Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:09 am The jockeying for pardons. Getting the Moron's attention must be the hard part: ... e=Homepage

"As President Trump prepares to leave office in days, a lucrative market for pardons is coming to a head, with some of his allies collecting fees from wealthy felons or their associates to push the White House for clemency, according to documents and interviews with more than three dozen lobbyists and lawyers.

The brisk market for pardons reflects the access peddling that has defined Mr. Trump’s presidency as well as his unorthodox approach to exercising unchecked presidential clemency powers. Pardons and commutations are intended to show mercy to deserving recipients, but Mr. Trump has used many of them to reward personal or political allies.

The pardon lobbying heated up as it became clear that Mr. Trump had no recourse for challenging his election defeat, lobbyists and lawyers say. One lobbyist, Brett Tolman, a former federal prosecutor who has been advising the White House on pardons and commutations, has monetized his clemency work, collecting tens of thousands of dollars, and possibly more, in recent weeks to lobby the White House for clemency for the son of a former Arkansas senator; the founder of the notorious online drug marketplace Silk Road; and a Manhattan socialite who pleaded guilty in a fraud scheme.

Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer John M. Dowd has marketed himself to convicted felons as someone who could secure pardons because of his close relationship with the president, accepting tens of thousands of dollars from a wealthy felon and advising him and other potential clients to leverage Mr. Trump’s grievances about the justice system.

A onetime top adviser to the Trump campaign was paid $50,000 to help seek a pardon for John Kiriakou, a former C.I.A. officer convicted of illegally disclosing classified information, and agreed to a $50,000 bonus if the president granted it, according to a copy of an agreement.

And Mr. Kiriakou was separately told that Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani could help him secure a pardon for $2 million. Mr. Kiriakou rejected the offer, but an associate, fearing that Mr. Giuliani was illegally selling pardons, alerted the F.B.I. Mr. Giuliani challenged this characterization.

After Mr. Trump’s impeachment for inciting his supporters before the deadly riot at the Capitol, and with Republican leaders turning on him, the pardon power remains one of the last and most likely outlets for quick unilateral action by an increasingly isolated, erratic president. He has suggested to aides he wants to take the extraordinary and unprecedented step of pardoning himself, though it was not clear whether he had broached the topic since the rampage.

He has also discussed issuing pre-emptive pardons to his children, his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, and Mr. Giuliani.

A White House spokesman declined to comment.

Legal scholars and some pardon lawyers shudder at the prospect of such moves, as well as the specter of Mr. Trump’s friends and allies offering to pursue pardons for others in exchange for cash.

“This kind of off-books influence peddling, special-privilege system denies consideration to the hundreds of ordinary people who have obediently lined up as required by Justice Department rules, and is a basic violation of the longstanding effort to make this process at least look fair,” said Margaret Love, who ran the Justice Department’s clemency process from 1990 until 1997 as the United States pardon attorney.

Brett Tolman, a former federal prosecutor who has been advising the White House on pardons and commutations, has monetized his clemency work with Mr. Trump’s team.Credit...Manuel Balce Ceneta/Associated Press
There are few historical parallels. Perhaps the closest occurred in the final hours of Bill Clinton’s administration when he issued 170 pardons and commutations, some of which went to people who paid six-figure sums to his family and associates. But even Mr. Clinton, who was seen as flouting protocols, mostly rewarded people who had gone through an intensive Justice Department review process intended to identify and vet the most deserving recipients from among thousands of clemency applications.

Mr. Trump has shunned that process more than any recent president, creating an ad hoc system in the White House run by Mr. Kushner and relying on input from an informal network of outside advisers, including Mr. Tolman. That system favors pardon seekers who have connections to Mr. Trump or his team, or who pay someone who does, said pardon lawyers who have worked for years through the Justice Department system.

Few regulations or disclosure requirements govern presidential clemency grants or lobbying for them, particularly by lawyers, and there is nothing illegal about Trump associates being paid to lobby for clemency. Any explicit offers of payment to the president in return could be investigated as possible violations of bribery laws; no evidence has emerged that Mr. Trump was offered money in exchange for a pardon.

Some who used resources or connections to try to get to Mr. Trump say clemency should be granted to more people, independent of their clout.

“The criminal justice system is badly broken, badly flawed,” said the former senator, Tim Hutchinson, a Republican who served in Congress from 1993 to 2003. He has paid Mr. Tolman at least $10,000 since late last year to lobby the White House and Congress for a pardon for his son Jeremy Hutchinson, a former Arkansas state lawmaker who pleaded guilty in 2019 to accepting bribes and tax fraud, according to a lobbying disclosure filed this month.

Mr. Hutchinson said the $10,000 was only for lobbying and acknowledged Mr. Tolman may have performed legal services not reflected in the disclosure. While Mr. Hutchinson said he was happy with Mr. Tolman, he added, “There is a lot of people deserving of mercy, and I hope the president has a wide net in his approach to pardons and clemency.”

Mr. Tolman, who did not respond to requests for comment, is a former United States attorney in Utah appointed by President George W. Bush. He was a leading supporter of legislation overhauling sentencing laws championed by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner and was invited to the White House signing ceremony in December 2018. Since then, Mr. Tolman has emerged as a prominent advocate for clemency requests, with his firm’s website highlighting a White House statement crediting him with helping secure pardons or commutations for three people, including Mr. Kushner’s father, a wealthy real estate developer who was convicted of tax evasion, witness tampering and campaign finance violations.

The White House has also credited Mr. Tolman with helping less well-connected offenders win clemency. There are no public records indicating Mr. Tolman was paid for those efforts, and Mr. Tolman wrote on Twitter on Friday that he has “represented many to get clemency. Some have been paying clients, many have been pro bono. I’m proud of my team’s clemency work.”

He filed paperwork this month indicating he was paid $20,000 in the last three months of last year to seek a commutation for Dina Wein Reis, who pleaded guilty in 2011 to conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Ms. Reis, who was released from prison in 2014, did not respond to requests for comment.

A filing this month revealed that Mr. Tolman was paid $22,500 by an Arizona man named Brian Anderson who had retained him in September to seek clemency for Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road founder. Mr. Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison in 2015 for engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise and distributing narcotics on the internet.

One of the lobbyists closest to Mr. Trump and his administration, Matt Schlapp, who was tapped by Mr. Trump last month to sit on the trust fund board for the Library of Congress, has been lobbying for weeks for a pardon for Parker Petit, a major Republican donor known as Pete who was the Georgia finance chairman of Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign and was convicted of securities fraud in November.

Another lobbyist who has advertised his connections to Mr. Trump, Mark D. Cowan, was part of a team hired after the election to seek clemency for Nickie Lum Davis, who pleaded guilty in August for her role in a covert campaign to influence the Trump administration on behalf of Chinese and Malaysian interests.

Weeks after stepping down as the president’s lawyer in 2018, Mr. Dowd began marketing himself as a potential conduit for pardons. Mr. Dowd told prospective clients he could help them receive pardons because of his access to Mr. Trump and top aides like Mr. Kushner.

Mr. Dowd, who as the president’s lawyer had dangled a pardon to stop Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser from cooperating with investigators, had continued to informally advise Mr. Trump. He told would-be clients and their representatives that the president was likely to look favorably on petitioners who were investigated by federal prosecutors in Manhattan or tarnished by perceived leaks from the F.B.I. At the time, Mr. Trump was seeking to undermine those groups because they were investigating his conduct.

After leaving the Trump legal team, Mr. Dowd began representing William T. Walters, a wealthy sports gambler in Las Vegas convicted of insider trading. Around that time, Mr. Dowd told Mr. Walters and others that he would soon obtain a pardon for his client using his access to the White House and because Mr. Walters had been investigated by prosecutors in Manhattan and the F.B.I..

Mr. Walters paid Mr. Dowd tens of thousands of dollars, but a pardon has yet to materialize.

Mr. Dowd denied that he had boasted to anyone about his ability to obtain pardons and declined to answer questions.

The former Trump campaign adviser, Karen Giorno, also had access to people around the president, having run Mr. Trump’s campaign in Florida during the 2016 primary and remaining on board during the general election

She met in 2018 with Mr. Kiriakou, who pleaded guilty in 2012 to illegally disclosing the name of a C.I.A. officer involved in the waterboarding of an American detainee. Though the name was never publicly disclosed, Mr. Kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison. In the meeting, at the Washington office of his lawyer, Mr. Kiriakou said he had been wronged by the government and was seeking a pardon so he could carry a handgun and receive his pension.

Ms. Giorno was accompanied by Mr. Trump’s former director of advance, George Gigicos. Both said they had direct lines to the president, Mr. Kiriakou said.

“I wanted to believe them,” he said.

Ms. Giorno disputed this account, saying neither she nor Mr. Gigicos bragged about their presidential access. She said Mr. Gigicos was not involved in her effort, which she said was motivated by a feeling that “it was unfair what happened” to Mr. Kiriakou.

In July 2018, Ms. Giorno signed an agreement with Mr. Kiriakou, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, “to seek a full pardon from President Donald Trump of his conviction” for $50,000 and promised another $50,000 as a bonus if she secured a pardon.

Ms. Giorno said she never spoke to Mr. Trump directly about Mr. Kiriakou, and did not lobby anyone in his administration for a pardon. Rather, she said that in meetings with senior administration officials, she tried “to connect the dots” between the people and techniques involved in Mr. Kiriakou’s prosecution and those involved in the special counsel investigation then dogging Mr. Trump’s presidency.

Mr. Kiriakou said he also broached his quest for a pardon during a meeting last year with Mr. Giuliani and his associates on another subject at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, which involved substantial alcohol.

When Mr. Giuliani went to the bathroom at one point, one of his confidants turned to Mr. Kiriakou and suggested Mr. Giuliani could help. But “it’s going to cost $2 million — he’s going to want two million bucks,” Mr. Kiriakou recalled the associate saying.

“I laughed. Two million bucks — are you out of your mind?” Mr. Kiriakou said. “Even if I had two million bucks, I wouldn’t spend it to recover a $700,000 pension.”

Mr. Kiriakou said he did not pursue the arrangement, but he shared the anecdote at a party last fall. A friend, a Transportation Security Administration whistle-blower and former air marshal named Robert J. MacLean, became alarmed and feared Mr. Giuliani might be selling pardons.

Without telling Mr. Kiriakou, Mr. MacLean filed a report with the F.B.I. “I felt duty-bound to report it,” Mr. MacLean said. Neither he nor Mr. Kiriakou heard from the authorities.

Mr. Giuliani rejected the portrayal of events, saying that he did not remember meeting with Mr. Kiriakou and that none of his associates would offer his services as a pardon broker because he had made clear that he did not work on clemency cases as a result of his representation of Mr. Trump.

“It’s like a conflict of interest,” Mr. Giuliani said. He said he had heard that large fees were being offered, “but I have enough money. I’m not starving
The Swamp.

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by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Clay is the second greatest character (to Omar)!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

dump the tRUMP:

It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
Best part, Roberts saying he tried to give the president the benefit of the doubt about misunderstanding basically everything about how government works and Will quickly retorts “big mistake”.

I used to keep score of minor league games in a book as a kid.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
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Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

“I wish you would!”
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

Trump Ignites a War Within the Church
After a week of Trumpist mayhem, white evangelicals wrestle with what they’ve become.

By David Brooks
Opinion Columnist
Jan. 14, 2021
“Over the last 72 hours, I have received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. I have been labeled a coward, sellout, a traitor to the Holy Spirit, and cussed out at least 500 times.”

This is the beginning of a Facebook post from Sunday by the conservative preacher Jeremiah Johnson. On Jan. 7, the day after the storming of the Capitol, Johnson had issued a public apology, asserting that God removed Donald Trump from office because of his pride and arrogance, and to humble those, like Johnson, who had fervently supported him.

The response was swift and vicious. As he put it in that later Facebook post, “I have been flabbergasted at the barrage of continued conspiracy theories being sent every minute our way and the pure hatred being unleashed. To my great heartache, I’m convinced parts of the prophetic/charismatic movement are far SICKER than I could have ever dreamed of.”

This is what is happening inside evangelical Christianity and within conservatism right now. As a conservative Christian friend of mine put it, there is strife within every family, within every congregation, and it may take generations to recover.

On the one hand, there are those who are doubling down on their Trump fanaticism and their delusion that a Biden presidency will destroy America.

“I rebuke the news in the name of Jesus. We ask that this false garbage come to an end,” the conservative pastor Tim Remington preached from the pulpit in Idaho on Sunday. “It’s the lies, communism, socialism.”
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Re: Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

Peter Baker @peterbakernyt
As a candidate, Trump said he could eliminate the entire national debt as president. Instead, it rose nearly $7.8 trillion on his watch, the third biggest increase relative to the size of the economy of any administration. ... increasee/
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

RT @cnnbrk: President Trump plans to issue about 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, his final full day in office, sources say
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Matnum PI wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:12 pm RT @cnnbrk: President Trump plans to issue about 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, his final full day in office, sources say
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

IMPOTUS o d daily schedule:

"President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings."

And this is the best of the r party!
by cradleandshoot » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:57 am
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
4 seats away and you didn't get his autograph?? Shame on you. :D You must be a glutton for punishment with all the years Peter Angelos destroyed that baseball team. When our Rochester Red Wings were still their farm team Angelos took a beating from every sports writer in our town about his mis-management. I guess since it is his team he can run it however he wants.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

The better minor league rivalry was the Binghamton Whalers and then Rangers vs the Rochester Americans. I remember a good, career minor league forward we had from the bad Whaler years into early ranger years named Chris Chicocci (sp?) who tried to swing his stick baseball style and hit a American after the end of the third period. God bless minor league hockey!
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
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Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
4 seats away and you didn't get his autograph?? Shame on you. :D You must be a glutton for punishment with all the years Peter Angelos destroyed that baseball team. When our Rochester Red Wings were still their farm team Angelos took a beating from every sports writer in our town about his mis-management. I guess since it is his team he can run it however he wants.
Yeah, I still own 4 season tickets 11 rows back from third base dugout...and I'm not even a baseball lover...I grew up with the Orioles, my hero was Brooks Robinson, my little league position was 3rd base...I had the pleasure of shaking his hand and having a nice discussion with him about two-three years ago at a birthday party for a friend's dad. Didn't ask him for an autograph.

I continued to follow them into the Cal Ripken era, bought the season tickets when we came back to Balt and they came up from a friend, used them back then mostly for business (sell them now, but still holding...used to get double face value, would sell half the season and go to the rest or give longer get more than face value) is such a slow game you can actually have a conversation...Got to know Cal a bit as his son was in pre-school with my son, then later in middle and high school. also got to know Mike Bordick as his two boys played soccer with my son when they were tykers. Good guys, we scrupulously treated them as dads not celebrities.

Yes, I track the slide of the O's to the Albert Belle signing and to the Brady Andersen massive bonus after the steroid home run season. Lost the 'Oriole Way'. son was in elementary school (round about 2000ish) and his geography teacher was trying to liven up the class... on a verbal quiz he asked the boys to name 5 Major League teams and their son named four and was struggling to come up with a 5th...the teacher then asked him why he didn't mention the son disgustedly said, 'they don't belong in the Major Leagues'...he was actually a fan, just disgusted with the way they were playing...
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Wasn’t it really the Glenn Davis trade the ruined things? That and Ben McDonald and some of those pitching prospects not materializing (McDonald was OL, but never what folks thought he’d be). I mean they could’ve kept Pete Harnisch, Curt Schilling and Steve Finley. ... utType=amp
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:44 am Wasn’t it really the Glenn Davis trade the ruined things? That and Ben McDonald and some of those pitching prospects not materializing (McDonald was OL, but never what folks thought he’d be). I mean they could’ve kept Pete Harnisch, Curt Schilling and Steve Finley. ... utType=amp
Very fair point...that was indeed a brutally bad trade, disastrous. I'll confess that I wasn't focused on the O's in the late '80's and early 90's...I was semi-suffering with the Red Sox near miss at the time, we were in Boston for a decade during and after b-school...we moved to Baltimore in 1993, had a baby, bought a business...busy year...began to tune in again as my son was coming up.

The Belle move blew my mind, but you're correct, the Davis one was earlier.

I'll also confess that I'm a lukewarm baseball fan, heck pro anything fan, really only tune in when my son is around or my nephew and we can talk about the players, teams, etc as both pay more attention to pro sports than I do.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
4 seats away and you didn't get his autograph?? Shame on you. :D You must be a glutton for punishment with all the years Peter Angelos destroyed that baseball team. When our Rochester Red Wings were still their farm team Angelos took a beating from every sports writer in our town about his mis-management. I guess since it is his team he can run it however he wants.
Yeah, I still own 4 season tickets 11 rows back from third base dugout...and I'm not even a baseball lover...I grew up with the Orioles, my hero was Brooks Robinson, my little league position was 3rd base...I had the pleasure of shaking his hand and having a nice discussion with him about two-three years ago at a birthday party for a friend's dad. Didn't ask him for an autograph.

I continued to follow them into the Cal Ripken era, bought the season tickets when we came back to Balt and they came up from a friend, used them back then mostly for business (sell them now, but still holding...used to get double face value, would sell half the season and go to the rest or give longer get more than face value) is such a slow game you can actually have a conversation...Got to know Cal a bit as his son was in pre-school with my son, then later in middle and high school. also got to know Mike Bordick as his two boys played soccer with my son when they were tykers. Good guys, we scrupulously treated them as dads not celebrities.

Yes, I track the slide of the O's to the Albert Belle signing and to the Brady Andersen massive bonus after the steroid home run season. Lost the 'Oriole Way'. son was in elementary school (round about 2000ish) and his geography teacher was trying to liven up the class... on a verbal quiz he asked the boys to name 5 Major League teams and their son named four and was struggling to come up with a 5th...the teacher then asked him why he didn't mention the son disgustedly said, 'they don't belong in the Major Leagues'...he was actually a fan, just disgusted with the way they were playing...
My 2 favorite Orioles were Bobby Grich and Cal. I am not a big baseball guy anymore. i played the game for years, wish i knew about lacrosse back then. Baseball just became too slow and boring for me. Every batter after every pitch spends 30 seconds readjusting themselves to get ready for the next pitch. I spent most of the time when my kids were growing up with them teaching how to throw a lacrosse ball. I thought I would be teaching them all about catching a hardball. If you were a die hard Orioles fan back in the early 70s you may remember a pitcher named Fred Beene. He played for the Orioles for awhile. My wife use to babysit for his kids when he was in Rochester. He gave her a baseball signed by a bunch of players on the team in I think 1970. I use to love the Orioles. What an example Earl Weaver use to teach as an example for good sportsmanship. ;)
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:18 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:36 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:21 am Pretty good podcast w George Will in the Republican Party and Trump. Hosted by a guy (I love) Russ Robert and his show EconTalk ... 0449958658
George Will has been a steadfast conservative thinker and commentator for decades. I'll listen later today.

And an Orioles fan...once sat 4 seats away from him, he scoring the game on his lap.
4 seats away and you didn't get his autograph?? Shame on you. :D You must be a glutton for punishment with all the years Peter Angelos destroyed that baseball team. When our Rochester Red Wings were still their farm team Angelos took a beating from every sports writer in our town about his mis-management. I guess since it is his team he can run it however he wants.
Yeah, I still own 4 season tickets 11 rows back from third base dugout...and I'm not even a baseball lover...I grew up with the Orioles, my hero was Brooks Robinson, my little league position was 3rd base...I had the pleasure of shaking his hand and having a nice discussion with him about two-three years ago at a birthday party for a friend's dad. Didn't ask him for an autograph.

I continued to follow them into the Cal Ripken era, bought the season tickets when we came back to Balt and they came up from a friend, used them back then mostly for business (sell them now, but still holding...used to get double face value, would sell half the season and go to the rest or give longer get more than face value) is such a slow game you can actually have a conversation...Got to know Cal a bit as his son was in pre-school with my son, then later in middle and high school. also got to know Mike Bordick as his two boys played soccer with my son when they were tykers. Good guys, we scrupulously treated them as dads not celebrities.

Yes, I track the slide of the O's to the Albert Belle signing and to the Brady Andersen massive bonus after the steroid home run season. Lost the 'Oriole Way'. son was in elementary school (round about 2000ish) and his geography teacher was trying to liven up the class... on a verbal quiz he asked the boys to name 5 Major League teams and their son named four and was struggling to come up with a 5th...the teacher then asked him why he didn't mention the son disgustedly said, 'they don't belong in the Major Leagues'...he was actually a fan, just disgusted with the way they were playing...
My 2 favorite Orioles were Bobby Grich and Cal. I am not a big baseball guy anymore. i played the game for years, wish i knew about lacrosse back then. Baseball just became too slow and boring for me. Every batter after every pitch spends 30 seconds readjusting themselves to get ready for the next pitch. I spent most of the time when my kids were growing up with them teaching how to throw a lacrosse ball. I thought I would be teaching them all about catching a hardball. If you were a die hard Orioles fan back in the early 70s you may remember a pitcher named Fred Beene. He played for the Orioles for awhile. My wife use to babysit for his kids when he was in Rochester. He gave her a baseball signed by a bunch of players on the team in I think 1970. I use to love the Orioles. What an example Earl Weaver use to teach as an example for good sportsmanship. ;)
:D Yes, Earl definitely knew how to kick dust...

I coached my son's teams simultaneously in baseball and lax...what a relief when as a 10 year old he told me he wanted to focus on lacrosse in the spring...that happened about two years into kid pitch rather than coach pitch...either the big kid would rip the ball past everyone or the next pitcher was lucky to hit the dragged on and on with no hits, no action on the field, kids picking daisies; he played first base or catcher or pitcher simply because there was something to do (the A travel experience was better, but still slow) son was also ticked off with pitches called strikes thrown above his head...he said, 'at least in lacrosse there's always something to do'...a lot easier on me!
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