The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:34 pm I find it interesting that the troll is trying to pretend that he's willing to compromise, (see, my state is not YET banning all abortions), while claiming that a "zygote" has morality, a fertilized egg is a human, and is perfectly fine with GOVERNMENT deciding these issues...(see, I'm willing to compromise) if Roe wasn't already a compromise, simply the protection of the right to choice up until viability. Not viable, woman has a choice...viable, states can restrict, should they so choose. Nope, gotta cut that time in half...viability doesn't matter.

But now, states are free to not only criminalize abortions, ANY abortions at any point, and some are doing so, but also to empower vigilantes to demand private information, to enable state surveillance...It's ALL up to each state legislature and Gov to decide...'trust us, we're willing to compromise..."

"I'm willing to compromise"...even though ANY abortion is unethical and immoral...according to me to be 'reasonable'...

But don't worry, no matter how strongly some oppose gay marriage, don't worry about that matter how much some are disgusted by sodomy, or believe the Bible bans it, don't worry, I won't invade your bedroom, not matter how much I think "birds of a feather should flock together, I won't restrict interracial marriage...EVEN though I support the rationale used by this SCOTUS to overthrow Roe, the same underpinning of the laws in place protecting individual's rights...

The above post is practically indecipherable. I’m dizzy trying to determine what you’re attempting to say. Presumably it’s rah rah Democratic Party.

What I’d like you to do, as I must ask a fan from time time, is don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not saying ‘I’m willing to compromise’ etc…I’m saying it’s a complicated issue not easily reduced to your preferred black/white box.

I’m also saying I’m reluctantly (key word) in favor of abortion to 12 weeks.

I’ll tell you also what I’m certainly NEVER saying, and where some rather intoxicated Republicans can go wrong: I’m not in favor of overcriminalizing this issue, vigilantes, and most especially, any state intrusion of private data (you might recall I think the prosecution of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden is an abuse by the government; I assure you I prefer government kept on a very tight leash unlike, say, you).

That statement must disappoint you, MD, since you need things tidy and predictable, yet i suspect most Americans basically agree with what I believe.

Back to your virtue signaling.
Last edited by Peter Brown on Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Like I said, you are, IMO, pretending to be 'reasonable', doing your own 'virtue signaling' ("reluctantly") and claiming you don't support various of the extreme measures happening in red states...AND making various claims about life and morality as if you are, and those like you, should be the arbiters of such for everyone else.

Trust us, we don't want to do more and more and more...
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DMac »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:20 am
DMac wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:06 am We should eliminate the word zygote from our vocabulary then in your opinion, eh?
You found my not recognizing the zygote's morality in the decision making to be
concerning. A zygote (it is a word) has no morality, hence, no consideration.
Oh, and JFTR, no, not every zygote turns into a fully functioning human.

I’m saying the issue is more complicated than any of us want it to be. Both sides btw.
I don't find it to be all that complicated.
The complications begin when others want
to force their moral values on those who aren't
interested in them. This is a personal decision,
end of story.
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:20 am It also partially explains that thread that I clipped and posted. If you poke, prod, and push people too far, as the left has done almost incessantly for the last 50 years, don’t blame that part of the country that attends church, goes to work, pays taxes, donates to charity, and truly loves this country for finally pushing back.
:lol: Those exact people you just described would have kept Justice Thomas in chains. Oh, and he couldn't marry his current wife, because we can't have that, now can we?

The ENTIRE reason we have a left is because when we left the white conservative nutjobs in charge, they took away everyone's rights, Pete. THAT is why we have a left.

When the American right was in charge, Pete? Women couldn't vote, couldn't attend the school of their choice, and sure as sh*t weren't allowed to start their own business.

My mom? To get her first credit card.....she needed my dad's signature as a co-signer. THAT is what it looks like when your team gets what it wants, Pete.

But I find it hilarious that you and your fellow internet keyboard warrior "forgot" what your team REALLY did when it was in charge.

Here's how you know how full of it your team is, Petey: you weren't quietly sitting on the sidelines, minding your own business for things like gay marriage, as the idiot you cited thinks. If you had done that, and kept government out of the marriage license business? You would never have heard about gay marriage, Pete. Not one peep. No (snicker) "poking and prodding". They wouldn't need to. They could marry, and no one would care.

Instead? The team who swears that they want government out of their lives decided that THEY get to decide who gets married, and who doesn't. Because we can't have that Clarence Thomas guy marry a white woman, now can we, Pete? So what did your team do? They got together and made that illegal.

Now here comes these lefties you claim to hate.....asking "why the F is it anyone's business who gets to marry whom?". So what did YOUR team do when they heard this complaint? :lol: Nothing, Pete. Your team kept the law in place. Because that's what righties do. And a court had to step in and tell you and your fellow nutjobs that it's not the government's business who marries whom, Pete.

And boy, you didn't like that. You liked it when you got to tell Americans what they can and can't do a whole lot more. So now, naturally, you and your fellow nutjobs...who swear they want government "out of the way"....are mad, and are going to start writing new laws that let Americans know that YOU are in charge.

Get it? So when this guy you seem to like so much is whining about lefties "poking and prodding"....he's talking about redlining, Pete. And keeping women attending the college of their choice. And Americans from marrying who they damn well please. And telling women what they can and can't do.

It's YOUR team who's desperate to tell everyone else what they can and can't do, Petey. You've done it for 200+ years now. And you're back, and want to tell people what to do more.

And hilariously? None of these laws you want passed affect the 1%ers, Pete. So as usual, you let a guy like Trump (who's paid for how many abortions & hush money to porn stars?) show you some shiny keys....all so your team doesn't notice that the 1%ers are robbing you blind. How fast do you supposed Ivanka Trump would hop on Daddy's plane to get an abortion when she damn well pleases, Pete?

How's the gap between the 1%ers and everyone else going these days, Pete? How much bigger is DeSantis gonna make Florida government this fiscal year, Pete. Keep your eye on the ball. :roll:
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:04 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:20 am It also partially explains that thread that I clipped and posted. If you poke, prod, and push people too far, as the left has done almost incessantly for the last 50 years, don’t blame that part of the country that attends church, goes to work, pays taxes, donates to charity, and truly loves this country for finally pushing back.
:lol: Those exact people you just described would have kept Justice Thomas in chains. Oh, and he couldn't marry his current wife, because we can't have that, now can we?

The ENTIRE reason we have a left is because when we left the white conservative nutjobs in charge, they took away everyone's rights, Pete. THAT is why we have a left.

When the American right was in charge, Pete? Women couldn't vote, couldn't attend the school of their choice, and sure as sh*t weren't allowed to start their own business.

My mom? To get her first credit card.....she needed my dad's signature as a co-signer. THAT is what it looks like when your team gets what it wants, Pete.

But I find it hilarious that you and your fellow internet keyboard warrior "forgot" what your team REALLY did when it was in charge.

Here's how you know how full of it your team is, Petey: you weren't quietly sitting on the sidelines, minding your own business for things like gay marriage, as the idiot you cited thinks. If you had done that, and kept government out of the marriage license business? You would never have heard about gay marriage, Pete. Not one peep. No (snicker) "poking and prodding". They wouldn't need to. They could marry, and no one would care.

Instead? The team who swears that they want government out of their lives decided that THEY get to decide who gets married, and who doesn't. Because we can't have that Clarence Thomas guy marry a white woman, now can we, Pete? So what did your team do? They got together and made that illegal.

Now here comes these lefties you claim to hate.....asking "why the F is it anyone's business who gets to marry whom?". So what did YOUR team do when they heard this complaint? :lol: Nothing, Pete. Your team kept the law in place. Because that's what righties do. And a court had to step in and tell you and your fellow nutjobs that it's not the government's business who marries whom, Pete.

And boy, you didn't like that. You liked it when you got to tell Americans what they can and can't do a whole lot more. So now, naturally, you and your fellow nutjobs...who swear they want government "out of the way"....are mad, and are going to start writing new laws that let Americans know that YOU are in charge.

Get it? So when this guy you seem to like so much is whining about lefties "poking and prodding"....he's talking about redlining, Pete. And keeping women attending the college of their choice. And Americans from marrying who they damn well please. And telling women what they can and can't do.

It's YOUR team who's desperate to tell everyone else what they can and can't do, Petey. You've done it for 200+ years now. And you're back, and want to tell people what to do more.

And hilariously? None of these laws you want passed affect the 1%ers, Pete. So as usual, you let a guy like Trump (who's paid for how many abortions & hush money to porn stars?) show you some shiny keys....all so your team doesn't notice that the 1%ers are robbing you blind. How fast do you supposed Ivanka Trump would hop on Daddy's plane to get an abortion when she damn well pleases, Pete?

How's the gap between the 1%ers and everyone else going these days, Pete? How much bigger is DeSantis gonna make Florida government this fiscal year, Pete. Keep your eye on the ball. :roll:

You write a tad too long, man. It would take me days to reply to all of your whining.

But you do seem to have a ha@d-on for Ron. Maybe read this first: ... -Final.pdf

That’s a list of programs and funding he VETOED for this fiscal year. $3,100,000,000 worth.

If you want to see how well run we are financially, with no state income tax to make it so, read this: ... vironment/

Highlights: ... lights.pdf

Mind you, we accomplish all this with no state income tax, while being the fastest growing large state in America.
a fan
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm You write a tad too long, man. It would take me days to reply to all of your whining.
:lol: I'm not whining. None of these laws apply to me, Petey. I keep trying to tell you that, but you don't want to hear it. I'm getting my bank account ready for more of your team's tax breaks, Petey. Where should I take my family on your dime?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm But you do seem to have a ha@d-on for Ron. Maybe read this first:
:lol: Says the guy who has a whole thread on him, because he's accomplishing nothing in his life (your words, not mine), so he hopes his Big Government leader will accomplish something for him. How's that working out for you, Petey? You put a poster of that photo you shared of DeSantis' wife on your wall yet?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm That’s a list of programs and funding he VETOED for this fiscal year. $3,100,000,000 worth.
:lol: So he vetoed some spending...and replaced it with MORE spending. Neat.

Still struggling with math, are we, Pete? Look, the socialists at your UFlorida will be happy to take some of my tax dollars, and help you audit a math class. Be better, Pete.
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm If you want to see how well run we are financially, with no state income tax to make it so, read this:
:lol: I like my property taxes low, like we have in Colorado, thank you very much. But hey, if you think it makes more sense to pay more money to Ron from your property than you ever would for your wages? Hey, knock yourself out. For me? I own too much property for that nonsense.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:55 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm You write a tad too long, man. It would take me days to reply to all of your whining.
:lol: I'm not whining. None of these laws apply to me, Petey. I keep trying to tell you that, but you don't want to hear it. I'm getting my bank account ready for more of your team's tax breaks, Petey. Where should I take my family on your dime?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm But you do seem to have a ha@d-on for Ron. Maybe read this first:
:lol: Says the guy who has a whole thread on him, because he's accomplishing nothing in his life (your words, not mine), so he hopes his Big Government leader will accomplish something for him. How's that working out for you, Petey? You put a poster of that photo you shared of DeSantis' wife on your wall yet?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm That’s a list of programs and funding he VETOED for this fiscal year. $3,100,000,000 worth.
:lol: So he vetoed some spending...and replaced it with MORE spending. Neat.

Still struggling with math, are we, Pete? Look, the socialists at your UFlorida will be happy to take some of my tax dollars, and help you audit a math class. Be better, Pete.
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:38 pm If you want to see how well run we are financially, with no state income tax to make it so, read this:
:lol: I like my property taxes low, like we have in Colorado, thank you very much. But hey, if you think it makes more sense to pay more money to Ron from your property than you ever would for your wages? Hey, knock yourself out. For me? I own too much property for that nonsense.

Colorado’s tax burden is around 25 in most analyses. Florida is between 45-50. ... rden/20494

You want to take another swing or just retire to the dugout?
a fan
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:07 pm
Colorado’s tax burden is around 25 in most analyses. Florida is between 45-50. ... rden/20494

You want to take another swing or just retire to the dugout?
:lol: Petey....that's in aggregate. For all taxes as it applies to the entire population.

My financial situation ain't the same as everyone else's in the State.

Get it? Or do I have to break out the puppets?

Holy cow, for a guy who swears all this stuff is important to him, you really don't know a thing about what you're supporting, do you?

Good luck with Mr. Big Government, Pete.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:10 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:07 pm
Colorado’s tax burden is around 25 in most analyses. Florida is between 45-50. ... rden/20494

You want to take another swing or just retire to the dugout?
:lol: Petey....that's in aggregate. For all taxes as it applies to the entire population.

My financial situation ain't the same as everyone else's in the State.

Get it? Or do I have to break out the puppets?

Holy cow, for a guy who swears all this stuff is important to him, you really don't know a thing about what you're supporting, do you?

Good luck with Mr. Big Government, Pete.

So, the aggregate tax burden of Coloradans isn’t important, just a fan’s personal situation? Interesting.

What’s the cost of living in Colorado versus Florida? Average median list price of a house? What’s your earned income tax rate?
a fan
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:30 pm So, the aggregate tax burden of Coloradans isn’t important, just a fan’s personal situation? Interesting.
Look who's catching on! Hey Pete! Does this mean you FINALLY get it? (probably not, but let's see)

How many more times do I need to tell you that your party's policies are moving more and more and more money to the 1%ers at the expense of the American working class?

I don't want this. The coastal elite libs you hate, like my wife, has spent her entire career and multiple Master's Degrees... trying to help these very Americans doesn't want this.

YOU are the one who wants this, Pete. You and your party are working as hard as they can to give the Trumps, the DeSantis', the Pelosi's, and the Biden's of America all the money, with none of the rules.

Get it?
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:41 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:30 pm So, the aggregate tax burden of Coloradans isn’t important, just a fan’s personal situation? Interesting.
Look who's catching on! Hey Pete! Does this mean you FINALLY get it? (probably not, but let's see)

How many more times do I need to tell you that your party's policies are moving more and more and more money to the 1%ers at the expense of the American working class?

I don't want this. The coastal elite libs you hate, like my wife, has spent her entire career and multiple Master's Degrees... trying to help these very Americans doesn't want this.

YOU are the one who wants this, Pete. You and your party are working as hard as they can to give the Trumps, the DeSantis', the Pelosi's, and the Biden's of America all the money, with none of the rules.

Get it?

So just for starters, the only people I tend to hate are arrogant know it alls who actually don’t know sh!t.

I’m partial to anyone who possesses an actual real life skill: carpenters, electricians, machinists, pilots, doctors, plumbers, engineers, crane and heavy machine operators, welders, etc. I also like artists. I’m generally dismissive of paper pushers.

So, I don’t hate the coastal elite unless they’re simply arrogant: these elites might be investment bankers and lawyers, social services and non profit activists, etc. I do think these groups tend to have an unfortunate unawareness of the distinction between book smarts and basic common sense.

But I don’t hate them. I just pity them. Im very wary of large government agents and politicians. They’re often the most duplicitous snakes you’ll meet. But even for them I can make exceptions. I only dislike know it all’s.
a fan
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm So just for starters, the only people I tend to hate are arrogant know it alls who actually don’t know sh!t.
You've been shooting your mouth off about how awesome a political party is since the day you arrived here. And yet when anyone digs down into your ridiculous claims, we find out you have no clue what you're talking about. And yet you double down anyway.

Is this a way for your to tell us that you're dealing with some self-loathing issues, Pete? Because I can get you help if you need it.
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm I’m partial to anyone who possesses an actual real life skill: carpenters, electricians, machinists, pilots, doctors, plumbers, engineers, crane and heavy machine operators, welders, etc. I also like artists. I’m generally dismissive of paper pushers.
Oh, then you adore me. Thank you. Nice of you to say. I'm also an entrepreneur. Maybe you should pay more attention to me when I tell you that this party of yours if full of sh*t, and is screwing you and the American working class?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm So, I don’t hate the coastal elite unless they’re simply arrogant investment bankers and lawyers, social services and non profit activists
A few weeks ago, you were telling us how awesome Tony Dungy's non profit that provides social services to the Florida area was.

And the biggest nonprofits that provide socials services? That would be churches, Pete. So now you hate them, too?

Change your mind yet again, Pete?

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm Im very wary of large government agents and politicians. They’re often the most duplicitous snakes you’ll meet.
And yet you have an entire thread dedicated to politician DeSantis. A guy who already made your government bigger, and you claim to not care, and are doing everything you can think of to tell me that 10% government growth in one year is no big deal.

You just can't keep all of this straight, Pete.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 3:01 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm So just for starters, the only people I tend to hate are arrogant know it alls who actually don’t know sh!t.
You've been shooting your mouth off about how awesome a political party is since the day you arrived here. And yet when anyone digs down into your ridiculous claims, we find out you have no clue what you're talking about. And yet you double down anyway.

Is this a way for your to tell us that you're dealing with some self-loathing issues, Pete? Because I can get you help if you need it.
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm I’m partial to anyone who possesses an actual real life skill: carpenters, electricians, machinists, pilots, doctors, plumbers, engineers, crane and heavy machine operators, welders, etc. I also like artists. I’m generally dismissive of paper pushers.
Oh, then you adore me. Thank you. Nice of you to say. I'm also an entrepreneur. Maybe you should pay more attention to me when I tell you that this party of yours if full of sh*t, and is screwing you and the American working class?
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm So, I don’t hate the coastal elite unless they’re simply arrogant investment bankers and lawyers, social services and non profit activists
A few weeks ago, you were telling us how awesome Tony Dungy's non profit that provides social services to the Florida area was.

And the biggest nonprofits that provide socials services? That would be churches, Pete. So now you hate them, too?

Change your mind yet again, Pete?

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:52 pm Im very wary of large government agents and politicians. They’re often the most duplicitous snakes you’ll meet.
And yet you have an entire thread dedicated to politician DeSantis. A guy who already made your government bigger, and you claim to not care, and are doing everything you can think of to tell me that 10% government growth in one year is no big deal.

You just can't keep all of this straight, Pete.

Tony Dungy I wouldn’t call an ‘activist’. More an altruist.

And again, if your baseline budget is half that of states with less people, a nominal growth rate of 10% is negligible at best.
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Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:09 pm Tony Dungy I wouldn’t call an ‘activist’. More an altruist.
:lol: Right. When you agree what they're doing, they're an altruist. If you don't, well they're bad, and will ruin this country.

You're such a bad troll, Pete. Even you know how stupid this sounds.
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:09 pm And again, if your baseline budget is half that of states with less people, a nominal growth rate of 10% is negligible at best.
All you're doing is making my point...over and over. Florida was running just fine without blowing 10% more money in a single year, Pete.

If a Dem Florida gov did this? You'd be on here, complaining about him turning Florida into California.

But as I've learned with your team...that little R comes with free excuses, no extra charge.

Have some backbone, Pete. Stand by what you're telling us are your values are for ten consecutive seconds, FFS.
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Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:27 am :lol: You need our money for your pension, my man. And Pete's government education. And where do you think the money for the Academies, the shiny helmets and bombs comes from?

We're good, and then some. You need us more than we need you. Well...unless Canada invades.
I'd have made more had I left when I could & flown for the airlines.
That pension didn't cover the taxes on my second career income & investments.
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Post by Seacoaster(1) »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:55 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:27 am :lol: You need our money for your pension, my man. And Pete's government education. And where do you think the money for the Academies, the shiny helmets and bombs comes from?

We're good, and then some. You need us more than we need you. Well...unless Canada invades.
I'd have made more had I left when I could & flown for the airlines.
That pension didn't cover the taxes on my second career income & investments.
a fan
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Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:55 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:27 am :lol: You need our money for your pension, my man. And Pete's government education. And where do you think the money for the Academies, the shiny helmets and bombs comes from?

We're good, and then some. You need us more than we need you. Well...unless Canada invades.
I'd have made more had I left when I could & flown for the airlines.
That pension didn't cover the taxes on my second career income & investments.
:lol: As it shouldn't. Well earned, OS, I'm sure.

But that doesn't mean that the Vets and those currently serving don't need my excise tax dollars. Proud to pay them. Especially when it goes to Vet pensions and their health care.
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Post by PizzaSnake »

Lady Lindsey hopes so.

“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said Justice Samuel Alito “set the right tone” by writing in an opinion overturning Roe v. Wade that Supreme Court decisions protecting contraception and same-sex marriage are not in jeopardy.” ... pardy/amp/

Otherwise he’ll be joining Tim Cook and Peter Thiel in a new country.

Talk about hoisted on your own petard…
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Post by PizzaSnake »

Here’s a twist on Petey’s stroke of “genius”.

Have the Chickisaw nation grant tribal affiliation to women seeming abortions at brand-spanking new clinics located in the portion of eastern Oklahoma that the SC ruled remains a Creek Indian rez. The women come, get services, and the Chickisaw Nation tells Oklahoma to pound sand. ... ndian/amp/
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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old salt
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Post by old salt »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:14 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:55 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:27 am :lol: You need our money for your pension, my man. And Pete's government education. And where do you think the money for the Academies, the shiny helmets and bombs comes from?

We're good, and then some. You need us more than we need you. Well...unless Canada invades.
I'd have made more had I left when I could & flown for the airlines.
That pension didn't cover the taxes on my second career income & investments.
My pension was helpful & I'm grateful to have survived to receive it. Some keyboard warriors have the mis-perception that vets can survive on just a military pension. Most service members must retire after 20 years of service (typical age 38-45) & start a second career. At that age most still have a mortgage, kids & must pay a premium for their health care until they reach age 65. Their pension is 50% of their base pay (excluding housing & subsistence allowance & incentive pay). The current amount : E-6 $2,206/mo, E-7 $2,516/mo, O-4 $4,402/mo.
That's a significant pay cut (approx 65%) when suddenly unemployed & starting a second career at middle age with typical family obligations.
I was fortunate to have an immediately marketable skill & we prepared for the drop in income.
Most vets are not so fortunate. Fortunately, I have a spouse who is an "earner" & is as frugal as me.
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