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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by LaxFan2000 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:42 pm Now, here's speculation: it's entirely likely that the DOJ/FBI had credible information that Trump had lied about what he still had and that he still had was of such importance as to be way beyond the pale...right now the reporting is that the materials retrieved include information at a security classification level so high that it can't even be characterized without risk.
I can't figure out what this thing is that is so important, but I truly hope this turns out to be the case.
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:42 pm Let's also note that the FBI notified the Secret Service in advance who properly facilitated their access.
this is a very good point, leads me to start thinking Trump is the one raising the ruckus to try to generate sympathy/support.
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:48 pm You do realize that it's incredibly inappropriate for a person with the POTUS' authority to dictate to DOJ/FBI who they should investigate and who they should not, right?
yep and I wholeheartedly reject Trump's attempts at influence there when he was in office.

a fan wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:55 pm They had their chance to complain about abuse of power.

Not only did the tell us that it wasn't an abuse of power----they told us in no uncertain terms that what Trump did was no big deal.
While I hate hypocracy as much as you, I reject the notion of - you broke the rules so now we get to....
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm Until then, he's not an official candidate...
good point. a little legalistic, but none-the-less true and in this case it changes the "balance of power" in the decision making.

One thing we need to be watchful of, is seeing Trump as such a "threat to democracy" that we destroy our democracy trying to take him out. I have faith in our systems (if we don't ruin them) to keep Trump at bay. I have less faith in the bureaucracy and "normal" power seekers giving up control of things that were justified in the name of taking out Trump. We need to do the right thing even when it is inconvenient.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by CU88 »

Such good american citizens, refusing to tell the truth.

Trump ally Doug Mastriano's January 6 committee appearance ends without a single question answered, source says ... index.html

This idiot wanted to be Gov of PA?!
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by a fan »

HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:15 pm While I hate hypocracy as much as you, I reject the notion of - you broke the rules so now we get to....
Oh, I agree 100%! My comment ONLY applies to those who didn't complain about Trump's abuse of power...and therefore have no standing to complain about a thing today, no matter the reason for the raid.

Either complain about it when it happens to any American, or don't complain at all.

But we both know that Biden didn't order this raid. And if by some miracle he did order it? Impeach him. I'm all for it, even though Trump got away with it while Republicans on this board cheered on his abuses of power.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Brooklyn »

Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

Even Andrew Cuomo thinks this better be good.... ... tOFNPqbSYg
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:48 pm
HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:19 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:00 pm
HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:22 am I don't care what your party of choice might be - this use of Presidential power should concern you. And yes it is Presidential power that was deployed - "notified" or not, the FBI is part of the Executive Branch and therefore reports to the POTUS. They are HIS cops.
You're acting like you've forgotten that Trump, Barr, and Giuliani went after Joe Biden and his family using the DoJ and FBI and CIA.....and that investigation is ongoing.

Did you forget? Trump asking Zelensky to launch a fake investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine?

Then Giuliani...who isn't even a Federal employee-----heading out to Ukraine, telling the public that he's looking for dirt on his political opponent and his son. And the public didn't care. Oh, and then Giuliani handed over Hunter's laptop to the press, acting like that was the most natural thing in the world. Biden fans (as if there are any) didn't complain, or threaten to storm DC.

Hunter (and his father, naturally) has been under FBI investigation for three years now, HooDat. And no one in the Dem party is whining about it....they're just letting the FBI do their job.
No I'm not forgetting. Trump made many feeble, and I think feigned, attempts at going after the Dems. But for all his mucking up crowds to chant "lock her up" he never even tried. Feds never did raid the homes of Biden (Hunter or Joe), or even Hillary for that matter.

But if you want to get into whataboutism - Biden fans didn't need to threaten to storm DC, because the FBI and the Press were "nothing to see here"-ing the entire thing. In the end, Hunter's laptop is sad. I don't think pushing it would have been a winning strategy anyway. Far more interesting, and even more ignored is fact that everyone know China and the Ukraine had made millions of dollars in payments to a sitting Senator/VP's son for very unclear services rendered and no one cared......
mmmm, seems to me that a whole lot of right wing media and their viewers "cared".

You do realize that it's incredibly inappropriate for a person with the POTUS' authority to dictate to DOJ/FBI who they should investigate and who they should not, right? And that includes a candidate for such office, right?

Indeed, DOJ/FBI leadership should assiduously reject any such pressure, if applied. We know that Trump did try to apply various such inappropriate pressures, but was rebuffed by the system...imagine a competent fascist engineering the rebuild of the FB and DOJ with only loyalists, purging out any career professionals unwilling to be swear loyalty to the single man in the White House?
Is he officially a candidate for office? Not someone you see as a candidate, but someone who has said beyond the benefit of a doubt that he is in fact 100% running. Until then, he's not an official candidate...
You misunderstood the reference.

Trump did so in office. He also did so when he was running for office. Yes, when he was running for office, previously. and he had people at his rallies, with him on stage, leading the crowd in various such chants.

That said, I don't think there needs to be a distinction between "thinking about it" and actually running as to whether it's highly inappropriate for someone with any aspiration to actually holding the power of such office to indicate that they will use such power in such a way.

For instance, it would have been highly inappropriate for Joe Biden, before declaring his candidacy, to have told the media that he would direct the DOJ to investigate and prosecute and "lock him up" in reference to Trump. And even more egregious if he was to do so now, holding the power of the White House.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:32 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.
Agreed on that, which is why another, more competent politician could be far more dangerous. Taking advantage of that infection.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:38 pm
HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:32 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.
Agreed on that, which is why another, more competent politician could be far more dangerous. Taking advantage of that infection.
I have been meaning to ask (because I assume this is what you are alluding to). It seems that you see DeSantis in that role, why? If you can, keep references to "dog whistle" type arguments to a minimum - I'd like to be convinced, but that type of argument won't convince me.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
Have I "trivialized" any of your opinions or are you simply unwilling to explain them fully, fearful of disagreement?

This is a discussion board for goodness sake; stop whining about others' posts and opinions and start offering your own with full explanation of what you think and why. Defend your views, listen to others, consider all fairly, and you will very likely be treated the same respectful way in I'm trying very hard to do with you.
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by LaxFan2000 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:44 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
Have I "trivialized" any of your opinions or are you simply unwilling to explain them fully, fearful of disagreement?

This is a discussion board for goodness sake; stop whining about others' posts and opinions and start offering your own with full explanation of what you think and why. Defend your views, listen to others, consider all fairly, and you will very likely be treated the same respectful way in I'm trying very hard to do with you.
This is an agreement board. Meaning if you are not in agreement with the preferred narrative of a small group of posters, your opinion gets chastised. You get accused of being a "troll", "MAGA", etc, etc. Let's be honest. Enough with the crap. Not playying your games anymore...
Posts: 23826
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
You concluded that from a short period of time here without ever participating before?
Last edited by Farfromgeneva on Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 23826
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:32 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.
What’s the cause?
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 198
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:51 pm

Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by LaxFan2000 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:53 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
You concluded that form a short period of time here without ever participating before?
100%. Why is it so hard for you to believe that? Doesn't take long to see that. It's the same people that post, they are always in agreement. When someone comes along who isn't, they are unable to engage in genuine discussion. Because those select people aren't interested in understanding their viewpoint, they want to chastise, trivialize their point until it falls within their acceptable narrative. It's very easy to see. Won't take most more than a few weeks to see. Not hard at all..
Posts: 23826
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Farfromgeneva »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:47 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:44 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:58 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:46 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:40 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:36 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:09 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:59 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:33 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:01 am
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:24 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:19 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:29 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:04 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:48 pmThanks for clearing up where you stand politically. Sounds like you identify more with the Democratic Party these days...
Do you identify with the current Republican Party, or any party in particular? What are your political ideologies?
I am a republican. You knew the answer to that, why even ask?
Was simply curious, no need to get upset over a simple question. I was also interested in what you believe in, and not just a label. Because Republicans have a wide range of ideologies and beliefs, and a ton of them have changed drastically over the past 6 years and past 60 years respectively. Democrats too, but their ideologies have changed more in the long term and less in the short term..
I am not a MAGA type. Fair-weather Republican.
So as a Fair-weather Republican, by definition, you change your fundamental beliefs simply by who is winning in the Republican party?

That's the MAGA types for the past 6+ years.

You're saying you don't have any solid foundational beliefs in how government should be run or what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country? You just rely on what the winning dude says we should do?
I, too, am interested in what 2000 means by "fair-weather Republican"...your interpretation certainly seems likely on the mark, but 2000 what say you?

Please explain your actual views. Fully.
To be helpful, I suggested a bunch of prompts, and Natty Boh has as well.
I like his add "and what freedoms and responsibilities Citizens should have in our country?"
I vote for the person in the Republican Party that I think can best do the job and lead our country. I don't blindly follow what they do or so if it turns out that I was wrong and they weren't the best person for the job. Then I start look within my party to find who I think will be the best person to put forward in the next election. Despite what has been said on this forum, I happen to like a lot of the things DeSantis has done and the energy and ideas he brings to the table. Doesn't mean that he is who I am voting for, I just happen to like a lot of what he does. Is he perfect? Far from it. Is he the threat to society that you have claimed he is? Far from it. This answer was not intended for you to lecture me on DeSantis, FYI. I don't need your opinion on him, I have seen it enough in my first few months here...
Correct, I've been clear about my view about DeSantis, which have only hardened the more I've watched him make decisions in office.

But, "I just happen to like a lot of what he does." seems quite reminiscent of folks' excuse about Trump "I like his policies", "I like his strength"...

Which policies and why?
In your case, what does he do that you like so much that you'd consider voting for him over, say a moderate Democrat?

Or are you GOP all the time, no matter what?

I asked a number of prompts...plenty of opportunity to fully explain your views.
This is a discussion site, you are being invited to discuss.

Expect pushback where people disagree. Again, discussion.
First, is anything I see going to change your mind about him? At all? He can relate to all different types of voters, especially the Latinx. He doesn't back down from a good fight, has strong conviction and plays well to his base. Are you going to vote for Biden? Or Kamala Harris?
I'd vote for either over DeSantis, and neither would be my preferred candidate in 2024. I don't like Harris, and Biden is too old IMO to be as sound in 2024-28 as he is in this stretch.

However, I see DeSantis as a competent fascist, but a fascist nevertheless and the GOP is primed to back anything he does in the interest of power.

So, it's back to voting for a piece of wood over the fascist, same calculation as I had in 2020.

I do agree that DeSantis can appeal to some hispanic voters, particularly those for whom "socialist" is really scary, for good reason...but what's scary IMO is an authoritarian, and right wing such are just as bad as left wing ones.

I don't see DeSantis as simply someone who doesn't back down from a fight, rather he's picking unnecessary ones for political gain, and worse, he's using powers of government as. bully that definitely signal the fascist tendencies...gotta remember, that's exactly what the "base" thinks they want, a "Christian nationalist".

So, no, I'm extremely unlikely to change my mind about DeSantis and the stakes at hand.

Give me Hogan or Cheney or...but not a fascist.
Thanks, guess we will agree to disagree here. I just don't see DeSantis as the same threat that you do. Doesn't make me a bad person. Just have other things that keep me up at night, Ron DeSantis not even remotely being one of them...
No need to personalize this as you being a "bad person" simply because you haven't focused on why DeSantis is a fascist threat yet. You have plenty of time! ;)

Feel free to engage on what does keep you up at night and why...we can all learn from one another, but only if we explain ourselves fully.
Why do I have to prove to you he is not a Facist Threat? Because you say he is? That's laughable. You are not the authority on Ron DeSantis. Your opinion is in the minority in many, many places. This site not being one of them. Because you say he is, you won't take my opinions on him seriously until I prove to you that he is not a Facist threat? That's 3rd grade logic right there. There is nothing in the world I can say to you that will change your mind. Why bother? That's not discussion, that's you attempting to control the narrative. Not how it works in life. Maybe in FanLax Forums, but not in reality. Why do you attempt to do this? It's disingenuous behavior...
An odd interpretation.
Why is it odd?
Your challenging opinions where we understand why he has formed them while not wanting your opinions questioned or to even really articulate reasons in detail as to why you support him. You don’t have to do anything but then to insult (3rd grade logic is an insult just not one that resonates well here and certainly in this context with a guy who if anything is too compromising and thoughtful vs someone who’s arguing “because I like him and I know for certain without presenting any data or hard primary sources facts that I’m more in the right supported by some unprovable majority supporting me than you”).

You’ve also assumed someone won’t change their mind without even trying. Lazy or selfish in that you aren’t committed to the conversion you are very much actively engaging in.

It’s all just a silly post. Closer to the chronological logic accusation you made than to your intended target.
Word salad. He doesn't want my opinion for any other reason then he knows it doesn't jive with his political narrative and it bothers him. You seem to get really bothered by my posts. Not my intention whatsoever. Find something else to be bothered about.
Whoa, it bothers me not at all that you'd have a different opinion than me.
Millions of Americans do, so it's no surprise that participants on a middle/upper middle class sports thread would have some who disagree with my views.

I simply don't appreciate the personal attacks on other posters (including me) for simply expressing their views and then retreating to "you don't want to know, so I'm not going to tell you, because you won't agree with me anyway" nonsense.

You are invited to explain your views. Expect some disagreement.
All the rest of us expect to be disagreed with and called to discuss further...
Discuss further? Or go back and forth with you until we get to a point where it falls within your political narrative so that you accept it and stop trivializing the original poster's opinion? I'm not sure you are aware of the difference anymore.
Have I "trivialized" any of your opinions or are you simply unwilling to explain them fully, fearful of disagreement?

This is a discussion board for goodness sake; stop whining about others' posts and opinions and start offering your own with full explanation of what you think and why. Defend your views, listen to others, consider all fairly, and you will very likely be treated the same respectful way in I'm trying very hard to do with you.
This is an agreement board. Meaning if you are not in agreement with the preferred narrative of a small group of posters, your opinion gets chastised. You get accused of being a "troll", "MAGA", etc, etc. Let's be honest. Enough with the crap. Not playying your games anymore...
Then leave. He ain’t going anywhere and is hardly the problem, if there is one, in these boards.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:55 pm
HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:32 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.
What’s the cause?
I will start with the gutting of the middle class and increasing income disparity.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by HooDat »

and if i could make a request - will folks quit freaking quoting forty inches of past back and forth of discussions? It makes it impossible to follow the topic. Get a room or something.... :roll:
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: Conservative Ideology

Post by Brooklyn »

HooDat wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:32 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:29 pm Funny that tRump complains about what he claims is government repression and injustice towards him. Yet he still refuses to apologize for demanding the death penalty against the Central Park Five even when it was proven that they were innocent. No question that tRump is the biggest crybaby there is in all of politics.
Trump is many things and almost all of them are bad. But, he is like puss - he is a symptom of the infection not the cause.

True, radical right wing cultism did not begin with tRump. For example, when the Dixie Chicks dared to make a harmless statement about Bush the right wing erupted and made Joe McCarthy and his followers look like a bunch of harmless angels. But once tRump ascended to the head of the Republican party, the right wing became more radically extremist. Never before had the far right radicals dared to invade Washington DC's capitol. But they became emboldened to engage in this subversive treason thanks to the inspiration they got from tRump. Thus, he did not cause the "infection" as you said. But he made it infinitely worse.
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