NCAA Tournament

D1 Womens Lacrosse
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Brownlax »

Dr. Tact wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 10:44 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 10:39 pm
Dr. Tact wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 10:37 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 10:28 pm Gotta side with D here. It was no biggie--Belle's 7th. Falls under the category of Loser's Lament. Any kind of whining after a game that was lost is annoying--whether it's about the refs or the players scoring late or whatever--it's a discordant clanging which pretty much no one wants to hear except the losers. Folks don't like BC for different reasons, but this was a real reach of an issue to make about the player, the coach and the school. No one got slashed or sticked or elbowed or kneed. No one got hurt. Just a team ran a play in the closing seconds and scored. Some of the Loyola players were still playing like it mattered so BC decided to try a play. You can see Smith point to North which way to run the play seconds beforehand. The whole thing is much ado about nothing. But it was good for a few chuckles on a not much happening Friday night.
ONW that is unfortunate. There is no Loser's lament. I am sorry you feel that way.
In the general sense, Doc. Not you specifically. But you happened to be doing it tonight so...
What does that mean? I am not lamenting about anything. This whole thing is about a questionable decision in a game that was well in hand. I dont give 2 F****S about who won the game. I think it is disrespectful to score on a team with no time left, just because you can. I would say the same thing about your favorite teams as well.

It has nothing to do with someone not getting hurt, or the fact that one player signaled to another, or that the defense was still trying. That is irrelevant .

I guess I am on an island regarding the concept of fair play.
As a coach I would never shoot the ball with time winding down and the game in hand. It’s just poor sportsmanship.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Can Opener »

I leave you folks alone for a few hours while enjoying a pleasant round of golf and I come back to even more chirping. The simple summary of 4 pages of this stuff is: Every dominant team is "guilty" of late scoring and most fans don't really like it. Loyola is not better than BC which is not better than NU, etc. etc.

What I object to is singling out BC for the vitriol. The volume of complaints below has not been lodged against any other team this year despite hundres of other similar goals. I suppose you can chalk it up to "they hate you cuz they ain't you," but I would respectfully suggest a little more discretion and deference.

Actually kind of shocking in its unsportsmanlike action. I hope she got a talking to, but i doubt it happened.

It was a sad end to a good day for her. She,or her coaching staff, could use some maturity.

I just think that you win with class and scoring with 6 seconds left while winning by 6 is less than classy.

Anyone who thinks that last goal was okay is not of sound mind or logic.

The BC coach should have directed her team to hold the ball and not shoot. You see Cathy Reese direct Maryland not to shoot quite often.

This is a direct result of the culture that the head coach has established. She has created an environment that rewards poor judgement and poor sportsmanship. I hope that by losing they don’t have the opportunity to repeat this crap again.

It was a huge, very loud F you. Does it really matter, no not really. But it was absolutely, 100%, beyond debate classless.

That is why it is so infuriating/classless to score with mere seconds left. It isn't about preserving a win. It is a big F you to the losing team.

This was disrespecting your opponent, not to mention showing appalling disrespect for the person who many think is the greatest player of all time. A bad look for BC. A bad look for Smith. A bad look for North. Maybe a bad look for Walker (depending on her instructions). And even a bad look for the sport.

It’s not a permanent black mark on the BC program, but it’s one that will last the rest of this year and perhaps into next season.
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Dr. Tact
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Dr. Tact »

Can Opener wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:54 pm I leave you folks alone for a few hours while enjoying a pleasant round of golf and I come back to even more chirping. The simple summary of 4 pages of this stuff is: Every dominant team is "guilty" of late scoring and most fans don't really like it. Loyola is not better than BC which is not better than NU, etc. etc.

What I object to is singling out BC for the vitriol. The volume of complaints below has not been lodged against any other team this year despite hundres of other similar goals. I suppose you can chalk it up to "they hate you cuz they ain't you," but I would respectfully suggest a little more discretion and deference.
you can blame me for this 4 pages of filth. I don't have an ulterior motive with some deep hated feelings for BC. I like the team and what AWW has done. I reacted to what I saw and what I opined was a disrespectful move. Now, over the last few days of stoopid back and forths, I see that while I still maintain my opinion, it isnt globally accepted. You are in one camp or the other or you are Switzerland. So, yes alot of vitriol, but all of the comments you quoted were one directional. There was more than that in those 4 pages.

I cant speak for others you quoted nor their motivations, but I appreciate them as I feel the same way. My initial post wasn't anything more than an observation that unfortunately involved BC. No hate for the team, the player, the coach, the school. I apologize to any involved person, player, parent, if you were offended. As I have said in multiple posts, I don't appreciate Loyola doing it in the 2 or 3 cases that were brought to light. I believe that you respect your opponent and the game. For me that means not rubbing their noses in the poop. If you are the best team, win, shake hands and go on to the next one. Some folks don't agree with me and that is OK. They may see it as always play your hardest and that is in some way respecting your opponent. I see their POV, but just don't agree with it.

As many have said, this is not a big deal in the world of mess we have today. What this has morphed into is a bunch of positioning that because I have an opinion, that I think is about a personal core value, that I am somehow elitist and looking down at others. Couldn't be further from the truth, but those who want to say that can, if it makes them feel better.
Last edited by Dr. Tact on Sat May 21, 2022 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Bart »

njbill wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:02 pm
Bart wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 2:32 pm
Dr. Tact wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 2:19 pm
I commented on what I expected was a lax social mores.
This is a curious statement. The curious part is who is setting these lax social mores? It certainly is not the college coaching ranks as this type of thing happens all over the place. Twice last week alone in highly visible games. Perhaps the lax social mores has moved on from the old men on a lacrosse forum?
The old men? Haha.

I wouldn't say "all over the place," though it does happen. I think (hope) it is the minority of the time. The ethics are higher in the high school coaching ranks for this sort of thing than college. Pretty rare for a HS team to score a FU goal. Does seem to be more common in college. The more I hear about the ethics of college coaches the more I shudder. Heard a very disturbing story from a current player the other day. Ugh.

I've talked about sportmanship issues with some non-old men. I'm convinced that good sportsmanship is alive and well. Timeless really. At least I hope so.

In tennis if a player gets the benefit of a bad call, he or she will dump the next point to right the wrong. Golfers call rules violations on themselves. That sort of thing doesn't happen in other sports. I wouldn't expect BC to have conceded a goal against Denver after the refs wrongly awarded that side net goal to Boston.
Old people?

I was referring strictly to women's lacrosse in the all over the place comment. Should’ve been clearer. But yes, I’ve witnessed it all year. Not just D1 either.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Dr. Tact »

njbill wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:02 pm
I wouldn't say "all over the place," though it does happen. I think (hope) it is the minority of the time. The ethics are higher in the high school coaching ranks for this sort of thing than college. Pretty rare for a HS team to score a FU goal. Does seem to be more common in college. The more I hear about the ethics of college coaches the more I shudder. Heard a very disturbing story from a current player the other day. Ugh.

I've talked about sportmanship issues with some non-old men. I'm convinced that good sportsmanship is alive and well. Timeless really. At least I hope so.

In tennis if a player gets the benefit of a bad call, he or she will dump the next point to right the wrong. Golfers call rules violations on themselves. That sort of thing doesn't happen in other sports. I wouldn't expect BC to have conceded a goal against Denver after the refs wrongly awarded that side net goal to Boston.

This is aligns with my experience as well. I guess it is the "job" of the College coach that changes the ethics from HS or younger. Those HS coaches may be professional lacrosse coaches ($), but from my experience (public schools) they are usually teachers that love the game and the kids. For all who read this, don't criticize my comment about ethics...just using Bill's word. :D :oops:

Soccer players give up possession when a player is injured....although soccer might not be the best example as it leads in the flop/fake injuries in all of sports. :lol:
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by wlaxphan20 »

Dr. Tact wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 4:10 pm
Can Opener wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:54 pm I leave you folks alone for a few hours while enjoying a pleasant round of golf and I come back to even more chirping. The simple summary of 4 pages of this stuff is: Every dominant team is "guilty" of late scoring and most fans don't really like it. Loyola is not better than BC which is not better than NU, etc. etc.

What I object to is singling out BC for the vitriol. The volume of complaints below has not been lodged against any other team this year despite hundres of other similar goals. I suppose you can chalk it up to "they hate you cuz they ain't you," but I would respectfully suggest a little more discretion and deference.
you can blame me for this 4 pages of filth. I don't have an ulterior motive with some deep hated feelings for BC. I like the team and what AWW has done. I reacted to what I saw and what I opined was a disrespectful move. Now, over the last few days of stoopid back and forths, I see that while I still maintain my opinion, it isnt globally accepted. You are in one camp or the other or you are Switzerland. So, yes alot of vitriol, but all of the comments you quoted were one directional. There was more than that in those 4 pages.

I cant speak for others you quoted nor their motivations, but I appreciate them as I feel the same way. My initial post wasn't anything more than an observation that unfortunately involved BC. No hate for the team, the player, the coach, the school. I apologize to any involved person, player, parent, if you were offended. As I have said in multiple posts, I don't appreciate Loyola doing it in the 2 or 3 cases that were brought to light. I believe that you respect your opponent and the game. For me that means not rubbing their noses in the poop. If you are the best team, win, shake hands and go on to the next one. Some folks don't agree with me and that is OK. They may see it as always play your hardest and that is in some way respecting your opponent. I see their POV, but just don't agree with it.

As many have said, this is not a big deal in the world of mess we have today. What this has morphed into is a bunch of positioning that because I have an opinion, that I think is about a personal core value, that I am somehow elitist and looking down at others. Couldn't be further from the truth, but those who want to say that can, if it makes them feel better.
Well said, Doc.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by njbill »

Can Opener wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:54 pm I leave you folks alone for a few hours while enjoying a pleasant round of golf and I come back to even more chirping. The simple summary of 4 pages of this stuff is: Every dominant team is "guilty" of late scoring and most fans don't really like it. Loyola is not better than BC which is not better than NU, etc. etc.

What I object to is singling out BC for the vitriol. The volume of complaints below has not been lodged against any other team this year despite hundres of other similar goals. I suppose you can chalk it up to "they hate you cuz they ain't you," but I would respectfully suggest a little more discretion and deference.

Actually kind of shocking in its unsportsmanlike action. I hope she got a talking to, but i doubt it happened.

It was a sad end to a good day for her. She,or her coaching staff, could use some maturity.

I just think that you win with class and scoring with 6 seconds left while winning by 6 is less than classy.

Anyone who thinks that last goal was okay is not of sound mind or logic.

The BC coach should have directed her team to hold the ball and not shoot. You see Cathy Reese direct Maryland not to shoot quite often.

This is a direct result of the culture that the head coach has established. She has created an environment that rewards poor judgement and poor sportsmanship. I hope that by losing they don’t have the opportunity to repeat this crap again.

It was a huge, very loud F you. Does it really matter, no not really. But it was absolutely, 100%, beyond debate classless.

That is why it is so infuriating/classless to score with mere seconds left. It isn't about preserving a win. It is a big F you to the losing team.

This was disrespecting your opponent, not to mention showing appalling disrespect for the person who many think is the greatest player of all time. A bad look for BC. A bad look for Smith. A bad look for North. Maybe a bad look for Walker (depending on her instructions). And even a bad look for the sport.

It’s not a permanent black mark on the BC program, but it’s one that will last the rest of this year and perhaps into next season.
CO, are you plagiarizing from me now? Just kidding. No problem.

I think you are right that BC has been (overly (my word)) singled out for criticism. There are a few reasons for that, I think. One, the game was nationally televised. Two, it was a highly anticipated quarterfinal game between two teams that hadn't played recently (or longer). Three, the game was just the other day.

Personally, I think it is time to move on, and I will. We (and I'm as guilty as anyone) really beat this into the ground.

Lastly, I want to say I'm a big fan of Belle Smith. Nothing that happened on Thursday changed that. She is as complete a player as there is in the game today. Plays with passion and fire. I love watching her play. Wouldn't surprise me if she has a Tewaaraton in her future. I know you'll be there providing statistical support. ;)
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Everyonesgotone »

njbill wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 5:07 pm
Can Opener wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 3:54 pm I leave you folks alone for a few hours while enjoying a pleasant round of golf and I come back to even more chirping. The simple summary of 4 pages of this stuff is: Every dominant team is "guilty" of late scoring and most fans don't really like it. Loyola is not better than BC which is not better than NU, etc. etc.

What I object to is singling out BC for the vitriol. The volume of complaints below has not been lodged against any other team this year despite hundres of other similar goals. I suppose you can chalk it up to "they hate you cuz they ain't you," but I would respectfully suggest a little more discretion and deference.

Actually kind of shocking in its unsportsmanlike action. I hope she got a talking to, but i doubt it happened.

It was a sad end to a good day for her. She,or her coaching staff, could use some maturity.

I just think that you win with class and scoring with 6 seconds left while winning by 6 is less than classy.

Anyone who thinks that last goal was okay is not of sound mind or logic.

The BC coach should have directed her team to hold the ball and not shoot. You see Cathy Reese direct Maryland not to shoot quite often.

This is a direct result of the culture that the head coach has established. She has created an environment that rewards poor judgement and poor sportsmanship. I hope that by losing they don’t have the opportunity to repeat this crap again.

It was a huge, very loud F you. Does it really matter, no not really. But it was absolutely, 100%, beyond debate classless.

That is why it is so infuriating/classless to score with mere seconds left. It isn't about preserving a win. It is a big F you to the losing team.

This was disrespecting your opponent, not to mention showing appalling disrespect for the person who many think is the greatest player of all time. A bad look for BC. A bad look for Smith. A bad look for North. Maybe a bad look for Walker (depending on her instructions). And even a bad look for the sport.

It’s not a permanent black mark on the BC program, but it’s one that will last the rest of this year and perhaps into next season.
CO, are you plagiarizing from me now? Just kidding. No problem.

I think you are right that BC has been (overly (my word)) singled out for criticism. There are a few reasons for that, I think. One, the game was nationally televised. Two, it was a highly anticipated quarterfinal game between two teams that hadn't played recently (or longer). Three, the game was just the other day.

Personally, I think it is time to move on, and I will. We (and I'm as guilty as anyone) really beat this into the ground.

Lastly, I want to say I'm a big fan of Belle Smith. Nothing that happened on Thursday changed that. She is as complete a player as there is in the game today. Plays with passion and fire. I love watching her play. Wouldn't surprise me if she has a Tewaaraton in her future. I know you'll be there providing statistical support. ;)
think you are right that BC has been (overly (my word)) singled out for criticism. There are a few reasons for that, I think. One, the game was nationally televised. Two, it was a highly anticipated quarterfinal game between two teams that hadn't played recently (or longer). Three, the game was just the other day.

6 goal lead with 6 seconds left? How can you justify that? It’s bulls**t. There are teams that consistently play this way and is due to the culture that the coach has established.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

njbill wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 10:18 am I did get a chuckle from the fact that yesterday afternoon one of the BC posters said “Two more obvious FU goals yesterday. One at the end of BC/Loyola and one at the end of NU/Syracuse. Both as blatant as you can get,” but a few hours later was singing an entirely different tune.
Does identifying an FU goal inherently condemn it?
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Weather Forecast

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

As of 7am today, this is the forecast for the semifinals:

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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

A turn for the worse. Obviously, the lightning is the issue. BC has an impressive record in the postseason when they play in the rain. The powers that be might have to move the start times if the forecast holds. We shall see...

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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Does anyone want to see BC play Carolina for a third time this year? I would rather not (unless BC ends up winning, of course). If BC beats Maryland, it certainly makes a case for the top two teams meeting in the final as is right and proper.

I've heard it said that it's difficult to beat the same team three times in one year. I've also seen other teams do it fairly easily--in other sports. Carolina looks like they could do it this year. They have certainly passed every test so far. And they've had a lot more difficult tests than the other three teams. Are they feeling the pressure of being the expected national champion? Of keeping the (never heretofore) undefeated season going? Is their luck about to run out? I remember the New England Patriots attempt at a perfect season. The weight of it got heavier and heavier to bear as the season wore on until their luck changed and they met a team with a game plan to beat them in the Super Bowl. (Ah, glorious day.)

My dream final would be BC/Northwestern but that's just wishful thinking. I have no doubt that NU will do what NU does in the semis and go out resigned to their fate without much of a struggle. Unless there's a radical departure from the game plans we've seen in the past--aggressive resulting in multiple yellows and/or not adjusting the offensive game plan that is proving ineffective--there's no reason to think we'll get a different result.

Three days away.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

And the news gets worse. Hopefully the weather will change or the powers that be will make an agreeable alternative decision. (Hop have a fieldhouse?) 😉

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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Was it George Carlin who did the Hippy Dippy Weatherman? I feel like a weatherman checking the forecast for Baltimore every day. Here's the latest.

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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Laxfan500 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 5:51 am Was it George Carlin who did the Hippy Dippy Weatherman? I feel like a weatherman checking the forecast for Baltimore every day. Here's the latest.

Time change 1st game 12;30 tomorrow.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by TNLAX » has a forecast that doesn’t look good for lacrosse tomorrow. Hopefully the weather doesn’t disrupt the games, but if the forecast is accurate and they don’t get the games in tomorrow does anyone know what plan B is?
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by justaparent »

games moved to 12:30 and 3 per NCAA web site
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Laxfan500 »

justaparent wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:39 pm games moved to 12:30 and 3 per NCAA web site
Game is on Espnnews any clue how to watch it ??
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by wlaxphan20 »

Laxfan500 wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:08 pm
justaparent wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:39 pm games moved to 12:30 and 3 per NCAA web site
Game is on Espnnews any clue how to watch it ??
That’s unfortunate. I’m hoping the 3 o’clock game is still on ESPNU because that was one of the original time slots and the airtime was already set aside for it. Otherwise I’m guessing it’s available on their streaming platform ESPN+.
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Re: NCAA Tournament

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

justaparent wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:39 pm games moved to 12:30 and 3 per NCAA web site
Thanks, and good to know. Because the ESPN site is still showing 3:00 and 5:30.
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