Limbaugh passed away

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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Kismet »

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:44 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:40 pm
were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
Biden shut down construction on ONE unfinished pipeline that has NEVER delivered a drop of Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries.

His fracking permit restrictions are only paused on Federally-owned land.

As for your love of fracking, what percentage of it was shut down by abnormally cold weather this month alone?
DAPL is under threat (again). A high % of out oil & gas come from beneath Fed land. Checked the pump price lately ?
OPEC has delayed output increases to boost crude prices, refinery output cut due to cold weather plus other factors, none of which are attributed to Keystone shutdown ... 00876.html

Must be nice living on the political one-way street you reside on where you are always right and everybody who disagrees is completely wrong. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Kismet on Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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old salt
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

Kismet wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:49 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:44 pm
Kismet wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:40 pm
were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
Biden shut down construction on ONE unfinished pipeline that has NEVER delivered a drop of Canadian oil to Gulf Coast refineries.

His fracking permit restrictions are only paused on Federally-owned land.

As for your love of fracking, what percentage of it was shut down by abnormally cold weather this month alone?
DAPL is under threat (again). A high % of out oil & gas come from beneath Fed land. Checked the pump price lately ?
OPEC has delayed output increases to boost crude prices, refinery output cut due to cold weather plus other factors, none of which are attributed to Keystone shutdown ... 00876.html ... SKBN2A11ED
The United States is the world’s largest producer of oil and gas. Biden’s administration aims to transition the U.S. economy towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and his initial moves towards that goal included cancelling a permit for the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline (KXL) and reducing oil-and-gas leasing.

The reaction from Biden’s supporters, however, illustrates the challenge of managing the impact of the energy transition on different communities.

While climate activists celebrated KXL’s demise, labor unions, reeling from the global oil downturn, have mobilized to keep ongoing projects from being derailed.

But Biden was endorsed by a number of key labor unions that work on pipelines, refineries and other energy installations, including the International Teamsters and North America’s Building Trades. Those unions celebrated the victory of a pro-labor president, but opposed the Keystone move, and are lining up against threats to the other pipelines.

Environmentalists see Biden as an ally in the battle to wean the United States off fossil fuels and stymie imports of carbon-intensive heavy crude from Canada’s vast oil sands. They are intensifying efforts to shut three other pipelines: Enbridge Inc’s Line 3 and Line 5, and Energy Transfer’s Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Unlike KXL, these three lines are all currently in service. The Enbridge lines deliver crude oil and fuels from Canada, while DAPL sends crude from North Dakota to the Midwest and Gulf Coast.

A White House spokesman said the Biden administration is reviewing a court decision last week that upheld orders for a lengthy environmental review for DAPL. He declined to comment on the two Enbridge pipelines.

Enbridge is more than doubling Line 3’s capacity to 760,000 barrels per day (bpd), a project supported by Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz, a Democrat.

To be sure, not all unions backed Biden. Phillip Wallace, business representative for Pipeliners Union 798 in Minnesota, said his union, which supported former President Donald Trump, was concerned the new administration may try to stop the project.

“We have got full construction going right now in Minnesota and I am worried that this new administration could throw a monkey wrench in our gears,” Wallace said. His union is planning on rallies to support construction once COVID-19 restrictions ease.

On Friday, environmental protesters halted construction on a Line 3 work site in Minnesota by locking themselves to each other between barrels of concrete, one of several disruptions so far this year that has resulted in dozens of arrests.

“If KXL can’t pass the climate test for Biden, Line 3 certainly can’t,” said Winona LaDuke, executive director of Honor the Earth, an indigenous environmental group.

Unions are also ramping up support for Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline, which runs under the Straits of Mackinac, where Lakes Huron and Michigan meet, and ships 540,000 bpd of light crude and propane. Activists want to decommission the 68-year-old line, while Enbridge is trying to upgrade it to protect the straits.

Enbridge last week received a state permit to build a tunnel to house the line; it still needs permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

In November, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer revoked the pipeline’s easement in the straits and ordered the pipeline shut. The United Steelworkers, who endorsed Biden, have been trying to drum up support with legislators to keep the line running.

“The USW strongly supports both the Line 5 replacement segment project and the continued operation of the existing pipeline,” it told Reuters in a statement. “Hundreds of USW members and their communities depend on the good, family-sustaining jobs Line 5 supports.”
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Blah blah, your team, blah blah
Right. Your Republican votes didn't matter. And there wasn't a single bad outcome by Republican leadership. They're awesome, and can't be criticized. Got it.

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm False choice. Perot & Buchanan prevented a 2nd Bush45 term & germinated the tea party.
:lol: Right. Bill Clinton had nothing to do with it. Or the foolish Gulf War.

And i find it HILARIOUS that you think Gingrich "germinated the Tea Party". That----whoops----"forgot" to care about Bush's spending spree, wiping out the surplus with Cheney's "deficits don't matter".

What gave us the Tea Party was a black man in the White House. And 'whoops" the Tea Party "forgot" about deficit spending when white guy Trump showed up. Oh yeah, the Tea Party was SOOOO serious about spending. :roll:
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Different issues. Not an either or choice. We spent much more during the Cold War, yet took care of workers & built the biggest middle class in history, under both "teams". False choice.
Not a false choice, my man. You're forgetting, as all Republicans do, about the Reagan tax cuts...which dropped the bottom out of taxes for corporations and the rich. Trickle down. YOU chose that with your votes. We both know you voted for Reagan and Bush. This was their ENTIRE economic policy-----and Trump followed through just last year with this same stupid policy. Result? 1%er own it all, and mulitnational pay next to nothing, while small businesses like mine pay triple what they do, if not more. Sweet! Way to go!
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Trump was better.
Great. Keep it up then. You and your fellow Republicans don't want to hear what this is doing to the rural Americans you hold up on a pedestal. Coastal elites are the winners. Flyover America are the losers. Learn to code, and move to a city. That's your choice now.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm All our wars have been bipartisan.They can't be conducted without support from both parties.

Yep. Guess what that means? It means without your party rejecting Buchanan/Perot types? No Gulf War. No Iraq War. No plopping bases all over the Middle East. Your vote CHOSE this path.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm :lol: ...the Dems are rejecting PC culture.
So are Republicans. Try sitting for the National Anthem, and not pledge fealty to the Government that TrumpNation supposedly hates so much. Wait: what?
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm You must have slept through Jan 6th.
What does the idiocy at the Capitol have to do with rejecting PC culture?
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm ......except those of us who supported Perot & Buchanan
:lol: Right. Primaries. You chose war and trickle down over supporting the Middle Class. Best part? You chose it again with Trump. But you still think he was better.

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Dems can't change their own oil.
The Coastal Elites don't need to change their oil. That's the whole point. But sure, let's stay on this Trumpian path you like so much. Fine by me.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Bernie & Warren got rich too. The Big Guy got his 10% too.
Yes. They're the coastal elites that are trying to help the working class. These are my wife's friends. All with multiple degrees. All working to make the world a better place.

What happens when they stop trying, OS? What happens when they chose the "every man for himself"?
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm Your all or nothing "logic" misses the big picture. We are a net petroleum exporter. Our supply is no longer threatened by global bad actors.
They never were, remember? This is a total logic fail. The ENTIRE reason you military wonks gave us for all our meddling in the ME was to keep the oil flowing. So it was already secured. If it wasn't? What the F did we blow Trillions for? Our bases are still there.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Thanks to fracking, we top off our strategic reserve when prices are down, giving us security & allowing us to import foreign crude when it's cheaper. We were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
I'm against shutting that down.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm ......returned to regulatory disincentives in pursuit of the Green New Deal con job.
You don't like disincentives or incentives? Great. Lets shut off the handouts and tax breaks for big oil. How's that? Let's start there, and REALLY let the free market sort it out. Charge big oil for all our ME wars, since that was for them. What Republicans want is to ignore all the sweetheart deals big oil gets, and feign horror when anyone dares get a chunk of this money.

And Green energy will make the ME irrelevant, my man. But we'll still be over there, because no one is enough of a leader to tell the US Generals to go to hell with their global cop plans. Biden has already started going backwards, upping the global cop ante.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:01 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Blah blah, your team, blah blah
Right. Your Republican votes didn't matter. And there wasn't a single bad outcome by Republican leadership. They're awesome, and can't be criticized. Got it.

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm False choice. Perot & Buchanan prevented a 2nd Bush45 term & germinated the tea party.
:lol: Right. Bill Clinton had nothing to do with it. Or the foolish Gulf War.

And i find it HILARIOUS that you think Gingrich "germinated the Tea Party". That----whoops----"forgot" to care about Bush's spending spree, wiping out the surplus with Cheney's "deficits don't matter".

What gave us the Tea Party was a black man in the White House. And 'whoops" the Tea Party "forgot" about deficit spending when white guy Trump showed up. Oh yeah, the Tea Party was SOOOO serious about spending. :roll:
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Different issues. Not an either or choice. We spent much more during the Cold War, yet took care of workers & built the biggest middle class in history, under both "teams". False choice.
Not a false choice, my man. You're forgetting, as all Republicans do, about the Reagan tax cuts...which dropped the bottom out of taxes for corporations and the rich. Trickle down. YOU chose that with your votes. We both know you voted for Reagan and Bush. This was their ENTIRE economic policy-----and Trump followed through just last year with this same stupid policy. Result? 1%er own it all, and mulitnational pay next to nothing, while small businesses like mine pay triple what they do, if not more. Sweet! Way to go!
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Trump was better.
Great. Keep it up then. You and your fellow Republicans don't want to hear what this is doing to the rural Americans you hold up on a pedestal. Coastal elites are the winners. Flyover America are the losers. Learn to code, and move to a city. That's your choice now.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm All our wars have been bipartisan.They can't be conducted without support from both parties.

Yep. Guess what that means? It means without your party rejecting Buchanan/Perot types? No Gulf War. No Iraq War. No plopping bases all over the Middle East. Your vote CHOSE this path.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm :lol: ...the Dems are rejecting PC culture.
So are Republicans. Try sitting for the National Anthem, and not pledge fealty to the Government that TrumpNation supposedly hates so much. Wait: what?
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm You must have slept through Jan 6th.
What does the idiocy at the Capitol have to do with rejecting PC culture?
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm ......except those of us who supported Perot & Buchanan
:lol: Right. Primaries. You chose war and trickle down over supporting the Middle Class. Best part? You chose it again with Trump. But you still think he was better.

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Dems can't change their own oil.
The Coastal Elites don't need to change their oil. That's the whole point. But sure, let's stay on this Trumpian path you like so much. Fine by me.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Bernie & Warren got rich too. The Big Guy got his 10% too.
Yes. They're the coastal elites that are trying to help the working class. These are my wife's friends. All with multiple degrees. All working to make the world a better place.

What happens when they stop trying, OS? What happens when they chose the "every man for himself"?
old salt wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:45 pm Your all or nothing "logic" misses the big picture. We are a net petroleum exporter. Our supply is no longer threatened by global bad actors.
They never were, remember? This is a total logic fail. The ENTIRE reason you military wonks gave us for all our meddling in the ME was to keep the oil flowing. So it was already secured. If it wasn't? What the F did we blow Trillions for? Our bases are still there.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm Thanks to fracking, we top off our strategic reserve when prices are down, giving us security & allowing us to import foreign crude when it's cheaper. We were on the path to 100% total independence until Biden started shutting down pipelines
I'm against shutting that down.
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:25 pm ......returned to regulatory disincentives in pursuit of the Green New Deal con job.
You don't like disincentives or incentives? Great. Lets shut off the handouts and tax breaks for big oil. How's that? Let's start there, and REALLY let the free market sort it out. Charge big oil for all our ME wars, since that was for them. What Republicans want is to ignore all the sweetheart deals big oil gets, and feign horror when anyone dares get a chunk of this money.

And Green energy will make the ME irrelevant, my man. But we'll still be over there, because no one is enough of a leader to tell the US Generals to go to hell with their global cop plans. Biden has already started going backwards, upping the global cop ante.
I change my own oil all the time! I make sure I have a coupon! Why have a driver do it when I can do it myself!
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:01 pm
And i find it HILARIOUS that you think Gingrich "germinated the Tea Party". That----whoops----"forgot" to care about Bush's spending spree, wiping out the surplus with Cheney's "deficits don't matter".

What gave us the Tea Party was a black man in the White House. And 'whoops" the Tea Party "forgot" about deficit spending when white guy Trump showed up. Oh yeah, the Tea Party was SOOOO serious about spending. :roll:
I said Perot & Buchanan germinated the Tea Party. I did not mention Gingrich ... ent-trump/

Ross Perot brought us the tea party — and President Trump
Imitating the late billionaire helped Trump win but has made it hard to govern effectively

Populism is the Old Faithful of American politics, erupting at intervals — from President Andrew Jackson railing against the “giant Augean stable” of Washington corruption to William Jennings Bryan’s “cross of gold” speech to Pat Buchanan’s “America First” tagline.

What they all had in common was a vision of a united and virtuous “We the People” facing off against a corrupt and self-serving elite. Ross Perot’s presidential campaigns of the 1990s brought that boiling underground river of populism to the surface in ways that anticipated and influenced the tea party movement a political generation later and Donald Trump’s successful presidential run. Perot’s pitch wasn’t quite the same as the tea party’s, nor was the tea party’s platform precisely like Trump’s call to “Make America Great Again.” But each drew upon similar populist energies, and it’s hard to imagine the tea party — or a Trump presidency — without the influence of Perot, who died Tuesday at 89.

All three movements were genuine grass-roots uprisings, driven by passionate supporters who in many cases put the rest of their lives on hold to dedicate themselves to the cause — though their efforts were supplemented by a shower of plutocratic money from above. All of these movements arose in times of economic anxiety and drew in many disaffected citizens who previously had been uninvolved in politics. They attracted participants who were overwhelmingly white, mostly male and generally fearful of the future. They represented a revolt against politics as usual, an embrace of economic nationalism and deep resentment of conventional politicians, the media and the “establishment,” that catchall term for those powerful but amorphous forces reshaping the culture in ways the populists abhorred.

There were differences: Perot’s 1992 independent run — in which he garnered 19 percent of the popular vote — and 1996 third-party effort were less partisan than the tea party and Trump movements, even if those latter professed disdain for the GOP leadership as much as they did for the Democrats. As The Washington Post’s Dan Balz reported in 2010, Perot’s campaigns seem to have attracted a younger, more ideologically diverse and more secular following than the tea party. And Perot, unlike tea partyers and Trump, was a genuine believer in deficit reduction who was willing to raise taxes as well as cut government spending to balance the budget. His budget pie charts were mocked as corny props, but deficit reduction was central to Perot’s political identity, not an afterthought: In a 1992 “60 Minutes” interview, he compared budget deficits to “a crazy aunt you keep down in the basement,” adding, “All the neighbors know she’s there, but nobody talks about her.” He not only believed that running up the debt was a crime against future generations but also feared that we might see “our country taken over because we’re so financially weak.”

We're all populists now.
Despite these differences, all were movements that advocated positions that were popular but mostly overlooked or taken only semi-seriously by both major parties. As historian Richard Hofstadter observed in his classic work “The Age of Reform,” third parties attach themselves to such neglected issues and force them to national attention: “Their function has not been to win or govern, but to agitate, educate, generate new ideas, and supply the dynamic element in our political life.”

Of course, Trump, unlike Perot, did win the White House. But once in office, his lack of interest in the details of policy and competence in governing, as well as his championing a tax cut without corresponding budget cuts, reinforced the view that his campaign in many ways was more a hostile takeover of the GOP than a call for genuinely new political direction.

Perot forcefully expounded positions that were destined to be taken up later by the tea party and Trump: America is in decline and heading in the wrong direction. The system is rigged against the middle class. Trade deals and globalization benefit the wealthy at the expense of blue-collar workers. Wars in the Middle East and elsewhere waste our blood and treasure while failing to spread democracy. The Republican and Democratic parties are run by free-spending, incompetent, out-of-touch elites who are more responsive to moneyed interests (what Perot called “the lobbyists in their Gucci loafers”) than the concerns of ordinary citizens.

Perot’s conspiracy theorizing made it easier for establishment politicians and the media to dismiss him as a crank. But in hindsight, he was prescient in sounding the alarm about the challenges that economic globalization and mass immigration posed to the working class. Few other national politicians until Trump paid as much attention to the damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country.

An enduring lesson of Perot-ism, Trump-ism and the tea party is that populist outbreaks are like inflammations, indicating real maladies in the body politic. But their reductionist narratives pitting “real” Americans vs. interlopers and elites is a poor fit for a diverse, pluralistic, advanced democracy. Trump’s update on Perot won him the presidency, but it’s also making it nearly impossible for him to prudently govern.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:52 pm Perot’s conspiracy theorizing made it easier for establishment politicians and the media to dismiss him as a crank. But in hindsight, he was prescient in sounding the alarm about the challenges that economic globalization and mass immigration posed to the working class. Few other national politicians until Trump paid as much attention to the damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country.
:lol: Right. What has Bernie's ENTIRE platform been for forty+ years?????

Yet we're supposed to credit Trump-----particularly when Trump was actually in power for four years.

....and laughably, and predictably, did precisely NOTHING to fix " damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country."

And yet you're still claiming Trump would have been better for these people than Bernie.

Okay. Have it your way. Let's stay on this brilliant path that Trump set. I could use more tax breaks, I guess, right? :roll:
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:41 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:52 pm Perot’s conspiracy theorizing made it easier for establishment politicians and the media to dismiss him as a crank. But in hindsight, he was prescient in sounding the alarm about the challenges that economic globalization and mass immigration posed to the working class. Few other national politicians until Trump paid as much attention to the damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country.
:lol: Right. What has Bernie's ENTIRE platform been for forty+ years?????

Yet we're supposed to credit Trump-----particularly when Trump was actually in power for four years.

....and laughably, and predictably, did precisely NOTHING to fix " damage done by deindustrialization to families and communities in the left-behind parts of the country."

And yet you're still claiming Trump would have been better for these people than Bernie.

Okay. Have it your way. Let's stay on this brilliant path that Trump set. I could use more tax breaks, I guess, right? :roll:
Dream on Team Bernie. Trump was elected. Bernie couldn't even get the nomination.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:51 pm Dream on Team Bernie. Trump was elected. Bernie couldn't even get the nomination.
Oh I get it. You and the TrumpVoters who didn't go to one of the best Universities on the planet like you did aren't listening. Yep, you chose Trump. Yep, you thought Bernie was a bad choice when it came to (snicker) actually working to help the working class.

You (snicker) chose a Hollywood guy who inherited his money from Daddy as the guy who would (snicker) finally help the working class.

So my question is: what now, my man? Yep. You and they chose Trump. YOU gave me a line of nonsense about "Trump'sForgottenVoters, who Hillary left behind economically.

He. had. four. years. These TrumpForgotten voters can't eat, or get their kids good paying jobs using TrumpTweets, where he "stuck it to the libs".

What did he do for these voters? You and I both know that not only did Trump do nothing---he did worse......he ACCELERATED the demise the TrumpForgottenVoters, and accelerated the shoveling of money and tax breaks to multinational and coastal elites. what now? What does your party have for these people, OS?

Nothing. Wait--that's not entirely true-----they have their "brilliant" plan where they borrow massive wads of Federal money, and dole it out with no plan whatsoever.

That's it. Your party better get if figured out, and soon.

Or not. Wanna bet they still don't have an answer in 2 years?
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:18 am
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:51 pm Dream on Team Bernie. Trump was elected. Bernie couldn't even get the nomination.
Oh I get it. You and the TrumpVoters who didn't go to one of the best Universities on the planet like you did aren't listening. Yep, you chose Trump. Yep, you thought Bernie was a bad choice when it came to (snicker) actually working to help the working class.

You (snicker) chose a Hollywood guy who inherited his money from Daddy as the guy who would (snicker) finally help the working class.

So my question is: what now, my man? Yep. You and they chose Trump. YOU gave me a line of nonsense about "Trump'sForgottenVoters, who Hillary left behind economically.

He. had. four. years. These TrumpForgotten voters can't eat, or get their kids good paying jobs using TrumpTweets, where he "stuck it to the libs".

What did he do for these voters? You and I both know that not only did Trump do nothing---he did worse......he ACCELERATED the demise the TrumpForgottenVoters, and accelerated the shoveling of money and tax breaks to multinational and coastal elites. what now? What does your party have for these people, OS?

Nothing. Wait--that's not entirely true-----they have their "brilliant" plan where they borrow massive wads of Federal money, and dole it out with no plan whatsoever.

That's it. Your party better get if figured out, and soon.

Or not. Wanna bet they still don't have an answer in 2 years?
You have such a short memory. I chose neither. Jim Webb then Jeh Johnson were my candidates. You can stop blaming me for Trump. Tell it to the 74 million Americans who voted for him. I'm trying to help you understand why they did, & will vote again for someone who pays attention to them. Preachy, condescending attitudes like yours are a big part of what inspired them to vote for Trump. Keep venting like a juvenile on social media if it makes you feel better. They aren't going away, no matter how many tantrums you throw.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:48 am Preachy, condescending attitudes like yours are a big part of what inspired them to vote for Trump. Keep venting like a juvenile on social media if it makes you feel better.
:lol: That's what you think direct questions are? You don't have an answer, so you yell at me---and I'm the one being juvenile? Okie-dokie.

You find my questioning preaching for one simple reason: you know that your party doesn't have an answer to the question, "what's your long term plan for Flyover America?"

AOC had one. Bernie had one. TrumpVoters instead chose a man with gold toilet. So yep, I'm going to make fun of what was an obviously stupid choice....every friend I have overseas---to a person---asked me "what the F is going on in your country that you chose Trump?" It seems Trump's BS doesn't play well in other more rational cultures.

There isn't a competing plan coming from your party, and you know it. And reason there isn't a competing plan is laughably simple: smart Republicans like you know that you cannot help these ForgottenTrumpVoters without more Federal Government interference.

That's why Trump did nothing to help them, outside of borrowing money and throwing it at them, hoping they wouldn't notice where the money came from.....

....and that's why you can't answer my question. Because you and I both know what's coming: eventually, a Republican leader will dress up Bernies ideas as their own. And because they have a R by their name? Oh, magically it won't be big government socialism. You Republicans need to pretend like you're self sufficient like a toddler needs his wubbie....I don't get it.

There's no shame in attending the socialist University of Virginia. Or getting world class health care as I did at the University of Michigan Health System. And there's no shame in getting a home loan backed by Fannie. Or getting a SBA loan to start my business. And the sooner your party grows up and admits this? The sooner we can stop playing these stupid games, and actually run our nation like a bunch of grown ups....instead of pretending like Trump didn't just make Government bigger than it has ever been.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

:lol: ...flyover America is gonna love AOC's plans for them.
She'll be old enough to run for Pres in '24, Let's she what she has in mind for the heartland.

No thanks. What's the unemployment rate & cost of living in Nebraska & South Dakota ?
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:23 am :lol: ...flyover America is gonna love AOC's plans for them.
She'll be old enough to run for Pres in '24, Let's she what she has in mind for the heartland.
You didn't read what I just posted.

If AOC had that little R by her name? They'd LOVE her.

So what's coming is: someone with a R by their name is simply going to do what Bernie or AOC would do to help the working class. The only difference is that a Republican has to execute that big government policy.

That's it. That's your Republican party's plan: deliver the liberal Dem plan, and claim it's a conservative plan.

It's hilarious.....but whatever feeds the bulldog and helps these people.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:23 am :lol: ...flyover America is gonna love AOC's plans for them.
She'll be old enough to run for Pres in '24, Let's she what she has in mind for the heartland.

No thanks. What's the unemployment rate & cost of living in Nebraska & South Dakota ?
Come on. Tell me you wouldn’t want to see AOC versus T****. AOC on Twitter. T**** still banned.

Get the popcorn ready. In fact, buy stock in popcorn companies.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by holmes435 »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:23 am :lol: ...flyover America is gonna love AOC's plans for them.
She'll be old enough to run for Pres in '24, Let's she what she has in mind for the heartland.

No thanks. What's the unemployment rate & cost of living in Nebraska & South Dakota ?
Raising $4M for ice storm relief and personally volunteering?

Seems like she's doing more for flyover country than the R's in charge. Cancun Cruz is the shining city on the hill...
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by jhu72 »

seacoaster wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:30 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:20 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:51 pm How do proclaim him to be a bigot? His screen caller for all of those years was a black man. You think he would have done so for a bigot?
"Slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back, I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”

“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

A "halfrican American," describing President Obama.

“You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.”

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

The guy was a completely destructive piece of sh*t. He never did a single constructive thing with his life and pulpit. I'd pay to watch him scald his backside over a pool of burning brimstone.
... yup, he wasn't a bigot. :lol: :lol:

I remember the first time I had ever heard of the guy, became aware of him, his existence. It was Christmas time, 1975. I was living and working as a graduate student at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, I had moved there in the spring of 75. I decided to drive across country for Christmas in Baltimore. Took the southern route, old route 66 to Interstate 70. Once I was in the California desert, all you could get on the radio was Limbaugh. California desert, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri. In the rural areas, Limbaugh on AM was your only choice. Passing by the few bigger cities you could get rock on FM as well as Limbaugh on AM. After crossing the Mississippi river, through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio the effect diminished until reaching eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, Limbaugh didn't seem represented. Basically 3.5 days of Limbaugh brain washing, 2 days of music.

So I get home and attend the extended family Christmas dinner at my very religious aunts home. I had not seen my aunt's son in two years. He was 4 years older than me and working as the VA Chief Administrator in Big Spring, Texas. He and I were the only people in the family who knew who and what a Limbaugh was.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by jhu72 »

holmes435 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:21 am
old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:23 am :lol: ...flyover America is gonna love AOC's plans for them.
She'll be old enough to run for Pres in '24, Let's she what she has in mind for the heartland.

No thanks. What's the unemployment rate & cost of living in Nebraska & South Dakota ?
Raising $4M for ice storm relief and personally volunteering?

Seems like she's doing more for flyover country than the R's in charge. Cancun Cruz is the shining city on the hill...
That's absolutely clear.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by jhu72 »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:48 am
a fan wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:18 am
old salt wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:51 pm Dream on Team Bernie. Trump was elected. Bernie couldn't even get the nomination.
Oh I get it. You and the TrumpVoters who didn't go to one of the best Universities on the planet like you did aren't listening. Yep, you chose Trump. Yep, you thought Bernie was a bad choice when it came to (snicker) actually working to help the working class.

You (snicker) chose a Hollywood guy who inherited his money from Daddy as the guy who would (snicker) finally help the working class.

So my question is: what now, my man? Yep. You and they chose Trump. YOU gave me a line of nonsense about "Trump'sForgottenVoters, who Hillary left behind economically.

He. had. four. years. These TrumpForgotten voters can't eat, or get their kids good paying jobs using TrumpTweets, where he "stuck it to the libs".

What did he do for these voters? You and I both know that not only did Trump do nothing---he did worse......he ACCELERATED the demise the TrumpForgottenVoters, and accelerated the shoveling of money and tax breaks to multinational and coastal elites. what now? What does your party have for these people, OS?

Nothing. Wait--that's not entirely true-----they have their "brilliant" plan where they borrow massive wads of Federal money, and dole it out with no plan whatsoever.

That's it. Your party better get if figured out, and soon.

Or not. Wanna bet they still don't have an answer in 2 years?
You have such a short memory. I chose neither. Jim Webb then Jeh Johnson were my candidates. You can stop blaming me for Trump. Tell it to the 74 million Americans who voted for him. I'm trying to help you understand why they did, & will vote again for someone who pays attention to them. Preachy, condescending attitudes like yours are a big part of what inspired them to vote for Trump. Keep venting like a juvenile on social media if it makes you feel better. They aren't going away, no matter how many tantrums you throw.
Preachy condescending attitude is the hallmark of the Trumpnista. :lol: :lol:

It is a shame that Perot didn't have the Internet and todays mobile phones. He had good ideas and was a real businessman.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by ardilla secreta »

This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
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old salt
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by old salt »

ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
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Re: Limbaugh passed away

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:17 pm
ardilla secreta wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:08 pm This might be a good time to develop some reservations on selected fly-over states where these people can live their lives in the olde-tyme way amongst themselves and protected from the diversity of modern America. They can sustain themselves by digging up clean coal to power their energy needs and make their own steel and other goods to be sold to tourists. They can process their own meats and pick their own fruits and vegetables while cherishing the fruits of their labor. Just like when America was great.
:roll: ...yeah, that's what it's all about. When all else fails, play the race card.

There's plenty of clean natural gas for energy in flyover country. Check midwest food prices vs E & W coast.
Immigrant workers (legal & illegal) are thriving in ag & food processing jobs.
ahhh, by 'diversity' you were triggered..."race card" know this is the Limbaugh thread, right?
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