Trump's Russian Collusion

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:28 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:09 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:27 pm If Hillaryouse Clinton had visited Wisconsin, and won, would ANY of this be going on?
No. Because Hill wouldn't have fired Comey, and the FBI would have found nothing, and moved on to more important subjects.

Any other questions?
Interesting, because I could have sworn you were upset about Russian interference. In US elections.
It only matters if tRump won. Only IMPORTANT b/c he got sworn in.

Are you seriously saying this?
Sigh. I was assuming when you asked "would any of this be going on"...... that when you wrote "this", you were referring to the Mueller appointment, investigation, and report.

With that in mind, no, I don't think that Mueller would have been needed had Hilary won. Comey would have been left in place, and the FBI investigation would have been finished months ago.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by calourie »

So here we are two weeks later, and we know the following: Mueller knows what is in his report, Barr we assume has by now read the full report and therefore knows what it contains, and the various members of Mueller's team know at least the parts they contributed to the report if not the report in its' entirety. Beyond that, until further notice we can only speculate who else has had access to the report's contents ( Rosenstein one would assume and who knows who else) ) while the rest of us are left to try to analyze and disect whatever we can glean from Barr's 4 page summary of a 400 page treatise he was given 2 days prior ( speed reading and analysis at its' finest). I have a feeling the leaking of dissatisfaction on the part of some on Mueller's team towards the Barr summary was a proverbial shot across the bow to let Barr know that the report he reveals after his redactions will be under intense scrutiny as regards its' accuracy and thoroughness in revealing what the investigators spent two years trying diligently to discover and/or uncover. A redacted document delivered to congress that falls short of that is likely to provoke the unending drip, drip, drip of leaked dissatisfaction on the part of some of Mueller's team members that is unlikely to end until some high ranking Democrat actually gets his or her hands on the unredacted document. And the band played on.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:14 am
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:58 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:52 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:39 pm ... _coup.html ... n-spygate/

Flynn was the appetizer, Trump's the entree.
So the idea here is, after making fun of the libs for tin foil hat crazy conspiracy theories, you want to say "hold my beer".....and show them what a REAL tin foil hat conspiracy nut job looks like, eh?

Best of luck.
Here ya go, mate. Does the BBC make it more upper crust for ya ?
What the does this sidestory have to do with anything?
It can't be a tin foil hat conspiracy theory. The BBC is reporting it.
Halper & his fellow MI-6/FBI/CIA informants ruined the lady's life, in their zeal to entrap Flynn.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:00 am
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm Who was President when Putin ruined American democracy? Was there aver an investigation?
Who's going to investigate? Have you forgotten that FoxNation thinks the Deep State (cue ominous music) is everywhere? Hannity and Rush hammered the DoJ and FBI for two straight tell me: what now? You don't trust them, remember?

Whoops. Forgot about that detail. Or, wait, wait---don't tell me: you trust the FBI and DoJ if they're investigating anyone with a little D by their name, right?
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You do know Tony Podesta—partner and brother of Hillarys campaign chief—NEVER filed as an agent for a foreign government. One of the "crimes" Manafort was indicted for. No charges!
Right. Let me help you here. Investigations are handled by the Executive Branch of our Government. Guess who's been in charge of that particular branch of our government for over two years now? Yep. Donald Trump.

So now you're stuck here. If you're mad that there's no investigation----horrors-----you have to blame Trump for not investigating. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Nancy Pelosi instead. So you can relax.
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You know Diane Feinsteins driver for twenty years was a Chinese agent. The FBI warned her about him rather than create a special prosecutor to investigate Chinese collusion or have Armed FBI agents raid her lawyers home at dawn and confiscate all his files. Nothing ever was investigated!
See above. Would you like me to get you the address of the White House so you can lodge a formal complaint?

Why'd you vote for Trump if you're not going to hold him accountable for doing his job?

I know, I're afraid of them revoking your Republican decoder ring. But at some point, are you planning on actually holding these guys accountable for doing their jobs?
Robbing a bank or stealing private/classified information is only investigated at the behest of the POTUSA? Interesting :roll:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by 6ftstick »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:00 am
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm Who was President when Putin ruined American democracy? Was there aver an investigation?
Who's going to investigate? Have you forgotten that FoxNation thinks the Deep State (cue ominous music) is everywhere? Hannity and Rush hammered the DoJ and FBI for two straight tell me: what now? You don't trust them, remember?

Whoops. Forgot about that detail. Or, wait, wait---don't tell me: you trust the FBI and DoJ if they're investigating anyone with a little D by their name, right?
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You do know Tony Podesta—partner and brother of Hillarys campaign chief—NEVER filed as an agent for a foreign government. One of the "crimes" Manafort was indicted for. No charges!
Right. Let me help you here. Investigations are handled by the Executive Branch of our Government. Guess who's been in charge of that particular branch of our government for over two years now? Yep. Donald Trump.

So now you're stuck here. If you're mad that there's no investigation----horrors-----you have to blame Trump for not investigating. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Nancy Pelosi instead. So you can relax.
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You know Diane Feinsteins driver for twenty years was a Chinese agent. The FBI warned her about him rather than create a special prosecutor to investigate Chinese collusion or have Armed FBI agents raid her lawyers home at dawn and confiscate all his files. Nothing ever was investigated!
See above. Would you like me to get you the address of the White House so you can lodge a formal complaint?

Why'd you vote for Trump if you're not going to hold him accountable for doing his job?

I know, I're afraid of them revoking your Republican decoder ring. But at some point, are you planning on actually holding these guys accountable for doing their jobs?
So which is it. Trump is the king of the executive branch therefore he can OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation OR he's so powerless that he can't get the executive branch to do anything to his benefit.

You keep missing the point skippy. People with R's after there names are treated much differently than those who carry a D moniker. The facts are obvious.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:35 am
a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:00 am
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm Who was President when Putin ruined American democracy? Was there aver an investigation?
Who's going to investigate? Have you forgotten that FoxNation thinks the Deep State (cue ominous music) is everywhere? Hannity and Rush hammered the DoJ and FBI for two straight tell me: what now? You don't trust them, remember?

Whoops. Forgot about that detail. Or, wait, wait---don't tell me: you trust the FBI and DoJ if they're investigating anyone with a little D by their name, right?
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You do know Tony Podesta—partner and brother of Hillarys campaign chief—NEVER filed as an agent for a foreign government. One of the "crimes" Manafort was indicted for. No charges!
Right. Let me help you here. Investigations are handled by the Executive Branch of our Government. Guess who's been in charge of that particular branch of our government for over two years now? Yep. Donald Trump.

So now you're stuck here. If you're mad that there's no investigation----horrors-----you have to blame Trump for not investigating. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Nancy Pelosi instead. So you can relax.
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You know Diane Feinsteins driver for twenty years was a Chinese agent. The FBI warned her about him rather than create a special prosecutor to investigate Chinese collusion or have Armed FBI agents raid her lawyers home at dawn and confiscate all his files. Nothing ever was investigated!
See above. Would you like me to get you the address of the White House so you can lodge a formal complaint?

Why'd you vote for Trump if you're not going to hold him accountable for doing his job?

I know, I're afraid of them revoking your Republican decoder ring. But at some point, are you planning on actually holding these guys accountable for doing their jobs?
So which is it. Trump is the king of the executive branch therefore he can OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation OR he's so powerless that he can't get the executive branch to do anything to his benefit.

You keep missing the point skippy. People with R's after there names are treated much differently than those who carry a D moniker. The facts are obvious.
Can I get you some cheese to go with that whine 6ft?

You "know" this stuff because no one reported it, no one bothered to look into it???

Did the Bush administration look into Feinstein's "Chinese agent" driver???

Do you really imagine that the FBI and DOJ run by Trump appointees haven't looked at Podesta???

Ever consider that folks got turned or were used to feed false information?

It's downright crazy to think that the FBI and DOJ don't nail the bad guys, when they can, or use them for counterintelligence purposes.

In the Trump and co case, the FBI went to Trump himself and to his campaign and warned them about the Russian interference campaign, asked them about any approaches (lied to about it), and asked them to report anything (they didn't and kept having contacts, lied about them).

Had the Trump campaign simply said, 'gosh, we're rookies at this stuff, here's what we've seen from Russians', and reported all approaches going forward, then all good. Counterintelligence opportunity.

But that's not the path they chose.

Bad guys get nailed when they come to the attention of the FBI.
Manafort put himself in their crosshairs. Bad guy.

Stop whining for him.

I have no idea what you are trying to say in 1st para. No, Trump is not "king of the executive branch". But, yes, he can definitely obstruct justice, he's not above the law. And no, while not "king", he's far from "powerless.

But what the heck are you even trying to say?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:30 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:49 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:27 pm If Hillaryouse Clinton had visited Wisconsin, and won, would ANY of this be going on?

If New Orleans had won that playoff game would the NFL be discussing rule changes?

:lol: So similar.
Same basic underlying principle :lol: :lol: similar.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:41 am
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:28 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 7:09 pm
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:27 pm If Hillaryouse Clinton had visited Wisconsin, and won, would ANY of this be going on?
No. Because Hill wouldn't have fired Comey, and the FBI would have found nothing, and moved on to more important subjects.

Any other questions?
Interesting, because I could have sworn you were upset about Russian interference. In US elections.
It only matters if tRump won. Only IMPORTANT b/c he got sworn in.

Are you seriously saying this?
Sigh. I was assuming when you asked "would any of this be going on"...... that when you wrote "this", you were referring to the Mueller appointment, investigation, and report.

With that in mind, no, I don't think that Mueller would have been needed had Hilary won. Comey would have been left in place, and the FBI investigation would have been finished months ago.
Focused on the actual interference.

Less focus on discovering whether Trump was in on it, though folks like Manafort would likely have still gotten caught up in it. He'd have been difficult to ignore or give a pass. Flynn probably not a problem because he'd have likely not been lying to the FBI...maybe on the Turkey matter, but he'd have likely been slapped on the wrist. And as long as The Trump family didn't lie about various contacts, they'd have been fine.

The Cohen thing might have still blown up, but probably not.

Trump would be now making a bundle on a far right media play, outflanking Fox, maybe even have landed the Moscow Tower deal.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:35 am So which is it. Trump is the king of the executive branch therefore he can OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation
You have to back up, and you know it.

So go ahead: ask me what Trump did about Comey's investigation into Trump and the election? That's right. He fired Comey. Most Americans would call that obstruction. It's the ENTIRE reason Mueller was called.
6ftstick wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:35 am You keep missing the point skippy. People with R's after there names are treated much differently than those who carry a D moniker. The facts are obvious.
Obvious to everyone who watching Sean Hannity, sure.

These are all Republican appointees. Hand-f-ing picked by Republican Presidents. But that won't stop the FoxNation nonsense.

Nothing will.

You're complaining to me, and to each other. Complain to Trump---he's the one who appoints all of the current people in charge of Federal investigations and prosecutions.

You won't do that, because Fox has convinced you that that's not how it works. Take an American Civics class or two (or three), and get back to me.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:11 am Robbing a bank or stealing private/classified information is only investigated at the behest of the POTUSA? Interesting :roll:
Uh oh, sounds like you need to sit on those American Civics classes with 6ftstick.

Get back to me when you learn who appoints Dept. heads in the DoJ and FBI.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 5:41 am It can't be a tin foil hat conspiracy theory. The BBC is reporting it.
Halper & his fellow MI-6/FBI/CIA informants ruined the lady's life, in their zeal to entrap Flynn.
Maybe Flynn will consider collateral damage next time he lies.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by 6ftstick »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:24 am
6ftstick wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:35 am
a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:00 am
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm Who was President when Putin ruined American democracy? Was there aver an investigation?
Who's going to investigate? Have you forgotten that FoxNation thinks the Deep State (cue ominous music) is everywhere? Hannity and Rush hammered the DoJ and FBI for two straight tell me: what now? You don't trust them, remember?

Whoops. Forgot about that detail. Or, wait, wait---don't tell me: you trust the FBI and DoJ if they're investigating anyone with a little D by their name, right?
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You do know Tony Podesta—partner and brother of Hillarys campaign chief—NEVER filed as an agent for a foreign government. One of the "crimes" Manafort was indicted for. No charges!
Right. Let me help you here. Investigations are handled by the Executive Branch of our Government. Guess who's been in charge of that particular branch of our government for over two years now? Yep. Donald Trump.

So now you're stuck here. If you're mad that there's no investigation----horrors-----you have to blame Trump for not investigating. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a way to blame Nancy Pelosi instead. So you can relax.
6ftstick wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 pm You know Diane Feinsteins driver for twenty years was a Chinese agent. The FBI warned her about him rather than create a special prosecutor to investigate Chinese collusion or have Armed FBI agents raid her lawyers home at dawn and confiscate all his files. Nothing ever was investigated!
See above. Would you like me to get you the address of the White House so you can lodge a formal complaint?

Why'd you vote for Trump if you're not going to hold him accountable for doing his job?

I know, I're afraid of them revoking your Republican decoder ring. But at some point, are you planning on actually holding these guys accountable for doing their jobs?
So which is it. Trump is the king of the executive branch therefore he can OBSTRUCT the Mueller investigation OR he's so powerless that he can't get the executive branch to do anything to his benefit.

You keep missing the point skippy. People with R's after there names are treated much differently than those who carry a D moniker. The facts are obvious.
Can I get you some cheese to go with that whine 6ft?

You "know" this stuff because no one reported it, no one bothered to look into it???

Did the Bush administration look into Feinstein's "Chinese agent" driver???

Do you really imagine that the FBI and DOJ run by Trump appointees haven't looked at Podesta???

Ever consider that folks got turned or were used to feed false information?

It's downright crazy to think that the FBI and DOJ don't nail the bad guys, when they can, or use them for counterintelligence purposes.

In the Trump and co case, the FBI went to Trump himself and to his campaign and warned them about the Russian interference campaign, asked them about any approaches (lied to about it), and asked them to report anything (they didn't and kept having contacts, lied about them).

Had the Trump campaign simply said, 'gosh, we're rookies at this stuff, here's what we've seen from Russians', and reported all approaches going forward, then all good. Counterintelligence opportunity.

But that's not the path they chose.

Bad guys get nailed when they come to the attention of the FBI.
Manafort put himself in their crosshairs. Bad guy.

Stop whining for him.

I have no idea what you are trying to say in 1st para. No, Trump is not "king of the executive branch". But, yes, he can definitely obstruct justice, he's not above the law. And no, while not "king", he's far from "powerless.

But what the heck are you even trying to say?
Has anyone been indicted with a D after their name?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

Yes. General Flynn. Registered Dem. Appointed by Obama.

Whoops. Whatsthematter? FoxNation forgot to tell you that?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by 6ftstick »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:03 pm Yes. General Flynn. Registered Dem. Appointed by Obama.

Whoops. Whatsthematter? FoxNation forgot to tell you that?
Although Michael Flynn is serving under a Republican president, he is actually a registered Democrat, and he comes from a Democratic family.

In a July 2016 interview with ABC News, Flynn did not specify whether he has changed his party affiliation since backing Donald Trump, but he simply said that the modern Democratic party does not represent the views that he grew up with.

“I grew up as a Democrat in a very strong Democratic family, but I will tell you that Democratic party that exists in this country is not the Democratic Party that I grew up around in my upbringing,” he said. “I vote for leaders.”
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

He's right!

Neither is the Republican party, as you very well know.

Are you telling me you're coming over to hang with us independents? There's plenty of room, you know.

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:39 pm He's right!

Neither is the Republican party, as you very well know.

Are you telling me you're coming over to hang with us independents? There's plenty of room, you know.

You are correct a Fan... plenty of room here on the side of independents. Problem is there are almost no candidates at present that share our views. The democrats are steering harder left everyday and the republicans are muddled in the same abyss they are always in. The only "plan" being expressed from either side is that the opposition party is a bigger piece of excrement than they are. That sure is not very reassuring to me. 22 trillion in debt and no one gives a flying fig. The neocons want more ships and bombers and the neolibs want free everything for everybody. Nobody ever mentions how do you pay for all of these goodies? :roll: Your lap dog flunkie supporters just eat it all up like a herbie with extra gravy.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

Best I've heard so far are the centrists Hickenlooper/Kasich, cradle. I'd vote for that ticket in a heartbeat.

Boring as hell, and they'd just govern moderately, and start to quietly get our economic house in order. Nothing big. Nothing fancy. I think they'd do it.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:38 pm Best I've heard so far are the centrists Hickenlooper/Kasich, cradle. I'd vote for that ticket in a heartbeat.

Boring as hell, and they'd just govern moderately, and start to quietly get our economic house in order. Nothing big. Nothing fancy. I think they'd do it.
I like Looper. You are way more familiar with him than I am. The Dems sure could use a candidate that won't alienate 20% of the independents out there. He may be a lib but he is certainly pragmatic enough to know you have to be able to bring both sides together and have a conversation. He has very good temperament. I am afraid that is not what most Democrats are looking for right now. :roll:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

He's really not a lib imho. He's a centrist. He, like me, believes a split government, and working together to compromise, yields the best results.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by ggait »

You're complaining to me, and to each other. Complain to Trump---he's the one who appoints all of the current people in charge of Federal investigations and prosecutions.
Trump can't help it that he is so easily played.

First by the Russians. Then by the Deep Staters.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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