CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by Mel the Therapist »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:43 pmI have not felt alone the last couple of weeks...
Cradle, I'm concerned about your feeling so comfortable in the Penalty Box. Recidivism rates tend to be high for people who enjoy prison. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this. And please remember that spending so much time in the Penalty Box does not say something about you as a person. It says something about your behavior as a person. Best of luck when you're released on Friday. I'm rooting for you...
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

Mel the Therapist wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:44 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:43 pmI have not felt alone the last couple of weeks...
Cradle, I'm concerned about your feeling so comfortable in the Penalty Box. Recidivism rates tend to be high for people who enjoy prison. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this. And please remember that spending so much time in the Penalty Box does not say something about you as a person. It says something about your behavior as a person. Best of luck when you're released on Friday. I'm rooting for you...
My stay here in the penalty box was by my own choice. I left the moderator no other choice. Given the same set of circumstances I would not do anything different. There is a line in a Ron White stand up routine where he tells about being kicked out of a bar in NYC and then arguing with the cops. He said he had the right to remain silent he just did not have the ability to do so.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:43 pm Trust me, I'm not being aggressive. Even MD knows that! :lol: :lol:

:D yes, you've been known to be far, far more aggressive.

No all caps, no curse words, just some rather mild insults by your and my standards.

Kinda like using the butt end of your stick on the crease into the defender's ribs, while pushing off to get a feed. Or a defender aiming that slap check at the exposed bit of arm between gloves and arm pad, or back of the leg...'incidental contact'... ;)

I'd offer you a beer at the keg post game and we'd chuckle...
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:14 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:43 pm Trust me, I'm not being aggressive. Even MD knows that! :lol: :lol:

:D yes, you've been known to be far, far more aggressive.

No all caps, no curse words, just some rather mild insults by your and my standards.

Kinda like using the butt end of your stick on the crease into the defender's ribs, while pushing off to get a feed. Or a defender aiming that slap check at the exposed bit of arm between gloves and arm pad, or back of the leg...'incidental contact'... ;)

I'd offer you a beer at the keg post game and we'd chuckle...
A postgame beer is even something I can agree about! :lol:

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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:19 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:57 pm Indeed, there's a big part of America who actually see police violence, and over incarceration, against minorities as necessary,

A huge load of hogwash coming from between the pipes. What the heck is over incarceration?? Does that mean too many guilty people are put behind bars. I think I spent 20 minutes laughing and shaking my head at the brain numbing logic being used here. Does anybody on this forum pay any attention to the daily violence being used AGAINST the police? :?
cradle, you'll be back soon on the regular threads and you'll undoubtedly have lots of opportunities to disparage my views, but I happened to see this post and thought, well why not respond?

Yeah, over incarceration of minorities is when you put minority "criminals" behind bars for offenses of equivalent severity, disproportionately per infraction relative to whites. Same crime, different time, different likelihood of prosecution.

And then you have discriminatory sentencing for certain types of drug offenses relative to others, heavy sentences for possession of crack cocaine, light sentences for coke...different set of "criminals", thus different sentencing restrictions.

And, of course, the whole criminalization of some substances, no crime for others...

and, the reality that populations with less wealth (of all races) are most likely to turn to crime. And this particular issue exacerbated by redlining and other practices ghettoizing by ethnicity.

But hey, call it "hogwash" or "mind numbing" if you want...OR bother to actually ask what is meant with an open mind...

Want to change the subject to violence against police? It's a very, very serious issue. Absolutely.

What's your prescription? More incarceration?
We already have the highest incarceration rate of any first world country...

My prescription is decriminalization of drug use. All drug use.
What is your prescription?? Over incarceration means the criminals were over arrested and over convicted in the first place. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Yes I do understand the irony when it concerns Robert Blake. Here in my neck of the woods we just had a 3 time parolee arrested for armed bank robbery only shortly after being released from prison. Define for me what you mean by "over incarceration"
Is there also then such a thing as " under incarceration" ?You are the one who brought up the term. Your the one who has some "splainin to do" You do know that most of these folks busted selling drugs also are quite the business folks. They have other sideline businesses to add to their drug dealing income. I bet you did not know that quite a few of them dabble in a number wide variety of illegal activities. Your answer is to release them to the streets. :roll: These folks were all arrested because they sang too loud in the church choir on Sunday. :lol: FTR, would you have a problem hiring any of these ex-cons to drive for your company? I know how you feel about not hiring WP types. I'm wondering where your belief system stands when it comes to trusting ex-cons who may be black or brown? Even if maybe they were convicted of armed robbery... Here is your chance to shine. :D
Try reading what I wrote directly above.
Not what you imagine, but what I actually wrote.

Then go ahead and ask me a question or two that reflects having done so...this rant does not.

You were the one who decided to engage, you don't get to choose what his response might be. You just can't help yourself can you. Do everyone a favor and take a nice little break from this site.

:D couldn't help yourself, huh, Joe?

How about engaging on the actual discussion, not the poster?
Do you have something to contribute on topic?

cradle can respond for himself, on the merits of the discussion. He frequently does. I "don't get to choose" how he responds. Nor does he, nor you, get "to choose" how I respond.

But I am asking him to read my response and respond on the merits. He can "choose" to do so or not. Up to him.

In this case, given that cradle was in the doghouse, yet nevertheless clearly wanted to interact and quoted me from another thread, I gave him my respect and answered best I could.

Hopefully he'll give me the same respect, but I certainly can't control or "choose" that. Up to him. ... h-village/

i guess this touches on the law of unexpected consequences. Even the liberal open minded folks that live in Greenwich village are sick of drug addicts shooting up without a care in the world. I know your response will be get them help. Having watched my best friend spend 10 years of his life trying to quit cocaine and having been to more rehabs than I can remember... getting an addict the help they need is easy to say and darn near impossible to do.
First, thanks for engaging respectfully. I appreciate it.

Second, quite sister-in-law's stepson died of an overdose at age 24. Not for lack of family effort. Tragic.

True of alcoholics as well. But we don't incarcerate them for the addiction nor do we incarcerate the companies that hook them. Tried that, of course, but it didn't work.
Your more focused on this than I am. Incarcerating drug users is beyond useless. Trying to get them help is an even more daunting task. The problem is they reach a point where they are comfortable and happy just staying high. They have untied all the ropes and are more than happy to drift away into oblivion. My opinion regarding incarceration revolves more towards small time criminals who keep commiting the same crimes over and over and over. IMO once you have spent the vast majority of your life engaged in crime, that is all you know and that is all you will ever be.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:09 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:19 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:57 pm Indeed, there's a big part of America who actually see police violence, and over incarceration, against minorities as necessary,

A huge load of hogwash coming from between the pipes. What the heck is over incarceration?? Does that mean too many guilty people are put behind bars. I think I spent 20 minutes laughing and shaking my head at the brain numbing logic being used here. Does anybody on this forum pay any attention to the daily violence being used AGAINST the police? :?
cradle, you'll be back soon on the regular threads and you'll undoubtedly have lots of opportunities to disparage my views, but I happened to see this post and thought, well why not respond?

Yeah, over incarceration of minorities is when you put minority "criminals" behind bars for offenses of equivalent severity, disproportionately per infraction relative to whites. Same crime, different time, different likelihood of prosecution.

And then you have discriminatory sentencing for certain types of drug offenses relative to others, heavy sentences for possession of crack cocaine, light sentences for coke...different set of "criminals", thus different sentencing restrictions.

And, of course, the whole criminalization of some substances, no crime for others...

and, the reality that populations with less wealth (of all races) are most likely to turn to crime. And this particular issue exacerbated by redlining and other practices ghettoizing by ethnicity.

But hey, call it "hogwash" or "mind numbing" if you want...OR bother to actually ask what is meant with an open mind...

Want to change the subject to violence against police? It's a very, very serious issue. Absolutely.

What's your prescription? More incarceration?
We already have the highest incarceration rate of any first world country...

My prescription is decriminalization of drug use. All drug use.
What is your prescription?? Over incarceration means the criminals were over arrested and over convicted in the first place. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Yes I do understand the irony when it concerns Robert Blake. Here in my neck of the woods we just had a 3 time parolee arrested for armed bank robbery only shortly after being released from prison. Define for me what you mean by "over incarceration"
Is there also then such a thing as " under incarceration" ?You are the one who brought up the term. Your the one who has some "splainin to do" You do know that most of these folks busted selling drugs also are quite the business folks. They have other sideline businesses to add to their drug dealing income. I bet you did not know that quite a few of them dabble in a number wide variety of illegal activities. Your answer is to release them to the streets. :roll: These folks were all arrested because they sang too loud in the church choir on Sunday. :lol: FTR, would you have a problem hiring any of these ex-cons to drive for your company? I know how you feel about not hiring WP types. I'm wondering where your belief system stands when it comes to trusting ex-cons who may be black or brown? Even if maybe they were convicted of armed robbery... Here is your chance to shine. :D
Try reading what I wrote directly above.
Not what you imagine, but what I actually wrote.

Then go ahead and ask me a question or two that reflects having done so...this rant does not.

You were the one who decided to engage, you don't get to choose what his response might be. You just can't help yourself can you. Do everyone a favor and take a nice little break from this site.

:D couldn't help yourself, huh, Joe?

How about engaging on the actual discussion, not the poster?
Do you have something to contribute on topic?

cradle can respond for himself, on the merits of the discussion. He frequently does. I "don't get to choose" how he responds. Nor does he, nor you, get "to choose" how I respond.

But I am asking him to read my response and respond on the merits. He can "choose" to do so or not. Up to him.

In this case, given that cradle was in the doghouse, yet nevertheless clearly wanted to interact and quoted me from another thread, I gave him my respect and answered best I could.

Hopefully he'll give me the same respect, but I certainly can't control or "choose" that. Up to him. ... h-village/

i guess this touches on the law of unexpected consequences. Even the liberal open minded folks that live in Greenwich village are sick of drug addicts shooting up without a care in the world. I know your response will be get them help. Having watched my best friend spend 10 years of his life trying to quit cocaine and having been to more rehabs than I can remember... getting an addict the help they need is easy to say and darn near impossible to do.
First, thanks for engaging respectfully. I appreciate it.

Second, quite sister-in-law's stepson died of an overdose at age 24. Not for lack of family effort. Tragic.

True of alcoholics as well. But we don't incarcerate them for the addiction nor do we incarcerate the companies that hook them. Tried that, of course, but it didn't work.
Your more focused on this than I am. Incarcerating drug users is beyond useless. Trying to get them help is an even more daunting task. The problem is they reach a point where they are comfortable and happy just staying high. They have untied all the ropes and are more than happy to drift away into oblivion. My opinion regarding incarceration revolves more towards small time criminals who keep commiting the same crimes over and over and over. IMO once you have spent the vast majority of your life engaged in crime, that is all you know and that is all you will ever be.
Yes, very, very daunting.

So is criminal recidivism, but in the latter case the earlier in the process the chain is interrupted, the better the chances of finding a more productive path in life. Hugely good ROI for society when that's successful. So, investing in creating those paths of opportunity is very, very worthwhile...including if one is a 'conservative' and thus likes tax dollars to be spent wisely, with high ROI, not flushed down a toilet.

The reason I focus on decriminalization is that taking the profit out of black market substance sales and thus removes the reasons why gangs fight over street corners. Tremendously reduces the stakes.

Gotta provide other opportunities for young men to believe in their futures, but taking the profit out of that ugly path means less effort to hook people, including kids, and it means not recruiting youngsters to be criminals...
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:17 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:09 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:19 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:57 pm Indeed, there's a big part of America who actually see police violence, and over incarceration, against minorities as necessary,

A huge load of hogwash coming from between the pipes. What the heck is over incarceration?? Does that mean too many guilty people are put behind bars. I think I spent 20 minutes laughing and shaking my head at the brain numbing logic being used here. Does anybody on this forum pay any attention to the daily violence being used AGAINST the police? :?
cradle, you'll be back soon on the regular threads and you'll undoubtedly have lots of opportunities to disparage my views, but I happened to see this post and thought, well why not respond?

Yeah, over incarceration of minorities is when you put minority "criminals" behind bars for offenses of equivalent severity, disproportionately per infraction relative to whites. Same crime, different time, different likelihood of prosecution.

And then you have discriminatory sentencing for certain types of drug offenses relative to others, heavy sentences for possession of crack cocaine, light sentences for coke...different set of "criminals", thus different sentencing restrictions.

And, of course, the whole criminalization of some substances, no crime for others...

and, the reality that populations with less wealth (of all races) are most likely to turn to crime. And this particular issue exacerbated by redlining and other practices ghettoizing by ethnicity.

But hey, call it "hogwash" or "mind numbing" if you want...OR bother to actually ask what is meant with an open mind...

Want to change the subject to violence against police? It's a very, very serious issue. Absolutely.

What's your prescription? More incarceration?
We already have the highest incarceration rate of any first world country...

My prescription is decriminalization of drug use. All drug use.
What is your prescription?? Over incarceration means the criminals were over arrested and over convicted in the first place. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Yes I do understand the irony when it concerns Robert Blake. Here in my neck of the woods we just had a 3 time parolee arrested for armed bank robbery only shortly after being released from prison. Define for me what you mean by "over incarceration"
Is there also then such a thing as " under incarceration" ?You are the one who brought up the term. Your the one who has some "splainin to do" You do know that most of these folks busted selling drugs also are quite the business folks. They have other sideline businesses to add to their drug dealing income. I bet you did not know that quite a few of them dabble in a number wide variety of illegal activities. Your answer is to release them to the streets. :roll: These folks were all arrested because they sang too loud in the church choir on Sunday. :lol: FTR, would you have a problem hiring any of these ex-cons to drive for your company? I know how you feel about not hiring WP types. I'm wondering where your belief system stands when it comes to trusting ex-cons who may be black or brown? Even if maybe they were convicted of armed robbery... Here is your chance to shine. :D
Try reading what I wrote directly above.
Not what you imagine, but what I actually wrote.

Then go ahead and ask me a question or two that reflects having done so...this rant does not.

You were the one who decided to engage, you don't get to choose what his response might be. You just can't help yourself can you. Do everyone a favor and take a nice little break from this site.

:D couldn't help yourself, huh, Joe?

How about engaging on the actual discussion, not the poster?
Do you have something to contribute on topic?

cradle can respond for himself, on the merits of the discussion. He frequently does. I "don't get to choose" how he responds. Nor does he, nor you, get "to choose" how I respond.

But I am asking him to read my response and respond on the merits. He can "choose" to do so or not. Up to him.

In this case, given that cradle was in the doghouse, yet nevertheless clearly wanted to interact and quoted me from another thread, I gave him my respect and answered best I could.

Hopefully he'll give me the same respect, but I certainly can't control or "choose" that. Up to him. ... h-village/

i guess this touches on the law of unexpected consequences. Even the liberal open minded folks that live in Greenwich village are sick of drug addicts shooting up without a care in the world. I know your response will be get them help. Having watched my best friend spend 10 years of his life trying to quit cocaine and having been to more rehabs than I can remember... getting an addict the help they need is easy to say and darn near impossible to do.
First, thanks for engaging respectfully. I appreciate it.

Second, quite sister-in-law's stepson died of an overdose at age 24. Not for lack of family effort. Tragic.

True of alcoholics as well. But we don't incarcerate them for the addiction nor do we incarcerate the companies that hook them. Tried that, of course, but it didn't work.
Your more focused on this than I am. Incarcerating drug users is beyond useless. Trying to get them help is an even more daunting task. The problem is they reach a point where they are comfortable and happy just staying high. They have untied all the ropes and are more than happy to drift away into oblivion. My opinion regarding incarceration revolves more towards small time criminals who keep commiting the same crimes over and over and over. IMO once you have spent the vast majority of your life engaged in crime, that is all you know and that is all you will ever be.
Yes, very, very daunting.

So is criminal recidivism, but in the latter case the earlier in the process the chain is interrupted, the better the chances of finding a more productive path in life. Hugely good ROI for society when that's successful. So, investing in creating those paths of opportunity is very, very worthwhile...including if one is a 'conservative' and thus likes tax dollars to be spent wisely, with high ROI, not flushed down a toilet.

The reason I focus on decriminalization is that taking the profit out of black market substance sales and thus removes the reasons why gangs fight over street corners. Tremendously reduces the stakes.

Gotta provide other opportunities for young men to believe in their futures, but taking the profit out of that ugly path means less effort to hook people, including kids, and it means not recruiting youngsters to be criminals...
There is a conundrum in your logic you are overlooking. If you take weed out of the equation and you decriminalize the personal use of crack, crystal and fentanyl and all the other street drugs where do the users go to purchase their drugs? The drugs themselves are still illegal to own or possess. Are you suggesting the government provide the drugs and a safe place to use them? I admit i don't have any easy answers. i do understand that every potential solution winds up being the root cause of more brand new problems. There are people in the Rochester community that go out almost every weekend policing up drug garbage left over in all the vacant lots where users congregate to party. If they did not do so every week the problem gets out of hand very quickly. We can make it possible for people to legally kill themselves one hit at a time. Doing so will not make us a better society for enabling them.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:17 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:09 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:42 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:19 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:57 pm Indeed, there's a big part of America who actually see police violence, and over incarceration, against minorities as necessary,

A huge load of hogwash coming from between the pipes. What the heck is over incarceration?? Does that mean too many guilty people are put behind bars. I think I spent 20 minutes laughing and shaking my head at the brain numbing logic being used here. Does anybody on this forum pay any attention to the daily violence being used AGAINST the police? :?
cradle, you'll be back soon on the regular threads and you'll undoubtedly have lots of opportunities to disparage my views, but I happened to see this post and thought, well why not respond?

Yeah, over incarceration of minorities is when you put minority "criminals" behind bars for offenses of equivalent severity, disproportionately per infraction relative to whites. Same crime, different time, different likelihood of prosecution.

And then you have discriminatory sentencing for certain types of drug offenses relative to others, heavy sentences for possession of crack cocaine, light sentences for coke...different set of "criminals", thus different sentencing restrictions.

And, of course, the whole criminalization of some substances, no crime for others...

and, the reality that populations with less wealth (of all races) are most likely to turn to crime. And this particular issue exacerbated by redlining and other practices ghettoizing by ethnicity.

But hey, call it "hogwash" or "mind numbing" if you want...OR bother to actually ask what is meant with an open mind...

Want to change the subject to violence against police? It's a very, very serious issue. Absolutely.

What's your prescription? More incarceration?
We already have the highest incarceration rate of any first world country...

My prescription is decriminalization of drug use. All drug use.
What is your prescription?? Over incarceration means the criminals were over arrested and over convicted in the first place. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Yes I do understand the irony when it concerns Robert Blake. Here in my neck of the woods we just had a 3 time parolee arrested for armed bank robbery only shortly after being released from prison. Define for me what you mean by "over incarceration"
Is there also then such a thing as " under incarceration" ?You are the one who brought up the term. Your the one who has some "splainin to do" You do know that most of these folks busted selling drugs also are quite the business folks. They have other sideline businesses to add to their drug dealing income. I bet you did not know that quite a few of them dabble in a number wide variety of illegal activities. Your answer is to release them to the streets. :roll: These folks were all arrested because they sang too loud in the church choir on Sunday. :lol: FTR, would you have a problem hiring any of these ex-cons to drive for your company? I know how you feel about not hiring WP types. I'm wondering where your belief system stands when it comes to trusting ex-cons who may be black or brown? Even if maybe they were convicted of armed robbery... Here is your chance to shine. :D
Try reading what I wrote directly above.
Not what you imagine, but what I actually wrote.

Then go ahead and ask me a question or two that reflects having done so...this rant does not.

You were the one who decided to engage, you don't get to choose what his response might be. You just can't help yourself can you. Do everyone a favor and take a nice little break from this site.

:D couldn't help yourself, huh, Joe?

How about engaging on the actual discussion, not the poster?
Do you have something to contribute on topic?

cradle can respond for himself, on the merits of the discussion. He frequently does. I "don't get to choose" how he responds. Nor does he, nor you, get "to choose" how I respond.

But I am asking him to read my response and respond on the merits. He can "choose" to do so or not. Up to him.

In this case, given that cradle was in the doghouse, yet nevertheless clearly wanted to interact and quoted me from another thread, I gave him my respect and answered best I could.

Hopefully he'll give me the same respect, but I certainly can't control or "choose" that. Up to him. ... h-village/

i guess this touches on the law of unexpected consequences. Even the liberal open minded folks that live in Greenwich village are sick of drug addicts shooting up without a care in the world. I know your response will be get them help. Having watched my best friend spend 10 years of his life trying to quit cocaine and having been to more rehabs than I can remember... getting an addict the help they need is easy to say and darn near impossible to do.
First, thanks for engaging respectfully. I appreciate it.

Second, quite sister-in-law's stepson died of an overdose at age 24. Not for lack of family effort. Tragic.

True of alcoholics as well. But we don't incarcerate them for the addiction nor do we incarcerate the companies that hook them. Tried that, of course, but it didn't work.
Your more focused on this than I am. Incarcerating drug users is beyond useless. Trying to get them help is an even more daunting task. The problem is they reach a point where they are comfortable and happy just staying high. They have untied all the ropes and are more than happy to drift away into oblivion. My opinion regarding incarceration revolves more towards small time criminals who keep commiting the same crimes over and over and over. IMO once you have spent the vast majority of your life engaged in crime, that is all you know and that is all you will ever be.
Yes, very, very daunting.

So is criminal recidivism, but in the latter case the earlier in the process the chain is interrupted, the better the chances of finding a more productive path in life. Hugely good ROI for society when that's successful. So, investing in creating those paths of opportunity is very, very worthwhile...including if one is a 'conservative' and thus likes tax dollars to be spent wisely, with high ROI, not flushed down a toilet.

The reason I focus on decriminalization is that taking the profit out of black market substance sales and thus removes the reasons why gangs fight over street corners. Tremendously reduces the stakes.

Gotta provide other opportunities for young men to believe in their futures, but taking the profit out of that ugly path means less effort to hook people, including kids, and it means not recruiting youngsters to be criminals...
There is a conundrum in your logic you are overlooking. If you take weed out of the equation and you decriminalize the personal use of crack, crystal and fentanyl and all the other street drugs where do the users go to purchase their drugs? The drugs themselves are still illegal to own or possess. Are you suggesting the government provide the drugs and a safe place to use them? I admit i don't have any easy answers. i do understand that every potential solution winds up being the root cause of more brand new problems. There are people in the Rochester community that go out almost every weekend policing up drug garbage left over in all the vacant lots where users congregate to party. If they did not do so every week the problem gets out of hand very quickly. We can make it possible for people to legally kill themselves one hit at a time. Doing so will not make us a better society for enabling them.
Actually, yes, this has been well discussed by those who focus on 'decriminalization' plans: Doctor prescribed and inexpensive drug distribution through pharmacies, at cost. Unadulterated drugs, regulated safety standards. Much more controlled than alcohol and tobacco, but readily accessible and much, much safer than current system in all sorts of ways. Opportunity to interact with user, provide them with options on ways to get off drugs, rehab etc.

Enormous savings in policing and incarceration refocused on prevention and rehab etc. Communications/advertising messages to discourage drug usage, but make clear benefits of safer usage if addicted...opposite of alcohol and tobacco history. Do not allow any sort of profit-making advertising.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

Hey Nigel, this Saturday brother on your home turf. I don't think Penfield is as good as your Braves. I'm hoping they find enough offense to make it a good game
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by Nigel »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:00 pm Hey Nigel, this Saturday brother on your home turf. I don't think Penfield is as good as your Braves. I'm hoping they find enough offense to make it a good game
Might have to check that game out. Chiefs will have to play their best game of the year to win and hope Braves look past them. Doubtful but we all know the cliche'.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

Nigel wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:00 pm Hey Nigel, this Saturday brother on your home turf. I don't think Penfield is as good as your Braves. I'm hoping they find enough offense to make it a good game
Might have to check that game out. Chiefs will have to play their best game of the year to win and hope Braves look past them. Doubtful but we all know the cliche'.
I noticed when looking at the Penfield roster that there is a 9th grade middie named Adam Schembri. That name sounds soooo familiar. My intuition tells me he is being groomed for face offs. I feel so old right now. I remember when the coaches kid hung out on the sidelines handing out water bottles
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by admin »

admin wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:09 pm Last penalty was 1 minute (2 days). This one is 2 minutes (4 days). Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Penalty releases on Tuesday at 4 PM EST.
4 minutes (8 days). Penalty releases on Friday, July 1st at 10:52 AM.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

admin wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:53 am
admin wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:09 pm Last penalty was 1 minute (2 days). This one is 2 minutes (4 days). Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Penalty releases on Tuesday at 4 PM EST.
4 minutes (8 days). Penalty releases on Friday, July 1st at 10:52 AM.
Released just in time to celebrate my birthday... :D
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

One nice thing about being in the sin bin. All my responses are pre-approved. Nobody can whine about their feelings being hurt. :D :D :D :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:25 am One nice thing about being in the sin bin. All my responses are pre-approved. Nobody can whine about their feelings being hurt. :D :D :D :D

Looking forward to your return
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by cradleandshoot »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:25 am One nice thing about being in the sin bin. All my responses are pre-approved. Nobody can whine about their feelings being hurt. :D :D :D :D

Looking forward to your return
Your probably the only one. :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Peter Brown
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Re: CradleandShoot - 1 Minute (2 Day) Penalty

Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:28 am
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:37 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:25 am One nice thing about being in the sin bin. All my responses are pre-approved. Nobody can whine about their feelings being hurt. :D :D :D :D
Looking forward to your return
Your probably the only one. :D

There are more. Many prefer to not speak up because they see what the local FLP do to the wrongthink crowd.

Come back soon!!!
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