All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:06 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:31 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:25 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:19 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:15 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:09 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:59 amI mean, seriously, you're going to cite a right-wing, pro-life, downright whack job screed as evidence that Wen's not credible?
When it quacks like a quack, it's a quack?


:roll: :roll: :roll: You believe your turd doesn't stink so bad, all you smell is roses. Sad..

You seem awful angry lately Joe...after years of mostly lurking in the shadows of LP/FL...maybe you're reading yourself a little too much CradleSpeak?

Have a good stiff drink and a nice weekend...


This a anonymous online forum, you don't know me from tom, dick or harry. I'm not angry, I'm just pushing back to try to understand how someone could think they way that you and MD do. Leana Wen as the voice of reason? That's comical. This women would have everybody welded in their houses for months on end if it were her call. She's a neurotics myopic control freak with an agenda that does more to sow fear into the American public to outweigh any positive benefit she has. She would have been on Biden's official team if this wasn't the case, but even they can see it. CNN will continue to give her an outlet, and that's just fine. If you listen to the way she's been talking lately she's basically intimating that children going to school is a PRIVILEGE. That's the biggest load of crap and quite dangerous rhetoric, getting an education is a right in this country. She's off her rocker, more and more lately. It's ok, why in the god's blue earth would I expect you and MD to agree with Me? Hell will freeze over first. :roll:

Well, though just another rant against mitigation of spread efforts, which is par for the course for you, there's an interesting tidbit to explore in there. is a "right"?

That's interesting. What constitutes "education"? Studies indicate that pre-school has the biggest impact on life outcomes, but is that a "right" in America? Or is that a "privilege" to those who can afford to pay? Is college a "right" in America? or are we just talking about elementary and high school?

I'm not arguing, just wondering what sort of education do you mean?

Is home schooling a "right"? Or simply a "privilege"?

Is remote education insufficient to achieve this "right"? always? sometimes?
But if so, wouldn't we also say that the disparity in how education is delivered in some communities is also insufficient?
What are the implications of agreeing that clearly the rights of some are not being met by our society?

After you respond to the above, let's put aide that thorny stuff ...however, first, to be clear, I actually do agree that education is, or at least should be, an expected public 'right'...not as in Constitutional, but as in a practical, legislated sense. But it's indeed also a "privilege"...these need not be incompatible concepts. It's an opportunity to advance oneself socioeconomically, a privilege of being a member of this society. It's also, IMO, an economic as well as moral imperative that we do the best we can to deliver the best such opportunity to all, not just some of our human potential. Great ROI.

ok, to the point...we actually require kids to get an education, attendance at some form of education is actually mandated. We allow different formats, but you gotta do one. That said, there are those who bail out (all too often due to trauma or learning disability issues) but at least in principle its mandatory.

And we mandate that in order to attend an in-person situation certain public health and other behaviors must be followed. For instance, we don't allow guns in schools (though this actually is, arguably, in the Constitution as a 'right'...but even Constitutionally based 'rights' are not absolute). We also require kids to have an array of vaccinations, age dependent. None of these violate the "right" or "privilege" to an education. But we don't allow kids to come to school if they violate.

Indeed, there are all sorts of rules that constrict what kids can and can't do at school, none of which actually restrict the rights or privileges to go to school. You just gotta comply.

so, now we get to masks...pain in the neck to wear, but in a respiratory pandemic the reduction in transmission makes it possible for kids to be in-person more of the time. A good thing. The alternative is they have to get their "right" to an education...remotely.
You are a fool if you think remote learning has worked out... Keep living in fantasy land, world according to Chuck! If you don't realize the MASSIVE deleterious effects that in some cases 12+ months of remote learning have done to our children, all you have to do is listen from a first hand perspective from FFG. I see it and hear about it daily from those in my circle, NOBODY likes it, NOBODY. Your son is a grown adult now, you would have a different perspective if he was sitting in his room every day and going through Remote learning. God you are insufferable, but you know what it's more the nature of this forum that enables you to have such stances. You say any of this stuff to the majority of Americans in an in-person conversation, they either are going to walk away from you, provided heated opposition, some combination of both and in extreme cases, react very negatively (I don't have to fill in the blanks). I live on LI in a town that is a diverse mix of political ideals/nationalities, discourse, etc. You say what you just said at the local restaurants and pubs and I promise you, promise you that you will be met some by combination of dismissal, pushback, and possibly even worse. There's no way you do this in person, because it wouldn't end good. You realize how f**king pedantic and holier than thou you come off a majority of the time? The fact you can't even see it is really sad. Go get that DinnerTime deal done in Vegas, pulling for you!

Again, very, very creepy and definitely another personal attack.

Putting that aside, you obviously didn't see that I agree that remote learning is not at a state that meets the needs of educating most kids. In fact, I'm always very clear about that. and it's why getting them back in the classroom, safely, should be all of our priority.

Why you'd choose to read something else into it I don't know, but it seems "angry" fever swamp stuff to me.

And sure, there's nothing I write on here that I wouldn't say to someone in a bar, fact, just this past Tuesday I did so with some guys from Texas in the steel fastener equipment business serving oil rigs sitting next to me and my wife at dinner in an Irish Pub, good music too. Great conversation, good guys, no sweat.

No angry fever swamp stuff over here, glad that you clarified your position on remote learning, the negative benefits clearly outweigh any positive. Good to hear that, nothing wrong with a little human interaction outside your immediate family. Remember, this is in the spirit of the debate. Don't lose sight of that. With the exception of a few posters on here, nobody knows who anybody is. The manner in which I post may not convey the actually emotions that I am feeling. I happen to like engaging in spirited conversation, it's quite fun and I strive to challenge others as I would expect they do the same!

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:06 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:31 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:25 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:19 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:15 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:09 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:59 amI mean, seriously, you're going to cite a right-wing, pro-life, downright whack job screed as evidence that Wen's not credible?
When it quacks like a quack, it's a quack?


:roll: :roll: :roll: You believe your turd doesn't stink so bad, all you smell is roses. Sad..

You seem awful angry lately Joe...after years of mostly lurking in the shadows of LP/FL...maybe you're reading yourself a little too much CradleSpeak?

Have a good stiff drink and a nice weekend...


This a anonymous online forum, you don't know me from tom, dick or harry. I'm not angry, I'm just pushing back to try to understand how someone could think they way that you and MD do. Leana Wen as the voice of reason? That's comical. This women would have everybody welded in their houses for months on end if it were her call. She's a neurotics myopic control freak with an agenda that does more to sow fear into the American public to outweigh any positive benefit she has. She would have been on Biden's official team if this wasn't the case, but even they can see it. CNN will continue to give her an outlet, and that's just fine. If you listen to the way she's been talking lately she's basically intimating that children going to school is a PRIVILEGE. That's the biggest load of crap and quite dangerous rhetoric, getting an education is a right in this country. She's off her rocker, more and more lately. It's ok, why in the god's blue earth would I expect you and MD to agree with Me? Hell will freeze over first. :roll:

Well, though just another rant against mitigation of spread efforts, which is par for the course for you, there's an interesting tidbit to explore in there. is a "right"?

That's interesting. What constitutes "education"? Studies indicate that pre-school has the biggest impact on life outcomes, but is that a "right" in America? Or is that a "privilege" to those who can afford to pay? Is college a "right" in America? or are we just talking about elementary and high school?

I'm not arguing, just wondering what sort of education do you mean?

Is home schooling a "right"? Or simply a "privilege"?

Is remote education insufficient to achieve this "right"? always? sometimes?
But if so, wouldn't we also say that the disparity in how education is delivered in some communities is also insufficient?
What are the implications of agreeing that clearly the rights of some are not being met by our society?

After you respond to the above, let's put aide that thorny stuff ...however, first, to be clear, I actually do agree that education is, or at least should be, an expected public 'right'...not as in Constitutional, but as in a practical, legislated sense. But it's indeed also a "privilege"...these need not be incompatible concepts. It's an opportunity to advance oneself socioeconomically, a privilege of being a member of this society. It's also, IMO, an economic as well as moral imperative that we do the best we can to deliver the best such opportunity to all, not just some of our human potential. Great ROI.

ok, to the point...we actually require kids to get an education, attendance at some form of education is actually mandated. We allow different formats, but you gotta do one. That said, there are those who bail out (all too often due to trauma or learning disability issues) but at least in principle its mandatory.

And we mandate that in order to attend an in-person situation certain public health and other behaviors must be followed. For instance, we don't allow guns in schools (though this actually is, arguably, in the Constitution as a 'right'...but even Constitutionally based 'rights' are not absolute). We also require kids to have an array of vaccinations, age dependent. None of these violate the "right" or "privilege" to an education. But we don't allow kids to come to school if they violate.

Indeed, there are all sorts of rules that constrict what kids can and can't do at school, none of which actually restrict the rights or privileges to go to school. You just gotta comply.

so, now we get to masks...pain in the neck to wear, but in a respiratory pandemic the reduction in transmission makes it possible for kids to be in-person more of the time. A good thing. The alternative is they have to get their "right" to an education...remotely.
You are a fool if you think remote learning has worked out... Keep living in fantasy land, world according to Chuck! If you don't realize the MASSIVE deleterious effects that in some cases 12+ months of remote learning have done to our children, all you have to do is listen from a first hand perspective from FFG. I see it and hear about it daily from those in my circle, NOBODY likes it, NOBODY. Your son is a grown adult now, you would have a different perspective if he was sitting in his room every day and going through Remote learning. God you are insufferable, but you know what it's more the nature of this forum that enables you to have such stances. You say any of this stuff to the majority of Americans in an in-person conversation, they either are going to walk away from you, provided heated opposition, some combination of both and in extreme cases, react very negatively (I don't have to fill in the blanks). I live on LI in a town that is a diverse mix of political ideals/nationalities, discourse, etc. You say what you just said at the local restaurants and pubs and I promise you, promise you that you will be met some by combination of dismissal, pushback, and possibly even worse. There's no way you do this in person, because it wouldn't end good. You realize how f**king pedantic and holier than thou you come off a majority of the time? The fact you can't even see it is really sad. Go get that DinnerTime deal done in Vegas, pulling for you!

Again, very, very creepy and definitely another personal attack.

Putting that aside, you obviously didn't see that I agree that remote learning is not at a state that meets the needs of educating most kids. In fact, I'm always very clear about that. and it's why getting them back in the classroom, safely, should be all of our priority.

Why you'd choose to read something else into it I don't know, but it seems "angry" fever swamp stuff to me.

And sure, there's nothing I write on here that I wouldn't say to someone in a bar, fact, just this past Tuesday I did so with some guys from Texas in the steel fastener equipment business serving oil rigs sitting next to me and my wife at dinner in an Irish Pub, good music too. Great conversation, good guys, no sweat.
I actually like the concept of dinnertime a ton. Don’t know nearly enough about carrying opex, runway to burn, market dynamics etc to opine on its success but the model and focus is exactly what I want startups to be and how to leverage our advancements from technology. Not just another “throw money at it and try to crowd everyone else out like hunger games of business and then hope there’s a profitable thing underneath the rubble when we’re standing all alone”
I agree, excellent concept. Props to MD.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by ggait »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

ggait wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
... we have always been, just that those who embrace it were never as a group so proud as to advertise it daily. ;)
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:06 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:31 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:57 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:25 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:19 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:15 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:09 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:59 amI mean, seriously, you're going to cite a right-wing, pro-life, downright whack job screed as evidence that Wen's not credible?
When it quacks like a quack, it's a quack?


:roll: :roll: :roll: You believe your turd doesn't stink so bad, all you smell is roses. Sad..

You seem awful angry lately Joe...after years of mostly lurking in the shadows of LP/FL...maybe you're reading yourself a little too much CradleSpeak?

Have a good stiff drink and a nice weekend...


This a anonymous online forum, you don't know me from tom, dick or harry. I'm not angry, I'm just pushing back to try to understand how someone could think they way that you and MD do. Leana Wen as the voice of reason? That's comical. This women would have everybody welded in their houses for months on end if it were her call. She's a neurotics myopic control freak with an agenda that does more to sow fear into the American public to outweigh any positive benefit she has. She would have been on Biden's official team if this wasn't the case, but even they can see it. CNN will continue to give her an outlet, and that's just fine. If you listen to the way she's been talking lately she's basically intimating that children going to school is a PRIVILEGE. That's the biggest load of crap and quite dangerous rhetoric, getting an education is a right in this country. She's off her rocker, more and more lately. It's ok, why in the god's blue earth would I expect you and MD to agree with Me? Hell will freeze over first. :roll:

Well, though just another rant against mitigation of spread efforts, which is par for the course for you, there's an interesting tidbit to explore in there. is a "right"?

That's interesting. What constitutes "education"? Studies indicate that pre-school has the biggest impact on life outcomes, but is that a "right" in America? Or is that a "privilege" to those who can afford to pay? Is college a "right" in America? or are we just talking about elementary and high school?

I'm not arguing, just wondering what sort of education do you mean?

Is home schooling a "right"? Or simply a "privilege"?

Is remote education insufficient to achieve this "right"? always? sometimes?
But if so, wouldn't we also say that the disparity in how education is delivered in some communities is also insufficient?
What are the implications of agreeing that clearly the rights of some are not being met by our society?

After you respond to the above, let's put aide that thorny stuff ...however, first, to be clear, I actually do agree that education is, or at least should be, an expected public 'right'...not as in Constitutional, but as in a practical, legislated sense. But it's indeed also a "privilege"...these need not be incompatible concepts. It's an opportunity to advance oneself socioeconomically, a privilege of being a member of this society. It's also, IMO, an economic as well as moral imperative that we do the best we can to deliver the best such opportunity to all, not just some of our human potential. Great ROI.

ok, to the point...we actually require kids to get an education, attendance at some form of education is actually mandated. We allow different formats, but you gotta do one. That said, there are those who bail out (all too often due to trauma or learning disability issues) but at least in principle its mandatory.

And we mandate that in order to attend an in-person situation certain public health and other behaviors must be followed. For instance, we don't allow guns in schools (though this actually is, arguably, in the Constitution as a 'right'...but even Constitutionally based 'rights' are not absolute). We also require kids to have an array of vaccinations, age dependent. None of these violate the "right" or "privilege" to an education. But we don't allow kids to come to school if they violate.

Indeed, there are all sorts of rules that constrict what kids can and can't do at school, none of which actually restrict the rights or privileges to go to school. You just gotta comply.

so, now we get to masks...pain in the neck to wear, but in a respiratory pandemic the reduction in transmission makes it possible for kids to be in-person more of the time. A good thing. The alternative is they have to get their "right" to an education...remotely.
You are a fool if you think remote learning has worked out... Keep living in fantasy land, world according to Chuck! If you don't realize the MASSIVE deleterious effects that in some cases 12+ months of remote learning have done to our children, all you have to do is listen from a first hand perspective from FFG. I see it and hear about it daily from those in my circle, NOBODY likes it, NOBODY. Your son is a grown adult now, you would have a different perspective if he was sitting in his room every day and going through Remote learning. God you are insufferable, but you know what it's more the nature of this forum that enables you to have such stances. You say any of this stuff to the majority of Americans in an in-person conversation, they either are going to walk away from you, provided heated opposition, some combination of both and in extreme cases, react very negatively (I don't have to fill in the blanks). I live on LI in a town that is a diverse mix of political ideals/nationalities, discourse, etc. You say what you just said at the local restaurants and pubs and I promise you, promise you that you will be met some by combination of dismissal, pushback, and possibly even worse. There's no way you do this in person, because it wouldn't end good. You realize how f**king pedantic and holier than thou you come off a majority of the time? The fact you can't even see it is really sad. Go get that DinnerTime deal done in Vegas, pulling for you!

Again, very, very creepy and definitely another personal attack.

Putting that aside, you obviously didn't see that I agree that remote learning is not at a state that meets the needs of educating most kids. In fact, I'm always very clear about that. and it's why getting them back in the classroom, safely, should be all of our priority.

Why you'd choose to read something else into it I don't know, but it seems "angry" fever swamp stuff to me.

And sure, there's nothing I write on here that I wouldn't say to someone in a bar, fact, just this past Tuesday I did so with some guys from Texas in the steel fastener equipment business serving oil rigs sitting next to me and my wife at dinner in an Irish Pub, good music too. Great conversation, good guys, no sweat.
I actually like the concept of dinnertime a ton. Don’t know nearly enough about carrying opex, runway to burn, market dynamics etc to opine on its success but the model and focus is exactly what I want startups to be and how to leverage our advancements from technology. Not just another “throw money at it and try to crowd everyone else out like hunger games of business and then hope there’s a profitable thing underneath the rubble when we’re standing all alone”
I agree, excellent concept. Props to MD.

Thanks though, props to my wife, her idea and she's as they say up Boston way, "wicked smaht".
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

ggait wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
I will wait for Joe Rogan, Bret Weinstein and the Barista at Starbucks to tell me what to do….
“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Kismet »

ggait wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
latest looney tunes snake oil treatment is same folks nebulizing off the shelf hydrogen peroxide and inhaling it to kill COVID virus in their nasal passages. :shock:
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:45 pm
ggait wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
latest looney tunes snake oil treatment is same folks nebulizing off the shelf hydrogen peroxide and inhaling it to kill COVID virus in their nasal passages. :shock:
Why go through all the trouble when you can get a nice Roots Tonic at a bodega or beef patty spot.
“I wish you would!”
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:01 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:45 pm
ggait wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:32 pm
Kismet wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm ... d_nn_tw_ma

"A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say. At least three promising antivirals that could prevent symptoms and limit transmission of Covid-19 are in clinical trials."

Something akin to Tamiflu for influenza.
Excellent news. The Ivermectin boys should be all over this.
You can't trust anything coming out of FDA trials. So I'm not taking these. Or any vax either.

Just gonna stick with HCQ and IVRM. And if I get sick and in real trouble, then monoclonal antibodies.

The mono-bodies are FDA approved, which is a big problem for me. But when the shirt gets real and I'm dying, I'll go ahead and take them. Because Ronnie D (not the FDA) tells me the mono-bodies are cool.

When did we become Dumb Fork-istan?
latest looney tunes snake oil treatment is same folks nebulizing off the shelf hydrogen peroxide and inhaling it to kill COVID virus in their nasal passages. :shock:
Why go through all the trouble when you can get a nice Roots Tonic at a bodega or beef patty spot.
Two nutcrackers from a bodega and you’re not worrying about any virus.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 2009
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:27 pm NBA is racist against Canadians!! ... 19-vaccine
He's overrated anyways.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:27 pm NBA is racist against Canadians!! ... 19-vaccine
F’ng Canada-let’s bomb the Arquettes!
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:02 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:27 pm NBA is racist against Canadians!! ... 19-vaccine
He's overrated anyways.

“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by RedFromMI »

Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through

By Jack J. Barry, Ann Christiano and Annie Neimand
September 25, 2021 9:40 a.m.

This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at The Conversation.

Are workplace vaccine mandates prompting some employees to quit rather than get a shot?

A hospital in Lowville, New York, for example, had to shut down its maternity ward when dozens of staffers left their jobs rather than get vaccinated. At least 125 employees at Indiana University Health resigned after refusing to take the vaccine.

And several surveys have shown that as many as half of unvaccinated workers insist they would leave their jobs if forced to get the shot, which has raised alarms among some that more mandates could lead to an exodus of workers in many industries.

But how many will actually follow through?

Strong words

In June 2021, we conducted a nationwide survey, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that gave us a sample of 1,036 people who mirrored the diverse makeup of the U.S. We plan to publish the survey in October.

We asked respondents to tell us what they would do if “vaccines were required” by their employer. We prompted them with several possible actions, and they could check as many as they liked.

We found that 16% of employed respondents would quit, start looking for other employment or both if their employer instituted a mandate. Among those who said they were “vaccine hesitant” – almost a quarter of respondents – we found that 48% would quit or look for another job.

Other polls have shown similar results. A Kaiser Family Foundation survey put the share of workers who would quit at 50%.

Separately, we found in our survey that 63% of all workers said a vaccine mandate would make them feel safer.

Quieter actions

But while it is easy and cost-free to tell a pollster you’ll quit your job, actually doing so when it means losing a paycheck you and your family may depend upon is another matter.

And based on a sample of companies that already have vaccine mandates in place, the actual number who do resign rather than get the vaccine is much smaller than the survey data suggest.

Houston Methodist Hospital, for example, required its 25,000 workers to get a vaccine by June 7. Before the mandate, about 15% of its employees were unvaccinated. By mid-June, that percentage had dropped to 3% and hit 2% by late July. A total of 153 workers were fired or resigned, while another 285 were granted medical or religious exemptions and 332 were allowed to defer it.

At Jewish Home Family in Rockleigh, New Jersey, only five of its 527 workers quit following its vaccine mandate. Two out of 250 workers left Westminster Village in Bloomington, Illinois, and even in deeply conservative rural Alabama, a state with one of the lowest vaccine uptake rates, Hanceville Nursing & Rehab Center lost only six of its 260 employees.

Delta Airlines didn’t mandate a shot, but in August it did subject unvaccinated workers to a US$200 per month health insurance surcharge. Yet the airline said fewer than 2% of employees have quit over the policy.

And at Indiana University Health, the 125 workers who quit are out of 35,800 total employees, or 0.3%.

Making it easy

Past vaccine mandates, such as for the flu, have led to similar outcomes: Few people actually quit their jobs over them.

And our research suggests in public communications there are a few things employers can do to minimize the number of workers who quit over the policy.

It starts with building trust with employees. Companies should also make it as easy as possible to get vaccinated – such as by providing on-site vaccine drives, paid time off to get the shot and deal with side effects, and support for child care or transportation.

Finally, research shows it helps if companies engage trusted messengers including doctors, colleagues and family to share information on the vaccine.

In other words, vaccine mandates are unlikely to result in a wave of resignations – but they are likely to lead to a boost in vaccination rates.

Jack J. Barry is a postdoctoral research associate in Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida.

Ann Christiano is the director of the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida.

Annie Neimand is a research director and digital strategist for frank at the College of Journalism and Communications of the University of Florida.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

The 850 household club community in Florida where my mom goes for the winter, and we will again join her, has instituted a vaccine mandate for all employees and vendors who come on premises. They did so after doing a required educational session on campus for employees with local county public health officials and docs, which resulted in most of the remaining people getting vaccinated that day on campus...others are following. Haven't heard if they've lost any of the employees but I doubt it. Vendors will be more problematic, I'd think, though they're having each register their folks online with proof of vaccination, etc, so the process is pretty easy.

My sense is that many other such communities are likely doing the same, so vendors will need to get in line or it will be a serious crimp in their business.

The community is also requiring vaccinations for all visitors.
I don't think they've yet instituted a requirement of all residents, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually get there too, or at least for access to public club facilities. Tougher to do simply for being on campus, given it's their residence.

I'm not sure what exceptions are being made for validated medical or religious reasons, though I suspect they're being very stern on that.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by a fan »

RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:22 am Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through

In my one on one experience? This is virtue signaling. This this anti vaxx world....they've convinced themselves that not taking the vaxx is "free thinking". That they think things through, and everyone else is a sheep. Masks, too.

But as GGait points out-----somehow in this world of theirs, taking invermectin or monclonal treatments is fine. That's NOT being a sheep.

Good luck explaining how that works.
Last edited by a fan on Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by RedFromMI »

a fan wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:53 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:22 am
Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through

In my one on one experience? This is virtue signaling. This this anti vaxx world....they've convinced themselves that not taking the vaxx is "free thinking". That they think things through, and everyone else is a sheep. Masks, too.

But as GGait points out-----somehow in this world of theirs, taking invermectin or monclonal treatments is fine. That's NOT being a sheep.

Good luck explaining how that works.
I think it is a sense of invulnerability - if they get CV it will not kill them, both because they are not in the "high risk" group, and those "backup" treatments are miracles that will fix it if they are wrong.

But they are not actually understanding the relative risks, or at least are assuming they are not in reality the actuality...
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:07 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:53 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:22 am
Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through

In my one on one experience? This is virtue signaling. This this anti vaxx world....they've convinced themselves that not taking the vaxx is "free thinking". That they think things through, and everyone else is a sheep. Masks, too.

But as GGait points out-----somehow in this world of theirs, taking invermectin or monclonal treatments is fine. That's NOT being a sheep.

Good luck explaining how that works.
I think it is a sense of invulnerability - if they get CV it will not kill them, both because they are not in the "high risk" group, and those "backup" treatments are miracles that will fix it if they are wrong.

But they are not actually understanding the relative risks, or at least are assuming they are not in reality the actuality...
You all are projecting.

...Sure they do. Just look at all the nurses and first responders in health care. They were knee deep in CV-19 while we were all hunkered down in our homes....and came out damned near unscathed.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:37 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:07 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:53 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:22 am
Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through

In my one on one experience? This is virtue signaling. This this anti vaxx world....they've convinced themselves that not taking the vaxx is "free thinking". That they think things through, and everyone else is a sheep. Masks, too.

But as GGait points out-----somehow in this world of theirs, taking invermectin or monclonal treatments is fine. That's NOT being a sheep.

Good luck explaining how that works.
I think it is a sense of invulnerability - if they get CV it will not kill them, both because they are not in the "high risk" group, and those "backup" treatments are miracles that will fix it if they are wrong.

But they are not actually understanding the relative risks, or at least are assuming they are not in reality the actuality...
You all are projecting.

...Sure they do. Just look at all the nurses and first responders in health care. They were knee deep in CV-19 while we were all hunkered down in our homes....and came out damned near unscathed.
More nonsense….some may call it
“I wish you would!”
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