Trump's Russian Collusion

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

I'm confused. How does that story, written by a Putin advisor, constitute a "game changer"??

I guess Trump apologists need to find an out?

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by jhu72 »

laxman3221 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:23 pm
jhu72 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:28 pm

Vladislav Surkov: Putin’s Long State

Foreign politicians ascribe to Russia interference in elections and referendums across the globe. In fact, the matter is even more serious - Russia interferes in their brains, and they do not know what to do with their own altered consciousness. Since, after the failed 90s, our country abandoned ideological loans, began to produce meanings and switched to the information counteroffensive to the West, European and American experts began to err in their forecasts more and more often. They are surprised and enraged by the paranormal preferences of the electorate. Confused, they announced the invasion of populism. You can say so, if there are no words.

Makes you wonder who's brain he is influencing?

Some minds are more susceptible than others.
Yep, they all yell Russian collusion and believed in the pee dossier. Thought Muller, Avenatti, Stormy, and others would be their savior and bring POTUS down. Others just yell impeach all the time and can't come up with a crime. Many are in this thread. :lol:

Orange Duce doesn't need anyone to help bring him down, he is doing an awesome job of that all by himself. :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by jhu72 »

tech37 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:09 am
a fan wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:32 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:58 pm My point is, the hate and despising is blinding. For instance, look no further than the reaction of certain members on this board (seacoaster included) to the "bombshell" Buzzfeed scoop that, fortunately, was discredited by the Mueller team. If I recall correctly, a link was quickly posted to that tantalizing revelation for all righteous "resistance" fighters to drool over. It's sad...otherwise intelligent people reduced to knee jerk reactions on steroids...why?...cause, right in step with the Trump-hating media, we've got that bastard now! I don't mean to pick on seacoaster, unfortunately he's not alone on here. Reaction to the bogus Covington boys drama is another perfect example.
Ah yes, I long for the Obama years at the Water Cooler, where you and the rest of the Obama haters showed us how to be rational, and how to evaluate things a President does, regardless of party affiliation. ;) Ah, the good ol' days of rational criticism, and complete lack of hypocrisy. :lol: ;)

Ah yes, the usual revisionist history according to a fan...we've been thru this before...I had much criticism re foreign policy, and identity politics, but never personally attacked the man or his family. If you think that makes me a hypocrite, I could not care less.
tech37 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:58 pm So, two years in and there's still no "direct" evidence of "collusion" (whatever that means). IMO, Mueller's report (whenever that materializes) or what the public is allowed to see of it, is sure to disappoint the "resistance" nation. I think C&S certainly has that right.
Sure, but please tell me that you're livid at a whole bunch of stuff that Trump and his crew did?

Sure stupid stuff happened no doubt but "amateur hour" not criminal. I'm livid that so much time and effort on the part of so many is spent attempting to delegitimize a duly elected POTUS, especially when the alternative would have been far worse. Now before you turn this into an a fan browbeating, let's just agree to disagree and save a lot of time and energy. You love rehashing the rehash...

The wisdom of a self proclaimed moderate. :roll: Right down the center he his. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:09 am Ah yes, the usual revisionist history according to a fan...we've been thru this before...I had much criticism re foreign policy, and identity politics, but never personally attacked the man or his family. If you think that makes me a hypocrite, I could not care less.
Right. The Cooler was a big lovefest for Obama, and no unreasonable expectations were heaped on him...and you and the WC right hold Trump to the same standards you held Obama to....

So, for example, none of you cared about Benghazi, because Rice, HRC and Obama "didn't do anything that was illegal", right? You didn't care that they lied to the American people, right? Right. Yeah, that's totally what happened. And you hold Trump to that same standard, right? You wouldn't, oh, I don't know----brush off all the lying Trump and his crew did that led to this whole Mueller mess, right?


Your basic premise is where the hypocrisy is: you're telling the board that the only reason anyone could possibly criticize Trump is because of bias and blind hate....while here you are telling me that you---and everyone at the old Cooler----were rational, gentle criticizers of Obama...and obviously any criticism of Obama had nothing to do with partisanship and blind other words, clearly criticism of Obama was warranted, while any ill words toward Trump is the word of an insane person.

Come on man. You can't be this blind. And then you go on to show your own ridiculous partisanship with this next statement.
tech37 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:58 pm Sure stupid stuff happened no doubt but "amateur hour" not criminal.
:lol: Right. Not Criminal. Well, except the guilty pleas of felonies, and the current indictments and court cases.

Yeah, you're evenhanded alright. Welcome to Trumpland, where committing actual felonies and pleading guilty to them "isn't criminal".

Thanks for the laugh. :lol: ;)
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

What many of us have realized for some time now...but hey, Trumpists want to hang their hats on "no collusion"? In the immortal words of Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball(s)"

Mueller May Find ‘No Collusion,’ but Still Find Crimes

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:20 am
tech37 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:09 am Ah yes, the usual revisionist history according to a fan...we've been thru this before...I had much criticism re foreign policy, and identity politics, but never personally attacked the man or his family. If you think that makes me a hypocrite, I could not care less.
Right. The Cooler was a big lovefest for Obama, and no unreasonable expectations were heaped on him...and you and the WC right hold Trump to the same standards you held Obama to....

So, for example, none of you cared about Benghazi, because Rice, HRC and Obama "didn't do anything that was illegal", right? You didn't care that they lied to the American people, right? Right. Yeah, that's totally what happened. And you hold Trump to that same standard, right? You wouldn't, oh, I don't know----brush off all the lying Trump and his crew did that led to this whole Mueller mess, right?


Your basic premise is where the hypocrisy is: you're telling the board that the only reason anyone could possibly criticize Trump is because of bias and blind hate....while here you are telling me that you---and everyone at the old Cooler----were rational, gentle criticizers of Obama...and obviously any criticism of Obama had nothing to do with partisanship and blind other words, clearly criticism of Obama was warranted, while any ill words toward Trump is the word of an insane person.

Come on man. You can't be this blind. And then you go on to show your own ridiculous partisanship with this next statement.
tech37 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:58 pm Sure stupid stuff happened no doubt but "amateur hour" not criminal.
:lol: Right. Not Criminal. Well, except the guilty pleas of felonies, and the current indictments and court cases.

Yeah, you're evenhanded alright. Welcome to Trumpland, where committing actual felonies and pleading guilty to them "isn't criminal".

Thanks for the laugh. :lol: ;)
Happy to keep you in stitches afan :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by tech37 »

dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:48 am What many of us have realized for some time now...but hey, Trumpists want to hang their hats on "no collusion"? In the immortal words of Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball(s)"

Mueller May Find ‘No Collusion,’ but Still Find Crimes

What's that sound?...the frenetic whirring of left wing nut backpedaling :lol:
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

McCabe's strategy is surprising, unless he's just trying to sell books before Mueller wraps up & the narrative changes.

Will have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.

He better be able to back it up, unless it's a Hail Mary pass. He'd be better off agreeing with Rosenstein that it was just bitter humor by a bunch of nonpartisan bureaucrats grieving the shabby way their boss (who gave them their jobs) was fired.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

Oh, you're not hearing ME say "no collusion". Not by a long shot. The "no collusion" notion is a very weak attempt by Trump and his supporters to set the narrative, thanks in large part to the efforts of Devin Nunes and his merry band of obstructionists in the old House Judiciary Comm.

It's not really working for them...

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pmWill have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
A remarkable fiction that is real only in the fevered minds of the Always Trumpers and authoritarian, anti-American purists that feel it's OK to attack, demean and attempt to disable and marginalize the American Intelligence Services. Why it's so hard to believe these career professionals when they say they had LEGITIMATE concerns about the president's activities, statements and entanglements is jaw-dropping to say the least. Except that we've been getting fed this drivel here at FL for many moons now.

Donald Trump has spent his adult life running from, attacking, deflecting, vilifying and ducking for cover from law enforcement. He's been entangled in more legal fights, and lost a considerable number of much so that taking his word on this sort of believe his fictions about Deep State actors...can only be described one way:


OK, there's one more word:


Last edited by dislaxxic on Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:54 pm
Does that mean we have to 'hate' him? I don't think so.
But 'hate' or 'despise' all that he represents?
Works for me.
Now there is a logical fallacy if I've ever seen one... a "distinction without a difference" no doubt.

My point is, the hate and despising is blinding. For instance, look no further than the reaction of certain members on this board (seacoaster included) to the "bombshell" Buzzfeed scoop that, fortunately, was discredited by the Mueller team. If I recall correctly, a link was quickly posted to that tantalizing revelation for all righteous "resistance" fighters to drool over. It's sad...otherwise intelligent people reduced to knee jerk reactions on steroids...why?...cause, right in step with the Trump-hating media, we've got that bastard now! I don't mean to pick on seacoaster, unfortunately he's not alone on here. Reaction to the bogus Covington boys drama is another perfect example.

So, two years in and there's still no "direct" evidence of "collusion" (whatever that means). IMO, Mueller's report (whenever that materializes) or what the public is allowed to see of it, is sure to disappoint the "resistance" nation. I think C&S certainly has that right.
Huh? A logical fallacy, a distinction without a difference?

I think it matters a huge amount whether we 'hate' people or whether we hate or despise the actions they choose. Maybe you just don't understand what I mean, but that would suggest my explaining further won't make sense to you either.

I do think that passions are very high about Trump's immorality, but that's because it's so egregious. Yes, that can mean that folks are eager to see him get his full comeuppance, sooner rather than later. And that can mean folks get too far out over their skis at times. Human nature, for sure.

But I think it's whistling past the graveyard to think that Trump and his family, his business, and his campaign are all going to get off scot-free. That's where the true delusion lies. To me, it's stunning that roughly 40% of Americans still support this guy despite all that we actually do know. Some aren't 'deluded', they actually like what makes him abhorrent to me. But I don't 'hate' those people either, just their choices.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:28 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pmWill have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
A remarkable fiction that is real only in the fevered minds of the Always Trumpers and authoritarian, anti-American purists that feel it's OK to attack, demean and disable the American Intelligence Services. Why it's so hard to believe these career professionals when they say they had LEGITIMATE concerns about the president's activities, statements and entanglements is jaw-dropping to say the least. Except that we've been getting fed this drivel here at FL for many moons now.

Donald Trump has spent his adult life running from, attacking, deflecting, vilifying and ducking for cover from law enforcement. He's been entangled in more legal fights, and lost a considerable number of much so that taking his word for believe his fictions about Deep State actors...can only be described one way:


OK, there's one more word:


No. It is bootlicking.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:35 pmI do think that passions are very high about Trump's immorality, but that's because it's so egregious. Yes, that can mean that folks are eager to see him get his full comeuppance, sooner rather than later. And that can mean folks get too far out over their skis at times. Human nature, for sure.

But I think it's whistling past the graveyard to think that Trump and his family, his business, and his campaign are all going to get off scot-free. That's where the true delusion lies. To me, it's stunning that roughly 40% of Americans still support this guy despite all that we actually do know. Some aren't 'deluded', they actually like what makes him abhorrent to me. But I don't 'hate' those people either, just their choices.
Always the diplomatic, measured answers/comebacks. I'll do it like that someday, when i grow up. ;)

This is about as clear as it gets, MD...thanks.

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:47 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:28 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pmWill have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
A remarkable fiction that is real only in the fevered minds of the Always Trumpers and authoritarian, anti-American purists that feel it's OK to attack, demean and disable the American Intelligence Services. Why it's so hard to believe these career professionals when they say they had LEGITIMATE concerns about the president's activities, statements and entanglements is jaw-dropping to say the least. Except that we've been getting fed this drivel here at FL for many moons now.

Donald Trump has spent his adult life running from, attacking, deflecting, vilifying and ducking for cover from law enforcement. He's been entangled in more legal fights, and lost a considerable number of much so that taking his word for believe his fictions about Deep State actors...can only be described one way:


OK, there's one more word:


No. It is bootlicking.
Sure, the Acting AG & FBI Director sit around all the time discussing whether or not they should wear a wire when talking to the President, to gather evidence to invoke the 25 th Amendment. problem. Business as usual. Let's see if Barr & Wray are bootlickers.
Last edited by old salt on Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:35 pmI do think that passions are very high about Trump's immorality, but that's because it's so egregious. Yes, that can mean that folks are eager to see him get his full comeuppance, sooner rather than later. And that can mean folks get too far out over their skis at times. Human nature, for sure.

But I think it's whistling past the graveyard to think that Trump and his family, his business, and his campaign are all going to get off scot-free. That's where the true delusion lies. To me, it's stunning that roughly 40% of Americans still support this guy despite all that we actually do know. Some aren't 'deluded', they actually like what makes him abhorrent to me. But I don't 'hate' those people either, just their choices.
Why speak so eloquently, then drop a sentence in there as if it is fact......that shoots your entire rational post to hell? Why are you so certain his family is guilty of a crime, instead of waiting for guilt to be proven?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by youthathletics »

old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:13 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:47 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:28 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pmWill have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
A remarkable fiction that is real only in the fevered minds of the Always Trumpers and authoritarian, anti-American purists that feel it's OK to attack, demean and disable the American Intelligence Services. Why it's so hard to believe these career professionals when they say they had LEGITIMATE concerns about the president's activities, statements and entanglements is jaw-dropping to say the least. Except that we've been getting fed this drivel here at FL for many moons now.

Donald Trump has spent his adult life running from, attacking, deflecting, vilifying and ducking for cover from law enforcement. He's been entangled in more legal fights, and lost a considerable number of much so that taking his word for believe his fictions about Deep State actors...can only be described one way:


OK, there's one more word:


No. It is bootlicking.
Sure, the Acting AG & FBI Director sit around all the time discussing whether or not they should wear a wire when talking to the President, to gather evidence to invoke the 25 th Amendment. problem. Business as usual. Let's see if Barr & Wray are bootlickers.
I have been saying for two years....all roads lead back to BHO's desk.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by dislaxxic »

We all know that Donald Trump is an extraordinary guy. Extraordinarily BAD as a president. Extraordinarily bad as a businessman. Extraordinarily unprincipled and completely lacking in character. Unprecedented in his entanglements. Unprecedented in his boorishness. Unprecedented in his capacity for mischief and illegality, of immorality and entitlement. Public knowledge, all of that. To attempt to turn this around and make it about law enforcement plotting, scheming and subterfuge is what is totally unusual and delusional. Conservatives, especially "Trump conservatives" will continue to attempt to misdirect and distort the discourse, to make ol' Don (and their movement) a victim. It's old, tired, and increasingly ineffective...they've attempted it too often to be believable or to even be due a benefit of a doubt in a case like this.

That run is quickly coming to an end...Don is starting to circle the bowl, and is yanking the GOP down that hole with him...

Last edited by dislaxxic on Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by CU77 »

old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pm Will have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
Please explain to me how following the Constitutional procedure of the 25th Amendment (which is what McCabe says was considered) constitutes a "coup d'etat".
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by foreverlax »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 2:35 pmI do think that passions are very high about Trump's immorality, but that's because it's so egregious. Yes, that can mean that folks are eager to see him get his full comeuppance, sooner rather than later. And that can mean folks get too far out over their skis at times. Human nature, for sure.

But I think it's whistling past the graveyard to think that Trump and his family, his business, and his campaign are all going to get off scot-free. That's where the true delusion lies. To me, it's stunning that roughly 40% of Americans still support this guy despite all that we actually do know. Some aren't 'deluded', they actually like what makes him abhorrent to me. But I don't 'hate' those people either, just their choices.
Why speak so eloquently, then drop a sentence in there as if it is fact......that shoots your entire rational post to hell? Why are you so certain his family is guilty of a crime, instead of waiting for guilt to be proven?
I am more then willing to let all of this play out...
I have been saying for two years....all roads lead back to BHO's desk.
You have been consistent here, in what way will this all lead back to BHO?
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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Post by runrussellrun »

CU77 wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:34 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 pm Will have to watch his entire interview, but he seems to be confirming that Deep State plotters were considering a coup d'etat, via their investigative powers.
Please explain to me how following the Constitutional procedure of the 25th Amendment (which is what McCabe says was considered) constitutes a "coup d'etat".
because....the mindset was upon arrival. Before he was sworn into office. Wasn't it?
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