All things CoronaVirus

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How many of your friends and family members have died of the Chinese Corona Virus?

0 people
1 person.
2 people.
3 people.
Total votes: 70

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:35 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:29 pm
So far in 2021:

10 of Florida's 15 officer deaths were Covid.
Georgia even worse with 11 of their 15 due to Covid.
Of course, then there's Texas with 30 of 37 officer deaths due to Covid.

California had 6 of their 15 officer deaths due to Covid so far.

New York has had 5 officer deaths so far in 2021; 2 to Covid.

How dispersed were the other causes of death? Small ample size but is it relative to the general safety of a force as well?

For statistically insignificant but it says 40% of officer deaths in Ny/Cali are Covid related and 60-66% in Fl/Ga. of course one more Covid death in NY raises that % 1000bps to 50%...=
There's detail overall, and you can click through to specific states to drill down.

The other causes are nearly all related to the dangers of being a cop, a few to other causes, but very few.

The biggest states are of course California, NY, Texas and Florida...
Just seems like to few events to really conclude much with confidence. The Texas data might be the only one interesting IMO's a lot of deaths of active duty folks...more in some cases than the more expected dangers. Not that it's an unreasonable #, just the relative % is striking.
I wonder what the numbers are for health care workers in hospitals. Not implying anything, just those that are exhausted, run down, weakened immune system for stress, etc.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:35 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:29 pm
So far in 2021:

10 of Florida's 15 officer deaths were Covid.
Georgia even worse with 11 of their 15 due to Covid.
Of course, then there's Texas with 30 of 37 officer deaths due to Covid.

California had 6 of their 15 officer deaths due to Covid so far.

New York has had 5 officer deaths so far in 2021; 2 to Covid.

How dispersed were the other causes of death? Small ample size but is it relative to the general safety of a force as well?

For statistically insignificant but it says 40% of officer deaths in Ny/Cali are Covid related and 60-66% in Fl/Ga. of course one more Covid death in NY raises that % 1000bps to 50%...=
There's detail overall, and you can click through to specific states to drill down.

The other causes are nearly all related to the dangers of being a cop, a few to other causes, but very few.

The biggest states are of course California, NY, Texas and Florida...
Just seems like to few events to really conclude much with confidence. The Texas data might be the only one interesting IMO's a lot of deaths of active duty folks...more in some cases than the more expected dangers. Not that it's an unreasonable #, just the relative % is striking.
Understood, sometimes the economist brain kicks in and I’m wondering things like “what is the control group?”, how many more opportunities would be available for crime and how many more cops would be in the street w/o Covid (assuming criminals are less phased by Covid but that there’s less opportunities for crime if less potential victims are out and about), etc.

In other words would those deaths still occur but be from other events if not for Covid. And was the Covid contracted on the job or because they’re MaGA Morons?
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by ggait »

Most, likely all, of these folks were not vaxed. The blue trends red politically. So this is not surprising.

Vaccine resistance among LEOs is presumably why the front page of the OfficerDown website says this:

COVID is the #1 killer of LEOs in 2020 and 2021. Getting vaccinated is just as important as wearing your vest and your seatbelt. Don't wait any longer, please get vaccinated today to protect yourself, your family, and your fellow officers.

Time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the vaccinated folks. It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down.
Boycott stupid. Country over party.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by seacoaster »

Guest essay in the Times: ... dents.html

"In case you’re wondering how things are going here in the Delta Rising region of the United States, I regret to report that things are going badly. Very, very badly.

Our intensive care units are full. Our children are getting sick in record numbers. Nevertheless, a small subset of unmasked, unvaccinated humanity has taken to yelling during school board meetings, and the most extreme protesters have issued threats against nurses and physicians who dared to speak publicly on behalf of such reasonable pandemic mitigation measures as masks and vaccines.

It’s so bad that the Tennessee Medical Association had to issue a statement in support of the exhausted heroes who for the past 18 months have been risking their own lives to care for strangers. “The enemy is the virus, not health care workers,” the statement read.

This is what some of us have become here in the American South: people who need to be reminded that our doctors are not our enemies.

Things have gotten this terrible for one reason: Our elected leaders keep making an already bad situation much worse. Consider Tennessee’s governor, Bill Lee. When a handful of school districts here began to issue mask mandates to protect children too young to be vaccinated — as advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — he issued an executive order allowing disgruntled parents to opt out, effectively rendering all mask mandates unenforceable.

This is a new low even for Mr. Lee, whose failures during this pandemic are too manifold to be enumerated in this small space.

Children, like adults, wear masks in part for their own protection and in part to protect others. Mask mandates protect children only when masking is universal. This is not a hard concept to understand.

We cannot blame ignorance for Mr. Lee’s executive order. It is nothing short of perfidy to place a higher priority on humoring the kind of people who threaten doctors and nurses than on protecting the health and safety of schoolchildren and their families. Some 1,200 children every day are getting sick with Covid in this state, and Mr. Lee’s response is to tie the hands of the people who are actually trying to help.

It’s worth pointing out that this is a partisan position, not a regional one. In the three Southern states headed up by Democratic governors — Kentucky, Louisiana and Virginia — school mask mandates are firmly in place. But as a Republican, Mr. Lee is not remotely alone. In fact, in banning school mask mandates he was essentially copying Florida’s governor, Rick DeSantis, who issued a similar executive order more than two weeks before Mr. Lee. The ban issued by Texas’ governor, Greg Abbott, came a day before Mr. DeSantis’.

Fortunately, many citizens in these states and others in the region are determined to keep themselves and their children safe, even if their leaders keep undermining those efforts at every turn.

No sooner had Mr. Lee signed his executive order than Dr. Sara Cross, a Memphis physician on his own Covid task force, issued a public statement decrying his decision. “I fear for my 6-year-old daughter,” she said in a video. “Opting out of wearing masks is putting all of our children in harm’s way.”

In Texas, the families of 14 children with disabilities have filed a federal lawsuit against Mr. Abbott and the Texas Education Agency commissioner, Mike Morath, arguing that the ban on school mask mandates puts their children in peril. (Texas has paused the enforcement of its ban, pending the resolution of several legal challenges.)

Here in Music City, the pushback against state leaders began, naturally enough, with musicians and music venues. For people whose work brings them into contact with thousands of strangers, this is not a political issue; it’s a life-or-death issue.

Nashville has so far issued neither a mask mandate nor a vaccine mandate for businesses operating here, but there’s an ever-growing list of music venues that require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to enter, including the massive Bonnaroo music festival in Manchester, Tenn. The musician Jason Isbell now requires proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to attend his shows, wherever they are held. “I’m all for freedom, but I think if you’re dead, you don’t have any freedoms at all,” he told MSNBC.

Meanwhile, Tennessee’s two largest school districts — Metro Nashville Public Schools and Shelby County Schools — continue to enforce their mask mandates in defiance of the governor’s executive order, and Nashville’s district attorney, Glenn Funk, has said that he “will not prosecute school officials or teachers for keeping children safe.” Some Tennessee pastors are encouraging other districts to defy the ban, too: “I’m well aware of what we are asking,” the Rev. Lillian Lammers told The Tennessean’s Brett Kelman. “There were many times in the Bible where Jesus broke the law in order to feed people or care for people, as a way of teaching others that sometimes the law can get in the way of doing what is right.”

That message of civil disobedience seems to be resonating across the South.

Last week, the school board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Florida’s largest school district, and school districts in Hillsborough County, which includes Tampa and Palm Beach County, voted to approve mask mandates in open defiance of Mr. DeSantis’s ban. And they did so despite the threat of penalties leveled by the Florida state board of education against board members and superintendents in Broward and Alachua Counties, which had already established mask mandates.

In South Carolina, which passed a ban on mask mandates as part of its budget, a bipartisan group of state legislators has called for a special session to reconsider the ban. The city of Columbia has passed a mask mandate in elementary and middle schools, and fire marshals are in place to enforce it.

School districts across Texas — in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio — are equally defiant. Arkansas’s governor, Asa Hutchinson, now regrets the ban he signed into law in the spring, and he is defying his base in attempting to overturn or modify the ban.

Look at a map of the worst Covid hot spots around the country, and you will see that the region getting most pummeled by this virus is, not coincidentally, the same one that is governed primarily by Republicans. Those supermajorities are why there has always been plenty of perfidy to go around down here, but this time the Republicans in charge have gone too far. People have finally stopped waiting for their leaders to lead and are taking matters into their own hands.

Our lives and our children’s lives are on the line."
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:13 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:35 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:29 pm
So far in 2021:

10 of Florida's 15 officer deaths were Covid.
Georgia even worse with 11 of their 15 due to Covid.
Of course, then there's Texas with 30 of 37 officer deaths due to Covid.

California had 6 of their 15 officer deaths due to Covid so far.

New York has had 5 officer deaths so far in 2021; 2 to Covid.

How dispersed were the other causes of death? Small ample size but is it relative to the general safety of a force as well?

For statistically insignificant but it says 40% of officer deaths in Ny/Cali are Covid related and 60-66% in Fl/Ga. of course one more Covid death in NY raises that % 1000bps to 50%...=
There's detail overall, and you can click through to specific states to drill down.

The other causes are nearly all related to the dangers of being a cop, a few to other causes, but very few.

The biggest states are of course California, NY, Texas and Florida...
Just seems like to few events to really conclude much with confidence. The Texas data might be the only one interesting IMO's a lot of deaths of active duty folks...more in some cases than the more expected dangers. Not that it's an unreasonable #, just the relative % is striking.
I wonder what the numbers are for health care workers in hospitals. Not implying anything, just those that are exhausted, run down, weakened immune system for stress, etc.
And lots of exposure to Covid...on the other hand, perhaps more conscious of protecting themselves?
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

seacoaster wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:35 am Guest essay in the Times: ... dents.html

"In case you’re wondering how things are going here in the Delta Rising region of the United States, I regret to report that things are going badly. Very, very badly.

Our intensive care units are full. Our children are getting sick in record numbers. Nevertheless, a small subset of unmasked, unvaccinated humanity has taken to yelling during school board meetings, and the most extreme protesters have issued threats against nurses and physicians who dared to speak publicly on behalf of such reasonable pandemic mitigation measures as masks and vaccines.

It’s so bad that the Tennessee Medical Association had to issue a statement in support of the exhausted heroes who for the past 18 months have been risking their own lives to care for strangers. “The enemy is the virus, not health care workers,” the statement read.

This is what some of us have become here in the American South: people who need to be reminded that our doctors are not our enemies.

Things have gotten this terrible for one reason: Our elected leaders keep making an already bad situation much worse. Consider Tennessee’s governor, Bill Lee. When a handful of school districts here began to issue mask mandates to protect children too young to be vaccinated — as advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — he issued an executive order allowing disgruntled parents to opt out, effectively rendering all mask mandates unenforceable.

This is a new low even for Mr. Lee, whose failures during this pandemic are too manifold to be enumerated in this small space.

Children, like adults, wear masks in part for their own protection and in part to protect others. Mask mandates protect children only when masking is universal. This is not a hard concept to understand.

We cannot blame ignorance for Mr. Lee’s executive order. It is nothing short of perfidy to place a higher priority on humoring the kind of people who threaten doctors and nurses than on protecting the health and safety of schoolchildren and their families. Some 1,200 children every day are getting sick with Covid in this state, and Mr. Lee’s response is to tie the hands of the people who are actually trying to help.

It’s worth pointing out that this is a partisan position, not a regional one. In the three Southern states headed up by Democratic governors — Kentucky, Louisiana and Virginia — school mask mandates are firmly in place. But as a Republican, Mr. Lee is not remotely alone. In fact, in banning school mask mandates he was essentially copying Florida’s governor, Rick DeSantis, who issued a similar executive order more than two weeks before Mr. Lee. The ban issued by Texas’ governor, Greg Abbott, came a day before Mr. DeSantis’.

Fortunately, many citizens in these states and others in the region are determined to keep themselves and their children safe, even if their leaders keep undermining those efforts at every turn.

No sooner had Mr. Lee signed his executive order than Dr. Sara Cross, a Memphis physician on his own Covid task force, issued a public statement decrying his decision. “I fear for my 6-year-old daughter,” she said in a video. “Opting out of wearing masks is putting all of our children in harm’s way.”

In Texas, the families of 14 children with disabilities have filed a federal lawsuit against Mr. Abbott and the Texas Education Agency commissioner, Mike Morath, arguing that the ban on school mask mandates puts their children in peril. (Texas has paused the enforcement of its ban, pending the resolution of several legal challenges.)

Here in Music City, the pushback against state leaders began, naturally enough, with musicians and music venues. For people whose work brings them into contact with thousands of strangers, this is not a political issue; it’s a life-or-death issue.

Nashville has so far issued neither a mask mandate nor a vaccine mandate for businesses operating here, but there’s an ever-growing list of music venues that require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to enter, including the massive Bonnaroo music festival in Manchester, Tenn. The musician Jason Isbell now requires proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to attend his shows, wherever they are held. “I’m all for freedom, but I think if you’re dead, you don’t have any freedoms at all,” he told MSNBC.

Meanwhile, Tennessee’s two largest school districts — Metro Nashville Public Schools and Shelby County Schools — continue to enforce their mask mandates in defiance of the governor’s executive order, and Nashville’s district attorney, Glenn Funk, has said that he “will not prosecute school officials or teachers for keeping children safe.” Some Tennessee pastors are encouraging other districts to defy the ban, too: “I’m well aware of what we are asking,” the Rev. Lillian Lammers told The Tennessean’s Brett Kelman. “There were many times in the Bible where Jesus broke the law in order to feed people or care for people, as a way of teaching others that sometimes the law can get in the way of doing what is right.”

That message of civil disobedience seems to be resonating across the South.

Last week, the school board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Florida’s largest school district, and school districts in Hillsborough County, which includes Tampa and Palm Beach County, voted to approve mask mandates in open defiance of Mr. DeSantis’s ban. And they did so despite the threat of penalties leveled by the Florida state board of education against board members and superintendents in Broward and Alachua Counties, which had already established mask mandates.

In South Carolina, which passed a ban on mask mandates as part of its budget, a bipartisan group of state legislators has called for a special session to reconsider the ban. The city of Columbia has passed a mask mandate in elementary and middle schools, and fire marshals are in place to enforce it.

School districts across Texas — in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio — are equally defiant. Arkansas’s governor, Asa Hutchinson, now regrets the ban he signed into law in the spring, and he is defying his base in attempting to overturn or modify the ban.

Look at a map of the worst Covid hot spots around the country, and you will see that the region getting most pummeled by this virus is, not coincidentally, the same one that is governed primarily by Republicans. Those supermajorities are why there has always been plenty of perfidy to go around down here, but this time the Republicans in charge have gone too far. People have finally stopped waiting for their leaders to lead and are taking matters into their own hands.

Our lives and our children’s lives are on the line."
Pretty funny stand up bit on LA and AR-guy named Tom Segura
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

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Why have conservatives become so stupid?

Post by DocBarrister »

Now conservative morons like those on Faux News are pushing veterinary pharmaceuticals on their imbecile viewers. Fox is practically depending on the fact that their audience is a bunch of ignorant idiots who will actually consider taking drugs approved only for animals (and certainly not approved for COVID-19) instead of several vaccines that have been proven to be safe through both clinical trials and extensive clinical use.

New York (CNN Business)Public health officials are aggressively dispelling claims by right-wing media personalities who have been promoting an anti-parasitic drug used for livestock as a potential Covid-19 treatment.

"You are not a horse. You are not a cow," the US Food and Drug Administration tweeted Saturday. "Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

Top conservative media personalities — including Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham — have mentioned ivermectin as a drug that could possibly be used to treat Covid-19.

This is part of a recent theme in right-wing media of attacking public health officials for promoting the highly effective coronavirus vaccines as the best path out of the pandemic instead of potential therapeutics to treat the virus.

Throughout the pandemic, Fox News, talk-radio, and right-wing websites have promoted unproven therapeutics to treat Covid-19 while simultaneously casting doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines and masks. ... index.html

I hereby formally ask those of you on this forum who are stupid enough to listen to Fox News or other right-wing propaganda outlets to identify yourselves, so that we can ensure that we keep children and intelligent people away from you.

Thank you.

DocBarrister :?
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Re: Why have conservatives become so stupid?

Post by Farfromgeneva »

DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:51 pm Now conservative morons like those on Faux News are pushing veterinary pharmaceuticals on their imbecile viewers. Fox is practically depending on the fact that their audience is a bunch of ignorant idiots who will actually consider taking drugs approved only for animals (and certainly not approved for COVID-19) instead of several vaccines that have been proven to be safe through both clinical trials and extensive clinical use.

New York (CNN Business)Public health officials are aggressively dispelling claims by right-wing media personalities who have been promoting an anti-parasitic drug used for livestock as a potential Covid-19 treatment.

"You are not a horse. You are not a cow," the US Food and Drug Administration tweeted Saturday. "Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

Top conservative media personalities — including Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham — have mentioned ivermectin as a drug that could possibly be used to treat Covid-19.

This is part of a recent theme in right-wing media of attacking public health officials for promoting the highly effective coronavirus vaccines as the best path out of the pandemic instead of potential therapeutics to treat the virus.

Throughout the pandemic, Fox News, talk-radio, and right-wing websites have promoted unproven therapeutics to treat Covid-19 while simultaneously casting doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines and masks. ... index.html

I hereby formally ask those of you on this forum who are stupid enough to listen to Fox News or other right-wing propaganda outlets to identify yourselves, so that we can ensure that we keep children and intelligent people away from you.

Thank you.

DocBarrister :?
Well Ketamine is a legit tool in the area of depression. Not one I’m planning on screwing around with but just saying.
Harvard University, out
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I am going to get a 4.0 in damage.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by CU88 »

President Biden @POTUS

Last week, we saw another record of vaccinations: more than 1 million shots a day for three straight days.

That’s the first time that’s happened since June.

4:11 PM · Aug 23, 2021·The White House
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

i'd be interested in any studies or rct's. thanks.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

wgdsr wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:25 pm i'd be interested in any studies or rct's. thanks.
Thanks Ivermectin side effects.

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:34 pm
wgdsr wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:25 pm i'd be interested in any studies or rct's. thanks.
Thanks Ivermectin side effects. ... id-19-drug

didn't somebody come on here questioning the eua for remdesivir and actual data?
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:22 pm Ivermectin advocates believe themselves to be fighting against the forces of censorship to promote a suppressed cure for COVID-19. (Asked during a question and answer session how many people had been killed by social media censorship against ivermectin, Kory and Varon offered estimates in the six figures.) Despite the fact that the drug’s effectiveness at treating any kind of viral infection is far from clear, their holy war has taken on new vigor over the past several weeks, as prominent members of the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web” have begun advocating for the drug—and have found themselves running afoul of policies meant to prevent platforms being used for the advocacy of unproven medical claims.

One prominent ivermectin advocate is Bret Weinstein. A former evolutionary biology professor turned podcast host and passionate promoter of ivermectin, he has appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast with Kory to discuss the drug, which he and wife/co-host Heather Heying have repeatedly claimed on their podcast can prevent or treat COVID-19. Recently, after receiving "strikes" from Youtube, the couple moved their podcast to the fringe platform Odysee and put their claims about the suppression of science at the center of discussion, alongside speculation about whether powerful institutions want the pandemic to continue.
Not a defender or fan of Rogan though there’s some talent off his tree branches, but isn’t he locked up w Spotify for like $100 MM? Meaning does he care about YouTube vs Odyesee or whatever?
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by wgdsr » ... aked-.html
looks like it has peaked. we'll get through it.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:02 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:22 pm Ivermectin advocates believe themselves to be fighting against the forces of censorship to promote a suppressed cure for COVID-19. (Asked during a question and answer session how many people had been killed by social media censorship against ivermectin, Kory and Varon offered estimates in the six figures.) Despite the fact that the drug’s effectiveness at treating any kind of viral infection is far from clear, their holy war has taken on new vigor over the past several weeks, as prominent members of the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web” have begun advocating for the drug—and have found themselves running afoul of policies meant to prevent platforms being used for the advocacy of unproven medical claims.

One prominent ivermectin advocate is Bret Weinstein. A former evolutionary biology professor turned podcast host and passionate promoter of ivermectin, he has appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast with Kory to discuss the drug, which he and wife/co-host Heather Heying have repeatedly claimed on their podcast can prevent or treat COVID-19. Recently, after receiving "strikes" from Youtube, the couple moved their podcast to the fringe platform Odysee and put their claims about the suppression of science at the center of discussion, alongside speculation about whether powerful institutions want the pandemic to continue.
Not a defender or fan of Rogan though there’s some talent off his tree branches, but isn’t he locked up w Spotify for like $100 MM? Meaning does he care about YouTube vs Odyesee or whatever?

This is pretty much all I care to know about Joe Rogan

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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by CU88 »

Fox News on FDA's approval of Pfizer vaccine:

Was it rushed?

*40 seconds pass*

What took so long?

by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

wgdsr wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:48 pm ... aked-.html
looks like it has peaked. we'll get through it.
* in the South. If it has indeed peaked. Hopefully so, maybe not, data is still needed. There are a few dozen other states who haven't been hit as hard who may or may not see more cases and deaths like we've seen in the South. We will see. A lot of variables.

We'll get through it as a country, that was never in doubt. Hundreds of thousands haven't, many preventable. A lot of terrible leaders.
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Re: All things CoronaVirus

Post by CU88 »

August 23, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 24

Today, the Food and Drug Administration gave full and final approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, which had previously been in use under an emergency authorization. The FDA approved the vaccine for people 16 and older. It has not yet been fully approved for people aged 12 to 15; for them it is still under an emergency authorization.

The good news about the vaccine’s approval sent the stock market soaring, as investors hoped the approval would lead to a surge in vaccinations, which would, in turn, strengthen the economy.

While this full authorization may help convince those hesitant about the vaccine to get one, it is more likely to help increase vaccination rates by sparking further vaccine mandates. Today President Joe Biden encouraged private businesses to require their employees to get vaccinated.

With the FDA’s full approval, the Pentagon will move forward with a requirement that all military personnel get the vaccine. In New York City, mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, has announced that all 148,000 public school teachers in the city must have at least one shot of the vaccine by September 27.

In Florida, the current death rate exceeds its highest number of deaths in any earlier wave of the pandemic. Last week the state had more than 150,000 new coronavirus infections, and this morning about 75 doctors in Palm Beach Gardens staged a symbolic walkout from their hospitals in a direct appeal to the public to get vaccinated. They warned that they are burning out from caring for the sick. "It's the worst it's ever been right now,” Dr. Robin Kass told Katherine Kokal of the Palm Beach Post. “And I just think that nobody realizes that."

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is standing firm on his refusal to permit mask mandates in schools, but the situation has gotten so bad that six school districts that together enroll more than a million students have passed mask mandates anyway. On Friday, the staunchly Republican Sarasota County joined the five Democratic districts of Miami-Dade, Broward, Hillsborough, Palm Beach, and Alachua counties to require masks in schools.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
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Re: Why have conservatives become so stupid?

Post by CU88 »

DocBarrister wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:51 pm Now conservative morons like those on Faux News are pushing veterinary pharmaceuticals on their imbecile viewers. Fox is practically depending on the fact that their audience is a bunch of ignorant idiots who will actually consider taking drugs approved only for animals (and certainly not approved for COVID-19) instead of several vaccines that have been proven to be safe through both clinical trials and extensive clinical use.

New York (CNN Business)Public health officials are aggressively dispelling claims by right-wing media personalities who have been promoting an anti-parasitic drug used for livestock as a potential Covid-19 treatment.

"You are not a horse. You are not a cow," the US Food and Drug Administration tweeted Saturday. "Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

Top conservative media personalities — including Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham — have mentioned ivermectin as a drug that could possibly be used to treat Covid-19.

This is part of a recent theme in right-wing media of attacking public health officials for promoting the highly effective coronavirus vaccines as the best path out of the pandemic instead of potential therapeutics to treat the virus.

Throughout the pandemic, Fox News, talk-radio, and right-wing websites have promoted unproven therapeutics to treat Covid-19 while simultaneously casting doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines and masks. ... index.html

I hereby formally ask those of you on this forum who are stupid enough to listen to Fox News or other right-wing propaganda outlets to identify yourselves, so that we can ensure that we keep children and intelligent people away from you.

Thank you.

DocBarrister :?
If the people who call everyone sheep would stop taking livestock medicine, that would be great.

FDA Begs People To Stop Taking Horse De-Wormer For COVID-19 ... r-covid19/
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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