The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
Chips O'Toole
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Post by Chips O'Toole »

old salt wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:58 pm That's right. Reasonable minds can't differ.
If you don't vigorously oppose, you are a complicit enabler.
Can't dispute interweb logic like that.
Salty, Louis CK has your back on this one (honestly, I saw this live and it was the best standup I've ever seen).
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Post by LandM »

To Chips and Seacoaster,
Glad to see some things never change even with a different forum. In 58 years, never been called a coward, I will take my military and business record against anyone and if I am still a coward to you then that is your opinion.....we all know what that means. I followed your voting record all the way to the last Clinton. She is a criminal - I had a TS SCI clearance - her email story would have landed far lesser people in jail and her cop out execuse for the reasons were just that a cop out and then the whole destruction story was just that, a fable. My wife retired as a management confidential NY State employee - somehow she navigated the use of a state email and a personal email. For a woman like Hillary who has been in government service her whole life, receiving security briefings at least once a year on the does and don'ts of handling classified information - seriously?

So I was the coward as you claim and if the candidates do not get any more robust I will be a coward again for President in 2020. I buried three close friends that allow me and you and others to make that cowardly decision and that is a decision I am willing to make again, it is called freedom. Hopefully the grand party organizers recognize that when the rest of my ballot is completed except for one and that many others have also been cowards, people will wake up to reality. IMHO you may want to take that 'e off your Toole and become what I think you are.
Best and Happy Easter.
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Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:41 pm ..... the last Clinton. She is a criminal - I had a TS SCI clearance - her email story would have landed far lesser people in jail and her cop out execuse for the reasons were just that a cop out and then the whole destruction story was just that, a fable.
Every word here is true.

You going to vote for Trump again, knowing what you know about him over the last two years?
Chips O'Toole
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Post by Chips O'Toole »

LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:41 pmI followed your voting record all the way to the last Clinton. She is a criminal - I had a TS SCI clearance - her email story would have landed far lesser people in jail and her cop out execuse for the reasons were just that a cop out and then the whole destruction story was just that, a fable. ... b22700.pdf
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Post by 6ftstick »

Chips O'Toole wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:11 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:58 pm That's right. Reasonable minds can't differ.
If you don't vigorously oppose, you are a complicit enabler.
Can't dispute interweb logic like that.
Salty, Louis CK has your back on this one (honestly, I saw this live and it was the best standup I've ever seen).
Od course he shouldn't have j*rked off in front of those young ladies but maybe his come back will be absolutely incredible.
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Post by holmes435 »

a fan wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:00 pm
LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:41 pm ..... the last Clinton. She is a criminal - I had a TS SCI clearance - her email story would have landed far lesser people in jail and her cop out execuse for the reasons were just that a cop out and then the whole destruction story was just that, a fable.
Every word here is true.

You going to vote for Trump again, knowing what you know about him over the last two years?
Proper security protocols is a problem for thee, not for me. Every other Trump issue aside, if people are going to harp on Clinton's security issues (which is a fair criticism) then that should automatically disqualify Trump as well.
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Post by a fan »

That's precisely why I asked the question.

If L&M waves it through.....
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Post by LandM »

I am not well versed on the copy and paste function of this forum - hard to believe I started and sold three software companies - plus the yellow guy (Diss I believe) said we should not do that as it takes up too much bandwidth, therefore:

afan: I grew up in a military family, my father retired as an E-9, 30 years. I went to a little school down the road from you, assuming you are still in Denver whereby ethics and honor is what is preached. The first 29 years of my life, honor/ethics. I could have easily gotten out of my recall for Gulf 1, honor, ethics, I am grateful to Citibank. If I tell you I did not vote for Trump or Clinton, I meant it and if I tell you that if the field of candidates does not get better or more elevated, I mean it.

Chips: I did not read the full Mueller report as frankly I have attention span issues - I have to walk or ride my stationary bike to read anything beyond 20 minutes. I got my synopsis from the WSJ, which I read while walking and biking. The thing I find interesting is everybody and their mother was betting on collusion - if there were LV odds, I would have made that bet. BTW, what other politicians in the best interest of this country would not speak to the Russians? Now that the Steele report has had allot of holes punched in it, even by the Savior Mueller, are we not going to be friends with Britain? How about those Australians - we gonna stop being friends and remember when we were caught trying to tap cell phones of our German friends? There is an Old saying, if your yard is not clean, do not cra$ in someone else's. This country has interfered with allot of other countries elections, time to buck up, a laptop/cellphone can be a very dangerous weapon. About the only think I got from the collusion part is that the US public is lazy - do the homework…...looking at titles of a story is not research.

To obstruction, I have started and sold three companies. I did it for personal reasons which is too long to detail. I wanted to be my own boss. I demanded hard-work, honesty, respect for others, and a great product that would meet and exceeded the customer demands and assisted our customers. Somehow these traits all worked through a burst and a credit crisis. I suggest you read up on Steve Jobs and Bill Gates...they/were no saints, yet after meeting Steve Jobs by chance I plunked a few bucks on his return - $4/share, still own it. Starting and owning a business is the toughest thing I have ever experienced and that includes a few things whizzing over my head and between my legs. So I can understand frustration in a bureaucracy.

afan, sorry to disappoint on not voting but I am in Telluride until Memorial Day - time for a diiferent skiing:) but let me know your product...happy to toast and buy locally.
Chips O'Toole
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Post by Chips O'Toole »

LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:06 pm I am not well versed on the copy and paste function of this forum - hard to believe I started and sold three software companies - plus the yellow guy (Diss I believe) said we should not do that as it takes up too much bandwidth, therefore:

afan: I grew up in a military family, my father retired as an E-9, 30 years. I went to a little school down the road from you, assuming you are still in Denver whereby ethics and honor is what is preached. The first 29 years of my life, honor/ethics. I could have easily gotten out of my recall for Gulf 1, honor, ethics, I am grateful to Citibank. If I tell you I did not vote for Trump or Clinton, I meant it and if I tell you that if the field of candidates does not get better or more elevated, I mean it.

Chips: I did not read the full Mueller report as frankly I have attention span issues - I have to walk or ride my stationary bike to read anything beyond 20 minutes. I got my synopsis from the WSJ, which I read while walking and biking. The thing I find interesting is everybody and their mother was betting on collusion - if there were LV odds, I would have made that bet. BTW, what other politicians in the best interest of this country would not speak to the Russians? Now that the Steele report has had allot of holes punched in it, even by the Savior Mueller, are we not going to be friends with Britain? How about those Australians - we gonna stop being friends and remember when we were caught trying to tap cell phones of our German friends? There is an Old saying, if your yard is not clean, do not cra$ in someone else's. This country has interfered with allot of other countries elections, time to buck up, a laptop/cellphone can be a very dangerous weapon. About the only think I got from the collusion part is that the US public is lazy - do the homework…...looking at titles of a story is not research.

To obstruction, I have started and sold three companies. I did it for personal reasons which is too long to detail. I wanted to be my own boss. I demanded hard-work, honesty, respect for others, and a great product that would meet and exceeded the customer demands and assisted our customers. Somehow these traits all worked through a burst and a credit crisis. I suggest you read up on Steve Jobs and Bill Gates...they/were no saints, yet after meeting Steve Jobs by chance I plunked a few bucks on his return - $4/share, still own it. Starting and owning a business is the toughest thing I have ever experienced and that includes a few things whizzing over my head and between my legs. So I can understand frustration in a bureaucracy.

afan, sorry to disappoint on not voting but I am in Telluride until Memorial Day - time for a diiferent skiing:) but let me know your product...happy to toast and buy locally.
Well, I guess if you have been in the military, sold companies, and ski in Telluride you are bulletproof. You must be right. Congrats. By the way, none of anything you said was intelligible.
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Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:06 pm afan: I grew up in a military family, my father retired as an E-9, 30 years. I went to a little school down the road from you, assuming you are still in Denver whereby ethics and honor is what is preached. The first 29 years of my life, honor/ethics. I could have easily gotten out of my recall for Gulf 1, honor, ethics, I am grateful to Citibank. If I tell you I did not vote for Trump or Clinton, I meant it and if I tell you that if the field of candidates does not get better or more elevated, I mean it
Fair answer, thank you for giving one. Happy Easter to you and yours.

(and congrats on buying Apple at $4!!! )
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Post by seacoaster »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:40 pm “We are not living in the realm of a highly complex debate, one on which reasonable minds can differ. This is a stark choice between supporting a criminal who seeks to do us harm -- and opposing that person. It's not a grey, wishy-washy, good people on both sides situation.”

Nailed it.
Sorry LandM and perhaps others. I didn't intend to call anyone a coward. But I do think that Chips is right to the extent I quoted his post: the scope and nature of this President's corrupt, corrosive effect on the Country seems to me so bad that taking the steps at the ballot box most certain and helpful to defeating him is necessary. Everything else -- to "sit this one out," or vote for Gary Johnson -- just ineluctably lends yourself to helping reelect a truly craven, loathsome creature. As Chips says, it's not grey. And no "policy" (for those who purport to focus on the policies and not the man) he inadvertently advances seems worth the cost to the country's soul and the commitment to the rule of law.
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Post by jhu72 »

Don't see how any thinking being can come to the conclusion that the Trump mob did not collude with the Putin mob. Mueller Report is rife with tales of collusion. Criminal conspiracy no, collusion most definitely.
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Post by LandM »

I like to make fun of myself but enjoy a good barb or two - so here we go. I will stop soon as I do not have the attention span to keep going, that is soon - apologizes upfront:

Intelligible - I had to Google that - seriously. Toole - I gave you a 30,000 foot elevator pitch - you can call me a coward but many of my friends fall into that category. Call me what you want - I have no idea who you are - I was trying to tell you what a coward looks like. I have taken a few too many good punches that landed - you are a long way away from landing. I live by another creed, if you have nothing intelligent to say, then say nothing at all. I fail to understand when I am trying to let you know what a coward looks like - you throw that? I probably do not have the intellect that you do - btw skiig in Telluride stops way to early:). I apologize if I continue to be intelligible but keep throwing as that is funny to me.

JHU72 - name me a clean politician and angel and I will kiss your arse in a public square - name one and name the location.

Holmes435 - you could probably disqualify many more then one - to me that is a sad state of affairs - truly sad IMHO.

To what started this, if there is not a candidate that can bring this country together, I and a few people I know will sit this out and be cowards again. Pretty harsh word for people who do not know each other.
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Post by OCanada »

I strongly endorse afan’s Product. At least one of them only tried one but I have a bottle within arm’s reach as I write.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:41 pm To Chips and Seacoaster,
Glad to see some things never change even with a different forum. In 58 years, never been called a coward, I will take my military and business record against anyone and if I am still a coward to you then that is your opinion.....we all know what that means. I followed your voting record all the way to the last Clinton. She is a criminal - I had a TS SCI clearance - her email story would have landed far lesser people in jail and her cop out execuse for the reasons were just that a cop out and then the whole destruction story was just that, a fable. My wife retired as a management confidential NY State employee - somehow she navigated the use of a state email and a personal email. For a woman like Hillary who has been in government service her whole life, receiving security briefings at least once a year on the does and don'ts of handling classified information - seriously?

So I was the coward as you claim and if the candidates do not get any more robust I will be a coward again for President in 2020. I buried three close friends that allow me and you and others to make that cowardly decision and that is a decision I am willing to make again, it is called freedom. Hopefully the grand party organizers recognize that when the rest of my ballot is completed except for one and that many others have also been cowards, people will wake up to reality. IMHO you may want to take that 'e off your Toole and become what I think you are.
Best and Happy Easter.

I truly don't understand your post.

Did someone actually call you a "coward"???

You go on and on in this post and subsequent ones about your background and accomplishments, I guess with the intent of refuting the notion that you're a "coward", but who called you that?

And, as if someone really had called you a "coward," you swing back at fellow posters insultingly. But why?

Is this simply you are defensive about deciding not to vote for any presidential candidate?
And they think the situation calls for action, not passivity?

Pretty thin skinned for a guy with the background you describe.

How do you get to the word "coward" from any of that, though?
It's not as if you would be personally at risk if you voted for a specific candidate and are hiding from that risk (not brave).
No one (far as I could find in the thread) is criticizing the choice not to vote as 'not brave' or 'cowardly'.

Plenty to critique without going there.

Telluride is beautiful, year round. Enjoy.
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Post by dislaxxic »

seacoaster wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 6:45 amSorry LandM and perhaps others. I didn't intend to call anyone a coward. But I do think that Chips is right to the extent I quoted his post: the scope and nature of this President's corrupt, corrosive effect on the Country seems to me so bad that taking the steps at the ballot box most certain and helpful to defeating him is necessary. Everything else -- to "sit this one out," or vote for Gary Johnson -- just ineluctably lends yourself to helping reelect a truly craven, loathsome creature. As Chips says, it's not grey. And no "policy" (for those who purport to focus on the policies and not the man) he inadvertently advances seems worth the cost to the country's soul and the commitment to the rule of law.
Nailed it.

R's really should take a look at Weld. He's a legitimate politician. (Might even get those kisses from LM, as he offered... ;) )

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Post by dislaxxic »


"THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Barr’s statements before the report’s release and the contents of the actual report were so striking that the New York Times did a whole story comparing, side-by-side, Barr’s statements and the report.

In particular, most observers pointed to stark differences between Barr’s statements and the section in the Mueller report concerning the possibility that Trump sought to impede the Trump-Russia inquiry and thus, might be guilty of obstruction of justice. In fact, the Mueller report makes it clear that a key reason Mueller did not seek to prosecute Trump for obstruction was a longstanding Justice Department legal opinion saying that the Justice Department can’t indict a sitting president. Barr omitted that part of Mueller’s reasoning in his statements saying that Mueller hadn’t decided whether to charge Trump."

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
Chips O'Toole
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Post by Chips O'Toole »

seacoaster wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 6:45 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:40 pm “We are not living in the realm of a highly complex debate, one on which reasonable minds can differ. This is a stark choice between supporting a criminal who seeks to do us harm -- and opposing that person. It's not a grey, wishy-washy, good people on both sides situation.”

Nailed it.
Sorry LandM and perhaps others. I didn't intend to call anyone a coward. But I do think that Chips is right to the extent I quoted his post: the scope and nature of this President's corrupt, corrosive effect on the Country seems to me so bad that taking the steps at the ballot box most certain and helpful to defeating him is necessary. Everything else -- to "sit this one out," or vote for Gary Johnson -- just ineluctably lends yourself to helping reelect a truly craven, loathsome creature. As Chips says, it's not grey. And no "policy" (for those who purport to focus on the policies and not the man) he inadvertently advances seems worth the cost to the country's soul and the commitment to the rule of law.
Yeah, seacoaster said it a lot better-- and more amicably -- than I did. Sorry Tech/L&M/others. Trump gets me a little agitated.
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Post by dislaxxic »

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Post by jhu72 »

Nonsense. I haven't read this article, don't have to, the title says it all. Long title when "Nonsense" would have gotten the point across more effectively. No surprise that the scum bag POS AG authored it. :lol: The wheels on the bus go round and round ….
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