2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by youthathletics »

If you all get a chance to watch the episode of Bill Mahar last evening, ex senator Barney Frank, actually speaks with some real democrat common sense on why to NOT engage in impeachment.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by wahoomurf »

youthathletics wrote:If you all get a chance to watch the episode of Bill Mahar last evening, ex senator Barney Frank, actually speaks with some real democrat common sense on why to NOT engage in impeachment.
Talk of impeachment is a waste of time.I'm highly doubtful that two-thirds of the U.S. Senate will have the courage to do the right thing.If for some reason that happens,it'll be a slap on the wrist.

IMO,the best way to see the ELECTORAL POTUS get dragged out of the Oval Office in handcuffs is to let the Eastern District do it's job.(Sacred Duty?)

It would be a shame if the Justice Department hasn't designed a good escape plan for this Trump.I'm sure Putin has prepared an elegant Dacha on the Black Sea for Trump and his favorite "companions" ;) . Putin can afford it.And we the people won't have to pay for DSG's incarceration.

Not to worry about IT'S care and feeding.The dacha has an enclosure where tourists can view,then hand feed IT...for a nominal charge.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

[quote=youthathletics post_id=21268 time=1547920750 user_id=283]
She is Trump of the left and a younger (prettier) Bernie. Trump was the first to capitalize on the use of social media in politics. Her problem will be burnout or if she’ll allow special interest money to quiet her down.

agreed on this- how do we know she wont be infected by special interest dollars?

especially given that it's happened historically to... oh i dunno... almost every political officer?

maybe she isnt but i'll wait and see.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by kramerica.inc »

Speaking of special interest democrats, Hillary may be forgotten, but she's not gone, yet:

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 ... 020-report
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by Trinity »

Please, no
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by kramerica.inc »

More of the same b.s. this election cycle:

Millionaire presidential candidate scolds Billionaire for wanting to be president:

https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.co ... -who%3famp

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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by seacoaster »

A little early polling:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... ff7564d731

"A 56 percent majority of all Americans say they would “definitely not vote for him” should Trump become the Republican nominee, while 14 percent say they would consider voting for him and 28 percent would definitely vote for him. Majorities of independents (59 percent), women (64 percent) and suburbanites (56 percent) rule out supporting Trump for a second term.

Across six polls during President Barack Obama’s first term, between 41 percent and 46 percent said they would “definitely not vote for him.” That includes an October 2011 poll in which Obama’s approval rating sank to 42 percent, with disapproval at 54 percent. Obama won reelection in 2012 with 51 percent of the popular vote compared with Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s 47 percent.

While 75 percent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents approve of Trump’s performance in office when asked separately, nearly 1 in 3 say they would like to nominate someone other than Trump to be the party’s candidate for president.


Concerns over Trump’s reelection prospects were one of the reasons the Republican National Committee voted unanimously Friday for a resolution of “undivided support” for Trump and his presidency. The resolution stopped short of endorsing his reelection, as some on the committee had urged, largely because of legal concerns.

That did not stop Trump from falsely tweeting Saturday that the committee had voted “to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election.”

Republicans may be able to save their party if they can primary Trump.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by cradleandshoot »

https://stream.org/kamala-harris-wants- ... re-market/ This one just threw herself under the bus and then backed over her dumbass. The Democrat front runner just shot herself in the foot with Dirty Harry's Smith and Wesson. It is understood that what she said is the wet dream of every good little FLP stooge. Her mistake was she actually said it in front of people that were not all of a like mind. Buh bye Kamala... next FLP kindly step up to the plate and take your best swing. Rule # 1... never find yourself so full of yourself and caught up in the moment that you actually find yourself saying what you really mean. That should be the one legacy that HRC left you with when speaking in public. It is impossible for any FLP person to dazzle anyone with their brilliance.

It always boils down to having to baffle people with your sheepdip. :P I do appreciate Kamala's ill advised brutal honesty. When asked about someone that liked their doctor and was happy with their plan... to paraphrase and this is my interpretation of FLP gibberish... F**k all of you... you will get the medical coverage we want you to have and you will like it. You gotta love the compassion and understanding the courses through the veins of all of you FLP folks. Why would I ever want my own doctor or my own health care plan when you bunch of jackals are so hell bent on taking care of me. You folks are not honest very often but Kamala gave us a brief look into your cold tiny little black souls. :roll:
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by holmes435 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:17 pm your cold tiny little black souls. :roll:

So wanting "Medicare for all", where everyone gets decent health coverage, now means someone has cold tiny little black souls. I'm not sure what world you're living in to get that bitter, but I'm sorry.

Do you think that your doctor won't be participating in a single payer plan?
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by dislaxxic »

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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by seacoaster »

From Frank Bruni's Wednesday newsletter re Howard "The Disruptor Billionaire" Schultz:

"I’m not wild about the ugly tenor of some responses to Howard Schultz’s flirtation with an independent candidacy for the presidency, because there’s altogether too much name-calling and nastiness in American politics today. Opposition to what he’s contemplating is just. Vitriol and profanity don’t bolster that cause. But I’m heartened by the volume of the negative reaction, because a move like the one he’s mulling could inadvertently help re-elect Donald Trump, and even a small risk along those lines is too much. Schultz needs to be dissuaded.

That’s not to say that every last thing that Trump has done in the presidency is awful or to pile on. But let’s be honest and clear: He has caused significant damage over two years. Eight years would increase that exponentially, and it would probably include the kind of national-security crisis that he hasn’t confronted so far. I don’t trust him to handle it well. Do you?

More to the point, does Schultz? The answer is obviously no, so the answer to the question of whether the former chief executive of Starbucks should forge ahead and run as an independent is just as obviously no. Again: too risky. He may not see, among the Democrats lined up so far, the presidential candidate of his dreams. But there are plenty who have more character and a steadier temperament than Trump. They could use his help. Or he can compete against them in their party’s primaries rather than circumventing that contest and potentially siphoning votes from a Democratic nominee in the general election.

Many of my fellow journalists have forcefully made this case or versions of it. They have noted that Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, gamed all of this out in 2016 and nixed his own independent bid that year because of what the polling clearly demonstrated about such a three-way race. My colleague Michelle Goldberg explained this in her most recent column, as did the historians Julian Zelizer and Kevin Kruse on CNN’s website. And my colleague Gail Collins and I touched on this, along with other political news of the day, in a 40-minute phone call with New York Times subscribers on Monday afternoon. The audio is available here.

Bloomberg, of course, is again considering a presidential run — but as a Democrat. Why wouldn’t Schultz, who has described himself as a “lifelong Democrat,” follow suit? One probable reason doesn’t flatter him. He’d be unlikely to win the nomination. Bloomberg is indeed a long shot and may just skip the presidential race entirely as a result.

But there are additional reasons, including what Schultz stated in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired on Sunday night. He genuinely believes that both the Republican and Democratic parties have failed America by being, in his words, “engaged every single day in revenge politics.”
He has a point. And I can attest that he didn’t gin it up just to rationalize a 2020 campaign. I have spoken, exchanged emails and lunched with him over the years, and he has been consistent in his distress over the rank partisanship that infects American political life. He believes that the current dynamic needs to be challenged and that voters deserve more options and less hidebound ones.

Fine. But 2020 is a year for ruthless calculation. A Schultz bid as an independent doesn’t fit into it. And while I’m on my “calculation” tangent, I should say that I’m concerned about something I spotted in a Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week. While 43 percent of voters who lean Democratic said that they prioritized finding a Democratic nominee “most likely to defeat Trump,” a higher percentage — 47 percent — placed greater importance on a nominee whose positions mirrored their own.

For me that’s backward, though I hasten to add that the two considerations aren’t necessarily in conflict."
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by genesrfree »

I think K Harris, the new face of the Democratic Party shot herself in the derrier multiple times yesterday. But, this is the new face of the Democrats, Medicare for all, no Borders, pro-abortion, increase taxes, take our guns, more handouts...doesn't sound like the America I grew up in.

I think Trump easily wins. Schultz, if he runs will pull democrat voters, not Republicans because he's a whack job as well. We need to save our country, the critical vote will be the millenials because they know nothing about the good old days, capitalism, spending what you earn.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party is dangerous to the future of this country.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by foreverlax »

But, this is the new face of the Democrats, Medicare for all, no Borders, pro-abortion, increase taxes, take our guns, more handouts
Medicare for all - maybe

No borders - inaccurate

Pro-Abortion - maybe, but more like no my decision

Increase taxes - how do you expect to pay for the wall?

Take our guns - no

More handouts - both sides give stuff out.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by seacoaster »

"But, this is the new face of the Democrats, Medicare for all, no Borders, pro-abortion, increase taxes, take our guns, more handouts...doesn't sound like the America I grew up in."

Thanks Sean, or Tucker, or whoever you are. Baloney. See foreverlax's post above.

As for Trump "easily" winning, you must be in a legal marijuana state and under the influence. He is currently a minority popular vote President, who threaded the electoral college needle against a very poor, baggage-laden candidate. And since his election, he has offended one constituency after another that might have lent him the votes to get reelected. So "easily;" NFW. I confess it's possible, but I actually care enough about the country not to believe it.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by cradleandshoot »

holmes435 wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:44 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:17 pm your cold tiny little black souls. :roll:

So wanting "Medicare for all", where everyone gets decent health coverage, now means someone has cold tiny little black souls. I'm not sure what world you're living in to get that bitter, but I'm sorry.

Do you think that your doctor won't be participating in a single payer plan?
I told you how I really feel about. I have asked the same question about womb to the tomb for a long time. If you can grow a big enough pair of giblets to answer the question without the same pathetic nonsense you FLP folks put forth... but... but... but it will save everybody so much money in the long run? HOW MUCH WILL IT COST???? It is not a very tough question to answer. Actually it is a very difficult question because frankly nobody knows the answer. This is the point in time where you folks drift off into the make believe land of how much money you are going to save for everyone. To answer your last question... I have already had this discussion with my own doctor... he loves his practice and his patients just the way things are. he does not need a bunch of FLP jackwagons telling him how to run his medical practice.

When Kamala Harris can break out her calculator and explain to all Americans how she pays for her pie in the sky the government will take care of you vision for all of us, then I will be all ears. Until that time I am more than satisfied with my doctor. I don't need nor do I want you FLP jackwagons to stick your nose in my medical affairs. That is my job... Kamala Harris and you FLP folks can just stay the hell out of my life and my business. Thank you very much. Go preach your message to the millennials. They are stupid enough to fall for your sheepdip. This old dog knows you people all too well to ever believe anything you say. :D
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by genesrfree »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:24 pm
But, this is the new face of the Democrats, Medicare for all, no Borders, pro-abortion, increase taxes, take our guns, more handouts
Medicare for all - maybe

No borders - inaccurate-nope what is the democrats plan to secure our borders??? Sensors and drones-stupid and you know it.

Pro-Abortion - maybe, but more like no my decision,- not your decision, Governor Cuomo's and the two left coasts.

Increase taxes - how do you expect to pay for the wall? Funny, but all the illegal immigrants the democrats will allow in need a place to live, food, educations...you know the drill

Take our guns - no, absolutely semi-automatic guns, listen to your gal, K. Harris, that's the beginning, then we end like Nazi Germany.

More handouts - both sides give stuff out. Not like democrats, they gave out my social security!!
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by cradleandshoot »

genesrfree wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:10 pm I think K Harris, the new face of the Democratic Party shot herself in the derrier multiple times yesterday. But, this is the new face of the Democrats, Medicare for all, no Borders, pro-abortion, increase taxes, take our guns, more handouts...doesn't sound like the America I grew up in.

I think Trump easily wins. Schultz, if he runs will pull democrat voters, not Republicans because he's a whack job as well. We need to save our country, the critical vote will be the millenials because they know nothing about the good old days, capitalism, spending what you earn.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party is dangerous to the future of this country.
She sure did. She did something that the FLP never want to see happen. She admitted to everyone what the end game is. When BHO lied to us about if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Good old Kamala let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Eff all of you. You don't get to keep your doctor. You don't get to keep your health plan. Your gonna get what we say you are gonna get when we say you are going to get it. You have to really pay close attention to detail. The FLP folks work tirelessly to disguise their true objective. Kamala Harris screwed up just long enough to shine a little bit of light on what the end game is. Some where in FLP land they are breaking out the rolls of duct tape to wrap around her mouth. The truth... the American people can't ever be told the truth... because they can't handle the truth. :mrgreen:
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:08 pm [HOW MUCH WILL IT COST???? It is not a very tough question to answer. Actually it is a very difficult question because frankly nobody knows the answer.
I do. It's easy to answer.
Every 1st world nation has some form of government health care.

Here's how much it costs per person in each country as of 2015:

Germany- $5,551
France- $4,600
Spain- $3,200
UK- $4,192
Canada- $4,753
Sweden- $5,488
Finland- $4,033

And the US? (drumroll) $9,892

So if you want cost certainty? Simple to do. Pick a country. Take Canada's health care law, verbatim, and write it into US law. The number will be close to that $4,753 number.

We can land a man on the moon. But we can't have a sane health care system. It's nuts. Everyone enjoying their premiums these days and those $5,000 deductibles, and paying 5 times what other countries pay for drugs?

We're being fleeced by middle men who write the laws and rules in our country. I've had enough of this horse hockey.

If our care was better and cheaper, I'd be right there with you. But look at that number for US per capita, my friend. We're getting fleeced by pointless middle men who do nothing by take our money, and provide nothing for that money.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by seacoaster »

"Take our guns - no, absolutely semi-automatic guns, listen to your gal, K. Harris, that's the beginning, then we end like Nazi Germany."

I always read this from the Gun RIghts Crowd. Maybe you could explain how legally this happens, sort of in sequence. For example, start with this:

Congress or California or NY (or some Axis of Evil) passes a law that outlaws the sale of semi-automatic guns, or reconfiguration of weapons into semi-automatics, and makes possession of one punishable by a fine of $1,000 and six months in prison.

Seriously: Now what happens? Get me to 1933 and Brown Shirts.
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Re: 2020 Elections - On Deck

Post by holmes435 »

a fan wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:20 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:08 pm [HOW MUCH WILL IT COST???? It is not a very tough question to answer. Actually it is a very difficult question because frankly nobody knows the answer.
I do. It's easy to answer.
Every 1st world nation has some form of government health care.

Here's how much it costs per person in each country as of 2015:

Germany- $5,551
France- $4,600
Spain- $3,200
UK- $4,192
Canada- $4,753
Sweden- $5,488
Finland- $4,033

And the US? (drumroll) $9,892

So if you want cost certainty? Simple to do. Pick a country. Take Canada's health care law, verbatim, and write it into US law. The number will be close to that $4,753 number.
It's no use, I've answered his "how much is it going to cost" question maybe 4-5 times over the years. Maybe we can cut taxes some more so we'll come out even further ahead.

It's also insane that he's oblivious to the fact that private insurance companies are sticking their nose into his business and medical affairs, squeezing every dollar legally possible out of him, telling him what doctor he can see, what kind of care he can or can't get and more. That's even if he's on a private plan in the first place. And he has no say in how his insurance company is run, and hardly any of us have the power to vote with our dollar and move to another provider.

A good chunk of the population enjoys cutting off their nose to spite their face in this day and age.
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