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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by BobbyBooze »

Plattsburgh loses 14-5 @ Clarkson

Oneonta loses 12-10 @ Skidmore

Plattsburgh lost to a good Clarkson team yesterday. Statistics were very lopsided. Clarkson outshot Plattsburgh 51-16. Looks like Clarkson controlled play throughout the afternoon. Plattsburgh scored the 1st goal of the 2nd half at 14:47 to make it 7-5 Clarkson. Clarkson would then go on to score 7 unanswered and take home a 14-5 win. Plattsburgh lost 14-6 to Skidmore early last season and rebounded to have a good season. Look for the cards to bounce back. It doesnt get any easier as the Plattsburgh takes on RPI next Wednesday March 13th. ... &path=mlax

Oneonta wont be burning any boats after this one. The game looks to have been close...When I checked the live stats it was 7-7 heading into the 4th. A 4 goal run by Skidmore at the beginning of the 4th looks to have been the difference in this one. The statistics look to have been relatively close throughout the game. Oneonta will look to bounce back againt Frostburg State in Maryland this Saturday. ... &path=mlax
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by CourtStreetAlum »

Geneseo lost 9-4 to a talented SLU team on Saturday. A lot of bugs need to be worked out with the Geneseo offense as they only mustered 6 shots in the second half. Their second straight close loss to a good team. It’s still early but this Geneseo team could definitely make some noise in conference play. I plan to make it out to their midday game tomorrow against Baldwin Wallace. I don’t know much about this team but expect it to be another close game unless the Knights offense can start scoring more consistently.

Looking at the schedule, they have a stretch of 6 games in 15 days, ending with games at #1 Salisbury and home against #2 RIT. This will be a tough leg of the schedule but will hopefully prepare the Knights for conference play.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by fanOlax »

SUNYACs have definitely been interesting this year. I have gotten to watch quite a few games and have checked in on box scores. Hard to say how things will pan out this early but ill throw some off the cuff rankings up.

1)Cortland-2-2 I dont think they have improved or gotten significantly worse in the last 3-4 years. They are still slightly above the rest of the SUNYs with the talent they attract. They also are consistently good something most of the other SUNY schools have struggled to do. Overall I think they will continue to be a very competitive team but don't know if they will ever be that top 5 team again unless their is a change at the helm.

2)Geneseo- 1-2 so far, they haven't played a bad team yet. There is definitely room for improvement but I would put them as 2 right now mainly because I cant see them not being in the top 4 at the end of conference play. They have a lot of talent and I think Fiorentino is moving them in the right direction.

3)Oswego- 2-0 Hartwick and Morrisville are both average to good programs so those are two decent wins. They have been on the cusp of being good the last few years. Bezek has been there for a while now, I am guessing the team is mainly if not totally his recruits now. We will see how they play against some tougher teams. I don't know if they will finish 3 but I wouldnt be surprised to see them in the top 4.

4)Plattsburgh-1-1 This was a toss up. I am interested to see how the offense will produce in the post Hubbard era. Just breaking double digits v Morrisville and only putting up 5 v Clarkson may cause some worries but it good be early season woes combined with adjusting to not having a "star" attackman.

5)Brockport- 1-2 Really not sure about Brockport. Looks like they are mainly playing underclassmen most likely the result of the strong classes they had the previous few years. Their D/Goalie has definitely downgraded and is no longer their strength (Have given up double digit goals in every game). Offense has put up low numbers v Clarkson and Naz and 14 v Keuka who I am guessing is average.

6)Oneonta-2-3 They have played a decent schedule so far. Owens needs some time to rebuild that program and move them out of the slump they have been in the last 10+ years. I think they could surprise some SUNY teams they always seem to come up with at least one upset. Wouldnt be shocked if they find a way into the top 4.

7)Potsdam-1-2 Potsdam is in a downward spiral. No Soderquist this year hurts them even more. Huiatt is very good but will need some help. Will be interesting to see what Berkman can figure out up north. Potsdamn used to be a contender/very competitive every year. They last few years have been rough.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by Whatyagonnado »

Seems Brockport may have found it's grove. Fantastic wins against Baldwin Wallace on the road and Concordia University at home. They have now evened up at 3-3 and should be 4-3 heading into SUNY action. While they are not at the level of the top teams on their schedule. They should make some noise in league play.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by Olaxfan »

Oneonta not looking too good. After a good start with 2 wins and a 2 goal loss to pretty good Skidmore team they have gone 1-4 with each loss looking worse than the one before. Goaltending started strong but fading with only 9 saves against 16 allowed v Ithaca and faceoffs continue to be a huge problem. Lots of work and changes need to be made if they are going to compete in Sunyac play.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by fanOlax »

Sunyac conference play starts next week. Most teams have 1-2 more games before they start the race to de throne Cortland. Here’s some ranks that probably aren’t correct.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by fanOlax »

Week 1 predictions

I think this one will be on the lower scoring side. Geneseo will most likely be coming off of a couple tough loses against very good teams and will be looking for a win. Plattsburgh is always tough when it comes to conference play but they still need to prove that to be true this year.

A little worried for the bears this year vs Cortland. I think the Cortland team this year is good enough that most SUNY teams are going to have a tough time topping them. The bears have a few good players but their depth is going to hurt them.

Going to be a tight one. Brockport has won 3 in a row, Oneonta had a nice win v Kean and will most likely beat up on Anna Maria and will have some momentum as well. Big game to start conference play for both teams.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by BobbyBooze »

Held back as long as I could. Bobby Booze stops posting and Golden Eagles go on a 4 game win streak, coincidence???? I don't know, maybe but The Golden Eagles have had some solid wins over Concordia Wisconsin, Baldwin Wallace, and Lycoming. Defense has looked A LOT BETTER over these past 3 games and hopefully they can keep it up. The offense still has looked stagnant at times but has shown that they have the ability to score in bunches on any given day. Both units have been improving and I would imagine they both will continue on an upward trajectory and hopefully not a regression to the mean...(Little math term there for ya)(State School Education)

The next 3 weeks should tell us whether or not the Golden Eagles will be heading back to the YACs for the 4th year in a row. Up next on schedule they have Oneonta, Oswego and Potsdam. If the Golden Eagles want to get back, they are going to have to win at least 2 out of 3, if not all 3 games. The Golden Eagles are not going to win these games on talent alone. They are going to have to really commit to doing the little things right and be that pesky team that just wont go away. Not a Bruins fan by any means (Go Sabes) but play/have an attitude similar to Brad Marchand and good things will happen!

Good Luck to all teams starting conference play this weekend.

These are my Rankings

1. Cortland

2a) Geneseo
2b) Oswego

3a) Brockport
3b) Plattsburgh
3c) Oneonta

7) Potsdam
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by fanOlax »

Bobby Booze, looks like you may have jinxed your Golden Eagles. I watched a few minutes at the end of the game. Brockport did not look very good. Oneonta looked like they were in control granted I only saw a few minutes so hard for me to comment on.

I watched most of the Genny v Plattsburgh game. A few take away notes-- Genny did not look as strong as I originally thought they would be. They have played tough competition all year up to this point. Hopefully they didn't take too many beatings for it not to be beneficial. Plattsburgh looked better than the other times I have watched them. I think both these teams will end up with at least 3 wins in conference play.

Cortland v Potsdam went as expected.

Predictions for this week...

Cortland-15 Plattsbugh-7: Even though platts looked better than expected I still think they will struggle against Cortland this year.

Oswego-12 Brockport-7: I think Oswego will have the fire power to make Brockport struggle and I am not convinced Brockport can score against above average teams.

Geneseo-9 Oneonta-8: My bet is this will be close. Im putting Geneseo on top but could see it going either way depending on how the teams play.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by CourtStreetAlum »

Genny dropped a tough one on the road in Platty, lots of things that can be cleaned up for the Knights. They had a ton of unforced turnovers that made it impossible for them to get anything going offensively. Looking at the stats, groundballs continue to be a problem for them. Outside of just the stats, the offense can't seem to get anything going in transition, which could be a huge problem in SUNYAC play. Defensively, Genny is dropping into a zone on almost every posession. Kind of suprising to see, as I thought that they were returning some talent on the defensive end and wouldn't have to try and hide in a zone.

Predictions for this week:
Cortland - 13 Platty - 4: Plattsburgh's offense seemed stagnant against the Geneseo zone and only had one or two athletes that I think could pose a threat to Cortland's D.

Oswego - 12 Brockport - 3: Sorry BobbyBooze, but if Oneonta can put up 11 on Brockport, I have to assume that Oswego will be able to do the same and more. Haven't gotten a chance to watch either team though, so this is based purely off of stats and scores.

Geneseo - 11 Oneonta - 6: I think this will be close in the first half but if the Knights offense can figure out the turnovers and the defense can hold strong, they should be able to pull away late.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by BobbyBooze »

A disappointing result for the Golden Eagles this past saturday to say the least...Brockport won almost every statistical category but were only 15-22 on clearing whereas Oneonta was 26-28. Multiple failed clears led to scoring chances and goals for Oneonta. Gotta clean up the clear game. Too many failed clears is a recipe for a tired defense and quick scoring opportunities for the opponnent. Oneonta took advantage.

It doesn't get any easier as Brockport takes on Oswego this Saturday, who will no doubt be looking for revenge after last years game.

Right now the Golden Eagles are on the outside looking in with games against Oswego, Potsdam, Cortland, Geneseo, and Plattsburgh left. The Golden Eagles will need to win at least 3 of these game to secure a spot. If they only win 2 of these games they will need some help to get in. Just gotta keep battling. Good thing is the Golden Eagles still control their own destiny. Do they get it done? I don't know. Only time will tell.

I have Cortland definitively beating Plattsburgh

Oswego over Brockport (Maybe if I pick against them they will win! Reverse psychology. Please prove me wrong!)

I think Oneonta and Geneseo will be closer than originally thought.

Either way, should be a telling weekend of SUNYAC play. Good Luck to all!

1. Cortland
2. Oswego

3a. Plattsburgh
3b. Geneseo
3c. Oneonta

6) Brockport
7) Potsdam
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by fanOlax »

Almost hit dead on with all of my predictions for last weeks SUNYAC games (a first for me). I think the picture is becoming a little more clear but is still rather blurry in the grand scheme of things. A few notes before my predictions. It appears like this will be a year of Cortland domination in the SUNYACs, disappointing but not surprising based on the rest of the league being down compared to recent years. From 2-7 is a lot closer, I think after another week of games we will be able to see who really is the next teams behind Cortland.

Predictions for Wednesday:

Cortland-16 Geneseo-5: Geneseo has played a lot of teams that are as good if not better than Cortland, I think this game will have a similar outcome that most of those had.

Plattsburgh-9 Oneonta-7: Should be a good battle. I think Oneonta is better than they were last year, Platts is obviously down from last year, but I am not sure if Oneonta has the firepower after Panno.

Oswego-15 Potsdam-6: I can't say I was overly impressed by Oswego in their win over an average Brockport team. With that being said I still think they will handle Potsdam.

Brockport: OFF..Hopefully working on getting back on track before Saturday.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by Olaxfan »

Another huge 4th quarter collapse by Oneonta.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by ICGrad »

Cortland lost to Geneseo?!? Did I read that right, or was it a mistake?
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by SpringLax »

crt 13. Genny 10

Oney 11. Platts and refs 12
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by ICGrad »

SpringLax wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:00 pm crt 13. Genny 10
Interesting. IL is listing it as a 14-8 Geneseo win. Still, I might add...
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by SpringLax »

Inside lacrosse is fake news
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by BobbyBooze »

Brockport lost to a good Oswego squad this past Saturday. The Golden Eagles outplayed and controlled play against Lakers throughout the entire afternoon, but in the end it did not matter because the scoreboard is the only statistic that truly matters. The only area that Oswego outplayed the Golden Eagles was Goaltending. The Oswego goaltender made 17 Saves to Brockports 5 saves. Oswego only had 16 Shots on net throughout the entire afternoon and collected 11 goals from those shots. Goaltending was the difference in the game and unfortanetly for my Golden Eagles they were on the wrong side of that equation. Until the Golden Eagles are able to get consistent goaltending on a week to week basis they run the risk of missing the SUNYAC playoffs for the 1st time in 4 years.

Brockport has games against Potsdam, Alfred, Cortland, Geneseo and Plattsburgh left. The Golden Eagles still control their own fate when it comes to making YACs. Wins against Potsdam, Geneseo, and Plattsburgh should get them in but none of those games are a guarantee. Its up to the team to decide how they want to write the end of their story for the 2019 season. Pulling for em.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by Olaxfan »

Shaping up to be:
1 Cortland
2 Plattsburgh
3 Geneseo
4 Oswego or Oneonta

Brockport and Potsdam on the outside looking to get in.
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Re: SUNYAC 2019

Post by SpringLax »

Oswego / Genesseo: Fight for third seed in the SUNAYC. (Everybody wants to stay away from the #1 Seed)

Oneonta/Potsdam: We will see if Oneonta has made any strides or are they the same old tease.

Cortland/ Brockport: Cortland pays back Brockport for last year.... I would be surprised if they are within 15.

Happy Holidays everybody.
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