January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by PizzaSnake »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:27 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:00 pm
LandM wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:38 pm I find it appalling as to now knowing that the Steele work; the NY Times stories about the FBI investigating Trump in the "October" surprise; and the myriad of Russian peddling was just that.
They investigated TeamTrump because everything they did had the stench of corruption...and the all lied about EVERYTHING.

Are you telling me that if you're the head of the FBI, that you're not going to investigate Paul Manafort when Trump hires him?

1. your intel tells you that Putin has been actively meddling in the our elections
2. Trump makes the Republican final cut for the R nominee for POTUS
3. Trump names Manafort as his campaign manager, out of nowhere. Who the F is Paul Manafort is question #1 for Comey?
4. Manafort, to answer that question, had just been paid to help install one of Putin's puppets into power in Ukraine.

Now you're telling me with a straight face that if you're Comey, you wouldn't look into Manafort?

And good thing they DID look into him. Manafort was lying about his financial dealings in Ukraine, and the money he took from Putin's toadies to give Putin what he wanted in Ukraine.

Anyone with a brain that takes our country's security serious would investigate Manafort. And then right after that? Trump Jr. and Kushner for hosting a Russian Spy in Trump Tower in the hopes of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton. Oh and "whoops" Kush "forgot" to report this meeting until after the election. A completely honest mistake, for sure.

They TRIED to work with Russians, LandM----and this is by Kush's own admission to US Intel. You get that, right?

Bizarrely revealing post.

Sure, Manafort is a slime ball, a fan. Well give you that.

So why did you arrest Papadopolous? Was Carter Page capable of lifting a pair of socks at TJ Maxx? The guy is brain dead.

But your squad holds up every hyperventilating arrest like you’ve cracked the greatest caper in history. Even Manafort isn’t capable of much beyond a 7-11 slurpee heist.

You guys get clowned not simply for wasting taxpayer funds, but snap because you’re hysterical like teenage girls seeing Paul, Ringo, George, and John for the first time. Except you did it about 1,000x. So we clown you mercilessly.

There’s a massive gulf between being a class A jerk like Manafort, versus an historical conspiracy to upend the Republic. Your unending hysterics over the tiniest matter meant very few outside your echo chamber take you seriously. On this website alone, CU88 reposts literal braindead nonsense from Heather Richardson Cox, apparently unaware no one treats Heather as anything other than a rabid partisan clown who long ago abandoned any pretense at being a sober analyst. One of the lefts favorite other historians, Kevin Kruse of Princeton, just got busted for being a plagiarist. He used to tweet a couple hundred times a day accusing Republicans of the same nonsense you and JHU72 do here every day, but now he’s in hiding.
“Bizarrely revealing post. ”

"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
Peter Brown
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:45 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:27 pm Bizarrely revealing post.
Yep. It reveals that you don't pay attention to ANYTHING in your life.

If you paid any attention, you would find that I didn't believe they'd find any collusion (or whatever word you choose) between Trump and Putin...and this was during the Comey investigation...before Mueller. And I restated that belief before Muller started his waste of time.

But that's not what LandM is discussing, and that's not what FoxNation has been discussing.

The discussion point is: was the FBI correct in investigating these clowns?

That's it. That's the question. And you yourself just said "yep", when it came to Manafort.

You can't hire a guy who was just paid millions by Putin to install his political toady in Ukraine as your campaign manager and not have US Intel up his *ss in a New York minute.

That's it. It's that simple. It would have been negligent and corrupt for US Intel to NOT open a case on Manafort.

And guess what? They found Manafort was trying to hide his work with Putin.

So to answer the above question: was the FBI correct in investigating these clown? The answer is a resounding yes.

And yep, Manafort wasn't trying to get Putin inside the White House, or anything like that. He was just another greedy, lying idiot. No espionage intended. Just a moron...but that doesn't mean the FBI should not have opened a case on him.

Same goes with Kush and Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian spy in Trump Tower, looking for dirt on Hillary. Yep, turns out that they were just two immoral POS morons who don't know right from wrong. But that doesn't mean that they didn't try and work with Russians on the election, Pete.

Your team used to go BANANAS over revelations like this. But in 2020? You and your idiotic party sat idly by as they listened to Kush explain that "yep, we met with that Russian spy, looking for dirt on Hillary"......and then proceeded to get full classified clearance so he could work for the American people.

And instead of being ashamed? You guys cheered it on. Sweet. Doing a great job, Pete.

Who’s cheering what on? Trump surrounded himself with some gutter trash. Not everyone, but definitely a few. The good news is they stayed away from the economy for the most part, and they were gratefully uninterested in regulations and the bureaucracy. That’s one of the reasons the economy roared; when government stays away, the doers get to doing.

I really wouldn’t care if you actually did arrest Manafort and convict him, with no pardon. He’s a class A d-bag.

The best thing Trump did was accidentally not hire quality folks, excepting Tillerson, Barr, and a select few others. Most of his crew was more interested in their own pockets, which, fair, sure, arrest them if they violated statutes. But because they were only after their own vig, their indifference to the bureaucracy directly benefited private business because we didn’t have totalitarian leftist bureaucratic nut jobs ruining investment.

Compare that to now. Biden for the most part has tasked wildly inept people to his cabinet and below, EXCEPT they definitely get IN THE WAY. Which you love. And we all know you love regs…you try your best to hide your leftism, but we all know. You should stop that charade do we can have honest convos here. But these carnival clowns running Biden’s administration are actively wrecking long term investment. No one can make accurate ROI models because these leftist lunatics aren’t predictable, as likely to approve a project as to retroactively deny it.

Like I said, clowns. And you guys will be screaming November 9.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

PizzaSnake wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:45 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:27 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:00 pm
LandM wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:38 pm I find it appalling as to now knowing that the Steele work; the NY Times stories about the FBI investigating Trump in the "October" surprise; and the myriad of Russian peddling was just that.
They investigated TeamTrump because everything they did had the stench of corruption...and the all lied about EVERYTHING.

Are you telling me that if you're the head of the FBI, that you're not going to investigate Paul Manafort when Trump hires him?

1. your intel tells you that Putin has been actively meddling in the our elections
2. Trump makes the Republican final cut for the R nominee for POTUS
3. Trump names Manafort as his campaign manager, out of nowhere. Who the F is Paul Manafort is question #1 for Comey?
4. Manafort, to answer that question, had just been paid to help install one of Putin's puppets into power in Ukraine.

Now you're telling me with a straight face that if you're Comey, you wouldn't look into Manafort?

And good thing they DID look into him. Manafort was lying about his financial dealings in Ukraine, and the money he took from Putin's toadies to give Putin what he wanted in Ukraine.

Anyone with a brain that takes our country's security serious would investigate Manafort. And then right after that? Trump Jr. and Kushner for hosting a Russian Spy in Trump Tower in the hopes of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton. Oh and "whoops" Kush "forgot" to report this meeting until after the election. A completely honest mistake, for sure.

They TRIED to work with Russians, LandM----and this is by Kush's own admission to US Intel. You get that, right?

Bizarrely revealing post.

Sure, Manafort is a slime ball, a fan. Well give you that.

So why did you arrest Papadopolous? Was Carter Page capable of lifting a pair of socks at TJ Maxx? The guy is brain dead.

But your squad holds up every hyperventilating arrest like you’ve cracked the greatest caper in history. Even Manafort isn’t capable of much beyond a 7-11 slurpee heist.

You guys get clowned not simply for wasting taxpayer funds, but snap because you’re hysterical like teenage girls seeing Paul, Ringo, George, and John for the first time. Except you did it about 1,000x. So we clown you mercilessly.

There’s a massive gulf between being a class A jerk like Manafort, versus an historical conspiracy to upend the Republic. Your unending hysterics over the tiniest matter meant very few outside your echo chamber take you seriously. On this website alone, CU88 reposts literal braindead nonsense from Heather Richardson Cox, apparently unaware no one treats Heather as anything other than a rabid partisan clown who long ago abandoned any pretense at being a sober analyst. One of the lefts favorite other historians, Kevin Kruse of Princeton, just got busted for being a plagiarist. He used to tweet a couple hundred times a day accusing Republicans of the same nonsense you and JHU72 do here every day, but now he’s in hiding.
“Bizarrely revealing post. ”

Wasting taxpayer funds? On a committee devoted to basically unearthing a plot by the President and other high functionaries to subvert democracy. Umm, Benghazi? Whitewater?

The Right: Shamelessness is their superpower. Stupidity is their secret weapon.(tm)
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by PizzaSnake »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:26 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:45 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:27 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:00 pm
LandM wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:38 pm I find it appalling as to now knowing that the Steele work; the NY Times stories about the FBI investigating Trump in the "October" surprise; and the myriad of Russian peddling was just that.
They investigated TeamTrump because everything they did had the stench of corruption...and the all lied about EVERYTHING.

Are you telling me that if you're the head of the FBI, that you're not going to investigate Paul Manafort when Trump hires him?

1. your intel tells you that Putin has been actively meddling in the our elections
2. Trump makes the Republican final cut for the R nominee for POTUS
3. Trump names Manafort as his campaign manager, out of nowhere. Who the F is Paul Manafort is question #1 for Comey?
4. Manafort, to answer that question, had just been paid to help install one of Putin's puppets into power in Ukraine.

Now you're telling me with a straight face that if you're Comey, you wouldn't look into Manafort?

And good thing they DID look into him. Manafort was lying about his financial dealings in Ukraine, and the money he took from Putin's toadies to give Putin what he wanted in Ukraine.

Anyone with a brain that takes our country's security serious would investigate Manafort. And then right after that? Trump Jr. and Kushner for hosting a Russian Spy in Trump Tower in the hopes of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton. Oh and "whoops" Kush "forgot" to report this meeting until after the election. A completely honest mistake, for sure.

They TRIED to work with Russians, LandM----and this is by Kush's own admission to US Intel. You get that, right?

Bizarrely revealing post.

Sure, Manafort is a slime ball, a fan. Well give you that.

So why did you arrest Papadopolous? Was Carter Page capable of lifting a pair of socks at TJ Maxx? The guy is brain dead.

But your squad holds up every hyperventilating arrest like you’ve cracked the greatest caper in history. Even Manafort isn’t capable of much beyond a 7-11 slurpee heist.

You guys get clowned not simply for wasting taxpayer funds, but snap because you’re hysterical like teenage girls seeing Paul, Ringo, George, and John for the first time. Except you did it about 1,000x. So we clown you mercilessly.

There’s a massive gulf between being a class A jerk like Manafort, versus an historical conspiracy to upend the Republic. Your unending hysterics over the tiniest matter meant very few outside your echo chamber take you seriously. On this website alone, CU88 reposts literal braindead nonsense from Heather Richardson Cox, apparently unaware no one treats Heather as anything other than a rabid partisan clown who long ago abandoned any pretense at being a sober analyst. One of the lefts favorite other historians, Kevin Kruse of Princeton, just got busted for being a plagiarist. He used to tweet a couple hundred times a day accusing Republicans of the same nonsense you and JHU72 do here every day, but now he’s in hiding.
“Bizarrely revealing post. ”

Wasting taxpayer funds? On a committee devoted to basically unearthing a plot by the President and other high functionaries to subvert democracy. Umm, Benghazi? Whitewater?

The Right: Shamelessness is their superpower. Stupidity is their secret weapon.(tm)
Republicans: Gaslighting America since 1980.
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by ggait »

I have NOT had a paycheck in 25 years - my money comes when I sell a business through my hard-work and effort - my SSN when we decide to to take it is double my wife's. You gotta love capitalism. It is a IMHO a new business model.
Land M -- you really missed my point.

The capitalist system has worked great for me. I grew up blue collar, worked my way through college and went to a top law school. I've been comfortably in the top 1% for the last 25 years. And it gets better and better for me as the years go by. I have no basis for having any complaints.

My point is that how the system really doesn't work so good anymore for the bottom 85% or so. It used to work a lot better for those folks, which would have included my Dad. WW2 vet, HS education, worked with his hands. Had a good life. In his world, a middle class income translated to a respectful middle class life.

Today, the median household income in the USA is $62k. That's poor, not middle class. If that was me, I'd be feeling anxious, disillusioned and angry too.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by LandM »

ggait and aFan,
I do truly understand what you are saying. Let me add a similar but different twist. One of the smartest people I had the pleasure to meet was a guidance counselor in Cicero NS, Syracuse. He preached endlessly BOCES. Not every kid needs to go to college - I do not know the difference between a Philips and flat head but if I wanted a do-over, best job now, 4 days a week, easy $150,000 a year - RV mechanic, cannot find one. The educational system pushes college - you do not need a college degree to code as you said. WSJ had a great story on the college debt issue - interviewed Columbia film graduates - $300,000 in debt working in Hollywood for $30,000 a year - the Columbia professors touting the costs because of the NYC experience - that is allot of experience. BTW gg - two wealthiest men I have ever known - one with a B and the other with lots of M's - grew up in poverty; neither graduated HS; both learned a trade in the military - boiler room on a ship in the Navy; grunt in the Army. Your tax dollars got them their education.

I have donated time and money to inner city youth, every year computers that our software developers outgrew we gave away and I asked my developers to go into the inner city, install them and teach the kid how to use them - they loved it; meat for the back-pack program once a year; back-packs; raised allot of money. Super good friend grew up in the "bricks" - what ended the cycle - some guy (does not matter the skin or wealth level) told him he would pay for him to become an electrician - retired 35 years at Nestle's in Fulton, NY. So my friend and I would make sure that a few kids he knew had Christmas every year. It does not take much. IMHO you want to fix the problem, we need more people to invest their time and talents. I can say that but I have seen at the homeless shelter good people who drop off Polo shirts, Stickley furniture, not what people need, that is not time and talent. They need some time.

I think and I am sure this will not be taken well BUT stop with "free". Nothing is free. If you live on "free" IMHO, you will never respect what you have "earned". We are a very giving country - that does not solve the problem but neither does free. Here is an idea, AOC, instead of tweeting, go spend an hour a week in your district helping a kid - better then free college IMHO. If we could just get every politician to do that. HUM.....

As to this thread. The phrase, "Our democracy is in peril" and "Our democracy may not survive", "Putin almost made it into the White House". blah, blah, blah. You had a very famous person who wanted to blow it up after Trump was elected. BTW, I played college ball with a guy who on game day wore his famous Farrah swimsuit picture ironed on the front of his boxers. Not sure the saints that LeBron hangs with but this was YOUR tax dollars paying for his education. Investigate the he$$ out of them all.

BUT please tell me how a Sussman got off? Tell me how a Hillary is not held to account for Steele or the Foundation for money, the emails? If you think that is gaslighting then perhaps you are part of the problem. Cannot always be about your team. Benghazi was a hunt and so is the 1/6 committee - do we really need to understand more the DJT is a narcist?

I seriously cannot fathom two things:
1. Living in fear;
2. Wanting to be so powerful that I would lie, steal, cheat and tolerate those around me that would.
It is both sides and you want to know why people struggle to believe? Every day I read about something in DC is just a clown show. It is not what I see in my travels, maybe I have blinders on.

But as I have experienced, everyone will just lawyer up and nothing will ever get done. The cycle will continue so that person making $62K a year is going to saying - life sucks. I had a ringside view in Panama - they still hate the fact we messed with their elections - my dad had two ringside views in Vietnam, 1 in Korea and 1 in Iran. Maybe all the smart politicians could learn from folks who have been there, done that and seen it. We are not above anyone screwing with us especially if we have screwed with them.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Just wanted to make sure that this paragraph wins the Emmy or Tony or Oscar or Pulitzer is deserves:

"As to this thread. The phrase, "Our democracy is in peril" and "Our democracy may not survive", "Putin almost made it into the White House". blah, blah, blah. You had a very famous person who wanted to blow it up after Trump was elected. BTW, I played college ball with a guy who on game day wore his famous Farrah swimsuit picture ironed on the front of his boxers. Not sure the saints that LeBron hangs with but this was YOUR tax dollars paying for his education. Investigate the he$$ out of them all."

Off to work.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by LandM »

I would like the Oscar
BUT I will settle for the Pulitzer

Have fun at work - I am boating in an hour.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by LandM »

Why you working on a FEDERAL holiday????? Someone need a new employer?????
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:14 am Seriously
Why you working on a FEDERAL holiday????? Someone need a new employer?????
I'm an owner. I work when I feel I have to. Everyone has the day off. Remember your meds.
Peter Brown
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Peter Brown »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:14 am Seriously
Why you working on a FEDERAL holiday????? Someone need a new employer?????

This is yet another holiday where only the government, banks, and those that feed off both or either have the day off. Most small businesses are working today as usual.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by jhu72 »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:07 am

I seriously cannot fathom two things:
1. Living in fear;
2. Wanting to be so powerful that I would lie, steal, cheat and tolerate those around me that would.
It is both sides and you want to know why people struggle to believe? Every day I read about something in DC is just a clown show. It is not what I see in my travels, maybe I have blinders on.


We are in agreement here. The dysfunction you see portrayed in the media and on the internet is not what I experience in daily life. People on both sides of the "culture wars" get along just fine. They interact in a very pleasant fashion with each other for the most part. Considerate, engaging, pleasant with each other.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by LandM »

Your "taking the meds" is NOT the right response. WOW. Just shows what a person you are. Just WOW.

I enjoyed my boat today - I hate when my wife drives a donut - DMAC if he ever reads this - puked in one of your boats twice - donuts on the water - not my cup.

You Sea have a great day on your federal holiday that to me is divisive. I really just want my land back that a traitor stole from me - Sherman - a West Point putz - I would like Sea; St. Simons; Jeykell and the outer banks of GA back - I will give you Gwinnett and McIntosh back - insignificant to me. Lets play Monopoly and who was really the traitor?

Anyone out here - Pizza - who was the owner of Arlington? Know the history??? Follow the trail - of tears - sad in all accounts
a fan
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by a fan »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:18 am The capitalist system has worked great for me. I grew up blue collar, worked my way through college and went to a top law school. I've been comfortably in the top 1% for the last 25 years. And it gets better and better for me as the years go by. I have no basis for having any complaints.

My point is that how the system really doesn't work so good anymore for the bottom 85% or so. It used to work a lot better for those folks, which would have included my Dad. WW2 vet, HS education, worked with his hands. Had a good life. In his world, a middle class income translated to a respectful middle class life.
From where I sit? This is the literal theme of the Politics Forum.

Namely: what do we do for the bottom 85% earners. Because the frequent posters here, myself included, are set. We're not complaining for ourselves....we're trying to figure out how to get America to where it was in the 1960's, where we led the world in pretty much every category.

Each passing year, things like upward mobility, wealth gap, mortality, literacy, etc. gets worse in America.

How do we fix this? Our leaders have done NOTHING to help the bottom 85% or so for decades now.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:53 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:18 am The capitalist system has worked great for me. I grew up blue collar, worked my way through college and went to a top law school. I've been comfortably in the top 1% for the last 25 years. And it gets better and better for me as the years go by. I have no basis for having any complaints.

My point is that how the system really doesn't work so good anymore for the bottom 85% or so. It used to work a lot better for those folks, which would have included my Dad. WW2 vet, HS education, worked with his hands. Had a good life. In his world, a middle class income translated to a respectful middle class life.
From where I sit? This is the literal theme of the Politics Forum.

Namely: what do we do for the bottom 85% earners. Because the frequent posters here, myself included, are set. We're not complaining for ourselves....we're trying to figure out how to get America to where it was in the 1960's, where we led the world in pretty much every category.

Each passing year, things like upward mobility, wealth gap, mortality, literacy, etc. gets worse in America.

How do we fix this? Our leaders have done NOTHING to help the bottom 85% or so for decades now.
“I wish you would!”
a fan
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:07 am ggait and aFan,
I do truly understand what you are saying. Let me add a similar but different twist. One of the smartest people I had the pleasure to meet was a guidance counselor in Cicero NS, Syracuse. He preached endlessly BOCES. Not every kid needs to go to college - I do not know the difference between a Philips and flat head but if I wanted a do-over, best job now, 4 days a week, easy $150,000 a year - RV mechanic, cannot find one. The educational system pushes college - you do not need a college degree to code as you said. WSJ had a great story on the college debt issue - interviewed Columbia film graduates - $300,000 in debt working in Hollywood for $30,000 a year - the Columbia professors touting the costs because of the NYC experience - that is allot of experience. BTW gg - two wealthiest men I have ever known - one with a B and the other with lots of M's - grew up in poverty; neither graduated HS; both learned a trade in the military - boiler room on a ship in the Navy; grunt in the Army. Your tax dollars got them their education.
Bingo. Again: that's the answer.

GI Bill for civilians. College and Vocational training paid for by the students themselves via community service. And limit the number of accepted students in any major or vocation to mirror needs in the US job market.
LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:07 am IMHO you want to fix the problem, we need more people to invest their time and talents. I can say that but I have seen at the homeless shelter good people who drop off Polo shirts, Stickley furniture, not what people need, that is not time and talent. They need some time.
The community service part will feed into the above. And many will maintain a lifetime of public service, having gotten a taste of how good it can be.
LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:07 am I think and I am sure this will not be taken well BUT stop with "free". Nothing is free.
It is if you're one of the many corporations that AOC have taken to task for paying zippo Federal taxes, my man. That's her point. It's a sad state of affairs that AOC is the one leader who understands that our way of life will collapse if Amazon pays no taxes, while my little company doesn't get one single material deduction, and pays full freight on our taxes. My little company can't possibly keep the light on in America without help from the Amazon's of the world.

But i get what you're saying about the word free.
LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:07 am Tell me how a Hillary is not held to account for Steele or the Foundation for money, the emails?
She was voted off the island PRECISELY because of the investigations that showed that she thought she was above the laws that govern every other Federal employee.

If they don't do that investigation? They don't find Hillary's server. So I don't see how you don't see that the investigation led to a positive outcome....Hillary was held to account by the good people of America. Yep, we got Trump instead....but Hillary was held to account.
a fan
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 6:36 pm Who’s cheering what on? Trump surrounded himself with some gutter trash. Not everyone, but definitely a few. The good news is they stayed away from the economy for the most part, and they were gratefully uninterested in regulations and the bureaucracy. That’s one of the reasons the economy roared; when government stays away, the doers get to doing
:lol: :lol:
Increasing Federal spending by 66% in just four years is your idea of government "staying away from the economy", is it?

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:19 pm Sea,
Your "taking the meds" is NOT the right response. WOW. Just shows what a person you are. Just WOW.

I enjoyed my boat today - I hate when my wife drives a donut - DMAC if he ever reads this - puked in one of your boats twice - donuts on the water - not my cup.

You Sea have a great day on your federal holiday that to me is divisive. I really just want my land back that a traitor stole from me - Sherman - a West Point putz - I would like Sea; St. Simons; Jeykell and the outer banks of GA back - I will give you Gwinnett and McIntosh back - insignificant to me. Lets play Monopoly and who was really the traitor?

Anyone out here - Pizza - who was the owner of Arlington? Know the history??? Follow the trail - of tears - sad in all accounts
What in the world are you referring to in this...each paragraph is indecipherable to me.

I don't see seacoaster's reference to meds, have no idea why you're talking about puking on the water, no idea why you attack seacoaster re Juneteenth (if you really find it "divisive", let's discuss why that is, but respectfully), have no idea what land you think a "traitor stole" from you, what your is issue is with Sherman ( I can imagine, though), no idea what the reference to Monoploy means, no idea what your challenge of Pizza is about re Arlington...and then the segue to the trail of tears.

No idea what you're trying to say on any of this...why be so cryptic?
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Andersen »

Stream of consciousness

I wonder if he thinks St. Patrick's Day is divisive?
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

LandM wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:19 pm Sea,
Your "taking the meds" is NOT the right response. WOW. Just shows what a person you are. Just WOW.

I enjoyed my boat today - I hate when my wife drives a donut - DMAC if he ever reads this - puked in one of your boats twice - donuts on the water - not my cup.

You Sea have a great day on your federal holiday that to me is divisive. I really just want my land back that a traitor stole from me - Sherman - a West Point putz - I would like Sea; St. Simons; Jeykell and the outer banks of GA back - I will give you Gwinnett and McIntosh back - insignificant to me. Lets play Monopoly and who was really the traitor?

Anyone out here - Pizza - who was the owner of Arlington? Know the history??? Follow the trail - of tears - sad in all accounts
You said you had medical issues. You said you were going boating. Your writing is, well, a little stream of consciousness. I said remember your meds. The rest of this reply is pretty much from bizarroland, like most of your posts whenever you parachute in. The Georgia stuff is really peculiar and baffling. You’ve basically insulted a lot of folks, to what end really don’t understand.

I’m glad you’re happily situated in the world and I hear your message about work and opportunity. I just think it is astonishingly naive.

I don’t regard the holiday as “divisive” or anything of the sort. The holiday is not for me, either as an owner of a business, or as a white middle class guy who likes lacrosse. I think the holiday is one small way of saying we acknowledge the other folks who have and do feel on the margins.

That’s enough. Godspeed.
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