Progressive Ideology

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:42 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:14 pm and respectfully you need to get out of your bubble hulkboy and get a better read on the country. You haven't seen the news that more and more people actually LIKE ObamaCare and seem to have worked their way thru the rightwingnut lying and misdirection about it? Fossil Fuels foul the earth and alternatives get more and more viable every day. A Fan has set out all the ways we are ALREADY major practitioners of various forms of socialism...perhaps educated yourself about what this really means, what "democratic socialism" means in the context of the kinds of things other 21st Century nations are doing as far as healthcare and social engineering and immigration and so on, you'd perhaps get a clue about how people are SICK AND TIRED of the trickle down model of prosperity and health that the right wants to cling to...

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

I would always advise a Fan that if he would like a snootful of socialism he could move his business to NYS. You can see how well socialism is working for NYS. What we have in Upstate NY is good old fashioned trickle up FLP poverty. As much as I respect a Fan his socialism argument is nonsensical. What he is describing is how the gubmint spends our money once they get it.The last time I looked Uncle Sam didn't ask me how to spend taxpayer money. I guess the DoD budget is also socialism as well? When you bastardise the definition you are just playing games. A Fans definition would make the spending of every tax dollar... socialism by spending money on anything.
We should get rid of social security. Don’t tell the folks at Fox and their audience:
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:51 pm You don't think she has any power?
To enact her plan? No. She has no power.

To get millenials fired up about her plan? Yep.

The R's have been in charge of Domestic policy for 8 full years. Can anyone name one single piece of major, serious legislation that they passed?

No plans. Nothing to help anyone but the 1%. 8 full years, zero accomplishments.

Where's the Republican Free Market counter to Ocascio? There isn't one. Unless you want to count the briiiiiiliant plan of increasing spending by trillions, and then cutting taxes to the bone. Wow. What a great plan for moving American forward.

So in this case, they are NOT all the same.

The Republicans have had control of Congress for, what? All but 2 of the last 24 years?

How's our Health Care system?

Our infrastructure?

Any big plans? Anything that sounds like we're planning for the future?

Or how about this: are we paying as we go? Can they look at me in the eye and say: we should have minimal government, and we shouldn't be in the Health Care biz at should have low taxes and minimal services and regulations?

Nope. They didn't do that, either. So I'm at a 100% loss as to why what Ocascio is proposing isn't 100% fine. Totally sane. Totally reasonable when you look at what two decades of R Congressional rule has done.

$2.7 Trillion. With a freaking T. And what do we have to show for it if you set aside the $700 Billion spent on defense?

In 20 years, have the R's come up with some magic Free Market plan that keeps pace with the rest of the 1st world? Nope.

So yep, you're doggone right I'm ready for Ocascio, or anyone, R or D, that interested in taking America into the 21st century. It is 100% impossible for her to do a worse job than the Congressional R's have done. She could blow trillions, and all I'd do is yawn. THAT is how bad things are.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

The increasing popularity of socialism is more about stiffening Democrats’ spines than revolution Pay wall...

Hey seeds...
Republicans are using such people to stoke outrage. Newt Gingrich, eternally eager to pitch any disagreement as an eschatological conflict, warns that socialists are “demons” whom the Democrats are “unleashing to win elections”.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I love the Fox News talking points that are repeated here. Use your god given intellect......
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:51 pm And you think we're going to "win" a trade war with China? Actually, yes. I would like to think that this has awakened people to how our pols (both parties) have been giving away the store to China for 30 years.
How? Clearly you've handled business negotiations, yes? Where are we borrowing our money from to run our country? China, yes?

So given that, in what world do you think China will capitulate on ANYTHING?

Picture this: what would happen to our markets if China simple said: we're done buying US paper? Get a good image in your mind? I'm sorry, but either a total fool, or you're transfixed by the little R by Trump's name, so this Trade War somehow makes sense to you. And you and I both know you're not a fool.
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:51 pm You think we are better off without a domestic basic steel industry? Or the resulting loss of companies to service companies working with high temperatures? We work in the 2500-3000 degree range. You don't buy this stuff at Walmart. This is my world, I wouldn't expect you to get this.
Oh, I get it just fine. You're ok with Cortez's socialism, so long as YOU benefit from it. Your industry is "special", and should therefore, my business should subsidize yours.

I see why you like the Republican's "socialism for me, free market for everyone else". Only part you left out was to enjoy your special protections, and to tell me to shut up and work harder if I don't like it. ;)
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:51 pm Wrong. If an R proposed this he would be ridiculed, and rightly so.
Really? So how did the $2.7 in new spending get signed, if it's all so stupid? Show me the complaints. Go ahead. They should be tearing those spending bills apart, right? Go ahead and show me "how are we going to pay for all this?" crap that Ocascio is getting. Take your time. I'll wait.
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:51 pm Her real goal, already, is to run for POTUS as soon as she is old enough. Getting a name is the first step, she gets that, I give her credit for being able to see that. That is my prediction, write that one down.
Yep. And wouldn't it be nice if the Republican party had a counter? That they believe in free markets, not special deals like the one your own business is getting, while mine gets taxed even more? That our infrastructure is already world class, and they've been taking care of that the last 20 years? That we are more innovative than ever? That our Health Care system is free market, and works fine, thank you very doesn't need "fixin'"?

The R's have a big, fat nothing to point at after 20 years of legislation. Cortez and her like are going to OWN this country. It's only a matter of time. And Republican voters, who have cheered while the little R's in Congress have sat around, and done nothing, can only look in the mirror and blame themselves.

Now you'll excuse me. I have to cut a check for a PO on a steel grain bin for my new malthouse. Hope you enjoy your cut! :lol: ;)
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by youthathletics »

So afan, based on your latest agree with Trump, we need to "MAGA" b/c AOC is defining a new(er) America that you like. ;)

Not directed solely towards you afan, and maybe the start of a new thread is warranted. Please define what infrastructure needs updating, specifically...anyone

Most all your posts have a common denominator, which is who is paying for all this, I get it, I really do. Serious question, if the national debt is like what Dick Cheney says and quite frankly what I believe as history has shown.....that "deficits do not matter", does your tune or primary concerns about our Country change?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm So afan, based on your latest agree with Trump, we need to "MAGA" b/c AOC is defining a new(er) America that you like. ;)

Not directed solely towards you afan, and maybe the start of a new thread is warranted. Please define what infrastructure needs updating, specifically...anyone

Most all your posts have a common denominator, which is who is paying for all this, I get it, I really do. Serious question, if the national debt is like what Dick Cheney says and quite frankly what I believe as history has shown.....that "deficits do not matter", does your tune or primary concerns about our Country change?
Not everywhere is DMV

Take federal activity out of that area and lets see how many cranes you see in the air.....
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm So afan, based on your latest agree with Trump, we need to "MAGA" b/c AOC is defining a new(er) America that you like. ;)

Not directed solely towards you afan, and maybe the start of a new thread is warranted. Please define what infrastructure needs updating, specifically...anyone
Here you go....American Society of Civil Engineers, as bi partisan of a group as you'll ever find, rates our infrastructure status for us.....

youthathletics wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm Serious question, if the national debt is like what Dick Cheney says and quite frankly what I believe as history has shown.....that "deficits do not matter", does your tune or primary concerns about our Country change?
No. Actually, it's worse.

Because the basic functions of government is a mess. Transportation. Infrastructure. Education/training. Health care of workers. All of it sucks, by any measure. Now add in how far in debt we are, and you have a serious problem.

If we were in massive debt, but our infrastructure, health care, education/training, and the like were in good shape? Fine.

It's not. We're going to pay a price for our total lack of vision and economic sense.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

And I should add: as I have said to cradleandshoot many times: if there was some fantastic free market solution for all this, I'm all for it. Believe me. The R's have had 30 years of domestic power to find one. They haven't even come close to finding it.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:57 pm And I should add: as I have said to cradleandshoot many times: if there was some fantastic free market solution for all this, I'm all for it. Believe me. The R's have had 30 years of domestic power to find one. They haven't even come close to finding it.
We would always welcome you to upstate NY with open arms a Fan. I believe that you being the astute business owner that you are will never take me up on the offer. NYS has its own brand of socialism that is not exactly business friendly. The Republicans could never figure out anything in a hundred years. They are not about fixing things, they are about running for re-election saying they will fix things. There is a big difference between the two. That being said the free market will always be the better option than a true and die hard socialist solution. Ask anybody that lives in Venezuela right now. They had had pure and unadulterated socialism crammed down their throats. It did not work out very well for them did it, unless you enjoy dining on the family dog.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:54 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm So afan, based on your latest agree with Trump, we need to "MAGA" b/c AOC is defining a new(er) America that you like. ;)

Not directed solely towards you afan, and maybe the start of a new thread is warranted. Please define what infrastructure needs updating, specifically...anyone
Here you go....American Society of Civil Engineers, as bi partisan of a group as you'll ever find, rates our infrastructure status for us.....
Good Lord you can get lost and not find your way out in that web site. Again, all it takes is up that printing press and build those pallets to ship the cash out to each state, just earmark them infrastructure.
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:47 pm
Not everywhere is DMV

Take federal activity out of that area and lets see how many cranes you see in the air.....
DMV may have a bunch of tower cranes but our roads are poo....especially DC which is no different than NYC. Virginia is quite nice....but they have public-paid partnerships, those corporations afan likes for charging fees for trucking and daily traffic. ;)
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:29 pm We would always welcome you to upstate NY with open arms a Fan. I believe that you being the astute business owner that you are will never take me up on the offer. NYS has its own brand of socialism that is not exactly business friendly. The Republicans could never figure out anything in a hundred years. They are not about fixing things, they are about running for re-election saying they will fix things
I have NO disagreements with you about NYState. But again, the R run States, including mine which lept to the D's this election, are taking all your money, my friend. If you could keep that money, you'd be in great shape!
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:29 pm Ask anybody that lives in Venezuela right now. They had had pure and unadulterated socialism crammed down their throats. It did not work out very well for them did it, unless you enjoy dining on the family dog.
That, just like the Soviet Union, is a fascist kleptocracy. Had nothing to do with socialism.

Want Socialism, albeit still watered down socialism? Try Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, etc. It's working just fine there.

Venezuela is no more a socialist State than Stalin or Castro-led countries were.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:53 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:29 pm We would always welcome you to upstate NY with open arms a Fan. I believe that you being the astute business owner that you are will never take me up on the offer. NYS has its own brand of socialism that is not exactly business friendly. The Republicans could never figure out anything in a hundred years. They are not about fixing things, they are about running for re-election saying they will fix things
I have NO disagreements with you about NYState. But again, the R run States, including mine which lept to the D's this election, are taking all your money, my friend. If you could keep that money, you'd be in great shape!
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:29 pm Ask anybody that lives in Venezuela right now. They had had pure and unadulterated socialism crammed down their throats. It did not work out very well for them did it, unless you enjoy dining on the family dog.
That, just like the Soviet Union, is a fascist kleptocracy. Had nothing to do with socialism.

Want Socialism, albeit still watered down socialism? Try Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, etc. It's working just fine there.

Venezuela is no more a socialist State than Stalin or Castro-led countries were.
Disagree my friend. It is the powers that be in NYS that are trying to take your slice of the pie. Here in Upstate NY none of the Democrat power brokers give a rats rear end about this part of the state. Hence the reason that those of us with the resources are getting the hell out as soon as we retire. It becomes strictly a financial decision. We love our state but our state is driving us out. The Republicans in NYS were booted out of any power in the last election. The Democrats are doing what they want to do with no questions asked. Their brand of socialism is not diluted or watered down. It is highly concentrated brand of we will tell you what you can do, when you can do it, where you can do it, how you can do it and how much you will pay for the privilege of doing what they will allow you to do. A new NYS proposed law will if enacted, which it will be, will make all gun raffles in the state illegal. So when your local VFW wants to raffle off a shotgun at Thanksgiving... no can do padre. You right wing bastards have to be taught were the bull dropped the buckwheat. The audacity of you peons thing you can raffle off a shotgun. Not any more you Upstate redneck podunks… we got you all by the balls now. This is the new breed of socialism. Thank god I am out of this effing state in 4 more years. :P ... 633db18826
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by frmanfan »

fan, you have either lost your ability to read posts, or gone off your rocker. Maybe testing the product too much??

Do you really think China has enough power, today, to fight the US? 1.2 billion people, most of whom (like 90%) live well below the average world income level, and 1/5 the level of the US? 90% of whom are not in the ruling Communist Party and are only held down by the threat of severe oppression? They remember Tianenman square. Yes they buy our paper, but who has more to risk if the paper becomes useless and the US tells them to go pound sand?

And you are off your rocker that I said I want special treatment for my business. What I said was that if we don't protect the basic industries like steel, we lose much more than that. I am way too small to have any protection from anybody, but if all my suppliers go out of business because they have nobody left to service, and the steel industry is the big one, then we lose the steel business, the aluminum business, the glass business. You lose the basic industries and you start to lose your engineers, then you lose your technical ability to do anything other than computers. Robotics for who? There will be no industry to use robots. How long before you lose the technical side of your higher education system if the need for engineers and scientists has moved away from the USA? Then to top that all off, since we have lost our entire technical engineering and manufacturing ability, we lose the ability to produce military materiel. Doesn't that make us a much safer and secure country! :roll: But it will be ok, because the main goal of the plan is to create high paying jobs, millions of them. Doing what they don't say. Think I'm crazy? Remember that England was once the industrial power of the world, but they failed to protect it from us.

I'm not going to argue with you about the outrageous spending level of our guv, it is wrong, but it has been wrong for the past 70 years. I blame it on Keynes, who gave them all the excuse they needed (both parties, there are no innocents here). Until it was absorbed by the religious fanatics, ridiculed by the mainstream media, and then the Rs figured out how to subvert it, that outrageous spending was the impetus of the Tea Party movement. I was for that part of it, but it got lost.

And you lose me when you say that the Rs have had 20 years to legislate. How do you figure that?

Read the Green Dream, and tell me that it is a good plan, and convince me that it will make the US stronger. Convince me that the bulk of the plan has anything to do with the climate. Convince me it wasn't written by a moron who is the result of the union-led inner city education system we have today, for it is written at that level. Convince me that the rest of the world will hop on the bus and raise the cost of living to all of their citizens for no benefit. Convince me that the plan isn't so full of contradictory statements and goals that your head spins trying to figure out the plan. Unless the goal is to make the US weaker, it is a Green Nightmare.

Then to top it all off, I couldn't enjoy my cut of your grain bin anyway since Pennsylvania doesn't handle your product.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by laxman3221 »

foreverlax wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:08 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:43 am Takes a special kind of mind to believe that anyone is going to force a doctor to perform an abortion if he/she doesn't want to. :lol:
"Call for Dr. Infanticide on line 3". :roll:
Yes? Dr. Coonman here.

Just let me get my white gown on and face black to cut the glare down. :lol:
Last edited by laxman3221 on Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by laxman3221 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:43 pm So afan, based on your latest agree with Trump, we need to "MAGA" b/c AOC is defining a new(er) America that you like. ;)

Not directed solely towards you afan, and maybe the start of a new thread is warranted. Please define what infrastructure needs updating, specifically...anyone

Most all your posts have a common denominator, which is who is paying for all this, I get it, I really do. Serious question, if the national debt is like what Dick Cheney says and quite frankly what I believe as history has shown.....that "deficits do not matter", does your tune or primary concerns about our Country change?
Not everywhere is DMV

Take federal activity out of that area and lets see how many cranes you see in the air.....
Annual Total Extra Vehicle Repairs / Operating Costs Due to Driving on Roads in Need of Fixing**

Most of those costs are from soccer moms/beta soy boys having speed humps put in so their free-range kids don't get hit. :lol: ;)
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm fan, you have either lost your ability to read posts, or gone off your rocker. Maybe testing the product too much??

Do you really think China has enough power, today, to fight the US? 1.2 billion people, most of whom (like 90%) live well below the average world income level, and 1/5 the level of the US?
Well, at least you got part of the equation right: China is by and large a 3rd world nation. You think their leadership cares about how a fake-Trade War from Trump affects their people? Yeah, me neither. So what does that mean?

It means they're going to go right on stealing intellectual property, and if the trade war gets much worse, our bottom half of earners are stuck with the trade war. Whoops.

So to answer your question, yes, I absolutely think that China has enough power to tell Trump to put it where the sun doesn't shine, and they have no intention of changing our trade deals anywhere past what NAFTA was changed do: token changes that lets Trump declare victory, but has next to no effect on our overall trade. In other words, tweaks with no major changes, our trade deficit with China continues, and they keep stealing intellectual property. Happy to wager on this if you'd like. Easiest bet I'll ever make.

Trump expires in less than 24 months. All China has to do is wait him out.......Have you noticed that's exactly what they've been doing yet?
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm but who has more to risk if the paper becomes useless and the US tells them to go pound sand?
Easy answer. If we did that, we'd no longer be able to sell bonds. Our economy would collapse, and we could never borrow again. The entire world would be in free fall.

Meanwhile, what does China care? Bulk of the country is subsistence farming. They'll be fine. Meanwhile, ask an American what they'd think if they lost WiFi for a week. ;)
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm What I said was that if we don't protect the basic industries like steel, we lose much more than that. I am way too small to have any protection from anybody, but if all my suppliers go out of business because they have nobody left to service, and the steel industry is the big one, then we lose the steel business, the aluminum business, the glass business. You lose the basic industries and you start to lose your engineers, then you lose your technical ability to do anything other than computers. Robotics for who? There will be no industry to use robots. How long before you lose the technical side of your higher education system if the need for engineers and scientists has moved away from the USA? Then to top that all off, since we have lost our entire technical engineering and manufacturing ability, we lose the ability to produce military materiel. Doesn't that make us a much safer and secure country! :roll: But it will be ok, because the main goal of the plan is to create high paying jobs, millions of them. Doing what they don't say. Think I'm crazy? Remember that England was once the industrial power of the world, but they failed to protect it from us.
Well, I'll be. You're a 70's Democrat. And you should be flipping out over Cortez. She's offering to fix all that.

If you believe what you are writing----Cortez is offering your workers free training and a free education. What have the merry morons of the R's been offering for 50 years? That's right: freer trade, union busting judges, and more money for the 1%. The very idea of protective trade practices is what Reagan and the R's fought against and dismantled in 8 short years. Then the corporate Dems like Clinton finished them off.

My point, which you are ignoring, is that you think only steel and engineering deserves the protectionism of tariffs. Sorry, that's not even remotely fair to the rest of us who contribute just fine to the American economy.
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm that outrageous spending was the impetus of the Tea Party movement. I was for that part of it, but it got lost.
The Tea Party was mad that a black man was in charge. Period. Where are they now that whitey is spending TRILLIONS more than Obama ever dreamed of spending?

That's right. They're nowhere to be found. Just as I and other foretold, all objections to the contrary. Haven't heard peep one from the Tea Party or FoxNation since a white Republican took office. Suddenly, spending is cool again. Shocker.
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm And you lose me when you say that the Rs have had 20 years to legislate. How do you figure that?
Control of Congress from 1995-2019, minus a handful of 2 year gaps, they controlled the show.
frmanfan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:40 pm Read the Green Dream, and tell me that it is a good plan, and convince me that it will make the US stronger. Convince me that the bulk of the plan has anything to do with the climate. Convince me it wasn't written by a moron who is the result of the union-led inner city education system we have today, for it is written at that level. Convince me that the rest of the world will hop on the bus and raise the cost of living to all of their citizens for no benefit. Convince me that the plan isn't so full of contradictory statements and goals that your head spins trying to figure out the plan. Unless the goal is to make the US weaker, it is a Green Nightmare.
You mean like "this massive tax cut will pay for itself"?

Or "we'll be greeted as liberators"?

Or "lets fund a Space force"

Or "lets give farmers $17 Billion in cash for no reason"

Or "hey a fan, revenues are up.....duuuuuuh, what's a deficit?"

Or "let's build a 1,000 mile fence that even a child knows is pointless"

Or how about the time we removed Saddam Hussein, and then acted shocked that Iran filled the power void we left for them in the Middle East?

Or how about people with Degrees from the University of Virginia or UMich, or Ohio State coming on these boards, telling me how bad socialism is, with absolutely no idea why that statement is so profoundly moronic?

If you're looking for me to tell you Ocascio Cortez's ideas are stupid, I'm sorry my man. Her ideas don't even finish in the top 100 for stupid ideas that have destroyed our country and left us broke..and that's just in the last 20 years. She's an amateur, I'll give you that. But that's all I'll give.

THAT is why I am flat out laughing at these over the top reactions to this woman.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by laxman3221 »

And another war on women casualty steps forward.
Second accuser against Justin Fairfax alleges he raped her in 2000

Details: An attorney for Meredith Watson alleges that Fairfax raped her in 2000 while they were both students at Duke University. The attorney called Fairfax's attack "premeditated and aggressive," and said Watson "shared her account of the rape in a series of emails and Facebook messages" that have been preserved. Watson, whose allegation comes days after Dr. Vanessa Tyson accused Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004, called on the lieutenant governor to resign. Fairfax denies both allegations and says he will not resign.
More will come forward.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

Here you go, frmanfan.....Ocascio Cortez in her full glory. If she's an idiot, fine. Then so am I.

Ocascio Tweet: Can everyday people come together and effectively organize against creeping overreach of one of the world’s biggest corporations?

Yes, they can.(Ocasio-Cortez links to WaPo story on Amazon reconsidering coming to NYState)

This is what a real lib looks like, folks. And real libs have an awful lot in common with real conservatives like me.

Cradle, please tell me you're happy to see this. Ocascio is trying to stop the crappy, corrupt, Corporate-Dem handouts that NYState is so famous for....

If she pulls this off, She's my new hero. Call her dumb at your own risk.

If you're a real conservative, you should be CHEERING this particular action, while justifiably remaining skeptical of her other ideas. ... ion-report
Last edited by a fan on Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:07 pm Here you go, frmanfan.....Ocascio Cortez in her full glory. If she's an idiot, fine. Then so am I.

Ocascio Tweet: Can everyday people come together and effectively organize against creeping overreach of one of the world’s biggest corporations?

Yes, they can.(Ocasio-Cortez links to WaPo story on Amazon reconsidering coming to NYState)

This is what a real lib looks like, folks. And real libs have an awful lot in common with real conservatives like me.

Cradle, please tell me you're happy to see this. Ocascio is trying to stop the crappy, corrupt, Corporate-Dem handouts that NYState is so famous for....

If she pull this off, She's my new hero. Call her dumb at your own risk.

If you're a real conservative, you should be CHEERING this particular action, while justifiably remaining skeptical of her other ideas. ... ion-report
I don't understand....isn't she a communist/socialist?
“I wish you would!”
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