January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

seacoaster wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 7:50 am
old salt wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 3:46 am We're not confident that the FBi & DoJ will unearth sufficient evidence of a conspiracy, so we need an extralegal political mechanism to establish that conspiracy, ...before the 2022 election.
You want, instead, to deep six Republican complicity with and encouragement in an uprising that overwhelmed the cops, stormed through the private offices of elected representatives of government, and exhibited a lawlessness that our capitol hasn't really ever seen. Check, as usual. You know, I am certain, that this needs review and investigation, every bit as much or more than most things investigated by the Congress. But your post is on brand: mock it and hide it because it will likely show GOP perfidy.

A Presidential Commission is a nice idea. Larry Sabato suggests co-chairs Bush 2 and Obama, and they choose the membership of the Commission and timetable. But the issue is subpoena power, and the ability to compel the disclosure of records and testimony.
I want the FBI & DoJ to be able do their job without political interference & to investigate/prosecute everyone they can. Then -- analyze what their investigation revealed & see what they extracted from those arrested to determine the existence & extent of whatever organized conspiracy there was. Once more is known, if regular or select Congressional committees are not sufficient, then go with a 9-11 style commission.
Let the FBI & DoJ do their job, then act upon what they find.

Meanwhile, there's no need to wait for a commission to address the security failures of Jan 6th & do what's necessary to prevent any mass demonstration in DC from devolving into an assault & breach of any federal building in DC. They need to formalize the rapid & routine mobilization & deployment of the abundant security forces in the DC area as they do for NSSE's & they did on Jan 6th. That's who reinforced the Capitol Police & DC Police to take back the Capitol before the National Guard could be recalled & get there.

Jan 6 was a massive security failure -- physical security & operational security. Had the CP & DC Metro police adequately protected the Capitol Grounds, the Capitol Building would not have been breached & it would have been just another ugly mob riot, like many others we've come to expect & accept as peaceful protests turned violent.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by jhu72 »

... so the answer is, if security had been better, GOP aiding and abetting would not have mattered. :lol:
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by CU88 »

May 27, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
May 28

Today the focus is on the Senate and whether it will pass the bill the House passed last week to establish an independent commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection. Thirty-five Republicans joined the Democrats in voting to create the commission.

Today, four former leaders of the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement urging the Senate to pass the bill. Janet Napolitano and Jeh Johnson, who served in the Barack Obama administration, joined Michael Chertoff and Tom Ridge, who served under George W. Bush, to tell the Senate, “We must understand how the violent insurrection at the Capitol came together to ensure the peaceful transfer of power in our country is never so threatened again.” They called for senators to “put politics aside and create a bipartisan, independent 9/11-style commission to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) opposes the commission, as does former president Trump, who called it a “Democrat trap.” It will take ten Republicans voting with the Democrats to overcome a Republican filibuster of the bill, and such a bipartisan effort is unlikely. So far only Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mitt Romney (R-UT), both of whom have their own power bases outside of the national Republican Party, have indicated they will vote for the commission.

Democrats can put together their own committee to figure out what happened on January 6, but Republicans will undoubtedly accuse them of partisanship and dismiss whatever they uncover. Democrats would prefer to have an independent, bipartisan investigation.

Today, the mother and partner of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who died after the January 6 insurrection, were in Washington, D.C., pleading with Republican senators to support the creation of an independent commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection. Joining them were D.C. Police officer Michael Fanone and U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn, both of whom protected congress people during the riot, in which 140 police officers were injured.

Murkowski told Gladys Sicknick, “I’m heartsick that you feel you need to advocate to members of Congress that we stand up and say the truth is hard but the truth is necessary.”

After their visit, McConnell pressured Republican senators to filibuster the bill as “a personal favor” to him. Murkowski commented: "To be making a decision for the short-term political gain at expense of understanding and acknowledging what was in front of us on Jan. 6, I think we need to look at that critically. Is that really what this is about, one election cycle after another?"

Republicans are saying that they don’t want the commission because they’re afraid it will hurt them in the 2022 midterm elections. The tactic of using investigations to taint elections, of course, has been the Republicans’ go-to specialty since the mid-1990s, when Republicans “investigated” suspected cases of election wins through so-called “voter fraud” to convince Americans that voter fraud—which is statistically insignificant in the U.S.—is a problem.

That use of investigations continued until it became a key factor in the 2016 election, when investigations into the 2012 attack on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, along with accusations that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had misused an email server, helped to sway the election’s outcome. Tellingly, using an investigation to taint an election was the goal behind the scandal that led to former president Trump’s first impeachment, after he tried to pressure Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter—not to launch an investigation, but only to announce one—to weaken Biden before the 2020 election.

In this case, though, the House bill, which adopted all the key Republican demands, requires that the commission issue its final report by the end of 2021.

McConnell doesn’t want the publicity associated with the insurrectionists, but also likely doesn’t want to run the risk of losing any Republican senators who might turn out to be associated with the rioters. The Senate is precariously balanced at 50-50, and the organizing resolution the senators adopted on February 3, 2021, is based on that even split. McConnell filibustered that resolution until he got a Democratic commitment to preserve the filibuster.

So, an independent investigation of the insurrection has the potential to affect not only individual senators, but also the balance of the Senate and the power the Republicans continue to hold in it, sharing power with the Democrats despite the fact they represent 40.5 million fewer people than the 50 Democrats do.

Thus the fight to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the events of January 6 has become a key test for the Senate filibuster and the power it enables Republicans to exert over our government. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who is one of the two holdouts on the Democratic side to preserve the filibuster, says “there is no excuse for any Republican to vote against” the bill but maintains that “ten good people” in the Republican Party will come around to vote in favor.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

Good article 88, thanks for posting it. This really is McConnell's clearest hour.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by CU88 »

seacoaster wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 9:24 am Good article 88, thanks for posting it. This really is McConnell's clearest hour.
I am surprised that no one is calling this lack of action by the r's what it really is; a cover up. Plain and simple.

How many other Commission has Congress done in the past for other matters and here one party wants to block any self-investigation?
Let’s call it what it is. The blocking by Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP of the Bipartisan Commission on January 6 is a cover up.
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by jhu72 »

CU88 wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 10:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 9:24 am Good article 88, thanks for posting it. This really is McConnell's clearest hour.
I am surprised that no one is calling this lack of action by the r's what it really is; a cover up. Plain and simple.

How many other Commission has Congress done in the past for other matters and here one party wants to block any self-investigation?
Let’s call it what it is. The blocking by Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP of the Bipartisan Commission on January 6 is a cover up.
... most certainly is!
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by PizzaSnake »

jhu72 wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 11:57 am
CU88 wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 10:02 am
seacoaster wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 9:24 am Good article 88, thanks for posting it. This really is McConnell's clearest hour.
I am surprised that no one is calling this lack of action by the r's what it really is; a cover up. Plain and simple.

How many other Commission has Congress done in the past for other matters and here one party wants to block any self-investigation?
Let’s call it what it is. The blocking by Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP of the Bipartisan Commission on January 6 is a cover up.
... most certainly is!
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

jhu72 wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 8:45 am ... so the answer is, if security had been better, GOP aiding and abetting would not have mattered. :lol:
The capitol building would not have been breached. It would have mattered no more than the Dem's aiding & abetting the BLM & Antifa rioters.

If the need for a Commission emerges from the DoJ/FBI investigations, I'd have confidence in it if it was headed by Robert Gates & Jeh Johnson.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

Avoid the baloney; the real reason is fear of the Moron and being primaried.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... out-jan-6/

"You’ve got to at least give Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) some credit for candor.

In pressing Senate Republicans to kill the idea of an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump, McConnell did not bother to disguise the fact that he was making a cravenly political calculation.

Anything that looks back to the final ugly spasms of the Trump presidency, as opposed to pressing the case against the current occupant of the White House and his party, would hurt the Republicans’ chances for gaining back control of Congress, McConnell acknowledged to reporters on Tuesday.

That was another way of saying that he would prefer that voters not be reminded of Trump’s own culpability for inciting his supporters to smash their way into the Capitol two weeks before he was due to be evicted from the White House — and for doing little to stop a rampaging mob that Trump subsequently described as “very special” people.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) bluntly and fairly criticized McConnell’s rationale as “a decision for the short-term political gain at the expense of understanding and acknowledging what was in front of us on Jan. 6. I think we need to look at that critically. Is that really what this is about … one election cycle after another?”

Apparently, yes. It is what this is about for Republican leaders in Congress.

Despite the fact that Democrats had given them just about everything they had claimed to want — including a power-sharing arrangement under which the GOP would have equal representation on the 10-member panel, as well as a say in any subpoenas it might issue— McConnell mustered enough votes among his members to effectively kill the proposal for a commission.

The vote in favor of allowing debate to proceed was 54 to 35, which was six votes shy of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster. Only six Republicans broke ranks: Murkowski, Bill Cassidy (La.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Susan Collins (Maine).

Notably, 11 senators — nine Republicans and two Democrats — were absent for the vote. However, given the positions that most of them had staked out in advance, there is no reason to believe their presence would have changed the outcome.

On its face, quashing the proposed commission, which would have been structured on the model of the one set up after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, is yet more evidence of the hold that Trump still has on his party.

After nearly three dozen GOP members joined Democrats in the House last week to approve the proposed commission, the former president issued a statement blasting those “35 wayward Republicans” and warning of “consequences to being ineffective and weak.”

Their counterparts in the Senate got the message. Republicans quake at the thought of doing anything that might cause Mt. Trump to erupt.

But there is an even darker reason to explain why they appear less concerned about paying a price for failing to reckon with what happened on Jan. 6, which was also an assault on the integrity of this country’s democratic processes.

The more dangerous truth is that a not-insignificant portion of the GOP’s Trumpian base actually appears to believe that the violent mob was justified in its effort to disrupt Congress as it conducted its pro forma tally of the electoral votes that made Joe Biden the 46th president.

These are the people who have bought into Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and who share at least some of the unhinged theories that fuel the QAnon movement.

A new poll released by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute and the Interfaith Youth Core shows that these dangerous and conspiratorial beliefs are not confined to the country’s dank backwaters.

Fully 20 percent of more than 5,500 adults questioned in all 50 states — and 28 percent of Republicans among them — said they agreed with the statement that “there is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders.”

Even more worrisome were the 15 percent overall — and, again, 28 percent of Republicans — who were of the opinion that because “things have gotten so off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

What Republicans made clear with their vote on Friday is that they would rather allow this thinking to fester within their base, and hope that it works to their electoral advantage, than to stand up to it.

McConnell may be right that dodging and delaying accountability for what happened on Jan. 6 could help Republicans win back power in Congress. But by standing in the way of a reckoning with the poisonous forces that are growing within the ranks of their own party, they are doing a disservice to the country — one for which democracy itself will ultimately pay a price."
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by dislaxxic »


"One of the most important sections of this report describes how Trump made DOJ — the same agency that had deployed even BOP officials during the summer — the lead agency on January 6. But DOJ did nothing. Miller explained that’s why he got so involved — because DOJ did nothing. “Somebody needed to do it,” he explained. And then McCarthy repeatedly used the lack of a lead federal agency as his excuse not to deploy the Guard. This discussion of DOJ’s disavowals of being the lead federal agency is one of the few areas where the report reiterates that an agency refused to cooperate with the Senate."

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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:30 pm THE HOLE IN THE SENATE JANUARY 6 REPORT CREATED BY [Orange Cheeto] DOJ’S NON-COOPERATION *

"One of the most important sections of this report describes how Trump made DOJ — the same agency that had deployed even BOP officials during the summer — the lead agency on January 6. But DOJ did nothing. Miller explained that’s why he got so involved — because DOJ did nothing. “Somebody needed to do it,” he explained. And then McCarthy repeatedly used the lack of a lead federal agency as his excuse not to deploy the Guard. This discussion of DOJ’s disavowals of being the lead federal agency is one of the few areas where the report reiterates that an agency refused to cooperate with the Senate."
This all just illustrates the structural differences between the National Guard & civilian law enforcement agencies & the resulting operational & planning considerations. As Gen Milley pointed out, the military (including the National Guard) are not first responders. Neither are they sworn law enforcement officers, legally authorized (& expected to) immediately respond in a civil disturbance.

On Jan 6, the lead federal agency responsible for security of the Capitol grounds was Congress, acting (or failing to act) through the Capitol Police Board. Epic fail. The Federal bureaucracy is unwieldy & does not respond well in an emergency where there are overlapping jurisdictions & a convoluted chain of command. For scheduled NSSE's, the Secret Service is the lead Federal agency.

Maybe the uniformed Secret Service & Park Police did not abandon their posts & run to the Capitol building as fast as other federal law enforcement officers did, because they had other federal buildings, grounds, & people to defend.

This is a good bipartisan Congressional report, distorted through PMM's partisan lens.
After 3:00 p.m., additional reinforcements from federal agencies began to arrive, and USCP turned to extracting and securing congressional staff.111 A number of agencies and entities provided assistance, including DHS; the FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Montgomery County Police Department; the Arlington County Police Department; the Fairfax Police Department; and Virginia State Troopers.112 With this help, USCP secured the Senate and House chambers, along with the basement, subways, first floor, and crypts by 4:28 p.m. 113 DCNG personnel began arriving at the Capitol at approximately 5:20 p.m.114 By 6:14 p.m., USCP, DCNG, and MPD successfully established a security perimeter on the west side of the Capitol building.115

As to DOD’s slow response in deploying the Guard on the day of the attack, the report suggests that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy had a key role in it.

There are multiple conflicting stories about what happened at DOD. It was clear from his testimony that former Acting Secretary Christopher Miller genuinely didn’t understand how much of a delay there was with the deployment of the National Guard. An important detail included in the report is that Miller believed the Guard had his okay to deploy by 3:04, but McCarthy dawdled until after 4:32, after other law enforcement had secured much of the Capitol.

By 4:32 p.m., Mr. McCarthy and his D.C. counterparts had agreed upon a “task and purpose” for DCNG, “identif[ied] link-up locations, and confirm[ed] key leaders at each site.”656 Accounts differ as to who within DOD needed to approve the final plan in order to deploy DCNG troops to the Capitol. Mr. McCarthy briefed Mr. Miller on the plan, who raised no objections.657 But Mr. Miller informed the Committees that he did not need to approve the plan—in his view, his 3:04 p.m. authorization was all encompassing and as soon as Mr. McCarthy and General Walker finished their mission analysis, DCNG had all necessary authorizations to deploy.658 General McConville informed the Committees that, although he did not know for sure, he believed Mr. Miller did need to approve the deployment plan.659

The reason why McCarthy dawdled is important, though.

After a bunch of conflicting excuses about the delay itself, there’s a section addressing why the Quick Reaction Force wasn’t deployed (ironically, given that the Oath Keepers seemed more prepared to release theirs than the entire DOD). After yet more conflicting excuses, McCarthy said that one reason the QRF couldn’t be deployed was because DOD needed to “link up with an organization and contact.”

General Walker also testified that the QRF was outfitted with all the equipment needed to go to the Capitol and was “ready to go” before 5:00 p.m.694 General McConville stated that “there was never an intent to have a quick reaction force going in to clear the Capitol.”695 Neither Mr. McCarthy nor Mr. Miller recalled whether the QRF had its civil disturbance gear available at Joint Base Andrews. Mr. McCarthy also noted that he was never informed that the QRF was at the Armory, equipped, and prepared to depart for the Capitol.696 When asked whether the QRF was properly equipped to respond to the Capitol, even if that was not the original intent, General McConville reiterated the importance of the assigned mission: “it depends on what the mission was.”697

Mr. McCarthy also acknowledged that, even if properly equipped, the QRF still needed to be briefed on the new mission.698 “I wanted to be clear of the concept for operations and how we were going to bring these [available DCNG personnel, including the QRF] together, make sure they ha[d] the right equipment, a clear understanding of their mission, and then link up with an organization and contact.

In other words, the reason the Pentagon couldn’t send a QRF to fight mobs prepared with their own QRF was because there was no lead agency to oversee them.

One of the most important sections of this report describes how Trump made DOJ — the same agency that had deployed even BOP officials during the summer — the lead agency on January 6. But DOJ did nothing. Miller explained that’s why he got so involved — because DOJ did nothing. “Somebody needed to do it,” he explained. And then McCarthy repeatedly used the lack of a lead federal agency as his excuse not to deploy the Guard. This discussion of DOJ’s disavowals of being the lead federal agency is one of the few areas where the report reiterates that an agency refused to cooperate with the Senate.

All DOD officials interviewed stressed the importance of the designation of a lead federal agency to support operations on January 6. The lead federal agency is “the nexus and locus for all information flow” and ensures that everything is coordinated and synchronized across federal agencies and departments.556 Mr. Miller noted that DOD “should never, ever be the lead federal agency for domestic law enforcement,” except for the establishment of martial law.557 Indeed, Mr. McCarthy required an agency to be designated before supporting the Mayor’s request for National Guard assistance. 558 According to Mr. McCarthy, on January 4, the White House designated DOJ as the lead federal agency for January 6: “Sunday evening, after Acting Secretary Miller and General Milley met with the President, they got the lead [f]ederal agency established, all of the pieces started coming together.”559 Mr. Miller also recalled that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency at some point prior to January 6, but he did not know what role the White House played in the decision.560

Although DOD understood that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency, there appears to have been no clearly established point of contact within the department, according to Mr. McCarthy, which he found “concerning.”561 Prior to January 6, Mr. McCarthy sent a letter to Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen outlining the Army’s operational plan in support of the Mayor’s request and reached out informally to David Bowdich, FBI Deputy Director, because the two had worked together previously.562 But Mr. McCarthy claimed, even during the attack, he was never provided an official point of contact at DOJ and had no contact with DOJ or FBI officials until approximately 4:00 p.m. 563 General McConville also stated that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency; however, he noted that DOJ did not conduct any interagency rehearsals or have an integrated security plan, as DOJ did during the summer 2020 protests when it had also been designated as the lead federal agency.564 General McConville stressed the importance of integrated security plans and acknowledged that had there been one on January 6, DOD’s response time would have been quicker.565

In contrast, Mr. Miller stated Richard Donoghue, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, served as DOJ’s operational lead on January 6.566 Notably, however, Mr. Miller acknowledged that, during the attack, he convened calls with Cabinet members to share information and ensure everyone was on the same page.567 When asked why he convened the calls, as opposed to the lead federal agency, Mr. Miller responded, “somebody needed to do it.”568 Mr. Miller was not familiar with any actions DOJ took to coordinate the federal response on January 6.569

On May 12, 2021, Jeffrey Rosen, the Acting Attorney General on January 6, testified at a House Oversight hearing that it was “not accurate” that DOJ was the lead federal agency for security preparations on January 6. 570 He stated that DOJ’s responsibilities were specific to intelligence coordinating and information sharing.571 DOJ has not acknowledged that it was designated the lead federal agency for January 6 and has yet to fully comply with the Committees’ requests for information. 572
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by SCLaxAttack »

old salt wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:35 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:30 pm THE HOLE IN THE SENATE JANUARY 6 REPORT CREATED BY [Orange Cheeto] DOJ’S NON-COOPERATION *

"One of the most important sections of this report describes how Trump made DOJ — the same agency that had deployed even BOP officials during the summer — the lead agency on January 6. But DOJ did nothing. Miller explained that’s why he got so involved — because DOJ did nothing. “Somebody needed to do it,” he explained. And then McCarthy repeatedly used the lack of a lead federal agency as his excuse not to deploy the Guard. This discussion of DOJ’s disavowals of being the lead federal agency is one of the few areas where the report reiterates that an agency refused to cooperate with the Senate."
This all just illustrates the structural differences between the National Guard & civilian law enforcement agencies & the resulting operational & planning considerations. As Gen Milley pointed out, the military (including the National Guard) are not first responders. Neither are they sworn law enforcement officers, legally authorized (& expected to) immediately respond in a civil disturbance.

On Jan 6, the lead federal agency responsible for security of the Capitol grounds was Congress, acting (or failing to act) through the Capitol Police Board. Epic fail. The Federal bureaucracy is unwieldy & does not respond well in an emergency where there are overlapping jurisdictions & a convoluted chain of command. For scheduled NSSE's, the Secret Service is the lead Federal agency.

Maybe the uniformed Secret Service & Park Police did not abandon their posts & run to the Capitol building as fast as other federal law enforcement officers did, because they had other federal buildings, grounds, & people to defend.

This is a good bipartisan Congressional report, distorted through PMM's partisan lens.
After 3:00 p.m., additional reinforcements from federal agencies began to arrive, and USCP turned to extracting and securing congressional staff.111 A number of agencies and entities provided assistance, including DHS; the FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Montgomery County Police Department; the Arlington County Police Department; the Fairfax Police Department; and Virginia State Troopers.112 With this help, USCP secured the Senate and House chambers, along with the basement, subways, first floor, and crypts by 4:28 p.m. 113 DCNG personnel began arriving at the Capitol at approximately 5:20 p.m.114 By 6:14 p.m., USCP, DCNG, and MPD successfully established a security perimeter on the west side of the Capitol building.115

As to DOD’s slow response in deploying the Guard on the day of the attack, the report suggests that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy had a key role in it.

There are multiple conflicting stories about what happened at DOD. It was clear from his testimony that former Acting Secretary Christopher Miller genuinely didn’t understand how much of a delay there was with the deployment of the National Guard. An important detail included in the report is that Miller believed the Guard had his okay to deploy by 3:04, but McCarthy dawdled until after 4:32, after other law enforcement had secured much of the Capitol.

By 4:32 p.m., Mr. McCarthy and his D.C. counterparts had agreed upon a “task and purpose” for DCNG, “identif[ied] link-up locations, and confirm[ed] key leaders at each site.”656 Accounts differ as to who within DOD needed to approve the final plan in order to deploy DCNG troops to the Capitol. Mr. McCarthy briefed Mr. Miller on the plan, who raised no objections.657 But Mr. Miller informed the Committees that he did not need to approve the plan—in his view, his 3:04 p.m. authorization was all encompassing and as soon as Mr. McCarthy and General Walker finished their mission analysis, DCNG had all necessary authorizations to deploy.658 General McConville informed the Committees that, although he did not know for sure, he believed Mr. Miller did need to approve the deployment plan.659

The reason why McCarthy dawdled is important, though.

After a bunch of conflicting excuses about the delay itself, there’s a section addressing why the Quick Reaction Force wasn’t deployed (ironically, given that the Oath Keepers seemed more prepared to release theirs than the entire DOD). After yet more conflicting excuses, McCarthy said that one reason the QRF couldn’t be deployed was because DOD needed to “link up with an organization and contact.”

General Walker also testified that the QRF was outfitted with all the equipment needed to go to the Capitol and was “ready to go” before 5:00 p.m.694 General McConville stated that “there was never an intent to have a quick reaction force going in to clear the Capitol.”695 Neither Mr. McCarthy nor Mr. Miller recalled whether the QRF had its civil disturbance gear available at Joint Base Andrews. Mr. McCarthy also noted that he was never informed that the QRF was at the Armory, equipped, and prepared to depart for the Capitol.696 When asked whether the QRF was properly equipped to respond to the Capitol, even if that was not the original intent, General McConville reiterated the importance of the assigned mission: “it depends on what the mission was.”697

Mr. McCarthy also acknowledged that, even if properly equipped, the QRF still needed to be briefed on the new mission.698 “I wanted to be clear of the concept for operations and how we were going to bring these [available DCNG personnel, including the QRF] together, make sure they ha[d] the right equipment, a clear understanding of their mission, and then link up with an organization and contact.

In other words, the reason the Pentagon couldn’t send a QRF to fight mobs prepared with their own QRF was because there was no lead agency to oversee them.

One of the most important sections of this report describes how Trump made DOJ — the same agency that had deployed even BOP officials during the summer — the lead agency on January 6. But DOJ did nothing. Miller explained that’s why he got so involved — because DOJ did nothing. “Somebody needed to do it,” he explained. And then McCarthy repeatedly used the lack of a lead federal agency as his excuse not to deploy the Guard. This discussion of DOJ’s disavowals of being the lead federal agency is one of the few areas where the report reiterates that an agency refused to cooperate with the Senate.

All DOD officials interviewed stressed the importance of the designation of a lead federal agency to support operations on January 6. The lead federal agency is “the nexus and locus for all information flow” and ensures that everything is coordinated and synchronized across federal agencies and departments.556 Mr. Miller noted that DOD “should never, ever be the lead federal agency for domestic law enforcement,” except for the establishment of martial law.557 Indeed, Mr. McCarthy required an agency to be designated before supporting the Mayor’s request for National Guard assistance. 558 According to Mr. McCarthy, on January 4, the White House designated DOJ as the lead federal agency for January 6: “Sunday evening, after Acting Secretary Miller and General Milley met with the President, they got the lead [f]ederal agency established, all of the pieces started coming together.”559 Mr. Miller also recalled that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency at some point prior to January 6, but he did not know what role the White House played in the decision.560

Although DOD understood that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency, there appears to have been no clearly established point of contact within the department, according to Mr. McCarthy, which he found “concerning.”561 Prior to January 6, Mr. McCarthy sent a letter to Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen outlining the Army’s operational plan in support of the Mayor’s request and reached out informally to David Bowdich, FBI Deputy Director, because the two had worked together previously.562 But Mr. McCarthy claimed, even during the attack, he was never provided an official point of contact at DOJ and had no contact with DOJ or FBI officials until approximately 4:00 p.m. 563 General McConville also stated that DOJ was designated as the lead federal agency; however, he noted that DOJ did not conduct any interagency rehearsals or have an integrated security plan, as DOJ did during the summer 2020 protests when it had also been designated as the lead federal agency.564 General McConville stressed the importance of integrated security plans and acknowledged that had there been one on January 6, DOD’s response time would have been quicker.565

In contrast, Mr. Miller stated Richard Donoghue, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, served as DOJ’s operational lead on January 6.566 Notably, however, Mr. Miller acknowledged that, during the attack, he convened calls with Cabinet members to share information and ensure everyone was on the same page.567 When asked why he convened the calls, as opposed to the lead federal agency, Mr. Miller responded, “somebody needed to do it.”568 Mr. Miller was not familiar with any actions DOJ took to coordinate the federal response on January 6.569

On May 12, 2021, Jeffrey Rosen, the Acting Attorney General on January 6, testified at a House Oversight hearing that it was “not accurate” that DOJ was the lead federal agency for security preparations on January 6. 570 He stated that DOJ’s responsibilities were specific to intelligence coordinating and information sharing.571 DOJ has not acknowledged that it was designated the lead federal agency for January 6 and has yet to fully comply with the Committees’ requests for information. 572
I personally don’t give a rat’s about any of this as it relates to Jan 6. You don’t blame a store owner for the robbery because they didn’t lock the store door in time. You blame the thief.

None of this happens if Trump doesn’t formulate the Big Lie months before Election Day, 100s of 1000’s of his sycophants don’t show their ignorance in believing and following him, and people like Cruz, Flynn, Trump and the rest of the Trump crime family don’t foment insurrection on Jan 5 and the morning of Jan 6. Cspan has lots of raw video that proves it.
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old salt
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

:roll: ...the report is about how the watch works (or doesn't), not what time it is.

https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/ ... Attack.pdf
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

SCLaxAttack: "None of this happens if Trump doesn’t formulate the Big Lie months before Election Day, 100s of 1000’s of his sycophants don’t show their ignorance in believing and following him, and people like Cruz, Flynn, Trump and the rest of the Trump crime family don’t foment insurrection on Jan 5 and the morning of Jan 6. Cspan has lots of raw video that proves it."

Exactly. And squelching real investigation into the leadership -- Trump, family members, Mo Brooks, Cruz, McCarthy -- allows the Big Lie to become the litmus test of all loyal toadies in every primary and election. Destabilizing democracy is now a bullet point on the GOP "platform," such as it is.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by SCLaxAttack »

old salt wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:20 am :roll: ...the report is about how the watch works (or doesn't), not what time it is.

https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/ ... Attack.pdf
:roll: The watch breaks when it’s wound so tight that the winding mechanism fails. When that happens you don’t blame the watchmaker when the person doing the winding doesn’t follow the directions.

Your constant attempts to divert the topic of this thread from the root cause of January 6 is annoying. Start your own thread about DC security.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

Yesterday @ 1:29 into MSNBC Deadline Whitehouse, from Clint Watts (former Army & FBI) -- The other part is the breakdown with the DoD. Actually, I don't think it's a breakdown. The procedures seem to be pretty straightforward. The DC Police, the Capitol Police have to make that request. If they don't do it the day before, those reserve forces are not going to be there. In terms of the Capitol Police, they need a complete top to bottom review & redo of their intelligence led processes throughout that department.

Nicole Wallace sighs, unfulfilled, vowing to stay on this story.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by old salt »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:05 am
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:20 am :roll: ...the report is about how the watch works (or doesn't), not what time it is.

https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/ ... Attack.pdf
:roll: The watch breaks when it’s wound so tight that the winding mechanism fails. When that happens you don’t blame the watchmaker when the person doing the winding doesn’t follow the directions.

Your constant attempts to divert the topic of this thread from the root cause of January 6 is annoying. Start your own thread about DC security.
Trump's already been impeached for it. They're up to nearly 600 rioters arrested & under investigation. Give the FBI some time to extract the information necessary to establish if there was an organized conspiracy & see if it leads back to Trump. There's still plenty of time to further politicize this. The more facts there are, the more effective it will be.

Meanwhile, the intell & security failures in protecting the Capitol need to be corrected now before the next First Amendment event mob gathers in DC.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by youthathletics »

So if sporting an american flag or wearing a viking hat means a deranged trumpist, what group is known for wearing all black.

You make the call....https://twitter.com/SicarioScott/status ... 4373649409

Hmmm....more of the same from a different angle, all those Trump supporters helping out.....NOT: https://twitter.com/CRenwot/status/1402 ... 43664?s=20
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by seacoaster »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:44 am So if sporting an american flag or wearing a viking hat means a deranged trumpist, what group is known for wearing all black.

You make the call....https://twitter.com/SicarioScott/status ... 4373649409

Hmmm....more of the same from a different angle, all those Trump supporters helping out.....NOT: https://twitter.com/CRenwot/status/1402 ... 43664?s=20
I hope you enjoyed your visit to Fantasy Island. These videos show that it’s all antifa’s fault? That the stupid MAGA deplorables were effectively tricked into entering the Capitol, occupying and damaging The Speaker’s office, defecating on the floor, preparing hangman’s nooses, yelling for Pence’s death? Gotcha.

There has to be a hotline to help you get help. Prayers won’t fix it.
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Re: January 6, 2021: Insurrection or “normal tourist” visitation?

Post by CU88 »

Sadly, I'm surprised the number isn't higher. Deplorable idiots...

https://thehill.com/homenews/news/55748 ... ident-poll

GOP: Gullible Old Party
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
Mr moderator, deactivate my account.
You have heck this forum up to making it nothing more than a joke. I hope you are happy.
This is cradle and shoot signing out.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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