The Biden - Harris Era.

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:03 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.
At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly
I suspect it is an end-around, optics. My guess, it will return after the dust settles and that is where Biden returns the favor to Unions.
Doubt it greatly.

On the Union thing, look at the job Mayor Pete was put in. That was on purpose. Expect that job to be enormously important in this next Admin, with infrastructure being a huge priority. Jobs to bring us out of the pandemic depression, long term investment in modern transportation and communication systems, clean energy driving's going to be a very big deal, many years of investing, and Unions will play a big role undoubtedly, although certainly not exclusively.

Keystone is a drop in the bucket comparatively in jobs.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6x6 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:47 am

At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly
What happened to the kumbaya message? Friends not adversaries, help for the middle class and as pointed out by YA, support of the unions. Yeah those lost jobs are mostly Canadian, no worries. “A few constructions jobs”? Louisiana and Texas often have to deal with natural disasters, I’m guessing their refineries and the more than a few folks employed there would benefit should the thing ever get built.

Trudeau is disappointed and Alberta wants to file a lawsuit.... ... 5ef4c6566d ... 6f93907a6d ... e/9857855/
See response above re Infrastructure.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by CU77 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:00 am I can only imagine how you try to squeeze in this vernacular while your at church on Sunday.
So you have words for me, but none for kram, who insulted both the Catholic President (who took the Oath of Office on his 19th century family Bible) and a Catholic priest in the same sentence, using the awesome authority (granted him by the Pope, no doubt) to declare who is and is not a "real" Catholic.

To all of you who believe you have been granted this divine authority to judge others relationship to God, I repeat my comment to kram.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

CU77 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:59 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:00 am I can only imagine how you try to squeeze in this vernacular while your at church on Sunday.
So you have words for me, but none for kram, who insulted both the Catholic President (who took the Oath of Office on his 19th century family Bible) and a Catholic priest in the same sentence, using the awesome authority (granted him by the Pope, no doubt) to declare who is and is not a "real" Catholic.

To all of you who believe you have been granted this divine authority to judge others relationship to God, I repeat my comment to kram.
:D well put.

Now, using the Lord's name in vain might be another matter...but your comment was direct and on point with no such blasphemous invocation ;)
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

CU77 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:59 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:00 am I can only imagine how you try to squeeze in this vernacular while your at church on Sunday.
So you have words for me, but none for kram, who insulted both the Catholic President (who took the Oath of Office on his 19th century family Bible) and a Catholic priest in the same sentence, using the awesome authority (granted him by the Pope, no doubt) to declare who is and is not a "real" Catholic.

To all of you who believe you have been granted this divine authority to judge others relationship to God, I repeat my comment to kram.
Peace be with you. I suggest if you are the devout catholic you claim to be you may want to drag your ass to confession. Kram never told you to go F*** Off. Catlicks such as you are the reason former Catlicks like me abandoned your church. You should be ashamed and embarrassed at your hypocrisy but you clueless. When your in church next Sunday and your priest request you to process your symbolism of peace by shaking your fellow Catlicks hand and blessing them with the greeting of ..peace be with you.. then at least admit your a freaking liar
Is that how you would want your own kids to respond? Maybe someday with the hypocritical guidance you are giving them one day they may tell you to go F*** Off. Chip off the old Catlicks block they will be. :roll: :roll: :roll:. FTR the day POTUS Biden renounces abortion as murder which has always been the position of your church then we can chat my friend. Someday you will die and if your faith is strong you can explain face to face with Jesus Christ why you support the murder of his children. You better practice your delivery because I'm certain Jesus will never grade you on a curve. If you don't like what he has to say to you then you can always just tell him to go F*** Off
Let me know how that works out for you? :roll: You have enlightened me to a whole new breed of Catlicks... I will just call all of you and your ilk... SCUMBAG CATLICKS. You all go to church every Sunday but that is as far as your faith goes... :roll:. I did not think the Catlick church could wallow any deeper in the sewer than I already believed they could go. I stand corrected, you have proven me wrong.. peace be with you.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:43 am thought it was an opportunity for one of your juvenile "gotcha back" rants. OK, knock yourself out, if it makes you feel superior. Just don't expect me to play your childish game.
Right. You don't point out hypocrisy. :lol:

I'll make you a deal, Mr. thin skin. You don't point out hypocrisy? I will follow suit. But I bet you can't last a week. I've said the same thing from the word go here-----I return fire, and match tone. So if you don't hit people for hypocrisy? I'm OVERJOYED to return the favor.

Your choice, my man. I can keep my powder dry if you can!

I find it hilarious that both you and Tech will call out hypocrisy on the part of the Dems and anti-Trump posters-----and when anyone returns fire, and points out your partisan hypocrisy, you both get upset. Either stop calling out hypocrisy when you see it------or don't complain when other posters do the same. Pick one.
old salt wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:43 am Everyone complains about the politicians they agree with & criticizes those they disagree with......... it's not your call as to who complains about what, or how often.
Ummm-----and yet here you are you're telling me about whether or not I can complain, or criticize those I disagree with?

You lost me.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by CU77 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:29 pm abortion as murder which has always been the position of your church
Not true.
This article traces the history of the abortion policy of the Roman Catholic Church. The introductory section notes that the Church has consistently opposed abortion as evidence of sexual sin but has not always regarded it as homicide because Church teaching has never been definitive about the nature of the fetus. In addition, the prohibition of abortion has never been declared an infallible teaching. The chronology starts with a sketch of events in the first six Christian centuries when Christians sought ways to distinguish themselves from pagans who accepted contraception and abortion. During this period, Christians also decided that sexual pleasure was evil. Early Church leaders began the debate about when a fetus acquired a rational soul, and St. Augustine declared that abortion is not homicide but was a sin if it was intended to conceal fornication or adultery. During the period of 600-1500, illicit intercourse was deemed by the Irish Canons to be a greater sin than abortion, Church leaders considered a woman's situation when judging abortion, and abortion was listed in Church canons as homicide only when the fetus was formed. St. Thomas Aquinas declared that a fetus first has a vegetative soul, then an animal soul, and finally a rational soul when the body was developed. The next period, 1500-1750, found anyone who resorted to contraception or abortion subject to excommunication (1588), saw these rules relaxed in 1591, and banned abortion even for those who would be murdered because of a pregnancy (1679). From 1750 to the present, excommunication was the punishment for all abortions (1869). This punishment was extended to medical personnel in 1917, but the penalty had exceptions if the woman was young, ignorant, or operating under duress or fear. In 1930, therapeutic abortions were condemned, and, in 1965, abortion was condemned as the taking of life rather than as a sexual sin. By 1974, the right to life argument had taken hold and became part of a theory of a "seamless garment" representing a consistent ethic of life. The current Pope recognizes that the moment of ensoulment is unknown but condemns abortion in all cases (except as the unintentional byproduct of another medical procedure).
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:03 am I suspect it is an end-around, optics. My guess, it will return after the dust settles and that is where Biden returns the favor to Unions.
It's optics. And unless something changed with the pipeline permitting, and I missed it? Biden is playing pointless games to cancel the permit. Are we using oil, or not? If the answer is yes? Then we need to find the safest and most sustainable way to get it.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:50 am No order at that time...anyone able to access the exact language?

Is it inside federal buildings or outside... at all times no matter what?
When can they come off?
Found the language: ... k-wearing/

It's not an absolute, but it's a serious directive. There are exceptions, but other mitigations need to be done if/when those exceptions are to happen.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by dislaxxic »

Trump is the best thing that's happened to the Democratic Party since Richard Nixon.

This is the Razor's Edge Moscow Mitch is riding today...if they DON'T convict and banish him from federal office, he'll be back in zombie form in '24 to rape and pillage the R party once again...

...and if they DO banish him, he's likely to go form the new Patriot Party...with Ivanka riding on top...and boy will THAT blow the doors off the Pubs... :lol:

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Matnum PI »

jelani cobb@jelani9
1 hour ago
You know how solid ground feels strange after you get off a roller coaster? Yeah. That feeling.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Matnum PI »

It's funny...

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:55 am
youthathletics wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:03 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:32 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:10 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 am
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 am Edumacate yersef, C&S...

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in second big spill in two years

Did you read the freaking link? The Keystone XL pipeline that POTUS Biden chitcanned has not been built yet. If you can explain to me how a pipeline that has not been built can leak oil there jaundice boy I'm all ears. Maybe you need to take your own advice and edumacate yourself. Did you soak up too much sun when you were playing golf? ;) The Keystone pipeline is another damn pipeline. Wear a boonie cap the next time you expose yourself to excessive sunlight.
Yup, the part not built hasn't leaked, OBVIOUSLY, but the pipeline they are being to asked to extend has quite a lot of spills. The extension would be reasonably expected to perform as the rest...with spills.

So, the question has to be based on cost/benefit with spills factored into 'costs'.
So you don't think our Union welders are good enough to weld together 2 pieces of pipe? Everything our country does MD involves risk. My old man had a saying he used often... Chit or get off the pot. I don't give a flying fig what ultimately happens with the Keystone XL pipeline. Build it, don't build it but for the love of Pete don't keep changing your mind about it every 4 years. Anywhoo the chicoms will be glad to have the oil. If it leaks all over the place loading their tankers at the terminal not our problem is it! :roll:
Agreed, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Would it lower our US consumer's energy costs? I don't think so, our prices are impacted by world market. Would it leak on the US lands that would need to be appropriated for its construction? Yup.

So, not much, if any, benefit unless one thinks we need this supply for strategic purposes long term...which I don't. But someone could make the opposite argument.

It gets bounced back and forth because there are people who lobby for the pipeline who stand to make a lot of money personally and they grease palms quite well and the other side lobbies because of environmental and ideological (climate) reasons. Same greasing other way. No surprises there.
My gripe is either put the damn thing to bed forever or build it. It is asinine to keep bringing it back from the dead every 4 years. I disagree with you 100% on your reasoning, we can build freaking pipelines with minimal risk. Whether we really need the oil, that is way out of my wheelhouse. My guess is it is better to have the oil in our country than to have to import it down the road. You do know that importing it also comes with the risk of oil tankers leaking the crude oil as well? Every choice our leaders make involves a risk.
At the risk of being accused as too 'woke', I think the reasoning is that in the long term the oil will be way less strategically important and that we have more than ample supplies in the ground here.

And, as the supply from those Canadian supplies will be otherwise on the market, not piping to the US won't negatively impact world supply or prices.

So, what's the big benefit? other than for the specific companies involved? A few construction jobs? Would better bridges be a better use of those welders? Anyway, that's the logic.

And yeah, there would be spills, no pipeline is perfect...and those where those spills would happen do actually care about that, are directly
I suspect it is an end-around, optics. My guess, it will return after the dust settles and that is where Biden returns the favor to Unions.
Doubt it greatly.

On the Union thing, look at the job Mayor Pete was put in. That was on purpose. Expect that job to be enormously important in this next Admin, with infrastructure being a huge priority. Jobs to bring us out of the pandemic depression, long term investment in modern transportation and communication systems, clean energy driving's going to be a very big deal, many years of investing, and Unions will play a big role undoubtedly, although certainly not exclusively.

Keystone is a drop in the bucket comparatively in jobs.
Original estimate of the Keystone XL pipeline was 7 billion dollars. You call that a drop in the bucket? It must be a really big bucket your talking about. Where I come from 7 billion is still a lot of bling bling. ;) Jobs are jobs no matter what you label them under infrastructure. I'm sure all those Union welders and pipefitters would take much umbrage of you calling their jobs just a drop in the bucket. The construction of the pipeline would keep them employed for more than a few years. I guarantee you they would not look at feeding their families and keeping our country energy independent as a meaningless drop in the bucket. IMO the real bur in your saddle is the pipeline is all about oil. You know that stuff all of your delivery trucks need to keep making your business money. :D
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by dislaxxic »

Amazon Prime delivery trucks are all (increasingly) electric Cranky...try to keep up... :D

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:56 am Amazon Prime delivery trucks are all (increasingly) electric Cranky...try to keep up... :D

So what substance lubricates the internal parts of those electric engines?? Does electricity also provide lubrication?? I'm heading to Home Depot this morning. I'm going to put in my order for my Dislaxxic crab apple tree. Extra sour and bitter if you please... :D I suggest you take your car in today for an electronic oil and filter change... I never realized how slippery electricity could be there jaundice boy... :lol:
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

dislaxxic wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:56 am Amazon Prime delivery trucks are all (increasingly) electric Cranky...try to keep up... :D

That is BS...I have visited many of their dist centers....damned near NONE of them are electric. Yes, I can google an article to see it is coming.

Questions for you..

1 - where is all that electricity coming from to plug in these tens of thousands of amazon vehicles.
2 - where is all the electricity coming from to make all those boxes they send
3 - where is all the electricity coming from to keep their centers climate controlled
4 - where is all the electricity coming from to keep the lights and servers powered
5 - take a guess how much money a small Amazon distribution center loses if they have a power outage?
6 - where is all that electricity coming from when the power goes out...what fuels the backup generators

Talking points are fine...but we are at the infancy of all things green powered for industrial process.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

CU77 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:03 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:29 pm abortion as murder which has always been the position of your church
Not true.
This article traces the history of the abortion policy of the Roman Catholic Church. The introductory section notes that the Church has consistently opposed abortion as evidence of sexual sin but has not always regarded it as homicide because Church teaching has never been definitive about the nature of the fetus. In addition, the prohibition of abortion has never been declared an infallible teaching. The chronology starts with a sketch of events in the first six Christian centuries when Christians sought ways to distinguish themselves from pagans who accepted contraception and abortion. During this period, Christians also decided that sexual pleasure was evil. Early Church leaders began the debate about when a fetus acquired a rational soul, and St. Augustine declared that abortion is not homicide but was a sin if it was intended to conceal fornication or adultery. During the period of 600-1500, illicit intercourse was deemed by the Irish Canons to be a greater sin than abortion, Church leaders considered a woman's situation when judging abortion, and abortion was listed in Church canons as homicide only when the fetus was formed. St. Thomas Aquinas declared that a fetus first has a vegetative soul, then an animal soul, and finally a rational soul when the body was developed. The next period, 1500-1750, found anyone who resorted to contraception or abortion subject to excommunication (1588), saw these rules relaxed in 1591, and banned abortion even for those who would be murdered because of a pregnancy (1679). From 1750 to the present, excommunication was the punishment for all abortions (1869). This punishment was extended to medical personnel in 1917, but the penalty had exceptions if the woman was young, ignorant, or operating under duress or fear. In 1930, therapeutic abortions were condemned, and, in 1965, abortion was condemned as the taking of life rather than as a sexual sin. By 1974, the right to life argument had taken hold and became part of a theory of a "seamless garment" representing a consistent ethic of life. The current Pope recognizes that the moment of ensoulment is unknown but condemns abortion in all cases (except as the unintentional byproduct of another medical procedure).
Peace be with you. My mom was a lifelong devout catholic. There was nothing more repulsive, despicable and vile than murdering an unborn child in her eyes. i have no idea what the Catlick church you have gone to faithfully for all these years believes in. I spent 4 years in Catlick HS from 1972 to 1976. There was no debate, no discussion there was no other opinion accepted that abortion was murder. You have stayed loyal to your religion and in that regard your better than me. When you meet Jesus someday and you explain to him how the creation of one of his beloved little babies was just an unviable mass of tissue that means nothing... let me know how that conversation works out for you. Here is the only thing I know... love the sinner but hate the sin. If your brandy new interpretation of Catholicism is accepting of the murder of Gods children... then I am more than happy i left your church all of those years ago. Peace be with you and you can tell me to go f**k off with a clear conscience.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by RedFromMI »

Getting the electricity may at this time still involve a large amount of burning of fossil fuels, but that is changing, and can change quite rapidly. Start investing in more solar/wind/nuclear and you can get the CO_2 problem in a lot better place.

And the amount of oil for lubrication is TINY compared to what is necessary to burn for power.

And those lost jobs to the shrinking of oil production/fossil fuel generation can certainly be replaced by jobs dealing with the change to better sources of energy.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:13 am
dislaxxic wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:56 am Amazon Prime delivery trucks are all (increasingly) electric Cranky...try to keep up... :D

That is BS...I have visited many of their dist centers....damned near NONE of them are electric. Yes, I can google an article to see it is coming.

Questions for you..

1 - where is all that electricity coming from to plug in these tens of thousands of amazon vehicles.
2 - where is all the electricity coming from to make all those boxes they send
3 - where is all the electricity coming from to keep their centers climate controlled
4 - where is all the electricity coming from to keep the lights and servers powered
5 - take a guess how much money a small Amazon distribution center loses if they have a power outage?
6 - where is all that electricity coming from when the power goes out...what fuels the backup generators

Talking points are fine...but we are at the infancy of all things green powered for industrial process.
+1... damn your good YA. I'm guessing Mr Dis will be stumbling over his tongue trying to answer your very intelligent questions. Where is ALL that electricity going to come from?? Not to forget how to you lubricate all of those engines without any oil. :D
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by DMac »

Scoff at the idea all you want, fellas, but electric means of transportation is going to get bigger and bigger. The ebike business is absolutely booming, and when you ride around on one of those a little bit you realize how idiotic it is for all of us to be taking our SUVs to and from in our daily lives. How far is the grocery store you go to most of the time, your kid's school/practice field, your favorite watering hole...etc? It also makes you realize that, yeah, it makes sense that cars and trucks be electric to no maintenance and far fewer moving parts. When you ride an ebike you can wear one of these t-shirts too.....Roll A Fatty, c'mon, just too cool. :mrgreen:
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