All Things Russia & Ukraine

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Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Typical Lax Dad » ... -of-russia

When vladimir putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, he dreamed of restoring the glory of the Russian empire. He has ended up restoring the terror of Josef Stalin. That is not only because he has unleashed the most violent act of unprovoked aggression in Europe since 1939, but also because, as a result, he is turning himself into a dictator at home—a 21st-century Stalin, resorting as never before to lies, violence and paranoia.

To understand the scale of Mr Putin’s lies, consider how the war was planned. Russia’s president thought Ukraine would rapidly collapse, so he did not prepare his people for the invasion or his soldiers for their mission—indeed, he assured the elites that it would not happen. After two terrible weeks on the battlefield, he is still denying that he is waging what may become Europe’s biggest war since 1945. To sustain this all-encompassing lie, he has shut down almost the entire independent media, threatened journalists with up to 15 years in jail if they do not parrot official falsehoods, and had anti-war protesters arrested in their thousands. By insisting that his military “operation” is de-Nazifying Ukraine, state television is re-Stalinising Russia.

To grasp Mr Putin’s appetite for violence, look at how the war is being fought. Having failed to win a quick victory, Russia is trying to sow panic by starving Ukrainian cities and pounding them blindly. On March 9th it hit a maternity hospital in Mariupol. If Mr Putin is committing war crimes against the fellow Slavs he eulogised in his writings, he is ready to inflict slaughter at home.

And to gauge Mr Putin’s paranoia, imagine how the war ends. Russia has more firepower than Ukraine. It is still making progress, especially in the south. It may yet capture the capital, Kyiv. And yet, even if the war drags on for months, it is hard to see Mr Putin as the victor.

Suppose that Russia manages to impose a new government. Ukrainians are now united against the invader. Mr Putin’s puppet could not rule without an occupation, but Russia does not have the money or the troops to garrison even half of Ukraine. American army doctrine says that to face down an insurgency—in this case, one backed by nato—occupiers need 20 to 25 soldiers per 1,000 people; Russia has a little over four.

If, as the Kremlin may have started to signal, Mr Putin will not impose a puppet government—because he cannot—then he will have to compromise with Ukraine in peace talks. Yet he will struggle to enforce any such agreement. After all, what will he do if post-war Ukraine resumes its Westward drift: invade?

The truth is sinking in that, by attacking Ukraine, Mr Putin has committed a catastrophic error. He has wrecked the reputation of Russia’s supposedly formidable armed forces, which have proved tactically inept against a smaller, worse-armed but motivated opponent. Russia has lost mountains of equipment and endured thousands of casualties, almost as many in two weeks as America has suffered in Iraq since it invaded in 2003.

Mr Putin has brought ruinous sanctions on his country. The central bank does not have access to the hard currency it needs to support the banking system and stabilise the rouble. Brands that stand for openness, including ikea and Coca-Cola, have closed their doors. Some goods are being rationed. Western exporters are withholding vital components, leading to factory stoppages. Sanctions on energy—for now, limited—threaten to crimp the foreign exchange Russia needs to pay for its imports.

And, as Stalin did, Mr Putin is destroying the bourgeoisie, the great motor of Russia’s modernisation. Instead of being sent to the gulag, they are fleeing to cities like Istanbul, in Turkey, and Yerevan, in Armenia. Those who choose to stay are being muzzled by restrictions on free speech and free association. They will be battered by high inflation and economic dislocation. In just two weeks, they have lost their country.

Stalin presided over a growing economy. However murderously, he drew on a real ideology. Even as he committed outrages, he consolidated the Soviet empire. After being attacked by Nazi Germany, he was saved by the unbelievable sacrifice of his country, which did more than any other to win the war.

Mr Putin has none of those advantages. Not only is he failing to win a war of choice while impoverishing his people: his regime lacks an ideological core. “Putinism”, such as it is, blends nationalism and orthodox religion for a television audience. Russia’s regions, stretched across 11 time zones, are already muttering about this being Moscow’s war.

As the scale of Mr Putin’s failure becomes clear, Russia will enter the most dangerous moment in this conflict. Factions in the regime will turn on each other in a spiral of blame. Mr Putin, fearful of a coup, will trust nobody and may have to fight for power. He may also try to change the course of the war by terrifying his Ukrainian foes and driving off their Western backers with chemical weapons, or even a nuclear strike.

As the world looks on, it should set out to limit the danger ahead. It must puncture Mr Putin’s lies by fostering the truth. Western tech firms are wrong to shut their operations in Russia, because they are handing the regime total control over the flow of information. Governments welcoming Ukrainian refugees should welcome Russian émigrés, too.

nato can help temper Mr Putin’s violence—in Ukraine, at least—by continuing to arm the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and supporting him if he decides that the time has come to enter serious negotiations. It can also increase pressure on Mr Putin by pushing ahead faster and deeper with energy sanctions, though at a cost to the world economy.

And the West can try to contain Mr Putin’s paranoia. nato should state that it will not shoot at Russian forces, so long as they do not attack first. It must not give Mr Putin a reason to draw Russia into a wider war by a declaring no-fly zone that would need enforcing militarily. However much the West would like a new regime in Moscow, it must state that it will not directly engineer one. Liberation is a task for the Russian people.

As Russia sinks, the contrast with the president next door is glaring. Mr Putin is isolated and morally dead; Mr Zelensky is a brave Everyman who has rallied his people and the world. He is Mr Putin’s antithesis—and perhaps his nemesis. Think what Russia might become once freed from its 21st-century Stalin. ■
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:52 am ... -of-russia

When vladimir putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, he dreamed of restoring the glory of the Russian empire. He has ended up restoring the terror of Josef Stalin. That is not only because he has unleashed the most violent act of unprovoked aggression in Europe since 1939, but also because, as a result, he is turning himself into a dictator at home—a 21st-century Stalin, resorting as never before to lies, violence and paranoia.

To understand the scale of Mr Putin’s lies, consider how the war was planned. Russia’s president thought Ukraine would rapidly collapse, so he did not prepare his people for the invasion or his soldiers for their mission—indeed, he assured the elites that it would not happen. After two terrible weeks on the battlefield, he is still denying that he is waging what may become Europe’s biggest war since 1945. To sustain this all-encompassing lie, he has shut down almost the entire independent media, threatened journalists with up to 15 years in jail if they do not parrot official falsehoods, and had anti-war protesters arrested in their thousands. By insisting that his military “operation” is de-Nazifying Ukraine, state television is re-Stalinising Russia.

To grasp Mr Putin’s appetite for violence, look at how the war is being fought. Having failed to win a quick victory, Russia is trying to sow panic by starving Ukrainian cities and pounding them blindly. On March 9th it hit a maternity hospital in Mariupol. If Mr Putin is committing war crimes against the fellow Slavs he eulogised in his writings, he is ready to inflict slaughter at home.

And to gauge Mr Putin’s paranoia, imagine how the war ends. Russia has more firepower than Ukraine. It is still making progress, especially in the south. It may yet capture the capital, Kyiv. And yet, even if the war drags on for months, it is hard to see Mr Putin as the victor.

Suppose that Russia manages to impose a new government. Ukrainians are now united against the invader. Mr Putin’s puppet could not rule without an occupation, but Russia does not have the money or the troops to garrison even half of Ukraine. American army doctrine says that to face down an insurgency—in this case, one backed by nato—occupiers need 20 to 25 soldiers per 1,000 people; Russia has a little over four.

If, as the Kremlin may have started to signal, Mr Putin will not impose a puppet government—because he cannot—then he will have to compromise with Ukraine in peace talks. Yet he will struggle to enforce any such agreement. After all, what will he do if post-war Ukraine resumes its Westward drift: invade?

The truth is sinking in that, by attacking Ukraine, Mr Putin has committed a catastrophic error. He has wrecked the reputation of Russia’s supposedly formidable armed forces, which have proved tactically inept against a smaller, worse-armed but motivated opponent. Russia has lost mountains of equipment and endured thousands of casualties, almost as many in two weeks as America has suffered in Iraq since it invaded in 2003.

Mr Putin has brought ruinous sanctions on his country. The central bank does not have access to the hard currency it needs to support the banking system and stabilise the rouble. Brands that stand for openness, including ikea and Coca-Cola, have closed their doors. Some goods are being rationed. Western exporters are withholding vital components, leading to factory stoppages. Sanctions on energy—for now, limited—threaten to crimp the foreign exchange Russia needs to pay for its imports.

And, as Stalin did, Mr Putin is destroying the bourgeoisie, the great motor of Russia’s modernisation. Instead of being sent to the gulag, they are fleeing to cities like Istanbul, in Turkey, and Yerevan, in Armenia. Those who choose to stay are being muzzled by restrictions on free speech and free association. They will be battered by high inflation and economic dislocation. In just two weeks, they have lost their country.

Stalin presided over a growing economy. However murderously, he drew on a real ideology. Even as he committed outrages, he consolidated the Soviet empire. After being attacked by Nazi Germany, he was saved by the unbelievable sacrifice of his country, which did more than any other to win the war.

Mr Putin has none of those advantages. Not only is he failing to win a war of choice while impoverishing his people: his regime lacks an ideological core. “Putinism”, such as it is, blends nationalism and orthodox religion for a television audience. Russia’s regions, stretched across 11 time zones, are already muttering about this being Moscow’s war.

As the scale of Mr Putin’s failure becomes clear, Russia will enter the most dangerous moment in this conflict. Factions in the regime will turn on each other in a spiral of blame. Mr Putin, fearful of a coup, will trust nobody and may have to fight for power. He may also try to change the course of the war by terrifying his Ukrainian foes and driving off their Western backers with chemical weapons, or even a nuclear strike.

As the world looks on, it should set out to limit the danger ahead. It must puncture Mr Putin’s lies by fostering the truth. Western tech firms are wrong to shut their operations in Russia, because they are handing the regime total control over the flow of information. Governments welcoming Ukrainian refugees should welcome Russian émigrés, too.

nato can help temper Mr Putin’s violence—in Ukraine, at least—by continuing to arm the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and supporting him if he decides that the time has come to enter serious negotiations. It can also increase pressure on Mr Putin by pushing ahead faster and deeper with energy sanctions, though at a cost to the world economy.

And the West can try to contain Mr Putin’s paranoia. nato should state that it will not shoot at Russian forces, so long as they do not attack first. It must not give Mr Putin a reason to draw Russia into a wider war by a declaring no-fly zone that would need enforcing militarily. However much the West would like a new regime in Moscow, it must state that it will not directly engineer one. Liberation is a task for the Russian people.

As Russia sinks, the contrast with the president next door is glaring. Mr Putin is isolated and morally dead; Mr Zelensky is a brave Everyman who has rallied his people and the world. He is Mr Putin’s antithesis—and perhaps his nemesis. Think what Russia might become once freed from its 21st-century Stalin. ■
If only we had something like a reset button?? :roll: ... JI20120326

So long ago yet not so far away...
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Farfromgeneva »

a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:40 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:26 pm Nuland said that the US is concerned that the labs would fall into the hands of the Russians and that the US is working with the Ukrainians to properly dispose of the biological samples before Ivan gets there. yeah, just like the ones all the universities have. lol
:lol: You think that your local State Universities and other labs in America aren't working with biohazards that are bad for humans if exposed?


How, for example, do you suppose Pfizer and Moderna found a vaccine for Coronavirus, my man? Throwing darts at a board?

And yes, unless you're a blithering idiot, you don't want missiles, bombs, or careless Russian Troops to hit these facilities in the US, let along Ukraine.

You know, sorta like the Ukrainian nuclear plant that was attacked. Bullets and bombs are bad around these things.

But sure, Ukrainians, just like Saddam, have been producing Weapons of Mass Destruction in their spare time. You know: to give them something cool to do on a Friday night. Putin was right to invade them.....isn't that your point here?
Heck the Cornell ag experimental station in geneva ny was from my understanding responsible for the development of DDT.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Kismet »

Just announced that USA is deploying Patriot missile batteries to Poland. Probably first of multiple deployments to NATO Eastern Flank countries.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Essexfenwick »

Brooklyn wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:06 am ... and the Clorox. makes for good mouth wash according to trumpites :lol:
JoeTard bumbled into the cure….


Putin may win the Nobel Prize for curing Covid and unmasking the lib-tards.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:56 am
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:40 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:26 pm Nuland said that the US is concerned that the labs would fall into the hands of the Russians and that the US is working with the Ukrainians to properly dispose of the biological samples before Ivan gets there. yeah, just like the ones all the universities have. lol
:lol: You think that your local State Universities and other labs in America aren't working with biohazards that are bad for humans if exposed?


How, for example, do you suppose Pfizer and Moderna found a vaccine for Coronavirus, my man? Throwing darts at a board?

And yes, unless you're a blithering idiot, you don't want missiles, bombs, or careless Russian Troops to hit these facilities in the US, let along Ukraine.

You know, sorta like the Ukrainian nuclear plant that was attacked. Bullets and bombs are bad around these things.

But sure, Ukrainians, just like Saddam, have been producing Weapons of Mass Destruction in their spare time. You know: to give them something cool to do on a Friday night. Putin was right to invade them.....isn't that your point here?
Heck the Cornell ag experimental station in geneva ny was from my understanding responsible for the development of DDT.
Are you attempting to criticize all those brilliant minds associated with Cornell?? Cornell U will never change from the Big Red to the Eagles. Isn't that what DDT did, it destroyed all of those eagle eggs before they could hatch? Way back in the day before the DEC decided it needed to save the planet it was actually involved in protecting the environment.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Kismet wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:06 am Just announced that USA is deploying Patriot missile batteries to Poland. Probably first of multiple deployments to NATO Eastern Flank countries.
Good idea if Vlad decides to invade Poland. :roll:
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:55 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:52 am ... -of-russia

When vladimir putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, he dreamed of restoring the glory of the Russian empire. He has ended up restoring the terror of Josef Stalin. That is not only because he has unleashed the most violent act of unprovoked aggression in Europe since 1939, but also because, as a result, he is turning himself into a dictator at home—a 21st-century Stalin, resorting as never before to lies, violence and paranoia.

To understand the scale of Mr Putin’s lies, consider how the war was planned. Russia’s president thought Ukraine would rapidly collapse, so he did not prepare his people for the invasion or his soldiers for their mission—indeed, he assured the elites that it would not happen. After two terrible weeks on the battlefield, he is still denying that he is waging what may become Europe’s biggest war since 1945. To sustain this all-encompassing lie, he has shut down almost the entire independent media, threatened journalists with up to 15 years in jail if they do not parrot official falsehoods, and had anti-war protesters arrested in their thousands. By insisting that his military “operation” is de-Nazifying Ukraine, state television is re-Stalinising Russia.

To grasp Mr Putin’s appetite for violence, look at how the war is being fought. Having failed to win a quick victory, Russia is trying to sow panic by starving Ukrainian cities and pounding them blindly. On March 9th it hit a maternity hospital in Mariupol. If Mr Putin is committing war crimes against the fellow Slavs he eulogised in his writings, he is ready to inflict slaughter at home.

And to gauge Mr Putin’s paranoia, imagine how the war ends. Russia has more firepower than Ukraine. It is still making progress, especially in the south. It may yet capture the capital, Kyiv. And yet, even if the war drags on for months, it is hard to see Mr Putin as the victor.

Suppose that Russia manages to impose a new government. Ukrainians are now united against the invader. Mr Putin’s puppet could not rule without an occupation, but Russia does not have the money or the troops to garrison even half of Ukraine. American army doctrine says that to face down an insurgency—in this case, one backed by nato—occupiers need 20 to 25 soldiers per 1,000 people; Russia has a little over four.

If, as the Kremlin may have started to signal, Mr Putin will not impose a puppet government—because he cannot—then he will have to compromise with Ukraine in peace talks. Yet he will struggle to enforce any such agreement. After all, what will he do if post-war Ukraine resumes its Westward drift: invade?

The truth is sinking in that, by attacking Ukraine, Mr Putin has committed a catastrophic error. He has wrecked the reputation of Russia’s supposedly formidable armed forces, which have proved tactically inept against a smaller, worse-armed but motivated opponent. Russia has lost mountains of equipment and endured thousands of casualties, almost as many in two weeks as America has suffered in Iraq since it invaded in 2003.

Mr Putin has brought ruinous sanctions on his country. The central bank does not have access to the hard currency it needs to support the banking system and stabilise the rouble. Brands that stand for openness, including ikea and Coca-Cola, have closed their doors. Some goods are being rationed. Western exporters are withholding vital components, leading to factory stoppages. Sanctions on energy—for now, limited—threaten to crimp the foreign exchange Russia needs to pay for its imports.

And, as Stalin did, Mr Putin is destroying the bourgeoisie, the great motor of Russia’s modernisation. Instead of being sent to the gulag, they are fleeing to cities like Istanbul, in Turkey, and Yerevan, in Armenia. Those who choose to stay are being muzzled by restrictions on free speech and free association. They will be battered by high inflation and economic dislocation. In just two weeks, they have lost their country.

Stalin presided over a growing economy. However murderously, he drew on a real ideology. Even as he committed outrages, he consolidated the Soviet empire. After being attacked by Nazi Germany, he was saved by the unbelievable sacrifice of his country, which did more than any other to win the war.

Mr Putin has none of those advantages. Not only is he failing to win a war of choice while impoverishing his people: his regime lacks an ideological core. “Putinism”, such as it is, blends nationalism and orthodox religion for a television audience. Russia’s regions, stretched across 11 time zones, are already muttering about this being Moscow’s war.

As the scale of Mr Putin’s failure becomes clear, Russia will enter the most dangerous moment in this conflict. Factions in the regime will turn on each other in a spiral of blame. Mr Putin, fearful of a coup, will trust nobody and may have to fight for power. He may also try to change the course of the war by terrifying his Ukrainian foes and driving off their Western backers with chemical weapons, or even a nuclear strike.

As the world looks on, it should set out to limit the danger ahead. It must puncture Mr Putin’s lies by fostering the truth. Western tech firms are wrong to shut their operations in Russia, because they are handing the regime total control over the flow of information. Governments welcoming Ukrainian refugees should welcome Russian émigrés, too.

nato can help temper Mr Putin’s violence—in Ukraine, at least—by continuing to arm the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and supporting him if he decides that the time has come to enter serious negotiations. It can also increase pressure on Mr Putin by pushing ahead faster and deeper with energy sanctions, though at a cost to the world economy.

And the West can try to contain Mr Putin’s paranoia. nato should state that it will not shoot at Russian forces, so long as they do not attack first. It must not give Mr Putin a reason to draw Russia into a wider war by a declaring no-fly zone that would need enforcing militarily. However much the West would like a new regime in Moscow, it must state that it will not directly engineer one. Liberation is a task for the Russian people.

As Russia sinks, the contrast with the president next door is glaring. Mr Putin is isolated and morally dead; Mr Zelensky is a brave Everyman who has rallied his people and the world. He is Mr Putin’s antithesis—and perhaps his nemesis. Think what Russia might become once freed from its 21st-century Stalin. ■
If only we had something like a reset button?? :roll: ... JI20120326

So long ago yet not so far away...
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by jhu72 »

get it to x wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:00 am
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:06 am ... and the Clorox. makes for good mouth wash according to trumpites :lol:
Yes, because you are all smarter than guys like Dr. Harvey Risch. Maybe '76 doesn't like him because he's a Yalie.
... you might want to read this. A case study on how to identify misinformation: Dr. Harvey Risch.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?
I thought the Jews only used those for corrective eye surgery??? You don't have to go to space to correct your vision do you??? :?
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:37 pm Quite the whack job we have on here.

Trump's clearly crazy nut job level at this point, can't string together more than two coherent sentences in a row, can't keep a clear logic line at all, and it's clearly way, way worse than when he was younger. And he wasn't exactly super coherent then.

But that actually isn't remotely as important as his total lack of character. Ronald Reagan indisputably had dementia in his years in office, but he always had a strong character. (no, my Dem friends, that didn't make him always right; nobody's perfect). And Trump is simply a lying, egomaniacal, cheating POS.

By contrast, we have a POTUS, definitely in his senior years, who is clearly sound of mind, if not swift of mind or tongue. I'd rather have a younger, swifter POTUS, but I'll take the one we have any day over POS Trump and his crew of dishonest, insurrectionist Trumpkins.

And right now, in this crisis, which is all that this thread is about, this partisan trolling from a likely-paid Putin/Trump troll is really, really gross.
I’m king of “bird walking”, particularly when I get bored which, no surprise my predictive indicator test I took earlier in the week “revealed” about me, but the bolder above should be pounded into the ground. This reeks of an agenda and antithetical to the general agreement we all have even when things get “less than civil” at times (which I readily acknowledge I am an offender of at times).

Russia f**king bombed a maternity ward! F**k Trump with P**tins limp d**k.

(This ones for lagerhead and any other trading professionals out there)

We are getting very close to “fill or kill” time with respect to our involvement directly in confrontation w Russia. Like within a week the citizens of this country have to make up their minds if they believe we should put ourselves in direct opposition of Russia.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Farfromgeneva »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:24 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?
I thought the Jews only used those for corrective eye surgery???
You’re thinking dentists. My sister will now kill me for that even though we all know the worst dentist are non Jews see example below
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:37 pm Quite the whack job we have on here.

Trump's clearly crazy nut job level at this point, can't string together more than two coherent sentences in a row, can't keep a clear logic line at all, and it's clearly way, way worse than when he was younger. And he wasn't exactly super coherent then.

But that actually isn't remotely as important as his total lack of character. Ronald Reagan indisputably had dementia in his years in office, but he always had a strong character. (no, my Dem friends, that didn't make him always right; nobody's perfect). And Trump is simply a lying, egomaniacal, cheating POS.

By contrast, we have a POTUS, definitely in his senior years, who is clearly sound of mind, if not swift of mind or tongue. I'd rather have a younger, swifter POTUS, but I'll take the one we have any day over POS Trump and his crew of dishonest, insurrectionist Trumpkins.

And right now, in this crisis, which is all that this thread is about, this partisan trolling from a likely-paid Putin/Trump troll is really, really gross.
I’m king of “bird walking”, particularly when I get bored which, no surprise my predictive indicator test I took earlier in the week “revealed” about me, but the bolder above should be pounded into the ground. This reeks of an agenda and antithetical to the general agreement we all have even when things get “less than civil” at times (which I readily acknowledge I am an offender of at times).

Russia f**king bombed a maternity ward! F**k Trump with P**tins limp d**k.

(This ones for lagerhead and any other trading professionals out there)

We are getting very close to “fill or kill” time with respect to our involvement directly in confrontation w Russia. Like within a week the citizens of this country have to make up their minds if they believe we should put ourselves in direct opposition of Russia.
Dude, until Hitler declared war on the US most of America did not want to get involved in the war in Europe. Take from that fact what you will.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Essexfenwick »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?

I have a better one.

Joe doesn’t have dementia!! Lol!!
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:24 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?
I thought the Jews only used those for corrective eye surgery???
You’re thinking dentists. My sister will now kill me for that even though we all know the worst dentist are non Jews see example below
I don't know how much dentistry is done with lasers. i just had a crown done on a broken tooth. It was still done with the good old fashioned drill.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:27 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:37 pm Quite the whack job we have on here.

Trump's clearly crazy nut job level at this point, can't string together more than two coherent sentences in a row, can't keep a clear logic line at all, and it's clearly way, way worse than when he was younger. And he wasn't exactly super coherent then.

But that actually isn't remotely as important as his total lack of character. Ronald Reagan indisputably had dementia in his years in office, but he always had a strong character. (no, my Dem friends, that didn't make him always right; nobody's perfect). And Trump is simply a lying, egomaniacal, cheating POS.

By contrast, we have a POTUS, definitely in his senior years, who is clearly sound of mind, if not swift of mind or tongue. I'd rather have a younger, swifter POTUS, but I'll take the one we have any day over POS Trump and his crew of dishonest, insurrectionist Trumpkins.

And right now, in this crisis, which is all that this thread is about, this partisan trolling from a likely-paid Putin/Trump troll is really, really gross.
I’m king of “bird walking”, particularly when I get bored which, no surprise my predictive indicator test I took earlier in the week “revealed” about me, but the bolder above should be pounded into the ground. This reeks of an agenda and antithetical to the general agreement we all have even when things get “less than civil” at times (which I readily acknowledge I am an offender of at times).

Russia f**king bombed a maternity ward! F**k Trump with P**tins limp d**k.

(This ones for lagerhead and any other trading professionals out there)

We are getting very close to “fill or kill” time with respect to our involvement directly in confrontation w Russia. Like within a week the citizens of this country have to make up their minds if they believe we should put ourselves in direct opposition of Russia.
Dude, until Hitler declared war on the US most of America did not want to get involved in the war in Europe. Take from that fact what you will.
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by jhu72 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?
... it is amazing that Zelensky isn't asking for some of those, or doesn't already have access, being Jewish and all. ;)
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

jhu72 wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:14 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:00 am
Brooklyn wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:06 am ... and the Clorox. makes for good mouth wash according to trumpites :lol:
Yes, because you are all smarter than guys like Dr. Harvey Risch. Maybe '76 doesn't like him because he's a Yalie.
... you might want to read this. A case study on how to identify misinformation: Dr. Harvey Risch.
Thank you. Yeah, probably because he's a Yalie. ;)
But hey, Dartmouth has Laura Ingraham...
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Re: All Things Russia & Ukraine

Post by cradleandshoot »

Essexfenwick wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:29 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:15 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:00 pm
Essexfenwick wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:46 pm
Uh oh… the USA is frantic Putin might get the coronavirus vaccine formula !!!
What was I thinking: yes, Essex—-your story from “some guy on the internet” is 1000% true.

Ukraine was planning on attacking Russia with bio-weapons, and that’s why Russia invaded.

You and your internet sleuths cracked the case! Only YOU have the “real truth” here. Way to go!

You’ll be receiving your “Internet Researcher” Cub Scout patch in the mail.
Next he'll be telling us about Q, the Ukrainian government run underground child sex rings, and they drink the blood of babies, and are funded by Gates...and Soros! Those damn Nazis!
What about the Jewish space lasers?

I have a better one.

Joe doesn’t have dementia!! Lol!!
I hope you never have a love one suffer and die from dementia. It won't be funny to you or your family you freaking dumbass. Go to hell you freaking moron. Check that... I hope it does happen to you... you deserve to witness it first hand... what a freaking fool you are...
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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