Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Nope, vaccinations should be required for all without a specific medical excuse and those with such an excuse should wear a mask or do school remotely...until this thing is actually crushed.

Can't vaccinate all the youngest kids? (not approved yet) Wear a mask until you can.

All teachers. No excuses. Teachers unions don't like it? There's your political stance...

It's really not that complicated.

But nah, DeSantis didn't want even private businesses to be able to require proof of vaccination.

Even cruise lines, costing the state lots of economic activity.

All to posture. Not "impressive".
It's cowardice in the face of nut job 'base' voters.
Trumpist cowardice.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:56 am Nope, vaccinations should be required for all without a specific medical excuse and those with such an excuse should wear a mask or do school remotely...until this thing is actually crushed.

Can't vaccinate all the youngest kids? (not approved yet) Wear a mask until you can.

All teachers. No excuses. Teachers unions don't like it? There's your political stance...

It's really not that complicated.

But nah, DeSantis didn't want even private businesses to be able to require proof of vaccination.

Even cruise lines, costing the state lots of economic activity.

All to posture. Not "impressive".
It's cowardice in the face of nut job 'base' voters.
Trumpist cowardice.

I think your response is an over-reaction to what’s actually at stake. It’s also likely it’s due to some bizarre anti-Desantis stance which you won’t move away from, in spite of common sense decisions he makes.

That’s okay though.

Ron is making all the correct decisions as far as I and millions of others are concerned. I’m vaxxed and it doesn’t bother me in the least if anyone else is, or isn’t. I also don’t care if you choose to wear a mask, or don’t. I don’t judge nor do I object.

I happen to also be a firm believer in herd immunity and the human body being your best line of defense, especially the young and healthy. It’s worked well for 1,000’s of years. The only thing that’s different today is a growing need by some to control others.

I suspect I’ll never grasp why some Americans are so invested in controlling others’ lives. I will say this: kids objectively and by all statistics do not need masks. Moreover, forcing young kids to wear masks is extremely deleterious to their mental well being. Ron’s decisions here are to be applauded, and hopefully copied.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

No surprise there.
We already know about your man crush...and then of course there's his wife... :roll:

Focused just on the politics, his point of view and his constant pandering to that Trumpist base in Florida is indeed 'popular'...with that base.

The political question is whether or not that base hardening further and further will alienate more moderate, though normally GOP leaning, voters... in the face of a Delta surge (or other downstream variants)....which are going to hit that base pretty darn hard, unlike the first wave.

I also think there's going to be an overall shrinking of the Trumpist enthusiasm factor in the next few years as Trumpism and Trump himself is further exposed for its gross corruption and general incompetence.

Desantis may be able to tiptoe through this to win reelection as Gov...after all, it's Florida..
With regard to national politics, though, he'd be wise to let the Trumpism thing wash away, distance himself from it as much as he can, and look to 2028.

But if he 'goes national' and is perceived by enough Floridians as having been wrong on Covid, which could well happen if my predictions happen, then the voters might well vote Dem for a change.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:59 am No surprise there.
We already know about your man crush...and then of course there's his wife... :roll:

Focused just on the politics, his point of view and his constant pandering to that Trumpist base in Florida is indeed 'popular'...with that base.

The political question is whether or not that base hardening further and further will alienate more moderate, though normally GOP leaning, voters... in the face of a Delta surge (or other downstream variants)....which are going to hit that base pretty darn hard, unlike the first wave.

I also think there's going to be an overall shrinking of the Trumpist enthusiasm factor in the next few years as Trumpism and Trump himself is further exposed for its gross corruption and general incompetence.

Desantis may be able to tiptoe through this to win reelection as Gov...after all, it's Florida..
With regard to national politics, though, he'd be wise to let the Trumpism thing wash away, distance himself from it as much as he can, and look to 2028.

But if he 'goes national' and is perceived by enough Floridians as having been wrong on Covid, which could well happen if my predictions happen, then the voters might well vote Dem for a change.

Desantis isn’t nearly as close to Trump as Trump wishes. You can see some of the tension now. Trump has been trying to take credit for Ron over the last few months, as Trump’s popularity fades. Ron is keeping a respectable distance from Trump.

It’s fascinating to watch. The actual tip toeing is Ron navigating this relationship. As far as re-election, it’s over before it started. His two announced opponents are truly atrocious.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

I agree that it's very, very hard for a Dem to win Florida.

I'm not a Crist fan, but the former Republican. Florida AG, then Governor, only lost to Rick Scott by 1%....who is quite the a-hole IMO. He'd made the 'mistake' of running for the GOP nomination for Senate against Rubio, who the GOP backed instead, then left the ran against Scott as a Dem...tough to pull off. But only lost by 1%.

But he's credible. If he was an I not a D, it might be easier, but that ship has sailed.

Desantis should win pretty easily, but as I said, a turn on Covid could be very problematic, and it's very, very unlikely we'll see the same sort of Trumpist-inspired turnout next election cycle.

Thus his pandering to that base, trying to gain their attention as Trumpism recedes.

He'll probably pull it off, but it's very far from a sure thing at this point.

Another factor may be Val Demings' challenge of Rubio. It would be interesting to see the two of them on a debate stage; I think she'd mop up 'little Marco'...she might well excite Dem and Ind turnout whereas Rubio is unlikely to get the same sort of excitement for another go round.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:30 pm I agree that it's very, very hard for a Dem to win Florida.

I'm not a Crist fan, but the former Republican. Florida AG, then Governor, only lost to Rick Scott by 1%....who is quite the a-hole IMO. He'd made the 'mistake' of running for the GOP nomination for Senate against Rubio, who the GOP backed instead, then left the ran against Scott as a Dem...tough to pull off. But only lost by 1%.

But he's credible. If he was an I not a D, it might be easier, but that ship has sailed.

Desantis should win pretty easily, but as I said, a turn on Covid could be very problematic, and it's very, very unlikely we'll see the same sort of Trumpist-inspired turnout next election cycle.

Thus his pandering to that base, trying to gain their attention as Trumpism recedes.

He'll probably pull it off, but it's very far from a sure thing at this point.

Another factor may be Val Demings' challenge of Rubio. It would be interesting to see the two of them on a debate stage; I think she'd mop up 'little Marco'...she might well excite Dem and Ind turnout whereas Rubio is unlikely to get the same sort of excitement for another go round.

Rubio will benefit from Desantis’ voters; Desantis will be pulled down by Rubio. There will be ticket splitting but not enough. And mind you, I like Demmings. Shed make a great Republican! Ha ha.

But both Republicans will win. Most non Floridians don’t understand how red this state has gotten the last few years. The first thing northern conservative transplants do here is RE-register to vote; keeps the former-state taxman at bay. Almost everyone moving here 1,000 a day are natural Republicans.

I wouldn’t look to past elections at all. Democrats will have a hard time winning statewide elections for a while.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Yeah, that's some wishful thinking. Though not without some basis.

The gap's tightened a bit for sure over the past 5 years in terms of registration, though with the Dems maintaining a small margin. But that's never really mattered as it's nearly always pretty tight, given Ind.

Significant Independent affiliation is where there's real play; and where Trump found real advantage, particularly among white folks who rarely vote (he also did much better among Cubans than some had expected)...However, there was a significant turning away from the Trump and the GOP post Jan 6. And that's likely to increase as more and more is revealed about Trump and his cronies...and some of that is gonna slop onto GOP folks in Florida, including Desantis.

Voters who don't normally participate, but did for Trump, may well return to their old apathetic ways.

Again, what's very likely to be the biggest factor is how Delta and any other variants play out amongst the unvaccinated population...most of whom (in Florida) are likely Desantis type voters.

Desantis will 'own' the response to Delta.

But here's the sort of thing he gets right, which is why he's going to tough to beat. ... d543b7d98c
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:05 pm Yeah, that's some wishful thinking. Though not without some basis.

The gap's tightened a bit for sure over the past 5 years in terms of registration, though with the Dems maintaining a small margin. But that's never really mattered as it's nearly always pretty tight, given Ind.

Significant Independent affiliation is where there's real play; and where Trump found real advantage, particularly among white folks who rarely vote (he also did much better among Cubans than some had expected)...However, there was a significant turning away from the Trump and the GOP post Jan 6. And that's likely to increase as more and more is revealed about Trump and his cronies...and some of that is gonna slop onto GOP folks in Florida, including Desantis.

Voters who don't normally participate, but did for Trump, may well return to their old apathetic ways.

Again, what's very likely to be the biggest factor is how Delta and any other variants play out amongst the unvaccinated population...most of whom (in Florida) are likely Desantis type voters.

Desantis will 'own' the response to Delta.

But here's the sort of thing he gets right, which is why he's going to tough to beat. ... d543b7d98c

That article lays bare the various players here. Crist won’t comment (he’s mute on any fraught issue because he has no core values), the respected Democratic Mayor of Miami Dade County praises the bipartisanship response, the unaffiliated Mayor of Surfside says he’s blown away with the bipartisan response and professionalism, and Nikki Fried, as is her unfortunate wont, wades far afield and ungraciously blasts Desantis about some unrelated border issue. Jeebus.

Desantis will win in a cakewalk. He is a doer, and I realize that when he does things like says no masks for kids that upsets the other side, but his core value is effective leadership. I haven’t seen anyone like him in politics in my life. People like him down here a lot. And sure, if COVID kills half the state, then yes, all bets offs, but that’s not happening, nothing remotely close.

I think you’ll see Desantis move further away from Trump over the next few years. By the way, the best thing Democrats ever did for guys like desantis and frankly the Republican Party is mute Trump’s social media. If Trump could actually yell into Twitter all day, he’d be much more repulsive to more Americans, really hurting the Republican Party and by extension Desantis.

By muting him, Democrats and media have ironically and unintentionally helped the Republican Party, and desantis.
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Re: DeSatan Doctrine

Post by Brooklyn »

Ron DeSatan's 2024 road just hit a major Covid-19 bump

from CNN

For the past year or so, Ron DeSatan has been on a roll.

The Florida Republican governor's laissez-faire approach to Covid-19 -- and the relatively low number of cases and deaths in such a large and elderly state -- turned him into a celebrity in the same circles where Donald Trump is a secular saint.

Except that, suddenly, Florida's numbers don't look so good with the Delta variant of the coronavirus punishing the state.

As the Wall Street Journal wrote over the weekend:

"The state accounts for one in five new infections in the U.S. and logged 73,181 cases over the past week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Florida had 341 cases per 100,000 people over the past week, second only to Louisiana. The weekly total of new cases reported by Florida jumped more than fourfold between July 1 and July 22, reaching its highest point since mid-January."

That surge has put pressure on DeSatan to take formal steps to limit the spread. He has, to date, resisted those efforts -- including any reconsideration of his order that kids returning to school in the state don't need to wear masks.

"We need our kids to be able to be kids," DeSatan said late last week. "We need them to be able to breathe. It's terribly uncomfortable for them to do it."

Satan has gone much more public with calls for unvaccinated Floridians to get the shot(s). "If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chance of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero," he said at a news conference. "These vaccines are saving lives."

That public service message, however, ran directly into Satans' position as the heir to the Trump coalition in 2024. His campaign website was selling beverage-cooling sleeves that read "DON'T FAUCI MY FLORIDA," a reference to the science-based guidance in regard to the pandemic offered up by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Depending on what you think of Satan, he has either been good or lucky to date in the pandemic. But the rising number of cases in Florida -- coupled with the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant -- poses a challenge that he hasn't had to deal with yet.

Satan seems likely to be faced with a clear challenge sometime soon: Do what's right for the state of Florida or continue to play to his 2024 ambitions by refusing to acknowledge that mitigation practices -- masks, social distancing, etc. -- are necessary and attacking the likes of Fauci.

The Point: Given the case numbers in Florida, things are likely to get worse before they get better. Which means that this is a major moment for Satan.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Almost as if the WSJ was reading this thread... ;)

I'll say it, though, the "Satan" thing is trolling, Brooklyn.
Not necessary to make your point, IMO.

One thing to do it the once in your 'headline' but editing it in throughout the article gets kinda irritating and I don't like DeSantis.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

1,000 Americans every day move to Florida; during the pandemic, it’s surged even more. ... t-quarter/

I realize some here can’t or won’t look at actual evidence which flies in the face of their bizarre hatred of desantis, but I’d ask you to every once in a while acknowledge facts.

Desantis is the most liked governor in America; among Republicans, those numbers are off the charts.

The reasons are varied, but I think we can comfortably say that Desantis has handled the Covid crisis better than any governor I can see. He has not caved into hysteria, for starters. This pandemic will be like all others before it: there will be seasonal surges as it burns itself out owing to herd immunity. There is very little a governor can do to alter that trajectory. What any governor should do is keep life as normal as possible for those who clearly have little to fear from it: keep your economy open, do not mask kids, do not issue unscientific demands to mask outside, etc.

Desantis has done all of that, which is why our economy is so good, and why American taxpayers keep flocking here.

This isn’t that difficult to understand.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Brooklyn »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:03 am Almost as if the WSJ was reading this thread... ;)

I'll say it, though, the "Satan" thing is trolling, Brooklyn.
Not necessary to make your point, IMO.

One thing to do it the once in your 'headline' but editing it in throughout the article gets kinda irritating and I don't like DeSantis.

Ha,ha,ha. Not trolling but it did get your attention and it remains the truth. People are dying and the fckker thinks it's no big deal. Hopefully, people will now see thru his phoniness and vote for his opponent in 2024 when he runs for the White House.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Brooklyn »

Ron DeSantis, Praised for Florida COVID Response, Faces Surge in Hospitalizations ... ks-1613372

lorida Governor Ron DeSantis has received significant praise for his handling of the COVID pandemic, but the state is now facing a surge in hospitalizations and is leading the nation in cases of the virus, recording 73,181 infections over the past week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Florida accounted for one in five new COVID infections in the U.S. in the week of July 16 to 22. That represents 340. 7 cases per 100,000 people in the Sunshine State.

The number of hospitalizations from the disease reached 6,369 on July 24, according to data dashboard from University of South Florida epidemiologist Jason Salemi. That's the largest number of hospitalizations from COVID in Florida since February.

DeSantis, a Republican, won praise from conservatives who lauded his refusal to impose COVID restrictions similar to other states.

The governor didn't impose a statewide mask mandate, though mask-wearing was recommended, and on May 3 he issued an order suspending all COVID-related local rules on businesses and individuals.

While DeSantis has repeatedly encouraged vaccinations, he's also banned businesses from requiring people to show proof of vaccination, suggesting this could discriminate against people who haven't taken the vaccine for medical or religious reasons.

DeSantis successfully sued the CDC to prevent the agency imposing COVID restrictions on cruise ships in the state and kept Florida's economy and schools more open than in states with tougher restrictions.

The governor's approach to the pandemic boosted his reputation among Republicans at a time when public health measures like mask-wearing and lockdowns were contentious issues.

His standing as a potential contender for the 2024 presidential nomination was also improved by his stance on pandemic restrictions, with bookmakers and some in the GOP rating his chances at the White House highly if former President Donald Trump chooses not to run again.

Florida appeared to avoid the worst of the pandemic, but a recent surge in cases, due in part to the highly transmissible Delta variant, has placed a new spotlight on DeSantis' approach.

On Thursday, a group of 405 Florida physicians criticized DeSantis' push to reopen the state's economy and his criticisms of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Bernard Ashby, a cardiologist based in Miami and head of the Florida chapter of the Committee to Protect Health Care, told CBS Miami: "While hospitals in our state were filling up, DeSantis was shouting about "Freedom over Faucism."

"As a physician and a Floridian, I am frankly angry and ashamed. You know the Florida-man moniker unfortunately holds true in this particular circumstance," Ashby said.

DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw told The News Service of Florida that the physicians were poorly informed and said the governor "has spoken positively of the vaccines in public remarks nearly 100 times this year."

"He's proud of the successful rollout and the Seniors First strategy, which means 85 percent of our most vulnerable population is vaccinated, and thousands of lives saved. COVID cases, hospitalizations and especially deaths are down significantly compared to this time last year," Pushaw said.

Last week, DeSantis said of the surge: "It's a seasonal virus and this is the seasonal pattern it follows in the Sun Belt states." He added that he believes the number of cases will fall in August.

At a press conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, on Wednesday, DeSantis appeared to criticize jurisdictions that imposed mask-wearing requirements on vaccinated people.

"I get a little bit frustrated when I see some of these jurisdictions saying, even if you're healthy and vaccinated you must wear a mask because we're seeing increased cases," DeSantis said.

"Understand what that message is sending to people who aren't vaccinated. It's telling them that the vaccines don't work," he said.

DeSantis also appeared to rule out reconsidering his order that children returning to schools don't need to wear masks.

"We need our kids to be able to be kids," DeSantis said on July 22. "We need them to be able to breathe. It's terribly uncomfortable for them to do it."

Newsweek has asked Governor Ron DeSantis' office for comment.

With all these covid casualties today, I wonder if those who praised the moron in the past feel the same about him now.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

Brooklyn wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:56 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:03 am Almost as if the WSJ was reading this thread... ;)

I'll say it, though, the "Satan" thing is trolling, Brooklyn.
Not necessary to make your point, IMO.

One thing to do it the once in your 'headline' but editing it in throughout the article gets kinda irritating and I don't like DeSantis.
Ha,ha,ha. Not trolling but it did get your attention and it remains the truth. People are dying and the fckker thinks it's no big deal. Hopefully, people will now see thru his phoniness and vote for his opponent in 2024 when he runs for the White House.

For such a ‘bad’ governor, you’d think 1,000 Americans a day wouldn’t abandon ‘paradises’ like Minnesota and move to the state that Desantis controls? ... ca9b181fbe ... to-florida

Please explain.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Brooklyn »

Peter Brown wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:56 am

For such a ‘bad’ governor, you’d think 1,000 Americans a day wouldn’t abandon ‘paradises’ like Minnesota and move to the state that Desantis controls? ... ca9b181fbe ... to-florida

Please explain.

Why, didn't you know ~ Florida is Paradise:
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

... hey sport, your think you can back up your claim of 1000 a day in new residents from other states?? Looks more like about 340 to me.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by youthathletics »

jhu...the link in his posts indicates 1000 from a local news source. As did this one ... demic.html
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by Peter Brown »

youthathletics wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:26 pm jhu...the link in his posts indicates 1000 from a local news source. As did this one ... demic.html

I’m not sure why I even try here. :lol: :lol:

JHU72: yet more evidence. ... 9d6d0.html

A family friend lived in Naples. He passed away six months ago. His two daughters came down to settle estate, sell house, etc. They hired a broker. He suggested $3,250,000. My friend had bought the house in 2012 for $1,850,000. The two daughters asked me my opinion. I said add $250,000. They listed for $3,500,000. Open house was two Sunday’s ago. They had five bids all above all same day. They asked for new bids. House sold for $3,710,000.

You don’t need to tell me 1,000 people move to Florida every day. I see it with my own eyes.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by jhu72 »

youthathletics wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:26 pm jhu...the link in his posts indicates 1000 from a local news source. As did this one ... demic.html
... thanks, the data I saw ended in 2015 when it was about 1/3 the rate.

re: selling a house. Just sold my father in laws house in Buffalo New York 1 month ago. Got 20% more than we asked for and had five bids the day of first showing. It is the housing market.
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Re: Ron Desantis (The Desantis Doctrine)

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

I'll answer our gator's question as I know exactly why Florida is attractive, including to me.

For 2/3 of the year, the weather is way more comfortable than those northern states. Wonderful place to retire. Especially if you can afford to be up north or abroad that other 1/3 or so.

Which also makes it attractive for those who want to earn $ serving that market of retirees.

Sure, the tax system also makes it attractive to those with substantial incomes...been that way for a long time.

However, I'd also say that one of the significant turn-offs to me is how right wing much of the state is, how MAGA nutty they are, how COVID denying they are...gonna have to think about that when it comes time to think about retirement.
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