Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Laxing97 »

Let me make one thing clear I have never posted under an alias ever. I really don’t care what you think of people posting on hear. You are pathetic because all you post is BS. If you really cared about this program you would make it to games to see what everyone else is seeing. You are going to challenge Dc’s evaluation who is a Dartmouth supporter. Who has made you the savior for this program.

Let’s go to your Harvard posts you question the coaches and you question the locker room attitude. You are not an alum who gives you the right to as you say it troll. You read box scores so Dartmouth helped you read but you are now questioning real alum’s who go to the games evaluations and that is flat out discussing.

You or your few friends on here have never interacted with this coach as a recruit or a player so it is
Amazing that you do not want to hear from people who have because it hasn’t been positive. Let’s go down memory lane. The alumni put pressure on the Ad to push towers out. The Ad told towers to fire his coaching staff and ride out his contract. Towers refused to fire his coaches and was let go with full pay I must add. So now we are here 5 years later and the coach recruited players who can’t catch ,pass or shoot. Callahan could of had a Div III first team fogo but he blew him off. Christopher is a stud goalie and could play anywhere and you guys question him playing. Really this team does not deserve him.

People are entitled to post anything they want on here. The problem is the truth hurts but people are entitled to hear it. Maybe if people know what is going on the program can improve. Why don’t we see all these positive posts from people who recently left the program.

Last players who were cut should have a right to speak out. You told us it was for the better of the team but to this day Callahan’s best record was with towers players. Explain how the last five years have improved. The program just lost to Hartford it can’t get much worse. I can’t wait for your reply
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

redlacrosse wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:48 pm Post #1 of 1 on the new forum. If you are satisfied with the direction of the program, fine. If you are not satisfied with being ranked in the low 60’s year after year, fine. Recruiting will not be hurt by this forum as anything that is posted is already public knowledge, well before it is written about on any forum. All of the recruits already know what is going on. However, we have listened year after year to every possible excuse as to why this program struggles to win. There is a constant factor. Throw me in the trolls or deplorables bucket, I do not care. Yes, I am a fan of Dartmouth lacrosse and I want them to succeed. Yes, I do give my money to another sport at Dartmouth. And I now feel no remorse for not giving to the lacrosse program, as I see how the lacrosse program apparently views it’s alum and their parents.
And that's a perfectly reasonable point of view, coming from a Dartmouth alum...though your connection to the lacrosse program is what?

Do you have a gripe other than the record?

Many of those I'd consider trolls do have very personal gripes. We understand their personal gripes, indeed can sympathize with them.

But they're actually rooting for failure this year. Revel in it.

If you're rooting for failure this year, you're certainly not a fan of the program, a troll. You, red, don't seem to be doing so in this first post, so please do go ahead and share whatever actual lacrosse specific thoughts you may have that could be helpful to the team.

That's the one we have now.

No one is making excuses for the record.

But let's not confuse the record simply with the HC, unless you're willing to say the same for the prior HC whose last season also had just 2 W's...including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Ox77 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:22 pm
redlacrosse wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:48 pm Post #1 of 1 on the new forum. If you are satisfied with the direction of the program, fine. If you are not satisfied with being ranked in the low 60’s year after year, fine. Recruiting will not be hurt by this forum as anything that is posted is already public knowledge, well before it is written about on any forum. All of the recruits already know what is going on. However, we have listened year after year to every possible excuse as to why this program struggles to win. There is a constant factor. Throw me in the trolls or deplorables bucket, I do not care. Yes, I am a fan of Dartmouth lacrosse and I want them to succeed. Yes, I do give my money to another sport at Dartmouth. And I now feel no remorse for not giving to the lacrosse program, as I see how the lacrosse program apparently views it’s alum and their parents.
And that's a perfectly reasonable point of view, coming from a Dartmouth alum...though your connection to the lacrosse program is what?

Do you have a gripe other than the record?

Many of those I'd consider trolls do have very personal gripes. We understand their personal gripes, indeed can sympathize with them.

But they're actually rooting for failure this year. Revel in it.

If you're rooting for failure this year, you're certainly not a fan of the program, a troll. You, red, don't seem to be doing so in this first post, so please do go ahead and share whatever actual lacrosse specific thoughts you may have that could be helpful to the team.

That's the one we have now.

No one is making excuses for the record.

But let's not confuse the record simply with the HC, unless you're willing to say the same for the prior HC whose last season also had just 2 W's...including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
MD- You say... BTW, Callahan is blunt about the shortcomings in his notes. "There's very legitimate concern about the play on the field. Catching, throwing, hitting the cage, etc. We'd seen some real improvement over the past few games on TO's, but Tuesday was back to awful."

Most agree (myself included) that this is a young team, individually talented and they work very hard. (ask the players/teams they've played- you'll hear the same.)

The issue you are hearing here from supporters (or not), is the OPEN question of whether or not this team- and these boys- are in a position where they CAN get better. Shot % isnt purely a function of whether kids can hit the net... it's a product of the offensive system they run. Clearing isnt always a problem because someone drops the ball... sometimes the clear isnt designed well and that turnover is forced. Sure, FO is a problem, but FO and wing play is a system. They give up a lot of shots because we dont win FOs, but also because maybe the D system is not great. Ask the boys on teams who've played them and scouted them. Watch some game film, don't just look at the stats. I think you'll maybe see that the "systems" are not there. (IMO)

Sure, some people on this board aren't pro-D. But trolling- by definition- is just incessant arguing for the sake of arguing or provoking. And damn, but the rosy scenario stuff on this board- without asking/answering a hard question- is just as much "trolling" as the people who just want to see the team do poorly for personal reasons.

So don't blow smoke up my Dartmouth a$$!!
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Laxing97 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:15 pm MD
Let me make one thing clear I have never posted under an alias ever. I really don’t care what you think of people posting on hear. You are pathetic because all you post is BS. If you really cared about this program you would make it to games to see what everyone else is seeing. You are going to challenge Dc’s evaluation who is a Dartmouth supporter. Who has made you the savior for this program.

Let’s go to your Harvard posts you question the coaches and you question the locker room attitude. You are not an alum who gives you the right to as you say it troll. You read box scores so Dartmouth helped you read but you are now questioning real alum’s who go to the games evaluations and that is flat out discussing.

You or your few friends on here have never interacted with this coach as a recruit or a player so it is
Amazing that you do not want to hear from people who have because it hasn’t been positive. Let’s go down memory lane. The alumni put pressure on the Ad to push towers out. The Ad told towers to fire his coaching staff and ride out his contract. Towers refused to fire his coaches and was let go with full pay I must add. So now we are here 5 years later and the coach recruited players who can’t catch ,pass or shoot. Callahan could of had a Div III first team fogo but he blew him off. Christopher is a stud goalie and could play anywhere and you guys question him playing. Really this team does not deserve him.

People are entitled to post anything they want on here. The problem is the truth hurts but people are entitled to hear it. Maybe if people know what is going on the program can improve. Why don’t we see all these positive posts from people who recently left the program.

Last players who were cut should have a right to speak out. You told us it was for the better of the team but to this day Callahan’s best record was with towers players. Explain how the last five years have improved. The program just lost to Hartford it can’t get much worse. I can’t wait for your reply
'97, I'll take your word for it.

Are you an alum? From your rampant spelling errors and grammar, I'm guessing not.
But, hey, maybe you're just super sloppy.

If not an alum, a parent of a player who was cut? Parent whose son wasn't recruited?

If yes an alum, were you a player who was cut or a buddy of same?
If yes an alum, come on, shape up your spelling.

But sure, if you are a player who was cut, come out an say so. Your opinion, your specific experience, would have some weight as such. Just own it.

I dislike the word "entitled" as it means so little. People are "entitled" to be jerks, like Prime Time's comments about "baggage handlers" but we're also "entitled to tell him he's a jerk and we want nothing to do with him.

Yes, Towers was let go a year before his contract was up and was paid out his contract. That's how bad the situation was, he needed to go in the AD's judgment. As did his assistants. The slide on the scoreboard was not the primary factor. That was the AD's call, not ours. I did agree with the AD's call though.

DCIII actually made some lax-specific observations, with which I happen to agree. That's the sort of thing that's at least interesting, and potentially constructive. But he/she also made an assertion that there were players presumably with better stat % or other reasons to think they'd do better on the field. I was simply asking him to share who he meant, as I don't see it in the stats. But I'd love to be wrong!

On the Harvard program, yes I had some very specific insights. My comments were super accurate; adjustments were made not long thereafter for exactly the sorts of reasons I shared.

Last, on Christopher, I totally agree, he's an excellent player and I assume he's been working his tail off. But posters asked the question because the freshman has been so outstanding and Christoper just had a 42% day vs Hartford. It was a perfectly reasonable, lacrosse-specific discussion, as well as specific to the 2019 season.

Usually that's the sort of discussion we have on a forum like this.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Ox77 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:22 pm
redlacrosse wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:48 pm Post #1 of 1 on the new forum. If you are satisfied with the direction of the program, fine. If you are not satisfied with being ranked in the low 60’s year after year, fine. Recruiting will not be hurt by this forum as anything that is posted is already public knowledge, well before it is written about on any forum. All of the recruits already know what is going on. However, we have listened year after year to every possible excuse as to why this program struggles to win. There is a constant factor. Throw me in the trolls or deplorables bucket, I do not care. Yes, I am a fan of Dartmouth lacrosse and I want them to succeed. Yes, I do give my money to another sport at Dartmouth. And I now feel no remorse for not giving to the lacrosse program, as I see how the lacrosse program apparently views it’s alum and their parents.
And that's a perfectly reasonable point of view, coming from a Dartmouth alum...though your connection to the lacrosse program is what?

Do you have a gripe other than the record?

Many of those I'd consider trolls do have very personal gripes. We understand their personal gripes, indeed can sympathize with them.

But they're actually rooting for failure this year. Revel in it.

If you're rooting for failure this year, you're certainly not a fan of the program, a troll. You, red, don't seem to be doing so in this first post, so please do go ahead and share whatever actual lacrosse specific thoughts you may have that could be helpful to the team.

That's the one we have now.

No one is making excuses for the record.

But let's not confuse the record simply with the HC, unless you're willing to say the same for the prior HC whose last season also had just 2 W's...including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
MD- You say... BTW, Callahan is blunt about the shortcomings in his notes. "There's very legitimate concern about the play on the field. Catching, throwing, hitting the cage, etc. We'd seen some real improvement over the past few games on TO's, but Tuesday was back to awful."

Most agree (myself included) that this is a young team, individually talented and they work very hard. (ask the players/teams they've played- you'll hear the same.)

The issue you are hearing here from supporters (or not), is the OPEN question of whether or not this team- and these boys- are in a position where they CAN get better. Shot % isnt purely a function of whether kids can hit the net... it's a product of the offensive system they run. Clearing isnt always a problem because someone drops the ball... sometimes the clear isnt designed well and that turnover is forced. Sure, FO is a problem, but FO and wing play is a system. They give up a lot of shots because we dont win FOs, but also because maybe the D system is not great. Ask the boys on teams who've played them and scouted them. Watch some game film, don't just look at the stats. I think you'll maybe see that the "systems" are not there. (IMO)

Sure, some people on this board aren't pro-D. But trolling- by definition- is just incessant arguing for the sake of arguing or provoking. And damn, but the rosy scenario stuff on this board- without asking/answering a hard question- is just as much "trolling" as the people who just want to see the team do poorly for personal reasons.

So don't blow smoke up my Dartmouth a$$!!
Fair questions. Lacrosse specific questions!

Earlier in the year, you asked about the new AHC...like you, I was (and am) hoping he's helping.

I think the actual Dartmouth fans who participate on this thread aren't sugar coating, no 'rosy scenario' about the success on the field.

Off the field, yes, much improved.

Do we like that the team fights hard between the lines? yes.
Do we think that's enough? no.

Did we seem to see the TO's get much better for a series of games? Yes. Much better.
But did that disappear on Tuesday? yes.

Do we hope this team will continue to mature these next 2 years with additional talent coming behind them? yes.

We're fans, supporters, not whiners.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by redlacrosse »

Post #2 of 2. Oh MD, come on, you know me. We've had lots of conversations regarding FO's, the coach telling the team (during his epic first year) that he had no intentions of winning, players who needed to take an academic test (before the season started) being told they were required to go on a trip to the woods where they were treated to frostbite and no food, the coach telling the entire team that a teammate was a thief, etc. You already know my association to the program, no need to go over that again. I was having a nice walk on the beach at Hilton Head Island and I had to rush back to my home computer to answer your questions. Please, for the sake of Dartmouth lacrosse, give your screen name a well deserved break. Peace out. Go Dartmouth Rugby.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

redlacrosse wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:15 pm Post #2 of 2. Oh MD, come on, you know me. We've had lots of conversations regarding FO's, the coach telling the team (during his epic first year) that he had no intentions of winning, players who needed to take an academic test (before the season started) being told they were required to go on a trip to the woods where they were treated to frostbite and no food, the coach telling the entire team that a teammate was a thief, etc. You already know my association to the program, no need to go over that again. I was having a nice walk on the beach at Hilton Head Island and I had to rush back to my home computer to answer your questions. Please, for the sake of Dartmouth lacrosse, give your screen name a well deserved break. Peace out. Go Dartmouth Rugby.
Sorry, red, I lose track of who people are...age related memory issues?

I understand your perspective.
You always came across to me as a concerned parent. I wasn't able to confirm most of what you cite (indeed quite different), including from a player who was later cut in the 'purge', but as a parent myself I understood your passion.

But as I said, let's not confuse the W's as being the issues with which you were concerned.
The former HC's last year had just 2 wins, including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.

Glad it worked out so well for the Rugby team!

Hope Hilton Head is having beautiful weather!
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by RumorMill »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:31 pm
The former HC's last year had just 2 wins, including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
What happened to the former HC?

I definitely agree that off the field performance and reputation are very important and essentially non-negotiable. I also think this plays into the recruiting discussion. The players are there (currently and available for future recruiting), both from a performance and character perspective. I'm results oriented... I don't have all the background info that apparently some do, just base my opinions and comments on current events and some discussions with recent alums. There are 3 Ivy games left! One win and things look different.
Last edited by RumorMill on Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by check sticks »

These past 2 pages have headed down the proverbial rabbit hole.
Past LP admins would have scrubbed these pages as there are outright
lies and character defamation in some of these recent postings. Nothing that belongs in this forum.

Agreed that winning would spin the story a different direction. Hoping that a visiting Princeton will
catch a Dartmouth team so embarrassed by Tuesday's outcome that an upset (vis a vis 2013) can be imagined.

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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Homer »

RumorMill wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:31 pm
The former HC's last year had just 2 wins, including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
What happened to the former HC?
[ETA: embarrassingly misread "last year" as "2018" rather than "final year at Dartmouth" and was confused about who hired Towers; discount credibility of following paragraph accordingly ;) .]

Other reason for posting: MD, I totally understand your frustration with posters who come across like all they care about is sniping at a program you love when it's down. However, I like posting here and like getting to read the threads for every school and feeling like I'm welcome to contribute if I ever have something to say. I think that's gonna go better long-term if we make it a principle that every thread's open to everybody: fan or hater, alum or parent or gawker, in-season or out. I'm not questioning your motives at all, MD, I know how much thought you put into your posts and how much you care about making this a great place for all of us to talk about lacrosse. I just kind of wanted to lay down a marker on that.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Homer wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:01 am
RumorMill wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:31 pm
The former HC's last year had just 2 wins, including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
What happened to the former HC?
[ETA: embarrassingly misread "last year" as "2018" rather than "final year at Dartmouth" and was confused about who hired Towers; discount credibility of following paragraph accordingly ;) .]

Other reason for posting: MD, I totally understand your frustration with posters who come across like all they care about is sniping at a program you love when it's down. However, I like posting here and like getting to read the threads for every school and feeling like I'm welcome to contribute if I ever have something to say. I think that's gonna go better long-term if we make it a principle that every thread's open to everybody: fan or hater, alum or parent or gawker, in-season or out. I'm not questioning your motives at all, MD, I know how much thought you put into your posts and how much you care about making this a great place for all of us to talk about lacrosse. I just kind of wanted to lay down a marker on that.
I assume you meant 'fired' not "hired" Towers. He and his staff were let go after the 2014 season. But no worries about credibility, Homer, you are a regular, constructive poster, sometimes adding a little sense of humor to a discussion.

You're a welcome poster, just as I hope I am on numerous other threads where I have an interest and choose to post.

I 100% agree, we should indeed "make it a principle that every thread's open to everybody: fan or hater, alum or parent or gawker, in-season or out."

I'm also pretty darn sure it's not up to us anyway! :D

But with that openness comes the discussion when the 'haters' choose to 'troll' a school thread. They're going to be challenged in return.

I do think that a poster's specific perspective and experience matters in a discussion. Are they a supportive alum who has played for the school, supported it financially or as a volunteer? Are they perhaps an alum who was simply a fan (as is the case with numerous Hopkins thread posters)? Are they a parent or other relative of a player who plays or played?

Or just a fan of the game, the league, whatever.

There are all sorts of perspectives and experiences that shape opinions; just own them, be clear where you're coming from. You do exactly that.

I've chosen to not be anonymous. It's really easy to figure out who I am and thus my perspective. I don't expect that level of openness from others, but if anyone is going to post negative views about someone, at least be clear about where you're coming from.

None of us can enforce that, but we sure as heck can challenge the trolls on that basis.

Check Sticks, an actual fan of the program, very well informed, is correct: There have been some posts on here that have trafficked in "outright lies and character defamation". That's a shame. They really don't belong on a forum like this.

That sort of thing would indeed have been scrubbed from LP. But truthful insights also got scrubbed, so I come down on the open policy this forum is taking.

We're just going to need to confront the garbage and those throwing it.

But all constructive lax discussion is actually welcome.

For instance, I'm not sure how we stop Sowers.
Brown's Geppert did it, so that's interesting. But do we have a guy who can do it for us?
And can we keep him from lots of possessions if we don't keep it at least even at X?

I think we need to play a near flawless game, win the GB battle, and have outstanding goaltending.

It would be great to have some decent weather!
Playing in a white out like Tuesday is brutal on stick skills.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

RumorMill wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:31 pm
The former HC's last year had just 2 wins, including a 14-10 loss to Hartford.
What happened to the former HC?

I definitely agree that off the field performance and reputation are very important and essentially non-negotiable. I also think this plays into the recruiting discussion. The players are there (currently and available for future recruiting), both from a performance and character perspective. I'm results oriented... I don't have all the background info that apparently some do, just base my opinions and comments on current events and some discussions with recent alums. There are 3 Ivy games left! One win and things look different.
Towers and his staff were dismissed after the 2014 season. The play on the field had badly deteriorated, but that was not the primary factor, at least that's what I heard at the time, and subsequently. It was a year early for Towers, not sure about the assistants. I don't think it was well handled by the AD (at least what I've heard, and the length of the new hiring process which basically lost a full year of recruiting), but I did agree that it was necessary to make a change.

That's never easy for coaches. I hope that Andy achieves success in all aspects of life going forward.

We agree about how this stuff impacts recruiting. For instance, if a HS recruit is offered a joint or a line at a lax party, at which many of the players are flat wasted, it's going to turn off serious guys. That's what one recruit (not my son), whose top choice had previously been Dartmouth, told me after his recruiting trip.

But, to be clear, there were lots of good guys on those Towers teams. Good students, good leaders, good players. I think the 'tipping point' was just in the wrong direction off the field. I also didn't like some of the on-field behavior, but I think that was what the coaches wanted.

Beat PU!
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by admin »

And during a break in play, the referee wanders over to a group of players and says, people, games going great, you're all doing great, and... Just be careful of libelous statements. Again, great game. And let's line-up! Tweeeet! And play continues...
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Ghost »

Great back to Lax talk👍
Any thoughts about DC Experimenting with a transition game?
...I say we have little to lose;
Our current Ball control offense is not consistently effective scoring 6 v 6 , and #2 so far, still prone to >20 + TOs/gm
On the plus side, our strength at Goal provides ample break opportunities off saves-
aggressive transition game may result in Same total TOs, but worth it for 10 or so extra Fast break scoring opportunities...
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Homer »

MDLax -- great response and everything you're saying makes sense to me.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Ghost wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:20 am Great back to Lax talk👍
Any thoughts about DC Experimenting with a transition game?
...I say we have little to lose;
Our current Ball control offense is not consistently effective scoring 6 v 6 , and #2 so far, still prone to >20 + TOs/gm
On the plus side, our strength at Goal provides ample break opportunities off saves-
aggressive transition game may result in Same total TOs, but worth it for 10 or so extra Fast break scoring opportunities...
I dunno.
I'm a big fan of pushing transition when you have the horses to do so.
It's fun to play and fun to watch.

Do we think we have the horses at midfield and LSM out run and gun PU?

From what I hear from those who were there, Tuesday's white out weather conditions were abysmal, contributing, perhaps, to the spate of TO's by both teams.

The prior couple of games there had been a rather dramatic improvement in TO's (just 9 vs Yale which had 13), certainly something that is critical to longer term success. We'd probably have had more if we'd won any FO's and had more possession time, but definitely sorely needed improvement in ball handling.

I doubt we'll see Callahan abandon that emphasis these last 3 games. But as he looks at next year's team, who knows.

BTW, my concern that the freshman tender Hincks is injured was confirmed. I don't know for how long, but that's indeed why we saw Christopher in net. He'll need to step up big vs PU. We know he's capable of doing so!

It was nice to see freshman pole Peter Rizzotti get a shout out from Callahan. He's typically drawing opponents' top attack man and leads the team in caused turnovers at 21 and second (to Hincks) with GB's at 28. He's well down the list of starters with TO's, which given the number of touches he's had, isn't bad.

If he draws him, he'll have his hands awfully full with Sowers, who can break ankles of the best defenders.
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by wahoomurf »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:48 pm
wahoomurf:Tommy Rogan, a 2 sport star at Chaminade H.S. (Mineola, Long Island,N.Y.),is heading to Hanover. Many thought he'd go to Yale where his father played quarter back for Cozza. Moreover,Shay and Moran are on each other's speed dial.And there's always a few Chaminade guys on the Yale team.Nonetheless he chose Dartmouth.

Perhaps Callahan can develop a similar pipeline to Dartmouth as the one Yale/Shay has developed with Moran. Rogan,a great student-athlete and a terrific young man,is the type of young man to start the flow.
It would be terrific to see that pipeline be successful.
A former DC football and lacrosse player of my acquaintance,is working on building that pipeline.He has relationships with quite a few coaches on Long Island.In addition to Moran,he has excellent relationships with the coaching staffs at Manhasset, St. Anthony's,Garden City, and Ward Melvile high schools.All are traditionally strong lacrosse programs and send quite a few players to the Ivies.Why not Dartmouth?
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by HooDat »

wahoomurf wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:57 pm Why not Dartmouth?
You need to copyright that and start selling t-shirts.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by Ghost »

wahoomurf wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:48 pm
wahoomurf:Tommy Rogan, a 2 sport star at Chaminade H.S. (Mineola, Long Island,N.Y.),is heading to Hanover. Many thought he'd go to Yale where his father played quarter back for Cozza. Moreover,Shay and Moran are on each other's speed dial.And there's always a few Chaminade guys on the Yale team.Nonetheless he chose Dartmouth.

Perhaps Callahan can develop a similar pipeline to Dartmouth as the one Yale/Shay has developed with Moran. Rogan,a great student-athlete and a terrific young man,is the type of young man to start the flow.
It would be terrific to see that pipeline be successful.
A former DC football and lacrosse player of my acquaintance,is working on building that pipeline.He has relationships with quite a few coaches on Long Island.In addition to Moran,he has excellent relationships with the coaching staffs at Manhasset, St. Anthony's,Garden City, and Ward Melvile high schools.All are traditionally strong lacrosse programs and send quite a few players to the Ivies.Why not Dartmouth?
Speaking of Chaminade - good to see big #42 on the field again vs Yale... to be fair about the clearing TOs - having both #42 and #30 injured, at the same time, was a killer...
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Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:30 pm

Re: Dartmouth Men's Lacrosse

Post by LaxDad76 »

In the interest of full disclosure, my son is on the team, and for that reason, I try to avoid this page. However, it is hard not to read it and comment. So, here it goes. No one is happy with the W-L record this year — not the coaches, not the players, not the parents. Contrary to what one poster said here, there is not a ho-hum attitude by the coaches and players after a loss. I have stood there and seen players in tears and the frustration on coaches’ faces. There is a real desire to win. Why aren’t they winning? I will leave that to the lacrosse experts, but having only two FOGOs on a DI roster (and having both hurt) has been a real problem. That certainly is a legitimate reason to criticize the coaches.

The players all seem to like each other and get along, despite the friction that could arise from the freshmen and sophomores playing over the seniors and many juniors. The players like the coaches and in particular, believe in and buy into what Joe Conner has brought. The offense needs to improve. Whether that will happen, again I leave to the experts.

There is a belief that the foundation is there. Two very good (and maybe great) goalies. A very solid young defense with more good D men coming in next year. The big questions are FOGO and more offense. The two FOGOs on the roster this year are back, and two more coming next year. Having 4 FOGOs in and of itself will make a huge difference. Going into Princeton tomorrow there are 0 playing. As for offense, time will tell.

There is a great need and anticipation of the indoor facility. The Friends seem to be working hard to get additional support and funding in place.
The players and coaches want desperately to win. Now, they just need to find a way to do it.
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