Conservatives and Liberals

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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 9:20 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 9:01 am
Peter Brown wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:44 am The more you dig into Tuesday’s elections around the country, the more you see how America rejected the excesses of the Democratic Party.

Everywhere. Seattle. Virginia. New Jersey. Minneapolis. Nassau county New York. Suffolk county New York.


A thing of beauty.

When you want to defund the police, teach America hating critical race theory, call women ‘birthing persons’, tax Americans like a Venezuelan socialist hellhole, and tear down statues of American founders, guess what: voters will reject you.

America regrettably has about 33% of its population who would prefer to live in Venezuelan ruin rather than go seize their one life. This is the base of the Democratic Party. Lazy shiftless angry revolutionaries.

The good news is this base is slowly extinguishing itself as they have low or no birth rates. The other good news is Latinos are rejecting this nihilistic stub of America more and more.

I see great things ahead for America and freedom.

Let’s go Aaron Rodgers!

:lol: :lol: ... now my ribs hurt from laughing.

I forgot to add “mask and vaccine mandates”. What was I thinking. These two nanny states issues will never fly with any freedom loving persons. Just another reason the Dems got manhandled on election day.
... you are killing me here :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Kismet »

Let’s go Aaron Rodgers!
That must be code for EFF YOU KAARON!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Brooklyn »


The more you dig into Tuesday’s elections around the country, the more you see how America rejected the excesses of the Democratic Party.

Everywhere. Seattle. Virginia. New Jersey. Minneapolis. Nassau county New York. Suffolk county New York.


A thing of beauty.

New Jersey stays Dem by voting for that party's gov. Minneapolis & St Paul re-elect Dem mayors and approve of rent stabilization. NYC votes Dem. In Seattle it was Dem vs Dem. Repukies win in Long Island and Virginia.

Off year elections normally go in favor of the opposition party so that the GOP margin of victory is to be expected. But over all this may not be indicative of the landslide victory Petey believes it is. As I said in an earlier post, Biden has turned the economy around and created three million jobs. Yet, the Democrats (as usual) refused to make an issue out of it. As always they refuse to capitalize on their best arguments which, to me, is a stupid thing to do. But that's their choice so it's no surprise that they continue to lose elections they should be winning.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Actually, 5 million jobs, but who is counting?
(not sure any POTUS "creates" jobs)

Saw this tweet used in a discussion on Dem messaging.

The tweet and list of accomplishments was PRIOR to the largest infrastructure bill passed in history. Gonna be a significant list just from that bill, but this ain't a bad one below.

Stephanie Ruhle
Nov 5
These are tangible
WH accomplishments -
1. Vaccinations 2mil to 200mil
2. Jobs created 5mil
3. Wages up $2 per hour
4. Dow up 5,000 points
If Trump had 1 OF THESE, he'd be wall-to-wall rose garden ceremonies, prime time speeches & parades
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Brooklyn »


Actually, 5 million jobs, but who is counting?

Dems sure as hell aren't. If only they had enough sense to make an issue of it they could have won the recent election. But good luck in trying to get them to run intelligent election campaigns.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

Charles Francis "Socker" Coe, Esq
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:31 am Actually, 5 million jobs, but who is counting?
(not sure any POTUS "creates" jobs)

Saw this tweet used in a discussion on Dem messaging.

The tweet and list of accomplishments was PRIOR to the largest infrastructure bill passed in history. Gonna be a significant list just from that bill, but this ain't a bad one below.

Stephanie Ruhle
Nov 5
These are tangible
WH accomplishments -
1. Vaccinations 2mil to 200mil
2. Jobs created 5mil
3. Wages up $2 per hour
4. Dow up 5,000 points
If Trump had 1 OF THESE, he'd be wall-to-wall rose garden ceremonies, prime time speeches & parades
I’m consistent on both sides of this but 3/4 have nothing to do with any President. #1 is the only one I’d credit any President of either party for. Though I could make the case that inserting Powell and further politicizing that seat may have a lot to do w #4.
Harvard University, out
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:21 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:31 am Actually, 5 million jobs, but who is counting?
(not sure any POTUS "creates" jobs)

Saw this tweet used in a discussion on Dem messaging.

The tweet and list of accomplishments was PRIOR to the largest infrastructure bill passed in history. Gonna be a significant list just from that bill, but this ain't a bad one below.

Stephanie Ruhle
Nov 5
These are tangible
WH accomplishments -
1. Vaccinations 2mil to 200mil
2. Jobs created 5mil
3. Wages up $2 per hour
4. Dow up 5,000 points
If Trump had 1 OF THESE, he'd be wall-to-wall rose garden ceremonies, prime time speeches & parades
I’m consistent on both sides of this but 3/4 have nothing to do with any President. #1 is the only one I’d credit any President of either party for. Though I could make the case that inserting Powell and further politicizing that seat may have a lot to do w #4.
I think the point is that Dems need to message success, instead of letting the news cycle focus on the battle within the party to do more...
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:29 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:21 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 11:31 am Actually, 5 million jobs, but who is counting?
(not sure any POTUS "creates" jobs)

Saw this tweet used in a discussion on Dem messaging.

The tweet and list of accomplishments was PRIOR to the largest infrastructure bill passed in history. Gonna be a significant list just from that bill, but this ain't a bad one below.

Stephanie Ruhle
Nov 5
These are tangible
WH accomplishments -
1. Vaccinations 2mil to 200mil
2. Jobs created 5mil
3. Wages up $2 per hour
4. Dow up 5,000 points
If Trump had 1 OF THESE, he'd be wall-to-wall rose garden ceremonies, prime time speeches & parades
I’m consistent on both sides of this but 3/4 have nothing to do with any President. #1 is the only one I’d credit any President of either party for. Though I could make the case that inserting Powell and further politicizing that seat may have a lot to do w #4.
I think the point is that Dems need to message success, instead of letting the news cycle focus on the battle within the party to do more...
Tactically sure I guess I’m just tired of all the bs.

Case in point

Good morning. Steven Donziger, the lawyer who won a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron, began serving a prison sentence for contempt of court last week. In today’s newsletter, Joe Nocera writes about how Chevron’s long legal battle against Mr. Donziger has become the subject of fascination in business, policy and activist circles.

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Illustration by the New York Times; Photos by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images and Justin Lane/EPA, via Shutterstock
A Rorschach test
Author Headshot
By Joe Nocera
Ten days ago, Steven Donziger began a six-month prison sentence at a minimum-security facility in Danbury, Conn.

Most of the time, when DealBook writes about someone going to prison, it is for insider trading, or securities fraud.

The Donziger affair is different. It is in some ways both a more important and more instructive case, which is why it has become the subject of such fascination for Big Oil, Wall Street, climate activists, politicians — and even among TikTokers.

Mr. Donziger was the star lawyer who spent decades suing first Texaco and then Chevron (after Chevron bought Texaco in 2001) for damaging the environment and despoiling the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, harming the tribespeople who lived there. He was profiled in numerous publications and was the central character in a 2009 documentary, “Crude.” Almost always he was characterized as a courageous David taking on the evil Goliath.

Continue reading the main story

Finally, in 2011, an Ecuadorean court ruled in favor of Mr. Donziger’s clients, and awarded them $18 billion (later reduced to $9.5 billion). Chevron had long argued that it was not responsible for any waste left behind — in part because Texaco had conducted a $40 million cleanup effort in the early 1990s, and the government of Ecuador had deemed that to be sufficient. Determined to avoid paying a judgment the company felt was unwarranted, it began digging into Mr. Donziger’s methods.

It got a court order forcing the director of the documentary, Joe Berlinger, to turn over hundreds of hours of footage from the outtakes about Mr. Donziger’s legal approach. “We have concluded that we need to do more, politically, to control the court, to pressure the court,” Mr. Donziger said in one especially damning clip. “We believe they make decisions based on who they fear the most, not based on what the laws should dictate.” It uncovered evidence that the plaintiffs had ghostwritten an expert report the court relied on. A witness said that Mr. Donziger’s team had bribed the judge. Chevron argued that the Ecuadorean judgment should not be enforced because it was obtained through illegal tactics.

So Chevron turned the tables on Mr. Donziger and brought a RICO case against him in the United States. And in 2014, Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, of the United States District Court in Manhattan, ruled in Chevron’s favor. In a scorching 485-page decision, he wrote that Mr. Donziger had foisted “fraudulent evidence on an Ecuadorean court,” and accused Mr. Donziger and “his co-conspirators” of attempting to use the court to extort money from Chevron. Therefore, he said, Chevron did not have to pay the $9.5 billion. Courts in other countries where Chevron does business came to the same conclusion. (Mr. Donziger has always denied the bribery allegation, or that he did anything wrong in handling the case.)

By any normal standard, this should have been the end of the case. After all, what was left to litigate? But it wasn’t the end — not even close. In 2018, after Judge Kaplan’s judgment had finally been affirmed, the company brought another case against Mr. Donziger. Among other things, it wanted him to turn over his computer and other electronic devices. Judge Kaplan agreed. But Mr. Donziger refused to comply, saying it would give the oil company “backdoor access to confidential attorney-client communications.”

Continue reading the main story

In 2019, the judge took the extraordinary measure of bringing in a private law firm to prosecute Mr. Donziger for criminal contempt of court. This case was presided over by another district court judge, Loretta A. Preska, who quickly ordered that he be placed under house arrest and wear an electronic ankle monitor. After a short trial earlier this year, she found Mr. Donziger guilty, and sentenced him to the six months he is now serving. He was also disbarred.

Along the way, something surprising has happened: Outside the courtroom, it was as if the ghostwritten report and the alleged bribe of the Ecuadorean judge had never happened. Mr. Donziger’s victory in Ecuador was praised as legitimate, and he was widely viewed by progressives as an environmental hero. Sting, the musician, helped raise money for his defense. Greta Thunberg offered her support. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and several of her Democratic colleagues sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, asking him to review the case. The Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson rallied to his cause. Campaigns have been started to #FREEDONZIGER. A group of experts from the United Nations said in a report that his pretrial detention was “arbitrary” and therefore illegal. And on, and on. To them, this was a classic example of a fossil fuel company using its might to punish someone brave enough to stand up to it.

This phenomenon of seeing controversial figures as black or white — saint or sinner, hero or villain — is one of the plagues of our polarized age. It has become nearly impossible for people to acknowledge that sometimes their heroes can do something wrong, and their foes can get something right. Donald Trump is the most obvious example of this, but you see it all the time in politics, and in business as well. Are C.E.O.s rapacious greed-heads, or are they stewards of capitalism? Are oil companies supplying the fuel that the world needs to function, or are they “outlaws,” as the environmental activist Bill McKibbon calls them? Too many people are unwilling to hold both ideas in their heads at once.

This failing is especially glaring in the Donziger case. If he had played by the rules in litigating the case in Ecuador, he might have come away with a judgment that a U.S. court would have upheld. Chevron would have had to pay billions to his impoverished clients. To put it another way, by using the tactics he did, Mr. Donziger did his clients an enormous disservice. That his allies refuse to see this suggests their hatred of Big Oil has blinded them to some of Mr. Donziger’s inconvenient actions.

Continue reading the main story

But then there is Chevron. Companies are supposed to make rational risk and reward calculations. The company’s push to prevent the Ecuadorean judgment from going into effect was rational, and showing that Mr. Donziger had violated the rules was an appropriate way to do that. But punishing Mr. Donziger beyond that may ultimately have been a mistake. He has been turned into an environmental martyr, which is the last thing Chevron should want. He’s no longer the lawyer who broke the rules to win a case. Instead, he’s the lawyer who stood up to Big Oil.

As machination piled upon machination, and as the case became solely about Mr. Donziger, one party has been largely forgotten: the Ecuadorean tribespeople he once represented. Thirty years later, for all the money that has been spent on litigation, their circumstance is unchanged.
Harvard University, out
University of Utah, in

I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
Peter Brown
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Peter Brown »

This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^
Peter Brown
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:15 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^

I agree, Jared Polis is a hypocrite. The Denver Post is demanding answers. Good for them. They should.

I want Gait and a fan to weigh in here to tell us what is happening on the ground there. Sounds bad for Polis.
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:51 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:15 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^

I agree, Jared Polis is a hypocrite. The Denver Post is demanding answers. Good for them. They should.

I want Gait and a fan to weigh in here to tell us what is happening on the ground there. Sounds bad for Polis.
... you are the bigger hypocrite. As a Trump voter, you have no leg to stand on when questioning any other politician not sharing personnel tax information. :roll:
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:41 am
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:51 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:15 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^

I agree, Jared Polis is a hypocrite. The Denver Post is demanding answers. Good for them. They should.

I want Gait and a fan to weigh in here to tell us what is happening on the ground there. Sounds bad for Polis.
... you are the bigger hypocrite. As a Trump voter, you have no leg to stand on when questioning any other politician not sharing personnel tax information. :roll:

Ahhhh, so it’s the old ‘he did it, too’ excuse. Got it!

Jared gets a pass from jhu because the guy we all knew who was fast and loose with the rules, was in fact fast and loose with the rules. Jared gets to do what we hated about the former guy.

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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:22 am
jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:41 am
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:51 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:15 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^

I agree, Jared Polis is a hypocrite. The Denver Post is demanding answers. Good for them. They should.

I want Gait and a fan to weigh in here to tell us what is happening on the ground there. Sounds bad for Polis.
... you are the bigger hypocrite. As a Trump voter, you have no leg to stand on when questioning any other politician not sharing personnel tax information. :roll:

Ahhhh, so it’s the old ‘he did it, too’ excuse. Got it!

Jared gets a pass from jhu because the guy we all knew who was fast and loose with the rules, was in fact fast and loose with the rules. Jared gets to do what we hated about the former guy.

... nope its Goebbels is a hypocrite because he choses to rant against a minor offender while turning a blind eye to the biggest offender.
Peter Brown
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:44 am
Peter Brown wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:22 am
jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:41 am
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:51 pm
jhu72 wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:15 pm
Peter Brown wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:59 pm This happens way too frequently.

It turns out that Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, who I simply assume is in the camp of ‘higher taxes’, did not pay any taxes for many years. Legally, but if you are advocating for higher taxes, shouldn’t you at least be paying those taxes? ... nsparency/

His situation is even hairier, because he refuses to share his tax information with his constituents, after being on the side of ‘full transparency’, and telling his constituents that he was a man of the people. :lol:

I’m torn on this one. If Jared loses his job, is his replacement worse? I guess a fan and gait can tell us.

But once again, the shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Don’t get me started on warren buffet.
... HYPOCRITE. ^^^^

I agree, Jared Polis is a hypocrite. The Denver Post is demanding answers. Good for them. They should.

I want Gait and a fan to weigh in here to tell us what is happening on the ground there. Sounds bad for Polis.
... you are the bigger hypocrite. As a Trump voter, you have no leg to stand on when questioning any other politician not sharing personnel tax information. :roll:

Ahhhh, so it’s the old ‘he did it, too’ excuse. Got it!

Jared gets a pass from jhu because the guy we all knew who was fast and loose with the rules, was in fact fast and loose with the rules. Jared gets to do what we hated about the former guy.

... nope its Goebbels is a hypocrite because he choses to rant against a minor offender while turning a blind eye to the biggest offender.

You do know that Polis is wealthier than Trump, right?
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by jhu72 »

... who isn't?
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

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jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:56 am... who isn't?

Biden's Net worth:

Joe Biden earned $17.3 million over the four years he was out of office, but his net worth is only an estimated $8 million. Why isn’t he richer? ... f11a7461b/

DeSantis' Net worth:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed his net worth to be $348,832 as of Dec. 31, 2020, in a financial disclosure report
The document also indicated that the politician gained a nearly 20% increase from his 2019 net worth
DeSantis did not list real-estate holdings as he had sold off his Ponte Vedra Beach Home in March 2019 for $460,000 ... 20-3267780
Peter Brown
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Peter Brown » wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:47 pm
jhu72 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:56 am... who isn't?

Biden's Net worth:

Joe Biden earned $17.3 million over the four years he was out of office, but his net worth is only an estimated $8 million. Why isn’t he richer? ... f11a7461b/

DeSantis' Net worth:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis revealed his net worth to be $348,832 as of Dec. 31, 2020, in a financial disclosure report
The document also indicated that the politician gained a nearly 20% increase from his 2019 net worth
DeSantis did not list real-estate holdings as he had sold off his Ponte Vedra Beach Home in March 2019 for $460,000 ... 20-3267780

Look at that, an honest politician (Desantis, not Joe “Mr 10%” Biden).
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Re: Conservatives and Liberals

Post by Kismet »

Groucho had it right back in 1932 from the comedy flick entitled Horse Feathers. What goes around eventually comes around...too bad the current incarnation is not funny.

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