Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by cradleandshoot » wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:02 am It's laughable though. We get regular bs inflamatory stuff from 2 people in particular, on the opposite polar from Pete, and nothing ever happens.

Report it all you want. It's like the dead crosswalk sign buttons. Nothing ever happens. ... cars-stop/
+1 outstanding post and observation.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by cradleandshoot »

Nigel wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:50 am wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:02 am It's laughable though. We get regular bs inflamatory stuff from 2 people in particular, on the opposite polar from Pete, and nothing ever happens.
because a lib in the box would look like this-

Nigel, what a great post. I laughed my ass off. You da man.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by MDlaxfan76 » wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:02 am It's laughable though. We get regular bs inflamatory stuff from 2 people in particular, on the opposite polar from Pete, and nothing ever happens.

Report it all you want. It's like the dead crosswalk sign buttons. Nothing ever happens. ... cars-stop/
Have you reported such or are you one of those who says they prefer not to report it? (I don't remember...I just know that some don't ever want to report, no matter how objectionable)

If you did report it, and it didn't result in at least a warning, could you point to a couple of such instances in particular where you did so, so we might discuss what makes the posts "bs inflammatory"...or not; might be interesting to understand whether your objection is indeed valid, and more importantly that there's some actual bias at hand.

But if you never report, don't expect a warning much less a penalty, right?
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by »

Enough with the constant attempts at babysitting, MD. You're not the moderator around here. It's tiresome.

Take your pats on the head elsewhere.

I've reported plenty. Mentioned the posts and people here in this penalty box forum before. There was plenty of agreement on the "worth" of these posts and posters. Given the enforcement of the rules, over the past few years, it certainly looks like you and Matt only hate trolling and button-pushing when it disagrees with your political leanings.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by MDlaxfan76 » wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:54 pm Enough with the constant attempts at babysitting, MD. You're not the moderator around here. It's tiresome.

Take your pats on the head elsewhere.

I've reported plenty. Mentioned the posts and people here in this penalty box forum before. There was plenty of agreement on the "worth" of these posts and posters. Given the enforcement of the rules, over the past few years, it certainly looks like you and Matt only hate trolling and button-pushing when it disagrees with your political leanings.
Sorry if I've missed this prior discussion...can you just point me directly to where you linked some specific posts for discussion which you had reported?

Seriously, if I see them and agree with you, I'll say so...if not, I'll explain why...

you're right, I'm not the moderator nor do I have or expect any more influence around here than any other poster.

I just think making this claim about bias should be substantiated.
Peter Brown
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by Peter Brown » wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:54 pm Enough with the constant attempts at babysitting, MD. You're not the moderator around here. It's tiresome.

Take your pats on the head elsewhere.

I've reported plenty. Mentioned the posts and people here in this penalty box forum before. There was plenty of agreement on the "worth" of these posts and posters. Given the enforcement of the rules, over the past few years, it certainly looks like you and Matt only hate trolling and button-pushing when it disagrees with your political leanings.

Your post is obviously superb.

I find it odd to read about me on my own thread, which previously many FLP did with regular threads.

I’d note that I’m not sure it’s Matt who really objects to opposite political takes, even though he’s a Democrat. I believe it’s simply easier to quiet the MD’s of the board by suspending the much quieter independent thinkers.

MD is already telling a new poster to stop posting. Lol. And no, I’ve never had a second account. Nor have I ever called anyone here a racist, stupid, jerk, fascist, etc, unlike many others.

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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by Matnum PI »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:34 pm I just think making this claim about bias should be substantiated.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by LandM »

Sorry to chime in - I really try to stay away from this section. I appreciate the two guys who make this site happen. Not sure your business model but good luck to you. Not even sure how you make money if you do - but again, good luck and if you need some shekels you should ask - we used to say "get people on the dope and once there go for the Benjamins" :lol:

I come here to see what is going on with a few folks who my son played or was coached with/by. I know zip about lacrosse - I played college football - but it is a tight nit community in lax - I think the world of Lars Tiffany and I have the honor to speak with him at least once a year. If there is a VA parent on this site please consider your kid lucky IMHO - I played for a HOF football coach - Coach DeBerry - even at my age I can call him and he will give me good fatherly advice which I humbly believe is needed in this country right now.

I do not know Petey - never communicated with him. But there is a group of people, obviously highly educated who seem to control or want to control the conversation. Not trying to puff myself as Diss would say - I try to give a prospective. I travel this country and I love this country. It took an extremely poor kid to a place I never thought I would get to. I respect the opinions of C&S, DMac, and OS and Dip - they obviously have a history that I think I can share. BUT I also appreciate as much as I cringe a Heather Cox or a NY Times piece as that is a piece not in my comfort zone. I read it to educate myself. Sun Zhu - know your enemy. If you refuse to not know your enemy - you will fail. We as a country have done that.

To have two or three lawyers, actual lawyers - smart guys - say ignore the troll or others to say this person is trolling or ignore 'stupid" or be told that I am a nazi or faciest (spelling) when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top. To have one poster seem to always show up and somehow be the boy scout is always interesting to me and I am an Eagle Scout - sorry to disappoint again Diss.

Again, I do not know the gig here but you are getting to a point where it will be an "echo" chamber - ggait you are one smart dude, nooo Sea you are the smart guy, nope 72 you da man, noooo CU88 he is da man where is Kismet when you need him? And then have MD slide in and make the save. Firing blanks TLD - dude they never work. As much as I despise Hilary Clinton even though I voted for here - takes a village.

Good luck with your business model.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Interesting as always, LandM.

I think I only winced/blinked twice, once when you used the word "enemies" re Heather Cox and NYT...if I understood your meaning correctly. Really, they are the "enemy"? Your enemy? Totally agree with you that it's good to read perspectives, experiences, tastes, expertise that don't directly align with one's own...lots of learning can happen in that way...

But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.

The second was "when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top"; which freedom? What are you referring to with this? Do you mean freedom of speech?...that describing someone's "speech" as "trolling" is "over the top"? So, "speech" describing another's "speech" in negative terms should not happen?? I may be totally misunderstanding you, but that's what I've gleaned so far...

Or is it just that the rules of the site that penalize trolling or vicious personal attacks are what you think is "over the top"? I'm thinking that view seems to lead into the "echo chamber" notion...that a few guys getting sent to the box for breaking the rules reduces the number of "speech" providers, or "speakers", so don't penalize...?

That phrase followed you saying you had been called a nazi or fascist (I don't recall anyone calling you either of those, but things do get heated at times and those words do get thrown around to describe the far right wing populist movement ...I just don't recall you writing anything that would get that degree of response to you personally...some others have, but I don't recall that from you...sure, 'right wing' or 'conservative' but not "fascist" or "nazi"...but then maybe my memory is slipping...I think I'm a couple years younger than you, but only a couple, so maybe ;) ...).

Here's my sense, at least on the politics threads (the women's thread 'trolling' issue is a different kettle of fish, I think), a handful of people somehow associated with our sport (and at least one with no affiliation, but with a professed rooting interest...) participate in discussions on various topics of timely interest, sharing information and perspectives, debating etc...a few seem to see it as a battleground, an opportunity to be keyboard warriors for a partisan cause...ideology doesn't seem to matter, just the partisan aspect...a few are simply ideologically passionate, both ends of various spectrums. But most are actually interested in discussing and learning from one another... It's not many total people...most think it would be great if more people, of good faith, joined in...

We're not sure why more people don't participate, one theory is that such discussion is too contentious, one exposes oneself to attack...certainly the reason why I for one don't participate on Twitter or Facebook etc; those areas IMO are a cesspool of anger and vitriol and, yes, "trolling". Others say, hey, we'd have many more participants if people were free to post any darn thing they want, attack each other all they want, etc. Others (esp.the mods) preferred a forum in which many moderators wielded power, no seeming recourse or discussion brooked.

so, when this forum was being put together after the earlier one failed, the founders asked for input from the handful of people who first showed up...the result was a forum with very few rules, but a few, with the intent that people would feel welcome to read and post, without concern about the kinds of stuff one can readily get on Twitter or FB.

Moreover, another area of the forum, Hamsterdam, was created where there are no holds barred, say what you want, post what you want. Result? Hamsterdam gets very little posting.

This overall forum is pretty darn active daily, but the total # of posters remains pretty small...
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by LaxFan2000 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:37 pm Interesting as always, LandM.

I think I only winced/blinked twice, once when you used the word "enemies" re Heather Cox and NYT...if I understood your meaning correctly. Really, they are the "enemy"? Your enemy? Totally agree with you that it's good to read perspectives, experiences, tastes, expertise that don't directly align with one's own...lots of learning can happen in that way...

But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.

The second was "when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top"; which freedom? What are you referring to with this? Do you mean freedom of speech?...that describing someone's "speech" as "trolling" is "over the top"? So, "speech" describing another's "speech" in negative terms should not happen?? I may be totally misunderstanding you, but that's what I've gleaned so far...

Or is it just that the rules of the site that penalize trolling or vicious personal attacks are what you think is "over the top"? I'm thinking that view seems to lead into the "echo chamber" notion...that a few guys getting sent to the box for breaking the rules reduces the number of "speech" providers, or "speakers", so don't penalize...?

That phrase followed you saying you had been called a nazi or fascist (I don't recall anyone calling you either of those, but things do get heated at times and those words do get thrown around to describe the far right wing populist movement ...I just don't recall you writing anything that would get that degree of response to you personally...some others have, but I don't recall that from you...sure, 'right wing' or 'conservative' but not "fascist" or "nazi"...but then maybe my memory is slipping...I think I'm a couple years younger than you, but only a couple, so maybe ;) ...).

Here's my sense, at least on the politics threads (the women's thread 'trolling' issue is a different kettle of fish, I think), a handful of people somehow associated with our sport (and at least one with no affiliation, but with a professed rooting interest...) participate in discussions on various topics of timely interest, sharing information and perspectives, debating etc...a few seem to see it as a battleground, an opportunity to be keyboard warriors for a partisan cause...ideology doesn't seem to matter, just the partisan aspect...a few are simply ideologically passionate, both ends of various spectrums. But most are actually interested in discussing and learning from one another... It's not many total people...most think it would be great if more people, of good faith, joined in...

We're not sure why more people don't participate, one theory is that such discussion is too contentious, one exposes oneself to attack...certainly the reason why I for one don't participate on Twitter or Facebook etc; those areas IMO are a cesspool of anger and vitriol and, yes, "trolling". Others say, hey, we'd have many more participants if people were free to post any darn thing they want, attack each other all they want, etc. Others (esp.the mods) preferred a forum in which many moderators wielded power, no seeming recourse or discussion brooked.

so, when this forum was being put together after the earlier one failed, the founders asked for input from the handful of people who first showed up...the result was a forum with very few rules, but a few, with the intent that people would feel welcome to read and post, without concern about the kinds of stuff one can readily get on Twitter or FB.

Moreover, another area of the forum, Hamsterdam, was created where there are no holds barred, say what you want, post what you want. Result? Hamsterdam gets very little posting.

This overall forum is pretty darn active daily, but the total # of posters remains pretty small...
Do you really not know why the number of posters remains small? It's because a small number of posters go out of their way to try and control the conversation to fit their narrative. There's very little actual discussion being had. It's more admonishing others who don't fall in line. Only been this way recently. If you can't see that it tells me you are one of the worst offenders...
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by smoova »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:20 pm Do you really not know why the number of posters remains small? It's because a small number of posters go out of their way to try and control the conversation to fit their narrative. There's very little actual discussion being had. It's more admonishing others who don't fall in line. Only been this way recently. If you can't see that it tells me you are one of the worst offenders...
Bwahahaha! Yes, that's precisely why there are few participants on the FanLax LaxPower Back-Up Stick forum ... :roll:
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by Kismet »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:20 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:37 pm Interesting as always, LandM.

I think I only winced/blinked twice, once when you used the word "enemies" re Heather Cox and NYT...if I understood your meaning correctly. Really, they are the "enemy"? Your enemy? Totally agree with you that it's good to read perspectives, experiences, tastes, expertise that don't directly align with one's own...lots of learning can happen in that way...

But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.

The second was "when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top"; which freedom? What are you referring to with this? Do you mean freedom of speech?...that describing someone's "speech" as "trolling" is "over the top"? So, "speech" describing another's "speech" in negative terms should not happen?? I may be totally misunderstanding you, but that's what I've gleaned so far...

Or is it just that the rules of the site that penalize trolling or vicious personal attacks are what you think is "over the top"? I'm thinking that view seems to lead into the "echo chamber" notion...that a few guys getting sent to the box for breaking the rules reduces the number of "speech" providers, or "speakers", so don't penalize...?

That phrase followed you saying you had been called a nazi or fascist (I don't recall anyone calling you either of those, but things do get heated at times and those words do get thrown around to describe the far right wing populist movement ...I just don't recall you writing anything that would get that degree of response to you personally...some others have, but I don't recall that from you...sure, 'right wing' or 'conservative' but not "fascist" or "nazi"...but then maybe my memory is slipping...I think I'm a couple years younger than you, but only a couple, so maybe ;) ...).

Here's my sense, at least on the politics threads (the women's thread 'trolling' issue is a different kettle of fish, I think), a handful of people somehow associated with our sport (and at least one with no affiliation, but with a professed rooting interest...) participate in discussions on various topics of timely interest, sharing information and perspectives, debating etc...a few seem to see it as a battleground, an opportunity to be keyboard warriors for a partisan cause...ideology doesn't seem to matter, just the partisan aspect...a few are simply ideologically passionate, both ends of various spectrums. But most are actually interested in discussing and learning from one another... It's not many total people...most think it would be great if more people, of good faith, joined in...

We're not sure why more people don't participate, one theory is that such discussion is too contentious, one exposes oneself to attack...certainly the reason why I for one don't participate on Twitter or Facebook etc; those areas IMO are a cesspool of anger and vitriol and, yes, "trolling". Others say, hey, we'd have many more participants if people were free to post any darn thing they want, attack each other all they want, etc. Others (esp.the mods) preferred a forum in which many moderators wielded power, no seeming recourse or discussion brooked.

so, when this forum was being put together after the earlier one failed, the founders asked for input from the handful of people who first showed up...the result was a forum with very few rules, but a few, with the intent that people would feel welcome to read and post, without concern about the kinds of stuff one can readily get on Twitter or FB.

Moreover, another area of the forum, Hamsterdam, was created where there are no holds barred, say what you want, post what you want. Result? Hamsterdam gets very little posting.

This overall forum is pretty darn active daily, but the total # of posters remains pretty small...
Do you really not know why the number of posters remains small? It's because a small number of posters go out of their way to try and control the conversation to fit their narrative. There's very little actual discussion being had. It's more admonishing others who don't fall in line. Only been this way recently. If you can't see that it tells me you are one of the worst offenders...
Y0u must be new here - A check of the statistics reveals that of 384,982 posts since inception a total of 200,952 (52.19%) are made by the top 20 posters which include people from both sides of the political spectrum. While there is no breakdown by forum the politics forums with 195,633 post (well over half of the post volume) posts is, by far, the most active sub-forum and I'd guess the skew within that forum is even higher for the Top 20 posters. This is not remotely different than it has always been around here.

In one way, you are correct that this is a conversation between a handful of people but that handful is nowhere near as skewed as you indicate. You apparently have your own narrative that you'd like to foist on people with whom you disagree.

This is allegedly a lacrosse forum (which also isn't close to be true).

This trend you claim to be a recent development is not accurate by any stretch.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by LaxFan2000 »

Kismet wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:34 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:20 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:37 pm Interesting as always, LandM.

I think I only winced/blinked twice, once when you used the word "enemies" re Heather Cox and NYT...if I understood your meaning correctly. Really, they are the "enemy"? Your enemy? Totally agree with you that it's good to read perspectives, experiences, tastes, expertise that don't directly align with one's own...lots of learning can happen in that way...

But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.

The second was "when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top"; which freedom? What are you referring to with this? Do you mean freedom of speech?...that describing someone's "speech" as "trolling" is "over the top"? So, "speech" describing another's "speech" in negative terms should not happen?? I may be totally misunderstanding you, but that's what I've gleaned so far...

Or is it just that the rules of the site that penalize trolling or vicious personal attacks are what you think is "over the top"? I'm thinking that view seems to lead into the "echo chamber" notion...that a few guys getting sent to the box for breaking the rules reduces the number of "speech" providers, or "speakers", so don't penalize...?

That phrase followed you saying you had been called a nazi or fascist (I don't recall anyone calling you either of those, but things do get heated at times and those words do get thrown around to describe the far right wing populist movement ...I just don't recall you writing anything that would get that degree of response to you personally...some others have, but I don't recall that from you...sure, 'right wing' or 'conservative' but not "fascist" or "nazi"...but then maybe my memory is slipping...I think I'm a couple years younger than you, but only a couple, so maybe ;) ...).

Here's my sense, at least on the politics threads (the women's thread 'trolling' issue is a different kettle of fish, I think), a handful of people somehow associated with our sport (and at least one with no affiliation, but with a professed rooting interest...) participate in discussions on various topics of timely interest, sharing information and perspectives, debating etc...a few seem to see it as a battleground, an opportunity to be keyboard warriors for a partisan cause...ideology doesn't seem to matter, just the partisan aspect...a few are simply ideologically passionate, both ends of various spectrums. But most are actually interested in discussing and learning from one another... It's not many total people...most think it would be great if more people, of good faith, joined in...

We're not sure why more people don't participate, one theory is that such discussion is too contentious, one exposes oneself to attack...certainly the reason why I for one don't participate on Twitter or Facebook etc; those areas IMO are a cesspool of anger and vitriol and, yes, "trolling". Others say, hey, we'd have many more participants if people were free to post any darn thing they want, attack each other all they want, etc. Others (esp.the mods) preferred a forum in which many moderators wielded power, no seeming recourse or discussion brooked.

so, when this forum was being put together after the earlier one failed, the founders asked for input from the handful of people who first showed up...the result was a forum with very few rules, but a few, with the intent that people would feel welcome to read and post, without concern about the kinds of stuff one can readily get on Twitter or FB.

Moreover, another area of the forum, Hamsterdam, was created where there are no holds barred, say what you want, post what you want. Result? Hamsterdam gets very little posting.

This overall forum is pretty darn active daily, but the total # of posters remains pretty small...
Do you really not know why the number of posters remains small? It's because a small number of posters go out of their way to try and control the conversation to fit their narrative. There's very little actual discussion being had. It's more admonishing others who don't fall in line. Only been this way recently. If you can't see that it tells me you are one of the worst offenders...
Y0u must be new here - A check of the statistics reveals that of 384,982 posts since inception a total of 200,952 (52.19%) are made by the top 20 posters which include people from both sides of the political spectrum. While there is no breakdown by forum the politics forums with 195,633 post (well over half of the post volume) posts is, by far, the most active sub-forum and I'd guess the skew within that forum is even higher for the Top 20 posters. This is not remotely different than it has always been around here.

In one way, you are correct that this is a conversation between a handful of people but that handful is nowhere near as skewed as you indicate. You apparently have your own narrative that you'd like to foist on people with whom you disagree.

This is allegedly a lacrosse forum (which also isn't close to be true).

This trend you claim to be a recent development is not accurate by any stretch.
not sure what you are getting at here. You must be one of the few that I was referring too. Makes sense that you wouldn't be able to see it.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by Kismet »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:47 pm not sure what you are getting at here. You must be one of the few that I was referring too. Makes sense that you wouldn't be able to see it.
That's your problem IMHO with regard to clarity.

I thought I was pretty clear and supported my premise with statistics. If you want disagree without any backup or documentation that's certainly your prerogative but it certainly doesn't make your premise about me or others here, in any way, accurate.

Enjoy the delusion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by LaxFan2000 »

Kismet wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:56 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:47 pm not sure what you are getting at here. You must be one of the few that I was referring too. Makes sense that you wouldn't be able to see it.
That's your problem IMHO with regard to clarity.

I thought I was pretty clear and supported my premise with statistics. If you want disagree without any backup or documentation that's certainly your prerogative but it certainly doesn't make your premise about me or others here, in any way, accurate.

Enjoy the delusion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not sure what delusion you are referring too. Seemingly only existent in your mind. You seem to be quite contentious. Not sure why. Try and think less with your emotions.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by cradleandshoot »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:20 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:37 pm Interesting as always, LandM.

I think I only winced/blinked twice, once when you used the word "enemies" re Heather Cox and NYT...if I understood your meaning correctly. Really, they are the "enemy"? Your enemy? Totally agree with you that it's good to read perspectives, experiences, tastes, expertise that don't directly align with one's own...lots of learning can happen in that way...

But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.

The second was "when I and a few others put myself out there for that freedom is over the top"; which freedom? What are you referring to with this? Do you mean freedom of speech?...that describing someone's "speech" as "trolling" is "over the top"? So, "speech" describing another's "speech" in negative terms should not happen?? I may be totally misunderstanding you, but that's what I've gleaned so far...

Or is it just that the rules of the site that penalize trolling or vicious personal attacks are what you think is "over the top"? I'm thinking that view seems to lead into the "echo chamber" notion...that a few guys getting sent to the box for breaking the rules reduces the number of "speech" providers, or "speakers", so don't penalize...?

That phrase followed you saying you had been called a nazi or fascist (I don't recall anyone calling you either of those, but things do get heated at times and those words do get thrown around to describe the far right wing populist movement ...I just don't recall you writing anything that would get that degree of response to you personally...some others have, but I don't recall that from you...sure, 'right wing' or 'conservative' but not "fascist" or "nazi"...but then maybe my memory is slipping...I think I'm a couple years younger than you, but only a couple, so maybe ;) ...).

Here's my sense, at least on the politics threads (the women's thread 'trolling' issue is a different kettle of fish, I think), a handful of people somehow associated with our sport (and at least one with no affiliation, but with a professed rooting interest...) participate in discussions on various topics of timely interest, sharing information and perspectives, debating etc...a few seem to see it as a battleground, an opportunity to be keyboard warriors for a partisan cause...ideology doesn't seem to matter, just the partisan aspect...a few are simply ideologically passionate, both ends of various spectrums. But most are actually interested in discussing and learning from one another... It's not many total people...most think it would be great if more people, of good faith, joined in...

We're not sure why more people don't participate, one theory is that such discussion is too contentious, one exposes oneself to attack...certainly the reason why I for one don't participate on Twitter or Facebook etc; those areas IMO are a cesspool of anger and vitriol and, yes, "trolling". Others say, hey, we'd have many more participants if people were free to post any darn thing they want, attack each other all they want, etc. Others (esp.the mods) preferred a forum in which many moderators wielded power, no seeming recourse or discussion brooked.

so, when this forum was being put together after the earlier one failed, the founders asked for input from the handful of people who first showed up...the result was a forum with very few rules, but a few, with the intent that people would feel welcome to read and post, without concern about the kinds of stuff one can readily get on Twitter or FB.

Moreover, another area of the forum, Hamsterdam, was created where there are no holds barred, say what you want, post what you want. Result? Hamsterdam gets very little posting.

This overall forum is pretty darn active daily, but the total # of posters remains pretty small...
Do you really not know why the number of posters remains small? It's because a small number of posters go out of their way to try and control the conversation to fit their narrative. There's very little actual discussion being had. It's more admonishing others who don't fall in line. Only been this way recently. If you can't see that it tells me you are one of the worst offenders...
But "enemy"? ugh, this polarization in America is an ugly thing.
Unless of course a guy like VDH posts an article. Then the objectivity from the FLP folks on this forum that lavish praise and admiration on HCR and then eviscerate VDH. No bias or prejudice from the FLP folks in that regard is there?? These are the same FLP folks always lecturing us of the need to be "open minded" and respecting of opposing points of view. There is a hot steaming load of horsechit for all to contemplate. It might be helpful if some of you folks actually read what you post??? When you avail yourself of that opportunity and look up the definition of what a hypocrite is.. you might be surprised... :D
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by Kismet »

LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:55 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:56 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:47 pm not sure what you are getting at here. You must be one of the few that I was referring too. Makes sense that you wouldn't be able to see it.
That's your problem IMHO with regard to clarity.

I thought I was pretty clear and supported my premise with statistics. If you want disagree without any backup or documentation that's certainly your prerogative but it certainly doesn't make your premise about me or others here, in any way, accurate.

Enjoy the delusion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not sure what delusion you are referring too. Seemingly only existent in your mind. You seem to be quite contentious. Not sure why. Try and think less with your emotions.
I'll go with facts (as I provided) - you are free to ignore them but that won't change them

You seem to consider yourself an expert on the emotions end....go for it Sigmund..... :D
Last edited by Kismet on Sun Jul 17, 2022 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by CU88 »

Kismet wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:32 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:55 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:56 pm
LaxFan2000 wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:47 pm not sure what you are getting at here. You must be one of the few that I was referring too. Makes sense that you wouldn't be able to see it.
That's your problem IMHO with regard to clarity.

I thought I was pretty clear and supported my premise with statistics. If you want disagree without any backup or documentation that's certainly your prerogative but it certainly doesn't make your premise about me or others here, in any way, accurate.

Enjoy the delusion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not sure what delusion you are referring too. Seemingly only existent in your mind. You seem to be quite contentious. Not sure why. Try and think less with your emotions.
I'll go with facts (as I provided) - you are free to ignore them but that won't change any of them

You seem to consider yourself an expert on the emotions end....go for it Sigmund..... :D

They say "not sure" a lot for someone who is always right...
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Re: Peter Brown - 1 Minute (2 Day)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

2000, you're quite the trip.

You complain about there being some sort of cabal of "group think" on here, apparently somehow skewed politically different than your own thinking, and, moreover that this cabal somehow magically can "control the conversation to fit their narrative".

However, you almost never actually engage on any of the threads with any detailed thoughts on the topics at hand. How are we to know what your opinions are, your logic, any information you could share to support?...the only thing you've done so far is chastise others...

Are you concerned that you will be shouted down or otherwise 'controlled' by this "group think" crowd?
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