2022 Midterms

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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by cradleandshoot »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:56 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:47 am This is only my personal observation about the races in NYS. IMO the Democrats made a huge tactical error after the SCOTUS decision re R v W. The expectations on the D side was a huge backlash of angry voters. It appears they miscalculated by putting all of their eggs in one basket. The never ending political ads by the Democrats focused mainly on that one issue. The problem was they neglected to pay attention to the problems they created with cashless bail and releasing dangerous criminals from prison. That is the issue that Republicans have hammered them with mercilessly in their ads. If you asked me 3 months ago if Kathy Hochul and my local congressman Joe Morelle would be in competitive races I would not have believed you. Morelle should be winning his district by 20 percentage points or more. It should be a cakewalk. Last week the Democrats lobbed a huge chunk of money Morelle's way because they see it as a tossup and are getting very nervous that Morelle could lose to the former chief of police in Rochester LeRon Singletary. Kathy Hochul is in the same boat. She has made a valiant attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. She should be crushing Lee Zeldin like a bug. If you believe or can trust the pollsters they are now running neck and neck. If Hochul loses this race it will be because of her short-sighted and very vocal advocation for cash less bail and early release. It might have worked if it was not for the fact that so many of these people both convicted and accused of criminal behavior chose to put themselves right back into circulation by going out and commiting new crimes. It took too long for some of the folks in the Democrat party to get the message. The last few weeks governor Hochul has switched gears with a half hearted attempt in her new ads about getting illegal weapons off the street. Maybe some one should have informed her that these illegal guns are attached to very violent people. She might have been too busy doing an end run around law abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits. Win, lose or draw Gov Hochul will always have that beautiful bright white Cheshire cat smile to take with her.

Gosh she's awful.

I'd add that I think Lee Zeldin is a perfectly agreeable candidate with the right message at the right time.

As for me, I really hope Maloney loses to Lawler. Lawler again seems like a nice young man with a good background. I am pulling for him.
I don't believe Gov Hochul is a bad person. Her problem is she is a political novice at such a high level and IMO has been the victim of some really bad advice. She comes off to me as being very insincere when she speaks. Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by PizzaSnake »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:21 am
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:56 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:47 am This is only my personal observation about the races in NYS. IMO the Democrats made a huge tactical error after the SCOTUS decision re R v W. The expectations on the D side was a huge backlash of angry voters. It appears they miscalculated by putting all of their eggs in one basket. The never ending political ads by the Democrats focused mainly on that one issue. The problem was they neglected to pay attention to the problems they created with cashless bail and releasing dangerous criminals from prison. That is the issue that Republicans have hammered them with mercilessly in their ads. If you asked me 3 months ago if Kathy Hochul and my local congressman Joe Morelle would be in competitive races I would not have believed you. Morelle should be winning his district by 20 percentage points or more. It should be a cakewalk. Last week the Democrats lobbed a huge chunk of money Morelle's way because they see it as a tossup and are getting very nervous that Morelle could lose to the former chief of police in Rochester LeRon Singletary. Kathy Hochul is in the same boat. She has made a valiant attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. She should be crushing Lee Zeldin like a bug. If you believe or can trust the pollsters they are now running neck and neck. If Hochul loses this race it will be because of her short-sighted and very vocal advocation for cash less bail and early release. It might have worked if it was not for the fact that so many of these people both convicted and accused of criminal behavior chose to put themselves right back into circulation by going out and commiting new crimes. It took too long for some of the folks in the Democrat party to get the message. The last few weeks governor Hochul has switched gears with a half hearted attempt in her new ads about getting illegal weapons off the street. Maybe some one should have informed her that these illegal guns are attached to very violent people. She might have been too busy doing an end run around law abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits. Win, lose or draw Gov Hochul will always have that beautiful bright white Cheshire cat smile to take with her.

Gosh she's awful.

I'd add that I think Lee Zeldin is a perfectly agreeable candidate with the right message at the right time.

As for me, I really hope Maloney loses to Lawler. Lawler again seems like a nice young man with a good background. I am pulling for him.
I don't believe Gov Hochul is a bad person. Her problem is she is a political novice at such a high level and IMO has been the victim of some really bad advice. She comes off to me as being very insincere when she speaks. Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times.
"Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times."

So, her lack of polished, smooth, delivery (hallmarks of professional, lifer politicians) dissuades you? Would you prefer an experienced hack? Your message seems conflicted.

"You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street,
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.

And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,

So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in."
--Pink Floyd, "Dogs" from 1977 album "Animals"
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

Mike Lee said something that few of his supporters would agree with. Like many of the younger generation of politicians, his mouth can get way ahead of his brain.

And, it's healthy when social media calls him out on this kind of stuff. Criticism is how we grow. He is growing and will be comfortably re-elected next Tuesday. As a Republican, I intend to hold my party's leaders' feet to the fire, to not say lunatic stuff like this, and simply focus on policies that reduce inflation and crime, while at the same time recognizing that not every American can fend for themselves. SS and Medicare are necessary tools to provide for a cohesive society.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:21 am
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:56 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:47 am This is only my personal observation about the races in NYS. IMO the Democrats made a huge tactical error after the SCOTUS decision re R v W. The expectations on the D side was a huge backlash of angry voters. It appears they miscalculated by putting all of their eggs in one basket. The never ending political ads by the Democrats focused mainly on that one issue. The problem was they neglected to pay attention to the problems they created with cashless bail and releasing dangerous criminals from prison. That is the issue that Republicans have hammered them with mercilessly in their ads. If you asked me 3 months ago if Kathy Hochul and my local congressman Joe Morelle would be in competitive races I would not have believed you. Morelle should be winning his district by 20 percentage points or more. It should be a cakewalk. Last week the Democrats lobbed a huge chunk of money Morelle's way because they see it as a tossup and are getting very nervous that Morelle could lose to the former chief of police in Rochester LeRon Singletary. Kathy Hochul is in the same boat. She has made a valiant attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. She should be crushing Lee Zeldin like a bug. If you believe or can trust the pollsters they are now running neck and neck. If Hochul loses this race it will be because of her short-sighted and very vocal advocation for cash less bail and early release. It might have worked if it was not for the fact that so many of these people both convicted and accused of criminal behavior chose to put themselves right back into circulation by going out and commiting new crimes. It took too long for some of the folks in the Democrat party to get the message. The last few weeks governor Hochul has switched gears with a half hearted attempt in her new ads about getting illegal weapons off the street. Maybe some one should have informed her that these illegal guns are attached to very violent people. She might have been too busy doing an end run around law abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits. Win, lose or draw Gov Hochul will always have that beautiful bright white Cheshire cat smile to take with her.
Gosh she's awful.

I'd add that I think Lee Zeldin is a perfectly agreeable candidate with the right message at the right time.

As for me, I really hope Maloney loses to Lawler. Lawler again seems like a nice young man with a good background. I am pulling for him.
I don't believe Gov Hochul is a bad person. Her problem is she is a political novice at such a high level and IMO has been the victim of some really bad advice. She comes off to me as being very insincere when she speaks. Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times.

I am having a harder time believing she actually is a good person. When she first came in, she was a welcome respite from Andy whose Covid policies were tyrannical and counterproductive. But she took those polices and went insanely two steps further. She's also managed to come across as certifiably criminal with some of the other suspect decisions she's made like the Buffalo stadium and the Covid test award.

So far as her personality, it's certainly grating, to put it charitably.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:51 pm

Mike Lee said something that few of his supporters would agree with. Like many of the younger generation of politicians, his mouth can get way ahead of his brain.

And, it's healthy when social media calls him out on this kind of stuff. Criticism is how we grow. He is growing and will be comfortably re-elected next Tuesday. As a Republican, I intend to hold my party's leaders' feet to the fire, to not say lunatic stuff like this, and simply focus on policies that reduce inflation and crime, while at the same time recognizing that not every American can fend for themselves. SS and Medicare are necessary tools to provide for a cohesive society.
He's 51. He may be "young" in a Senate that features players from the Night of the Living Dead (Chuck and Diane...), but he is a mature man with a lot of education who platformed a desire to end Social Security root and branch. If he is reelected, he will be altogether a party to the debt ceiling/strip entitlements brinksmanship.

Thanks for "Criticism is how we grow."
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by kramerica.inc »

My guess is Maggie and the NYT are going to lay it all at the feet of Biden next week.


Liberals rage after New York Times reports on Biden's ‘verbal fumbles': 'Trying to destroy us'
A New York Times piece pointing out President Joe Biden’s gaffes from his Tuesday speech angered liberals on Twitter.

Furious leftists on the platform swarmed the Times senior political reporter Maggie Haberman's tweet linking to the story, viciously insulting her and the report for making Biden and Democrats look bad.

On Tuesday, the Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker detailed the gaffes from Biden’s speech in a short article, titled, "Biden Verbally Fumbles, Twice, During Campaign Trip in Florida."

In it, he wrote, "President Biden verbally fumbled during a campaign swing in Florida on Tuesday, confusing the American war in Iraq with the Russian war in Ukraine, and then he fumbled again while he tried to correct himself, misstating how his son Beau died in 2015."

Baker also delved into Biden’s history of gaffe-making, writing, "Mr. Biden, who at 79 is the oldest president in American history, has a long record of gaffes dating back to when he was a young man. But his misstatements have become more pronounced, and more noticed, now that he has the spotlight of the presidency constantly on him."

Haberman drew more attention to the story by retweeting it from her own account. Though she may have anticipated some backlash for the piece, as she turned off Twitter replies to her post.

Even so, plenty of angry liberals quote-tweeted her post, and made their displeasure apparent.

University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Mark Copelovitch blasted Haberman and Baker for the piece. He tweeted, "1. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘the war in Ukraine.’ 2. Beau very well may have died of brain cancer due to Iraq burn pit exposure. 3. ‘More pronounced’...were you not alive in the 1980s/90s/00s to hear Biden?"

He continued, saying, "4. Most of them haven't been gaffes" and added, "5. Grow up."

User Jill Levy lamented, "She is trying to destroy us."

User "Beth" wrote, "It's really sad what you think your job is, with your giant f---ing megaphone, during an attempted fascist takeover of our democracy."

Jamesetta Williams wrote, "Maggie limits the comments when she knows the article she is sharing is problematic. Biden misspoke on Ukraine and quickly corrected himself, that is not news. It’s well documented that Biden believes his son got cancer from burn pits in Iraq, he did not misspeak."

Novelist DC Petersson accused Haberman of being a Russian agent, tweeting, "Hey Mags, does Vlad pay you directly, or is the money laundered through holding companies?"

Another user, Hal Corley, tweeted, "And she expects us to buy her damned book."

A self-proclaimed "proud Democrat" user wrote, "Go f--- yourself."

And another called Haberman an "Ableist trash bigot."

Prominent conservative Twitter users however, found the drama amusing and commented on the hostile reaction to the Times reporting.

Rapid response director for Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., Christina Pushaw noticed the backlash the piece and Haberman were receiving on Twitter. She wrote, "Read the quote tweets... Dems BiG MAD that a reporter reported something unflattering about Dear Leader."

Conservative reporter Jim Stinson remarked, "Good Lord. Maggie turned off her replies! Who is creating a hostile environment now?"

Heralding the beginning of liberal media criticism of Biden, The Spectator contributing editor Stephen L. Miller tweeted, "It begins."

He also mocked those who defend the gaffe-prone Biden, tweeting sarcastically, "Maggie, it's a [stutter]. What is this?"

The Federalist senior editor David Harsanyi corrected Haberman and Baker on the real nature of Biden’s gaffes. "Verbal fumbles. He’s blatantly lied at least five times today."

Conservative radio host Erick Erickson made the same prediction, tweeting, "This is only the beginning. After the bloodbath that is coming, the Times is going to do a full story with White House sources on Biden’s decline."

Radio host Larry O’Connor mocked how the Times characterized Biden’s gaffes, tweeting, "He just ‘fumbled’ guys..."

O’Connor’s radio colleague, Vince Coglianese, jokingly mocked the host, replying, "Flag on the field. Illegal pouncing, Larry."

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/ ... li=BBnb7Kz
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by youthathletics »

:lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)

Most Democrats expect the media to basically parrot the party line (the DNC Party line). If a journalist fails to abide by that contract, watch out...

It really is depressing to read when Democrats attack a journalist like Haberman. I didn't like Trump doing it, I certainly don't like this alternative Democrat version.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by get it to x »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)

Most Democrats expect the media to basically parrot the party line (the DNC Party line). If a journalist fails to abide by that contract, watch out...

It really is depressing to read when Democrats attack a journalist like Haberman. I didn't like Trump doing it, I certainly don't like this alternative Democrat version.
It's going to get worse. After Tuesday, I fully expect to see more pieces in the major Dem house organs encouraging Biden to limit his Presidency to one term. We might even see some 25th amendment talk. The price the party could pay for taking out Trump in 2020 could linger for a long time, especially if Trump gets a second term and performs well. It could cement a general aura of incompetence on the entire Democrat Party.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by PizzaSnake »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)

Most Democrats expect the media to basically parrot the party line (the DNC Party line). If a journalist fails to abide by that contract, watch out...

It really is depressing to read when Democrats attack a journalist like Haberman. I didn't like Trump doing it, I certainly don't like this alternative Democrat version.
All people and ideas should be subject to critical examination. No one or idea gets a free pass with me. However, "attack" the ideas, not the person. Unless of course the person's behavior is duplicitous.

And to those who are incapable of critical thinking, might be best if they didn't vote, or talk.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by jhu72 »

FBI just put out a general warning about potential threats against Synagogues in New Jersey.

Just wait KellyAnne will tell us the deep state is putting their thumb on the scale. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by jhu72 »

elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)

Most Democrats expect the media to basically parrot the party line (the DNC Party line). If a journalist fails to abide by that contract, watch out...

It really is depressing to read when Democrats attack a journalist like Haberman. I didn't like Trump doing it, I certainly don't like this alternative Democrat version.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by Bandito »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)
They live in an elitist echo chamber that is for sure. It is breathtaking to behold how clueless the holier than thou are on this cesspool of a message board. The best part about it, of course unless the Democrats steal the election again, will be the meltdown of 95% of this place when the Red Tsunami hits. It will be of epic proportions. Their masks and 5th booster won't even help protect them from the reckoning that is about to hit.

Can't wait.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by Brooklyn »

get it to x wrote: ↑Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:38 am

It might help if people like you didn't sew so much distrust in police that you make it harder for them to do their jobs. It might also help if we educated young people how to handle an encounter with police. Everyone has a part to play to make it work.

Are we to make it easier for the cops to get with shttt like this?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1vI-og ... wsChannel5
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by PizzaSnake »

Bandito wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:54 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)
They live in an elitist echo chamber that is for sure. It is breathtaking to behold how clueless the holier than thou are on this cesspool of a message board. The best part about it, of course unless the Democrats steal the election again, will be the meltdown of 95% of this place when the Red Tsunami hits. It will be of epic proportions. Their masks and 5th booster won't even help protect them from the reckoning that is about to hit.

Can't wait.
“this cesspool of a message board.”

From your lips to Dog’s ear.

Feel free to leave, friend.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by cradleandshoot »

PizzaSnake wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:48 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:21 am
elonmuskrockefeller wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:56 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:47 am This is only my personal observation about the races in NYS. IMO the Democrats made a huge tactical error after the SCOTUS decision re R v W. The expectations on the D side was a huge backlash of angry voters. It appears they miscalculated by putting all of their eggs in one basket. The never ending political ads by the Democrats focused mainly on that one issue. The problem was they neglected to pay attention to the problems they created with cashless bail and releasing dangerous criminals from prison. That is the issue that Republicans have hammered them with mercilessly in their ads. If you asked me 3 months ago if Kathy Hochul and my local congressman Joe Morelle would be in competitive races I would not have believed you. Morelle should be winning his district by 20 percentage points or more. It should be a cakewalk. Last week the Democrats lobbed a huge chunk of money Morelle's way because they see it as a tossup and are getting very nervous that Morelle could lose to the former chief of police in Rochester LeRon Singletary. Kathy Hochul is in the same boat. She has made a valiant attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. She should be crushing Lee Zeldin like a bug. If you believe or can trust the pollsters they are now running neck and neck. If Hochul loses this race it will be because of her short-sighted and very vocal advocation for cash less bail and early release. It might have worked if it was not for the fact that so many of these people both convicted and accused of criminal behavior chose to put themselves right back into circulation by going out and commiting new crimes. It took too long for some of the folks in the Democrat party to get the message. The last few weeks governor Hochul has switched gears with a half hearted attempt in her new ads about getting illegal weapons off the street. Maybe some one should have informed her that these illegal guns are attached to very violent people. She might have been too busy doing an end run around law abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits. Win, lose or draw Gov Hochul will always have that beautiful bright white Cheshire cat smile to take with her.

Gosh she's awful.

I'd add that I think Lee Zeldin is a perfectly agreeable candidate with the right message at the right time.

As for me, I really hope Maloney loses to Lawler. Lawler again seems like a nice young man with a good background. I am pulling for him.
I don't believe Gov Hochul is a bad person. Her problem is she is a political novice at such a high level and IMO has been the victim of some really bad advice. She comes off to me as being very insincere when she speaks. Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times.
"Too many chit eating grins at the most inappropriate times."

So, her lack of polished, smooth, delivery (hallmarks of professional, lifer politicians) dissuades you? Would you prefer an experienced hack? Your message seems conflicted.

"You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street,
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.

And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,

So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in."
--Pink Floyd, "Dogs" from 1977 album "Animals"
Kathy Hochuls fresh perspective wore of very quickly. Her lack of polish does not bother me at all. The fact she somehow morphed into King Andy's kid sister is what bothers me. The fact she has now found herself in a dead heat with Lee Zeldin tells you everything you need to know. She was handed on a silver platter the easiest gig on the planet to win re-election. Today she is fighting for her political life. Maybe she should have ignored the advice from her handlers. Her rabid support for cashless bail and letting large numbers of violent criminals out of jail on parole could be the reason she might lose this election. The fact that in the last couple of weeks she did an about face and is now pretending that she wants to get tough on crime. Her whole schtick was about supporting a woman's right to an abortion. SHE chose to ignore the ever increasing number of violent crimes being committed by very bad people she let out of jail all the while keeping her Cheshire cat grin intact. FTR I am a huge Pink Floyd fan. I lean more towards Darkside of the Moon and The Wall.
Her lack of polish was over ruled by her lack of intuition and common sense.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by Brooklyn »

It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by elonmuskrockefeller »

Bandito wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:54 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)
They live in an elitist echo chamber that is for sure. It is breathtaking to behold how clueless the holier than thou are on this cesspool of a message board. The best part about it, of course unless the Democrats steal the election again, will be the meltdown of 95% of this place when the Red Tsunami hits. It will be of epic proportions. Their masks and 5th booster won't even help protect them from the reckoning that is about to hit.

Can't wait.

Though the election should be a red tsunami, for many reasons I am not sold. The Roe reversal will clearly play a part in some tight states like Pennsylvania (even though Oz is definitely pro-choice, even if he doesn't say so). Some easy races like Georgia are tight simply because Walker isn't exactly a top-tier candidate. And other races are so close that even a 1% mail-in balloting or harvesting scheme will tip the scales the other way.

I do think the odds are for a red tsunami, but I've been wrong so often making political predictions, I'll hold off this time. If you re-elect a Democrat, you are voting for lockdowns, vaccine incoherence, high crime, a highly partisan DOJ, recession, inflation, and bananas legislation regarding trans kids/global warming/etc...

Regardless of the outcome, Republicans deserve to win, Democrats to lose. It's the only way to reassert some balance in America.
Last edited by elonmuskrockefeller on Fri Nov 04, 2022 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by Bandito »

Here’s a 10 minute montage of Democrats denying elections.

https://twitter.com/steveguest/status/1 ... 6pTaWz18mw

You’re a liar, hypocrite and the leader of disinformation on this board.
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Re: 2022 Midterms

Post by admin »

Bandito wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:54 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:16 pm :lol: :lol: But the liberals around here double down, b/c, well, all the cool kids are doing it. ;)
They live in an elitist echo chamber that is for sure. It is breathtaking to behold how clueless the holier than thou are on this cesspool of a message board. The best part about it, of course unless the Democrats steal the election again, will be the meltdown of 95% of this place when the Red Tsunami hits. It will be of epic proportions. Their masks and 5th booster won't even help protect them from the reckoning that is about to hit.

Can't wait.
Trolling... Penalty
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