~46~ Lame Duck Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

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Peter Brown
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:59 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:29 pm Americans were asked about their recent shopping experiences:

53 percent say they are not finding groceries they want to buy at a grocery store;
50 percent say they are not finding consumer goods they want to buy at a retail/online store;
52 percent say they are experiencing long delays in the delivery of items they purchased.
You're seeing the temporary failure of the global free market, coming out of a pandemic. Customs clearances are fine, by all accounts, including mine.

Pretend you're running against Joe: tell me what you would do to fix the global supply chain.

I’m fairly sure I wouldn’t nominate a communist to be Comptroller of the Currency.

Or the Mayor of South Bend to be Sec’y of Transportation.

Or an eco terrorist to Bureau of Land Management.

Or a Steele Dossier criminal to be National Security Advisor.

Or a thoroughly useless California Senator to be my VP.

I can keep going if you want!

Some of them might not have CDL licenses to help on the supply chain crisis, but picking your team tells us if you’re qualified. On that count, Biden is canceled!!! :lol:
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:59 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:29 pm Americans were asked about their recent shopping experiences:

53 percent say they are not finding groceries they want to buy at a grocery store;
50 percent say they are not finding consumer goods they want to buy at a retail/online store;
52 percent say they are experiencing long delays in the delivery of items they purchased.
You're seeing the temporary failure of the global free market, coming out of a pandemic. Customs clearances are fine, by all accounts, including mine.

Pretend you're running against Joe: tell me what you would do to fix the global supply chain.
I doubt you'll get a single, constructive idea from your fellow posters that might have a snowball's chance in hell of actually being sufficient.

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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:49 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:46 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:25 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:23 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:45 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:06 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:32 am
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:57 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:31 pm Not until Republicans bury Trumpism, put a stake through it's vampiric heart, will the GOP remotely be capable of becoming a governing party.

Youngkin and DeSantis are unwilling to cut the ties with Trumpism, they are kowtowing at each turn to the social hater crowd that drives the Trumpist movement. Paul is among the very worst Trumpist bootlickers. George P is an embarrassment to his family; he's a Trump bootlicker. Rick Scott, too, is a Trump bootlicker.

Hogan and Baker yes, Romney yes, but they are darn few and far between.

A fan will tell you, and painfully I agree, that Republicans gave up on actually governing well before Trump himself rose to prominence. But at least they weren't actually trying to destroy democracy. Up until the Obama Presidency, they were at least ostensibly partners in democracy. Under Clinton, Gingrich, arguably, gave us the early warning sign of this non-governing impulse, but he too was, at least back then, willing to participate in the process of reaching compromise. And obviously W was a traditionalist, at the core, as a participant in democracy.

This broke in reaction to Obama's election.
Could you define Trumpism?
Its a moving target, one that waffles depending on which which way the wind blows, and is at the users discretion.....oh, and it can only applied to anyone with (r) by their name. ;)
Actually, there may be a few I Trumpists, though I think the polling indicates that almost all those have moved to R...mostly that was voters who rarely voted at all, some never before in decades of eligibility to vote. So, no prior affiliation. There may have been some D's originally as well, but those have moved too.

Trumpism is primarily the cult of the one man, whatever he says it is at any given moment. There do not appear to be any sort of firm principles, certainly not ones we'd recognize as 'traditional' principles. Except for loyalty to Der Leader.

So, rule of law simply doesn't apply TO Tump and Trumpists, only a tool against perceived 'enemies'. There is no objective truth, only the statements of Der Leader.

Thus, the Big Lie is embraced by Trumpists, non-Trumpists of all stripes easily reject it.

There are other 'policy' aspects, but note that these are fleeting, only useful in the moment to rally support to Der Leader. They could just as easily be jettisoned if no longer useful for that purpose.

And yes, there's a strong fascist element to Trumpism.
Elevation and loyalty to the 'strong' leader, hatred of 'enemies', demonization of the Other to explain various ills, frustrations, and anxieties, whether social or economic.
Wow. Rule of Law doesn't apply? So the FBI, the DOJ, SDNY, Mueller/Weissman and the US House of Representatives never really got him on anything criminal. The two impeachments were so weak only the Romney types gave them any credence. The House impeached because they felt like it.

I would counter by saying that most Trumpists were looking for results, and largely got them, in these areas:

1) Strong national defense
2) Tight border control
3) Low unemployment
4) More economic opportunity
5) Middle East peace accords

Also, I see way more demonization of the "other" coming from Dems. The unvaccinated, white men, law enforcement. I don't recall Trump ever calling fellow citizens terrorists, or siccing the DOJ on his enemies without cause. Maybe you're ok with Judge Garland targeting parents.
Reading Comprehension 101.

Did I say that every Trump voter is a Trumpist???

I quite understand that there were policy choices favored by some voters that aligned with what they thought Trump might favor. And that's a reasonable decision. People of good faith can disagree.

So, try reading what I wrote and try replying again.

But first, let me help you out.
Did Joe Biden win the election, fair and square, Yes or No?
Or did Trump actually win and was cheated out of the election? Yes or No?

If you have difficulty with this pair of questions, you're a Trumpist.

After that we can discuss what the rule of law means.
To answer your questions, Joe Biden is the President. This, in spite of the fact that several swing state Governors changed election law when under the US Constitution only state legislatures are vested with changing election law. Between mail out ballots and chain of custody issues, stopping the vote count in the middle of the night and kicking out Republican observers only to have large ballot dumps favoring Biden by huge margins, no I don't have confidence that all of the votes were legally cast.

Some anomalies for you:

- Trump won 19 of 20 historical "bellweather" counties.
- Polling at 53% on "Are your better off than 4 years ago?", Trump set the record. No candidate over 45% previously had ever lost.
- Trump had the highest vote % ever as an incumbent in the primaries. He was well above the threshold for prior Presidential winners, even with
little opposition.
- Biden won 477 counties. Even Obama won 873.

There are at least 15 more examples I could cite.

You're either being obtuse or willfully blind.
Ok, you're a Trumpist.
Got it.

You clear now on the definition?
OK, your obtuse/willfully blind.
Got it.

See how that works.

You would have more credibility if you would refute my assertions instead of resorting to playground name calling.
You asked for my definition, I gave you it, and you then self-qualified under that definition.

Are you offended to be called a Trumpist?
Proud Trump supporter. In fact, the more you hate him, the more I like him.
:lol: :roll:
Go ahead and be 'loud and proud'. That's your prerogative.

On your baloney about 'anomalies', the courts at every level have over and over again addressed each issue.
The very best legal counsel your Trumpist crew could muster have taken every bit of 'evidence' and claims they could find and presented them to the courts...yet lost and lost and lost. With GOP appointed judges, with Trump appointed judges, they lost. With GOP Secretaries of State, they lost. With GOP election officials, they lost.

I told you guys that Trump was an enormously dishonest, reprehensible human being, a liar and a cheat, before he won the GOP nomination. And at every turn since, he's proven that my assessment was true.

But hey, you be "proud".
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by dislaxxic »

Very enlightening back-'n-forth MD...thanks for engaging. It's always instructive to read these exchanges, to keep up what we're dealing here in the Age of Trump. You, me, Salty, several other conservative types around here... have all said they will be SO glad once DJT fades from the scene...which seems (now) like it won't happen anytime soon or without him kicking and screaming like a little b!tch the whole time. He truly needs to be locked up.

The fascinating thing about it is how Trumpism has infected the Republican Party with its very own brand of "Trump Derangement Syndrome". Not the brand that has all us leftist types really hating what he's done to the body politic, but the absolutely rabid "base" brand of TDS...those that follow him around like lemmings, not seeing how he's dragging the country down before our very eyes.

Vive La Resistance!

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
get it to x
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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by get it to x »

Kismet wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:58 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:23 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:45 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:06 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:32 am
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:57 am
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:31 pm Not until Republicans bury Trumpism, put a stake through it's vampiric heart, will the GOP remotely be capable of becoming a governing party.

Youngkin and DeSantis are unwilling to cut the ties with Trumpism, they are kowtowing at each turn to the social hater crowd that drives the Trumpist movement. Paul is among the very worst Trumpist bootlickers. George P is an embarrassment to his family; he's a Trump bootlicker. Rick Scott, too, is a Trump bootlicker.

Hogan and Baker yes, Romney yes, but they are darn few and far between.

A fan will tell you, and painfully I agree, that Republicans gave up on actually governing well before Trump himself rose to prominence. But at least they weren't actually trying to destroy democracy. Up until the Obama Presidency, they were at least ostensibly partners in democracy. Under Clinton, Gingrich, arguably, gave us the early warning sign of this non-governing impulse, but he too was, at least back then, willing to participate in the process of reaching compromise. And obviously W was a traditionalist, at the core, as a participant in democracy.

This broke in reaction to Obama's election.
Could you define Trumpism?
Its a moving target, one that waffles depending on which which way the wind blows, and is at the users discretion.....oh, and it can only applied to anyone with (r) by their name. ;)
Actually, there may be a few I Trumpists, though I think the polling indicates that almost all those have moved to R...mostly that was voters who rarely voted at all, some never before in decades of eligibility to vote. So, no prior affiliation. There may have been some D's originally as well, but those have moved too.

Trumpism is primarily the cult of the one man, whatever he says it is at any given moment. There do not appear to be any sort of firm principles, certainly not ones we'd recognize as 'traditional' principles. Except for loyalty to Der Leader.

So, rule of law simply doesn't apply TO Tump and Trumpists, only a tool against perceived 'enemies'. There is no objective truth, only the statements of Der Leader.

Thus, the Big Lie is embraced by Trumpists, non-Trumpists of all stripes easily reject it.

There are other 'policy' aspects, but note that these are fleeting, only useful in the moment to rally support to Der Leader. They could just as easily be jettisoned if no longer useful for that purpose.

And yes, there's a strong fascist element to Trumpism.
Elevation and loyalty to the 'strong' leader, hatred of 'enemies', demonization of the Other to explain various ills, frustrations, and anxieties, whether social or economic.
Wow. Rule of Law doesn't apply? So the FBI, the DOJ, SDNY, Mueller/Weissman and the US House of Representatives never really got him on anything criminal. The two impeachments were so weak only the Romney types gave them any credence. The House impeached because they felt like it.

I would counter by saying that most Trumpists were looking for results, and largely got them, in these areas:

1) Strong national defense
2) Tight border control
3) Low unemployment
4) More economic opportunity
5) Middle East peace accords

Also, I see way more demonization of the "other" coming from Dems. The unvaccinated, white men, law enforcement. I don't recall Trump ever calling fellow citizens terrorists, or siccing the DOJ on his enemies without cause. Maybe you're ok with Judge Garland targeting parents.
Reading Comprehension 101.

Did I say that every Trump voter is a Trumpist???

I quite understand that there were policy choices favored by some voters that aligned with what they thought Trump might favor. And that's a reasonable decision. People of good faith can disagree.

So, try reading what I wrote and try replying again.

But first, let me help you out.
Did Joe Biden win the election, fair and square, Yes or No?
Or did Trump actually win and was cheated out of the election? Yes or No?

If you have difficulty with this pair of questions, you're a Trumpist.

After that we can discuss what the rule of law means.
To answer your questions, Joe Biden is the President. This, in spite of the fact that several swing state Governors changed election law when under the US Constitution only state legislatures are vested with changing election law. Between mail out ballots and chain of custody issues, stopping the vote count in the middle of the night and kicking out Republican observers only to have large ballot dumps favoring Biden by huge margins, no I don't have confidence that all of the votes were legally cast.

Some anomalies for you:

- Trump won 19 of 20 historical "bellweather" counties.
- Polling at 53% on "Are your better off than 4 years ago?", Trump set the record. No candidate over 45% previously had ever lost.
- Trump had the highest vote % ever as an incumbent in the primaries. He was well above the threshold for prior Presidential winners, even with
little opposition.
- Biden won 477 counties. Even Obama won 873.

There are at least 15 more examples I could cite.

You're either being obtuse or willfully blind.
Can you cite a source for the anomalies you reference? Or is this your personal analysis? thx
Google is your friend.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:59 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:29 pm Americans were asked about their recent shopping experiences:

53 percent say they are not finding groceries they want to buy at a grocery store;
50 percent say they are not finding consumer goods they want to buy at a retail/online store;
52 percent say they are experiencing long delays in the delivery of items they purchased.
You're seeing the temporary failure of the global free market, coming out of a pandemic. Customs clearances are fine, by all accounts, including mine.

Pretend you're running against Joe: tell me what you would do to fix the global supply chain.
You are not listening, or intentionally phrasing the question to set up an intentional distraction of accountability. It is a very simple answer, one that true leaders provide.

Remember when trump was on TV every single day providing the US a download on all things CV-19? You know, something that impacted ALL AMERICANS and even the globe. A true leader provides transparency and articulates with clarity as best they can, what is going on, what is being done, and the incremental changes they are doing.....each day.

Shove Jen aside, she should not be that person to circle back around on this, it must be Joe...& not his surrogates in the media. Hell, even Kamala could do it to help her horrid ratings, if she cold avoid cackling the entire time. Maybe even have her, Pete, and Raimondo tackle it.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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get it to x
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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by get it to x »

Can you cite a source for the anomalies you reference? Or is this your personal analysis? thx

Google is your friend.

Also I noticed how you didn't dispute any of my assertions, just sources. Why not hold me to the same standard on sources you grant your preferred media. Looks like WAPO and NYT are having to backtrack on the Steele Dossier as we speak.
"I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", Groucho Marx
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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by Kismet »

get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:06 pm

Google is your friend.
Also I noticed how you didn't dispute any of my assertions, just sources. Why not hold me to the same standard on sources you grant your preferred media. Looks like WAPO and NYT are having to backtrack on the Steele Dossier as we speak.
I didn't say anything except to ask you a question about the source of your information. No mention of the Steele dossier or any other subject. Any implied motive is in your head and not mine.
I did try Google and got NADA - so hence my question to you
Any reason why you cannot or won't answer the question?
get it to x
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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by get it to x »

Kismet wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:15 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:06 pm

Google is your friend.
Also I noticed how you didn't dispute any of my assertions, just sources. Why not hold me to the same standard on sources you grant your preferred media. Looks like WAPO and NYT are having to backtrack on the Steele Dossier as we speak.
I didn't say anything except to ask you a question about the source of your information. No mention of the Steele dossier or any other subject. Any implied motive is in your head and not mine.
I did try Google and got NADA - so hence my question to you
Any reason why you cannot or won't answer the question?
You didn't try very hard, even with Google's biased algorithim.

https://www.newsweek.com/more-voters-be ... sh-1537759
"I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member", Groucho Marx
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Re: ~46~ Let's go Brandon! ~46~

Post by Kismet »

get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:24 pm
Kismet wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:15 pm
get it to x wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:06 pm

Google is your friend.
Also I noticed how you didn't dispute any of my assertions, just sources. Why not hold me to the same standard on sources you grant your preferred media. Looks like WAPO and NYT are having to backtrack on the Steele Dossier as we speak.
I didn't say anything except to ask you a question about the source of your information. No mention of the Steele dossier or any other subject. Any implied motive is in your head and not mine.
I did try Google and got NADA - so hence my question to you
Any reason why you cannot or won't answer the question?
You didn't try very hard, even with Google's biased algorithim.

https://www.newsweek.com/more-voters-be ... sh-1537759
The source article is from BEFORE the election and no mention of any of the detailed statistics about the election and why the results are suspect that you made in your post.

Here is the information you posted that I was referring to in my source query
Some anomalies for you:

- Trump won 19 of 20 historical "bellweather" counties.
- Polling at 53% on "Are your better off than 4 years ago?", Trump set the record. No candidate over 45% previously had ever lost.
- Trump had the highest vote % ever as an incumbent in the primaries. He was well above the threshold for prior Presidential winners, even with
little opposition.
- Biden won 477 counties. Even Obama won 873.

There are at least 15 more examples I could cite.
I' ll grant you only #2 and #3 as pre-election figures which are meaningless to the actual outcome in any event
If you want to continue to play it this way, say so and I'll move on.
Last edited by Kismet on Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
a fan
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:05 pm You are not listening, or intentionally phrasing the question to set up an intentional distraction of accountability. It is a very simple answer, one that true leaders provide.
No, I'm telling you that Biden isn't in charge of manufacturing in China. Or France. Or England. Or Canada. Or since we're at it...the US.

I'm dealing with glass shortages from our manufacturer in Mexico, using Georgia sand (the US State). They're behind. Know why? Because companies around the globe have been shut down over the past few years, and now demand is surging as we exit the shutdowns. So add factory shutdowns with a surge in demand and you get....shortages.

Tell me: what's Biden going to do to help change that? I'll wait.

What YOU are thinking (I'd guess) about are the California ports. And as I cited for other posters----he started working on that in June. And here's his report on TV last month. The ports are a small part of the supply chain problem, YA.

BTW, what would you have said if I said "why isn't Trump reporting daily, in person, on the China/EU trade wars. A good leader leads, and communicates".

You wouldn't have been able to type the acronym TDS fast enough. ;)
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by kramerica.inc »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:59 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:29 pm Americans were asked about their recent shopping experiences:

53 percent say they are not finding groceries they want to buy at a grocery store;
50 percent say they are not finding consumer goods they want to buy at a retail/online store;
52 percent say they are experiencing long delays in the delivery of items they purchased.
You're seeing the temporary failure of the global free market, coming out of a pandemic. Customs clearances are fine, by all accounts, including mine.

Pretend you're running against Joe: tell me what you would do to fix the global supply chain.
First you start at home, with what you can control:
Trump bought all that cheap oil- Tap strategic oil reserves to make gas cheaper.
Reverse any federal vaccine mandates for non-contact truckers.
Ask my head of transportation to not take any time off until this mess is fixed.
Remind and encourage state governors that they can use the national guard to expedite the backlog at docks/ports etc.
Bring in the DoD and use in-place contract vehicles to help with transportation/logistics.
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by youthathletics »

kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:29 pm Americans were asked about their recent shopping experiences:

53 percent say they are not finding groceries they want to buy at a grocery store;
50 percent say they are not finding consumer goods they want to buy at a retail/online store;
52 percent say they are experiencing long delays in the delivery of items they purchased.
a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:28 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:05 pm You are not listening, or intentionally phrasing the question to set up an intentional distraction of accountability. It is a very simple answer, one that true leaders provide.

Remember when trump was on TV every single day providing the US a download on all things CV-19? You know, something that impacted ALL AMERICANS and even the globe. A true leader provides transparency and articulates with clarity as best they can, what is going on, what is being done, and the incremental changes they are doing.....each day.

Shove Jen aside, she should not be that person to circle back around on this, it must be Joe...& not his surrogates in the media. Hell, even Kamala could do it to help her horrid ratings, if she cold avoid cackling the entire time. Maybe even have her, Pete, and Raimondo tackle it.
No, I'm telling you that Biden isn't in charge of manufacturing in China. Or France. Or England. Or Canada. Or since we're at it...the US.

I'm dealing with glass shortages from our manufacturer in Mexico, using Georgia sand (the US State). They're behind. Know why? Because companies around the globe have been shut down over the past few years, and now demand is surging as we exit the shutdowns. So add factory shutdowns with a surge in demand and you get....shortages.

Tell me: what's Biden going to do to help change that? I'll wait.

What YOU are thinking (I'd guess) about are the California ports. And as I cited for other posters----he started working on that in June. And here's his report on TV last month. The ports are a small part of the supply chain problem, YA.

BTW, what would you have said if I said "why isn't Trump reporting daily, in person, on the China/EU trade wars. A good leader leads, and communicates".

You wouldn't have been able to type the acronym TDS fast enough. ;)
I added the context of the entire discussion back in the thread....before you take us deeper down a black hole. This all started with polling and feedback from Americans. You then spun it back into the a binary partisan issue...which you love to to do. Then parse quotes to get us off on a tangent.

My reply directly addresses what Joe can, and should do, in order to change those percentages. You can not control what you can not manage....he can certainly manage...the messaging, demonstrate leadership and confidence to the American people.

EDIT: Just saw Kramer's post. Put all this together and we ALL make progress and feel a bit better about this debacle.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:37 pm First you start at home, with what you can control:
Trump bought all that cheap oil- Tap strategic oil reserves to make gas cheaper.
Reverse any federal vaccine mandates for non-contact truckers.
Ask my head of transportation to not take any time off until this mess is fixed.
Ok. Tap the reserves. That has nothing to do with the supply chain.

Vacccine mandates aren't the problem, but ok.

Pretty sure he's on #3.

All reasonable suggestions, Kram.
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:37 pm Remind and encourage state governors that they can use the national guard to expedite the backlog at docks/ports etc.
Bring in the DoD and use in-place contract vehicles to help with transportation/logistics.
So....Federalize? Isn't this what your team has been fighting against for the last 20 years?

Logistics experts doubt that would help. But ok. Do that, too.

You know, if you'll recall I made similar suggestions multiple times during Trump's tenure on things like Trump's fake Trade War with China.

Know what response I got from teamTrump on the Forum? TDS. Or "be patient". I'm guessing you wouldn't like it much if I gave you that response, right?

These are all reasonable ideas, Kram. Thank you.
a fan
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:44 pm I added the context of the entire discussion back in the thread....before you take us deeper down a black hole. This all started with polling and feedback from Americans. You then spun it back into the a binary partisan issue...which you love to to do.
He posted that in the "Unfit Joe Biden" thread. Am I supposed to assume Kram accidentally put this all at Biden's feet? Come on. I gave the proper response, and you know it.
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:44 pmThen parse quotes to get us off on a tangent.
I have done that for almost 20 years here to clarify what I'm responding to, YA. Makes it easier on the eyes than the posters who simply hit "quote', and we wind up with an unreadable and cluttered format. I'm trying to make my thoughts MORE clear, not less.
youthathletics wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:44 pm My reply directly addresses what Joe can, and should do, in order to change those percentages. You can not control what you can not manage....he can certainly manage...the messaging, demonstrate leadership and confidence to the American people.
He has done just that. Just not enough to your liking. Again: if I ripped Trump for not communicating enough about the Trade Wars? You would have laughed me off the forum, and you know it. You're not holding Biden to the same standard you held Trump. Which is kinda the underlying theme to nearly 15 years of water Cooler Postings.... ;)
Peter Brown
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:00 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:37 pm First you start at home, with what you can control:
Trump bought all that cheap oil- Tap strategic oil reserves to make gas cheaper.
Reverse any federal vaccine mandates for non-contact truckers.
Ask my head of transportation to not take any time off until this mess is fixed.
Ok. Tap the reserves. That has nothing to do with the supply chain.

Vacccine mandates aren't the problem, but ok.

Pretty sure he's on #3.

All reasonable suggestions, Kram.
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:37 pm Remind and encourage state governors that they can use the national guard to expedite the backlog at docks/ports etc.
Bring in the DoD and use in-place contract vehicles to help with transportation/logistics.
So....Federalize? Isn't this what your team has been fighting against for the last 20 years?

Logistics experts doubt that would help. But ok. Do that, too.

You know, if you'll recall I made similar suggestions multiple times during Trump's tenure on things like Trump's fake Trade War with China.

Know what response I got from teamTrump on the Forum? TDS. Or "be patient". I'm guessing you wouldn't like it much if I gave you that response, right?

These are all reasonable ideas, Kram. Thank you.

If any of you ever go to a restaurant and you make an offhand observation that the service sucks, a fan will demand that you tell him how YOU would do any better!!! :lol:

Literally no lacrosse forum will ever solve the ‘supply chain crisis’, which isn’t a big deal anyway as a fan assures the reader Joe is on top of (‘pretty sure he’s on #3!’ :lol: ). Joe can’t handle a one minute press conference, but he’s def on top of the supply chain crisis. :lol:

a fan, you know what people do when they think the restaurant sucks? They go elsewhere.

That’s what’s happening with voters today, deciding who is better at running the restaurant; they ain’t too concerned with how to fix it (most don’t know what the back house of a restaurant even means), they just want the right leader in the seat. They want better service! They have to pay either way.

I’m sorry your boy ain’t up to the task.

Waiter, bring me the check!!!
a fan
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:09 pm That’s what’s happening with voters today, deciding who is better at running the restaurant; they ain’t too concern with how to fix it
Pete sez "vote for little R's, they'll fix everything!!!"

Hey Pete, how are they going to do that? "Oh, I have no freaking clue. All I know is that the little R's fix everything".

UFlorida commie education rearing its head again, Pete? ;)

Edit to Add: Pete and his commie buddies think that the Federal Government should operate our supply chain.

Neat, Pete. Should we Federalize factories, too, Pete? Or just transportation, warehousing, etc?
Peter Brown
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:14 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:09 pm That’s what’s happening with voters today, deciding who is better at running the restaurant; they ain’t too concern with how to fix it
Pete sez "vote for little R's, they'll fix everything!!!"

Hey Pete, how are they going to do that? "Oh, I have no freaking clue. All I know is that the little R's fix everything".

UFlorida commie education rearing its head again, Pete? ;)

Edit to Add: Pete and his commie buddies think that the Federal Government should operate our supply chain.

Neat, Pete. Should we Federalize factories, too, Pete? Or just transportation, warehousing, etc?

Why do you hate commies like me so much?!?

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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

It's those pretend capitalists, secret commies, (like Petey), that have infiltrated our country; they are the actual red danger, Fifth Column???

Did Petey really inherit his money, hang out at his frat at Gator U instead of going to class, or is he really a 'cicada' and that's all cover story?
a fan
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Re: ~46~ Unfit Uncle Joe Biden ~46~

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:34 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:14 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:09 pm That’s what’s happening with voters today, deciding who is better at running the restaurant; they ain’t too concern with how to fix it
Pete sez "vote for little R's, they'll fix everything!!!"

Hey Pete, how are they going to do that? "Oh, I have no freaking clue. All I know is that the little R's fix everything".

UFlorida commie education rearing its head again, Pete? ;)

Edit to Add: Pete and his commie buddies think that the Federal Government should operate our supply chain.

Neat, Pete. Should we Federalize factories, too, Pete? Or just transportation, warehousing, etc?
Why do you hate commies like me so much?!? :lol:
Everyone needs a hobby!

And Pete? When you turn the trolling off, as you do now and again? I enjoy the banter. Maybe try turning it off for a while?

Because in case you haven't noticed? There isn't a single Biden fan on this board. Not one. But that doesn't mean that we're going to blame the guy for nonsense that he has no control over, ya know?
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