All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 69

Posts: 23825
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
Oh it was super passive aggressive but better than me going gangster on him. He replied to a class parents email at 9:30-10pm at night. But a supposed expert and analyzing data and this and that per his linkedin page I was going after that vs. his hysteria and own imbuing his personal opinions and projections into it. Sure enough a bunch of parents, because he sent this to all the parents in the class, were freaking out this morning. I shared how our 3rd grade class had communicated timely, the following morning not at 9pm before the school would even know, and that there was in fact a solid process. I knew his email would have a bunch spazz out and they did, bombing the school with calls at 7am and whatnot. He didn't even consider anything when he threw out how the school doesnt communicate well on this (without any single piece of data or evidence, even anecdotal, just his hunch which is wrong) and this and that. Basically like yelling fire in a theatre. I was offended he didn't wait until morning and simply share "hey my kid caught the COV, he's in your class and since the school just got the info in the evening I wanted to pre-emptively share this with you all". My alternative was to tell him off because it only caused problems. Meanwhile we've got a mess of covid, whole school phsyically back for first time in 1.5yrs and a principal worried about her job over this other real and tangible issue where information has not come out about the perptrator but the news is going "segregation, segregation in Atlanta!"
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 23825
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Posts: 27093
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:40 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Posts: 23825
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:19 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Well I am a mentally deranged a hole who should be frontally labotomized per my detractors. I keep telling you that you're a better person than me. I'm serious not being sarcastic.

But I can say I did a lot more good for the parents than this cat did in this instance, valdiation has already arrived even if my motivation was to shut down the stupidity more than to benefit the others.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Posts: 27093
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:40 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:22 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:19 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Well I am a mentally deranged a hole who should be frontally labotomized per my detractors. I keep telling you that you're a better person than me. I'm serious not being sarcastic.

But I can say I did a lot more good for the parents than this cat did in this instance, valdiation has already arrived even if my motivation was to shut down the stupidity more than to benefit the others.
Totally get both intentions and hope it was indeed beneficial for both.
Just sharing the advice I get from my two best counselors on such, that less can be more in such instances.
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Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:28 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:22 pm
wgdsr wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:26 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:13 pm The clinical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Clears up a misimpression of the unvaccinated and the the right wing blogosphere.
this guy's an er doctor, not an epidemiologist.
Ask the barista at Starbucks what “they” think. ... la-doctor/
Spencer stresses that influenza is far deadlier than the coronavirus. The flu has killed up to 61,000 people annually since 2010, according to the CDC. But Spencer understands the grip fear can have on a person, because he's experienced it himself.

"It's easy for us to focus on the unknown," he says.

hmmm... doesn't seem all that up for social distancing/isolation either. and the flu? that's not even original!! this guy could've led our response at the outset!!

maybe him and the barista were at the same vending machine getting their diploma from the last of the cracker jack boxes!


Interesting, sounds very much as if he's come to his senses after 19 months of this! Good to hear!

Posts: 23825
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:30 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:22 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:19 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Well I am a mentally deranged a hole who should be frontally labotomized per my detractors. I keep telling you that you're a better person than me. I'm serious not being sarcastic.

But I can say I did a lot more good for the parents than this cat did in this instance, valdiation has already arrived even if my motivation was to shut down the stupidity more than to benefit the others.
Totally get both intentions and hope it was indeed beneficial for both.
Just sharing the advice I get from my two best counselors on such, that less can be more in such instances.
I get it and appreciate it. Maybe one day some virtual osmosis will kick in between you and I and I'll be better. I'll send you a check if it happens. It'll pay off for me long run surely.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by RedFromMI »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:33 am
wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:28 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:22 pm
wgdsr wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:26 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:13 pm The clinical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Clears up a misimpression of the unvaccinated and the the right wing blogosphere.
this guy's an er doctor, not an epidemiologist.
Ask the barista at Starbucks what “they” think. ... la-doctor/
Spencer stresses that influenza is far deadlier than the coronavirus. The flu has killed up to 61,000 people annually since 2010, according to the CDC. But Spencer understands the grip fear can have on a person, because he's experienced it himself.

"It's easy for us to focus on the unknown," he says.

hmmm... doesn't seem all that up for social distancing/isolation either. and the flu? that's not even original!! this guy could've led our response at the outset!!

maybe him and the barista were at the same vending machine getting their diploma from the last of the cracker jack boxes!


Interesting, sounds very much as if he's come to his senses after 19 months of this! Good to hear!

That Time article was from early February 2020.

61000 annually vs nearly 700,000 in a year and one half...

I think you are missing the real context...
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:42 am
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:19 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:35 pm
wgdsr wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:26 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:13 pm The clinical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Clears up a misimpression of the unvaccinated and the the right wing blogosphere.
this guy's an er doctor, not an epidemiologist.
Is this the guy?

Craig Spencer MD MPH is the Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. He currently divides his time between providing clinical care in New York and working internationally in public health. He has worked in Africa and Southeast Asia as a field epidemiologist on numerous projects examining access to medical care and human rights, including measuring mortality and maternal health in Burundi, access to legal documentation in Indonesia, child separation in emergencies in D.R. Congo and South Sudan, and coordinating Doctors Without Borders national epidemiological response in Guinea during the Ebola outbreak. In addition to his international public health work, Craig has provided medical care in the Caribbean, Central America, West Africa and most recently with Doctors Without Borders in Burundi, East Africa and on a medical search and rescue boat in the Mediterranean. In 2019, he was elected to the Board of Directors for Doctors Without Borders USA.
He's been rather extremist throughout this whole pandemic. Instead of reminding people basic things they can do to increase their overall level of health so that if they do contract covid, they do contract CV-19, the increase their chances of being able to handle whatever the virus throws at them. Spends majority of his time shaming, instead of focusing on vaccine outreach, basic hygience advice and things of the like, there's ton of people in the medical profession that MANY people would trust before him. What's next, Dr. Leana Wen is the voice of the reason? :lol: The former head of planned parenthood with some much skeletons in her closet it would make frankenstein turd his pants...That lady is SO out of touch with reality it's actually said. Or she knows exactly what she is doing and continues to further her agenda, which is entirely worse!

I find Wen one of the most cogent communicators, something actually missing at times from each of these Admins. The Admin people tend to be too layered in their communication, too many caveats, for most people to understand what they're actually saying in simple terms. I think she's been off at times, but one of the better communicators. Not sure what nefarious "agenda" you think she has. "skeletons"???

I don't know much about Spencer, I was simply responding to the notion that he's an ER doc, not an epidemiologist...not 100% correct.

Sounds like you know more about his communication than I do. What aspect of what he's said or written has been "extremist"???

I know you hate it when it's pointed out that we have been in the midst of the worst pandemic in US History, now eclipsing 1918 flu. At what point along the way were alarm bells about that coming reality "extremist"?
Regarding Leana Wen's tenure at Planned Parenthood below. If note my reply to Wgdsr, I was wrong about Craig Spencer, he has a much more moderate approach than I realized. Enough with the nonsense about the alarm bells, were 19 months into this NOW, I'm talking about those who have remained stubborn and myopic in their stances and continue to be given a national stage, they are doing irreparable damage to the American Public. Leana Wen is one of the worst offenders. Dr Eric Feigl-Ding is another, he has been staunchly advocating for remote learning, EVEN NOW with all the advancements we have made from the beginning of this pandemic until now. Meanwhile, he moved his family to Austria just so that HIS kids could attend school in person. If that doesn't tell all you need to know about him, then you are in engaging in selective behavior..

Mainstream media has been fawning over Planned Parenthood’s newest Propagandist-in-Chief, Dr. Leana Wen. In an interview on CBS This Morning, that came across as an informercial for Planned Parenthood, it was apparent that the questions were given in advance. The answers were obviously rehearsed.

Wen tried to cast her role as Planned Parenthood’s new leader as “deeply personal”, claiming that her mother and her sister used the organization’s services for “healthcare.” Yet, up until she was announced as the next President of the billion-dollar abortion chain, she never mentioned ‘abortion’, ‘Planned Parenthood’, or ‘reproductive rights’ in any of her (now removed but archived) online blog entries.

Even as recently as September 2017, her Baltimore Sun Op-Ed describing her moving immigrant story never credits Planned Parenthood. She praised neighbors and her church. Guess they don’t count any longer when you have to push the lie of Planned Parenthood as the savior of women and of the poor.

Though she’s not as smooth at lying as her predecessors Cecile Richards and Margaret Sanger, she has been on tour with #fakenews media repeating these same tired pro-abortion lies:

1. Healthcare [Abortion] Shouldn’t Be Political

Dr. Wen said this with a straight face. (Abortion, of course, isn’t healthcare. No act that intentionally kills an unborn human being is.) Someone might want to tell her she is now at the helm of the most political taxpayer-funded organization in America. Former PP president, Cecile Richards, told the New York Times: “We aim to be a kick-butt political organization.” Wen missed that memo and the fact that the far-left group spent over $20 million on the recent midterm elections. But sure, not political.

SIGN THE PETITION! I Support Defunding Planned Parenthood!

2. One in Five Women Use Planned Parenthood.

I debunked this years ago. Cecile Richards repeated this like a broken record. Looking at the abortion chain’s latest annual report, they claim to serve 2.4 million people. According to a spokesperson, 250,000 of these individuals are men, leaving 2.15 million women as “patients.” In 2016, the Census Bureau estimated there were 106,054,899 females ages 15-64 in the U.S. That would make it 1 in 50 women, not 1 in 5. Also, in CBS This Morning’s segment open, host Norah O’Donnell claimed that 8,000 patients were served, per day, by Planned Parenthood. But that would equate to 2.92 million patients! Well, it’s only 520,000 more than are actually exploited—I mean served—at Planned Parenthood. Clearly, Big Abortion and CBS are using some common core math.

3. Women’s healthcare is [only] breast cancer screenings and birth control.

Dr. Wen claimed that Planned Parenthood “was there for her mother” strangely intimating that her mother only needed breast cancer screenings and birth control? In fact, Wen’s tribute to her mother (who struggled with breast cancer and tragically died of pneumonia) never mentions Planned Parenthood coming to her rescue, of diagnosing the breast cancer, or providing any other kind of (limited) “healthcare.” That aside, perhaps the good doctor can tell us why breast cancer screenings have shockingly plummeted 62 percent at the abortion giant between 2006 and 2016, from 882,961 to 336,614 screenings (see our Less Care, No Matter What factsheet). And if the billion-dollar, self-described “women’s healthcare leader” really led in women’s healthcare, shouldn’t they own at least one mammogram machine? CBS This Morning wasn’t interested in finding out why real women’s healthcare is becoming less accessible at Planned Parenthood.

4. Parenting Defines Planned Parenthood.

When asked why she took on this new role, Dr. Wen robotically explained: “Being a parent has clarified my values, and what I want to do is shape the future for my son Eli.” That future is, apparently, unrestricted abortion and zero responsibility for men and women. There’s a reason you won’t find the words “mother,” “father,” or “parent” in Planned Parenthood’s annual reports (other than in their name). They don’t profit when moms and dads protect their unborn child from the violence of abortion. The organization doesn’t tout any parenting classes online or in its annual report. It’s why there are no mother/baby boutiques inside a single Planned Parenthood center (unlike the thousands inside the 2,700 pregnancy resource centers and clinics around the country). When does becoming a parent motivate you to play a role in destroying others’ children?

5. We trust women.

No. They don’t. Not even a little. It’s why the activist group fights every single Women’s Right to Know bill nationwide. The whole concept that we just simply trust people to do the right thing with their bodies (keeping in mind that pregnancy is never just one body) is ludicrous. Otherwise, why educate people? Why was Dr. Wen Baltimore City’s health commissioner if not to educate people about what not to do with their bodies?

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s most notorious (mis)educator. When they tell women that “having an abortion doesn’t increase your risk for breast cancer…doesn’t cause problems for future pregnancies like birth defects, premature birth or low birth weight…or infant death”, they are flat-out lying. Out of 39 studies (from 2000-2018) on the abortion-breast cancer link, 29 of those peer-reviewed studies showed a positive correlation between abortion and triple-negative breast cancer; 18 are statistically significant. The National Academies of Science buried this little ditty on page 625 of their 772-page study, “Preterm Births, Causes, Consequence and Prevention”: First trimester induced abortions are a “known immutable medical risk factor associated with preterm birth”. Preterm births are a leading cause of infant mortality and result in birth defects like cerebral palsy, developmental delays, as well as vision and hearing problems. These studies (see here, here, here, and here) show preterm births are significantly increased by previous induced abortions. But sure, Planned Parenthood trusts women. #Fakehealth.

Dr. Wen is a modern-day snake oil saleswoman—hawking quack medicine (aka abortion) as “healthcare.” We don’t have a news media that’s willing to call out the profiteers and their seedy propaganda. But we have you, and me, and millions of others who can counter this rhetorical poison with the remedy of truth.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

If you aren't convinced Orange Duce didn't give a rats ass about the nations health, about COVID, read this article. People died while White House virologist was tasked to find election fraud.

REPUBLICAN SCUM ENABLED THIS. KISSING HIS ASS, SUCKING HIS C***! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?? Oh, yeah, you care about abortion, makes it all ok. :roll:
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:30 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:22 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:19 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Well I am a mentally deranged a hole who should be frontally labotomized per my detractors. I keep telling you that you're a better person than me. I'm serious not being sarcastic.

But I can say I did a lot more good for the parents than this cat did in this instance, valdiation has already arrived even if my motivation was to shut down the stupidity more than to benefit the others.
Totally get both intentions and hope it was indeed beneficial for both.
Just sharing the advice I get from my two best counselors on such, that less can be more in such instances.
I get it and appreciate it. Maybe one day some virtual osmosis will kick in between you and I and I'll be better. I'll send you a check if it happens. It'll pay off for me long run surely.
steak dinner or hard crabs or whatever the local specialty, barbecue, etc would more than suffice!
Posts: 23825
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:31 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:36 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:30 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:22 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:19 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:49 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:51 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:07 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:14 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:37 pm How do we feel about this email I just got tonight? It was a reply to another generic email to our class from the class parents about a gift card or whatever. Pretty aggressive, but his kid and third case in class since 8/6. Because it's his kid I'll give him a pass, but it reeks a little to me. Personally, say what you want to say, find another educational outlet or shut up. If it was done without a sick kid I'd reply either "please unsubscribe" or "STFU" because it wouldn't be appropriate IMO.

If anything I think the lazy text and blast email system is too much, weak form, communication from what I've observed. And the little stuff that could be rolled up or not sent could be avoided to allow us to focus on major/important matters to me.

Hi fellow parents,

There is very limited information flowing about covid and contagion at Mary Lin/APS. I have strong opinions about it, so I wanted to let you know that our son, xxxxx, tested positive for covid today. He had a fever last night and most of the day, but he seems otherwise strong and in good spirits.

I think (I hope I'm wrong) that you won't hear about it through any other channel. Our guess is that he got it at school, although there is no way to know it for sure. He also attended school until yesterday and unfortunately, he might have been playing, sitting, or having lunch next to your son or daughter.

I hope you and your families are in good health. I just wanted to give you the information that I think you would need in order to be cautious with your health and those around you.

Have a good night,
Looked this dad up -google ya know.

PhD in something physics related from Madrid (my spanish blows but Condensed Matte(r?) Phsyics best I can tell. Then a bunch of bs that I can see through in resume/linkedin inflation (executive leadership programs to drop university names into a CV, etc, as if full time programs which I know in two cases are not what they are), director of fraud analytics for a spanish bank being acquired by PNC currently so his gig is probably at risk as a expense synergy. Can't tell if he's angry and probably has a lot on his plate as well as his kid being sick but for you jackals to tear apart here was my respons when I woke up a little while ago (the only change is I am using my son's name as the outside world sees him and felt appropriate since he's clearly in my mold only better than his father vs. the one on his birth certificate):

Very sorry to hear about your son. Having experienced the communication aspect of this virus with our son, Pimp Daddy Jr, who is in 3rd grade and has had two cases in his class to date, he and our daughter have been fine subsequent to those incidents to date and we know they test daily, I’ve found they do communicate fairly well in a timely fashion in these situations. Appreciate your notification and would be happy to provide any personal assistance if and when I can to you and your family – you have our information here.

Conversely I would personally suggest we collectively remain empirically skeptical but trusting as such a breakdown of trust can have potentially deleterious affects on our children and at least allow for the morning testing and operating process at the school before drawing any conclusions and acting on such. We’re certainly working with limited and statistically insignificant data with respect to this situation and our kids physical attendance back at school. This will continue to be my approach, as it has been, while having only empathy and a desire to be helpful to any whom I can that are victims of this virus.

With respect to administrative considerations, I’m sure this situation with the mother of the 3rd grade teacher requesting special treatment for her daughter based on a internal and unofficial benefit conferred to children of faculty, that elevated the mistake made by the Mary Lin administration executed in the fall of 2020 to a national level, and with a focus on the best interests of the certain very tiny cohort of children, is creating a tremendous distraction at a time when we need all the education professionals to be laser like focused on our children’s health and education in this time of global stress. That’s where our family’s will continue to monitor for it’s long term implications. (We have come to understand and noted that this “agent of change” was requesting special treatment for her daughter while her personal business aftercare school program was at risk for longer than this concern has existed, in the face of the heart of this viral crisis, as well as risk to her husbands not educator position within the school striking this parent as a context that should be broadly understood with respect to evaluating the work of the faculty staff and principal)

Condensed Matter Physics is a legitimate discipline. Best known for the study of nuclear fusion. This is just a small part of the discipline however.

The guy is a fraud analyst for BBVA Compass, so not really doing what he studied in Madrid but had UT Austin at top then I see (specifc company executive leader program, other stuff like that fluffing his resume and obfuscating his actual chops). Compass is sold to PNC so he's probably worrying about his gig. There's going to be overlap there.
I'd have ended your reply after the first paragraph.
Or at least would have if I'd asked my wife or son's counsel! ;)
And I don't ask my wife her opinion anymore. At least for now.
Part of my wink.
And an acknowledgment that without my wife or son's constraint, I'm way too long winded as well.

I just think your first paragraph actually made the point. But framed positively.
Didn't need the rest.
Well I am a mentally deranged a hole who should be frontally labotomized per my detractors. I keep telling you that you're a better person than me. I'm serious not being sarcastic.

But I can say I did a lot more good for the parents than this cat did in this instance, valdiation has already arrived even if my motivation was to shut down the stupidity more than to benefit the others.
Totally get both intentions and hope it was indeed beneficial for both.
Just sharing the advice I get from my two best counselors on such, that less can be more in such instances.
I get it and appreciate it. Maybe one day some virtual osmosis will kick in between you and I and I'll be better. I'll send you a check if it happens. It'll pay off for me long run surely.
steak dinner or hard crabs or whatever the local specialty, barbecue, etc would more than suffice!
I like good food too but it doesn't ship. Always happy to show people around. Crabs and seafood no bueno here. BBQ, got the best burger joint in the city a few blocks from my house called the Vortex. Perhaps you'd like to try to triple coronary bypass burger?

Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by tech37 »

CDC Panel: Thumbs Down on Pfizer Booster for Healthcare Workers ... ate_active
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:40 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:42 am
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:19 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:35 pm
wgdsr wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:26 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:13 pm The clinical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Clears up a misimpression of the unvaccinated and the the right wing blogosphere.
this guy's an er doctor, not an epidemiologist.
Is this the guy?

Craig Spencer MD MPH is the Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. He currently divides his time between providing clinical care in New York and working internationally in public health. He has worked in Africa and Southeast Asia as a field epidemiologist on numerous projects examining access to medical care and human rights, including measuring mortality and maternal health in Burundi, access to legal documentation in Indonesia, child separation in emergencies in D.R. Congo and South Sudan, and coordinating Doctors Without Borders national epidemiological response in Guinea during the Ebola outbreak. In addition to his international public health work, Craig has provided medical care in the Caribbean, Central America, West Africa and most recently with Doctors Without Borders in Burundi, East Africa and on a medical search and rescue boat in the Mediterranean. In 2019, he was elected to the Board of Directors for Doctors Without Borders USA.
He's been rather extremist throughout this whole pandemic. Instead of reminding people basic things they can do to increase their overall level of health so that if they do contract covid, they do contract CV-19, the increase their chances of being able to handle whatever the virus throws at them. Spends majority of his time shaming, instead of focusing on vaccine outreach, basic hygience advice and things of the like, there's ton of people in the medical profession that MANY people would trust before him. What's next, Dr. Leana Wen is the voice of the reason? :lol: The former head of planned parenthood with some much skeletons in her closet it would make frankenstein turd his pants...That lady is SO out of touch with reality it's actually said. Or she knows exactly what she is doing and continues to further her agenda, which is entirely worse!

I find Wen one of the most cogent communicators, something actually missing at times from each of these Admins. The Admin people tend to be too layered in their communication, too many caveats, for most people to understand what they're actually saying in simple terms. I think she's been off at times, but one of the better communicators. Not sure what nefarious "agenda" you think she has. "skeletons"???

I don't know much about Spencer, I was simply responding to the notion that he's an ER doc, not an epidemiologist...not 100% correct.

Sounds like you know more about his communication than I do. What aspect of what he's said or written has been "extremist"???

I know you hate it when it's pointed out that we have been in the midst of the worst pandemic in US History, now eclipsing 1918 flu. At what point along the way were alarm bells about that coming reality "extremist"?
Regarding Leana Wen's tenure at Planned Parenthood below. If note my reply to Wgdsr, I was wrong about Craig Spencer, he has a much more moderate approach than I realized. Enough with the nonsense about the alarm bells, were 19 months into this NOW, I'm talking about those who have remained stubborn and myopic in their stances and continue to be given a national stage, they are doing irreparable damage to the American Public. Leana Wen is one of the worst offenders. Dr Eric Feigl-Ding is another, he has been staunchly advocating for remote learning, EVEN NOW with all the advancements we have made from the beginning of this pandemic until now. Meanwhile, he moved his family to Austria just so that HIS kids could attend school in person. If that doesn't tell all you need to know about him, then you are in engaging in selective behavior..

Mainstream media has been fawning over Planned Parenthood’s newest Propagandist-in-Chief, Dr. Leana Wen. In an interview on CBS This Morning, that came across as an informercial for Planned Parenthood, it was apparent that the questions were given in advance. The answers were obviously rehearsed.

Wen tried to cast her role as Planned Parenthood’s new leader as “deeply personal”, claiming that her mother and her sister used the organization’s services for “healthcare.” Yet, up until she was announced as the next President of the billion-dollar abortion chain, she never mentioned ‘abortion’, ‘Planned Parenthood’, or ‘reproductive rights’ in any of her (now removed but archived) online blog entries.

Even as recently as September 2017, her Baltimore Sun Op-Ed describing her moving immigrant story never credits Planned Parenthood. She praised neighbors and her church. Guess they don’t count any longer when you have to push the lie of Planned Parenthood as the savior of women and of the poor.

Though she’s not as smooth at lying as her predecessors Cecile Richards and Margaret Sanger, she has been on tour with #fakenews media repeating these same tired pro-abortion lies:

1. Healthcare [Abortion] Shouldn’t Be Political

Dr. Wen said this with a straight face. (Abortion, of course, isn’t healthcare. No act that intentionally kills an unborn human being is.) Someone might want to tell her she is now at the helm of the most political taxpayer-funded organization in America. Former PP president, Cecile Richards, told the New York Times: “We aim to be a kick-butt political organization.” Wen missed that memo and the fact that the far-left group spent over $20 million on the recent midterm elections. But sure, not political.

SIGN THE PETITION! I Support Defunding Planned Parenthood!

2. One in Five Women Use Planned Parenthood.

I debunked this years ago. Cecile Richards repeated this like a broken record. Looking at the abortion chain’s latest annual report, they claim to serve 2.4 million people. According to a spokesperson, 250,000 of these individuals are men, leaving 2.15 million women as “patients.” In 2016, the Census Bureau estimated there were 106,054,899 females ages 15-64 in the U.S. That would make it 1 in 50 women, not 1 in 5. Also, in CBS This Morning’s segment open, host Norah O’Donnell claimed that 8,000 patients were served, per day, by Planned Parenthood. But that would equate to 2.92 million patients! Well, it’s only 520,000 more than are actually exploited—I mean served—at Planned Parenthood. Clearly, Big Abortion and CBS are using some common core math.

3. Women’s healthcare is [only] breast cancer screenings and birth control.

Dr. Wen claimed that Planned Parenthood “was there for her mother” strangely intimating that her mother only needed breast cancer screenings and birth control? In fact, Wen’s tribute to her mother (who struggled with breast cancer and tragically died of pneumonia) never mentions Planned Parenthood coming to her rescue, of diagnosing the breast cancer, or providing any other kind of (limited) “healthcare.” That aside, perhaps the good doctor can tell us why breast cancer screenings have shockingly plummeted 62 percent at the abortion giant between 2006 and 2016, from 882,961 to 336,614 screenings (see our Less Care, No Matter What factsheet). And if the billion-dollar, self-described “women’s healthcare leader” really led in women’s healthcare, shouldn’t they own at least one mammogram machine? CBS This Morning wasn’t interested in finding out why real women’s healthcare is becoming less accessible at Planned Parenthood.

4. Parenting Defines Planned Parenthood.

When asked why she took on this new role, Dr. Wen robotically explained: “Being a parent has clarified my values, and what I want to do is shape the future for my son Eli.” That future is, apparently, unrestricted abortion and zero responsibility for men and women. There’s a reason you won’t find the words “mother,” “father,” or “parent” in Planned Parenthood’s annual reports (other than in their name). They don’t profit when moms and dads protect their unborn child from the violence of abortion. The organization doesn’t tout any parenting classes online or in its annual report. It’s why there are no mother/baby boutiques inside a single Planned Parenthood center (unlike the thousands inside the 2,700 pregnancy resource centers and clinics around the country). When does becoming a parent motivate you to play a role in destroying others’ children?

5. We trust women.

No. They don’t. Not even a little. It’s why the activist group fights every single Women’s Right to Know bill nationwide. The whole concept that we just simply trust people to do the right thing with their bodies (keeping in mind that pregnancy is never just one body) is ludicrous. Otherwise, why educate people? Why was Dr. Wen Baltimore City’s health commissioner if not to educate people about what not to do with their bodies?

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s most notorious (mis)educator. When they tell women that “having an abortion doesn’t increase your risk for breast cancer…doesn’t cause problems for future pregnancies like birth defects, premature birth or low birth weight…or infant death”, they are flat-out lying. Out of 39 studies (from 2000-2018) on the abortion-breast cancer link, 29 of those peer-reviewed studies showed a positive correlation between abortion and triple-negative breast cancer; 18 are statistically significant. The National Academies of Science buried this little ditty on page 625 of their 772-page study, “Preterm Births, Causes, Consequence and Prevention”: First trimester induced abortions are a “known immutable medical risk factor associated with preterm birth”. Preterm births are a leading cause of infant mortality and result in birth defects like cerebral palsy, developmental delays, as well as vision and hearing problems. These studies (see here, here, here, and here) show preterm births are significantly increased by previous induced abortions. But sure, Planned Parenthood trusts women. #Fakehealth.

Dr. Wen is a modern-day snake oil saleswoman—hawking quack medicine (aka abortion) as “healthcare.” We don’t have a news media that’s willing to call out the profiteers and their seedy propaganda. But we have you, and me, and millions of others who can counter this rhetorical poison with the remedy of truth.

You're also wrong about Wen.
I mean, seriously, you're going to cite a right-wing, pro-life, downright whack job screed as evidence that Wen's not credible?

Maybe you missed why Wen was fired from Planned Parenthood...she wanted to emphasize the healthcare services, family planning and pre-natal healthcare, that actually constitutes the bulk of their healthcare expenditures, rather than abortion on demand. She was right, the org wrong IMO.

If you want a right wing opinion piece on that, here: ... 815089001/

When my wife was on the Board of PP Md, her motivations were much the same, to provide free access to young and underserved populations to top notch family planning (birth control) and pre-natal care services...she'd used these services herself while in college and appreciated the access that otherwise would have been very difficult to find. While not opposed to abortion (fewer is better, but safe and access are most important), she felt that the avoidance of the necessity for such a hard decision for a woman should be the primary emphasis, though understood the advocacy role the org necessarily played. But to better understand what was happening on the ground in clinics, she visited a whole bunch and surveyed staff...what she found was an 'abortion-first' culture in most of the clinics, no real help with possible adoption alternatives "we don't do that". On the other hand, she did find a strong emphasis on prevention and pre-natal healthcare as well. when she reported back to the Board, it caused some consternation to say the least.

Wen likely found much the same and tried to move the org directionally, but was met by strong resistance at the national level which is more dominated by the advocacy side who understandably saw any distraction from fighting for abortion rights to be very dangerous. In some ways they've been proven right, though I remain convinced that the org and its efforts would be better served by the approach Wen and my wife were advocating (they didn't overlap).

I don't know anything about the other cat, you seem to be in a right wing blogosphere that finds folks to attack; I'm not.

As to remote learning, we're simply not prepared (yet) to do it very well, and it's likely to never be terrific for the youngest students other than in home school situations with super supportive parenting. But for older students, we're likely to see far more digitally enabled learning, some of which certainly can be "remote". But the regular public school system isn't close to being capable of transitioning to that yet, though there are companies working hard on it. So, there's indeed been a big cost to pandemic caused remote learning requirements, at least for many students. Some, however, thrived because they weren't subjected to the daily stresses of bullying, etc. But net, net, better to have in-school at this point...which is why it's so crazy that there's vaccine resistance and mask resistance, instead of everyone doing their darnedest to get kids back in school, while limiting transmission as much as possible.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by dislaxxic »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:59 amI mean, seriously, you're going to cite a right-wing, pro-life, downright whack job screed as evidence that Wen's not credible?
When it quacks like a quack, it's a quack?

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr » ... lions.html

lol. tag team white house/cdc vs. fda/who. who ya got?

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Bart »

wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:36 am ... lions.html

lol. tag team white house/cdc vs. fda/who. who ya got?

I got scientific consensus! Oh wait……..a schzit
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

Bart wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:45 am
wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:36 am ... lions.html

lol. tag team white house/cdc vs. fda/who. who ya got?

I got scientific consensus! Oh wait……..a schzit
on the bright side, this clears the way for a "booster" from jnj.
never really was clear to me why they didn't run trials in 2020 for a double also. hope they got some 409 for their production outsourcing.

will take a few hours at my neighborhood starbucks to study up and bounce some ideas around when the word comes down.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:36 am ... lions.html

lol. tag team white house/cdc vs. fda/who. who ya got?

It's the safest choice, politically and medically. Probably overkill, not the best science. I would be more upset if it was underkill and not the best science. Interesting that Biden and Walensky give more weight to Israel's experience than do WHO, FDA and CDC scientists.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:07 pm
Bart wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:45 am
wgdsr wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:36 am ... lions.html

lol. tag team white house/cdc vs. fda/who. who ya got?

I got scientific consensus! Oh wait……..a schzit
on the bright side, this clears the way for a "booster" from jnj.
never really was clear to me why they didn't run trials in 2020 for a double also. hope they got some 409 for their production outsourcing.

will take a few hours at my neighborhood starbucks to study up and bounce some ideas around when the word comes down.
You should…..Those folks knowledge and experience is just as good.
“I wish you would!”
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