January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:24 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:43 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:33 pm The dissembling here is amazing. The need for the action at the Capitol was to delay the certification of the electoral college to give time to persuade Pence and others to steal the election by overturning legitimate votes.

The real sedition was the attempt to overturn the election of Biden and Harris. Nothing legal about it. And that is even more important to prosecute.

After months of taking exception to our pointing out that there was a disproportionate # of military vets and current or ex law enforcement personnel in the vanguard of the action, pooh poohing that there was any organization, Salty now wants to label these a-holes as just incompetents...and focus our attention on why the Capitol Police didn't open fire on the crowd, them darn incompetents defending the Capitol...all really to just draw attention from the BIG Crime, the actual effort to overthrow the election..

We were one man away from a Constitutional crisis. And before Pence's ultimate call to separate from that effort, teetering as he was, there were a series of other honest GOP officials who pushed back, any one or two of which going the other way might well have given Pence sufficient pretext to tilt the other way. Competing elector slates...throw it back to the State Legislatures...or better yet, directly to the House...Trump remains POTUS.

We were, really, really close.

But hey, "squirrel"...
:roll: ...just imagine how anti-climactic & boring it will be if none of your sky-is-falling predictions come about.

There was an organization. A bunch of disgruntled incompetent losers who had no chance of success.
Hmmm, Meadows, Navarro, Flynn, Bannon, Clark (ETC)...Trump...yup, a whole lot of "losers" involved...all those GOP false electors...all those sorrya-s GOP state AG's, Cruz, Hawley, Tuberville, 5 other Senators, 139 GOP House Reps...Jordan...the list goes on and on of those involved in the coup....and those whitewashing it since. Including you, Salty.

They came darn close.
All came down to persuading Pence. Who was teetering up to the last day...

Or persuading a couple of honest GOP elections officials, which would have made it easy to get Pence tipped...

Thank god it failed.

So... the attack will be reformulated, the recasting of who will be those deciding to overturn the elections, all based on fealty to the Big Lie.
Do you have any insight since your squarely ensconced in the land of make believe who the "real" shooter was in the grassy knoll? If these people are guilty of something then Garland should charge them with something if he can prove it. You folks have very vivid imaginations I'll give you that. There is what you know, what you think you know and what you can prove. If all of you are correct, this should be a slam dunk case for the A G.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Here's a pretty good explanation of the most important issue before us, the actual overruling of a valid election count.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 ... ng-vpx.cnn

Here are some of conspirators at the state level: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 ... -politics/

yes, morons and "losers"...but very, very serious.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:17 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:08 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:12 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:59 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:56 am
dislaxxic wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:10 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:40 amThe left is doing everything they can to gin up 1/6 for all the political capital they can get. That is why you never let a good crisis go to waste. The Republicans did the same thing with Benghazi. I have no problem with the Democrat party using every thing they can squeeze out of 1/6 for gaining any possible political leverage. My issue is portraying the riot of 1/6 as being an insurrection desiegned to overthrow the government and an election. I understand why the Dems are throwing that out. You throw enough stuff at the wall hoping something will stick. I'm still trying to figure this out. The Dems on this forum remind us every day how stupid right wing Republicans are. Then in the same breath give them credit for being so deviously clever to develope a plan to overthrow a legitimate election. How do stupid people do that? Right wing Republicans are capable of being incredibly dumb and clever all at the same time. That is quite an accomplishment indeed.
Au Contraire, Uncle Cranky. The evidence of a COUP is ALL OVER THE PLACE...smoking guns galore. Stupid is as stupid does, my friend and trying to say they're all just as stupid as all of us accuse them of being...is pretty stupid. To answer your question: "How do stupid people do that?" well, that's pretty obvious...they have a REALLY stupid person as their ideological leader, who then goes out and recruits stupid talking heads who then go out and convince other stupid followers, through the use of extensive lies and disinformation, into believing the stupid stuff they peddle. That's what grifters do. It's all manifestly stupid. And it's driving the ideology of the right these days in a broad swath of ways.

Evidence is ALL AROUND YOU here, my friend, and your insistence on looking the other way, obscuring your vision with the acts of the unwashed masses of stupid that descended on the Capitol that day...doesn't do a whole lot to mitigate the stupid.

There are many places to educate yourself. Take advantage, if you dare.

Trump's Electoral Forgery/Fraud

So a few thousand ignorant hillbillies with shotgun racks in their pick up trucks were going to overthrow our election. How were they going to pull this Houdini trick off? Do you even comprehend the stupidity of what you are implying? Maybe those Antifa folks in Portland would actually succeed in creating their own sovereign nation as well? I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble. We live in a country that spends 3/4 of a trillion dollars a year to defend our nation against all enemies.. foreign and domestic. I think there was never a point in time where the US Government was threatened by these clowns. Hey if that fantasy floats your boat, more power to you. You ever figure out who was hiding in the grassy knoll that day in Dallas?
Stop it, cradle.

The coup attempt was real, the violent "hillbillies" were just a small part.

The far more serious part was the attempt to literally ignore the election results, and instead accept the GOP electors sent instead and/or to use that confusion to throw it back to the GOP state legislators or directly to the House...all such resulting in Trump's installment ongoing. That effort involved a heck of a lot of people, elected officials, GOP activists....all the way up through the White House. Tons of evidence has already been revealed, much more to come.

We'll see if the vanguard of the violent part was communicating with the Trumpist "war room" as well (there's evidence of such) and hopefully what their game plan was...personally I think the original intent had been to have a very violent conflict happen with counter protestors (weapons cache) and then martial law to be declared. No counterprotesters, plan shifted to storming the Capitol, pressuring Pence. I hope we find out.
There was no coup attempt. Stop repeating that horsechitt just because you believe it. You make yourself look really foolish. I stand a better chance of paying no taxes this year than these dumb ass redneck hill billies had of overturning an election. You seem to think if you keep repeating the same horsechitt over and over and over and over that people will believe it. I was extremely angry at this assault on our Capital and the people involved. If a couple thousand unarmed hillbilly rednecks could actually organize a coup to overturn a US election then our country has bigger problems than we know. I know a bunch of anarchists in Portland didn't succeed in creating their own sovereign state. When you get back to the real world MD.. let's chat.
good lord, are you actually this out of touch with the news, cradle?

It's super clear this was attempted, heck some of them are admitting it...and tons of digital evidence.

Educate yourself.

Again, those in the violent part were mere low level 'brown shirts' in the effort. Not the leaders of the actual coup attempt. Yes, some of those in the organized vanguard of the violent part are guilty of "seditious conspiracy", and they may well have been part of the larger plan, but these a-holes are low on the totem pole.
I don't need an education from a FLP liberal republican. Go take your lie someplace else. If you believe it then more power to you. There is no mother effing way in hell what you claim to be a coup was anything more than a bunch of dumbass redneck hillbillies venting their anger. Even the Trumpist republicans when you cut to the chase knew where the theatrics ended and the destruction of a functional government began. You want to insist on calling it an attempted coup. You can keep making a fool of yourself. Why stop now? Mike Pence, who was mocked and ridiculed on this forum by every FLP democrat did what he was charged to do. End of coup, all them rednecks can go home and have a few beers. :roll:
Stop it. Do some homework on the actual coup attempt.
Ignore the violent part.

You needn't listen to me...do some reading.
Stop your nonsense. It wasn't a coup attempt. If that term floats your boat then who am i to argue. The ONLY person who could have done anything to advance your "coup" theory was VP Pence. That was NEVER going to happen. Any time you want to come back and live in the real world I'll be glad to welcome you back. Maybe in your frantic search you will discover who fired the shots from the grassy knoll. :roll:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by RedFromMI »

How A Serbian Scientist Helped Inspire The Oath Keepers To March On The Capitol
Aleksandar Savic spoke to TPM about his interactions with the Oath Keepers and background.
https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker ... pers-jan-6
The group’s leader Stewart Rhodes had been warning of conflicts around the election — including a potential “civil war” — for months. But by Nov. 7, the day major news networks called the election for Biden, prosecutors allege, Rhodes had a plan.

The target was to be the U.S. Capitol. According to a federal grand jury indictment last week, Rhodes shared his plan to march on the Capitol after coming across a video titled “STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE, HOW WE WON WHEN MILOSEVIC STOLE OUR ELECTIONS.” It was a guide to overturning Joe Biden’s election, citing the model of the popular revolt which ended the rule of Slobodan Milosevic twenty years earlier.

Rhodes sent that video to a group of Oath Keepers, prosecutors say, and claimed to be in contact with the video’s creator who was advising his group with a plan of action.

An archived Nov. 11, 2020 version of the Oath Keepers’ website (https://web.archive.org/web/20201111211 ... eep-state/) shows a letter from Rhodes embedded with the same video, thanking its creator, a “patriot from Serbia,” for “show[ing] us the way.”

TPM spoke on Monday with that “patriot from Serbia.” Now a Texas resident, the Serbian-born Aleksandar Savic discussed the video, his interactions with Rhodes, and his background. The news website MintPress first identified Savic as the creator of the video in January 2021.

Savic denied that his words incited violence.

“There are some very angry people citing other books, there are some people committing crimes from listening to rap songs,” Savic told TPM. “So, in lying that the one who is sending the words/message/whatever is solely responsible, is something that is not true.”
Lots more there - this is a quote from the Oath Keepers website:

A patriot from Serbia, who also loves America, shows us the way:

“What we have done, and what you probably need to do:

– Peaceful protests, good, well played round 1
– A complete civil disobedience, they are not your representatives. They are FOREIGN puppet government.
– Connect with the local police and start organize by neighborhoods to stay safe (we didn’t need this step)
– We swarmed the streets and started confronting the opponents. I know, not nice, but it must be done if the institutions stop to exist
– Millions gathered in our capital. There were no barricades strong enough to stop them, nor the police determined enough to stop them
– Police and Military aligned with the people after few hours of fist-fight
– We stormed the Parliament
– And burned down fake state Television!


However, we made a mistake. We have not removed ALL of his people from their positions.

That was the only mistake.

They are going to fight to the end, you must do the same.

Take that glorious flag from the chest. That old flag your ancestors flew while fighting for liberty.

Kiss your old Garand, and your Bible.

Do what you need to do.

You have it in your genes.

Make your grand-parents proud, and make your future grandsons proud.”

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

"good lord, are you actually this out of touch with the news, cradle?"

Looks like that's a "yes." Of course it was a coup attempt, and only limiting your field of view to the crazy deplorables pictured in the Capitol is myopic and inaccurate. It is no longer disputable that the drumbeat of setting aside an election that went against the incumbent started before election day, and continued thereafter with pressure on state election officials (GA, AZ, MI, PA) and, eventually, the delivery to Congress of faked certifications for at least five and maybe seven states. These were efforts in which the former President was either directly involved, or which he and his acolytes (Navarro, Junior, Bannon, rogue employees of the DOJ, others) allowed and advanced.

Why do you just repeat yourself, and focus only on the rabble that entered the Capitol? Maybe Kismet is right: it's only a troll.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Kismet »

https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/1 ... che-527359

"Oath Keepers planning to violently subvert the 2020 election stockpiled 30 days of supplies and a cache of rifles and ammunition just outside of Washington, D.C., prosecutors alleged in a late-night court filing.

Three “quick reaction force” teams set up at the hotel, prepared to ferry weapons into Washington to support the effort to prevent Congress from finalizing Biden’s victory. But the cache became “unnecessary,” prosecutors said, because the Oath Keepers at the Capitol — using the force of the pro-Trump mob that stormed the building — were able to get inside without additional support."

Nothing to see here...just a bunch of clowns.......... :oops: :oops:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by PizzaSnake »

Kismet wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:40 am https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/1 ... che-527359

"Oath Keepers planning to violently subvert the 2020 election stockpiled 30 days of supplies and a cache of rifles and ammunition just outside of Washington, D.C., prosecutors alleged in a late-night court filing.

Three “quick reaction force” teams set up at the hotel, prepared to ferry weapons into Washington to support the effort to prevent Congress from finalizing Biden’s victory. But the cache became “unnecessary,” prosecutors said, because the Oath Keepers at the Capitol — using the force of the pro-Trump mob that stormed the building — were able to get inside without additional support."

Nothing to see here...just a bunch of clowns.......... :oops: :oops:
Wasn’t just one QRF hotel and cache. There were a bunch of “clowns” with comm gear stationed at the Iwo Jima memorial (a stone’s throw from the Mall).

Who paid for the weapons and supplies? Mercers, Kochs?

Follow the money, as always.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Answer: probably.

Let's find out.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
Again, you don't appear to have much going for you in the way of reading comprehension, or a desire to learn about things. Take a minute to stop focusing on "the mob" that entered the Capitol, and turn instead to the President's and his functionaries' efforts to subvert the election before and during that mob action. If you can't, I think we can fairly conclude that you just don't really care about the state of the country.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:20 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
Again, you don't appear to have much going for you in the way of reading comprehension, or a desire to learn about things. Take a minute to stop focusing on "the mob" that entered th ofe Capitol, and turn instead to the President's and his functionaries' efforts to subvert the election before and during that mob action. If you can't, I think we can fairly conclude that you just don't really care about the state of the country.
Sorry counselor, what I lack in your eyes in reading comprehension I make up for in common sense. You may want to try an infusion of common sense in those old bones of yours. Rumor has it common sense even works for liberal lawyers. It ain't like your the wicked witch and Dorothy is hitting you with a bucket of water. You seriously believe these stupid, brain damaged FRC idiots were attempting a coup to overthrow the US government? The best they could do was take a chit in the hallway and one dumbass chose to prop his feet up on Nancy's desk. Whatever floats your boat counselor. IMO if there is to be an actual "coup" I want these same dumb ass mother effers in charge of it. You need to stop this line of horsechit you keep jabbering about. This country should be mother effing lucky that these stupid effing morons did what they did on 1/6/21. If these folks had actually had an effing plan.. you would have a legitimate gripe counselor. These same people may still be occupying the Capital still today, if they actually had a PLAN!!

No this is not a rant, I'm just calling out you folks that have no comprehension that there was no PLAN on 1/6/21. You should all be goddamn grateful that there wasn't an actual plan. Unless taking a chit in the halls of Congress was part of a plan to overthrow an election?
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by dislaxxic »

Man, lookit Cradle...he really OWNS us libs and all the FLP's around here. He's just a outright Legend in His Own Mind! :D

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:56 pm Man, lookit Cradle...he really OWNS us libs and all the FLP's around here. He's just a outright Legend in His Own Mind! :D

Reading is fundamental. Sigh….
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:59 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:56 pm Man, lookit Cradle...he really OWNS us libs and all the FLP's around here. He's just ya outright Legend in His Own Mind! :D

Reading is fundamental. Sigh….
Question for you counselor. I won't reply until you give me an answer. Your telling me that the individuals that stormed into the Capital building were all a part of a coup to overthrow an election if not the government. If your half the lawyer I think you are, you should already know my next question to you.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote:Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:56 pm Man, lookit Cradle...he really OWNS us libs and all the FLP's around here. He's just a outright Legend in His Own Mind! :D

If owning the libs was goal, people like you Dis would make it very easy to do. ;) BTW, the garden is hybernating nicely. Underneath a blanket of snow the parsley is still hanging in there. In your honor this year I'm going to find a spot in the front yard to plant some daisies. I'm thinking they would look nice next to the Black Eyed Susans. Too bad they bloom at different times.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:41 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
You could not find a more relevant link?? :roll:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:37 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:41 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
You could not find a more relevant link?? :roll:
It’s relevant. Thats the unfortunate part
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:44 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:37 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:41 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:08 am
seacoaster wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:38 am Question: was there any meaningful link between Trump or members of his Administration or his or RNC lawyers and the false certifications received from the seven states?

https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/fake-e ... 20113.html

"On Dec. 14, 2020, 20 prominent Pennsylvania Democrats gathered in Harrisburg — in a ceremony shorn of some of its pomp and circumstance because of COVID-19, but witnessed by a gaggle of reporters — to cast the state’s Electoral College votes for the president-elect, Joe Biden. They dropped their ballots in a wooden box designed by Benjamin Franklin.

Then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, who had certified that Biden defeated Donald Trump here by more than 80,000 votes, told the gathering, “Today you will follow the tradition of the first Electoral College that convened in Pennsylvania 231 years ago and cast your votes based on the outcome of that election, to carry out the will of the voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

But at another undisclosed location in Harrisburg, with no press coverage, a band of 20 top state Republicans had other ideas. Meeting at what they said was “the request of the Trump campaign,” the GOP luminaries — including two men now running for governor, former Congressman Lou Barletta and consultant Charlie Gerow — cast what they called “a procedural vote” that claimed Trump as the winner. The documentation claimed the ballots were cast just in case a court ruling or some other proceeding overturned Biden’s victory.

The existence of this vote was not a secret. It was even heralded by the Pennsylvania Republican Party in a news release, and mentioned by The Inquirer that day. But what wasn’t yet known on Dec. 14, 2020, was the full extent of plotting among Trump’s inner circle to have Vice President Mike Pence and Congress somehow invalidate Biden victories in battleground states like Pennsylvania — or that a violent pro-Trump mob would overrun the Capitol on Jan. 6, in an attempted coup to stop the certification of the legitimate electors."
A violent pro Trump mob??? GMAB, it was also then a violent mob that crashed the fence at Woodstock. That is quite the well coordinated coup attempt. When these effing idiots actually found their way inside the Capital building they wandered around aimlessly like lost children at Disneyland. I thought rule #1 of a coup would be to have a plan to achieve an objective. If these morons actually had a plan or an objective they sure did a great job keeping it so secret that even the violent Trump mob was unaware of it. :lol:
You could not find a more relevant link?? :roll:
It’s relevant. Thats the unfortunate part
I guess not all coups are created equal.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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