The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
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Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 8:46 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 8:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:53 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:15 am
njbill wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 12:55 am All of the speculation about who leaked the draft and why is interesting, but none of that changes the unassailable fact that Alito got five votes at the conference to overturn Roe.

Roberts did not agree to overturn Roe. Had he, he would have kept such an important decision to himself because he knew he would write a “moderate” opinion, certainly one more temperate than Alito’s scorched earth draft.

Interesting to me that Thomas assigned the decision to Alito who, I would guess, begged for it.

Alito is fully prepared to moderate his opinion. He threw out his repugnant draft to see what would stick. If any of the other four even hints at defecting, he’ll soften his language.

I don’t hold out any real hope that Kav or Gorsuch or Amy B will flip. First of all, they knew full well what was at stake when they voted in conference. They certainly know of the seismic importance of the case, both legally and in society. Leaking the opinion is not going to get anyone to change their mind. Is there any way to get anyone in this country to change their mind about Roe? No.

And lastly, before any of those three were nominated, they met in private with the Anti-Women Nazis and assured them that, yes, they would vote to overturn Roe, though they told the Nazis that they would have to deny that in meetings with gullible Senators like Susan Collins and in testimony before the Judiciary Committee. Keep an “open mind” about the issue, my ass.

I don’t know if I will live long enough to see this abomination of conservative judicial activism overturned. But it will be. If not in 10 or 20 or 50 years, it will happen eventually. This decision ranks up there (or down there) with Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. It is the worst Supreme Court decision in my lifetime. Even worse than Heller, which itself will be overturned in time.
Great post. +100
So the leak does not bother you???? If it serves your purpose then all is good. You are willing to sacrifice the credibility of the SCOTUS to achieve a desired goal. Good Job!!!! :roll:
Respectfully, I just have to say: you should read posts with care before you shoot off a pre-destined little mouth rocket like this. Nowhere did I or NJBill say that the leak was unimportant. Speaking for myself, the importance of the leak pales in comparison to the draft opinion, which would/will dismantle 50 years of relatively steady, predictable law, which allowed a woman to terminate a pregnancy under limited circumstances and which allowed the states to modestly regulate around the edges of that erstwhile "constitutional" right.

So there is a leak at the Supreme Court. Hmmm. Compared to the deliberate, knowing decision to place a woman's "right" to control the most intimate and basic decisions about the rest of her life in the hands of legislatures like Mississippi and Oklahoma and Tennessee? Compared to the patchwork quilt of differing laws across the states, rather than uniformity and predictability in the law? Compared to the fact that the effects of the decision will be felt among the poorest, most voiceless and most vulnerable of the population? C'mon. Be serious.

I note that the Idiot has yet to cite any source to back with facts the notion that "Sotomajor's leftist clerk" leaked the draft. But you got right on that bandwagon; pretty telling.

Anyone cheering on the premeditated leaking of a draft legal opinion by judges or justices in closed deliberations in the hopes of bringing political and mob/street pressure to bear on such deliberations, compromising their independence and institutional integrity, is repulsive.

That the leak of the draft opinion has not been universally condemned is a bigger outrage than whatever your views are about what’s in the opinion. It shows that our separation of powers, co-equal branch, federalist system has broken down. Media is especially irresponsible here.

... :lol: :lol: :lol: they have no as in ZERO institutional integrity KellyAnne.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 8:59 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 8:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:53 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:15 am
njbill wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 12:55 am All of the speculation about who leaked the draft and why is interesting, but none of that changes the unassailable fact that Alito got five votes at the conference to overturn Roe.

Roberts did not agree to overturn Roe. Had he, he would have kept such an important decision to himself because he knew he would write a “moderate” opinion, certainly one more temperate than Alito’s scorched earth draft.

Interesting to me that Thomas assigned the decision to Alito who, I would guess, begged for it.

Alito is fully prepared to moderate his opinion. He threw out his repugnant draft to see what would stick. If any of the other four even hints at defecting, he’ll soften his language.

I don’t hold out any real hope that Kav or Gorsuch or Amy B will flip. First of all, they knew full well what was at stake when they voted in conference. They certainly know of the seismic importance of the case, both legally and in society. Leaking the opinion is not going to get anyone to change their mind. Is there any way to get anyone in this country to change their mind about Roe? No.

And lastly, before any of those three were nominated, they met in private with the Anti-Women Nazis and assured them that, yes, they would vote to overturn Roe, though they told the Nazis that they would have to deny that in meetings with gullible Senators like Susan Collins and in testimony before the Judiciary Committee. Keep an “open mind” about the issue, my ass.

I don’t know if I will live long enough to see this abomination of conservative judicial activism overturned. But it will be. If not in 10 or 20 or 50 years, it will happen eventually. This decision ranks up there (or down there) with Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. It is the worst Supreme Court decision in my lifetime. Even worse than Heller, which itself will be overturned in time.
Great post. +100
So the leak does not bother you???? If it serves your purpose then all is good. You are willing to sacrifice the credibility of the SCOTUS to achieve a desired goal. Good Job!!!! :roll:
Respectfully, I just have to say: you should read posts with care before you shoot off a pre-destined little mouth rocket like this. Nowhere did I or NJBill say that the leak was unimportant. Speaking for myself, the importance of the leak pales in comparison to the draft opinion, which would/will dismantle 50 years of relatively steady, predictable law, which allowed a woman to terminate a pregnancy under limited circumstances and which allowed the states to modestly regulate around the edges of that erstwhile "constitutional" right.

So there is a leak at the Supreme Court. Hmmm. Compared to the deliberate, knowing decision to place a woman's "right" to control the most intimate and basic decisions about the rest of her life in the hands of legislatures like Mississippi and Oklahoma and Tennessee? Compared to the patchwork quilt of differing laws across the states, rather than uniformity and predictability in the law? Compared to the fact that the effects of the decision will be felt among the poorest, most voiceless and most vulnerable of the population? C'mon. Be serious.

I note that the Idiot has yet to cite any source to back with facts the notion that "Sotomajor's leftist clerk" leaked the draft. But you got right on that bandwagon; pretty telling.
My reading comprehension is pretty god damn good Mr Coaster. If your expectations are I need to dig deep down into the weeds of every bullchit response on our forum.. I do have a life and I'm not that interested in the same things that fascinate you. I do agree that I don't know what the hell PB was referring to. I do know that the leaker will be identified. That individual will have forfeited any credibility they may have ever had... I hope it is worth it. You can't ever regain your integrity once you have compromised what you have worked your entire life to establish.

Speculation has centered on two clerks whose names I don’t repeat but they are all over the internet.

One is a radical Sotomajor clerk who has loudly protested Kavanaugh in the past, as well as authoring an article which states that ‘civility has limits’ and ‘rule breaking is a necessary tactic to effect change’.

The other is a Breyer clerk whose past published articles deal solely with abortion rights and whose husband is a good fiend of the Politico author (as evidenced by photos of the two at the clerks wedding, not to mention back and forth tweets done in ‘bro’ fashion). She also has a masters in ‘gender’ :roll:

If I were the Court Marshal in charge of the investigation, I’d march into their office this morning with a warrant and ask that they sit for an interview. Normally you’d advise targets of investigations to never under any circumstances talk with the feds, but in this case, you are a fed and have no excuse except one to not talk. Yes you’ll be fired, but you are causing real harm to the institution as well as innocent clerks whose names including one above are being unfairly smeared because of your action for which you alone are responsible.

The media will hire you right away. Do the right thing.
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Post by jhu72 »

ggait wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 8:48 pm Most of the discussion of "if" abortion should be legal or banned is quite misleading. Basically, extremists and partisans on both sides yelling and not listening. Pointless and irrelevant.

The relevant discussion is "when" should abortion be legal. And on that question, overwhelming majorities pretty much agree. And have for a very long time. In the real world, abortion is way less controversial than you'd think for most regular people.

The law and public opinion in the US and our western democratic peers is surprisingly similar. Abortion upon request/demand is basically legal and public opinion supported everywhere from 0-12 weeks. And not legal/supported (subject to some valid exceptions) from 25-36 weeks. So pretty much the only issue are the rules between 13-24 weeks.

Canada and the UK draw the elective abortion line at 24 weeks. France, Germany, Italy are 12-14 weeks no questions asked, and then somewhat available (depending on circumstances and procedures) during the second trimester. RvW draws it at 23 weeks, although the realistic effective limit is less than that due to years of chipping away under the Casey case.

While that line draw is important, it matters a lot less than you'd think. Since here in the USA, 92% of abortions are 13 weeks or less, with another 3% 14-15 weeks.

So keeping RvW but dialing it back a bit (as CJ Roberts wants to do) is extremely reasonable policy. And it would be very good for the country. Since it would keep the righties from going completely bat shirt Gilead (cough Texas cough cough) on their female populations.

Law professors can debate whether that is really Roberts' job or not. But that outcome makes a lot of sense.
... very good. Logic is clear. The original R v W decision was logical. Reducing the fetal maturity threshold makes sense as long as the age of viability is the limit. The right keeps trying to sell the age of viability as much lower than it actually is. It continues to be (without major external intervention) in the 22-23 week range (we have been through this before). Once you get below that limit, you start racking up big expenditures. No fetus has ever come close to surviving outside the womb without major intervention at 15 weeks and only a fraction of those between 15 and 22 with major intervention. So you have the issue of who pays? It is unfair to require, mandate, a woman to carry for 6 or 7 weeks of major medial bills. So I would argue the threshold is very important. But the logic is good.

But the real issue is the nut bags on the right that insist on zero abortions. So as I said, let slip the dogs of war. The left is fine so long as beyond the limit there is a reasonable process to handle exceptional cases. There are far fewer individuals who truly believe in unmoderated abortions beyond the age of viability than there are zero abortion crazies.
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Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 9:36 am
ggait wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 8:48 pm Most of the discussion of "if" abortion should be legal or banned is quite misleading. Basically, extremists and partisans on both sides yelling and not listening. Pointless and irrelevant.

The relevant discussion is "when" should abortion be legal. And on that question, overwhelming majorities pretty much agree. And have for a very long time. In the real world, abortion is way less controversial than you'd think for most regular people.

The law and public opinion in the US and our western democratic peers is surprisingly similar. Abortion upon request/demand is basically legal and public opinion supported everywhere from 0-12 weeks. And not legal/supported (subject to some valid exceptions) from 25-36 weeks. So pretty much the only issue are the rules between 13-24 weeks.

Canada and the UK draw the elective abortion line at 24 weeks. France, Germany, Italy are 12-14 weeks no questions asked, and then somewhat available (depending on circumstances and procedures) during the second trimester. RvW draws it at 23 weeks, although the realistic effective limit is less than that due to years of chipping away under the Casey case.

While that line draw is important, it matters a lot less than you'd think. Since here in the USA, 92% of abortions are 13 weeks or less, with another 3% 14-15 weeks.

So keeping RvW but dialing it back a bit (as CJ Roberts wants to do) is extremely reasonable policy. And it would be very good for the country. Since it would keep the righties from going completely bat shirt Gilead (cough Texas cough cough) on their female populations.

Law professors can debate whether that is really Roberts' job or not. But that outcome makes a lot of sense.
... very good. Logic is clear. The original R v W decision was logical. Reducing the fetal maturity threshold makes sense as long as the age of viability is the limit. The right keeps trying to sell the age of viability as much lower than it actually is. It continues to be (without major external intervention) in the 22-23 week range (we have been through this before). Once you get below that limit, you start racking up big expenditures. No fetus has ever come close to surviving outside the womb without major intervention at 15 weeks and only a fraction of those between 15 and 22 with major intervention. So you have the issue of who pays? It is unfair to require, mandate, a woman to carry for 6 or 7 weeks of major medial bills. So I would argue the threshold is very important. But the logic is good.

But the real issue is the nut bags on the right that insist on zero abortions. So as I said, let slip the dogs of war. The left is fine so long as beyond the limit there is a reasonable process to handle exceptional cases. There are far fewer individuals who truly believe in unmoderated abortions beyond the age of viability than there are zero abortion crazies.
What dressing do you prefer on your crisp salad?? I'm guessing your a tart raspberry vinaigrette kind of guy with a dry Chablis to wash it down.. if your gonna abort all those babies you might as well make a buck on those spare parts right doc?? What is the going rate for a fetal liver doc??? I'm guessing 5 grand large?

https://www.centerformedicalprogress.or ... -donation/
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Post by jhu72 »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:15 am
njbill wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 12:55 am All of the speculation about who leaked the draft and why is interesting, but none of that changes the unassailable fact that Alito got five votes at the conference to overturn Roe.

Roberts did not agree to overturn Roe. Had he, he would have kept such an important decision to himself because he knew he would write a “moderate” opinion, certainly one more temperate than Alito’s scorched earth draft.

Interesting to me that Thomas assigned the decision to Alito who, I would guess, begged for it.

Alito is fully prepared to moderate his opinion. He threw out his repugnant draft to see what would stick. If any of the other four even hints at defecting, he’ll soften his language.

I don’t hold out any real hope that Kav or Gorsuch or Amy B will flip. First of all, they knew full well what was at stake when they voted in conference. They certainly know of the seismic importance of the case, both legally and in society. Leaking the opinion is not going to get anyone to change their mind. Is there any way to get anyone in this country to change their mind about Roe? No.

And lastly, before any of those three were nominated, they met in private with the Anti-Women Nazis and assured them that, yes, they would vote to overturn Roe, though they told the Nazis that they would have to deny that in meetings with gullible Senators like Susan Collins and in testimony before the Judiciary Committee. Keep an “open mind” about the issue, my ass.

I don’t know if I will live long enough to see this abomination of conservative judicial activism overturned. But it will be. If not in 10 or 20 or 50 years, it will happen eventually. This decision ranks up there (or down there) with Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson. It is the worst Supreme Court decision in my lifetime. Even worse than Heller, which itself will be overturned in time.
Great post. +100
... agreed. See your 100 and raise you another 100! Alito's reasoning is very scary!
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Post by CU88 »

Saw this online today:


It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter when life begins.

It doesn’t matter whether a fetus is a human being or not.

That entire argument is a red herring, a distraction, a subjective and unwinnable argument that could matter less.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about a fertilized egg, or a fetus, or a baby, or a five-year-old, or a Nobel Prize winning pediatric oncologist.

Nobody has the right to use your body, against your will, even to save their life, of the life of another person.

That’s it.

That’s the argument.

You cannot be forced to donate blood, or marrow, or organs even though thousands die every year, on waiting lists.

They cannot even harvest your organs after your death without your explicit, written, pre-mortem permission.

Denying women the right to abortion means that they have less bodily autonomy than a corpse."

3rd class citizens
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by jhu72 »

Pro-Life == Anti-Woman

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Post by jhu72 »

Howard Stern: Supreme Court Justices Who Ban Abortion Should Raise Every Unwanted Child
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Post by jhu72 »

Alito clerk released the draft? To fight against Roberts' moderation campaign.
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 5:34 pm Alito clerk released the draft? To fight against Roberts' moderation campaign.

We know who did it. We even kniw who killed Epstein.

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Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Opinion: ... rturn-roe/

“While everyone is busy gasping at the first leak of a draft opinion in modern Supreme Court history — one the chief justice has now confirmed is authentic — it is worth focusing on what brought us here. It is now clear that politics has triumphed over law. All that matters now is who can muster five votes, long-standing precedent (and confirmation hearing commitments to abide by them) be damned.

Lawyers know this, of course, in their hearts. As Justice William J. Brennan Jr. was fond of telling his clerks, the most important rule at the Supreme Court is the rule of five. Five votes declare the law, often on matters that are up for grabs in any other legal sense.

The problem is: There was nothing up for grabs about Roe v. Wade. The decision is almost 50 years old. It has summoned strong plurality support in the country since it was decided and now, in fact, has majority support. Countless people have structured their lives around it. While undercutting it to some extent, the Supreme Court itself reaffirmed it in 1992, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

All this leaked draft opinion is, then, is a naked power grab.

Here’s some history to put it in context. In 1987, in a case called Booth v. Maryland, the Supreme Court decided that in death penalty cases, prosecutors could not put on the witness stand family and friends of victims of homicide victims, because who was killed, and how many people loved that person, should not determine the fate of the killer. The vote was 5 to 4.

Four years later, in Payne v. Tennessee, the Supreme Court reversed itself, letting this evidence in. What changed? Nothing, except the membership of the court. In an outraged dissent, Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote, “Power, not reason, is the new currency of this Court’s decisionmaking. … Neither the law nor the facts supporting Booth and Gathers underwent any change in the last four years. Only the personnel of this Court did.”

That’s what is about to happen in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — a Mississippi abortion case before the court — assuming the draft opinion remains substantially the same when it is handed down. The facts supporting Roe and Casey aren’t different; the law that governs the case has not changed or proved unworkable. Yes, there are many people who disagree with the law, albeit far from a majority of the country. But the minority manipulated the system of appointing Supreme Court justices, willing to do whatever it took to get the votes to overrule Roe. What happened next is not a change in the rectitude of the legal principles but in the identity of those who articulated them.

It was a decades-long project that happened slowly until it happened quickly. Time after time, those opposed to Roe failed in their attempts to seat jurists who would overturn it, because appointee after appointee — Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony M. Kennedy, David Souter, even Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. — failed to pull the ripcord when the moment arrived. So, when Justice Antonin Scalia died while Barack Obama was president, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took the truly unprecedented step of sitting on a nomination for months, until Donald Trump was elected and Neil M. Gorsuch was named to the court. Then, the Republican right, again ruling without a majority of the country in support, got Brett M. Kavanaugh through the Senate. And finally, Amy Coney Barrett apparently was the straw that may break Roe’s back, confirmed mere days before the 2020 election, after voting had already begun. If, as Politico’s reporting suggests, this result in Dobbs is 5 to 4, it was only possible because of each and all of these maneuvers. Do not mistake principled decision-making for what in reality is the opportunistic and intensely partisan manipulation of circumstance.

So Roe will fall. Countless women will have their lives irreparably altered. Efforts to dress up this opinion as sober constitutional and historical reflection fall flat precisely because of the sneering contempt shown for both Roe and the many, many judges who left it undisturbed. This is a political opinion from a political court, one that doesn’t pretend to be anything else.

Some will say that is how it should be. That politics, and not law, should decide this issue. That is certainly the conclusion reached by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Fine. But let’s call it what it is: naked power, without the thinnest veneer of a black robe.

Of course, what politics gives, politics takes away.

Should this leaked opinion stand, the future of reproductive freedom will depend on voters. A lot of politicians, especially in the South, have made careers lambasting Roe. That was easy when their words, and even their votes, did not matter — because if they swung at abortion too hard, the Supreme Court could be counted on to rely on Roe and strike it down. Now, they have no cover. They have to put their futures where their mouths are. They can vote to criminalize abortion, and they will then see whether the voters are with them. There is federal legislation that would codify the protections of Roe into law. That, too, now lies with voters.

For years, the country’s view of abortion has stood relatively still. A majority of voters favor abortion being legal in some circumstances, and a small minority favor criminalizing it in all circumstances. We shall see whether politicians find the middle or go off the deep end and pay for it.

In the meantime, though, don’t delude yourself. Yes, the leak was unprecedented. But so, too, is what the Supreme Court is doing. Power means that rules and norms and conventions of trust within the court have become immaterial, just as the lives and health of more than half the population have been rendered immaterial. The Emperor of Law has had no clothing on for a good, long time. With the leak, this reality is increasingly apparent to us all.”
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

Liberals are upset that the Supreme Court might engage in a ‘power grab’ (mind you, the decision hasn’t even been rendered YET!!!!)

Man, the lack of self awareness here is basically unquantifiable.

Hay Zeus. Too poetic.
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Post by jhu72 »

+100 - seacoaster

... the politics of abortion have changed for the better I believe. A wakeup call for republican women who have been voting for republiCONs. A number of democratic constituencies have been reenergized after the disappointments of Biden's inability to deliver. The 5 chuckleheads are to be thanked.

I have to wonder if the republiCONs might not try to convince the chuckleheads that this is a bad time to repeal RvW. It is strategically pretty stupid what they have done.
Last edited by jhu72 on Wed May 04, 2022 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:41 pm Liberals are upset that the Supreme Court might engage in a ‘power grab’ (mind you, the decision hasn’t even been rendered YET!!!!)

Man, the lack of self awareness here is basically unquantifiable.

Hay Zeus. Too poetic.
... sweat KellyAnne. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Peter Brown
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Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:53 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:41 pm Liberals are upset that the Supreme Court might engage in a ‘power grab’ (mind you, the decision hasn’t even been rendered YET!!!!)

Man, the lack of self awareness here is basically unquantifiable.

Hay Zeus. Too poetic.
... sweat KellyAnne. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If (and it’s a BIG if) Roe is overturned as decisively as Alito's draft opinion indicates, the summer of 2022 will make the summer of 2020 look like a picnic.

As Democrats burn down cities and attack innocent mothers and kids, the November elections will be even more epic! Hint: voters don’t reward mayhem; safety and economy always come first.
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Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 8:20 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:53 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:41 pm Liberals are upset that the Supreme Court might engage in a ‘power grab’ (mind you, the decision hasn’t even been rendered YET!!!!)

Man, the lack of self awareness here is basically unquantifiable.

Hay Zeus. Too poetic.
... sweat KellyAnne. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If (and it’s a BIG if) Roe is overturned as decisively as Alito's draft opinion indicates, the summer of 2022 will make the summer of 2020 look like a picnic.

As Democrats burn down cities and attack innocent mothers and kids, the November elections will be even more epic! Hint: voters don’t reward mayhem; safety and economy always come first.
... you reek of panic :lol: :lol:
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This Too Shall Pass

Post by DocBarrister »

This “victory” by theocratic fascist extremists is a catastrophic setback for women and human rights, but eventually abortion services will be legal again throughout the United States. Among younger Americans, support for reproductive rights is much stronger than among the elderly generation that will soon pass from this Earth. From the passing of that generation, abortion rights will be resurrected nationwide, providing salvation to the nation from this repugnant, satanic decision.

Key to this will be the inevitable decimation of the white evangelical community, the main pillar of the theocratic fascist extremist community that has been driving the anti-women, anti-choice movement. It is an aging community that will soon pass.

It’s just a matter of time.

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Post by CU88 »

Stephen Colbert:

“If these folks believe Roe was so egregiously decided, why didn’t they tell the senators during their confirmation hearings?

Because Americans support abortion at 80%.

They knew that if they were honest they wouldn’t get the job, so they lied, which is perjury.”
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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