Trump's Russian Collusion

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:51 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:11 pm Hey Salty! Gedda Loadda DIS!


"Glenn Greenwald, who has written two books about the abuse of Presidential power, continues to dig in on his factually ignorant claims about the Mueller report. For days, he and the denialists said that if Mueller’s report was being misrepresented by Bill Barr, Mueller would speak up. Now that Mueller’s team has done so, Glenn complains that these are anonymous leaks and nevertheless only address obstruction, not a conspiracy with Russia on the election.

Glenn and his lackeys in the denialist crowd who continue to willfully misrepresent the public evidence have yet to deal with the fact that Mueller has already presented evidence that Paul Manafort conspired with Russian Konstantin Kilimnik on the election, but that they weren’t able to substantiate and charge it because Manafort lied. Mueller’s team say they believe Manafort did so in hopes and expectation that if he helped Trump and denialists like Glenn sustain a “no collusion” line, he might get a pardon. That is, we know that Trump’s offers of pardons — his obstruction — specifically prevented Mueller from pursuing a fairly smoking gun incident where Trump’s campaign manager coordinated with Russians on the hack-and-leak.

As Glenn once professed to know with respect to Scooter Libby’s obstruction, if someone successfully obstructs an investigation, that may mean the ultimate culprit in that investigation escapes criminal charge."
Now you've turned on GG dis ? Wouldn't wanna be in a fox hole with you.

What you call excuses for Trump are simply calling [BS] on your contrived TDS porn.
Trump won. We're stuck with him. Get over it & beat him at the ballot box with ideas.
Meanwhile, I look forward to the reckoning for Deep State apparatchiks who abused the powers of their positions against their fellow citizens.
That's your story and you're sticking to it.

Hillary lost, IMO, because enough Dem and Independent voters in enough key states, found her to be phony, elitist, and possibly corrupt. They didn't trust her to tell the truth, to not be more interested in herself than the country.

Sure, the Russians and FoxNation and the rest of the right wing blogosphere contributed to these crucial voter's perceptions, but the responsibility for that perception was her own doing. Maybe some Bill thrown in.

Certainly the endless hearings and investigations from the GOP Congress hurt, and contributed to these perceptions.

She lost at the ballot box, not in an indictment or even in an investigation.

That's what's coming for Trump.

Very few voters believe he's honest, a large % believe he's deeply corrupt and that his Administration is corrupt. They're right.

That's going to get pounded on up to Election Day, reinforcing again and again what a slime ball he really is.

And that's going to cost him crucial voters in those states. Enough to lose those normally blue states that turned red against HRC.

The first step those voters took was flipping the House, enabling the oversight that's coming. It'll be ugly, but the voters spoke clearly.

At least as long as the Dems don't put up someone with a profile that blunts those issues, ala HRC. But doesn't look like they'll make that mistake this time. "Too progressive" will matter to the Trumpist crowd but not to honest R's and I's, the key voters Trump can't afford to lose.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

The leaking angry (D) prosecutors are now disgruntled because they failed to make their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction, so they're turning on him, crying to the NYT/WP. They're flailing to maintain their (D) bona fides, because they failed in their mission to bring down Trump.

If the polling data that Manafort gave KK was used, then prove it. Based on the GRU indictments, Mueller's team had access to humint & sigint from inside the GRU's IRA troll farm. Show us the diagram connecting the dots, between what was in that magic polling data & what the Russian's did with it.
If there was any there, there, they would have made their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction. Now, it's just more sore loser whining.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

fossil sodium wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:51 pmNow you've turned on GG dis ? Wouldn't wanna be in a fox hole with you.Unnamed disgruntled (D) donor prosecutors, leaking to the NYT/WP, do not speak for Mueller.PottyMouth's conspiracy theory is based on 1992 stuff ? Talk about grasping at straws.What you call excuses for Trump are simply calling [BS] on your contrived TDS porn.Trump won. We're stuck with him. Get over it & beat him at the ballot box with ideas.Meanwhile, I look forward to the reckoning for Deep State apparatchiks who abused the powers of their positions against their fellow citizens.
<<<Chuckle>>> So shallow. So predictable. The smell of fear is in the air.

It's called holding folks accountable, EVEN WHEN THEY'RE ON YOUR SIDE and not walking in lockstep with whatever talking points Faux Nation and Victor Davis TELL you to do. Glenzilla seems a little mixed up on this one, and i said as much in the Comments section of his blog post on the subject. When's the last time you publicly disagreed with VDH??

Potty's got your number, obvious on its face...

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:27 pm
fossil sodium wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:51 pmNow you've turned on GG dis ? Wouldn't wanna be in a fox hole with you.Unnamed disgruntled (D) donor prosecutors, leaking to the NYT/WP, do not speak for Mueller.PottyMouth's conspiracy theory is based on 1992 stuff ? Talk about grasping at straws.What you call excuses for Trump are simply calling [BS] on your contrived TDS porn.Trump won. We're stuck with him. Get over it & beat him at the ballot box with ideas.Meanwhile, I look forward to the reckoning for Deep State apparatchiks who abused the powers of their positions against their fellow citizens.
<<<Chuckle>>> So shallow. So predictable. The smell of fear is in the air.

It's called holding folks accountable, EVEN WHEN THEY'RE ON YOUR SIDE and not walking in lockstep with whatever talking points Faux Nation and Victor Davis TELL you to do. Glenzilla seems a little mixed up on this one, and i said as much in the Comments section of his blog post on the subject. When's the last time you publicly disagreed with VDH??

Potty's got your number, obvious on its face...
You got it backward. When's the last time VDH disagreed with me. I usually post first.
Reminder -- where & when did you first hear the term Deep State ? (hint : leak to Ignatius)
Recall the Intel Community civil war I predicted when Flynn joined the Trump campaign ?
Who posted the first Boris & Natasha cartoon ?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Come to think of it...anyone ever seen Old SaltyRad and VDH in the same room together?? ;)

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

Yeah. It was at one of his speaking engagements when he was a visiting Prof at USNA.
I started reading his Military history before he became a columnist, right after 9-11.
I became a GG fan when I learned of his dog rescue operation (but I still disagree about FISA, Snowden & Manning).
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:17 pm The leaking angry (D) prosecutors are now disgruntled because they failed to make their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction, so they're turning on him, crying to the NYT/WP. They're flailing to maintain their (D) bona fides, because they failed in their mission to bring down Trump.

If the polling data that Manafort gave KK was used, then prove it. Based on the GRU indictments, Mueller's team had access to humint & sigint from inside the GRU's IRA troll farm. Show us the diagram connecting the dots, between what was in that magic polling data & what the Russian's did with it.
If there was any there, there, they would have made their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction. Now, it's just more sore loser whining.
Ahhh, so they just tried to collude, but what Manafort provided was never used...or at least they couldn't prove it was used?

ok, no sweat, no one did anything wrong.

The DEEP STATE failed!

sure :roll:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:12 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:17 pm The leaking angry (D) prosecutors are now disgruntled because they failed to make their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction, so they're turning on him, crying to the NYT/WP. They're flailing to maintain their (D) bona fides, because they failed in their mission to bring down Trump.

If the polling data that Manafort gave KK was used, then prove it. Based on the GRU indictments, Mueller's team had access to humint & sigint from inside the GRU's IRA troll farm. Show us the diagram connecting the dots, between what was in that magic polling data & what the Russian's did with it.
If there was any there, there, they would have made their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction. Now, it's just more sore loser whining.
Ahhh, so they just tried to collude, but what Manafort provided was never used...or at least they couldn't prove it was used?

ok, no sweat, no one did anything wrong.

The DEEP STATE failed!

sure :roll:
We don't know what Manafort gave KK or why. What he directed KK to do with it.

We can wait to see what Mueller tells us, then you can tell us why it doesn't matter anyway.

To collude, there needs to be a feedback loop. Establish that.
Was Manafort freelancing ? Did Trump or anyone else on the campaign know what Manafort was doing ?
Mueller should know, based on all the intel at his disposal & what Gates has told him.
Based on the lack of indictments & what Barr has revealed (so far), I wouldn't get your hopes up.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by OCanada »

Barr has revealed squat.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:12 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:17 pm The leaking angry (D) prosecutors are now disgruntled because they failed to make their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction, so they're turning on him, crying to the NYT/WP. They're flailing to maintain their (D) bona fides, because they failed in their mission to bring down Trump.

If the polling data that Manafort gave KK was used, then prove it. Based on the GRU indictments, Mueller's team had access to humint & sigint from inside the GRU's IRA troll farm. Show us the diagram connecting the dots, between what was in that magic polling data & what the Russian's did with it.
If there was any there, there, they would have made their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction. Now, it's just more sore loser whining.
Ahhh, so they just tried to collude, but what Manafort provided was never used...or at least they couldn't prove it was used?

ok, no sweat, no one did anything wrong.

The DEEP STATE failed!

sure :roll:
We don't know what Manafort gave KK or why. What he directed KK to do with it.

We can wait to see what Mueller tells us, then you can tell us why it doesn't matter anyway.

To collude, there needs to be a feedback loop. Establish that.
Was Manafort freelancing ? Did Trump or anyone else on the campaign know what Manafort was doing ?
Mueller should know, based on all the intel at his disposal & what Gates has told him.
Based on the lack of indictments & what Barr has revealed (so far), I wouldn't get your hopes up.
It’s not what you did it’s how strong a case can you build. In this case, I imagine it’s a high hurdle versus nobody did anything. OJ won the criminal case and lost the civil case....why is that? It was the same crime....Some cases are pursued civilly but not criminally? Same crimes....Why is that? Different burden....doesn’t mean “ the folks are vindicated”....
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:12 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:12 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:17 pm The leaking angry (D) prosecutors are now disgruntled because they failed to make their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction, so they're turning on him, crying to the NYT/WP. They're flailing to maintain their (D) bona fides, because they failed in their mission to bring down Trump.

If the polling data that Manafort gave KK was used, then prove it. Based on the GRU indictments, Mueller's team had access to humint & sigint from inside the GRU's IRA troll farm. Show us the diagram connecting the dots, between what was in that magic polling data & what the Russian's did with it.
If there was any there, there, they would have made their collusion case to Mueller's satisfaction. Now, it's just more sore loser whining.
Ahhh, so they just tried to collude, but what Manafort provided was never used...or at least they couldn't prove it was used?

ok, no sweat, no one did anything wrong.

The DEEP STATE failed!

sure :roll:
We don't know what Manafort gave KK or why. What he directed KK to do with it.

We can wait to see what Mueller tells us, then you can tell us why it doesn't matter anyway.

To collude, there needs to be a feedback loop. Establish that.
Was Manafort freelancing ? Did Trump or anyone else on the campaign know what Manafort was doing ?
Mueller should know, based on all the intel at his disposal & what Gates has told him.
Based on the lack of indictments & what Barr has revealed (so far), I wouldn't get your hopes up.
The list ggait suggested, and I added to, did not purport to prove an indictable offense for conspiracy with the Russians (no such felony as 'collusion').

The list is huge. The point is merely that Trump brought all of this on himself. He's the one who lied, who hired people who lied, and had family members lie as well. All about Russia.

As I further said, it looks like they tried to 'collude', were compromised by their lies, and attempted to cover it all up.

Does that add up to an indictable offense of Trump himself? So far, no.
Probably never will.

But it ain't TOTAL EXONERATION either.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Also, this whole mess is orders of magnitude greater than what Clinton got impeached for, n'est pas?

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by seacoaster »

In today’s Trumpian parlance, Clinton was impeached for a “process crime.”
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:31 pm In today’s Trumpian parlance, Clinton was impeached for a “process crime.”
Clinton was caught on tape coaching Monica how to lie to FBI agents.

If the simmering Prosecutors have tape of Trump coaching anyone how to lie to FBI agents, then they have a case for obstruction.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by seacoaster »

Monica needed the coaching. Your new crew needed no rehearsals. Process crimes — big deal. Are you channeling Lindsey Graham?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

100% Fake News from Fox News. You're such a shill Salty.


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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by holmes435 »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:31 pm In today’s Trumpian parlance, Clinton was impeached for a “process crime.”
My favorite fake term out of all of this is "perjury trap".
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:30 pm 100% Fake News from Fox News. You're such a shill Salty.
.:lol:. ...sore losers. When all else fails, attack the messenger.

Fire up the impeachment hearings. Let the real fun begin.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Fox News lies even more than Donald Trump does. Think about THAT for a second...

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:43 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:30 pm 100% Fake News from Fox News. You're such a shill Salty.
.:lol:. ...sore losers. When all else fails, attack the messenger.

Fire up the impeachment hearings. Let the real fun begin.

And there it is..... sore losers...your guy won? When is his next game?
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