All things CoronaVirus

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.

How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by lagerhead »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:56 pm
lagerhead wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:54 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:47 pm
lagerhead wrote
Ms Shue sat at my prom table, her best friend was my GF. First Burger King gal. Nice lady. Bro Willy probably knew MD, tragic that one. Andy also acted 90210??
Gotta figure she liked a Whopper then.
Tragic that one? What's that mean?
Rock climbing, think it might have been near you.
Didn’t he have a drug problem as well?
Think that was Andy
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

lagerhead wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:58 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:47 pm
lagerhead wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:34 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:08 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:58 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:42 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:15 pm
Just cosmetic. Its a D.I.Y job.

Minka Kelly…. 👍
Go watch Requiem for a Dream if you’ve forgotten how hot Jennifer Connelly is. And I’m talking beginning of movie not her outcome at the “end” (to end..). Which I may or may not find kind of hot anyways but we all know I’m a deviant.
:lol: ...misogynist alert. She's hot in any role.
It’s not misogyny if you love them. Connelly, Garner, Natalie Portman and Elizabeth Shue was my list of women I’d break my own arm to be in a room with first half of the 2000s.
Ms Shue sat at my prom table, her best friend was my GF. First Burger King gal. Nice lady. Bro Willy probably knew MD, tragic that one. Andy also acted 90210??
I would’ve broken up with her on the spot and tried to figure out a way to justify roofies if I were you.

BTW, SOFR looks lien their winning the rate war.
Read hear good looking gals only hang with good looking gals. My date was a 10 not sure what she saw in me still friends.

% picking up notional not so much. Dealers are ticked struck with something they can’t hedge.
Congrats either way. Too bad you couldn’t of talked them into kissing to see if they’d share.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

lagerhead wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:59 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:56 pm
lagerhead wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:54 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:47 pm
lagerhead wrote
Ms Shue sat at my prom table, her best friend was my GF. First Burger King gal. Nice lady. Bro Willy probably knew MD, tragic that one. Andy also acted 90210??
Gotta figure she liked a Whopper then.
Tragic that one? What's that mean?
Rock climbing, think it might have been near you.
Didn’t he have a drug problem as well?
Think that was Andy
I didn't know any of the Shue's, didn't overlap at Dartmouth best I know.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:54 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:38 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:17 pm o 10, in Staten Island, N.Y. KEVIN HAGEN FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
The Results Are In for Remote Learning: It Didn’t Work
The pandemic forced schools into a crash course in online education. Problems piled up quickly. ‘I find it hectic and stressful’

By Tawnell D. Hobbs and Lee Hawkins
June 5, 2020 12:42 pm ET



This spring, America took an involuntary crash course in remote learning. With the school year now winding down, the grade from students, teachers, parents and administrators is already in: It was a failure.

School districts closed campuses in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic and, with practically no time at all for planning or training, launched a grand experiment to educate more than 50 million students from kindergarten through 12th grade using technology.

The problems began piling up almost immediately. There were students with no computers or internet access. Teachers had no experience with remote learning. And many parents weren’t available to help.

In many places, lots of students simply didn’t show up online, and administrators had no good way to find out why not. Soon many districts weren’t requiring students to do any work at all, increasing the risk that millions of students would have big gaps in their learning.

“We all know there’s no substitute for learning in a school setting, and many students are struggling and falling far behind where they should be,” said Austin Beutner, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, in a video briefing to the community on Wednesday.

Boston public-school teacher Princess Bryant teaches her kindergarten class via videoconference from her apartment.
Already, school administrators are looking ahead to an uncertain fall, when many will be trying to apply lessons gleaned from the rocky spring to try to reopen classrooms, possibly using a mix of in-person and remote learning. To prevent a repeat of the spring disaster, some of them say, more students will need suitable electronic devices and internet access, and teachers will need much better training about how best to instruct from afar.

Preliminary research suggests students nationwide will return to school in the fall with roughly 70% of learning gains in reading relative to a typical school year, and less than 50% in math, according to projections by NWEA, an Oregon-based nonprofit that provides research to help educators tailor instruction. It expects a greater learning loss for minority and low-income children who have less access to technology, and for families more affected by the economic downturn.

Pandemic Learning Slide
Some students, especially those without much structured learning from home, could have started to experience the learning loss typically associated with summer when schools closed in March because of the pandemic.

Standardized math test scores, by grade

Typical summer learning loss
If typical summer learning loss began
when schools closed
COVID-19 school closures
Typical end of school year
Source: NWEA
Even though many students these days are tech savvy, that doesn’t ensure they will do well with remote learning. Some education experts say there is a huge gap between what students can do for fun on their cellphones and gaming systems and how good they are at using a device for educational tasks such as reading a document, answering a question or figuring out a problem.

“I think we have this assumption that since they spend all their time on their devices, it’s no big deal for them to learn remotely,” said Janella Hinds, a social-studies teacher at the 500-student High School for Public Service in Brooklyn’s Flatbush neighborhood. “But being a digital consumer and a digital learner are two different things.”

Parents, for their part, are frustrated after more than two months of trying to supervise their children’s at-home learning while juggling jobs and other responsibilities.

“It’s been very challenging,” said Mara LaViola, who has a 17-year-old son with autism and other disabilities in the Eanes Independent School District in Austin, Texas. Initially, she figured she would be more tolerant of teaching shortcomings during such an unprecedented time. But she was dismayed that her son’s interaction with teachers didn’t extend much beyond a morning greeting.

“The vast majority of it failed because of a lack of imagination, and a lack of effort,” she said.

Molly May, the district’s executive director of special education, said she felt “all of our students got a high-level of services given the platform and their ability to access remote learning. Teachers were innovative and creative and tried to meet the needs of each child.”

School districts and teachers that had previously used forms of online learning made the transition more easily. But many educators, even those comfortable with the method, say remote learning isn’t comparable to in-person teaching.

“I find it hectic and stressful,” said Dallas middle-school teacher Delna Bryan, whose advanced Spanish classes include both fluent and nonfluent youngsters. “In the classroom, I can look around and see body language and know when some of my students not fluent in Spanish need me to switch to English. I can’t do that online. We need the interaction with the kids, face-to-face.”

Districts are now debating what they should do when schools reopen for the next academic year—whether to rewind back to where students left off in March, or to plow ahead with the regular curriculum and let teachers fill in missing skills. Some plan to administer exams at the start of the school year to gauge learning shortfalls.

Roughly 20% of students nationwide don't have access to the technology they need for remote learning.

Estimated percentage of students without reliable internet connection, 2019

Less than 15%
25% or more
Source: EducationSuperHighway
School districts didn’t realize the number of students without access to devices and the internet until they surveyed parents. Districts that could afford to do so hurried to buy the technology needed to get students online. Some, such as those in Austin and Belleville, Ill., put Wi-Fi wired buses in parking lots for students to connect from their parents’ cars. Many districts prepared printed packets of work for students without online access, which were handed out in food drive-through lines at schools.

One major issue has been how to assess students fairly when learning is done remotely. Many school districts aren’t comfortable issuing grades for remote work. Some have told teachers not to give failing grades because of equity issues. Many are using a “hold harmless” approach, where grades that negatively affect students can’t be used, but ones that help them or are neutral are permitted. Some teachers believe the rule has simply resulted in students not doing work.

A student received a laptop computer for remote learning at Bell High School in Bell, Calif., in April.
Others worry that remote learning facilitates cheating. “Whatever work we’re receiving online may not always necessarily be the work completed by the child,” said Alexa Sorden, founding principal of Concourse Village Elementary School in the Bronx.


How was your family’s experience with remote learning? Join the conversation below.

Some of the nation’s largest school districts, including Los Angeles and Chicago, concerned about inequities in internet access and parental involvement, have told teachers not to give students failing final grades or anything lower than what they had before the shutdown. Washington state banned “F” grades in all of its districts.

“We can’t use the shutdown to fail them,” said Michael Hinojosa, superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District in Texas. “And some teachers are really good with this and some of them are not. We didn’t want to penalize people until we can make it better.”

Dr. Hinojosa said students won’t be failed for not completing remote work assignments, but those already failing before the pandemic who didn’t do any work will still fail. He said teachers can give an “incomplete” to students who fell short of passing but are willing to complete the work over the summer.

The Wall Street Journal Whats News
The Lessons Learned From Remote Learning

00:00 / 14:51

Many teachers unions have been supportive of not grading students because of inequities, although some of their members feel like it allows students to slack off.

Remote learning has turned the simple task of taking attendance into a challenge. Many count students as present if they log in to do work in programs like Google Classroom, an online classroom manager. Some give attendance credit for weekly progress on completed work, while others allow parents to call in to vouch for their children. Some districts aren’t bothering with attendance at all. Those that have been able to track attendance say it has been below regular levels.

‘It’s simply not acceptable that we lose touch’ with students, said Austin Beutner, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Some students have simply gone missing. Early into the shutdown, the Los Angeles Unified School District estimated that on any given day in a week span, 32% of high-school students didn’t log in to learn.

Mr. Beutner, the Los Angeles superintendent, said at the time that some of those missing are among the most vulnerable—those in the foster-care system or living in deep poverty, students with disabilities and those who regularly missed school in ordinary times.

“It’s simply not acceptable that we lose touch,” he said, while noting that the number of students logging in has grown as the district worked to provide students with laptops and internet access.

Some districts have opted to end the academic year early. The Bibb County School District in Georgia wrapped up on May 1, three weeks ahead of time. Officials cited stress on the community and said they planned to use the time to get ready for next school year.

Related Video
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place


0:00 / 2:46
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place
From a coffee shop delivery train in New Zealand to plastic partitions at eateries in Thailand, different countries are finding ways to help the public maintain social distancing measures as restrictions begin to ease. Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP
The Quitman Independent School District in Texas stopped giving new assignments two weeks before the school year ended to focus on teaching life skills. Based on their age, students were asked to complete tasks ranging from making a bed to changing a tire to reading a bill.

“Parents are overwhelmed,” said Rhonda Turner, superintendent of the 1,200-student Quitman district. “It seemed like a perfect time to implement this. We’ve had a phenomenal response” from students and parents.

Lucia Curatolo-Boylan, a mother of four children, ages 4 to 10, in New York City public schools, found supervising the schooling a challenge. “It was definitely more difficult than I probably could have ever expected,” she said. “There was a lot that my oldest son was able to do on his own, which was wonderful. But the other two children really required my constant supervision and presence, which made it also harder to be there for my baby. Her nursery school education of her letters and numbers is quickly disappearing and not a priority because I had to sit with my kindergartner from 9 to 2 every day.”

Her son, 10-year-old Miles, has found remote learning exhausting and unpredictable. “Sometimes you have a lot of work and sometimes you don’t,” he said, recalling a time when he worked “almost an entire school day on three things.”

Some schools, particularly those with ample resources and some experience with remote learning, had a far easier time of it than most.

Ms. Curatolo-Boylan says she hasn’t had enough time to work with her 4-year-old daughter, Mara Jane Boylan, on top, because the schoolwork of two of her older children requires so much supervision.
In Broward County Public Schools in Florida, the district had been building its technology program for several years and many teachers were already managing classwork online, so things have gone more smoothly. Nevertheless, a survey of Broward students in grades 6 through 12 found that 52% don’t feel motivated to complete distance-learning assignments. About 45% said they almost never receive adult help at home to complete assignments.

Administrators at Riverdale Country School, a private school in New York City, said their foray into online learning was successful, thanks to careful preparation and execution and having the resources to pull it off. The transition involved a month of infrastructure design and collaboration between administrators, teachers, the school’s technology team, students and parents.

Faculty and students participated in one-hour training sessions during the school day, and the school closed for two days before its spring break for a remote learning trial run.

As the school year comes to a close, districts are focused on making improvements. Some will use summer break to retool remote learning, provide teachers with professional training to use it, and work to outfit students with needed technology, with hopes of using federal stimulus money to do so.

About 9.7 million students aren’t connected to the internet, according to an estimate by the EducationSuperHighway, a nonprofit focused on connectivity in public schools. “As a nation, we were not prepared to take learning online,” said founder and CEO Evan Marwell.

Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, West Virginia and Washington, D.C., have the largest percentage of unconnected students, ranging from 26% to 28%, more than the national average of about 20%. New Hampshire, North Dakota and Utah have the lowest percentage, ranging from 10% to 12%.

Many districts plan to offer summer school, likely remotely, to get students caught up and help combat “Covid slide.” But some educators worry that the same remote learning that wasn’t effective in the spring won’t have changed much for summer.

New York City Department of Education will provide remedial instruction over the summer and possibly in the fall to thousands of students who have fallen behind during remote classes this spring. Officials expect about 177,000 of the city’s 1.1 million public-school students to enroll in remote summer learning, with about 102,000 of them required to take part.

New York City intends to provide remedial instruction over the summer and possibly in the fall to thousands of students who have fallen behind during remote classes.
School superintendents differ on how to reopen schools in the fall using social-distancing practices. Many are contemplating a hybrid system of splitting up classes and rotating students in and out of classrooms, with some reporting to the school on some days while the others work remotely. Another strategy being explored is to have younger students who can’t be home alone in classrooms every day, while older students learn at home.

To keep everyone safe, districts are considering new rules such as requiring students and teachers to wear masks, having students eat lunch in classrooms and requiring them to attend school in person only two days a week. Other possibilities include prohibiting the sharing of school supplies and the spacing of desks closer than 6 feet apart, and limiting parents and other visitors on campuses.

Educators hope that the rockiest days of remote learning are behind them.

“We’ve been building this plane and flying it at the same time,” said Danielle Buttacavoli, a school counselor at IS 61, the William A. Morris Intermediate School, in Staten Island. “We’ve been getting stronger at using these platforms, and I think the same goes for the students.”

Write to Tawnell D. Hobbs at [email protected] and Lee Hawkins at [email protected]

Copyright ©2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the June 6, 2020, print edition as '.'
This was supposed to put colleges out of business. Who is paying to go to UVA or Duke or Ivy League schools when you can do it on line and save money!
A. Don’t tell MD his son is in that game I believe.
B. Worked well for foreign students at Fuqua for a while... ... g-scandal/

Now it could be good for Chegg and the crazy college book pickoff monopoly.
Ton of upside for online education, and technology enabled personalized education.

IMO, not going to negatively impact the top brand schools as they will continue to provide a differentiated in-person experience, but a lot of "who??" schools may find it very difficult to make it. For the best schools, technology enablement will be used like calculators replaced slide rules, computers and heck your phone replaced libraries...doesn't mean there isn't value in in-person interactions, just that certain types of learning will be faster, more personalized...but expectations for education will keep increasing too.

My son's company's first niche was indeed helping very bright international students prepare to compete to be attractive to US and UK colleges, but a big part of that was inspiring and challenging kids to stretch beyond their comfort zones, find their bliss so to speak. Accelerating their development. Crimson Education.

I think the more exciting aspects of the company are probably the technology enabled, worldwide online high school, etc. Crimson Academy has launched very successfully. Kids report more time for extracurricular enrichment, including in-person activities, while learning at a very rapid, though personalized pace. At scale it gets very interesting as to what's possible.

Scratching the surface at this point.

But it's no surprise that traditional teachers and schools floundered with the need to work with kids online. They don't know how, the tools are terrible, and everyone was stressed...and much worse for those trying to deal with students with various challenges, economics, learning styles, etc.
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Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:26 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:54 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:38 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:17 pm o 10, in Staten Island, N.Y. KEVIN HAGEN FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
The Results Are In for Remote Learning: It Didn’t Work
The pandemic forced schools into a crash course in online education. Problems piled up quickly. ‘I find it hectic and stressful’

By Tawnell D. Hobbs and Lee Hawkins
June 5, 2020 12:42 pm ET



This spring, America took an involuntary crash course in remote learning. With the school year now winding down, the grade from students, teachers, parents and administrators is already in: It was a failure.

School districts closed campuses in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic and, with practically no time at all for planning or training, launched a grand experiment to educate more than 50 million students from kindergarten through 12th grade using technology.

The problems began piling up almost immediately. There were students with no computers or internet access. Teachers had no experience with remote learning. And many parents weren’t available to help.

In many places, lots of students simply didn’t show up online, and administrators had no good way to find out why not. Soon many districts weren’t requiring students to do any work at all, increasing the risk that millions of students would have big gaps in their learning.

“We all know there’s no substitute for learning in a school setting, and many students are struggling and falling far behind where they should be,” said Austin Beutner, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, in a video briefing to the community on Wednesday.

Boston public-school teacher Princess Bryant teaches her kindergarten class via videoconference from her apartment.
Already, school administrators are looking ahead to an uncertain fall, when many will be trying to apply lessons gleaned from the rocky spring to try to reopen classrooms, possibly using a mix of in-person and remote learning. To prevent a repeat of the spring disaster, some of them say, more students will need suitable electronic devices and internet access, and teachers will need much better training about how best to instruct from afar.

Preliminary research suggests students nationwide will return to school in the fall with roughly 70% of learning gains in reading relative to a typical school year, and less than 50% in math, according to projections by NWEA, an Oregon-based nonprofit that provides research to help educators tailor instruction. It expects a greater learning loss for minority and low-income children who have less access to technology, and for families more affected by the economic downturn.

Pandemic Learning Slide
Some students, especially those without much structured learning from home, could have started to experience the learning loss typically associated with summer when schools closed in March because of the pandemic.

Standardized math test scores, by grade

Typical summer learning loss
If typical summer learning loss began
when schools closed
COVID-19 school closures
Typical end of school year
Source: NWEA
Even though many students these days are tech savvy, that doesn’t ensure they will do well with remote learning. Some education experts say there is a huge gap between what students can do for fun on their cellphones and gaming systems and how good they are at using a device for educational tasks such as reading a document, answering a question or figuring out a problem.

“I think we have this assumption that since they spend all their time on their devices, it’s no big deal for them to learn remotely,” said Janella Hinds, a social-studies teacher at the 500-student High School for Public Service in Brooklyn’s Flatbush neighborhood. “But being a digital consumer and a digital learner are two different things.”

Parents, for their part, are frustrated after more than two months of trying to supervise their children’s at-home learning while juggling jobs and other responsibilities.

“It’s been very challenging,” said Mara LaViola, who has a 17-year-old son with autism and other disabilities in the Eanes Independent School District in Austin, Texas. Initially, she figured she would be more tolerant of teaching shortcomings during such an unprecedented time. But she was dismayed that her son’s interaction with teachers didn’t extend much beyond a morning greeting.

“The vast majority of it failed because of a lack of imagination, and a lack of effort,” she said.

Molly May, the district’s executive director of special education, said she felt “all of our students got a high-level of services given the platform and their ability to access remote learning. Teachers were innovative and creative and tried to meet the needs of each child.”

School districts and teachers that had previously used forms of online learning made the transition more easily. But many educators, even those comfortable with the method, say remote learning isn’t comparable to in-person teaching.

“I find it hectic and stressful,” said Dallas middle-school teacher Delna Bryan, whose advanced Spanish classes include both fluent and nonfluent youngsters. “In the classroom, I can look around and see body language and know when some of my students not fluent in Spanish need me to switch to English. I can’t do that online. We need the interaction with the kids, face-to-face.”

Districts are now debating what they should do when schools reopen for the next academic year—whether to rewind back to where students left off in March, or to plow ahead with the regular curriculum and let teachers fill in missing skills. Some plan to administer exams at the start of the school year to gauge learning shortfalls.

Roughly 20% of students nationwide don't have access to the technology they need for remote learning.

Estimated percentage of students without reliable internet connection, 2019

Less than 15%
25% or more
Source: EducationSuperHighway
School districts didn’t realize the number of students without access to devices and the internet until they surveyed parents. Districts that could afford to do so hurried to buy the technology needed to get students online. Some, such as those in Austin and Belleville, Ill., put Wi-Fi wired buses in parking lots for students to connect from their parents’ cars. Many districts prepared printed packets of work for students without online access, which were handed out in food drive-through lines at schools.

One major issue has been how to assess students fairly when learning is done remotely. Many school districts aren’t comfortable issuing grades for remote work. Some have told teachers not to give failing grades because of equity issues. Many are using a “hold harmless” approach, where grades that negatively affect students can’t be used, but ones that help them or are neutral are permitted. Some teachers believe the rule has simply resulted in students not doing work.

A student received a laptop computer for remote learning at Bell High School in Bell, Calif., in April.
Others worry that remote learning facilitates cheating. “Whatever work we’re receiving online may not always necessarily be the work completed by the child,” said Alexa Sorden, founding principal of Concourse Village Elementary School in the Bronx.


How was your family’s experience with remote learning? Join the conversation below.

Some of the nation’s largest school districts, including Los Angeles and Chicago, concerned about inequities in internet access and parental involvement, have told teachers not to give students failing final grades or anything lower than what they had before the shutdown. Washington state banned “F” grades in all of its districts.

“We can’t use the shutdown to fail them,” said Michael Hinojosa, superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District in Texas. “And some teachers are really good with this and some of them are not. We didn’t want to penalize people until we can make it better.”

Dr. Hinojosa said students won’t be failed for not completing remote work assignments, but those already failing before the pandemic who didn’t do any work will still fail. He said teachers can give an “incomplete” to students who fell short of passing but are willing to complete the work over the summer.

The Wall Street Journal Whats News
The Lessons Learned From Remote Learning

00:00 / 14:51

Many teachers unions have been supportive of not grading students because of inequities, although some of their members feel like it allows students to slack off.

Remote learning has turned the simple task of taking attendance into a challenge. Many count students as present if they log in to do work in programs like Google Classroom, an online classroom manager. Some give attendance credit for weekly progress on completed work, while others allow parents to call in to vouch for their children. Some districts aren’t bothering with attendance at all. Those that have been able to track attendance say it has been below regular levels.

‘It’s simply not acceptable that we lose touch’ with students, said Austin Beutner, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Some students have simply gone missing. Early into the shutdown, the Los Angeles Unified School District estimated that on any given day in a week span, 32% of high-school students didn’t log in to learn.

Mr. Beutner, the Los Angeles superintendent, said at the time that some of those missing are among the most vulnerable—those in the foster-care system or living in deep poverty, students with disabilities and those who regularly missed school in ordinary times.

“It’s simply not acceptable that we lose touch,” he said, while noting that the number of students logging in has grown as the district worked to provide students with laptops and internet access.

Some districts have opted to end the academic year early. The Bibb County School District in Georgia wrapped up on May 1, three weeks ahead of time. Officials cited stress on the community and said they planned to use the time to get ready for next school year.

Related Video
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place


0:00 / 2:46
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place
As Countries Reopen, Social Distancing Measures Remain in Place
From a coffee shop delivery train in New Zealand to plastic partitions at eateries in Thailand, different countries are finding ways to help the public maintain social distancing measures as restrictions begin to ease. Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP
The Quitman Independent School District in Texas stopped giving new assignments two weeks before the school year ended to focus on teaching life skills. Based on their age, students were asked to complete tasks ranging from making a bed to changing a tire to reading a bill.

“Parents are overwhelmed,” said Rhonda Turner, superintendent of the 1,200-student Quitman district. “It seemed like a perfect time to implement this. We’ve had a phenomenal response” from students and parents.

Lucia Curatolo-Boylan, a mother of four children, ages 4 to 10, in New York City public schools, found supervising the schooling a challenge. “It was definitely more difficult than I probably could have ever expected,” she said. “There was a lot that my oldest son was able to do on his own, which was wonderful. But the other two children really required my constant supervision and presence, which made it also harder to be there for my baby. Her nursery school education of her letters and numbers is quickly disappearing and not a priority because I had to sit with my kindergartner from 9 to 2 every day.”

Her son, 10-year-old Miles, has found remote learning exhausting and unpredictable. “Sometimes you have a lot of work and sometimes you don’t,” he said, recalling a time when he worked “almost an entire school day on three things.”

Some schools, particularly those with ample resources and some experience with remote learning, had a far easier time of it than most.

Ms. Curatolo-Boylan says she hasn’t had enough time to work with her 4-year-old daughter, Mara Jane Boylan, on top, because the schoolwork of two of her older children requires so much supervision.
In Broward County Public Schools in Florida, the district had been building its technology program for several years and many teachers were already managing classwork online, so things have gone more smoothly. Nevertheless, a survey of Broward students in grades 6 through 12 found that 52% don’t feel motivated to complete distance-learning assignments. About 45% said they almost never receive adult help at home to complete assignments.

Administrators at Riverdale Country School, a private school in New York City, said their foray into online learning was successful, thanks to careful preparation and execution and having the resources to pull it off. The transition involved a month of infrastructure design and collaboration between administrators, teachers, the school’s technology team, students and parents.

Faculty and students participated in one-hour training sessions during the school day, and the school closed for two days before its spring break for a remote learning trial run.

As the school year comes to a close, districts are focused on making improvements. Some will use summer break to retool remote learning, provide teachers with professional training to use it, and work to outfit students with needed technology, with hopes of using federal stimulus money to do so.

About 9.7 million students aren’t connected to the internet, according to an estimate by the EducationSuperHighway, a nonprofit focused on connectivity in public schools. “As a nation, we were not prepared to take learning online,” said founder and CEO Evan Marwell.

Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, West Virginia and Washington, D.C., have the largest percentage of unconnected students, ranging from 26% to 28%, more than the national average of about 20%. New Hampshire, North Dakota and Utah have the lowest percentage, ranging from 10% to 12%.

Many districts plan to offer summer school, likely remotely, to get students caught up and help combat “Covid slide.” But some educators worry that the same remote learning that wasn’t effective in the spring won’t have changed much for summer.

New York City Department of Education will provide remedial instruction over the summer and possibly in the fall to thousands of students who have fallen behind during remote classes this spring. Officials expect about 177,000 of the city’s 1.1 million public-school students to enroll in remote summer learning, with about 102,000 of them required to take part.

New York City intends to provide remedial instruction over the summer and possibly in the fall to thousands of students who have fallen behind during remote classes.
School superintendents differ on how to reopen schools in the fall using social-distancing practices. Many are contemplating a hybrid system of splitting up classes and rotating students in and out of classrooms, with some reporting to the school on some days while the others work remotely. Another strategy being explored is to have younger students who can’t be home alone in classrooms every day, while older students learn at home.

To keep everyone safe, districts are considering new rules such as requiring students and teachers to wear masks, having students eat lunch in classrooms and requiring them to attend school in person only two days a week. Other possibilities include prohibiting the sharing of school supplies and the spacing of desks closer than 6 feet apart, and limiting parents and other visitors on campuses.

Educators hope that the rockiest days of remote learning are behind them.

“We’ve been building this plane and flying it at the same time,” said Danielle Buttacavoli, a school counselor at IS 61, the William A. Morris Intermediate School, in Staten Island. “We’ve been getting stronger at using these platforms, and I think the same goes for the students.”

Write to Tawnell D. Hobbs at [email protected] and Lee Hawkins at [email protected]

Copyright ©2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the June 6, 2020, print edition as '.'
This was supposed to put colleges out of business. Who is paying to go to UVA or Duke or Ivy League schools when you can do it on line and save money!
A. Don’t tell MD his son is in that game I believe.
B. Worked well for foreign students at Fuqua for a while... ... g-scandal/

Now it could be good for Chegg and the crazy college book pickoff monopoly.
Ton of upside for online education, and technology enabled personalized education.

IMO, not going to negatively impact the top brand schools as they will continue to provide a differentiated in-person experience, but a lot of "who??" schools may find it very difficult to make it. For the best schools, technology enablement will be used like calculators replaced slide rules, computers and heck your phone replaced libraries...doesn't mean there isn't value in in-person interactions, just that certain types of learning will be faster, more personalized...but expectations for education will keep increasing too.

My son's company's first niche was indeed helping very bright international students prepare to compete to be attractive to US and UK colleges, but a big part of that was inspiring and challenging kids to stretch beyond their comfort zones, find their bliss so to speak. Accelerating their development. Crimson Education.

I think the more exciting aspects of the company are probably the technology enabled, worldwide online high school, etc. Crimson Academy has launched very successfully. Kids report more time for extracurricular enrichment, including in-person activities, while learning at a very rapid, though personalized pace. At scale it gets very interesting as to what's possible.

Scratching the surface at this point.

But it's no surprise that traditional teachers and schools floundered with the need to work with kids online. They don't know how, the tools are terrible, and everyone was stressed...and much worse for those trying to deal with students with various challenges, economics, learning styles, etc.
I’ve been using khan academy with my kids for a number of years now.

The in person aspect is lost in most of tech and it’s going to bite the engineers in the a** one day. They don’t know how to stop and continuously over optimize which is a real thing.

As to last year yeah I can tell you about good old hunt and peck teachers and weak technology that messed the year up. Forget the tech though, who’s trying to figure out and handle the consequences of it for all the school aged kids? Talking about no grades and social promotion just because of a virus? That’s a massive disservice and the idea that folks in education are talking like that makes me sick .
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
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Re: Love to c DocB bash this

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:37 pm
tech37 wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:58 pm Also, the fact that these vaccines were based on novel technology and rushed into service did not help with already skeptical people.
The K-12 vaccines were based on trust built over years of efficacy, different but proven/trusted technology
This part is simply wrong. You---and everyone else here----doesn't know the first thing about, for example, the meningitis vaccine. You have no clue what's in it, how it was made, when it was invented, and what the side effects are. Neither do I, obviously.

So you can't reasonably say you don't trust the science of the Covid Vaccine, while you DO trust the science for other vaccines----when you can't even tell me when the other vaccines were invented, and what the side effects for each vaccine is, sorry. You have to pick a lane.

Again, assuming you want to be reasonable.

And I'd wager my entire business that you couldn't find a single anti-Covid vaxxer who knows that the meningitis vax is 21st century technology, for example. Yet they take it to enter college, and have their children do the same. And have no problems that Universities FORCE meningitis vaccinations for on campus instruction. Again, you can't have it both ways.

Edit to add ....Appreciate the back and forth. And no vortexes, as promised. ;) We can move on, if you're good.
I think you've taken what I said re vaccines too literally. Pre-mRNA, people didn't/don't need to necessarily know what's in a vaccine or how it works, never said nor meant that. As you know, vaccines for K-12 have mostly been vaccines of the more traditional type, not new technology, and certainly not politicized like mRNA. The more traditional vaccines have long track records and haven't been politically stigmatized, at least not to the extent of Covid vaxx. Certainly there is a minority of anti-vaxx people who don't trust the traditional K-12 either...that's their right of course but I hope they're competent home-schoolers.

As for a meningitis vaccine, haven't needed to deal with it up to this point. To date, my daughter's Dr. (whom she trusts and I'm fine with) has not recommended it. College is just over the horizon so that vaccine may be in her/our near future.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
This one could be quite nail biting with anxiety for many women. With the vaccine only being out for short time....there really is little data on the outcome of the (overall/genetic) health of newborns, where mother had a vaccine in her 2nd or 3rd trimester.

The vast majority of women my wife speaks with have all said they would not take the vaccine, if they were still considering child birth. And therefore are reluctant to do so for their teenage/young adult girls....until there is enough information supporting zero side effects of a child or getting pregnant.

EDIT: As noted in Techs reply to afan.....below. This is all new, especially as it applies to the reproductive system.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

Not sure if this has been posted....anyone digested this? It's on my reading list this weekend:

Path out of the Pandemic
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
What was it TLD said recently...."Can’t burn off fast enough for me". :oops:
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:31 am
wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
What was it TLD said recently...."Can’t burn off fast enough for me". :oops:
i get where he's coming from, but still.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:31 am
wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
What was it TLD said recently...."Can’t burn off fast enough for me". :oops:
You’re thinking of a private discussion you and with him about that growth in your junk...just wanted to clarify
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
I don't believe the article is anywhere near right for the entire nation in September 2021. Thought I made that clear. I recall seeing a number in the low 60s in early summer. Sounds more like a number from early spring 2021. Anecdotal evidence from the handful of pregnant / young women of child baring age that I know well enough to understand their position / vaccination status says the number is closer to zero than 50%, let alone 75%. Now that anecdotal evidence, the cohort may be biased in geography, education and socio-economic status, which of course would argue for my statement that it may be 75% in high hesitancy states.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
I don't recall what was exactly said, but boy, the CDC couldn't be clearer that the risks to mom and baby are much higher from contracting Covid than any risks from the vaccine. Yet 3 of 4 pregnant women in the US remain unvaccinated. Right now.

And that risk tradeoff has apparently been clear for many months, which may have been what was said on here...easy to misunderstand what people write one here, sentence fragments, out of context, and of course sometimes misinformed.

But there's been a ton of misinformation scaring women in child bearing years into not being vaccinated.

As to another poster's contention that there's something about MRNA based vaccines that should be scarier than past approaches (using live or dead virus), that's a contention that's really badly misinformed. And it's also nonsense that past vaccines are used at high percentages because they've been around a long, people were very, very interested in being vaccinated in prior disease epidemics and didn't question the expertise and authorities the way this currently politicized and paranoid craziness has done.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
I don't believe the article is anywhere near right for the entire nation in September 2021. Thought I made that clear. I recall seeing a number in the low 60s in early summer. Sounds more like a number from early spring 2021. Anecdotal evidence from the handful of pregnant / young women of child baring age that I know well enough to understand their position / vaccination status says the number is closer to zero than 50%, let alone 75%. Now that anecdotal evidence, the cohort may be biased in geography, education and socio-economic status, which of course would argue for my statement that it may be 75% in high hesitancy states.
It may well be very much a matter of geography, education, etc and your cohort exposure.

But whatever % it is, it's far too high.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:16 pm
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
I don't believe the article is anywhere near right for the entire nation in September 2021. Thought I made that clear. I recall seeing a number in the low 60s in early summer. Sounds more like a number from early spring 2021. Anecdotal evidence from the handful of pregnant / young women of child baring age that I know well enough to understand their position / vaccination status says the number is closer to zero than 50%, let alone 75%. Now that anecdotal evidence, the cohort may be biased in geography, education and socio-economic status, which of course would argue for my statement that it may be 75% in high hesitancy states.
It may well be very much a matter of geography, education, etc and your cohort exposure.

But whatever % it is, it's far too high.
... no question it is too high, but not believing 75% nationwide. Experience's of the pandemic are all across the board based on state of residence, in nearly every metric. To expect this number to not have a significant dispersion based on state is unrealistic. Will be an interesting analysis when the pandemic is over, looking at birth rates. We will see a decline, but I don't believe it is going to be anywhere near the kind of numbers we are talking about.
a fan
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Re: Love to c DocB bash this

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:10 am I think you've taken what I said re vaccines too literally.
Probably. I have a tendency to do that. It's REALLY hard to read between the lines on the forum...its why you and I have had flare ups in the past, because sometimes I get the "reading between the lines" wrong. Which is why I do my best to take what you and others write at face value.
tech37 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:10 am As for a meningitis vaccine, haven't needed to deal with it up to this point. To date, my daughter's Dr. (whom she trusts and I'm fine with) has not recommended it. College is just over the horizon so that vaccine may be in her/our near future.
The most popular meningitis vaccine is about a decade old. It is not old tech like polio etc. We can't possibly be certain that it's flawless in terms of, for example, women's reproductive systems.

Yet even the most conservative States are forcing kids to take it to attend college.

Obviously, I'm annoyed by this hypocrisy. The feigned outrage of "papers please" by guys like DeSantis, who, when no one is paying attention, FORCES University of Florida students to take multiple a bit much to take.

A little consistency in the middle of a pandemic would be greatly appreciated by those of us with unvaccinated children.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:40 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:16 pm
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:00 pm
wgdsr wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:25 am
jhu72 wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:24 am Speaking of pregnant women and COVID. Have to admit I am surprised that there is so much vaccine hesitancy still among pregnant women, although it may just be an issue in Mississippi and similar high hesitancy states.
the article literally states it's at 75% nationwide.
you are better.
though i did just read on fanlax this wasn't much of a problem anymore. (rolling eyes emoji).
I don't believe the article is anywhere near right for the entire nation in September 2021. Thought I made that clear. I recall seeing a number in the low 60s in early summer. Sounds more like a number from early spring 2021. Anecdotal evidence from the handful of pregnant / young women of child baring age that I know well enough to understand their position / vaccination status says the number is closer to zero than 50%, let alone 75%. Now that anecdotal evidence, the cohort may be biased in geography, education and socio-economic status, which of course would argue for my statement that it may be 75% in high hesitancy states.
It may well be very much a matter of geography, education, etc and your cohort exposure.

But whatever % it is, it's far too high.
... no question it is too high, but not believing 75% nationwide. Experience's of the pandemic are all across the board based on state of residence, in nearly every metric. To expect this number to not have a significant dispersion based on state is unrealistic. Will be an interesting analysis when the pandemic is over, looking at birth rates. We will see a decline, but I don't believe it is going to be anywhere near the kind of numbers we are talking about.
no idea what you're talking about jhu.
they specifically cite the latest cdc data. they're lying?
and here is npr from end july ... ated-delta
i can cite 16% in may also. 1 shot plus.

there are a multitude of trust cohorts out there. why this site ignores that reality is well beyond my comprehension.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by jhu72 »

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