The Biden - Harris Era.

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by seacoaster »

Seventy percent support for a bill is "unity" in this country: ... -too-much/

So the GOP right in Congress can keep peddling the "cancel culture" and other dividing irrelevancies....

"As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation. Only about three-in-ten (28%) oppose the bill, which provides economic aid to businesses, individuals and state and local governments.

While congressional votes on the legislation have been deeply divided along partisan lines, 41% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support the measure. The bill draws overwhelming support from Democrats and Democratic leaners (94% favor).

In assessing the proposed spending in the aid package, 41% of Americans view it as about right, while another 25% say it spends too little; only a third of Americans say the legislation spends too much money. Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to view the spending in the bill as excessive (61% of Republicans vs. 11% of Democrats).

The new national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted on the Center’s nationally representative American Trends Panel March 1-7, 2021, among 12,055 adults, finds that a majority of the public (57%) says the Biden administration made a good faith effort working with Republican congressional leaders on the coronavirus aid package.

By comparison, 42% say GOP leaders made a good faith effort to work with the White House on the pandemic relief bill, with a 55% majority saying they did not work in good faith.

While most Americans favor the coronavirus aid package, there are demographic differences in the levels of support.

Three-quarters of women say they favor the aid package, while a smaller majority of men (66%) say the same.

While overwhelming majorities of Black (91%), Hispanic (80%) and Asian American adults (76%) say they favor the economic package, that compares with a smaller majority of White adults (63%).

There are also substantial differences in views of the economic stimulus package by household income. About eight-in-ten Americans in lower-income households (82%) favor the bill, compared with two-thirds of middle-income and 60% of upper-income Americans.

Although a 57% majority of Republicans say they oppose the proposed stimulus bill, there is a substantial ideological divide within the GOP: Roughly seven-in-ten conservative Republicans (69%) say they oppose the economic package, while the balance of opinion is reversed among moderate and liberal Republicans, 61% of whom say they favor the aid bill.

By contrast, there is near-universal support for the economic bill among Democrats: More than nine-in-ten (94%) say they favor the COVID-19 economic aid package."
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Brooklyn »


While right wingers whine about everything under the sun, Biden and the Democrats are getting things done to correct the mess created by tRUMP and his henchmen.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by dislaxxic »

There’s a Reason Biden Has Been Slow to Install Judges

Dahlia Lithwick at SLATE:
Biden’s judicial picks face the headwinds that come with a pipeline problem, a money problem, and a partisan asymmetry problem. Recall that there were Senate Democrats confirming Trump judges right down to the bitter end. Biden nominees haven’t been raised in labs and polished like gems by Leonard Leo. Right now, they are everywhere and nowhere, and everything about the judge-picking process takes time when you are trying to pick judges, particularly diverse judges. Those who acknowledge that Trump successfully seated predominantly young, white (85 percent), male (75 percent) judges culled largely from prosecutors’ offices and Big Law are understandably frustrated. But the White House, working alongside Senate Democrats, decided to cast a wide net for candidates with diverse backgrounds and a broader pool of legal experience than we have seen in prior judicial searches. Biden’s White House counsel, Dana Remus, sent a letter to senators back in December requesting a racially and ethnically diverse pool and a search that extended beyond the usual Ivy League and Big Law pipeline. Moreover, the Biden White House has asked for nominees that come from groups who have been “historically underrepresented” in the judicial branch, “including those who are public defenders, civil rights and legal aid attorneys, and those who represent Americans in every walk of life.” This is a response to the current situation, in which there is not a single federal appeals court judge who spent their career at a nonprofit civil rights organization, according to the Center for American Progress.

That is a massive course correction, even from the Obama era, in which judicial selections showed racial and gender diversity but a narrower professional bandwidth. On the one hand, there are thousands of good candidates that surely meet these broad new criteria. And the Biden administration has announced it will bypass the long-standing judicial vetting that had been performed by the American Bar Association, which was deemed too liberal by conservative groups and too tethered to corporate law firms by liberals. (The Trump judicial process had sidelined the ABA rankings already.) On the other hand, nobody has been grooming this much wider pool of candidates to become an Article III judge since their infancy. And progressive judicial groups that haven’t always worked together are trying to streamline that pipeline and coordinate efforts.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by CU88 »

Joe Biden has yet again added more jobs in a single month than Donald Trump - the “Jobs Jobs Jobs President” - did during his entire presidency.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by seacoaster » ... 5cec24acb3

"Put it down to a hyper-caffeinated media. A few weeks ago, Joe Biden’s presidency was widely hailed as a triumph. Coronavirus was in retreat. The US economy was roaring back. And Democrats looked on course to pass Biden’s ambitious economic bills by early autumn. Rash comparisons between Biden and Franklin Roosevelt were being bandied about. 

A few weeks of setbacks have changed everything. The rampaging Delta variant has dented consumer sentiment and created a bad jobs report. Forecasts of a Democratic defeat in the midterm elections next year are now commonplace, which would turn Biden into a lame duck. All of a sudden people are proclaiming Biden’s “failed presidency”. Others are chronicling “How Delta beat Biden”. 

Writing him off now is just as overwrought as reserving a premature slot on Mount Rushmore. The turning point came on the July 4 weekend. That was when Biden failed to meet his target of inoculating 70 per cent of Americans against Covid-19. He missed it by a few weeks. America’s vaccination rate is now at 75 per cent, which is not a disaster though it trails most of Europe. But a missed deadline is unforgivable, particularly if you work in the media. 

Biden’s biggest setback, however, was the botched nature of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The July 2 pullout from Bagram air base occurred in advance of his self-imposed deadline of August 31. But the way it happened undermined Biden’s reputation for competence, which was probably his most important quality in defeating Donald Trump. No amount of White House special pleading can alter the fact that America’s exit has damaged US interests. Since then Biden’s approval ratings have fallen by roughly six percentage points, which is steep. In terms of media narrative, his presidency is now in freefall. 

That narrative should not be taken too seriously. Those with medium-sized memories will recall the proclaimed death of Bill Clinton’s presidency after his 1994 midterm defeat. Clinton even had to remind Americans that the US president was still relevant. He served another six years. Barack Obama’s demise was also pronounced several times before he was re-elected. Sometimes such obituaries are well-grounded. There was little doubt, for example, that Trump sunk his re-election prospects in the early stages of the pandemic when he sided with quack medicine amid a mounting death toll. 

Nothing that Biden faces yet compares with that. For all its flaws, the Afghanistan exit is still popular with the US public, though the president has personally taken a hit over its handling. The real test of his fortunes will come in the next few weeks when we find out whether he can push through his $1.2tn infrastructure bill and $3.5tn “American families plan”, both of which would have a big impact on working Americans. One of the reasons most Republicans oppose the first bill and are unanimously against the second is because they know how popular they would be. 

There is a serious risk Biden will fall at this hurdle. The Democratic party is split between the left, led by Bernie Sanders, who believe the bills are too small compared with what Biden promised, and centrists such as Joe Manchin who believe they are too large. Manchin recently called for a “strategic pause” on the larger bill in favour of passing only the infrastructure one. That will not wash with the party’s left, which has linked the passage of one to the other. 

In practice Manchin, whose vote is essential in a 50:50 Senate, is playing hard to get. No major domestic legislation in US history has passed without being written off as hopeless on the way. Biden’s larger bill will probably be scaled down by a trillion dollars or more then enacted before the end of this year. There will be plenty more thunderbolts and lightning between now and then. Would Biden then revert to being the next FDR? 

The answer is no. Talk of him resetting US capitalism was always fantastical. These bills would improve America’s safety net rather than change its nature. But they would also make the lives of millions of Americans less precarious, which is good in itself and helpful at the ballot box. Whether that would be enough to stave off Trumpism is another matter. In the meantime, Biden should neither be written off as hopeless nor proclaimed our age’s saviour. Like most presidents, he is somewhere in between."
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

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Biden's National Economic Council Brian Deese says if you don't count beef, pork and poultry, grocery price increases "are more in line with historical norms." ... 05830?s=21
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Everyone and their mother who isn’t defective should be aware we were going to have a big spike in prices this year along with GDP growth. We also have major supply chain issues. I don’t know this cat but what are we talking about here? The inflation that we all saw and knew was coming? The head of the fed has been talking about temporal inflation for 6-9 mo as his reason to not raise interest rates (through the federal funds rate).

If we’re concerned about inflation bounce Powell (and yelled at treasury is a mistake IMO).
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(Afan jealous he didn’t do this first)
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

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Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by seacoaster » wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
Are unvaccinated allowed in this country? Yes.

It was a stupid, intentionally offensive, nativist question, simply and professionally ignored by press secretary. Next question.

The much tougher and more relevant question would be as to whether those on interstate and international travel (eg airplanes) should be mandated to have been vaccinated (with appropriate exceptions allowed)...there are many, many times more people entering our country that way than across the southern border each day. Other western countries are doing so, and this is within the Federal gov't's authority. And with interstate travel it would have a good effect on increasing % vaccinated and safety of those traveling.

Doocy is focused on those 'brown' people exclusively...for his nativist Fox News audience.

But his question would then become relevant if we were doing so with all international travel. Then it would become, 'how are we handling those entering via land, whether legal or illegally? Are we requiring or providing vaccinations for all those coming into the US either way, whether from Canada or Mexico or via boat or whatever? Not nativist, simply about ensuring public health.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:35 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
Are unvaccinated allowed in this country? Yes.

It was a stupid, intentionally offensive, nativist question, simply and professionally ignored by press secretary. Next question.

The much tougher and more relevant question would be as to whether those on interstate and international travel (eg airplanes) should be mandated to have been vaccinated (with appropriate exceptions allowed)...there are many, many times more people entering our country that way than across the southern border each day. Other western countries are doing so, and this is within the Federal gov't's authority. And with interstate travel it would have a good effect on increasing % vaccinated and safety of those traveling.

Doocy is focused on those 'brown' people exclusively...for his nativist Fox News audience.

But his question would then become relevant if we were doing so with all international travel. Then it would become, 'how are we handling those entering via land, whether legal or illegally? Are we requiring or providing vaccinations for all those coming into the US either way, whether from Canada or Mexico or via boat or whatever? Not nativist, simply about ensuring public health.
Interesting take.......

Interstate bothers you, but as long as the unvaccinated enter California, and Texas.....both I have friends and family living in......., it's cool that the "mouthbreathers" and "Unamericans" or whatever solvo Biden ranted about the other nite......

NO long as the unvaccinated STAY in these states, your A OK.

Contact tracing of those coming INTO our country, really HAS ramped up with under Biden administration. :roll:

Ummm......I conclude that the uptick in Provincetown and Massachusettes in due to exactly that factor, interstate travel. and than WORK in our restaurants, preparing your food (take out only, gotta stay safe )

How'z about no.......a big NO. You can NOT enter the USA if you are unvaccinaed. But, you can get on a plane ? (with what ID :lol:

It IS confusing how people can be all over the place , with this covid issue. Almost cavalier about it. Not even thinking about the issue and pragmatic applications of how this makes zero sense (allowing unvaccinated people into our NATION.........any contact tracing on these people? :lol: :lol:

Come back when the collective YOU are serious about stopping covid.....with inconsistent methods and messaging.

Stay well
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

What science justifies allowing unvaccinated people into our country?

Or, do they get the Johnson and johnson vaccine and be sent along their merry way ?

Otherwize, what kind of living conditions are these unvaccinated people getting, during the weeks between the first and second shot. (moderna/pfeizer )

B/c.....the Biden administration IS giving all those free shots, he discussed, in a rage of rants, that the vaccine is free. But not for unvaccinated, at the border.

Come on Biden administration, we keep these unvaccinated people, locked up, like a college student, until they can get their second shot. Actually, come to think about it, the antibodies don't really "kick in" and help until a few weeks AFTER the second shot.

We housing these unvaccinated people for this weeks long process ? sure hope so.

Covid survivors are mouth breathers..............but, if you wanna clean dishes at any of the taats favorite places to eat and drink., come on's , umm...."nativist" , and's racist, I tellz think that way. Infotainment tells me how to I don't

carry on.....

unvaccinated are cool to enter the country, just don't travel? umm.....where is brooklyn, calling for Bidens head, like he did Trumps ?

kind of unprincipled to bash ONE for not closing the border.....than supporting, with glee, the exact same inaction.

stay side is winning. you guess.....whatever winning is
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
The FoxNews guy asking the question, and his viewers, are vehemently against asking "papers, please", remember?

So what's the problem? Why the complaint?

The hypocrisy is flowing in both directions here. And we're paying a steep price for both. I'd give anything for both the FoxNews reporter AND the Press Secretary to grow the F up.

But here we are.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:17 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
The FoxNews guy asking the question, and his viewers, are vehemently against asking "papers, please", remember?

So what's the problem? Why the complaint?

The hypocrisy is flowing in both directions here. And we're paying a steep price for both. I'd give anything for both the FoxNews reporter AND the Press Secretary to grow the F up.

But here we are.
So, all the other countries across the globe, that do NOT allow unvaccinated, are what ?

Not sure how people can scream "get vaccinated ", but than scream "hypocrisy"...and your method of proof is a vague reference to how Foxness and it's followers, are against "papers, please" . This is your take?

The issue is border crossing, issue. of great international health concerns (gee, afan, how DID the "variants" enter our lands ;)

but, at this point, you have morphed into a generalist, know it all. Sad. Expected more thought, on this issue. But you went into "infotainment" defense mode.

Us vs THEM.

only, you are forgetting about all the people that don't want either of you all......... you really don't want a civil war, do you? If not, what is your end game, with all this infotainment defense instinct.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:35 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
Are unvaccinated allowed in this country? Yes.

It was a stupid, intentionally offensive, nativist question, simply and professionally ignored by press secretary. Next question.

The much tougher and more relevant question would be as to whether those on interstate and international travel (eg airplanes) should be mandated to have been vaccinated (with appropriate exceptions allowed)...there are many, many times more people entering our country that way than across the southern border each day. Other western countries are doing so, and this is within the Federal gov't's authority. And with interstate travel it would have a good effect on increasing % vaccinated and safety of those traveling.

Doocy is focused on those 'brown' people exclusively...for his nativist Fox News audience.

But his question would then become relevant if we were doing so with all international travel. Then it would become, 'how are we handling those entering via land, whether legal or illegally? Are we requiring or providing vaccinations for all those coming into the US either way, whether from Canada or Mexico or via boat or whatever? Not nativist, simply about ensuring public health.
:lol: :lol:

So now immigrants are considered international 'travelers'? or are people walking into our country looking for a better life different? Seems, if we were investing in, and placing refugees in our communities that walk across our border, one would think mandating a vaccine to them would be quite simple. But for some think its a brown person thing to create division :roll: . To have race and fox news as your first go to in order to tear something down, says more about you.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

seacoaster wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:24 pm Seventy percent support for a bill is "unity" in this country: ... -too-much/

So the GOP right in Congress can keep peddling the "cancel culture" and other dividing irrelevancies....

"As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation. Only about three-in-ten (28%) oppose the bill, which provides economic aid to businesses, individuals and state and local governments.

While congressional votes on the legislation have been deeply divided along partisan lines, 41% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support the measure. The bill draws overwhelming support from Democrats and Democratic leaners (94% favor).

In assessing the proposed spending in the aid package, 41% of Americans view it as about right, while another 25% say it spends too little; only a third of Americans say the legislation spends too much money. Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to view the spending in the bill as excessive (61% of Republicans vs. 11% of Democrats).

The new national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted on the Center’s nationally representative American Trends Panel March 1-7, 2021, among 12,055 adults, finds that a majority of the public (57%) says the Biden administration made a good faith effort working with Republican congressional leaders on the coronavirus aid package.

By comparison, 42% say GOP leaders made a good faith effort to work with the White House on the pandemic relief bill, with a 55% majority saying they did not work in good faith.

While most Americans favor the coronavirus aid package, there are demographic differences in the levels of support.

Three-quarters of women say they favor the aid package, while a smaller majority of men (66%) say the same.

While overwhelming majorities of Black (91%), Hispanic (80%) and Asian American adults (76%) say they favor the economic package, that compares with a smaller majority of White adults (63%).

There are also substantial differences in views of the economic stimulus package by household income. About eight-in-ten Americans in lower-income households (82%) favor the bill, compared with two-thirds of middle-income and 60% of upper-income Americans.

Although a 57% majority of Republicans say they oppose the proposed stimulus bill, there is a substantial ideological divide within the GOP: Roughly seven-in-ten conservative Republicans (69%) say they oppose the economic package, while the balance of opinion is reversed among moderate and liberal Republicans, 61% of whom say they favor the aid bill.

By contrast, there is near-universal support for the economic bill among Democrats: More than nine-in-ten (94%) say they favor the COVID-19 economic aid package."
What happened to the $4 trillion from last year ?

Oh well, as long as my stocks stay high before I sell them.........all....that.....matters.

How was the vote on the $4 trillion......any of the taats with a (R) next to their name vote YES.......

oh, we get to pick and choose when the "other side" are nasty.......

Any of this money gonna go, like the original CARES act, to the military and it's subsidiaries?

oh GOP voted to these relief bills.......THIS is what you are going with?

Here is reality.....the facts.

6 members of the House voted NO, to help with relief. 3 D's, 2 R's, 1 I ... vote=00080

Not ONE US Senator voted NO, against helping fellow Americans with $4 trillion in relief.

Who believes what your authors and articles are trying to spin ? Such fear porn and lies.

unless recorded votes don't count..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

keep on spinning the hate. hate hate.

your lies will continue to be exposed.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:17 am
youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:44 am wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:26 pm Immaturity and pettiness (or incompetence?) in the press room continues under Biden: ... h&mc=aleum
Huh? Doocy‘s whole job is to get bites the Dark Oracles can use. How about we talk about bad so-called “journalism”? Nothing “immature” here from a super-competent Press Secretary.
So it does not bother you that the WH will not answer why they are allowing unvaccinated into our country?
The FoxNews guy asking the question, and his viewers, are vehemently against asking "papers, please", remember?

So what's the problem? Why the complaint?

The hypocrisy is flowing in both directions here. And we're paying a steep price for both. I'd give anything for both the FoxNews reporter AND the Press Secretary to grow the F up.

But here we are.
It was a simple direct question, and you'd think the WH would have a prepared order to share that they are doing what they can to 'protect OUR citizenry from a deadly virus. But sadly, some think it was crass, uncalled for....b/c it was Fox news :lol:

It was crystal clear the WH is currently backed in to every corner of the ring. Not much is going well for them. I suspect Jen will be gone before the Holidays, in order to try and give the media new meat to chew on.

Couple this with Fauci not being able to answer Gupta's question on antibodies, Afghanistan debacle, Biden's vacc mandate (but oh, its okay to be a refugee and not get a shot) and Oh.... did you hear congress is exempt from the mandate and they want us little peons to trust them...UFB, multiple trillion spending package (I am kinda onboard with BTW). Harris is nowhere to be found. But it's Fox's fault for asking a very simple, concerning question.

So yes, you are right, the hypocrisy is flowing, and this administration can't take what they shelled out the last four years....why? b/c they are not any damned better; currently in a worse off position.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

It is amazing, the end game.

Pretty sure I know what it is, and it ain't good.

perhaps only certain buisiness' should be allowed to ask certain questions.

Media still is a bizness, yes?

"ask you doctor about ......."

US citizens can NOT go to Portugal, Albania, Prague, Paris or........

does the bizness Fox news have outlets in Europe ?

It is amazing.

covid survivors don't matter......take the Trump vaccine.

Lost respect for those that aren't interested in the science, especially when the FDA approval was done under some funky stuff. but....trump sucks.....but NOT his vaccine.

so confusing.

racist for wanting people to be the thinking. Just wow
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:11 pm It was a simple direct question, and you'd think the WH would have a prepared order to share that they are doing what they can to 'protect OUR citizenry from a deadly virus.
Oh, I agree.

The problem, as you very well know, is that this is the same network---and political party---- that has been doing everything in its power to undermine rational, reasonable measures needed to get the virus under control. So it's a bit rich to play dumb, and act like this idiot reporter is trying to help pull on the rope to get our nation in order when it comes to Covid.

If it was 1980? We'd be mandating that not only ever refugee get the vaccine before setting foot on American soil, but that every American do the same. And no one would be anything but grateful to receive a life saving vaccine.

Instead, what do we get? A FoxNation reporter pretending to care about a virus that they told millions of viewers was a plot to take out their leader, and a Biden rep thinking it makes perfect sense to let these immigrants in without giving them a shot, right on the spot.

A nation taken down by partisanship----same thing I've been complaining about here for going on two decades.
youthathletics wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:11 pm Couple this with Fauci not being able to answer Gupta's question on antibodies
He did indeed answer the question. You just didn't like the answer.
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