Trump's Russian Collusion

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »


Again, you're clearly just stumbling across this thread, and have missed my postings. IMHO, Trump has done plenty that would...normally....get him impeached. For me, the meeting at the Hotel simply attempting to get dirt on an opponent from a Russian spy was as disgusting as it gets.

But, sadly, that's not illegal. Neither is firing the guy investigating you, apparently. Nor is having the guy Trump hand picked (Barr) sitting on a report about all the shady crap Trump did. The nonstop lying Trump's crew has done surrounding Russia has only burned Flynn, sadly.

Welcome to America. We're learning in the Trump age that if you have no shame, it's legal to do darn near anything a powerful politician wants.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Chips O'Toole »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:17 pmE.
Ok, so you saw substantial evidence supporting a conspiracy with Russia, just not enough to rise to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. So just like a 50-75ish% chance the POTUS is in an illegal conspiracy with a hostile foreign country.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

Attempted conspiracy. Yes.

All that Russia spy had to do in that hotel meeting was give Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner one piece of non-publicly available dirt on Hillary....and that's it. Ballgame.

She didn't. According to them, anyway. So no, nothing that would hold up in court.

Circumstantial evidence? Yes, out the wazoo, no question from me on that point. Trump Tower Moscow. Trump refusing to insult Putin unlike pretty much every other world leader. Flynn discussing sanctions. All the lying. Aforementioned hotel meeting.

This is more than enough for me to want to get rid of the man, even though none of it is illegal (excepting Flynn's lies).

But alas, I'm not in the US Senate.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:24 pmTrump is a communications genius. He understands marketing and branding as well as any Madison Avenue exec. Sure, his audience was the "non-elite". That's why he didn't speak to them in wonky terms. He used a 7th grade vocabulary and spoke to their hopes and aspirations. Trouble for Dems this time is there are a lot of Black and Hispanic "non-elites" whose lives have been markedly improved under this President. He will figure out how to bring them over and likely win a few states he lost last time while keeping most, if not all, of his 2016 wins.
Disagree. One man's "communications genius" is another's "grifter and con man". The man has been living on the cusp of organized crime for decades. That's just ONE thread...the Sater/Deutsche Bank one...and there are many, many more.

As for the "lives have been markedly improved under this President" trope...that is pretty much a sad substance-free fantasy anywhere this side of HannityVille. The women's vote ALONE will likely swamp and small gains made from the constant junior high-level mean girl pose this con man assumes when talking to the deplorables and others subject to Don's Con.

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by jhu72 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:36 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:12 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:03 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 4:20 pm Barr knew exactly what he was doing when he made the statement about spying. He was playing to his boss. His intent was to be controversial. He is a toady and a scum bag.
Why are you comfortable calling people names but not when DJT does it?

BTW you eat waffles for breakfast today? ;) :lol:
I am just getting with the new American program as espoused by fearless leader. He doesn't have a filter, why should I, or you or anyone? It's the new American way. MAGA Enjoy!
You make a very good point 72. FYI... never refer to RBG as Buzzi because MD lax will lose his freaking mind and go into his lecture about decency. If we are really lucky, MD lax will drop his hypocrisy shield and define for all of us how you define what a slur is. It lies somewhere between SCUMBAG and BUZZI... help us out here MD. Only the Charlie Brown wishy washy republican brain of your can give us the proper definition... :lol: In case you are confused... that was not a SLUR against you... it was sarcasm. Just a personal observation MD... why not become a Democrat?... they really, truly and honestly deserve you... :P
I have to laugh at the hypocrisy. You are going to chastize MDlax for chastizing you in one of your posts. You have never done that to anyone. :lol: You have personally told me on multiple occasions what a terrible person I am, I should be ashamed of myself, for making some comment you took offense at. Yup, your house is clean. :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by get it to x »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:44 pm
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:24 pmTrump is a communications genius. He understands marketing and branding as well as any Madison Avenue exec. Sure, his audience was the "non-elite". That's why he didn't speak to them in wonky terms. He used a 7th grade vocabulary and spoke to their hopes and aspirations. Trouble for Dems this time is there are a lot of Black and Hispanic "non-elites" whose lives have been markedly improved under this President. He will figure out how to bring them over and likely win a few states he lost last time while keeping most, if not all, of his 2016 wins.
Disagree. One man's "communications genius" is another's "grifter and con man". The man has been living on the cusp of organized crime for decades. That's just ONE thread...the Sater/Deutsche Bank one...and there are many, many more.

As for the "lives have been markedly improved under this President" trope...that is pretty much a sad substance-free fantasy anywhere this side of HannityVille. The women's vote ALONE will likely swamp and small gains made from the constant junior high-level mean girl pose this con man assumes when talking to the deplorables and others subject to Don's Con.

This is off topic from Mueller, but the real con is going on right now. The Dems are so afraid of Trump making gains with PoC, especially Blacks they are rolling out the "Reparations" bandwagon even though they know it has no hope. Only one party is race obsessed, and seeks to divide us along our immutable identities. Shameful.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:17 pm I'm not criticizing Fox in this post. I'm criticizing Barr and Old Salt. Barr for making the same wild unsubstantiated charges that so offended Republicans over the past two years.....and Old Salt for not getting mad at Barr for making the same wild charges that Maddow et al leveled at Trump.

If it's not ok to do this, then we listened to two years of whining by American Republicans over nothing. Turns out that wild unsubstantiated charges are fine, if you're saying these things about people who were mean to Trump.
.:lol:. ...Aw, don't be mad at me. It's been confirmed that Carter Page was under surveillance. It's been widely & credibly reported that Stefan Halper was a FBI informant who attempted (unsuccessfully) to penetrate the Trump campaign. That alone confirms "spying on the Trump campaign." Should he have denied the obvious ?

The reports from IG Horowitz & US Atty Huber will hit his desk in the near future.
Is the AG supposed to look the other way & sweep them under the rug ?

AG Barr was very understated compared to the past 2+ years of accusations by Schiff, Blumenthal, Pelosi & Associates.
Barr didn't speculate about any treasonous behavior, like CIA Director Brennan did.

Relax. Barr will just validate that all investigations were adequately predicated & everyone acted appropriately.
I predict commendations for all who were involved.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm :lol:. ...Aw, don't be mad at me. It's been confirmed that Carter Page was under surveillance. It's been widely & credibly reported that Stefan Halper was a FBI informant who attempted (unsuccessfully) to penetrate the Trump campaign. That alone confirms "spying on the Trump campaign." Should he have denied the obvious ?
Oh yeah, totally spying. Did you know that Page gave Hillary the inside information that purple was Trump's favorite color? And Hillary used that inside info. to beat Trump in the election? Wow. That's some top notch spying.

Limbaugh sez so, so it must be true.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm The reports from IG Horowitz & US Atty Huber will hit his desk in the near future.
Is the AG supposed to look the other way & sweep them under the rug ?
Dunno. What's the party affiliation of the person being investigated?

You've been telling us for 2 years that the FBI should have looked the other way, and not investigated the Trump organization.

Now that the shoes on the other foot----shocker, you want investigations. Or wait---do we call investigations into wrongdoing "spying" now, following Barr's lead?
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm Relax. Barr will just validate that all investigations were adequately predicated & everyone acted appropriately.
And if they're cleared, you'll be on here apologizing to each agent for trashing their careers for having the gall to do the job we paid them to do, right?

Naaaah. F'em, right? They're all probably Dems.

Personally, I think Barr is a member of the Deep State....who can old salt possibly trust to run this investigation when the entire DoJ and FBI are out to get to Trump? Take your time. I'm sure you can come up with an answer to that.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm This is off topic from Mueller, but the real con is going on right now. The Dems are so afraid of Trump making gains with PoC, especially Blacks...
Well, Rush Limbaugh sez as much, so it must be true. And if anyone knows what it's like to be an average black American, it's Rush Limbaugh.
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm Only one party is race obsessed, and seeks to divide us along our immutable identities. Shameful.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm told Democrats kick puppies when no one is looking, and Republicans can leap over buildings in a single bound.

Is that really true?

Personally, I'm voting Republican straight ticket in 2020. You know: because of the Dem's puppy-kicking. Shameful.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by get it to x »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:39 pm
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm This is off topic from Mueller, but the real con is going on right now. The Dems are so afraid of Trump making gains with PoC, especially Blacks...
Well, Rush Limbaugh sez as much, so it must be true. And if anyone knows what it's like to be an average black American, it's Rush Limbaugh.
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm Only one party is race obsessed, and seeks to divide us along our immutable identities. Shameful.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm told Democrats kick puppies when no one is looking, and Republicans can leap over buildings in a single bound.

Is that really true?

Personally, I'm voting Republican straight ticket in 2020. You know: because of the Dem's puppy-kicking. Shameful.
So why leave out my comment about reparations? You must have attended the Ted Lieu School of Editing.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:56 pm So why leave out my comment about reparations?
You mean the puppy kickers?

Who cares about asking for reparations? They're kicking puppies!!

Don't worry, the letter R by someone's name fixes everything. Have no fear.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:31 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm :lol:. ...Aw, don't be mad at me. It's been confirmed that Carter Page was under surveillance. It's been widely & credibly reported that Stefan Halper was a FBI informant who attempted (unsuccessfully) to penetrate the Trump campaign. That alone confirms "spying on the Trump campaign." Should he have denied the obvious ?
Oh yeah, totally spying. Did you know that Page gave Hillary the inside information that purple was Trump's favorite color? And Hillary used that inside info. to beat Trump in the election? Wow. That's some top notch spying.

Limbaugh sez so, so it must be true.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm The reports from IG Horowitz & US Atty Huber will hit his desk in the near future.
Is the AG supposed to look the other way & sweep them under the rug ?
Dunno. What's the party affiliation of the person being investigated?

You've been telling us for 2 years that the FBI should have looked the other way, and not investigated the Trump organization.

Now that the shoes on the other foot----shocker, you want investigations. Or wait---do we call investigations into wrongdoing "spying" now, following Barr's lead?
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:39 pm Relax. Barr will just validate that all investigations were adequately predicated & everyone acted appropriately.
And if they're cleared, you'll be on here apologizing to each agent for trashing their careers for having the gall to do the job we paid them to do, right?

Naaaah. F'em, right? They're all probably Dems.

Personally, I think Barr is a member of the Deep State....who can old salt possibly trust to run this investigation when the entire DoJ and FBI are out to get to Trump? Take your time. I'm sure you can come up with an answer to that.
As I've said before. There's nothing wrong with a closely held counter intel investigation, if there's a reasonable basis for it.
If it does not reveal anything criminal, it goes in the dead file.
No harm. No foul. So long as it's not leaked or used for any political purpose.

Who leaked that Carter Page was subject of a FISA warrant & blew up his life ?
Who leaked, implying that Svetlana was a Russian spy & ruined her life ?
Who leaked the intercepts of Flynn's phone calls ?
Who spread the Steele dossier throughout the govt ?
Why were the FISA intercepts so widely distributed & so many unmaskings requested ?
...& all that was after the leaks that jammed up McCabe.
Yeah. They're all Boy Scouts. Don't make me play the Farkas leaker infomercial again.
What's Rush saying that's got you so fired up ? I'm not a listener.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by holmes435 »

get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:56 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:39 pm
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm This is off topic from Mueller, but the real con is going on right now. The Dems are so afraid of Trump making gains with PoC, especially Blacks...
Well, Rush Limbaugh sez as much, so it must be true. And if anyone knows what it's like to be an average black American, it's Rush Limbaugh.
get it to x wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 pm Only one party is race obsessed, and seeks to divide us along our immutable identities. Shameful.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm told Democrats kick puppies when no one is looking, and Republicans can leap over buildings in a single bound.

Is that really true?

Personally, I'm voting Republican straight ticket in 2020. You know: because of the Dem's puppy-kicking. Shameful.
So why leave out my comment about reparations? You must have attended the Ted Lieu School of Editing.
Only one party is race obsessed? Did you eat paint chips as a kid? :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by OCanada »

It is evidently the Republican Party and it’s base
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by get it to x »

OCanada wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:25 am It is evidently the Republican Party and it’s base
OK. So which conservative/Republican institutions are encouraging division along racial lines?

Maybe it's universities, with separate but equal student unions and student housing?

Maybe it's Congress, where we have Black and Hispanic Caucuses? I wonder what kind of outrage a "White Caucus" would trigger.

Maybe it's the media, who don't care to enumerate the difference between nationalism and white nationalism?

Maybe it's the Federal procurement system, which give preferences (including no bid construction contracts up to $5,000,000) for people of certain races but not white men.

Oh wait, these are all progressive/liberal institutions.

Remember, only one Dixiecrat ever switched parties. The rest of them remained in the Democrat party.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by RedFromMI »

get it to x wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:26 am
OCanada wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:25 am It is evidently the Republican Party and it’s base
OK. So which conservative/Republican institutions are encouraging division along racial lines?

Maybe it's universities, with separate but equal student unions and student housing?

Can you provide an example of a university/college which provides the housing so segregated? Private, off-campus housing does not count, nor do fraternities/sororities...

Maybe it's Congress, where we have Black and Hispanic Caucuses? I wonder what kind of outrage a "White Caucus" would trigger.

Maybe those organizations exist because otherwise they would be lost as _minorities_. What you suggest is unnecessary due to the power the _majority_ already has and wields...

Maybe it's the media, who don't care to enumerate the difference between nationalism and white nationalism?

Maybe because there is not so much difference?

Maybe it's the Federal procurement system, which give preferences (including no bid construction contracts up to $5,000,000) for people of certain races but not white men.

Again - a _minority_ has a certain amount of protection here - unnecessary for the _majority_.

Oh wait, these are all progressive/liberal institutions.

Hardly the case.

Remember, only one Dixiecrat ever switched parties. The rest of them remained in the Democrat party.

Only one in the Senate. If seniority of committee assignments did not disappear when switching parties, a _ton_ of politicians would have made the switch. At lower levels of government (especially state and local) this is absolutely untrue historically. You need to brush up on your facts...
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by jhu72 »

get it to x wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:26 am
OCanada wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:25 am It is evidently the Republican Party and it’s base
OK. So which conservative/Republican institutions are encouraging division along racial lines?

Maybe it's universities, with separate but equal student unions and student housing?

Maybe it's Congress, where we have Black and Hispanic Caucuses? I wonder what kind of outrage a "White Caucus" would trigger.

Maybe it's the media, who don't care to enumerate the difference between nationalism and white nationalism?

Maybe it's the Federal procurement system, which give preferences (including no bid construction contracts up to $5,000,000) for people of certain races but not white men.

Oh wait, these are all progressive/liberal institutions.

Remember, only one Dixiecrat ever switched parties. The rest of them remained in the Democrat party.
You might want to stop reading right wing blogs to learn history.

Dixiecrat as a name came to refer to all southern politicians in the democratic party, whether they had ever been registered or members of the short lived Dixiecrat party. The south had traditionally been democratic in voting habits. This began to change after WW2. Truman's integration of the armed forces was a proximate cause of the move (of southerners) away from the democratic party to the republican party. By the time of the Eisenhower first term, southerners were voting 50% for the republican party where that number had been 25% just 4 years earlier. It didn't help that an Illinois intellectual (Adlai Stevenson) was the democratic candidate opposing Eisenhower. It remained at this level until the mid 60s, when after the passage of Johnson's civil rights legislation, the south again rejected the democrats in a big way, voting 70% for Nixon. When Carter ran the south reverted to the 50 - 50 voting pattern. With the election of Reagan, his anti-intellectualism and racist dog whistles, the republicans gained the upper hand with southern voters that lasts to this day. There was a reversion to something close to 50-50 (but republicans still maintaining the upper hand) with the Bill Clinton candidacy. Clinton also appeared to be the more racist less intellectual candidate as compared to Bush even thought Bush employed dog whistles. Southerners like voting for southerners. See the graph bellow.

As to your comment that only one Dixiecrat switched party, that is nonsense. The #1 Dixiecrat, Strom Thurmond, did on a national level. The Dixiecrats however were not just a national party, they ran local candidates as well. On the local level, the party shifting was much more noticable in terms of numbers switching party alligence. There were still some nationally prominent southern democrats (Dixiecrats / racists) that remained in the democratic party. That period however has largely ended.

Republican % of Southern Votes.png
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Brooklyn »

Julian Assange (mentioned above) has been released from asylum at the British Ecuadorian embassy for violating certain international protocols. Police arrested him immediately and his attorneys are fighting to keep him from getting extradited to the USA. Youtube is broadcasting live protests by Brit Marxists who are on his side and who do not want him extradited.

Interestingly, a YT right wing website also defended Assange despite all reports of him being a rabid anti-semite.

We shall see what happens next.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

Brooklyn wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:42 am Julian Assange (mentioned above) has been released from asylum at the British Ecuadorian embassy for violating certain international protocols. Police arrested him immediately and his attorneys are fighting to keep him from getting extradited to the USA. Youtube is broadcasting live protests by Brit Marxists who are on his side and who do not want him extradited.

Interestingly, a YT right wing website also defended Assange despite all reports of him being a rabid anti-semite.

We shall see what happens next.
Apparently, extraditing, then convicting Assange in the US, is not a slam dunk.
He could claim to be a journalist who just published what "whistlebiowers" brought to him.
Maybe the Pulitzer Prize winners he enabled will testify on his behalf. ... -thoughts/
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Wouldn't be surprised to see our old friend Glenzilla show up on Julian's defense team...

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