Progressive Ideology

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a fan
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm fan, you have either lost your ability to read posts, or gone off your rocker. Maybe testing the product too much??
And I should add, this is a fair question. I'm a frustrated moderate that wants a functioning Republican party to pull and compromise with Dems like Cortez, and take some of her good ideas, and either make them better, or get rid of them altogether...the give and take between the R's and D's is supposed to give us better legislation. Think: Newt and Bill with welfare reform.

I shouldn't be taking my frustration out on you, unless you're a Republican in Congress.

You're not a Congressman, are you? ;) Well, I'm sorry then.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

laxman3221 wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:02 pm
foreverlax wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:08 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:43 am Takes a special kind of mind to believe that anyone is going to force a doctor to perform an abortion if he/she doesn't want to. :lol:
"Call for Dr. Infanticide on line 3". :roll:
Yes? Dr. Coonman here.

Just let me get my white gown on and face black to cut the glare down. :lol:
Clever. :roll:
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

a fan wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:55 am
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm fan, you have either lost your ability to read posts, or gone off your rocker. Maybe testing the product too much??
...compromise with Dems like Cortez, and take some of her good ideas...
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

That's the spirit, 6, laugh the BU grad bimbo off, she's just an idiot who is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Seems as if she knows how to rally the troops, use social media probably more effectively than anyone else in the business (maybe dance better than 'em too), and has a likability factor like not too many others too. Go ahead and write her off as a moron but I tend to agree with a fan on this. I don't think she's nearly as stupid as you think she is. Ever know a female bar tender who doesn't come with baggage and a history (not so different from male bar tenders either)? Haven't seen any smut on this girl, maybe she's a little smarter than most. Time will tell but the Rs need to take her seriously, she's definitely a threat.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:51 am That's the spirit, 6, laugh the BU grad bimbo off, she's just an idiot who is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Seems as if she knows how to rally the troops, use social media probably more effectively than anyone else in the business (maybe dance better than 'em too), and has a likability factor like not too many others too. Go ahead and write her off as a moron but I tend to agree with a fan on this. I don't think she's nearly as stupid as you think she is. Ever know a female bar tender who doesn't come with baggage and a history (not so different from male bar tenders either)? Haven't seen any smut on this girl, maybe she's a little smarter than most. Time will tell but the Rs need to take her seriously, she's definitely a threat.
Thats the spirit DMac bite deeply into the media hype about this lightweight.

only 13 percent of registered Democrats turned out to vote in the 14th Congressional District that takes in parts of Queens and the Bronx, according to a preliminary city Board of Elections tally.

There are 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district. Only 27,744 voted, and Ocasio-Cortez won by more than 4,000 votes ... ortez-win/

She's only threat if people like you think 70-90% income taxes aren't confiscatory or that the world is going to end in 12 years. or that a socialist USA is better for the world than capitalists

Trump won 64 million votes after beating a field of 17 republican luminaries in the primaries. He's built the best economy in a generation and nearly wiped out an enemy Obama said was here to stay (isis) but you all insist he's a dunce.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:07 pm Here you go, frmanfan.....Ocascio Cortez in her full glory. If she's an idiot, fine. Then so am I.

Ocascio Tweet: Can everyday people come together and effectively organize against creeping overreach of one of the world’s biggest corporations?

Yes, they can.(Ocasio-Cortez links to WaPo story on Amazon reconsidering coming to NYState)

This is what a real lib looks like, folks. And real libs have an awful lot in common with real conservatives like me.

Cradle, please tell me you're happy to see this. Ocascio is trying to stop the crappy, corrupt, Corporate-Dem handouts that NYState is so famous for....

If she pulls this off, She's my new hero. Call her dumb at your own risk.

If you're a real conservative, you should be CHEERING this particular action, while justifiably remaining skeptical of her other ideas. ... ion-report
Cradle, please tell me you're happy to see this. Ocascio is trying to stop the crappy, corrupt, Corporate-Dem handouts that NYState is so famous for....

a Fan, the Dems that run NYS will roast this woman on a spit before they will ever allow her to change how business is done in NYS. I have paid pretty close attention to what AOC has been saying. The problem is all of her ideas are scattershot all over the place. There is no one cohesive message in anything she says. I like the fact that she is brutally honest but she is all over the place trying to spread her message. I can guarandamntee you she has not made very many friends in the elitists FLP that run NYS. Her New Green Steal idea was IMO a chaotic message of rumbling, bumbling and stumbling ideas that would never make any practical sense. They weren't just pie in the sky wishful thinking they would make the money spent on our national defense look like pocket change. There is that saying about how do you eat an elephant... one bite at a time. AOC wants to swallow the entire elephant in one big gulp. If she ever comes back to the real world and wants to live in the reality of what you can get done instead of the wish list of everything you want to see happen... she might get somewhere. On the path she is going it won't be very long until outside of her hardcore supporters she will have become an absolute joke. She needs to focus instead of throwing everything against the wall hoping something might stick. When you have managed to piss of Democrats and Republicans you had better have a plan B to fall back on.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:29 pm
DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:51 am That's the spirit, 6, laugh the BU grad bimbo off, she's just an idiot who is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Seems as if she knows how to rally the troops, use social media probably more effectively than anyone else in the business (maybe dance better than 'em too), and has a likability factor like not too many others too. Go ahead and write her off as a moron but I tend to agree with a fan on this. I don't think she's nearly as stupid as you think she is. Ever know a female bar tender who doesn't come with baggage and a history (not so different from male bar tenders either)? Haven't seen any smut on this girl, maybe she's a little smarter than most. Time will tell but the Rs need to take her seriously, she's definitely a threat.
Thats the spirit DMac bite deeply into the media hype about this lightweight.

only 13 percent of registered Democrats turned out to vote in the 14th Congressional District that takes in parts of Queens and the Bronx, according to a preliminary city Board of Elections tally.

There are 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district. Only 27,744 voted, and Ocasio-Cortez won by more than 4,000 votes ... ortez-win/

She's only threat if people like you think 70-90% income taxes aren't confiscatory or that the world is going to end in 12 years. or that a socialist USA is better for the world than capitalists

Trump won 64 million votes after beating a field of 17 republican luminaries in the primaries. He's built the best economy in a generation and nearly wiped out an enemy Obama said was here to stay (isis) but you all insist he's a dunce.
I don't bite into the hype, 6, cuz I pay very little attention to it. I find most of it about as much "reality" as the Kardashians...seen the number of followers and believers they've got? Probably would put Trump's to shame.
Read and comprehend THE BOOK OF a fan and get back to me about socialism in the USofA, it's all around you every day.
Could care less about the 70% tax on anything over 10 mil in earnings. Seems as if we survived when Ike did it. Is that where you got that 90% from?
Trump's 64 mil votes is fewer than Hillary got, isn't it?
Good to see he's nearly wiped out Isis. I'll keep my eyes open to see if we hear anything from them in the future.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:09 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:29 pm
DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:51 am That's the spirit, 6, laugh the BU grad bimbo off, she's just an idiot who is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Seems as if she knows how to rally the troops, use social media probably more effectively than anyone else in the business (maybe dance better than 'em too), and has a likability factor like not too many others too. Go ahead and write her off as a moron but I tend to agree with a fan on this. I don't think she's nearly as stupid as you think she is. Ever know a female bar tender who doesn't come with baggage and a history (not so different from male bar tenders either)? Haven't seen any smut on this girl, maybe she's a little smarter than most. Time will tell but the Rs need to take her seriously, she's definitely a threat.
Thats the spirit DMac bite deeply into the media hype about this lightweight.

only 13 percent of registered Democrats turned out to vote in the 14th Congressional District that takes in parts of Queens and the Bronx, according to a preliminary city Board of Elections tally.

There are 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district. Only 27,744 voted, and Ocasio-Cortez won by more than 4,000 votes ... ortez-win/

She's only threat if people like you think 70-90% income taxes aren't confiscatory or that the world is going to end in 12 years. or that a socialist USA is better for the world than capitalists

Trump won 64 million votes after beating a field of 17 republican luminaries in the primaries. He's built the best economy in a generation and nearly wiped out an enemy Obama said was here to stay (isis) but you all insist he's a dunce.
I don't bite into the hype, 6, cuz I pay very little attention to it. I find most of it about as much "reality" as the Kardashians...seen the number of followers and believers they've got? Probably would put Trump's to shame.
Read and comprehend THE BOOK OF a fan and get back to me about socialism in the USofA, it's all around you every day.
Could care less about the 70% tax on anything over 10 mil in earnings. Seems as if we survived when Ike did it. Is that where you got that 90% from?
Trump's 64 mil votes is fewer than Hillary got, isn't it?
Good to see he's nearly wiped out Isis. I'll keep my eyes open to see if we hear anything from them in the future.
You could care less?

You think the socialists will stop at the rich? Or the progressives will stop at euthanizing new born babies or aborting full term viable children?

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

I don't live it that state of paranoia 6, think we'll be okay.
Did all that happen during Ike's time?
Not at all worried about your abortion worries either.
You're taking pretty rare occasions, and situations, and
building the proverbial mountain from a mole hill.
a fan
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

:lol: Trump and the Republicans just blew $2 Trillion on socialist programs in three separate spending bills, 6ft. You didn't even notice. Not the military. Not on protecting our nation. On socialist handouts. Not one single peep from you about it.

It's clear that all that matters to you are little R's next to a politicians name. If an R does it, you're thrilled. If a D does it, it's bad. 20 years of this stuff from you, and every time a Republican spends a few trillion on utter nonsense, you come back with some silly excuse as to what that's ok. Or why "it doesn't count" as socialism.

Where's your promised Tea Party? Nowhere to be found, and the Federal government is now 20% bigger than it was the last time the Tea Party was around. Do you care? Nope. So long as Trump is in charge, socialism is just fine by you.

You should be LIVID at Trump's borrowed economy: $2.7Trillion in spending, and every cent of it is borrowed. The very thing you told me years ago was the worse thing we could do as a nation.

And here you are: instead of being livid, you're actually BRAGGING about how great the economy is now that Trump has added $2 Trillion in socialized handouts....all using money borrowed from China. I don't understand it. At all.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

Yes you do, you know full well it's just blind allegiance to the R and seeing what you want to see rather than what's really there to be seen. There's no reasoning with that mentality.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

a fan wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:29 pm :lol: Trump and the Republicans just blew $2 Trillion on socialist programs in three separate spending bills, 6ft. You didn't even notice. Not the military. Not on protecting our nation. On socialist handouts. Not one single peep from you about it.

It's clear that all that matters to you are little R's next to a politicians name. If an R does it, you're thrilled. If a D does it, it's bad. 20 years of this stuff from you, and every time a Republican spends a few trillion on utter nonsense, you come back with some silly excuse as to what that's ok. Or why "it doesn't count" as socialism.

Where's your promised Tea Party? Nowhere to be found, and the Federal government is now 20% bigger than it was the last time the Tea Party was around. Do you care? Nope. So long as Trump is in charge, socialism is just fine by you.

You should be LIVID at Trump's borrowed economy: $2.7Trillion in spending, and every cent of it is borrowed. The very thing you told me years ago was the worse thing we could do as a nation.

And here you are: instead of being livid, you're actually BRAGGING about how great the economy is now that Trump has added $2 Trillion in socialized handouts....all using money borrowed from China. I don't understand it. At all.
Obama said less than 2% gdp growth was the new norm. GDP now growing twice that

Obama said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. 600,000 manufacturing jobs added since 2016

5 million new jobs in 2 years.

Military needed rebuilding after 8 years of neglect.

Trade deficits going DOWN

NATO participation up by our allies is up

Unemployment for people of color the lowest in a generation.

Quantitative easing OVER.(OBAMA printed 4 TRILLION to prop up the economy)

Yep thats terrible
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:38 pm Yes you do, you know full well it's just blind allegiance to the R and seeing what you want to see rather than what's really there to be seen. There's no reasoning with that mentality.
fascinating how the left always accuses us of what they do.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

You're sadly mistaken, I've never had any allegiance to any little letter, never been a member of, or blinded by, any political party.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:44 pm You're sadly mistaken, I've never had any allegiance to any little letter, never been a member of, or blinded by, any political party.
That makes two of us....I don't cheer for politicians.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:23 pm I don't live it that state of paranoia 6, think we'll be okay.
Did all that happen during Ike's time?
Not at all worried about your abortion worries either.
You're taking pretty rare occasions, and situations, and
building the proverbial mountain from a mole hill.
Then you should care more.

5 years ago would you have thought it would have to be declared on the floor of a joint meeting of congress that "America will never be a socialist country."

Did you ever think that there would be more than 2 genders.

Did you think parents could opt for a third box on a birth certificate instead of male or female

Did you ever think abortions would be allowed for anything other than rape or the health of the woman.

These are all the first steps and progressives are relentless
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:30 pm
DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:23 pm I don't live it that state of paranoia 6, think we'll be okay.
Did all that happen during Ike's time?
Not at all worried about your abortion worries either.
You're taking pretty rare occasions, and situations, and
building the proverbial mountain from a mole hill.
Then you should care more.
Should I get up on a soapbox and start screaming about things and getting folks in a hostile frenzy like Rush, Tucker, and so many others do. That aint gonna happen

5 years ago would you have thought it would have to be declared on the floor of a joint meeting of congress that "America will never be a socialist country."
So does that mean Starbucks is going to buy themselves a lake and start using their own water, the Post Office is going to become a private entity, GM is going to go under, schools will no longer accept grants, public schools will become private schools, Farm Bills will be longer, businesses will build their own roads and sewage systems, etc, etc, etc, etc,etc,etc,etc?

Did you ever think that there would be more than 2 genders.
Sure, I saw Klinger on MASH many years ago, saw Tootsie in the movies too.
Did you think parents could opt for a third box on a birth certificate instead of male or female
No, I think it's a little nuts (or none, or something else) but it's not high on my list of worries. I'd bet there are people with little Rs who will do this too though.

Did you ever think abortions would be allowed for anything other than rape or the health of the woman.
I'm not God, I'll let people who have to struggle with these difficult situations make their own call on this. Not too concerned about it.

These are all the first steps and progressives are relentless
...and conservatives like to keep things just the way the way they are. Like Sessions and his War On Drugs for example.
Last edited by DMac on Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:30 pm
DMac wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:23 pm I don't live it that state of paranoia 6, think we'll be okay.
Did all that happen during Ike's time?
Not at all worried about your abortion worries either.
You're taking pretty rare occasions, and situations, and
building the proverbial mountain from a mole hill.
Then you should care more.

5 years ago would you have thought it would have to be declared on the floor of a joint meeting of congress that "America will never be a socialist country."

Did you ever think that there would be more than 2 genders.

Did you think parents could opt for a third box on a birth certificate instead of male or female

Did you ever think abortions would be allowed for anything other than rape or the health of the woman.

These are all the first steps and progressives are relentless
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by DMac »

Did you see this one, 6? Bet all the conservatives were proud of those gals, eh? ... l/5118890/
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

"Then you should care more.

5 years ago would you have thought it would have to be declared on the floor of a joint meeting of congress that "America will never be a socialist country."

Did you ever think that there would be more than 2 genders.

Did you think parents could opt for a third box on a birth certificate instead of male or female

Did you ever think abortions would be allowed for anything other than rape or the health of the woman."

This is a post of a person scared of the future, ill-informed about the present, and on the wrong side of history.
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