CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

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a fan
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am a fan, first of all, if you want to discuss things with me going forward, then stop lying. You won't, you think it's a neat way to debate people, unfortunately.
I'm lying am I? You think people don't remember your posts during the Obama Administration? MDlax sure does. And he's laughing as hard as I am at the idea that you're some wise centrist, who gave Obama's policies the same patient chances you're handing out to Trump. But sure. I'm lying.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to not like one single policy from a President for 8 full years, Tech. So please, don't try and tell me that you're not a partisan. I can name several of Trump's major policies that I liked, and I HATE the man. But sure. You're not a Republican. Whatever you say.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am Some specifics re the "spotlight" on China and how awareness has been building
Case in point of your slanted world view. You'll find "raising awareness on China's misdeeds" articles for Obama. Did you give him credit? F no, he's in the wrong party. :roll:
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I can't honestly say, "you were right"... we will never know because of unforeseen circumstances that threw the entire world into panic model.
:lol: Right. Covid started in January. What you're telling me is, China would have caved to Trump in 10 months if it wasn't for Covid.

No one is that stupid, Tech. Xi won. Trump lost. America lost. It happens.

It's not that hard to say "I was wrong", and simply move on with your day. I do it all the time.

Example? Before he took office, I thought that Trump would use our military like it was a toy. Boy, was I wrong. Not even close to correct. Total projection on my part.

Wow...that was REALLY hard admitting I was wrong. I feel faint.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I'm amazed at how silly your Obama/Covid hypothetical is. "Dog ate my homework" excuse? Holy sh!t. IMO, any POTUS regardless of party, should receive slack in the face of the effects of a pandemic.
Oh, I did give him slack. And I know you read it. Pity you didn't do the same with Obama's various disasters that weren't of his making. I'm SURE it was a coincidence.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I disagreed with most all of Obama's/Biden's policies
Yes. And you were mocked for it. Because no matter what he did, it was wrong.

Dude. NO ONE disagrees with 100% of a President's policies that isn't a partisan. Sorry, mate. I HATE Trump, but can name a bunch of his policies that I have liked over just four years, let alone Obama's eight. But sure. You're not a partisan. Keep telling yourself that.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am .....and that certainly includes their appeasement, bordering on indifference (perhaps for personal gain in some instances?), re China aggression
:lol: And Trump did better, did he? And this is a "neutral" evaluation? :lol: Yeah....right.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am Your very tired "little r, little d" schtick is ridiculous. I disagreed with Obama based on, IMO, lousy policies and never made it personal. It had nothing to do with being a R or D... that is a lie.
Yes. Because no matter what Obama did, it was wrong. Your complaints were comical, and you were mocked accordingly. If Obama said up, you said down, regardless of subject.

And now that Trump did many of the same things Obama did? No comment. Suddenly, you just can't muster the energy to criticize him...while your criticism of everything and anything Obama did flowed like a river. Oh yeah, total coincidence.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am Biden will be back in the driver seat. Let's see if he reverts back to appeasement
:lol: More partisan horsesh*t.

Here's what you're telling me. Trump starts a fake war so he can impress guys like you. It works. You buy it hook, line, and sinker. You're telling me, just as Trump wants you to.....that Trump "stood up to China".

And by "stood up to China", you mean:

1. increase Chinese imports to record levels

2. do permanent damage to American farm exports by not bothering to help American farmers find other buyers for their grains etc.

3. make things worse by handing out billions in cash ($30 freaking Billion, for firetruck's sake) to Farmers in full view of the Chinese government. What the firetruck message do you think this idiotic move sent to Chinese negotiators? Are you this freaking stupid? No, you're not. So stop acting like you are.

4. don't bother to find trading partners for American firms so that we're less reliant on Chinese goods.

5. continue to offer visas to Chinese students, allowing them to rip off Intellectual Property. This is what the whole fake Trade War is supposed to be about, remember? So why did Trump allow these students in? Answer: because the goal isn't to "fix" IP theft. The goal is to make guys like Tech37 say "Trump stood up to China". Wake up, my man. You've been played.

6. The China-US trade gap is now worse than ever.

7. Most important of all, China is still ripping off IP. Rendering the whole exercise pointless. And costly.

And your game here is that if Biden puts an end to the above * think he's "appeasing" China.

But yeah, you're not a partisan. And it's yet another tech "coincidence" that FoxNation will claim that Biden is appeasing China if
he undoes all of Trump's economic damage----that did NOTHING to change China's behavior.

One things for sure? I'm over the moon happy that you're not in charge of US Trade. ;)
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am ... or joins the rest of the world in heightened scrutiny of China aggression and unlawful behavior.
:lol: "The rest of the world" hasn't done squat about Chinese "aggression". What are you talking about? Trump didn't bother to get any help in dealing with China, remember?
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by old salt »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:28 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:26 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:44 pm Maybe she worked harder at her service than you? Times change.
Not that much. Her career overlapped with mine.
Some politicians tend to overstate or embellish what they did during their military service.
I'm disappointed that LT Sherrill seems to have taken that path.

After graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1994, Congresswoman Sherrill spent almost 10 years on active duty in the United States Navy. She flew missions throughout Europe and the Middle East as a Sea King helicopter pilot, worked on the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater during the Iraq invasion, and served as a Flag Aide to the Deputy Commander in Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Congresswoman Sherrill also served as a Russian policy officer and worked on the implementation of our nuclear treaty obligations and oversaw the relationship between the U.S. Navy and Russian Federation Navy.
She should have completed flight training in 1996, then assigned to HC-2 in Norfolk for a 3 year tour of duty, making 2 X 6 mos deployments flying Fleet Admiral's H-3 Sea King helo's. First to Bahrain for Com 5th Flt, then to Naples for Com 6th Flt. The Admiral for whom she was a Flag Aide was based in Norfolk, possibly her second tour of duty. Her wiki bio says in 2000, she was stationed at NAS Corpus Christi, TX, which is HQ of the Naval Air Training Command staff & a large pilot training base.

She does not say what command contained the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater in which she worked during the Iraq invasion in 2003, which was her last year in service. That, plus her Russian policy portfolio, are not typically LT assignments. The pieces don't fit together. That's too many jobs, in too many places, crammed into 8 years of service. That is the standard blurb on her Congressional & campaign sites & has been repeated in every media fluff piece. It just does not add up.
Compared with your statements about her previously this is filled with a lot of supposition and zero direct knowledge of her actual experience. As previously noted, you don’t treat all service members resume/profile/background the same, it’s been evidenced here. The bias skews the way your view of the underlying subject does frequently. It’s hard to believe this is a sterile analysis rather than a biased one.
You are correct. I mock former service members who make themselves public figures, hide behind their service & embellish or exaggerate that service as LT Sherrill has done.
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old salt
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:18 am
DMac wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:22 pm It's not the big deal you're making it out to be MDlax. There's plenty of this kind of talk that goes on among people in the military. The Army boys will tell you the Navy boys are nothing but a bunch of bellhops, pretty much all of them will tell you what a cushy outfit the Air Force is, and the Marines...well, of course no one is as tough as a Marine (unless they're in a bar in Naples and phuckk with the wrong group of sailors :D ), on and on with this kind of stuff. There is also a whole lot of exaggerating and flat out lying about what one did while in the military, so it's not so out of line to for one military person to question what another really did. Looked up an old Navy friend on Facebook the other day, he's got a picture of his old uniform on there with more ribbons than he ever earned including a submariners pin (he never spent a second underwater but he'll BS a lot of people with it).
Meanwhile the belittling that goes on, on let's say the Ivy League thread, is flat out disgusting, IMO. My school is better than yours, it's harder to get in here than there....blah, blah, blah. Then, of course, there are the JUCO boys who just aren't smart enough or good enough for much of anything. Is that any different?
It’s when you combine it with the record on these boards of trashing many (often young) women he didn’t know and then hides behind things like “they’re public figures”, “that’s how folks talk in the service” etc. at some point the excuses are just excuses for a person who thinks a certain way. The alternative is he’s been a dishonest, liar, unethical bad faith individual for a while here. It’s fairly binary at this point. Neither is going to win you a presidential medal of freedom unless you can tickle trumps balls.
Apparently I need to mock more phoney public figures who are older women & men. I'll get right on that.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:33 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:18 am
DMac wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:22 pm It's not the big deal you're making it out to be MDlax. There's plenty of this kind of talk that goes on among people in the military. The Army boys will tell you the Navy boys are nothing but a bunch of bellhops, pretty much all of them will tell you what a cushy outfit the Air Force is, and the Marines...well, of course no one is as tough as a Marine (unless they're in a bar in Naples and phuckk with the wrong group of sailors :D ), on and on with this kind of stuff. There is also a whole lot of exaggerating and flat out lying about what one did while in the military, so it's not so out of line to for one military person to question what another really did. Looked up an old Navy friend on Facebook the other day, he's got a picture of his old uniform on there with more ribbons than he ever earned including a submariners pin (he never spent a second underwater but he'll BS a lot of people with it).
Meanwhile the belittling that goes on, on let's say the Ivy League thread, is flat out disgusting, IMO. My school is better than yours, it's harder to get in here than there....blah, blah, blah. Then, of course, there are the JUCO boys who just aren't smart enough or good enough for much of anything. Is that any different?
It’s when you combine it with the record on these boards of trashing many (often young) women he didn’t know and then hides behind things like “they’re public figures”, “that’s how folks talk in the service” etc. at some point the excuses are just excuses for a person who thinks a certain way. The alternative is he’s been a dishonest, liar, unethical bad faith individual for a while here. It’s fairly binary at this point. Neither is going to win you a presidential medal of freedom unless you can tickle trumps balls.
Apparently I need to mock more phoney public figures who are older women & men. I'll get right on that.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by foreverlax »

Because no matter what Obama did, it was wrong. Your complaints were comical, and you were mocked accordingly. If Obama said up, you said down, regardless of subject.

And now that Trump did many of the same things Obama did? No comment. Suddenly, you just can't muster the energy to criticize him...while your criticism of everything and anything Obama did flowed like a river. Oh yeah, total coincidence.
This is the thing that pisses me off the most. Hard Rs and Ds are quick to pounce on everything the other letter D. Those of us in the middle will pile on at times, for sure, but after awhile that funs wears off.

Trump has been more of an impediment, on pretty much every issue...but certainly the pandemic, than an asset.

Agreed with a fan, I thought he was going to wag the dog...he never did. I also thought he would find his way to the middle, for his ego....he didn't.

I was wrong...bfd, no body died.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:30 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:28 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:26 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:44 pm Maybe she worked harder at her service than you? Times change.
Not that much. Her career overlapped with mine.
Some politicians tend to overstate or embellish what they did during their military service.
I'm disappointed that LT Sherrill seems to have taken that path.

After graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1994, Congresswoman Sherrill spent almost 10 years on active duty in the United States Navy. She flew missions throughout Europe and the Middle East as a Sea King helicopter pilot, worked on the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater during the Iraq invasion, and served as a Flag Aide to the Deputy Commander in Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Congresswoman Sherrill also served as a Russian policy officer and worked on the implementation of our nuclear treaty obligations and oversaw the relationship between the U.S. Navy and Russian Federation Navy.
She should have completed flight training in 1996, then assigned to HC-2 in Norfolk for a 3 year tour of duty, making 2 X 6 mos deployments flying Fleet Admiral's H-3 Sea King helo's. First to Bahrain for Com 5th Flt, then to Naples for Com 6th Flt. The Admiral for whom she was a Flag Aide was based in Norfolk, possibly her second tour of duty. Her wiki bio says in 2000, she was stationed at NAS Corpus Christi, TX, which is HQ of the Naval Air Training Command staff & a large pilot training base.

She does not say what command contained the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater in which she worked during the Iraq invasion in 2003, which was her last year in service. That, plus her Russian policy portfolio, are not typically LT assignments. The pieces don't fit together. That's too many jobs, in too many places, crammed into 8 years of service. That is the standard blurb on her Congressional & campaign sites & has been repeated in every media fluff piece. It just does not add up.
Compared with your statements about her previously this is filled with a lot of supposition and zero direct knowledge of her actual experience. As previously noted, you don’t treat all service members resume/profile/background the same, it’s been evidenced here. The bias skews the way your view of the underlying subject does frequently. It’s hard to believe this is a sterile analysis rather than a biased one.
You are correct. I mock former service members who make themselves public figures, hide behind their service & embellish or exaggerate that service as LT Sherrill has done.
You just said you didn’t know for sure.

And frankly, you hide behind your service here on the reg. So let’s not pretend you don’t expect something for yo ur service that’s past history now as well.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:33 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:00 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:18 am
DMac wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:22 pm It's not the big deal you're making it out to be MDlax. There's plenty of this kind of talk that goes on among people in the military. The Army boys will tell you the Navy boys are nothing but a bunch of bellhops, pretty much all of them will tell you what a cushy outfit the Air Force is, and the Marines...well, of course no one is as tough as a Marine (unless they're in a bar in Naples and phuckk with the wrong group of sailors :D ), on and on with this kind of stuff. There is also a whole lot of exaggerating and flat out lying about what one did while in the military, so it's not so out of line to for one military person to question what another really did. Looked up an old Navy friend on Facebook the other day, he's got a picture of his old uniform on there with more ribbons than he ever earned including a submariners pin (he never spent a second underwater but he'll BS a lot of people with it).
Meanwhile the belittling that goes on, on let's say the Ivy League thread, is flat out disgusting, IMO. My school is better than yours, it's harder to get in here than there....blah, blah, blah. Then, of course, there are the JUCO boys who just aren't smart enough or good enough for much of anything. Is that any different?
It’s when you combine it with the record on these boards of trashing many (often young) women he didn’t know and then hides behind things like “they’re public figures”, “that’s how folks talk in the service” etc. at some point the excuses are just excuses for a person who thinks a certain way. The alternative is he’s been a dishonest, liar, unethical bad faith individual for a while here. It’s fairly binary at this point. Neither is going to win you a presidential medal of freedom unless you can tickle trumps balls.
Apparently I need to mock more phoney public figures who are older women & men. I'll get right on that.
That would be one approach. It’s not the most thoughtful, intelligent or productive approach but go for it. Can’t be worse than what you do now. Let’s try it out!
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by tech37 »

a fan wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:13 pm
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am a fan, first of all, if you want to discuss things with me going forward, then stop lying. You won't, you think it's a neat way to debate people, unfortunately.
I'm lying am I? You think people don't remember your posts during the Obama Administration? MDlax sure does. And he's laughing as hard as I am at the idea that you're some wise centrist, who gave Obama's policies the same patient chances you're handing out to Trump. But sure. I'm lying.

You're nuts and yes lying. You can't remember what people post last week let alone 5 years ago.

:lol: "Patient chances"?! He had 8 years and then time was up. Your classic pretzel logic.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to not like one single policy from a President for 8 full years, Tech. So please, don't try and tell me that you're not a partisan. I can name several of Trump's major policies that I liked, and I HATE the man. But sure. You're not a Republican. Whatever you say.

I don't believe that you liked "several" Trump policies.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am Some specifics re the "spotlight" on China and how awareness has been building
Case in point of your slanted world view. You'll find "raising awareness on China's misdeeds" articles for Obama. Did you give him credit? F no, he's in the wrong party. :roll:

So post some articles that state "raising awareness on China's misdeeds articles for Obama"... I'm supposed to simply accept what you're saying? I don't trust what you say for a second, especially when you're in disingenuous debate mode.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I can't honestly say, "you were right"... we will never know because of unforeseen circumstances that threw the entire world into panic model.
:lol: Right. Covid started in January. What you're telling me is, China would have caved to Trump in 10 months if it wasn't for Covid.

No. What I've said repeatedly but you're not listening is, I don't know. We will never know. What we do know is Covid interrupted any chance that Lighthizer and his team might in some way prevail.

No one is that stupid, Tech. Xi won. Trump lost. America lost. It happens.

Maybe. I can't say since it was an ongoing process cut short by Covid.

It's not that hard to say "I was wrong", and simply move on with your day. I do it all the time.

Example? Before he took office, I thought that Trump would use our military like it was a toy. Boy, was I wrong. Not even close to correct. Total projection on my part.

Wow...that was REALLY hard admitting I was wrong. I feel faint.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I'm amazed at how silly your Obama/Covid hypothetical is. "Dog ate my homework" excuse? Holy sh!t. IMO, any POTUS regardless of party, should receive slack in the face of the effects of a pandemic.
Oh, I did give him slack. And I know you read it. Pity you didn't do the same with Obama's various disasters that weren't of his making. I'm SURE it was a coincidence.

:lol: "Obama's various disasters"?! Add them all up (whatever they are) and they pale how much in comparison to Covid? Sorry but that's just silly.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I disagreed with most all of Obama's/Biden's policies
Yes. And you were mocked for it. Because no matter what he did, it was wrong.

Dude. NO ONE disagrees with 100% of a President's policies that isn't a partisan. Sorry, mate. I HATE Trump, but can name a bunch of his policies that I have liked over just four years, let alone Obama's eight. But sure. You're not a partisan. Keep telling yourself that.

Can you read? I said "most" of his policies. Where did you get 100%? More classic a fan.

I need to take care of some work. I'll answer the balance of your agitated post later.
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China Defeated Trump and the United States

Post by DocBarrister »

Trump’s Cold War against China has been a complete failure, leaving the United States in a much weaker position. China was able to find alternative sources for U.S. exports (e.g., Brazil for soybeans). When the U.S. pulled out of TPP, Trump didn’t plan any replacement. Instead, China now leads the world’s largest trade block.

It was a complete defeat for the United States. The best example of that? Trump leaves the White House in defeat and disgrace, while his counterpart in China is stronger than ever.

Trump led the United States into complete defeat against China, and it make take a generation for the U.S. to repair the damage.

DocBarrister :?
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by DocBarrister »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
I tried explaining this to some of my ag related family in WNY and they think I'm attacking their efforts or jobs out of some sense of superiority but it was really just explaining macroeconomics to them. Food products are way down the "value add" chain in a global economy. They have zero ability to lift anyone out of poverty and wont in the future. It's a trojan horse.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by DocBarrister »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:10 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
I tried explaining this to some of my ag related family in WNY and they think I'm attacking their efforts or jobs out of some sense of superiority but it was really just explaining macroeconomics to them. Food products are way down the "value add" chain in a global economy. They have zero ability to lift anyone out of poverty and wont in the future. It's a trojan horse.
Well, family is family ... what can you do?

DocBarrister ;)
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:20 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:10 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
I tried explaining this to some of my ag related family in WNY and they think I'm attacking their efforts or jobs out of some sense of superiority but it was really just explaining macroeconomics to them. Food products are way down the "value add" chain in a global economy. They have zero ability to lift anyone out of poverty and wont in the future. It's a trojan horse.
Well, family is family ... what can you do?

DocBarrister ;)
Luckily they all know I have an irrational level of support for bloodlines. Some would or have been offended, right or wrong, but they aren't walking away from me and vice-versa. Just trying to drag them into the light a little so that they don't stress and cause harm to themselves worrying about the wrong things. Thankfully for me because I understand families have been torn apart by this.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:23 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:20 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:10 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
I tried explaining this to some of my ag related family in WNY and they think I'm attacking their efforts or jobs out of some sense of superiority but it was really just explaining macroeconomics to them. Food products are way down the "value add" chain in a global economy. They have zero ability to lift anyone out of poverty and wont in the future. It's a trojan horse.
Well, family is family ... what can you do?

DocBarrister ;)
Luckily they all know I have an irrational level of support for bloodlines. Some would or have been offended, right or wrong, but they aren't walking away from me and vice-versa. Just trying to drag them into the light a little so that they don't stress and cause harm to themselves worrying about the wrong things. Thankfully for me because I understand families have been torn apart by this.
The knowledge you spread is awesome. As the smartest guy in the room on Thanksgiving I bet your family really does love seeing you!

a fan
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:32 pm You're nuts and yes lying. You can't remember what people post last week let alone 5 years ago.
Old Salt turns to me ALL THE TIME to back up what he has said in the past. And I recall everything he posted on major issues with no difficulty. Even things that happened a decade ago. It ain't that hard.

But sure. If you want to pretend you treated Obama with the same patience you give Trump? Knock yourself out. I find it hilarious that you think you treated these two men the same on the Forums. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:32 pm I don't believe that you liked "several" Trump policies.
Of course you don't. Good for you. This is particularly hilarious because I just told you about a good policy of his that I was surprised by earlier today.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am So post some articles that state "raising awareness on China's misdeeds articles for Obama"... I'm supposed to simply accept what you're saying? I don't trust what you say for a second, especially when you're in disingenuous debate mode.
Yeah. I"M the one who is disingenuous here, not you.

ForeverLax and MDLax just asked you a direct question on your opinion. What did you do? You played games, refusing to answer the question.

And then you hit me for misrepresenting your opinions. After refusing to tell them what your opinions are. Neat. Keep it up!

Btw.... ... nforcement
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am No. What I've said repeatedly but you're not listening is, I don't know. We will never know. What we do know is Covid interrupted any chance that Lighthizer and his team might in some way prevail.
So the Trade War yields nothing but economic pain for the US that's so bad that Trump cuts a $21 Billion check to hand to farmers, and what you're telling me is "gee whiz, who knows if Xi would have caved on stealing IP during an election year if it weren't for Covid".

Come on. This is no longer an adult conversation, and you're just handing me utter nonsense. OF COURSE Xi wasn't going to cave in 2020.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am "Obama's various disasters"?! Add them all up (whatever they are) and they pale how much in comparison to Covid
Oh, just the near collapse of the World's economy, no big deal, am-I-right? At no point did you give Obama even a half a break for that.

And you're putting words in my mouth. You'd think a guy who gets all worked up when he thinks someone else is doing that to him would tread more carefully. But I guess not.

I'm 100% behind the FACT that Covid was and is worse than the 08 crash. I agree with you. And, since you obviously missed it, I didn't blame Trump for our initial reaction to the virus, unlike so many others on the Forum. I said----multiple times----that there are no "right" moves in this pandemic in terms of opening or closing America.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am Can you read? I said "most" of his policies. Where did you get 100%? More classic a fan.
I don't believe you. How's that? Let's hear the policies you liked.
tech37 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:22 am I need to take care of some work. I'll answer the balance of your agitated post later.
:lol: You just called me a liar---twice---and you think I'm the one coming off as agitated here? Okie-dokie.

I'm not the one who's trying to act like a centrist instead of the obvious partisan that you are. You "just so happened" to not like "most" of Obama's policies.....and in the same breath, you're trying to sell us that we'll (snicker) never know if Xi was going to cave to Trump in the 10 months leading up to an election.

And you're telling me that this is a neutral, evenhanded view of Trump's work? Yeah, ok. While we're at it: DocB is a wild eyed Trumpist.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva » wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:34 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:23 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:20 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:10 pm
DocBarrister wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:03 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:48 pm It was so stupid. Forget even IP. Our focus should've been on making/managing/improving relationships with countries that are sources of rare earth materials (think Lithium) which China has been hoarding. This is the stuff of the future and we're pussyfooting around with ag tarriffs to protect an industry that can't even elevate third world countries out of extreme poverty even when said country is dominant in an important commodity food product.
Completely agree.

It’s what happens when you have a president (Trump) and a party (the Republican Party) stuck on ideas from the 1950s.

DocBarrister :?
I tried explaining this to some of my ag related family in WNY and they think I'm attacking their efforts or jobs out of some sense of superiority but it was really just explaining macroeconomics to them. Food products are way down the "value add" chain in a global economy. They have zero ability to lift anyone out of poverty and wont in the future. It's a trojan horse.
Well, family is family ... what can you do?

DocBarrister ;)
Luckily they all know I have an irrational level of support for bloodlines. Some would or have been offended, right or wrong, but they aren't walking away from me and vice-versa. Just trying to drag them into the light a little so that they don't stress and cause harm to themselves worrying about the wrong things. Thankfully for me because I understand families have been torn apart by this.
The knowledge you spread is awesome. As the smartest guy in the room on Thanksgiving I bet your family really does love seeing you!

I knew someone would pick that comment off. Let me say this, my dead father with an associates degree from Corning Community College would drop knowledge on them if he wanted to. He's the only one of the siblings and cousins who really got away. One went to York, PA, but remained insular to that smaller rural world (died of cancer in 2013), one got lucky as a line manager w Kodak w a 2yr degree until they crashed and got bought out sometime in the early mid 2000s (killed himself in the Rome, NY area in 2014) and one stayed in Bath (miserable with a bad husband and has a ventilator and in a chair most of the time becuase of some issues like diabetes or whatnot screwing circulation to the legs. Cousins all in the Stueben Co area. You have no idea what this area is like. 67% of kids in school are on free/reduced lunches, meth and oxy are out of control.
There's no jobs and no future there. They don't know better and the older generations didn't teach them to even care to look outside a very limited world. Generally good people, definitely racist, but generally don't know better and never were exposed to a broad world and have had no interest in checking it out. My dad at least got into a semi urban area in Binghamton but more importantly soaked everything up when I lived in DC, NYC and briefly Atlanta before moving on. He also visited me in Denmark having never crossed the Atlantic and happily jaunted through Christiania with me. It's got nothing about education and everything about being open minded and interested in the world outside their little one.

If you haven't lived around this type of people you really have no idea. They'll always be my family but they're likely to never get it. Hope you actually do and are just talking 'ish, which is fine, I'm good with that. But you mistake my comment for a lack of respect for my family and the lives they have and continue to live if you believe anything close to your comment.

What are you doing with your family, fondling balls and stroking egos? Being dishonest with them and doing the ultimate disservice to someone you would supposedly care about? Make it about yourself and your ego? Talk about baby killing?
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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old salt
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by old salt »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:22 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:30 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:28 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:26 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:44 pm Maybe she worked harder at her service than you? Times change.
Not that much. Her career overlapped with mine.
Some politicians tend to overstate or embellish what they did during their military service.
I'm disappointed that LT Sherrill seems to have taken that path.

After graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1994, Congresswoman Sherrill spent almost 10 years on active duty in the United States Navy. She flew missions throughout Europe and the Middle East as a Sea King helicopter pilot, worked on the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater during the Iraq invasion, and served as a Flag Aide to the Deputy Commander in Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Congresswoman Sherrill also served as a Russian policy officer and worked on the implementation of our nuclear treaty obligations and oversaw the relationship between the U.S. Navy and Russian Federation Navy.
She should have completed flight training in 1996, then assigned to HC-2 in Norfolk for a 3 year tour of duty, making 2 X 6 mos deployments flying Fleet Admiral's H-3 Sea King helo's. First to Bahrain for Com 5th Flt, then to Naples for Com 6th Flt. The Admiral for whom she was a Flag Aide was based in Norfolk, possibly her second tour of duty. Her wiki bio says in 2000, she was stationed at NAS Corpus Christi, TX, which is HQ of the Naval Air Training Command staff & a large pilot training base.

She does not say what command contained the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater in which she worked during the Iraq invasion in 2003, which was her last year in service. That, plus her Russian policy portfolio, are not typically LT assignments. The pieces don't fit together. That's too many jobs, in too many places, crammed into 8 years of service. That is the standard blurb on her Congressional & campaign sites & has been repeated in every media fluff piece. It just does not add up.
Compared with your statements about her previously this is filled with a lot of supposition and zero direct knowledge of her actual experience. As previously noted, you don’t treat all service members resume/profile/background the same, it’s been evidenced here. The bias skews the way your view of the underlying subject does frequently. It’s hard to believe this is a sterile analysis rather than a biased one.
You are correct. I mock former service members who make themselves public figures, hide behind their service & embellish or exaggerate that service as LT Sherrill has done.
You just said you didn’t know for sure.

And frankly, you hide behind your service here on the reg. So let’s not pretend you don’t expect something for yo ur service that’s past history now as well.
I am not a public figure or elected official. I speak of my work, as do you & others here.

I've analyzed everything she has published & everything I could find on the internet about her service.
It's only her last 5 years of service which are not confirmed. She claims more than is possible in those 5 years.
Her claim of being on the "Battle Floor" sounds like being on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
The claim of a LT non-tactical helo pilot being a Russia policy expert responsible for the US Navy's liason with the Russian Navy is laughable.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:45 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:22 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:30 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:28 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:26 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:44 pm Maybe she worked harder at her service than you? Times change.
Not that much. Her career overlapped with mine.
Some politicians tend to overstate or embellish what they did during their military service.
I'm disappointed that LT Sherrill seems to have taken that path.

After graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1994, Congresswoman Sherrill spent almost 10 years on active duty in the United States Navy. She flew missions throughout Europe and the Middle East as a Sea King helicopter pilot, worked on the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater during the Iraq invasion, and served as a Flag Aide to the Deputy Commander in Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Congresswoman Sherrill also served as a Russian policy officer and worked on the implementation of our nuclear treaty obligations and oversaw the relationship between the U.S. Navy and Russian Federation Navy.
She should have completed flight training in 1996, then assigned to HC-2 in Norfolk for a 3 year tour of duty, making 2 X 6 mos deployments flying Fleet Admiral's H-3 Sea King helo's. First to Bahrain for Com 5th Flt, then to Naples for Com 6th Flt. The Admiral for whom she was a Flag Aide was based in Norfolk, possibly her second tour of duty. Her wiki bio says in 2000, she was stationed at NAS Corpus Christi, TX, which is HQ of the Naval Air Training Command staff & a large pilot training base.

She does not say what command contained the Battle Watch Floor in the European Theater in which she worked during the Iraq invasion in 2003, which was her last year in service. That, plus her Russian policy portfolio, are not typically LT assignments. The pieces don't fit together. That's too many jobs, in too many places, crammed into 8 years of service. That is the standard blurb on her Congressional & campaign sites & has been repeated in every media fluff piece. It just does not add up.
Compared with your statements about her previously this is filled with a lot of supposition and zero direct knowledge of her actual experience. As previously noted, you don’t treat all service members resume/profile/background the same, it’s been evidenced here. The bias skews the way your view of the underlying subject does frequently. It’s hard to believe this is a sterile analysis rather than a biased one.
You are correct. I mock former service members who make themselves public figures, hide behind their service & embellish or exaggerate that service as LT Sherrill has done.
You just said you didn’t know for sure.

And frankly, you hide behind your service here on the reg. So let’s not pretend you don’t expect something for yo ur service that’s past history now as well.
I am not a public figure or elected official. I speak of my work, as do you & others here.

I've analyzed everything she has published & everything I could find on the internet about her service.
It's only her last 5 years of service which are not confirmed. She claims more than is possible in those 5 years.
Her claim of being on the "Battle Floor" sounds like being on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
The claim of a LT non-tactical helo pilot being a Russia policy expert responsible for the US Navy's liason with the Russian Navy is laughable.
Like a TV show guy running the country.....that kind of laughable?
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Yes, and while "some" like to denigrate my work, you know full well people walk around on egg shells around anyone with service experience. Exactly why politicians and others can embellish freely. But it's not exclusive to those alone. That's what makes it so funny when you somehow whine about how some people are exempt from criticism because you know and it's all over the place that people will allow all sorts of nonsense to occur if you just tell them "hey I served". It's quite the advantage, I just think some people sell it out way too cheaply.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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