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Peter Brown
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Re: 2024

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:58 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:36 pm That is ‘mostly’ true. If you vote for a Republican, your life will indeed be monumentally better. Your family will be safer. Your business will thrive. It’s like being on Wonkaland. You know it. We all know it. :lol:
Not even remotely true. Regardless of party in charge. my family has done great. The top 20% earners will always do fine, regardless of policy, regardless of 1st world nation, in fact.

What's at stake are the bottom 80% earners, Pete. The folks that have been getting screwed, for oh, about 40 years. Last thing we did for them? Great Society. Before that? The Gi Bill.
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:36 pm As far as what Desantis does for your two issues, I have no idea what he will decide to do on the actual decisions. What I do know he will do is assemble great leaders who will collectively arrive at a great decision, no matter the issue. That, I know. Desantis surrounds himself with superb talent who don’t talk to press behind his back, and they realize there is a larger goal running Florida than scoring political points or elevating Ron…I know several well. Ron will be the first real leader america has had since Eisenhower.
I'd be willing wager any amount you'd care to pony up.... that any issue you name will be unsolved after four years of DeSantis, assuming he wins. Your party doesn't know what to do about ANY major issues, which is why they have done nothing outside of enrich the liberal coastal elites every chance you give them...for decades.

I find it hilarious that you don't know what to do, either. It ain't hard. At issue is the will do do what's needed. We already know what we need to do.
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:36 pm When your buddies in the press attack that guy, voters see through the BS. I encourage you to continue!!! :lol:
Not my buddies, Pete. And they're not libs. They're workers for multinational corporations----the largest the world has ever seen. But sure keep telling us that people who work for multinational corporations are bomb-throwing hippy liberals. I'm sure YOU believe that...but again, where did you to to educate yourself, Pete?! ;)

One of the thousand reasons libs like MD hate Ron is he is a leader who actually makes change. He tasks his staff with reasonable but tough timelines and goals. And he expects them to respond. He’s the first Republican governor in my lifetime that actually makes change. And his staff respects him so much, none of them gossip to the press; they put their heads down and get to work, every day.

You have to remember about Ron that he was a college athlete (Youngkin too) but also a Marine. He’s all about intelligent forward motion. He’s not about sitting on his arse, seeking others’ approval.

I’m telling you, none of you have seen a guy like this in your lifetime. You’re so used to the useless politicians we all know. Ron scares the bejesus out of even his Republican peers, because he shames them in relative comparison. Abbott has a team now that tracks every decision that Ron makes, trying to get ahead of Ron on press releases and real decisions. One reason governors like Noem and Lee are starting to see their internal numbers decline is because their voters want a Desantis leader, not folks too timid to lead.

Wait….you’re in for a great surprise.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:06 pm I’m telling you, none of you have seen a guy like this in your lifetime. You’re so used to the useless politicians we all know. Ron scares the bejesus out of even his Republican peers, because he shames them in relative comparison. Abbott has a team now that tracks every decision that Ron makes, trying to get ahead of Ron on press releases and real decisions. One reason governors like Noem and Lee are starting to see their internal numbers decline is because their voters want a Desantis leader, not folks too timid to lead.

Wait….you’re in for a great surprise.
And you're in for a massive wager with me---that he won't do diddly to help Trump's forgotten voters. I have no trouble voting Republican.

But what you're gonna find if he wins is----he hasn't the slightest idea as to how to help the bottom 80% of Americans, without simply lifting liberal plans from Bernie et. al, and dropping the letter R next to it.

If he's the man to do that? Great. But from what I've seen? He's all hat, and no cattle.
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Re: 2024

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:45 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:29 am No, I am not blaming lefties, and I do not believe tech is saying that either. as in each of my examples, both sides are at fault for creating the situation, but the one that gets the flag thrown on them is quite often the one that was provoked....MDLAX blaming the right because they lash out.
Both sides are responsible for their own actions. Agree!
No doubt
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:42 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:19 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
Yes, anger and hate typically begets anger and hate, violence begets violence.

And there's indeed a significant strain of such on the left, and that indeed bubbles out in various ways violently. Sometimes major conflagrations, eg riots.

And yes, the media profits from the heat and strife.

All that said, there's no question in my mind that the danger of actually breaking our democracy, including through violence, is definitely far stronger coming from the right. Both the rhetoric and the actions of the right wing, their political representatives, their media cheerleaders and other con artists, and importantly their supporters, are far, far more strident, more violently expressed, and far more directly aimed at breaking democratic norms, guard rails, and simple decency.

It's not close.

But it could be in another iteration.

And I'm sure you get the reference to the "storm" which has a very specific meaning to those on that hard right.

As to "fever", I of course mean the cultish fever of Trumpists and the Big Lie. There was a chance that the revulsion decent Republicans would feel to Jan 6 would break that fever in the party, but it did not. It's instead redoubled in intensity and denial...even more cultish.
"cultish"? That's just silly. How about simply a reaction to four years of subterfuge driven by Dems assisted by the liberal media?

You reap what you sow. Of course you see everything from one POV only. Sad.
I think I said quite the opposite, definitely can be traced to various issues coming from the "left". Gay marriage, Black POTUS...these blew many people's minds. Less problematic, but very serious, is that liberals lost sight of the reality of middle America's economic issues, the massive shift in economic fortunes of coastal "elites" versus working class, small town and rural America. Couple that with strident rhetoric from the left and there was certainly an opening for the anxiety to be given voice by an egomaniac like Trump. Starting with the demonization of "Mexicans" and "Muslims", this played to both the prejudices and the economic anxieties.


The nonsense about "subterfuge by Dems assisted by the liberal media" is just right wing propaganda, but there is truth in your basic point.

But we had 4 years of active destruction of all restraints, all fundamental respect and trust in democracy and the rule of law. Were there those on the left who contributed? Sure. But we now have the Big Lie and the coverup of Jan 6...we're toast if we continue down this path.

Here's the thing: if the right wing abandon democracy as they are doing, this country really will come apart at the seams, and the numbers are not on the side of the right wing...if it get's really ugly, katy bar the door for all the things you fear from the left.
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Re: 2024

Post by Farfromgeneva »

I honestly have always like Christie. Would vote for him over most Dems though doubt he’s got a shot but he basically mushroom stamped Trump forehead with his comment in this interview.

Axios on HBO" exclusive: Christie taunts Trump for losing
Mike Allen
Mike Allen, author of AM

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, lacing up for a possible presidential run in 2024, told "Axios on HBO" he won't back down from a fight with former President Donald Trump, taunting his longtime friend for losing the last election.

"I've never walked away from an argument, no matter who stood on the other side," Christie told me during a wide-ranging interview in New Jersey.
Why it matters: This is the first hand-to-hand combat of the 2024 Republican presidential race.

Many Republican candidates fear crossing Trump. But Christie — who said he still considers Trump a friend, despite their falling-out over the president's behavior during the Jan. 6 riot — relishes political combat.
What's happening: Christie got great press for remarks he made last weekend at the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, where he argued Republicans need to focus on future fights rather than rehashing the 2020 election.

That got under Trump's skin. He issued a harsh statement Monday saying Christie "was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud."
"Everybody remembers," Trump added, "that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low, and they didn’t want to hear this from him!"
Christie had a zinger ready when I sat down with him Tuesday.

"I'm not gonna get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump," the former governor told me. "But what I will say is this: When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60% of the vote. When he ran for reelection, he lost to Joe Biden."
"I'm happy to have that comparison stand up, because that's the one that really matters," Christie added.

Christie said he's made a conscious decision "that I want to spend my time combating the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — and trying to help Republicans win governorships and the House and the Senate in 2022."

"This is not an argument that I'll walk away from," Christie added. "I think it's much more productive to fight those policies than to fight with other Republicans."
Fact check: Christie's approval rating in the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll when he left the governorship in January 2018 was 19 percent.

Mike Allen's interview with former Chris Christie airs Sunday on "Axios on HBO," at 6 p.m. ET on HBO and HBO Max.
Editor's note: This story was first published on Thursday, Nov. 11.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
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Re: 2024

Post by Kismet »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 9:14 pm I honestly have always like Christie. Would vote for him over most Dems though doubt he’s got a shot but he basically mushroom stamped Trump forehead with his comment in this interview.

Axios on HBO" exclusive: Christie taunts Trump for losing
Mike Allen
Mike Allen, author of AM

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, lacing up for a possible presidential run in 2024, told "Axios on HBO" he won't back down from a fight with former President Donald Trump, taunting his longtime friend for losing the last election.

"I've never walked away from an argument, no matter who stood on the other side," Christie told me during a wide-ranging interview in New Jersey.
Why it matters: This is the first hand-to-hand combat of the 2024 Republican presidential race.

Many Republican candidates fear crossing Trump. But Christie — who said he still considers Trump a friend, despite their falling-out over the president's behavior during the Jan. 6 riot — relishes political combat.
What's happening: Christie got great press for remarks he made last weekend at the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, where he argued Republicans need to focus on future fights rather than rehashing the 2020 election.

That got under Trump's skin. He issued a harsh statement Monday saying Christie "was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud."
"Everybody remembers," Trump added, "that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low, and they didn’t want to hear this from him!"
Christie had a zinger ready when I sat down with him Tuesday.

"I'm not gonna get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump," the former governor told me. "But what I will say is this: When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60% of the vote. When he ran for reelection, he lost to Joe Biden."
"I'm happy to have that comparison stand up, because that's the one that really matters," Christie added.

Christie said he's made a conscious decision "that I want to spend my time combating the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — and trying to help Republicans win governorships and the House and the Senate in 2022."

"This is not an argument that I'll walk away from," Christie added. "I think it's much more productive to fight those policies than to fight with other Republicans."
Fact check: Christie's approval rating in the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll when he left the governorship in January 2018 was 19 percent.

Mike Allen's interview with former Chris Christie airs Sunday on "Axios on HBO," at 6 p.m. ET on HBO and HBO Max.
Editor's note: This story was first published on Thursday, Nov. 11.
This from the guy who closed all the beaches in NJ and then proceeded to use the beach with his family at a Governor's property on the shoreline.
Also the guy whose staff arranged to close access to the George Washington Bridge from Fort Lee during rush hour as an act of political retribution against the mayor who did not issue public support for his re-election. The resultant traffic jam took hours to untangle during which time emergency response in the city was essentially inactive as rescue/EMT/ambulances were all stuck in snarled traffic. People died. He had the balls to say he had no idea what his staff was doing but didn't participate in any way to clean up the mess. Had he been eligible to run for the 3rd term he would have lost.
Just another overweight loudmouth politician who hugged the enemy (Obama) when it was convenient for Federal aid after Sandy.
Last edited by Kismet on Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:14 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
I do agree that the demonization is an issue infecting both sides. But the right's willingness to flirt with and say things that promote and countenance violence as a solution is distinctive, maybe not uniform, but a much more regular way of expressing what will be done in the event of an electoral loss. And part of this reality is the piece of luggage that always seems to accompany it: the clarion call of the "Second Amendment." To my knowledge, there weren't many Democrats or left of center types hanging out in the Speaker's office on the afternoon of January 6, 2021
Well said but what I think is truly "distinctive" is the right's reaction is based upon the fact (or at least perception) that basic freedoms are being infringed upon, including the right to bear arms of course. Rightly or wrongly, there wouldn't be a "regular way of expressing" if the threat on basic freedoms didn't exist. Point being, isn't it most always a reaction to the left, progressives, Dems...more than anything else?

For example, would the Jan 6 riots have occurred if the BLM/Antifa riots, looting, destruction had not continuously occurred or had not been either cheered on or ignored by the liberal media and Democrats in general? IMO, perhaps not. I think there was definitely an "it's our turn moment" even though I understand the impetus for both cases was different.

So that no one freaks out...I do understand the BLM rightful protests were based upon the G Floyd killing. There is certainly a fine line between BLM protesters and Antifa rioters though and we're talking rioting here which is unacceptable in any case as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: 2024

Post by Farfromgeneva »

In response to kismet as a post came in between.

Ok. That was quite an exposition. Didn’t illuminate anything new. They’ve all got skeletons and we’ve been holding our nose in elections for decades. Same sort of response can occur with anyone in the dem party as well. I always presumed you can differentiate but this reply doesn’t seem to be the case.

By the way I had to sell the former Mellon Bank bldg on N Central that sits at the corner foot of the GW Bridge for a 50% Loss in 2009 and financed the four towers, Bridge Aprtments for Ruby Schron in 04, so quite familiar with traffic around the GW Bridge. Also familiar with the rent controlled 3bdrm apt Charlie Rangel kept for years while arguing against developers and real estate owners and for more low income housing…
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:33 am Ok. That was quite an exposition. Didn’t illuminate anything new. They’ve all got skeletons and we’ve been holding our nose in elections for decades. Same sort of response can occur with anyone in the dem party as well. I always presumed you can differentiate but this reply doesn’t seem to be the case.…
Ha ha... The Fanlax Master of the Metaverse with a 10 year old's temperament chimes in.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:33 am Ok. That was quite an exposition. Didn’t illuminate anything new. They’ve all got skeletons and we’ve been holding our nose in elections for decades. Same sort of response can occur with anyone in the dem party as well. I always presumed you can differentiate but this reply doesn’t seem to be the case.…
Ha ha... The Fanlax Master of the Metaverse with a 10 year old's temperament chimes in.
? was there a reason for a personal attack, or did you actually want to respond to the substance?
Would you not agree that there are "loudmouths" among the Dem crowd?
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Re: 2024

Post by seacoaster »

tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:14 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
I do agree that the demonization is an issue infecting both sides. But the right's willingness to flirt with and say things that promote and countenance violence as a solution is distinctive, maybe not uniform, but a much more regular way of expressing what will be done in the event of an electoral loss. And part of this reality is the piece of luggage that always seems to accompany it: the clarion call of the "Second Amendment." To my knowledge, there weren't many Democrats or left of center types hanging out in the Speaker's office on the afternoon of January 6, 2021
Well said but what I think is truly "distinctive" is the right's reaction is based upon the fact (or at least perception) that basic freedoms are being infringed upon, including the right to bear arms of course. Rightly or wrongly, there wouldn't be a "regular way of expressing" if the threat on basic freedoms didn't exist. Point being, isn't it most always a reaction to the left, progressives, Dems...more than anything else?

For example, would the Jan 6 riots have occurred if the BLM/Antifa riots, looting, destruction had not continuously occurred or had not been either cheered on or ignored by the liberal media and Democrats in general? IMO, perhaps not. I think there was definitely an "it's our turn moment" even though I understand the impetus for both cases was different.

So that no one freaks out...I do understand the BLM rightful protests were based upon the G Floyd killing. There is certainly a fine line between BLM protesters and Antifa rioters though and we're talking rioting here which is unacceptable in any case as far as I'm concerned.
Tech, thanks; appreciate the thoughtful response. For my part, I think drawing a correlation between the Summer protests and violence and the willingness of participants to storm the Capitol, defecate in the hallways, and occupy the Speaker's office in order to stop the theft of an election that wasn't stolen, is almost impossible. The summer protests were about racial injustice. The January 6 mob was an effort to impede the orderly transition of power, after all of the long and arduous efforts by the GOP and the President in the courts and in ballot counting had failed. I'm having trouble with the notion that a January 6 participant was emboldened to hang Mike Pence by the Molotov cocktails in Portland, but who knows what is in the minds of these folks.

What "basic freedoms are being infringed upon"? Here again, I would suggest that this notion is also not true, and is being fanned, not by George Floyd protests, but by Right wing functionaries and operatives looking to scare people. What freedoms are being lost? Rights almost always have a corresponding duty or obligation, and always, always, always exist in a civil society in which there is a social contract.
Last edited by seacoaster on Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Peter Brown
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Re: 2024

Post by Peter Brown »

tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:14 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
I do agree that the demonization is an issue infecting both sides. But the right's willingness to flirt with and say things that promote and countenance violence as a solution is distinctive, maybe not uniform, but a much more regular way of expressing what will be done in the event of an electoral loss. And part of this reality is the piece of luggage that always seems to accompany it: the clarion call of the "Second Amendment." To my knowledge, there weren't many Democrats or left of center types hanging out in the Speaker's office on the afternoon of January 6, 2021
Well said but what I think is truly "distinctive" is the right's reaction is based upon the fact (or at least perception) that basic freedoms are being infringed upon, including the right to bear arms of course. Rightly or wrongly, there wouldn't be a "regular way of expressing" if the threat on basic freedoms didn't exist. Point being, isn't it most always a reaction to the left, progressives, Dems...more than anything else?

For example, would the Jan 6 riots have occurred if the BLM/Antifa riots, looting, destruction had not continuously occurred or had not been either cheered on or ignored by the liberal media and Democrats in general? IMO, perhaps not. I think there was definitely an "it's our turn moment" even though I understand the impetus for both cases was different.

So that no one freaks out...I do understand the BLM rightful protests were based upon the G Floyd killing. There is certainly a fine line between BLM protesters and Antifa rioters though and we're talking rioting here which is unacceptable in any case as far as I'm concerned.

BLM and Antifa have become indistinguishable, which is a shame, but Antifa needed to blend in with a more reputable cause, and BLM were happy to have them. Now, BLM does things like threatening to burn down NYC because the new mayor won’t back down on some sensible campaign promises. (and no national Democrat has the stones to tell BLM to stfu). Sounds like Antifa to me?

You are correct that January 6 would never have occurred if the riots, arson, and demonstrations of 2019-2020 had not occurred.

In any event, good times ahead. Republicans will absolutely waste Democrats in the Fall of 2022. And there isn’t a snowballs chance in hades that either Joe runs again in 2024, or Kamala wins. So, hunker down, watch the Dems wreck the economy with runaway inflation, and let them squabble over how to offend Latinos worse than simply demanding calling them latinx. Maybe Rachel Levine will be the Democratic candidate in 2024? :lol:
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Re: 2024

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:51 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:45 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:33 am Ok. That was quite an exposition. Didn’t illuminate anything new. They’ve all got skeletons and we’ve been holding our nose in elections for decades. Same sort of response can occur with anyone in the dem party as well. I always presumed you can differentiate but this reply doesn’t seem to be the case.…
Ha ha... The Fanlax Master of the Metaverse with a 10 year old's temperament chimes in.
? was there a reason for a personal attack, or did you actually want to respond to the substance?
Would you not agree that there are "loudmouths" among the Dem crowd?
I actually wrote and the guy intentionally took it out - in response to Kismet.

Otherwise I could care less about this other fool. A response to that isn’t worth my time.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:03 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:14 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
I do agree that the demonization is an issue infecting both sides. But the right's willingness to flirt with and say things that promote and countenance violence as a solution is distinctive, maybe not uniform, but a much more regular way of expressing what will be done in the event of an electoral loss. And part of this reality is the piece of luggage that always seems to accompany it: the clarion call of the "Second Amendment." To my knowledge, there weren't many Democrats or left of center types hanging out in the Speaker's office on the afternoon of January 6, 2021
Well said but what I think is truly "distinctive" is the right's reaction is based upon the fact (or at least perception) that basic freedoms are being infringed upon, including the right to bear arms of course. Rightly or wrongly, there wouldn't be a "regular way of expressing" if the threat on basic freedoms didn't exist. Point being, isn't it most always a reaction to the left, progressives, Dems...more than anything else?

For example, would the Jan 6 riots have occurred if the BLM/Antifa riots, looting, destruction had not continuously occurred or had not been either cheered on or ignored by the liberal media and Democrats in general? IMO, perhaps not. I think there was definitely an "it's our turn moment" even though I understand the impetus for both cases was different.

So that no one freaks out...I do understand the BLM rightful protests were based upon the G Floyd killing. There is certainly a fine line between BLM protesters and Antifa rioters though and we're talking rioting here which is unacceptable in any case as far as I'm concerned.
Tech, thanks; appreciate the thoughtful response. For my part, I think drawing a correlation between the Summer protests and violence and the willingness of participants to storm the Capitol, defecate in the hallways, and occupy the Speaker's office in order to stop the theft of an election that wasn't stolen. The summer protests were about racial injustice. The January 6 mob was an effort to impede the orderly transition of power, after all of the long and arduous efforts by the GOP and the President in the courts and in ballot counting had failed. I'm having trouble with the notion that a January 6 participant was emboldened to hang Mike Pence by the molotov cocktails in Portland, but who knows what is in the minds of these folks.

What "basic freedoms are being infringed upon"? Here again, I would suggest that this notion is also not true, and is being fanned, not by George Floyd protests, but by Right wing functionaries and operatives looking to scare people. What freedoms are being lost? Rights almost always have a corresponding duty or obligation, and always, always, always exist in a civil society in which there is a social contract.
As mentioned... I realize the reasons behind the summer riots and Jan 6 riot were very different. I think there's a common denominator element in that the people who stormed the Capitol felt they had the right to be violent based upon how the left had already been behaving, basically, with impunity. And frankly, the Capitol rioters (the actual rioters) were not the brightest bunch?
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Re: 2024

Post by youthathletics »

seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:06 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:29 am
a fan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:14 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:50 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:19 am All that said, there's no question in my mind that the danger of actually breaking our democracy, including through violence, is definitely far stronger coming from the right. Both the rhetoric and the actions of the right wing, their political representatives, their media cheerleaders and other con artists, and importantly their supporters, are far, far more strident, more violently expressed, and far more directly aimed at breaking democratic norms, guard rails, and simple decency.
I assume you are not intentionally overlooking the obvious...maybe you just fail to see what is taking place because it does not resonate. In lacrosse terms...and you were a goalie, how many times did you see either your defenseman or an attackman keep pestering the player they were matched up on. Late check to forearm, a crack on the knee cap, elbow....you get the point; then boom, the pressure cooker explodes. The same exact thing is happening in politics. In the past, you and I discussed the relevant definition of gaslighting in the political context; it is called 'political gaslighting', and it is getting worse. Some people are quiet and reserved and others are vocal and physical....it is who we are.

It is human nature at its core, like a little brother poking his sister and when the sister lashes out and gets in trouble, the little boy snickers with sadistic laughter.
So....you and tech are both implying that no matter what, it's the libs fault?

Libs riot..and they're making that choice themselves?

Righties riot...and they're doing it because the libs made them do it?

That's what you're both communicating here. Is that really what you mean?
No, I am not blaming lefties, and I do not believe tech is saying that either. as in each of my examples, both sides are at fault for creating the situation, but the one that gets the flag thrown on them is quite often the one that was provoked....MDLAX blaming the right because they lash out.

We need the damned centrists to grow a pair and tell the extremes on both sides to shut the He77 up and knock it the F off. :lol:
Respectfully (and I mean that YA), this is the sort of soft-peddling, both sides'ing of the issue that doesn't really withstand scrutiny. The issue raised by the article and by me is really about violence in political context: if we don't win the election, then the other side engaged in fraud, and we are allowed to start shooting. I understand there is a need to highlight the excesses of BLM, anitfa, etc. But those movements are not part of mainstream political parties. The Right's willingness to speak in terms of violence as an option -- however it came to pass, however it seems to be provoked by the pole slashing after the play is over -- is much more present, and substantially more countenanced, by the silence of leadership.

How hard would it be for McCarthy or McConnell to chastise Gosar's malicious little cartoon? Why were both, and just about every other GOP member of the Congress, silent in respect to this "bad joke"? How hard is it to say: violence and gunplay are not options on American soil for the rectification of perceived electoral loss? You are absolutely right YA: centrists need to grow a pair and flex their muscle in the middle. But the GOP is, whether it acts like it knows it or not, quietly cultivating -- by silence -- a tacit authorization of intimidation and violence as a political option.
Appreciate the thoughtful response. I agree the McC's should throw his ass out the front door.

Unfortunately, those in elected positions are scared to death to speak up, because they then have to run damage control in their own elections, and risk losing votes for their party. But guess who does speak up, the other side, the media; just like the analogies I provided....Gosar drew the flag. Did you see AOC's reply....childish; again just like my analogy. But guess what.....AOC will draw a pass because the feeble lacking character, will say he deserved it.

We need an event like Coach Boone from 'Remember the Titans' for congress, get both sides to have to work together and figure it out. Deny them water because is for the weak. :lol:


This article may explain why? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog ... telligence
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:27 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:14 am
tech37 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:06 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:54 am The fever hasn't broken, "there's a storm coming".
So long as you guys admit the "fever" affects both the extreme left and right. It's all dangerous. But the NYT cheery picking doesn't help anyone except maybe the NYT. This is starting all over again with the MSM raising the temperature, creating the "storm".
I do agree that the demonization is an issue infecting both sides. But the right's willingness to flirt with and say things that promote and countenance violence as a solution is distinctive, maybe not uniform, but a much more regular way of expressing what will be done in the event of an electoral loss. And part of this reality is the piece of luggage that always seems to accompany it: the clarion call of the "Second Amendment." To my knowledge, there weren't many Democrats or left of center types hanging out in the Speaker's office on the afternoon of January 6, 2021
Well said but what I think is truly "distinctive" is the right's reaction is based upon the fact (or at least perception) that basic freedoms are being infringed upon, including the right to bear arms of course. Rightly or wrongly, there wouldn't be a "regular way of expressing" if the threat on basic freedoms didn't exist. Point being, isn't it most always a reaction to the left, progressives, Dems...more than anything else?

For example, would the Jan 6 riots have occurred if the BLM/Antifa riots, looting, destruction had not continuously occurred or had not been either cheered on or ignored by the liberal media and Democrats in general? IMO, perhaps not. I think there was definitely an "it's our turn moment" even though I understand the impetus for both cases was different.

So that no one freaks out...I do understand the BLM rightful protests were based upon the G Floyd killing. There is certainly a fine line between BLM protesters and Antifa rioters though and we're talking rioting here which is unacceptable in any case as far as I'm concerned.
Well, certainly there's an element of Hegelian dialectic in the ebbs and flows of politics and social reaction.

But I question, with all sincerity, the straw men examples of what is begetting what and so forth thereon.

For instance, the 2nd Amendment. I don't, for instance, see any remotely rational. or even irrational, basis to suggest that Jan 6 was a reaction to an infringement or threat thereof to the "2nd Amendment right".

But let's explore that one just a bit. We do arguably have at least some implied gun rights in America, more so, really, than any other country in the world. Think about that last sentence. No other place in the world does government in any way protect citizens rights at all in owning, possessing, using weapons...there are places where governments do not have the necessary power to control weapons, but it's not because they wouldn't want to exercise such power.

As a result, we have orders of magnitude more guns per citizen than any other developed country. Orders of magnitude more gun deaths per citizen.

But we also know that our "rights" are not total. Our system has again and again adjudicated regulation and legislation of these rights, though always at the margin, never the fundamental premise. And there's nothing in the agenda of either party to suggest that otherwise is imminent.

Nor do we face, in the turn of the past election of POTUS to the Dems, any remotely imminent threat of such through legislative process. So, where's the existential crisis necessitating a coup attempt?

So, where is the perception of "2nd Amendment" threat actually coming from, if not actually a serious threat? The reality is that a majority of Republicans favor some gun regulation, indeed even a majority of card carrying NRA members do...so the only real debate is at the margin...and who stands to win and lose in this debate? And indeed wins more and more if the debate is hotter and hotter, if the perception of threat is raised? The gun manufacturers.

Fortunately, Jan 6 was not actually a 2nd Amendment protest, else the bloodshed would have been heavy.

But, IMO, the actual "2nd Amendment threat" is from those who use it as a cudgel to suggest that if they don't get their way through democracy, actually winning more votes, they will use these weapons to kill those who stand in their way.

I think you make a sound point that those who, at least think they were the most threatened by BLM (and the ensuing violence), saw those riots as giving permission to riot themselves if given an excuse to do so. The "our turn moment". I do think that dynamic was at play.

But who are those actually most threatened by BLM and racial justice protests and related violence and looting? surely the shopkeeper have a big beef, surely the good cops who do their best yet get lumped in with the bad have a legit beef, but who actually feels most threat by BLM?

But when he have Joe Biden decrying violence and looting, and Mitt Romney marching and saying "Black Lives Matter" we know that the center polity is not threatened by BLM or those riots.

But yup, those "white" people who think they are hated, think they're being told they should feel guilty, because they have long turned the other way on police violence towards blacks, think they're being told that they are "guilty" simply for being white. We've all heard these claims by some white people. As a white person with KKK and slaveholding ancestors, yet not "guilty" of their actions, I call all that whining by fellow whites. Ignorance. Prejudice.

But that set of feelings, resentments, anxieties has been fanned and fanned by those who, in one way or another, profit from such feelings. Yes, there's extreme elements on the left that need to be pushed back on by moderate Dems and R's and I's, but they really aren't a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of those who assume they are threatened.

But there is a very real anxiety of economic wellbeing among many working class folks, and it's very easy to put up straw men 'demons' to blame for these problems. Race, ethnicity, gender, religion are all easy avenues to turn these anxieties into blame, and rallying points.

And these are all the playbook of the authoritarian, more specifically the fascist.

Heck, what does Antifa, the "demon" of that summer explicitly stand against?

So, I do agree with you about the dialectical aspect of the ebbs and flows, but I'd suggest that it bears a harder look at what's really going on in the various reactions and counter reactions.

And I think that the direct assault on democracy, both violently and through every other machination, should be viewed as quite different than a protest in order to be heard. Not unrelated, but very, very different.
Peter Brown
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Re: 2024

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:00 am Not unrelated, but very, very different.

Exactly. One protest is a mostly violent riot with little substance other than a monetary shakedown, whereas the other is a mostly peaceful protest with significant substance involving zero shakedown.

Here’s your lesson reading for the day:

https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/w ... llapse-650
Peter Brown
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Re: 2024

Post by Peter Brown »

80% of all gun-caused homicides in America are committed with ‘illegally’ purchased or held guns.
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Re: 2024

Post by seacoaster »

a fan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:16 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 4:06 pm I’m telling you, none of you have seen a guy like this in your lifetime. You’re so used to the useless politicians we all know. Ron scares the bejesus out of even his Republican peers, because he shames them in relative comparison. Abbott has a team now that tracks every decision that Ron makes, trying to get ahead of Ron on press releases and real decisions. One reason governors like Noem and Lee are starting to see their internal numbers decline is because their voters want a Desantis leader, not folks too timid to lead.

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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:03 am What "basic freedoms are being infringed upon"? Here again, I would suggest that this notion is also not true, and is being fanned, not by George Floyd protests, but by Right wing functionaries and operatives looking to scare people. What freedoms are being lost? Rights almost always have a corresponding duty or obligation, and always, always, always exist in a civil society in which there is a social contract.
Didn't have time this morning but wanted to come back to this. This isn't something I can speak to other than in layman's terms, so SC you need not remind me of that as you often do.

1st and 2nd Amendments. You won't agree since you don't acknowledge, and have at times, mocked the idea of "cancel culture." Free speech is under assault. I'm not referring to people being aholes with what they say but to anyone who dares question or disagree with progressive elite's POVs/opinions, only to be immediately labeled in any number of ways to shut down speech, including other's opinions. We're seeing it on both sides but I contend it's more pervasive on left.

It's why we're seeing, IMO, important people founding an alternative university in Austin, established upon free speech and the pursuit of "truth." Truth will be determined/defined by the board I suppose.

Now whether or not the 2nd Amendment even covers this example is of course questionable... I'm not a gun person but grew up with them around me with my brother being an avid hunter. The libertarian in me sympathizes with the legal gun owner and can understand the slippery slope the legal owner fears will be foisted on them. Whether it's perception or fact doesn't much matter in the minds of legal gun owners and their interpretation of the right to bear arms.

As for "functionaries and operatives," I certainly hope we can agree that provocateurs exist both on right and left.
Last edited by tech37 on Sun Nov 14, 2021 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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