Johns Hopkins 2022

D1 Mens Lacrosse
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by HopFan16 »

McDermott was also battling a lower body injury all year
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Mightyjoe »

Ruffled_Feathers wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 10:41 am
Sagittarius A* wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 10:26 am The immediate problem is, can you hold onto your best players after missing the playoffs two years in a row? If I have a year of eligibility left, do I stay with a Rebuilding project or go to a place with a legit chance at the playoffs and a Final Four? UVA and UMD both have open arms wrt to our top players, so I would say that's the first concern.
The sad state of affairs is I'm not so certain how much "top talent" there is to lose off parts of the roster to graduation and extra year transfer? Looking at who might be done and opt to take a COVID year elsewhere on the offensive side of the ball where we seem to need as much help as we can the list basically starts and ends at Degnon. Epstein at this point is a name but for whatever reason he doesn't seem to have the juice anymore, blame whoever you want for that but I really don't think there's anyone to be held accountable. The turf monster that jumped up and broke his knee has been on the lam for years.

In other facets of the game losing Narewski would be kind of lame, I'd probably really like to have McManus back too but I don't think things are as dire on the defensive side of the field in general.
The only one coming back is Degnon
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by jhu06 »

51percentcorn wrote: Sat May 07, 2022 12:19 pm
Sagittarius A* wrote: Sat May 07, 2022 11:30 am However, I would say that 33, 9, and 51 have not developed to their full potential under PM and Jr.
You never make grandiose uninformed statements do you? Always contain their nuances
Sagittarius A* wrote: Sat May 07, 2022 11:30 am Perhaps injuries played a role here though.
Perhaps? Let's review Grimes to start with
2019 - does not play competitive lacrosse for Boys Latin - Back injury
2020 - Does not play competitive lacrosse for Boys Latin - COVID
2020 - no fall practice for Johns Hopkins
2021 - Spring practice interrupted for COVID
2021 - Produces 8 goals 0 assists on 20% shooting and picks up 6 ground balls while committing 8 turnovers
2022 - Suffers significant wrist injury which keeps him out of 4 games - coming out of the injury obviously not himself - takes a total of 4 shots against Michigan/Rutgers and Ohio State - Produces 11 goals 3 assists in 2 fewer games while doubling his ground ball output to 12 and keeping his turnovers the same at 8. Oh - shooting percentage goes up to 26%

2020 - Produces 9 goals and 1 assist on very high 41% shooting - ground balls and turnovers are both low 4 and 3
2021 - clearly hurt at the beginning of the years - still almost doubles his goal output to 16 - adds 4 assists and increases his ground balls to 13 - of his 16 goals - a grand total of 2 came in the first 6 games and he only took 11 of his 54 shots in those first 6 games. If he had maintained his goal average in the last half of the year through the entire year he wooul dhave something like 22/23 goals. On the negative side his shot % dropped to 30 but still not horrible for a mid-fielder but his turnovers were up by alot

Bottom line - Peshko and Grimes are fine - stay healthy and they will help the team

McDermott's even easier - he's not really a mid-fielder - go back and look at his videos - he's a hybrid wing attackman that got alot of solos at X. He actually might be a reasonable candidate to take Epstein's slot if he leaves (and McDermott stays)

Context context context
the results are what happened on the field and how many of those goals and stats were garbage time this year?
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by jhu06 »

there were reasons to be very very positive about this season.
-Milliman and his staff seem like good men (are we allowed to still use that word at homewood?)who have earned the buy in of their players. in that last video they did before the terp game front in center locked in was 32 which was an enormous statement of confidence in the staff of the programs best player and biggest recruit on the roster.
-They put together the best schedule in the country adding teams like jacksonville georgetown delaware who all had successful regular seasons and maintained rivalries with programs like navy/uva.
-They beat cuse and loyola at home and I had a hard time finding the last time we beat both at home in the same year.
-they came out strong and beat a jacksonville program that turned out to be one of the stronger programs of the year. It was an unfamiliar opponent, one they could have overlooked, and they were focused.
-they showed a resiliency including bouncing back after the maryland humbling.
-the schnydman tribute, a throwback to a better program, athletic department and a better hopkins.
-kirson improved as the year went on
-they were very strong in the emotional petro return.
-it was always going to be a struggle in a transition and going to take time and we're now through two years.

I'm sure 51 can pinpoint individual players he felt really got better or don't deserve the heat that I've given them here but honestly when you're uncompetitive in so many big games it's hard for me to look past that.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by OCanada »

2016 deems to be in the payroll. Not next years recruit thide who would be freshmen this year but said no thanks and went elsewhere. Feel free to list the recruits who changed, where they went and what their roles are,
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by OCanada »

51% on a rant, whatsboutism seems epidemic. Duck and cover. The plain fact of the matter is players went elsewhere and became solid contributors. That is the
Point. Away from PM they improved.

Hopkins should have interviewed several coaches they did not bother to call.

The senior day epic fail never happens under any previous coaches.

BTW weren’t you one pushing for Zinn to on first middies at one time?
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by HopFan16 »

OCanada wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:51 am 2016 deems to be in the payroll. Not next years recruit thide who would be freshmen this year but said no thanks and went elsewhere. Feel free to list the recruits who changed, where they went and what their roles are,
Accusing 06 of being on anyone's payroll is hilarious for two reasons: One, he's been attacking the coaches and players all season. Second, you are literally Petro's publicist.

I'll play your game though. These were the freshmen who decommitted:

Will Peden - Penn State - had a decent season on a terrible team, they desperately needed him because they had no one else
Ethan Long - Penn State - see above
Jake Cohen - Yale - didn't play a whole lot
Andy Demopolous - Brown - didn't play
Grant Litchfield - Lehigh - didn't play
Matt Constantinides - Towson - 45% FOGO, Tyler Dunn destroyed him, PM's replacement (Callahan) looks better

There may have been one or two more, but that's who I remember. I am not seeing all of the scintillating talent that would have changed the trajectory of the program.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Homer »

HopFan16 wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 9:36 am
OCanada wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:51 am 2016 deems to be in the payroll.
Accusing 06 of being on anyone's payroll is hilarious
I think he was actually referring to you, FWIW. But deciphering these is more art than science. Anyway, I'm sure you're feeling duly chastened.

OCanada wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 9:01 am

Hopkins should have interviewed several coaches they did not bother to call.
Who should they have called?
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Sagittarius A* »

The guy who seems to have made out in all this is Benson.
He could be a candidate for the Head coaching job at Providence.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by 51percentcorn »

OCanada wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 9:01 am whatsboutism seems epidemic. Duck and cover.
Mr Pot meet Mr. Kettle
Every miserable misspelled sentence you excrete on this board could begin with "what about..."
What about the coaches that weren't called? (I can't name them because then I would have to kill you but they exist)
What about the recruits that decommitted? (Happens many times with a big coaching change and this was the biggest)
What about Murphy/Baskin and Zinn? (Where was the outrage when Foley was ixnayed and Rapine was kicked off the team)
What about senior day and the Hopkins 100 lunch? (I truthfully hated senior day - as a participant as a parent and as a spectator - walk out on the field with your parents - give your mom some flowers - shake the hand of the coach and look on as a bunch of people golf clap for you - let's not act like the seniors were hung by a yard arm - it was a horrible look - it was not well thought out and it was insensitive to the parents and players - I am sure a multitude of people have pointed this out to JB and PM and I hope it will be addressed next year - it's over its done it was a mistake)
What about the injustices perpretated by RD/AS/JB?

The bottom line for me - Milliman didn't orchestrate this - Junior didn't orchestrate this - and the players certainly did not orchestrate this - why not root for them? Yeah you can say when you think they made tactical errors or didn't play well or they should do this or that - that's what a fan is but you guys have delved into a realm that is just reflective of well frankly - the attitudes created by the orange haired A$$ hat.

Somebody mentions a Harvard attackman - and it's not even clear if he'll pick Hopkins or if Hopkins is even on his radar - and the first thing someone can say is "well you know he decommitted from Cornell when Milliman was hired so there's a dynamic there" What????? Here's what happens when a coach retires or is dismissed...the other 70 coaches look at the recruit list and in the age of cell phones and texts they contact whomever they might want or think they can get and fit into the team. So a guy about to attend Cornell gets a call from Harvard and that's a shocker he switches? Maybe the kid can't stand Milliman but it's also entirely possible he had no idea who Milliman was. Here's another example - Petro was released in early April - something like the 4th or 5th if not mistaken - Milliman was hired on April 27 IIRC - and Inside Lacrosse says Will Peden's commitment to Penn State was verified on May 1st which likely means it happened a day or two earlier at least. Can we give Milliman a pass on that and agree that the likely scenario was Tambroni (and others) probably started calling/texting kids like Peden on April 6th or thereabouts and that was probably a done deal before Milliman was hired? Is that reasonable?
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by flalax22 »

51percentcorn wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 7:27 pm
OCanada wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 9:01 am whatsboutism seems epidemic. Duck and cover.
Mr Pot meet Mr. Kettle
Every miserable misspelled sentence you excrete on this board could begin with "what about..."
What about the coaches that weren't called? (I can't name them because then I would have to kill you but they exist)
What about the recruits that decommitted? (Happens many times with a big coaching change and this was the biggest)
What about Murphy/Baskin and Zinn? (Where was the outrage when Foley was ixnayed and Rapine was kicked off the team)
What about senior day and the Hopkins 100 lunch? (I truthfully hated senior day - as a participant as a parent and as a spectator - walk out on the field with your parents - give your mom some flowers - shake the hand of the coach and look on as a bunch of people golf clap for you - let's not act like the seniors were hung by a yard arm - it was a horrible look - it was not well thought out and it was insensitive to the parents and players - I am sure a multitude of people have pointed this out to JB and PM and I hope it will be addressed next year - it's over its done it was a mistake)
What about the injustices perpretated by RD/AS/JB?

The bottom line for me - Milliman didn't orchestrate this - Junior didn't orchestrate this - and the players certainly did not orchestrate this - why not root for them? Yeah you can say when you think they made tactical errors or didn't play well or they should do this or that - that's what a fan is but you guys have delved into a realm that is just reflective of well frankly - the attitudes created by the orange haired A$$ hat.

Somebody mentions a Harvard attackman - and it's not even clear if he'll pick Hopkins or if Hopkins is even on his radar - and the first thing someone can say is "well you know he decommitted from Cornell when Milliman was hired so there's a dynamic there" What????? Here's what happens when a coach retires or is dismissed...the other 70 coaches look at the recruit list and in the age of cell phones and texts they contact whomever they might want or think they can get and fit into the team. So a guy about to attend Cornell gets a call from Harvard and that's a shocker he switches? Maybe the kid can't stand Milliman but it's also entirely possible he had no idea who Milliman was. Here's another example - Petro was released in early April - something like the 4th or 5th if not mistaken - Milliman was hired on April 27 IIRC - and Inside Lacrosse says Will Peden's commitment to Penn State was verified on May 1st which likely means it happened a day or two earlier at least. Can we give Milliman a pass on that and agree that the likely scenario was Tambroni (and others) probably started calling/texting kids like Peden on April 6th or thereabouts and that was probably a done deal before Milliman was hired? Is that reasonable?
I think you are reading way too much into what I said about his de-comittment. Stated as fact and that it is an interesting dynamic. I provided no other commentary so don’t attribute any of your ranting towards me.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by HopFan16 »

Madronic was a Brown commit before he was a Cornell commit so if he comes to Homewood he'll probably be the first player in history to either play for or be committed to four of the top 17 schools in the nation. Sampling all that elite US education has to offer before taking his talents back to Vancouver.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by 51percentcorn »

flalax22 wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:15 pm I think you are reading way too much into what I said about his de-comittment. Stated as fact and that it is an interesting dynamic. I provided no other commentary so don’t attribute any of your ranting towards me.
Why bring it up at all then? Is there a Hopkins/Harvard/Cornell Lacrosse trivia night I am not aware of and you were throwing this out as a "fun little fact"? Your posts have been oriented to anti Milliman - and now you post that little tidbit when people are throwing around how he was to blame for all the decommits - and there was no implication with the word "Dynamic" ? Hmmmm. I hope you might see how I made the leap.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by flalax22 »

51percentcorn wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:37 pm
flalax22 wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 8:15 pm I think you are reading way too much into what I said about his de-comittment. Stated as fact and that it is an interesting dynamic. I provided no other commentary so don’t attribute any of your ranting towards me.
Why bring it up at all then? Is there a Hopkins/Harvard/Cornell Lacrosse trivia night I am not aware of and you were throwing this out as a "fun little fact"? Your posts have been oriented to anti Milliman - and now you post that little tidbit when people are throwing around how he was to blame for all the decommits - and there was no implication with the word "Dynamic" ? Hmmmm. I hope you might see how I made the leap.
I don’t know if I’m anti Milliman but I’m certainly calling him out for the senior day fiasco and up to this point he is what his record says he is. A sub 500 coach. All I intended for the dynamic comment was - does he like the kid or does he harbor a resentment. I think it’s fair speculation. It had zero to do with any other kid or commitment or de-commitment
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Jhu99 »

John Grant Jr quit
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Bluejayfan2 »

Jhu99 wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 4:29 pm John Grant Jr quit
That was a quick date
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by molo »

No reason given but he does talk about other lax opportunities.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by 1766 »

If you don't quit you're getting fired.

I'd like to hand in my resignation.

How many of your recruits was he involved with? That could be an issue.
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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by Hoponboard »

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Re: Johns Hopkins 2022

Post by OCanada »

Well you know 51% if you knew Hopkins well you would know at least a few of the coaches interviewed and not interviewed and commits who change their mind.

It is not exactly a secret.

You are an apologist. Nothing wrong with it. It fits.

As to senior day. The team was never consulted. It was a fiasco. It was a first in the modern era. Coach showed no initiative and has heard about it.

Maybe next year he does better.
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