 :lol: ....so much more newish stuff to rant about.

Thought, for sure, we have moved on. maybe bill gates and his MSN fear porn machine just doesn't think it's news. ;)

(did Jeff Epstein BRIBE bill gates ? only the best. good old bill gates. bangs hot younglings like Donnie tRump does. But, gets, what, a pass ?
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:20 pm [Your opinion is ridiculous, and wholly partisan. You' act like it's a coincidence that you're upset over investigations into R that led to felony convictions...yet think investigations into Hillary and Hunter are perfectly acceptable. :lol: You're even trying to tell me that it's perfectly acceptable and normal for the CIA to hand a President campaign strategy intel.

It's just beneath you. If you were upset about the CIA doing that to Hillary and said "See? This is the Deep State....weaponizing US intel for political purposes".....I'd 100% respect your opinion What did the CIA do to Hillary ? Serious question.

But you can't even PRETEND to care about how the CIA and FBI have handled Hillary and Hunter. Because in your mind, they have it coming, while anyone with a R by their name doesn't have it coming. And felony convictions aren't proof that investigations were warranted. It's just silly, OS. What IS silly, is that YOU don't care either.

why not just focus on the WRONG of all of this. More PATRIOT act shitstuff is on Congress docket. Ya know, all those things to spy of US citizens.

Can't wait for afans retort regarding fairplay, and the outrage of the way our own FBI agents are being treated.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm why not just focus on the WRONG of all of this. More PATRIOT act shitstuff is on Congress docket. Ya know, all those things to spy of US citizens.

Have made MULTIPLE posts complaining about FISA, my man. Patriot Act, too. You didn't bother to read them.

Should I play your petty game, and yell at you for not reading my multiple complaints about the Patriot Act and FISA?

Got a clever retort for that?
a fan
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm What did the CIA do to Hillary ? Serious question.
What happened to your superior media sources, my man? Hip and Edgy Substack let ya down?

I think it's neat that YOUR media sources like substack are owned by "different" billionaires than what you call the MSM.
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm What IS silly, is that YOU don't care either
:lol: So Mr. "stick it to the man" doesn't want 1%ers like Trump, Hillary, Manafort, Hunter Biden, etc. investigated by the FBI?

You do you.

Personally, I'm OVERJOYED the FBI and CIA are all over crooks and ethically challenged that run our government, or grift on taxpayers. It's one of their BEST uses. I cheer every time a politician is thrown in jail for one form of corruption or another based on investigations by the FBI et. al.

But you don't want that, I guess. Like I said: you do you. Move to Russia where the ruling class doesn't have to worry about pesky things like laws.
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

Elon Musk couldn't pass an everify employee test, but boy oh boy, how are the visa's H1B stuff (slave labor disguised as "educational" )........for the "TECH" world.

oh well....many have this bizarre APP. great stuff to read. From a "so called journalist". Freedom of the press means EVERYONE is a journalist......bunch of facist clowns who think otherwise, yes ?

have at it. smoke some Durban poisin, hit the hammock, and get bored to tears.

yup...TAATS. How did the vote (Congress) go regarding extending spying on US citizens. Oh,,,,this tyme, it IS to get those Mexican cartels. the "war" on terror, be over, we guess. like the "pandemic"

ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:16 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm why not just focus on the WRONG of all of this. More PATRIOT act shitstuff is on Congress docket. Ya know, all those things to spy of US citizens.

Have made MULTIPLE posts complaining about FISA, my man. Really, how long ago? 2019 :lol: Oh, and I never mentioned FISA. Patriot Act, too. You didn't bother to read them. Says you, :lol: why the constant battle with friggin pretend world, of what you think happens. Always.
EDIT: afan DID mention his disdain towards the Patriot Act. On this thread, once in October 2022 and in January, 2022. Guess that is when all the Biden supporters posted comments about being disappointed, again, with patriot act extensions.
Should I play your petty game, and yell at you for not reading my multiple complaints about the Patriot Act and FISA? Yes, yes you should. whatever "yelling" at someone means, in the first place.

Got a clever retort for that? "clever" as in, snide ?
Glad you have so much to say about FISA, patriot act, just NOT this time :roll:
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:22 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm What did the CIA do to Hillary ? Serious question.
What happened to your superior media sources, my man? Multiple, or perhaps different equals = superior. got it. :lol: Hip and Edgy Substack let ya down? Odd question.

I think it's neat that YOUR media sources like substack are owned by "different" billionaires than what you call the MSM.
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm What IS silly, is that YOU don't care either
:lol: So Mr. "stick it to the man" doesn't want 1%ers like Trump, Hillary, Manafort, Hunter Biden, etc. investigated by the FBI?

You do you.

Personally, I'm OVERJOYED the FBI and CIA are all over crooks and ethically challenged that run our government, or grift on taxpayers. It's one of their BEST uses. I cheer (just NOT on these threads ) every time a politician is thrown in jail :lol: :lol: :lol: for one form of corruption or another based on investigations by the FBI et. al. Guess you don't cheer much politician thrown in jail :lol:

But you don't want that, I guess. Stop guessing, you're lousy at it. Like I said: you do you. Move to Russia where the ruling class doesn't have to worry about pesky things like laws. you serious with this ? All those record, criminal fines that fhizer has paid over the years, no jail tho. Same for the SL scandal, TARP, blah blah blah. You NEVER cried, or cheered, for Hunter Biden to be investigated over Burisma. No guessing, you wanted NO part of that investigation. Did you call it a consipiracy theory ? Certainly never went over those that posted "Russian stuff" when it came to the laptop. Go on. Provide a link to your words. your "cheers", if you will.
FBI is attending school board meetings. Fact. you cool with this ? You said NOTHING, about the Loudon county debacle, insanity. terrorists , b/c a father wants to know why a RAPIST roamed the womens bathrooms. "trans", my ass.

you're right, best to harp on tRump. NO bebate....Joe Biden IS the best candidate. same with tRump :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:40 pm: afan DID mention his disdain towards the Patriot Act. On this thread, once in October 2022 and in January, 2022.
That's right. Am I cool now?

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm "clever" as in, snide ?
Same ol' story with you: you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

Don't like snide posts? Don't make snide posts and tag my name. Pretty simple.

I've told you this dozens of times now, and you just can't help but be rude to everyone here.

So.....if that's what you want? That's fine by me.

Got any actual comments about the Durham report that was released just a few days ago, or not?
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 5:48 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:40 pm: afan DID mention his disdain towards the Patriot Act. On this thread, once in October 2022 and in January, 2022.
That's right. Am I cool now?

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm "clever" as in, snide ?
Same ol' story with you: you can dish it out, but you can't take it. deflecting

Don't like snide posts? Don't make snide posts and tag my name. Pretty simple. Um, nope. what part was snide? go on, be specific. Your word is"clever", for a response. Which, as you just indicated, means "snide". always.

I've told you this dozens of times now, and you just can't help but be rude to everyone here. again, deflecting. rude to everyone, is a strange thing to write.

So.....if that's what you want? That's fine by me.

Got any actual comments about the Durham report that was released just a few days ago, or not? way off the radar. Like I originally posted.....the FBI whistleblowers, twitter stuff, etc. You keep on bangin the tRump drum, but guess you missed that part of my first post, today, regarding the lack of media coverage.
afan......how many times have you contacted your Federal representatives regarding the PATRIOT act and how they vote ? Or, are the disdain for such only pointed at R's on these threads. (you calling me an R, makes you a lost cause. I ain't. adious )


not related to whistleblowers, but "deep state" stank all over the tRump va$$ine pu$h.

https://www.leefang.com/p/fbi-surveilla ... tor-probed
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 5:42 pm You NEVER cried, or cheered, for Hunter Biden to be investigated over Burisma
I most certainly did. In this very thread.

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm No guessing, you wanted NO part of that investigation. Did you call it a consipiracy theory ? Certainly never went over those that posted "Russian stuff" when it came to the laptop.
I posted about the laptop, too. That's three in a day. You going for a record here?
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm FBI is attending school board meetings. Fact. you cool with this ?
If they are? You bet I'm ok with that. Want the FBI to stay away from your school district? Don't make violent threats on School Board Members and Teachers. Boom, problem flxed. We've seen this game before pre-Civil rights.
runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 5:42 pm you're right, best to harp on tRump. NO bebate....Joe Biden IS the best candidate. same with tRump :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:
Annnnnd wrong again. Not reading my posts at all. What I said, if you paid even a little attention, was that I"m THRILLED that the FBI/CIA keeps both eyes on corrupt, dishonest, and ethically challenged POS 1%ers like Hillary, Hunter, and TeamTrump.

YOU, are yelling at me for this. Which means either you're not paying attention, or you think Hunter, Hillary, and Trump should be allowed to break laws all they like without law enforcement doing a thing about it.

FBI report on Hillary's server is part of why she's a civilian, and lost the election. I'm THRILLED that happened to yet another 1%er who thinks that rules and laws are for us little people.
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 6:03 pm again, deflecting. rude to everyone, is a strange thing to write.
Don't care. Why do you think I'm the only one who engages with you here? It's everyone else's fault, right?

So no, you don't have any comments about the Durham report. You have comments, instead, about the media.

The media doesn't cover what you want. They don't cover what I want, either. You can't cover everything. And it's not a conspiracy to not cover things.....it's about money, and nothing more.

And this is America, my man. If you're REALLY that upset about it.....start your own media company. There are YouTube personality with millions of views. It's easier than it has ever been to have voice.

Go get 'em!
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 2:20 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 3:26 am
a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:37 am
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 12:15 am \Whether or not Russia interfered in the election was not at issue. The question was whether there was sufficient evidence of Trump campaign complicity in that interference to justify launching Crossfire Hurricane. The results of the Mueller investigation found no such complicity.
Durham dug deeper & investigated how & why Crossfire Hurricane was launched.
That certainly explains 8 felony convictions for Manafort. Nothing says "we shouldn't have investigated this guy" than two hands worth of felony convictions.

Especially when the convictions were for bank fraud and tax issues stemming from money he earned from Vladimir Putin for doing his work.

I don't care what you think. Or Mueller. Or any Republican you can dredge up.

I'm OVERJOYED they got Manafort away from our government. Trump fired him because of the FBI's work. Grateful.

Manafort was caught getting election intel from a Russian. You, naturally, are hilariously telling us that that's fine, too.
That has nothing to do with supposed collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign.

That is not what Manafort was charged with or convicted for.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the investigation. They targeted four people in Crossfire. Four. Read the Durham report.
Wrong. Manafort gave campaign polling data to a previous business associate who was Russian. He was not convicted for that.

Three of the Four are now convicted felons for work they did with Russians, or LYING about their work with Russians.

Papadapolous: On October 5, 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign
False. That's a mischaracterization. Was Mifsud an agent of the Russuan govt ? (link ?). Did Mifsud represent himself to Papadop as an agent of the Russian govt ? The false statements were about the dates he met with Mifsud. He first met Mifsud at a conference & hoped to arrange a public meeting between candidate Trump & Putin. Papadop was a naif, not a spy.

Carter Page: no felonies, but......""The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election." However, with incomplete "evidence or testimony about who Page may have met or communicated with in Moscow", "Page's activities in Russia – as described in his emails with the [Trump campaign] – were not fully explained.
There was no evidence of any wrongdoing by Page. He had been a CIA informant.

Manafort: 8 felony convictions surrounding his work for Putin, lying about the work, and hiding the money he got from Putin.
Again a mischaracterization. A link wIth Putin or the Russian govt, while a member of the campaign, was never established.
I'm not saying that Manafort should not have been convicted. His crimes do not establish collusion while he was a member of the campaign or done on behalf of the campaign. Crossfire Hurricane or a Mueller SC investigation were not needed to investigate & prosecute Manafort, who had been under investigation in 2012-2014.
https://www.vox.com/2018/9/14/17860410/ ... afort-plea
...when the Trump campaign and Manafort specifically stand accused of collaborating with a foreign government to influence an American election — conduct that has (erroneously) led to the word “treason” being thrown around quite a bit — the language of a “conspiracy against the United States” is particularly loaded, to say the least.

So let’s be clear: “Conspiracy against the United States” isn’t what it sounds like. It has nothing to do with foreign actors influencing an election. It certainly has nothing to do with treason, which would require the US and Russia to be actively at war with each other.

The statute, rather, is an extension of the ordinary crime of conspiracy: planning with someone else to do a crime. Basically, Manafort has admitted to conspiring to commit offenses against and to defraud the US government, specifically the Justice Department and Treasury Department. According to his plea deal, the offenses against the government include money laundering, tax fraud, failure to file foreign bank account reports, violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and lying to the Department of Justice.

General Flynn: felony conviction for perjury in his discussions with Russians.
There was nothing illegal or improper about his discussions with the Russians. He lied for political PR motives & to give the VP deniability if the Acting AG came after him for violating the Logan Act. Politically stupid, not illegal.
So ......3 out of 4 were felony convictions, and every conviction dealt with Russians. Mueller and Durham was STILL confused by Carter Pages stories.

This means that the FBI was correct in investigating these freaking felons and their Russian involvements......who wasted EVERYONE'S TIME by lying any time a Russian was involved.... sending the FBI on a wild goose chase.

I'm OVERJOYED they investigated these a88holes, and got them all the F away from my government. You've given your opinion. This one is mine.

Your opinion is ridiculous, and wholly partisan. You' act like it's a coincidence that you're upset over investigations into R that led to felony convictions...yet think investigations into Hillary and Hunter are perfectly acceptable. :lol: You're even trying to tell me that it's perfectly acceptable and normal for the CIA to hand a President campaign strategy intel.

It's just beneath you. If you were upset about the CIA doing that to Hillary and said "See? This is the Deep State....weaponizing US intel for political purposes".....I'd 100% respect your opinion

But you can't even PRETEND to care about how the CIA and FBI have handled Hillary and Hunter. Because in your mind, they have it coming, while anyone with a R by their name doesn't have it coming. And felony convictions aren't proof that investigations were warranted. It's just silly, OS.
:roll: ...Calm down & get a grip. The issue is not whether or not Manafort was a criminal who did bad stuff before he joined the campaign, or that Page, Flynn & Papadop were political naifs who were easy marks to entrap in false statement process crimes. Their real "crimes" were political -- they all supported Trump because they wanted a sane, rational foreign policy with Russia.

Durham's report establishes that this did not constitute adequate predication to open massive investigations like CH => Mueller EC investigation.
a fan
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 6:58 pm Calm down & get a grip. The issue is not whether or not Manafort was a criminal who did bad stuff before he joined the campaign, or that Page, Flynn & Papadop were political naifs who were easy marks to entrap in false statement process crimes. Their real "crimes" were political -- they all supported Trump because they wanted a sane, rational foreign policy with Russia.
There it is. This is how you think. You wanted all these idiots in place because you liked their policies.

And because you like their policies, you'll work nonstop telling us why felony convictions don't count. Or are immaterial. You're upset that they were removed.

ProTip for Team Trump: don't lie. It solves all these problems for your crew.

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 6:58 pm
Durham's report establishes that this did not constitute adequate predication to open massive investigations like CH => Mueller EC investigation.
That's HIS opinion. And YOUR opinion. Both Republicans, naturally. Both shown that you'll fall all over yourselves to avoid anything that makes it obvious why these idiots were investigated.

3 convicted felons say why they were investigated. Scoreboard. If tips were allowed for FBI agents? I"d be sending them a 20%+ tip without hesitation.

Now that this is over, and your Deep State conspiracy has imploded, how about you focus on Hunter Biden and his dealings with your Deep State.

PRETEND this isn't about Repubicans, and that you ACTUALLY CARE about what you are telling me is an overzealous FBI...whose leadership is ENTIRELY Republican.

So lets see it. Prove this isn't about little Rs.
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old salt
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Re: "The Deep State" aka the American Intelligence Community

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 7:46 pm
old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 6:58 pm Calm down & get a grip. The issue is not whether or not Manafort was a criminal who did bad stuff before he joined the campaign, or that Page, Flynn & Papadop were political naifs who were easy marks to entrap in false statement process crimes. Their real "crimes" were political -- they all supported Trump because they wanted a sane, rational foreign policy with Russia.
There it is. This is how you think. You wanted all these idiots in place because you liked their policies.

And because you like their policies, you'll work nonstop telling us why felony convictions don't count. Or are immaterial. You're upset that they were removed.

ProTip for Team Trump: don't lie. It solves all these problems for your crew.
I'm not excusing anything. I'm pointing out that it's not evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
I agree with Barr & Durham that it does not justify 2 massive (leaking) investigations which sabotaged the Trump Presidency, which was the objective of the Clinton--Russian disinformation op.

old salt wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 6:58 pm
Durham's report establishes that this did not constitute adequate predication to open massive investigations like CH => Mueller EC investigation.
That's HIS opinion. And YOUR opinion. Both Republicans, naturally. Both shown that you'll fall all over yourselves to avoid anything that makes it obvious why these idiots were investigated.

3 convicted felons say why they were investigated. Scoreboard. If tips were allowed for FBI agents? I"d be sending them a 20%+ tip without hesitation.Blah. Blah. Blah.

Now that this is over, and your Deep State conspiracy has imploded, how about you focus on Hunter Biden and his dealings with your Deep State.

PRETEND this isn't about Repubicans, and that you ACTUALLY CARE about what you are telling me is an overzealous FBI...whose leadership is ENTIRELY Republican. Overzealous FBI ? Yeah, they were all over the laptop.

So lets see it. Prove this isn't about little Rs.
Who's the Special Prosecutor investigating Hunter & clan ? A Family Court Judge in Arkansas ?
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