Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

RedFromMI wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:24 am I think part of the issue with using water from aircraft is the rapid cooling from such a hot fire (due to the extremely old wood) is that you might crack the limestone structure badly enough to collapse it - which would likely bring down large portions of the building...

Come on now, don't let science get in the way of uninformed kibitzing.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:13 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 3:49 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:43 pm Unsurprisingly, VDH had a similar reaction :
:lol: VDH is a real piece of work. It's like he can't open his mouth without unknowingly contradicting himself. This guy would fail his own seminars.

So he bemoans the wiping out of history and past cultures because of contemporary views------while in the same breath praising the Catholic Church?? :lol:

I'm hoping I don't have to point out to my fellow learned posters what a profoundly ahistorical comment this is?

VDH just broke the irony detector. :lol:
People actually listen to this NUMB skull! :lol: :lol: :lol: India, Brazil, any african country.....or other conquered people are the standard by which we are judging the French! Hey buddy, we led with religion when we conquered those folks..... turn the other cheek while we stripped them of their natural resources! Religion and drugs can serve as opiates for the masses..... and you wonder why weed is being legalized..... :lol: :lol: :lol: so we should have had a modern sprinkler system in the cathedral.... Surprised we didn't load it up with asbestos as a fire retardant. Dude is dumb as a of these people that thinks because he is talking, its important.... sounds familiar!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hanson holds the Faux News Chair in History at Numbnuts University. :roll:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:10 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:19 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:18 pm Yeah. Keep it real. Study history with your Black Hebrew Israelite bros. .:lol:. They're descended from kings.
Dude. The man just pretended like the Catholic Church hasn't literally wiped out entire cultures. Intentionally. Over hundreds of years. The word "heathen" ring a bell anywhere?

If you're on board with that brand of history, knock yourself out. VDH isn't telling the whole story, and what's more, he knows it.
Blasphemy!!! You are anti- western civilization!

Hanson is a right wing warrior, cloaked in a pretense of intellectualism. His actual intellectual rigor is awful.

Ingraham, on the other hand, is just flat out ignorant and racist, going for the most incendiary to inflame her viewers.

The whole thing is so stupid, as if we actually have to make a binary choice between "Western Civilization is/was all perfect" and "Western Civilization is/was all evil".

History isn't that simple, isn't that binary.

By example, anyone who thinks the Catholic Church hasn't been complicit in, or in some cases the primary driver of, some of the greatest evil doings of man in history is just in ignorant denial. On the other hand, anyone who doesn't recognize that great good has been done by the Catholic Church, inspired millions to do for others, is similarly willfully ignorant.

This attack from the right on universities, and education in general, exposing young people to the full, unvarnished realities of history, good and bad, is truly alarming.

But then, as we've been learning in the current era there is no longer any regard on the right for truth, only what serves one's political or other interest.

Scary stuff, whether coming from the right or from the left.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

foreverlax wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:00 am "Opportunity Zones"
We’re here to celebrate Opportunity Zones. And who would have thought this was going to be so successful? Who would have thought? When we first proposed the idea, they said, “Well things like this have been talked about but it never happened.” But the numbers are incredible — what’s happened in a very short period of time. It’s really a crucial part of our new tax law to help low-income Americans.
So he invented this concept :roll:
In order to revitalize these areas, we’ve lowered the capital gains tax for long-term investment in Opportunity Zones all the way down to a very big, fat, beautiful number of zero. (Applause.) Zero. That’s why they’re looking and they’re saying, “No, I don’t want to go there. Maybe I don’t love the location. I don’t want to go.” And then they hear about the zero, and they’ll say, “I think I’m going to go there.” (Laughter.) And then they start liking the location, right? Our great football player. You are some player, huh? I’ll never fight you, I promise. That’ll never happen. Great player.
What's the immediate benefit for investing in these areas? How does making the cap gain rate for long term investments zero incent investors to risk capital? Sounds like a pretty good deal for real estate investors.
Our goal is to rebuild homes, schools, businesses, and communities that need it the most. And we have just — I don’t know, we’ve hit something that’s very unusual. This is a very surprising thing to everybody — even to me, to a certain extent. You know, you do things. Nobody thought it was going to catch on like it’s caught on.
No clue what is catching on.....sorta like his spin on how well association healthcare plans are doing.
I'll take a slightly different view.

As a Jack Kemp-style Republican, I think tax incentives for investments in truly destitute areas is a good way to jump start capital to go where it otherwise would not have. When you understand that many of these areas had suffered from government sanctioned redlining for decades, I think providing incentives for capital to redeploy to theses areas makes sense.

I get the critique that these tax benefits flow to the capital investors and to the developers, but I think it's well worth it. Contrast this with building stadiums!

That Trump thinks this is some sort of novel idea, though, is flat amazing...but no longer surprising.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

And you're contributing to the same ignorance.

But then you turn around and say, sneeringly, that governments are funding stadiums not cathedrals. That's of course true. But the US has never been a funder of cathedrals (though we have provided tax status to religious groups that can then own land, buildings, and even businesses without paying taxes).
Don't need to work hard to contribute to yours.
Dollars donated to build cathedrals mean less tax revenues.
That makes them tax payer funded, indirectly.
The French have figured it out. ... index.html

Attention shifted quickly this week from the generosity of the pledges to whether the donors would claim generous tax benefits available in France.
Under French law, individuals can deduct 66% of a charitable gift on their taxes, while businesses can claim back 60%.
For every corporate gift of €100 million ($112 million), that's €60 million ($68 million) the state doesn't receive in tax, explained Anne-Claire Pache, a professor who specializes in philanthropy at France's ESSEC Business School.

Critics argue the donations meant to repair Notre Dame would be better spent on social programs to help the poor in a country where rising inequality has contributed to the outbreak of recent street protests.
Money invested on the front end, in fire prevention, can save millions in reconstruction & preserve the irreplacable.
That's the sort of thing VDH meant by being stewards of our heritage. ... lls-2019-4
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:37 pm
And you're contributing to the same ignorance.

But then you turn around and say, sneeringly, that governments are funding stadiums not cathedrals. That's of course true. But the US has never been a funder of cathedrals (though we have provided tax status to religious groups that can then own land, buildings, and even businesses without paying taxes).
Don't need to work hard to contribute to yours.
Dollars donated to build cathedrals mean less tax revenues.
That makes them tax payer funded, indirectly.
The French have figured it out. ... index.html

Attention shifted quickly this week from the generosity of the pledges to whether the donors would claim generous tax benefits available in France.
Under French law, individuals can deduct 66% of a charitable gift on their taxes, while businesses can claim back 60%.
For every corporate gift of €100 million ($112 million), that's €60 million ($68 million) the state doesn't receive in tax, explained Anne-Claire Pache, a professor who specializes in philanthropy at France's ESSEC Business School.

Critics argue the donations meant to repair Notre Dame would be better spent on social programs to help the poor in a country where rising inequality has contributed to the outbreak of recent street protests.
Money invested on the front end, in fire prevention, can save millions in reconstruction & preserve the irreplacable.
That's the sort of thing VDH meant by being stewards of our heritage. ... lls-2019-4

Yes, taxpayers get a charitable break when they support a religious org. But that’s definitely not the same as government deciding to pay for a particular building.

On VDH, anytime he wants to personally pay for fire prevention at his chosen religious site, have at it.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ToastDunk »

"If we cannot focus on what matters, we may sleepwalk into a truly perilous future."
– PAUL STARR, professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton ... ce=twitter
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

Riding the metro into DC this morning.
Saw a gentleman wearing both a West Point shirt and a MAGA hat. How does one rectify o d with their Honor Code?

West Point's Cadet Honor Code reads simply that:

"A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ToastDunk »

CU88 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:56 am Riding the metro into DC this morning.
Saw a gentleman wearing both a West Point shirt and a MAGA hat. How does one rectify o d with their Honor Code?

West Point's Cadet Honor Code reads simply that:

"A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."
Unrectifiable. Full stop.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

Only the best pipple...the VERY BEST pipple. Because I'M THE ONLY ONE that knows how to do this RIGHT!

What a jackwagon.

The executive branch is being run by a bunch of scared bureaucrats that are terrified that their boss is going to blow something up or cause them to break the law and become exposed to major legal blow-back...just perfect. This is how the GOP "governs"??

Unfit for office.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

What Is Trump Hiding in His Tax Returns?

"Number one, Trump’s tax returns will show that he is not anywhere near as wealthy as he claimed. Remember during the campaign he kept saying he was worth more than $10 billion. But after he became president, he signed under oath his financial disclosure statement, and 90 percent of his wealth vanished. Even that statement, which I’ve analyzed, overstates his wealth. There’s never been a scintilla of verifiable evidence that Trump is a billionaire. And I’m the guy who revealed, back in 1990 when he said he was worth $3 billion, that he wasn’t a billionaire. We eventually found that he had negative net worth of about $295 million—minus $295 million [!!].

Secondly, Donald Trump is a tax cheat. He had two civil trials for income tax fraud, one by the State of New York and the other by the City of New York. In both cases he lost. In one of those trials, his own long-time tax attorney and accountant, Jack Mitnick, testified against him. Mitnick was shown the filed tax return, which was a photocopy, and testified, “That’s my signature on the return, but neither I nor my firm prepared that tax return.” That’s as good a badge of fraud as you’re ever going to find. It indicates that Donald Trump took the tax return that was prepared, changed it, and then with a photocopy machine put the signature of Jack Mitnick on it. Donald Trump is also a confessed sales tax cheat. Mayor Ed Koch of New York said he should have served 15 days in jail for his crime. Trump has a long history of hiding records from auditors, cheating governments, using two sets of numbers. So his tax returns are highly likely to show tax cheating.

Finally, the returns may well establish how much money he has been getting from Russians, Saudis, people from the Emirates, and elsewhere. They may show whether he has been engaged in money laundering for these people through real estate transactions and other actions that make no business sense, but, when closely examined, show exactly what we see when there’s money laundering. I think the record is pretty clear that he has been doing that."

Russians tipping the election is hardly the only - or the most obvious - reason Don the Con should NEVER have been elected to lead this country...

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 » ... x-returns/

I believe three things at the same time. First, Donald Trump should have voluntarily produced his tax returns years ago. Second, the law Democrats are using to demand production of Trump’s returns — which grants the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee the right to see the returns of any American taxpayer — is overbroad and vulnerable to abuse. And third, the lawsuit Trump has just filed in hopes of repelling that demand is both frivolous and (to the extent the courts pay it any mind) dangerous to our constitutional system of checks and balances.

The core problem with Trump’s lawsuit is clear: It defies Congress’s inherent investigative authority by defining Congress’s “legislative sphere” so narrowly that it would prohibit Congress from meaningfully investigating the president. Moreover, it argues, “‘Oversight’ and ‘transparency,’ in a vacuum, are not legitimate legislative purposes that can justify subpoenaing a private citizen.”

But wait. Didn’t we just finish a multi-year national ordeal during which Donald Trump’s defenders consistently argued that investigation of the executive branch was a legislative function — i.e. that it was ridiculous for the executive branch to “investigate itself,” and it was ridiculous for anyone to believe that the president could obstruct justice if he tried to impede or supervise that probe, because the investigators worked for him?

Yes, yes we did. So it strains credulity for those same folks, when Congress launches such an investigation — empowered, in this case, by a specific statute that grants it the ability to see Trump’s returns and by an enormous reservoir of inherent authority through its lawmaking and impeachment powers — to turn around and argue that it’s acting as “law enforcement,” and law enforcement is exclusively the president’s responsibility.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court agrees. In Eastland v. United States Servicemen’s Fund, a private anti-war organization challenged a congressional subpoena aimed at its bank, claiming that the subpoena violated its First Amendment rights. The Supreme Court held that the subpoena was “immune to judicial interference” under the Constitution’s speech-or-debate clause, because the subpoenaing committee’s actions fell within the “legitimate legislative sphere.”

As the Court noted, the purpose of that clause — which prevents members of Congress from being “questioned in any other place” about their “Speech or Debate in either House” — is to “insure that the legislative function the Constitution allocates to Congress may be performed independently.” And, make no mistake, the legislative function is not confined to debating and passing legislation. The legislative function includes investigation. Here’s the Court in Eastland:

The power to investigate and to do so through compulsory process plainly falls within that definition. This Court has often noted that the power to investigate is inherent in the power to make laws because “[a] legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change.” . . . Issuance of subpoenas such as the one in question here has long been held to be a legitimate use by Congress of its power to investigate.

“Where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information — which not infrequently is true — recourse must be had to others who do possess it. Experience has taught that mere requests for such information often are unavailing, and also that information which is volunteered is not always accurate or complete; so some means of compulsion are essential to obtain what is needed.” [Internal citations omitted.]

Moreover, the demand for Trump’s returns clearly pertains to an area where “legislation could be had.” The private business activities of American presidents are subject to congressional regulation (within constitutional limits), and knowledge about those activities is relevant to congressional decision-making. Impeachment, too, is clearly and unequivocally a legislative function. Indeed, it’s exclusively a legislative function.

And while Trump is right to be skeptical of the Democrats’ motives for demanding his returns (there is more than the whiff of a fishing expedition to the request), the Supreme Court has made it clear that “in determining the legitimacy of a congressional act [under the speech-or-debate clause] we do not look to the motives alleged to have prompted it.” The clause protects against even an “inquiry” into the “motivation” for the relevant congressional act.

It’s hard, then, to view Trump’s lawsuit as anything other than a delaying tactic, an excuse for defying an applicable federal statute while the case winds through the courts. But delaying tactics should not so explicitly challenge our proper constitutional order. Congress has the power — by statute and through the Constitution — to demand Trump’s tax returns. Courts should promptly reject Trump’s suit, and Trump should produce his returns. Trump may disagree with the law that grants Congress such broad authority, but it is the law, and presidents must comply with the law.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

Speaking of delaying tactics...

WH Tells Witness To Ignore Cummings Subpoena In Security Clearance Probe

Cause why would anyone be interested in how Jared got security clearance over long-time professional's objections?

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

Good article; thanks CU88.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

dislaxxic wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:32 am Speaking of delaying tactics...

WH Tells Witness To Ignore Cummings Subpoena In Security Clearance Probe

Cause why would anyone be interested in how Jared got security clearance over long-time professional's objections?

Huh. I think the guy telling Cummings to stuff is represented by the same Robert Driscoll that represents...Maria Butina. Fun!! The Trump WH is certainly helping with billable hours.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

You boys want praise when Trump does something right?

Well, here you go: Standing ovation for the Trump Administration. ... ester.html
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

Respectfully, I think we are talking about a Standing Ovation for the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. In theory, anyway, the investigation and prosecutorial discretion/decision-making would not have involved the "Trump Administration." It's a very good development, but I think credit for this is due elsewhere.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

seacoaster wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:49 pm Respectfully, I think we are talking about a Standing Ovation for the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. In theory, anyway, the investigation and prosecutorial discretion/decision-making would not have involved the "Trump Administration." It's a very good development, but I think credit for this is due elsewhere.
I understand what you're saying----but this is normally the kind of thing corrupt D's and R's quash. You can file this in the same drawer that gives a President credit/blame for the Budget and economy ,when it's Congress that's responsible for budgets.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

a fan wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2019 1:18 pm You boys want praise when Trump does something right?

Well, here you go: Standing ovation for the Trump Administration. ... ester.html
Good news indeed. Have to ask what took so long? Rhetorical question.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

And on the bad news front, we have this quote from 6ftstick from just 4 days ago.
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:41 am Barack said ISIS was the new norm we had to learn to live with it. Now they're gone no more beheadings or crucifixions. No more territory. no more caliphate. Guess Barry was wrong and you supported him.
So you were saying, 6ft, about how Trump defeated ISIS..... that boast of yours lasted a matter of hours.

Turns out, shockingly, ISIS doesn't care what the party affiliation is of our President.

But I'm SURE you'll criticize Trump for this obvious failure on his part, right? ... index.html
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