Yale 2019

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Re: Yale 2019

Post by Mid-Lax »

I agreed with no shut-off before last year season's tourney and, well, we know the outcome. Even the regular season game took a Reeves-led comeback to get the win. This season we've seen defensive lapses (especially early in games) that, at this point of the season, show there are wrinkles yet to be worked. So, it seems like something different is in order and not just the change of personnel from last year's graduations.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by Cheeseandcrackers »

Not a Yale fan (or non-fan, just a lax guy stuck in non-lax country) but I was at the game Sunday and Yale looked great. I especially liked the 10-man (which was employed exclusively in every situation live or dead ball until the game was in hand). The set up in back was 1-2-1 with #31 patrolling the middle of the field which he did very well and the goalie having the whole width in the back. UM's attackmen were "open" in the deep corners, but UM didn't have the skill to complete those long passes.
Does Yale use this ride all the time this year?
UM FOGO looked like he was going to give Irelan a run for his money, but he went out with a shoulder injury early and UM had no hope at the X thereafter.
The venue was good and the crowd (lots of youth and HS age players was good to see) pretty much filled one side of the stands. Weather was really nice. They had issues with the shot clocks which I believe were supplied by Georgia Tech's club team. Ref's were ok although they had one hiccup where they ended up picking up a flag after a long delay to "discuss".
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by joewillie78 »

Looking forward to a great game this Saturday. So here is my opinion on the #1 subject when you play the BIG RED:


First and foremost is the pride us Big Red fans take in knowing that we have the type of player that commands this type of amazing respect and attention. I have said it before and will say it again that Jeff Teat, is the best PASSER of the ball I have ever seen. He also has a pretty good shot, but his field awareness is incomparable.

That being said, I now believe that Cornell with the 5 players that normally compliment Jeff, Piatelli, Petterson, Fletcher, Donville and McColluch, feels more comfortable (that may not be the right word), that if you do want to shut off Teat especially with your best defender, and play 5 on 5 with this group, that Cornell still feels it has the advantage.

Also, I think the RED is also playing a little cat and mouse game with the shut-off, as I have now seen times where they shut Teat off, and Jeff kind of acts like he is a spectator, but then all of a sudden, he makes a move, uses a pick or screen, and BOOM, he is part of the play.

LOOK, If I am playing Teat and the RED, I would simply to choose to mix it up, keep the RED guessing, at times, are they shutting or not and go back and forth.

I know for us fans, it makes the Cornell games even that much more intriguing and fun to watch. The upcoming YALE game will be such a treat for ALL Lax fans but especially for us YALE/CORNELL fans. Cant wait.

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Re: Yale 2019

Post by ABClaxfan »

joewillie78 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:15 am Looking forward to a great game this Saturday. So here is my opinion on the #1 subject when you play the BIG RED:


First and foremost is the pride us Big Red fans take in knowing that we have the type of player that commands this type of amazing respect and attention. I have said it before and will say it again that Jeff Teat, is the best PASSER of the ball I have ever seen. He also has a pretty good shot, but his field awareness is incomparable.

That being said, I now believe that Cornell with the 5 players that normally compliment Jeff, Piatelli, Petterson, Fletcher, Donville and McColluch, feels more comfortable (that may not be the right word), that if you do want to shut off Teat especially with your best defender, and play 5 on 5 with this group, that Cornell still feels it has the advantage.

Also, I think the RED is also playing a little cat and mouse game with the shut-off, as I have now seen times where they shut Teat off, and Jeff kind of acts like he is a spectator, but then all of a sudden, he makes a move, uses a pick or screen, and BOOM, he is part of the play.

LOOK, If I am playing Teat and the RED, I would simply to choose to mix it up, keep the RED guessing, at times, are they shutting or not and go back and forth.

I know for us fans, it makes the Cornell games even that much more intriguing and fun to watch. The upcoming YALE game will be such a treat for ALL Lax fans but especially for us YALE/CORNELL fans. Cant wait.

I think this game could end up being very similar to the Penn St game. Teat's game has a lot of similarities to Grant Ament in the fact that they both are amazing passers, although Teat also has amazing wrists and can shoot with incredible accuracy. I don’t expect Cornell to win many faceoffs. I think this game comes down to Cornell's defense handling Yale's offense.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by Mid-Lax »

Good update Cheeseandcrackers. Seemed like a great setting fore the game with the Atlanta skyline in the background. Good info joewillie78. Agree that Shay will try to keep Cornell guessing, just don't think it will involve any shutoff. From a quick look at the stats, it certainly does look like BigRed is spreading things around. Do think Ierlan will do well, but, similar situation occurred in Cornell vs Towson resulting in an amazing C win. Still, I do like the Eli's chances as things have been progressively better. Should be a great game!
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by FannOLax »

This article was published before the Michigan game, but I think some points still hold. Like, “I don’t think we’ve played nearly the level of defense we expect to play here,” Shay said. “We have expectations and we’re not hitting them. People don’t realize we’re young on defense. We have guys who’ve played, but in different roles. Weitzel played midfield. Chris Fake is always on the ball, never off the ball. It’s not traditional youth, per se, but its inexperience.”
https://www.nhregister.com/colleges/art ... 676192.php
I think Yale's defense will improve substantially between now and May. I'm less sure how the Bulldog D will hold up against Cornell; so, as calourie indicated, I think Yale's fate this Saturday may ride on how well TD Ierlan and his wings do on face-offs.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by faircornell »

My guess is that clearing, riding and turnovers will be disproportionately keys issue in this game.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by DMac »

That's based on the Ierlan effect (FOGO, not GK)?
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by Mid-Lax »

1st half of game vs BigRed, really liked Brandau and Tevlin's aggressiveness and some great plays. Gaudet, Starr in great form, overall defense not letting hands get free and forcing turnovers, 10 man ride, and the prerequisite Ierlan on faceoffs. But, half game to go.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by Mid-Lax »

Nice job with the start of Ivy play, Elis. Outside of occasional shot placement, little to complain about. Nice job by Morrill too. Fake awesome defense.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by The Orfling »

Tremendous showing for Yale today. Keys to the game from my vantage point (old person in front of television):
  • Early strong work in the cage by Jack Starr to let Yale, which likes to frontrun, get out to a solid little lead;
  • Lax world, meet Mr. Matt Brandau -- every one of his goals today had a "stopper" quality to it -- Cornell tried a modified shut-off of Jackson Morrill and Brandau and Gaudet killed them for it;
  • Chris Fake had a superb outing against Jeff Teat;
  • And last but not least, TD Ierlan had another great day at the X -- taking away Cornell's margin of error.
Other things of note: Tevlin with some outside sniping; quietly excellent game by Morrill; a confident, clutch performance by Gaudet; a solid ride putting pressure on Cornell, especially early; some of those great Shay-era hustle plays -- winning at least two fourth quarter balls over the endline; Robert Mooney with a really good day at LSM; Aidan Hynes with a couple of really nice caused turnovers and GBs; some key man down stops by Yale; good day on the clears (90%).

Most importantly: amazing high-octane energy out of the gate and sustained for 60 minutes.

No game is perfect but with such a great win I won't even mention any of the more minor "areas for improvement!"
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by calourie »

If Yale plays with the intensity and focus they had today they will be tough to beat by whomever they face. Just about everything coalesced today for the Bulldogs, and it behooves one (referring to both fans and team) to remember that that condition can be fleeting. Starr' superb start was a key, Brandau stepping up, impressive riding, defensive swarming with good decisions, everyone seeming to be in the right place with the right attitude on both O and D. Hard to argue with the overall effort. Some niggling aspects to pick on, but I'm sure the coaches will pick them up and point them out during film sessions.

Bryan Tevlin's selflessness in foregoing playing in the next 3-4 games in order to donate bone marrow is jaw dropping. He has certainly come into his own the past couple of games. I had visions of that possibility and may have even had the temerity to mention that on the old Laxpower thread or even here at FanLax earlier this year though I'm too lazy to go back and find out. Anyway he has a really nice well rounded game, and after the first game or two this year has really bumped up his production, awareness and all out effort. Good luck to him in his upcoming ordeal. His absence doesn't worry me as much as it might have, given my observation that Yale has tremendous midfield depth, and several of those players could well use increased playing time to develop or in some cases even rediscover their games.

Brandau and Gaudet were fun to watch today. I chuckled when Daniggelis rifled in his high to high goal at the end of the game, as for almost the entire 4th quarter I had been cringing and grumbling at the TV about all the high to high shots the Yale Middies were taking as the game wound down. Work needs doing on EMO as well as MDD. Yale is a tough feisty team that's willing to risk some penalties as the price for being aggressive and it seems to pay off, but often leads to some very nervous moments with a shaky MDD when the games are close. Anyway great effort by all.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by FannOLax »

Yes, to The Orfling, and yes to calourie. I agree with much of what both of you say. I hadn't been aware of Brian Tevlin donating bone marrow; wow. And he really had a sweet game: not only his offensive production, but at the defensive end and also jumping back into the defensive half once to avoid an off-side when a long pole carried the clear. Really nice game, young Mr. Tevlin. Really nice game also by Jack Starr, who didn't deserve to concede Cornell's last goal. Kudos to the Bulldog defense, everybody who played defense today for Yale, a lot of improvement since the Penn State game, nice team effort and individual work by Fake, Hynes and others. Okay, sooner or later I have to say this: I suspect that when we play Cornell again in May (I could say "if," but it somehow seems inevitable), it will be a better, sharper, tougher Big Red team. Somebody sitting near me in the stands today said he thought that Yale is peaking too soon this season; I disagreed with him, and he conceded that there is still room for improvement. Until Danigellis's goal fairly late in the 4th quarter, Yale got no goals from its senior midfielders, and Dangles' goal was the only one; if I recall correctly, calourie had pointed out something like this in the past week or so. Okay, can't end this comment without paying some sort of tribute to TD Ierlan, Morrill, Gaudet and especially young Brandau. However, it was a team effort, and today Yale was clearly the better team. Let's keep improving, Elis; and again, I suspect Cornell will have far better days this season.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by faircornell »

Three cheers for Eli's men. Good luck the rest of the way.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by nyclaxfan »

Great recaps of Cornell game in previous posts. Some quick thoughts on game:

*Great team defense against Cornell as it appeared Yale decided to play its base defense against Yale as oposed to giving Teat extra attention. I thought 10, 47 and 31 all played well. Fake certainly had a solid game 1x1 on Teat, but Teat did not seem to iso challenge that much to create slides. I was expecting to see freshman 34, but did not notice him in base d.

*Yale was calm the entire game as they seemed to slow the game down.

*On offense, I thought Tigh would start the swing motion by immediately creating anxiety for the defense by threatening to shoot by challenging his man. Who is the third 1st line offensive midfielder as it seems Captain 4 comes in and out, or is he in the base offense?

*Yale’s second midfield line played very well together. I did not realize 12 had such a good box score until after the game as it was a team effort on o. Still, stellar game by 12.

*Starr had great saves to start the game and Yale had excellent clears.

*15 is very consistent, 44 is strong and very good and 41 looks like the future anchor.

Awesome game by Yale and a great environment!
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by The Orfling »

@nyclaxfan, excellent observations. It sounds like you had a much better experience in Reese Stadium than when you attended the Penn State game and I'm very glad to hear it. It's always great to get the report from those on this forum who can attend in person.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by joewillie78 »

Congrats to YALE who simply outplayed My beloved Big Red in just about every phase of the game. Some thought that with the graduation of Reeves, that you might take a step backwards, but this performance just shows how complete and well coached your team is. You have a great shot to repeat this year which I dont think has been done since....Princeton?

Hope we get a chance to meet again in New York, or in the NCAA's.

Good luck the rest of the year.

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Re: Yale 2019

Post by FannOLax »

joewillie78 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:04 pm Congrats to YALE who simply outplayed My beloved Big Red in just about every phase of the game. Some thought that with the graduation of Reeves, that you might take a step backwards, but this performance just shows how complete and well coached your team is. You have a great shot to repeat this year which I dont think has been done since....Princeton?

Hope we get a chance to meet again in New York, or in the NCAA's.

Good luck the rest of the year.

Thanks JoeWillie. As I said in my previous comment here, I think we'll have a Yale v Cornell re-match this May, and that the Big Red will play a lot better then. As for "a great shot to repeat," well, it is so difficult nowadays to repeat. My personal belief is that getting back to the Final Four would be a tremendous achievement considering not only Reeves but last year's other seniors (Keating, Warner, O'Connor, etc.). Yesterday Yale was 0 for 4 on EMO; shades of 2017, and something that needs to be improved. All of that being said, I do like the way this year's Bulldogs appear to be rounding into shape, developing... Today Yale won the basketball ILT; I reckon the lax team has a better shot of a national championship this year than the hoops team.
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Re: Yale 2019

Post by joewillie78 »

FannOLax wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:10 pm
joewillie78 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:04 pm Congrats to YALE who simply outplayed My beloved Big Red in just about every phase of the game. Some thought that with the graduation of Reeves, that you might take a step backwards, but this performance just shows how complete and well coached your team is. You have a great shot to repeat this year which I dont think has been done since....Princeton?

Hope we get a chance to meet again in New York, or in the NCAA's.

Good luck the rest of the year.

Thanks JoeWillie. As I said in my previous comment here, I think we'll have a Yale v Cornell re-match this May, and that the Big Red will play a lot better then. As for "a great shot to repeat," well, it is so difficult nowadays to repeat. My personal belief is that getting back to the Final Four would be a tremendous achievement considering not only Reeves but last year's other seniors (Keating, Warner, O'Connor, etc.). Yesterday Yale was 0 for 4 on EMO; shades of 2017, and something that needs to be improved. All of that being said, I do like the way this year's Bulldogs appear to be rounding into shape, developing... Today Yale won the basketball ILT; I reckon the lax team has a better shot of a national championship this year than the hoops team.
Besides your bad press on the admissions scandals, a great week for Yale sports. Congrats on Yale going to the big dance and I always root for,(and SCREW up my bracket by taking the ivy league team way too far), although I did do great in my bracket the year Cornell went to the sweet 16.

Cornell just isnt as complete a team as Yale and it showed this weekend. we have issues at FOGO, and our D is still a work in progress. We can score with anyone but you need all phases to be working in order to have a shot at the big prize. We are still a very good team, and we are dangerous on any given saturday, but we have work to do. Theit is still a long way to go and we have a great coach who seems to be able to fix things on the fly. Good luck to the B-ball team and your lax team the rest of the way.

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Re: Yale 2019

Post by calourie »

I think the EMO will pick up as the team starts to realize they can be a very good passing team which I think they were for most of the Cornell game except for the EMO. Seems EMO personnel is still a little unsettled or even undecided which stands to reason after the loss of Big Ben, even though the rest of the partiipants returned. In looking for the right combination both Brandau and Seesa have been inserted and it wouldn't surprise me if others whom I haven't noticed have also gotten some time. The fact of the matter is Reeves was Yale's best EMO player, and made all the others around him better. A player like that is virtually impossible to replace (unless you have a freshman come in with the skillset that Sowers and Teat had when they entered college) so some patience on the part of everyone for the chemistry to develop is probably required. The best EMO teams pass the ball around at a rate that makes the defense cross-eyed (Cornell had a couple of those Saturday against us). It takes time and some experience with success to make that level of execution second nature. Two years ago, even with Reeves, Yale never got there and it was a chink in their armor. This year we can only hope things come together more quickly. Lucas Cotler, an integral part of last year's highly successful EMO unit, who is a beast when he is on and was one of the most highly regarded high school midfielders to ever choose to come to Yale, has had possession issues early in this season as has been his tendency (the early season part) ever since he showed up. He has inevitably come around to become a very efficient and capable cog in Yale's offense as the seasons have progressed. I imagine he can do the same again both EMO and 6x6. Likewise EMO member Tigh's outside cannon has been a bit off target, the correction of which would and hopefully will make opposing MDDs extend out a bit more opening the middle for the various attackmen all of who have great inside skills. All this starts with sharp crisp stick to stick passing. Hopefully this is what evolves. Can't think of a better game to have it happen in than the upcoming away test against Princeton.
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