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Post by Farfromgeneva »

ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

What other industry would care (a lot) about whether you went to the 14th ranked law school in the country vs. the 15th? Any hiring partner in the country knows that there's the T14, and that school #15 is just not a member of that club.

And plenty of other industries are like that. Including tech. The programmers at Google come overwhelmingly from a small set of engineering schools.
Just like their founders do -- Bezos/Princeton, Gates/Harvard, Page and Brin/Stanford, Zuckerberg/Harvard....
From a New Yorker piece on venture capital

The V.C. industry has grown exponentially since Perkins’s heyday, but it has also become increasingly avaricious and cynical. It is now dominated by a few dozen firms, which, collectively, control hundreds of billions of dollars. Most professional V.C.s fit a narrow mold: according to surveys, just under half of them attended either Harvard or Stanford, and eighty per cent are male. Although V.C.s depict themselves as perpetually on the hunt for radical business ideas, they often seem to be hyping the same Silicon Valley trends—and their managerial oversight has dwindled, making their investments look more like trading-floor bets. Steve Blank, an entrepreneur who currently teaches at Stanford’s engineering school, said, “I’ve watched the industry become a money-hungry mob. V.C.s today aren’t interested in the public good. They’re not interested in anything except optimizing their own profits and chasing the herd, and so they waste billions of dollars that could have gone to innovation that actually helps people.”

This clubby, self-serving approach has made many V.C.s rich. In January, 2020, the National Venture Capital Association hailed a “record decade” of “hyper growth” in which its members had given nearly eight hundred billion dollars to startups, “fueling the economy of tomorrow.” The pandemic has slowed things down, but not much. According to a report by PitchBook, a company that provides data on the industry, five of the top twenty venture-capital firms are currently making more deals than they did last year.
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Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:41 pm
ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

What other industry would care (a lot) about whether you went to the 14th ranked law school in the country vs. the 15th? Any hiring partner in the country knows that there's the T14, and that school #15 is just not a member of that club.

And plenty of other industries are like that. Including tech. The programmers at Google come overwhelmingly from a small set of engineering schools.
Just like their founders do -- Bezos/Princeton, Gates/Harvard, Page and Brin/Stanford, Zuckerberg/Harvard....
Working with your hands is more impressive.
I’m ambidextrous with my hands when I put in (volumes) of work!
Harvard University, out
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Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:17 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:15 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:01 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:37 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:34 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:55 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:02 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:52 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:13 am
ggait wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:02 pm I read maybe one piece on the lady. I’m sure there’s politics involved but do people who really pay attention and aren’t just hysterical in either direction have any critical (not necessarily negative) observations of her candidacy?
Harvard College, Harvard Law School, SCOTUS clerk, DC Court of Appeals judge. Identical credentials to John Roberts and Merrick Garland.

Same/better credentials than the other SCOTUS judges.

As I posted before, there are TONS of people with these qualifications and they come in all colors, genders and ideologies. So it was completely ridiculous for right winger trolls to suggest that designating a black/woman somehow meant you had to cut corners on qualifications.

You only need to cut the corners on credentials if you are looking for activist conservative judges who also check some diversity boxes. ;)
and all this time.....we thought actually, publically, advertize that they are only seeking a certain race to fill the wrong. illegal. the problem. Can you imagine ANY other place getting away with such illegal employee hiring?

How about just nominate someone, without the "race" part :roll:

The more intelligent way to have done this was to never mention race or sex as a prerequisite for the job, and then go ahead and nominate her anyway.
yeah, like Reagan and Trump. :roll:

This was a no-brainer promise to an important constituency to rectify a 'miss' made over a couple hundred years.

And in no way compromised the quality of the potential nominee pool.

I think that's the eye-opener from all this. The tremendous quality of the pool considered.

And the final 3 were off the charts.
Why not nominate a NON-Ivy league about "misses".

Cosmo club member........yeah, THIS candidate really will speak for the "minorities" of this country..........
RRR, yeah a real shame she managed to get into Harvard, did so well that she got into Harvard Law, did so well there that she got a series of very high profile clerkships then a SCOTUS clerkship, all along crushing it, then high paid law firm only to chuck that to go be a public defender and fight for less privileged...she's the only (or one of the only) Scotus nominees to ever have defended anyone in a criminal case...then has over 200 opinions on successively higher judgeships...but hey, maybe not "black" enough for you?

Come on. All these potential nominees were incredibly well qualified. She should be overwhelmingly confirmed...but there are too many folks who think solely as partisans.
Including you? Is that not the entire point of this discussion. Partisan, applies to much-much more than political affiliation. I know you understand the argument, but you will never admit the mere fact that we 'have to' [insert race, edu institution] into our public discourse. It has become a perpetual flaw of our society. Why is it you only hear about this type of stuff when it only applies to law and the anything with .gov?

You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you. ... -drew.html

We learned about him in elementary school.
:D Amazing how folks don't understand "why" we haven't heard about...

youth, not sure what you think I'm a "partisan" about. Yes, I was talking about "partisan" on behalf of a political party. Gotta vote against whatever the other party wants...that sort of partisan.

As an admittedly old-school moderate Republican, it's easy for me to say that voting "against", for partisan drill, is not the way it should be when in this sort of situation.

I'm a bit puzzled as to what your issue is with one's educational and then professional background being important to understanding the credentials and proven performance of someone being asked to do a very specific type of work.

We live in the Baltimore it not reassuring when you know that the neurosurgeon working on your friend or family member went to XYZ undergrad and then Hopkins Medicine, did their residency at Hopkins, and has progressed to the top of their profession, performed hundreds of such surgeries, innovated cutting edge surgical procedures?

Don't need that for lots of things, but I know it's reassuring to me.

As to race and gender, yeah, it matters to bring more perspectives into these decisions. But I don't want just any ABC check the box person, I want the very best of the best. Thankfully, there are many such available...couldn't really say that 50 years ago...thank goodness we can now.
There is a poster on our forum who ridiculed Ben Carson upside down, backwards and sideways for being inept and incompetent. This poster is a white somewhat like myself cantankerous old guy who hates with due diligence even a successful black man. I correct that, a talented black pediatric neurosurgeon who happened to be a conservative Republican. The audacity of Dr Carson for straying off of the FLP reservation.
Nope, Carson was a terrific surgeon...awful when he went into politics. Two very different fields.
Dr Carson's goose was cooked after he embarrassed BHO at the prayer breakfast. That was before he became political. That is when the FLP long knives came after him with a vengeance. That is also when YOUR party latched onto to him as a potential asset. ... &FORM=VIRE
Also quite the kook.
Some very, very strange "beliefs" beyond the political realm...

Maybe he was different, sharper, had his head screwed on, when he was younger coming up. My dad served on a school BD with him and found him always affable and a solid contributor. But somehow the wheels came off the bus as he grew older? Happens.

Look at Rudy.
"Look at Rudy."

Look at Joe... 10 years at least past his sell by date.
old doesn't mean you've lost your marbles, cradle. And Biden clearly hasn't lost his marbles.

If you want to say he's lost a step, ok.

BTW, can anyone of us imagine the physical and emotional challenge of managing the job right now?...yikes, just getting enough sleep has to be a huge challenge.

How about we put away the petty stuff and just root for success right now.
I'm willing to meet you half way here. I don't think Joe has lost all of his marbles but he is way beyond having just lost a step. I'm not concentrating on anything petty. I hope Joe has a plan. IMO the reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine was because he sized up Bidens resolve and came to the conclusion he would not get a better opportunity. What is that old cliche that opportunity never knocks twice? I would certainly be of the mindset to root for success. I don't know how you define success in this situation? I would have defined success as Biden having been able to convince Putin not to invade Ukraine in the first place. Joe now has to hope and pray that plan B works, whatever that plan is.
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Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

Of course this is wrong, for multiple reasons. For one, the "system" you describe, IS the antithesis of what you claim to support. BLM, wokeness and ending white systemic racism

and than, to shrug shoulders and say, "it is what it is" , oh well

so, imho, of course it is wrong. It's a fake, stoopid system to begin with and the fact that we have no REAL diversity, when it comes to the third pillar of our government a serious problem.

color of skin doesn't make anyone "diverse", just like an elite education makes one smart. Or likeable. ;) ( Bezos. Gates, Zuckerberg )
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Post by Farfromgeneva »


There I filled in for you Trips so you can rest on Sunday as god was meant to do.


Eli Gemstone
Last edited by Farfromgeneva on Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by youthathletics »

runrussellrun wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:42 am
ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

Of course this is wrong, for multiple reasons. For one, the "system" you describe, IS the antithesis of what you claim to support. BLM, wokeness and ending white systemic racism

and than, to shrug shoulders and say, "it is what it is" , oh well

so, imho, of course it is wrong. It's a fake, stoopid system to begin with and the fact that we have no REAL diversity, when it comes to the third pillar of our government a serious problem.

color of skin doesn't make anyone "diverse", just like an elite education makes one smart. Or likeable. ;) ( Bezos. Gates, Zuckerberg )
ggait just proved the entire point I was making. And yet accepts that is just fine to create a class of people that controls who enters. It could very well be the antitheses of why we see such disparity in race at the highest levels of our society; it truly is biased based on where you came from. And may explain why the IL has pushed diversity, even more...knowing they are the root of the problem.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Post by seacoaster »

C&S wrote:

"IMO the reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine was because he sized up Bidens resolve and came to the conclusion he would not get a better opportunity."

Care to provide the basis for this opinion?
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Post by Farfromgeneva »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:50 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:42 am
ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

Of course this is wrong, for multiple reasons. For one, the "system" you describe, IS the antithesis of what you claim to support. BLM, wokeness and ending white systemic racism

and than, to shrug shoulders and say, "it is what it is" , oh well

so, imho, of course it is wrong. It's a fake, stoopid system to begin with and the fact that we have no REAL diversity, when it comes to the third pillar of our government a serious problem.

color of skin doesn't make anyone "diverse", just like an elite education makes one smart. Or likeable. ;) ( Bezos. Gates, Zuckerberg )
ggait just proved the entire point I was making. And yet accepts that is just fine to create a class of people that controls who enters. It could very well be the antitheses of why we see such disparity in race at the highest levels of our society; it truly is biased based on where you came from. And may explain why the IL has pushed diversity, even more...knowing they are the root of the problem.
Got a friend and former colleague who went to Penn and endowed a scholarship there and both his kids were rejected from one of the top private schools around Atlanta called Westminster. The son is a Soph at Wash U on a full academic ride and the daughter has options like that, Rice, Vandy and a couple of others, both were above the average metrics. He’s not a “minority” but is Jewish if that gets points in the nee system - not sure. He’s pissed. Isn’t donating to either Penn or Westminster ever again.

But this had me thinking: is the value proposition of boarding/private high schools going down the shi**er if a guy who’s kids had above average acceptance metrics, a relationship to the college and has been a generous benefactor can’t get 1/2 accepted (even in bad terms like no aid or whatever, not even waitlist). They’ll be perfectly fine but how many of these happen before the colleges lose donations and the high schools get push back mot only to the gross tuition costs but the unending demands to give that are de facto required as additional expenditures for admission and continued enrollment.
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Post by youthathletics »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:13 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:50 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:42 am
ggait wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:57 pm
You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you.
You obviously never applied to law school, attended law school, never tried to get a job at a law firm, never did any hiring for a law firm, and never talked to a lawyer or law student.

Had you experience with any of that, you would know that the legal industry (right or wrong) cares intensely about credentials. That's just how we are (right or wrong) and have been for forever.

Of course this is wrong, for multiple reasons. For one, the "system" you describe, IS the antithesis of what you claim to support. BLM, wokeness and ending white systemic racism

and than, to shrug shoulders and say, "it is what it is" , oh well

so, imho, of course it is wrong. It's a fake, stoopid system to begin with and the fact that we have no REAL diversity, when it comes to the third pillar of our government a serious problem.

color of skin doesn't make anyone "diverse", just like an elite education makes one smart. Or likeable. ;) ( Bezos. Gates, Zuckerberg )
ggait just proved the entire point I was making. And yet accepts that is just fine to create a class of people that controls who enters. It could very well be the antitheses of why we see such disparity in race at the highest levels of our society; it truly is biased based on where you came from. And may explain why the IL has pushed diversity, even more...knowing they are the root of the problem.
Got a friend and former colleague who went to Penn and endowed a scholarship there and both his kids were rejected from one of the top private schools around Atlanta called Westminster. The son is a Soph at Wash U on a full academic ride and the daughter has options like that, Rice, Vandy and a couple of others, both were above the average metrics. He’s not a “minority” but is Jewish if that gets points in the nee system - not sure. He’s ticked. Isn’t donating to either Penn or Westminster ever again.

But this had me thinking: is the value proposition of boarding/private high schools going down the shi**er if a guy who’s kids had above average acceptance metrics, a relationship to the college and has been a generous benefactor can’t get 1/2 accepted (even in bad terms like no aid or whatever, not even waitlist). They’ll be perfectly fine but how many of these happen before the colleges lose donations and the high schools get push back mot only to the gross tuition costs but the unending demands to give that are de facto required as additional expenditures for admission and continued enrollment.
Its even happening in Thomas Jefferson HS in Fairfax County, the top STEM school in Va, maybe even the country. ... e&ie=UTF-8
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Post by Farfromgeneva »

It may be a good thing to broaden high school distribution, even positively impact neighborhoods that had structural issues historically down the road, so I’m not opposed to this happening just a thought when catching up with my buddy a few weeks back .
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:53 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:17 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:15 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:01 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:37 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:34 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:55 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:02 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:52 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:13 am
ggait wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:02 pm I read maybe one piece on the lady. I’m sure there’s politics involved but do people who really pay attention and aren’t just hysterical in either direction have any critical (not necessarily negative) observations of her candidacy?
Harvard College, Harvard Law School, SCOTUS clerk, DC Court of Appeals judge. Identical credentials to John Roberts and Merrick Garland.

Same/better credentials than the other SCOTUS judges.

As I posted before, there are TONS of people with these qualifications and they come in all colors, genders and ideologies. So it was completely ridiculous for right winger trolls to suggest that designating a black/woman somehow meant you had to cut corners on qualifications.

You only need to cut the corners on credentials if you are looking for activist conservative judges who also check some diversity boxes. ;)
and all this time.....we thought actually, publically, advertize that they are only seeking a certain race to fill the wrong. illegal. the problem. Can you imagine ANY other place getting away with such illegal employee hiring?

How about just nominate someone, without the "race" part :roll:

The more intelligent way to have done this was to never mention race or sex as a prerequisite for the job, and then go ahead and nominate her anyway.
yeah, like Reagan and Trump. :roll:

This was a no-brainer promise to an important constituency to rectify a 'miss' made over a couple hundred years.

And in no way compromised the quality of the potential nominee pool.

I think that's the eye-opener from all this. The tremendous quality of the pool considered.

And the final 3 were off the charts.
Why not nominate a NON-Ivy league about "misses".

Cosmo club member........yeah, THIS candidate really will speak for the "minorities" of this country..........
RRR, yeah a real shame she managed to get into Harvard, did so well that she got into Harvard Law, did so well there that she got a series of very high profile clerkships then a SCOTUS clerkship, all along crushing it, then high paid law firm only to chuck that to go be a public defender and fight for less privileged...she's the only (or one of the only) Scotus nominees to ever have defended anyone in a criminal case...then has over 200 opinions on successively higher judgeships...but hey, maybe not "black" enough for you?

Come on. All these potential nominees were incredibly well qualified. She should be overwhelmingly confirmed...but there are too many folks who think solely as partisans.
Including you? Is that not the entire point of this discussion. Partisan, applies to much-much more than political affiliation. I know you understand the argument, but you will never admit the mere fact that we 'have to' [insert race, edu institution] into our public discourse. It has become a perpetual flaw of our society. Why is it you only hear about this type of stuff when it only applies to law and the anything with .gov?

You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you. ... -drew.html

We learned about him in elementary school.
:D Amazing how folks don't understand "why" we haven't heard about...

youth, not sure what you think I'm a "partisan" about. Yes, I was talking about "partisan" on behalf of a political party. Gotta vote against whatever the other party wants...that sort of partisan.

As an admittedly old-school moderate Republican, it's easy for me to say that voting "against", for partisan drill, is not the way it should be when in this sort of situation.

I'm a bit puzzled as to what your issue is with one's educational and then professional background being important to understanding the credentials and proven performance of someone being asked to do a very specific type of work.

We live in the Baltimore it not reassuring when you know that the neurosurgeon working on your friend or family member went to XYZ undergrad and then Hopkins Medicine, did their residency at Hopkins, and has progressed to the top of their profession, performed hundreds of such surgeries, innovated cutting edge surgical procedures?

Don't need that for lots of things, but I know it's reassuring to me.

As to race and gender, yeah, it matters to bring more perspectives into these decisions. But I don't want just any ABC check the box person, I want the very best of the best. Thankfully, there are many such available...couldn't really say that 50 years ago...thank goodness we can now.
There is a poster on our forum who ridiculed Ben Carson upside down, backwards and sideways for being inept and incompetent. This poster is a white somewhat like myself cantankerous old guy who hates with due diligence even a successful black man. I correct that, a talented black pediatric neurosurgeon who happened to be a conservative Republican. The audacity of Dr Carson for straying off of the FLP reservation.
Nope, Carson was a terrific surgeon...awful when he went into politics. Two very different fields.
Dr Carson's goose was cooked after he embarrassed BHO at the prayer breakfast. That was before he became political. That is when the FLP long knives came after him with a vengeance. That is also when YOUR party latched onto to him as a potential asset. ... &FORM=VIRE
Also quite the kook.
Some very, very strange "beliefs" beyond the political realm...

Maybe he was different, sharper, had his head screwed on, when he was younger coming up. My dad served on a school BD with him and found him always affable and a solid contributor. But somehow the wheels came off the bus as he grew older? Happens.

Look at Rudy.
"Look at Rudy."

Look at Joe... 10 years at least past his sell by date.
old doesn't mean you've lost your marbles, cradle. And Biden clearly hasn't lost his marbles.

If you want to say he's lost a step, ok.

BTW, can anyone of us imagine the physical and emotional challenge of managing the job right now?...yikes, just getting enough sleep has to be a huge challenge.

How about we put away the petty stuff and just root for success right now.
I'm willing to meet you half way here. I don't think Joe has lost all of his marbles but he is way beyond having just lost a step. I'm not concentrating on anything petty. I hope Joe has a plan. IMO the reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine was because he sized up Bidens resolve and came to the conclusion he would not get a better opportunity. What is that old cliche that opportunity never knocks twice? I would certainly be of the mindset to root for success. I don't know how you define success in this situation? I would have defined success as Biden having been able to convince Putin not to invade Ukraine in the first place. Joe now has to hope and pray that plan B works, whatever that plan is.
Ukraine is not on topic. And Putin was clearly wrong to make that estimation, if so.

Personally, I think it was more that Putin saw that Biden was being more and more successful in restoring coherence in NATO, the win by a more anti-Russian in Germany, and the continued development of Ukraine's commitment to democracy and the West, suggested to him that his strategic position would only grow worse with more time. And winter needed to be the time, as spring and summer the tanks would not have been moveable.

And he's an egomaniacal sociopath isolated from anyone who will say no to him...
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Post by Farfromgeneva »

Feels like he did some calculus to drive energy prices up and stress both the EU and USA, flipping the script from his bogus fight w SA when prices were low to jam up marginal US and shale producers, now he sees inflation as a topic (his bots and friends who help him on these boards) pushed as an agenda to weaken our country and so figured it’s a good time to get after it, before we really stop caring about oil altogether and he’s fubarred looking no stronger than Saudi without oil as a lever 15-25yrs from now.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:56 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:53 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:17 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:15 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:01 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:37 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:34 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:55 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:02 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:52 am
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:13 am
ggait wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:02 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:02 pm I read maybe one piece on the lady. I’m sure there’s politics involved but do people who really pay attention and aren’t just hysterical in either direction have any critical (not necessarily negative) observations of her candidacy?
Harvard College, Harvard Law School, SCOTUS clerk, DC Court of Appeals judge. Identical credentials to John Roberts and Merrick Garland.

Same/better credentials than the other SCOTUS judges.

As I posted before, there are TONS of people with these qualifications and they come in all colors, genders and ideologies. So it was completely ridiculous for right winger trolls to suggest that designating a black/woman somehow meant you had to cut corners on qualifications.

You only need to cut the corners on credentials if you are looking for activist conservative judges who also check some diversity boxes. ;)
and all this time.....we thought actually, publically, advertize that they are only seeking a certain race to fill the wrong. illegal. the problem. Can you imagine ANY other place getting away with such illegal employee hiring?

How about just nominate someone, without the "race" part :roll:

The more intelligent way to have done this was to never mention race or sex as a prerequisite for the job, and then go ahead and nominate her anyway.
yeah, like Reagan and Trump. :roll:

This was a no-brainer promise to an important constituency to rectify a 'miss' made over a couple hundred years.

And in no way compromised the quality of the potential nominee pool.

I think that's the eye-opener from all this. The tremendous quality of the pool considered.

And the final 3 were off the charts.
Why not nominate a NON-Ivy league about "misses".

Cosmo club member........yeah, THIS candidate really will speak for the "minorities" of this country..........
RRR, yeah a real shame she managed to get into Harvard, did so well that she got into Harvard Law, did so well there that she got a series of very high profile clerkships then a SCOTUS clerkship, all along crushing it, then high paid law firm only to chuck that to go be a public defender and fight for less privileged...she's the only (or one of the only) Scotus nominees to ever have defended anyone in a criminal case...then has over 200 opinions on successively higher judgeships...but hey, maybe not "black" enough for you?

Come on. All these potential nominees were incredibly well qualified. She should be overwhelmingly confirmed...but there are too many folks who think solely as partisans.
Including you? Is that not the entire point of this discussion. Partisan, applies to much-much more than political affiliation. I know you understand the argument, but you will never admit the mere fact that we 'have to' [insert race, edu institution] into our public discourse. It has become a perpetual flaw of our society. Why is it you only hear about this type of stuff when it only applies to law and the anything with .gov?

You seldom ever hear about race, or .edu backgrounds, when it comes to STEM. Which begs the question.....why is it that only the Ivy Leaguer's and lawyers seem to present themselves as the elitist's in the room, yet claim they are the furthest thing from it. It flirts with npd and narcissistic entitlement. Not implying this is you. ... -drew.html

We learned about him in elementary school.
:D Amazing how folks don't understand "why" we haven't heard about...

youth, not sure what you think I'm a "partisan" about. Yes, I was talking about "partisan" on behalf of a political party. Gotta vote against whatever the other party wants...that sort of partisan.

As an admittedly old-school moderate Republican, it's easy for me to say that voting "against", for partisan drill, is not the way it should be when in this sort of situation.

I'm a bit puzzled as to what your issue is with one's educational and then professional background being important to understanding the credentials and proven performance of someone being asked to do a very specific type of work.

We live in the Baltimore it not reassuring when you know that the neurosurgeon working on your friend or family member went to XYZ undergrad and then Hopkins Medicine, did their residency at Hopkins, and has progressed to the top of their profession, performed hundreds of such surgeries, innovated cutting edge surgical procedures?

Don't need that for lots of things, but I know it's reassuring to me.

As to race and gender, yeah, it matters to bring more perspectives into these decisions. But I don't want just any ABC check the box person, I want the very best of the best. Thankfully, there are many such available...couldn't really say that 50 years ago...thank goodness we can now.
There is a poster on our forum who ridiculed Ben Carson upside down, backwards and sideways for being inept and incompetent. This poster is a white somewhat like myself cantankerous old guy who hates with due diligence even a successful black man. I correct that, a talented black pediatric neurosurgeon who happened to be a conservative Republican. The audacity of Dr Carson for straying off of the FLP reservation.
Nope, Carson was a terrific surgeon...awful when he went into politics. Two very different fields.
Dr Carson's goose was cooked after he embarrassed BHO at the prayer breakfast. That was before he became political. That is when the FLP long knives came after him with a vengeance. That is also when YOUR party latched onto to him as a potential asset. ... &FORM=VIRE
Also quite the kook.
Some very, very strange "beliefs" beyond the political realm...

Maybe he was different, sharper, had his head screwed on, when he was younger coming up. My dad served on a school BD with him and found him always affable and a solid contributor. But somehow the wheels came off the bus as he grew older? Happens.

Look at Rudy.
"Look at Rudy."

Look at Joe... 10 years at least past his sell by date.
old doesn't mean you've lost your marbles, cradle. And Biden clearly hasn't lost his marbles.

If you want to say he's lost a step, ok.

BTW, can anyone of us imagine the physical and emotional challenge of managing the job right now?...yikes, just getting enough sleep has to be a huge challenge.

How about we put away the petty stuff and just root for success right now.
I'm willing to meet you half way here. I don't think Joe has lost all of his marbles but he is way beyond having just lost a step. I'm not concentrating on anything petty. I hope Joe has a plan. IMO the reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine was because he sized up Bidens resolve and came to the conclusion he would not get a better opportunity. What is that old cliche that opportunity never knocks twice? I would certainly be of the mindset to root for success. I don't know how you define success in this situation? I would have defined success as Biden having been able to convince Putin not to invade Ukraine in the first place. Joe now has to hope and pray that plan B works, whatever that plan is.
Ukraine is not on topic. And Putin was clearly wrong to make that estimation, if so.

Personally, I think it was more that Putin saw that Biden was being more and more successful in restoring coherence in NATO, the win by a more anti-Russian in Germany, and the continued development of Ukraine's commitment to democracy and the West, suggested to him that his strategic position would only grow worse with more time. And winter needed to be the time, as spring and summer the tanks would not have been moveable.

And he's an egomaniacal sociopath isolated from anyone who will say no to him...
I'm willing to meet you half way once more. I think you make a valid point when you say Putin is paranoid about NATO. IMO, I don't know why. Putin gambled that the timing was right to invade Ukraine. It is starting to look like that Vlad underestimated the Ukrainian resolve to defend their country. I also underestimated the resolve of the rest of NATO to grow balls and stand up to Putin. POTUS gives his SToU address tonight. I hope Biden can define to the American people people what his plan is. He is on the cusp of an impressive win if the Russian invasion of Ukraine falls flat on its face.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

You'll be disappointed if you try to watch the State of the Union tonight, cradle. ;)
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Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:50 am You'll be disappointed if you try to watch the State of the Union tonight, cradle. ;)
I won't be disappointed. I don't watch political propaganda and I am in bed most nights by 9pm. Roxy wakes me up by 5am because she has needs...

I hope Joe can stay awake long enough to enlighten the American people. As you we'll know.. it's a big effing deal...
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:04 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:50 am You'll be disappointed if you try to watch the State of the Union tonight, cradle. ;)
I won't be disappointed. I don't watch political propaganda and I am in bed most nights by 9pm. Roxy wakes me up by 5am because she has needs...

I hope Joe can stay awake long enough to enlighten the American people. As you we'll know.. it's a big effing deal...
It's tomorrow night.
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Post by Peter Brown »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:04 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:50 am You'll be disappointed if you try to watch the State of the Union tonight, cradle. ;)
I won't be disappointed. I don't watch political propaganda and I am in bed most nights by 9pm. Roxy wakes me up by 5am because she has needs...

I hope Joe can stay awake long enough to enlighten the American people. As you we'll know.. it's a big effing deal...

They’ll have him nap most of the day. At about 6 pm, he’ll be awakened, then pumped with a B1 intravenous. The window will be very tight for his state of mind and relative clarity, so you can guarantee the event stating right on time and ending promptly.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Stupid trolling.

The opposite of patriotism on display, yet again.
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Post by seacoaster »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:25 am Stupid trolling.

The opposite of patriotism on display, yet again.
Make him a "foe" and just ignore him. I left middle school a long time ago.
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Post by runrussellrun »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:01 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:04 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:50 am You'll be disappointed if you try to watch the State of the Union tonight, cradle. ;)
I won't be disappointed. I don't watch political propaganda and I am in bed most nights by 9pm. Roxy wakes me up by 5am because she has needs...

I hope Joe can stay awake long enough to enlighten the American people. As you we'll know.. it's a big effing deal...

They’ll have him nap most of the day. At about 6 pm, he’ll be awakened, then pumped with a B1 intravenous. The window will be very tight for his state of mind and relative clarity, so you can guarantee the event stating right on time and ending promptly.
than, wouldn't the pretend CONservatives best strategy do 5 minute standing ovation, every 5 minutes or so ? For every embellishment Mr. POTUSA utters. If I were GOP king, that IS exactly what I would be ordering all GOP members of Congress to be doing during the SOU address. Make Biden stay up there for as long as possible. :lol:

You watch.......the Dems won't go longer than 30 seconds, when they stand and clap.....and only within the first 10 minutes of the more Dems cheering Biden on, so he can wrap his lies up.

Smoking game.....everytime POTUSA mentions "community college" and "moving forward" , among others. Strangely, "climate change" didn't make the list. (most likely won't be mentioned, at all )

Ukraine is about fossil, there's relation to "climate".

Regarding our "rich people only" third pillar our govt. structure: the Courts

Will the Ivy league Supremes vote to end "white" priveledge anti trust exemption, this fall ? How is the Asian, class action lawsuit, going against Harvard.

Dred Scot was the rule of law, of the land. You go Supremes.........

We need to revamp our 3 pillar of govt. This clown (moi) has already bet big coin, that the Supremes will quietely extend the anti trust exemption. (NCAA ruling/athletes likeness etc , be damned :roll:

Our US Senate has confirmed some crazy choices for Federal judge roles.....over the years. Rachel Rollins/Boston, is one of them.4 Rebuild our court system. For starters, get rid of the idiotic, if not downright criminal, practice of prosecuting only "winnable" cases. Is EVERY grand jury indictment going to trail? much more.

As long as citizens united and Congressional insider trading stays intact. Remember, GUNS for the Ukraines......horrible USA citizens are racist, we need to take them ?

(4) US Marshalls laughed at Rollins request for "security detail". They caught her making up the "death" threats, other crap. Shhh, she's our Federal Judge now.

Can't we go back to States Legislatures choicing our US Senator's ? Themz was the days.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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