2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by smoova »

a fan wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:33 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:55 pm ...or let lawyers & Judges decide.
This is the part where you are just out to lunch. Who do you think is going supposed to rule on contested elections? Some guy named Steve?

Pretty sure that millions of Americans were unhappy that the R-appointed SCOTUS ruled for Bush. But guess what? Them's the breaks. You seem to think that there is some magic place where we take our legal concerns to, outside of the Judicial Branch. I'm at a total loss as to where it is you think these matters "should" be settled.
Duh .. trial by combat.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by njbill »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:15 pm It has not yet been adjudicated whether or not all those rules were constitutional -- e.g. SCOTUS wouldn't hear the PA case (which Hawley was arguing again, in his 5 min protest) despite Alito's interest in it.
Hawley was being disingenuous. Yes, the Pa. Supreme Court did not rule on the case involving whether the Pa. legislation (enacted in 2019) allowing mail in voting was constitutional under the Pa. Constitution.

Why was that? Because T**** did not bring a case in Pa. state court. Instead, T**** judge shopped (successfully) and brought the case in federal court. The federal judge, who had been appointed by T****, dismissed the case, issuing a blow-it-out-your-ass opinion. The case was frivolous. Of course mail in voting is constitutional.

T**** then appealed to the Third Circuit, which affirmed with another rather scathing opinion. T**** failed to apply to the U.S. Supreme Court for cert, so the case went no further. Actually, the 90 days to apply for cert hasn't run out so T**** could still appeal. He has failed to do so.

Hawley is a weasel. His comments on the floor of the Senate were darn close to a lie. When you take an oath (yes, he wasn't under oath), you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Hawley failed to tell the whole truth.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:42 pm You want this all wrapped up with a bow, so we can move on.
No. I want fully-grown American adults like you to come up with arguments that make some semblance of sense. You can't come on here and tell us that only one part of a Georgia ballot with 20+ elections are fraudulent. This is flat Earth level stupidity. Stop it.

And as I have said multiple times----the only thing that will stop these fake complaints of yours is Republican wins. You're doing the bidding of your Republican leaders, and you are way the F too smart to fall for it. They're complaining about elections because it keeps you in the base. I've seen your economic ideas, Old Salt. Your ideas are FAR better served in the Dem party. But you stick with the R's because of nonsense like fake election complaints.

I told you after the 2016 election that your team wouldn't life a single finger to "fix" the fake complaints about Voter ID. And what happened? That's right-----not one single Republican run State (there were 22 of them at the time) made it mandatory to vote with a valid State ID in hand. What's your excuse for this inaction? Were they busy? Did they forget? :roll:

And after the 2020 election? There are 22 States run by your party. And as it was in 2016, not a single one of these States are going to "fix" the elections to eliminate these complaints. At what point do you wake up and realize that these aren't real election complaints, OS? You're being played, and you're smarter than this. I mean, come on: "whoops", the Republican-run Georgia "forgot" to make their elections sound over the last four years?

Wake up.
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:42 pm Not gonna happen. Both parties are going to try to game the system to their advantage before the next election. The issue is not going away, as much as you'd like it to.
? YOU are the one who's been insisting that the Republicans are going to audit and "fix" elections, not me.

I'm the one who has been telling you---for years now----that Republicans aren't going to do diddly to "fix" elections because, A. there's nothing to fix, and B. these claims keep voters like you in line, and in their pocket. Nice job falling for it.....
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

njbill wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:53 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:15 pm It has not yet been adjudicated whether or not all those rules were constitutional -- e.g. SCOTUS wouldn't hear the PA case (which Hawley was arguing again, in his 5 min protest) despite Alito's interest in it.
Hawley was being disingenuous. Yes, the Pa. Supreme Court did not rule on the case involving whether the Pa. legislation (enacted in 2019) allowing mail in voting was constitutional under the Pa. Constitution.

Why was that? Because T**** did not bring a case in Pa. state court. Instead, T**** judge shopped (successfully) and brought the case in federal court. The federal judge, who had been appointed by T****, dismissed the case, issuing a blow-it-out-your-ass opinion. The case was frivolous. Of course mail in voting is constitutional.

T**** then appealed to the Third Circuit, which affirmed with another rather scathing opinion. T**** failed to apply to the U.S. Supreme Court for cert, so the case went no further. Actually, the 90 days to apply for cert hasn't run out so T**** could still appeal. He has failed to do so.

Hawley is a weasel. His comments on the floor of the Senate were darn close to a lie. When you take an oath (yes, he wasn't under oath), you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Hawley failed to tell the whole truth.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by njbill »

I do get a kick out of the fact that the T**** anarchists think they can avoid being caught by shaving their facial hair.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by jhu72 »

The individual carrying the zip ties has been identified. A retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rendall Brock, Jr. has been terminated from his job following a report in the New Yorker that identified him.

"Family members and a friend told the magazine the Air Force Academy graduate and combat veteran had grown more radical in recent years. At least two researchers told the New Yorker that they had identified Brock through facial recognition technology. The researchers did not immediately respond to requests for comment." Brock has admitted that it was him in the videos / photos.

PS: More info on the AF Colonel who participated in the riot.
Last edited by jhu72 on Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by ardilla secreta »

jhu72 wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:00 pm The individual carrying the zip ties has been identified. A retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rendall Brock, Jr. has been terminated from his job following a report in the New Yorker that identified him.

"Family members and a friend told the magazine the Air Force Academy graduate and combat veteran had grown more radical in recent years. At least two researchers told the New Yorker that they had identified Brock through facial recognition technology. The researchers did not immediately respond to requests for comment." Brock has admitted that it was him in the videos / photos.
What a hoot. He claims he found the zip ties on the floor. 😂
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:15 pm
ggait wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:20 am Hawley, on Nov 6, well before he said he was going to object to PA.

Salty -- Take a look at the screenshot and chyron you posted. There it is -- staring you right in the face. The Big Lie. And you can't even see it yourself.

Hawley was making those comments just as the election was being called for Biden on 11/6 and 11/7. And at that moment, the chyron proves my point -- The Big Lie -- Trump won with "legal votes." And Hawley throws out a bunch of FUD about transparency and polls watchers -- all unsubstantiated and all false. Hawley and Cruz and Crenshaw keep talking for two forking months about audits and fraud and election integrity (all bull shirt) while Trump claims every day that he won in a landslide. They all tell The Big Lie over and over and over again. Because (as Joe G. instructs) if the lie is big enough and repeated enough -- people will believe it.

So those dudes (while not quite the POS that Trump is) aid and abet by supporting The Big Lie. They blather on and on about BS claims and concerns about "election integrity" and certainly not ever telling the truth even once. Which is that from the outset it is clear that Trump lost fair and square, and it wasn't even particularly close. Period.

So they are all responsible. Sure Crenshaw calls BS on Hawley and Cruz's craven and dangerous stunt on Wednesday. But show me when and where he first said Trump lost fair and square. I bet he hasn't said it yet -- even after the Capital has become a murder investigation site. Maybe Cruz and Hawley didn't light the match. But seeing that a huge pile firewood and kindling had been assembled, they had no qualms about sloshing around with some cans of gasoline. It is all fun and games for Cruz and Hawley -- until someone loses an eye. Or their life.

I know you know your history. So I know you know what the original playbook for The Big Lie strategy is. Of course you do -- it's Mein Kampf. So I am quite justified in calling all these guys American Nazis. Anyone who plays along with The Big Lie is too.

So tell us, Salty, did Biden win the election unequivocably fair and square? Was there ever even a whiff of fraud systematic/wide enough that would have ever changed the outcome? Please paste in a date stamped post of yours from early November where you said that. Apologies in advanced if I missed that from you.

Or, like Crenshaw, are you going to pee on our legs again with some FUD BS about poll watchers and junk mail voting?
So now your'e putting the words from FNC's chyron in Hawley's mouth. How 'bout we stick with his actual words.

Maybe, like most of their voters, Hawley & Crenshaw don't believe that Biden won "fair & square" because they think this election was "rigged", by the last minute rule changes & things like multiple unsolicited ballots, non-secure drop boxes with no chain of custody, ballot harvesting, inadequate or non-existing signature matching, & inaccessible or intimidated poll watchers.

Yes. I think Biden won the election, under the rules in effect. It has not yet been adjudicated whether or not all those rules were constitutional -- e.g. SCOTUS wouldn't hear the PA case (which Hawley was arguing again, in his 5 min protest) despite Alito's interest in it. Those sort of cases were declined or deferred due to expediency or the expectation that they would not change the outcome. It's up to the state legislature's, not the courts, to decided if those rule changes carry an acceptable risk in future, non-pandemic,elections.

We don't yet now the extent of fraud or irregularities. It has not been adequately examined in the hasty court cases presented. It is now for each state to examine, based on this election. I doubt that it would have changed the outcome, under these rules, so I accept Biden's victory. Trump's conduct (since Kelly departed) makes it easier for me to accept that outcome

Hawley, Crenshaw & Langford were not repeating Trump's big lie. They were accurately voicing the concerns of their voters, some influenced by Trump's big lie, & many based on their own observations. Crenshaw called out his colleagues who he felt were propagating the Big Lie , but he specifically excluded Hawley & Cruz, even though he disagreed with them making objections.
Nope, the in red portion would mean that they're enormous idiots...and they aren't, they are self-serving weasels willing to say anything to gain a little power.

And you're full of it with the "it hasn't been adjudicated as constitutional". What a pile.

These guys, and you, just keep repeating the Big Lie. Mealy mouthed 'acceptance' ain't the same as full-throated rejection of the Lie and all its precepts.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

ardilla secreta wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:29 pm
jhu72 wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:00 pm The individual carrying the zip ties has been identified. A retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rendall Brock, Jr. has been terminated from his job following a report in the New Yorker that identified him.

"Family members and a friend told the magazine the Air Force Academy graduate and combat veteran had grown more radical in recent years. At least two researchers told the New Yorker that they had identified Brock through facial recognition technology. The researchers did not immediately respond to requests for comment." Brock has admitted that it was him in the videos / photos.
What a hoot. He claims he found the zip ties on the floor. 😂

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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by ggait »

Hawley, Crenshaw & Langford were not repeating Trump's big lie. They were accurately voicing the concerns of their voters, some influenced by Trump's big lie, & many based on their own observations.
You miss the point, Neville Chamberlain.

The Big Lie has to be refuted 100%. If you do otherwise, you are complicit.

Trump says I won in a landslide and the election was stolen. Constantly. All day long, every day, for two solid months. And Trump is amplified by Rudy, Crazy Sidney and the FNC pundits.

Only Romney responded appropriately and immediately -- Big Lie is false; Trump lost; congratulations president-elect Biden.

Given how outrageous The Big Lie is, EVERY other response is unacceptable. Blah blah election integrity; blah blah poll watchers; blah blah millions of voters concerned; blah blah mail in voting; blah blah drop boxes, blah blah Dominion, blah blah people are saying.... The only things the blah blah does is confirm The Big Lie. By lining up with bits and pieces and also by not contradicting it. That's what Cruz, Hawley, McConnell, McCarthy have been doing. I can't tell if you actually believe The Big Lie or just want to support it for partisan reasons.

When the Reichstag is burning, you can't play footsie by saying "well you know they could have built that building to be more fireproof. We really need to investigate the architect."

Romney (in any normal world) wouldn't be heroic. Since he was merely saying the duh obvious -- Biden won, sky is blue, water is wet. Shocking and damning that no one else could counter The Big Lie for weeks and weeks.

That's why Hawley and Cruz have bloody hands. And are, at best, Nazi enablers and/or sympathizers. They are fundamentally OK with The Big Lie being told. Since they think they can benefit from it.

So they are in a COMPLETELY different position from Boxer -- Kerry had conceded the election months before. Apples and snow tires.
Last edited by ggait on Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Kismet »

ggait wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:41 pm
Hawley, Crenshaw & Langford were not repeating Trump's big lie. They were accurately voicing the concerns of their voters, some influenced by Trump's big lie, & many based on their own observations.
You miss the point, Neville Chamberlain.

The Big Lie has to be refuted 100%. If you do otherwise, you are complicit.

Trump says I won in a landslide and the election was stolen. Constantly. All day long, every day, for two solid months. And Trump is amplified by Rudy, Crazy Sidney and the FNC pundits.

Only Romney responded appropriately and immediately -- Big Lie is false; Trump lost; congratulations president-elect Biden.

Given how outrageous The Big Lie is, EVERY other response is unacceptable. Blah blah election integrity; blah blah poll watchers; blah blah millions of voters concerned; blah blah mail in voting; blah blah drop boxes, blah blah Dominion.... The only things the blah blah does is confirm The Big Lie. By lining up with bits and pieces and also by not contradicting it. That's what Cruz, Hawley, McConnell, McCarthy have been doing. I can't tell if you actually believe The Big Lie or just want to support it for partisan reasons.

When the Reichstag is burning, you can't play footsie by saying "well you know they could have built that building to be more fireproof. We really need to investigate the architect."

Romney (in any normal world) wouldn't be heroic. Since he was merely saying the duh obvious -- Biden won, sky is blue, water is wet. Shocking and damning that no one else could counter The Big Lie for weeks and weeks.

That's why Hawley and Cruz have bloody hands. They are fundamentally OK with The Big Lie being told. Since they think they can benefit from it.

So they are in a COMPLETELY different position from Boxer -- Kerry had conceded the election months before. Apples and snow tires.
Salty is delusional. Happy to pull everyone's chains here with infinite BS and enjoy it. A thermonuclear weasel like his MO pal Hawley. The fact that he can complain about fraud on only the Presdential ballot and not all of the others should tell you all you need to know.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Farfromgeneva »

CU77 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:39 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:30 pm What were his [Hawley's] actions ? His words matter.
Yes they do.

His words/actions were seditious attempts to disenfranchise the voters of Arizona and Pennsylvania, in alliance with the attempted coup by the losing POTUS candidate and his terrorist mob.
They don’t to someone who abuses the English language like Joe Jackson on steroids to make specious and ridiculous comments that would only pass muster with little yellow bus children. Because he’s so diluted them in his own use it’s actually consistent that he wouldn’t believe words have any value.

Ironically it’s words (the pen) that actually took over from the warriors during the first millenia to take control of societies. The day of the warriors has long since past. Some folks just don’t get it or know it. (Not that I’m psyched by clerics holding power or anyone even “reasoned scientists” who have absolute faith and reject the fact that there’s a limit to reason, but it’s how things have shifted for 2,000yrs now)
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Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by kramerica.inc »

An interesting read. We’re seeing it her at fanlax too.
Left pounce me to spin the events in DC.
Be wary of where you send your kid to school.

https://www.thecollegefix.com/academics ... narrative/
Academics, teachers pounce on the Capitol chaos narrative
JANUARY 9, 2021
SHARE THIS ARTICLE: The College Fix on Facebook The College Fix on Twitter The College Fix on Reddit The College Fix on Parler Share on Email

A nigh-perfect example of why so many believe America’s public schools are filled with progressive ideologues is featured in this Education Week report about Wednesday’s U.S. Capitol mob riot.

Ed Week is little different from other mainstream media; certain terminology and narratives often are utilized despite ridiculous hypocrisy.

And that’s the issue with what happened in Washington, DC: The vast majority of right-leaning folks and Trump supporters do not support what transpired at the Capitol. They do have an issue with the media treating the incident like the apocalypse while every possible excuse was utilized in commentary about last summer’s Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests.

The Ed Week piece begins with the title and first paragraph: “Insurgency at the U.S. Capitol: A Dreaded, Real-Life Lesson Facing Teachers,” with authors Madeline Will and Stephen Sawchuk referring to the protesters as “a violent, far-right mob.” But “insurgency” implies (and even denotes) folks being armed, and so far there is no indication any the Capitol protesters were.

(Keep in mind: When demonstrators are progressive, their actions are “mostly peaceful” with just a smattering of troublemakers.)

To help bolster their case, the authors note — devoid of context — that “a woman was shot inside the Capitol and later died.” According to reports, the woman was a Trump supporter and an unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran. She was shot by a police officer.

Need it be mentioned how progressives feel about law enforcement shooting unarmed people/protesters? (A police officer did succumb to an injury sustained during the Capitol riot after the Ed Week article was published.)

Will and Sawchuk then move on to the inevitable race component, because everything is somehow so linked these days: “Among the difficult subtexts [for teachers]: the unsubtle implication of scenes of a violent, mostly white crowd rampaging through the Capitol practically unchecked, compared with often forceful put downs of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests.”

Academics and several of the Ed Week authors’ subjects back this up, citing “white privilege” and hyperbole like “coup” and “armed occupation.” Social studies teacher Adam Dyche used the latter definitively but wasn’t quite “sure yet” about the former. (A social studies educator thinks a coup can occur with no weapons in hand and no military behind in your corner?)

The president of the Common App jumped in on this theme with an email to students claiming that “violent white supremacist insurrectionists” were responsible for the Capitol mob, and alleging that “the stark differences between how peaceful Black and brown protesters have been treated for years relative to Wednesday’s coup” once again show how America suffers from systemic racism.

In my home state of Delaware, the president of the Delaware State Education Association, (the state NEA affiliate) referred to Wednesday’s events as “seditious acts” and implored the state’s teachers to “come together and move forward” with the Biden administration.

But are these racial complaints accurate? Examples like this — where police allowed BLM/Antifa to illegally occupy a house stocked with firearms for months without consequence, and how a separate “country,” or “a homeland for racial justice” as The New York Times called it, was established in the middle of Seattle for a few weeks — are but two contradictions of the narrative.

Not to mention, consider the cost of last summer’s BLM/Antifa protests and riots, in both property and lives.

The first commenter to the Ed Week piece gives a glimmer of hope that there are still clear-thinking teachers out there: “How are we leading our kids to be independent thinkers when we push them in such an obvious viewpoint. I am disappointed and embarrassed that there is such little integrity in these pieces.”

Indeed. Let me assist those like Mr. Dyche with their seeming difficulties in planning and presenting “controversial” lessons in a balanced manner:

— First, note that violence against people and people’s property is not the answer when protesting a political issue, whether it’s Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street or Trump supporters angry about election irregularities.

— Do an in-depth examination of the complaints of Black Lives Matter and those of Trump supporters upset about the election. Compare/contrast their reactions and how the media covered both. Include statistical analyses. Compare and contrast how Democrat and Republican politicians responded and reacted to both.

— Play devil’s advocate from both sides in response to student queries. For example, note specific statistics about police shootings and bring up how courts treated objections to Trump camp complaints about election fraud. Compare and contrast how the media utilized both.

Unfortunately, with today’s ed schools churning out more social justice advocates than actual educators, balanced lessons will be fewer and further between. Conservative/Republican parents need to continue their vigilance about what is being taught to their children, and they need to confront teachers and administrators when the narrative follows that of Education Week.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

kramerica.inc wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:04 pm An interesting read. We’re seeing it her at fanlax too.
Left pounce me to spin the events in DC.
Be wary of where you send your kid to school.

https://www.thecollegefix.com/academics ... narrative/
Academics, teachers pounce on the Capitol chaos narrative
JANUARY 9, 2021
SHARE THIS ARTICLE: The College Fix on Facebook The College Fix on Twitter The College Fix on Reddit The College Fix on Parler Share on Email

A nigh-perfect example of why so many believe America’s public schools are filled with progressive ideologues is featured in this Education Week report about Wednesday’s U.S. Capitol mob riot.

Ed Week is little different from other mainstream media; certain terminology and narratives often are utilized despite ridiculous hypocrisy.

And that’s the issue with what happened in Washington, DC: The vast majority of right-leaning folks and Trump supporters do not support what transpired at the Capitol. They do have an issue with the media treating the incident like the apocalypse while every possible excuse was utilized in commentary about last summer’s Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests.

The Ed Week piece begins with the title and first paragraph: “Insurgency at the U.S. Capitol: A Dreaded, Real-Life Lesson Facing Teachers,” with authors Madeline Will and Stephen Sawchuk referring to the protesters as “a violent, far-right mob.” But “insurgency” implies (and even denotes) folks being armed, and so far there is no indication any the Capitol protesters were.

(Keep in mind: When demonstrators are progressive, their actions are “mostly peaceful” with just a smattering of troublemakers.)

To help bolster their case, the authors note — devoid of context — that “a woman was shot inside the Capitol and later died.” According to reports, the woman was a Trump supporter and an unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran. She was shot by a police officer.

Need it be mentioned how progressives feel about law enforcement shooting unarmed people/protesters? (A police officer did succumb to an injury sustained during the Capitol riot after the Ed Week article was published.)

Will and Sawchuk then move on to the inevitable race component, because everything is somehow so linked these days: “Among the difficult subtexts [for teachers]: the unsubtle implication of scenes of a violent, mostly white crowd rampaging through the Capitol practically unchecked, compared with often forceful put downs of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests.”

Academics and several of the Ed Week authors’ subjects back this up, citing “white privilege” and hyperbole like “coup” and “armed occupation.” Social studies teacher Adam Dyche used the latter definitively but wasn’t quite “sure yet” about the former. (A social studies educator thinks a coup can occur with no weapons in hand and no military behind in your corner?)

The president of the Common App jumped in on this theme with an email to students claiming that “violent white supremacist insurrectionists” were responsible for the Capitol mob, and alleging that “the stark differences between how peaceful Black and brown protesters have been treated for years relative to Wednesday’s coup” once again show how America suffers from systemic racism.

In my home state of Delaware, the president of the Delaware State Education Association, (the state NEA affiliate) referred to Wednesday’s events as “seditious acts” and implored the state’s teachers to “come together and move forward” with the Biden administration.

But are these racial complaints accurate? Examples like this — where police allowed BLM/Antifa to illegally occupy a house stocked with firearms for months without consequence, and how a separate “country,” or “a homeland for racial justice” as The New York Times called it, was established in the middle of Seattle for a few weeks — are but two contradictions of the narrative.

Not to mention, consider the cost of last summer’s BLM/Antifa protests and riots, in both property and lives.

The first commenter to the Ed Week piece gives a glimmer of hope that there are still clear-thinking teachers out there: “How are we leading our kids to be independent thinkers when we push them in such an obvious viewpoint. I am disappointed and embarrassed that there is such little integrity in these pieces.”

Indeed. Let me assist those like Mr. Dyche with their seeming difficulties in planning and presenting “controversial” lessons in a balanced manner:

— First, note that violence against people and people’s property is not the answer when protesting a political issue, whether it’s Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street or Trump supporters angry about election irregularities.

— Do an in-depth examination of the complaints of Black Lives Matter and those of Trump supporters upset about the election. Compare/contrast their reactions and how the media covered both. Include statistical analyses. Compare and contrast how Democrat and Republican politicians responded and reacted to both.

— Play devil’s advocate from both sides in response to student queries. For example, note specific statistics about police shootings and bring up how courts treated objections to Trump camp complaints about election fraud. Compare and contrast how the media utilized both.

Unfortunately, with today’s ed schools churning out more social justice advocates than actual educators, balanced lessons will be fewer and further between. Conservative/Republican parents need to continue their vigilance about what is being taught to their children, and they need to confront teachers and administrators when the narrative follows that of Education Week.
Mine went to private school.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-hous ... yURL_share
Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:10 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:42 pm You want this all wrapped up with a bow, so we can move on.
No. I want fully-grown American adults like you to come up with arguments that make some semblance of sense. You can't come on here and tell us that only one part of a Georgia ballot with 20+ elections are fraudulent. This is flat Earth level stupidity. Stop it.

And as I have said multiple times----the only thing that will stop these fake complaints of yours is Republican wins. You're doing the bidding of your Republican leaders, and you are way the F too smart to fall for it. They're complaining about elections because it keeps you in the base. I've seen your economic ideas, Old Salt. Your ideas are FAR better served in the Dem party. But you stick with the R's because of nonsense like fake election complaints.

I told you after the 2016 election that your team wouldn't life a single finger to "fix" the fake complaints about Voter ID. And what happened? That's right-----not one single Republican run State (there were 22 of them at the time) made it mandatory to vote with a valid State ID in hand. What's your excuse for this inaction? Were they busy? Did they forget? :roll:

And after the 2020 election? There are 22 States run by your party. And as it was in 2016, not a single one of these States are going to "fix" the elections to eliminate these complaints. At what point do you wake up and realize that these aren't real election complaints, OS? You're being played, and you're smarter than this. I mean, come on: "whoops", the Republican-run Georgia "forgot" to make their elections sound over the last four years?

Wake up.
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:42 pm Not gonna happen. Both parties are going to try to game the system to their advantage before the next election. The issue is not going away, as much as you'd like it to.
? YOU are the one who's been insisting that the Republicans are going to audit and "fix" elections, not me.

I'm the one who has been telling you---for years now----that Republicans aren't going to do diddly to "fix" elections because, A. there's nothing to fix, and B. these claims keep voters like you in line, and in their pocket. Nice job falling for it.....
Excuse me. I posted Dan Crenhaw's video because I agree with what he said, especially the last minute of the clip. It is quite succinct.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:18 am
a fan wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:30 pm Just like Cruz, he thinks he can manage them. Hawley is playing the same game.
Yep. Been sayin' it for four years. Republicans in Congress, and conservatives Republican Voter thought that they could play these Trump games for four years, and simply walk away when Trump leaves.

Nope. Once you put on the tin foil? It's not coming off.

Any Forum Republicans want to discuss polling on the events at the Capitol, and how many of your fellow Republican think that the attack on the Capitol was sooper cool?
Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.

You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ? They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.

If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes, you'd understand why the support for his policies will endure for a more acceptable successor.
Only you get it and we all are out of touch. Got it. Go with god.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Joined: Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:01 pm

Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by kramerica.inc »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:11 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:04 pm An interesting read. We’re seeing it her at fanlax too.
Left pounce me to spin the events in DC.
Be wary of where you send your kid to school.

https://www.thecollegefix.com/academics ... narrative/
Academics, teachers pounce on the Capitol chaos narrative
JANUARY 9, 2021
SHARE THIS ARTICLE: The College Fix on Facebook The College Fix on Twitter The College Fix on Reddit The College Fix on Parler Share on Email

A nigh-perfect example of why so many believe America’s public schools are filled with progressive ideologues is featured in this Education Week report about Wednesday’s U.S. Capitol mob riot.

Ed Week is little different from other mainstream media; certain terminology and narratives often are utilized despite ridiculous hypocrisy.

And that’s the issue with what happened in Washington, DC: The vast majority of right-leaning folks and Trump supporters do not support what transpired at the Capitol. They do have an issue with the media treating the incident like the apocalypse while every possible excuse was utilized in commentary about last summer’s Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests.

The Ed Week piece begins with the title and first paragraph: “Insurgency at the U.S. Capitol: A Dreaded, Real-Life Lesson Facing Teachers,” with authors Madeline Will and Stephen Sawchuk referring to the protesters as “a violent, far-right mob.” But “insurgency” implies (and even denotes) folks being armed, and so far there is no indication any the Capitol protesters were.

(Keep in mind: When demonstrators are progressive, their actions are “mostly peaceful” with just a smattering of troublemakers.)

To help bolster their case, the authors note — devoid of context — that “a woman was shot inside the Capitol and later died.” According to reports, the woman was a Trump supporter and an unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran. She was shot by a police officer.

Need it be mentioned how progressives feel about law enforcement shooting unarmed people/protesters? (A police officer did succumb to an injury sustained during the Capitol riot after the Ed Week article was published.)

Will and Sawchuk then move on to the inevitable race component, because everything is somehow so linked these days: “Among the difficult subtexts [for teachers]: the unsubtle implication of scenes of a violent, mostly white crowd rampaging through the Capitol practically unchecked, compared with often forceful put downs of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests.”

Academics and several of the Ed Week authors’ subjects back this up, citing “white privilege” and hyperbole like “coup” and “armed occupation.” Social studies teacher Adam Dyche used the latter definitively but wasn’t quite “sure yet” about the former. (A social studies educator thinks a coup can occur with no weapons in hand and no military behind in your corner?)

The president of the Common App jumped in on this theme with an email to students claiming that “violent white supremacist insurrectionists” were responsible for the Capitol mob, and alleging that “the stark differences between how peaceful Black and brown protesters have been treated for years relative to Wednesday’s coup” once again show how America suffers from systemic racism.

In my home state of Delaware, the president of the Delaware State Education Association, (the state NEA affiliate) referred to Wednesday’s events as “seditious acts” and implored the state’s teachers to “come together and move forward” with the Biden administration.

But are these racial complaints accurate? Examples like this — where police allowed BLM/Antifa to illegally occupy a house stocked with firearms for months without consequence, and how a separate “country,” or “a homeland for racial justice” as The New York Times called it, was established in the middle of Seattle for a few weeks — are but two contradictions of the narrative.

Not to mention, consider the cost of last summer’s BLM/Antifa protests and riots, in both property and lives.

The first commenter to the Ed Week piece gives a glimmer of hope that there are still clear-thinking teachers out there: “How are we leading our kids to be independent thinkers when we push them in such an obvious viewpoint. I am disappointed and embarrassed that there is such little integrity in these pieces.”

Indeed. Let me assist those like Mr. Dyche with their seeming difficulties in planning and presenting “controversial” lessons in a balanced manner:

— First, note that violence against people and people’s property is not the answer when protesting a political issue, whether it’s Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street or Trump supporters angry about election irregularities.

— Do an in-depth examination of the complaints of Black Lives Matter and those of Trump supporters upset about the election. Compare/contrast their reactions and how the media covered both. Include statistical analyses. Compare and contrast how Democrat and Republican politicians responded and reacted to both.

— Play devil’s advocate from both sides in response to student queries. For example, note specific statistics about police shootings and bring up how courts treated objections to Trump camp complaints about election fraud. Compare and contrast how the media utilized both.

Unfortunately, with today’s ed schools churning out more social justice advocates than actual educators, balanced lessons will be fewer and further between. Conservative/Republican parents need to continue their vigilance about what is being taught to their children, and they need to confront teachers and administrators when the narrative follows that of Education Week.
Mine went to private school.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-hous ... yURL_share
More so - Be wary here they go to college.

Speaking of learning- Sunny day here in MD. Had a good workout with a handful of MIAA laxers today. Some from your family’s alma mater, I believe...
Posts: 23807
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:53 am

Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:00 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:18 am
a fan wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:30 pm Just like Cruz, he thinks he can manage them. Hawley is playing the same game.
Yep. Been sayin' it for four years. Republicans in Congress, and conservatives Republican Voter thought that they could play these Trump games for four years, and simply walk away when Trump leaves.

Nope. Once you put on the tin foil? It's not coming off.

Any Forum Republicans want to discuss polling on the events at the Capitol, and how many of your fellow Republican think that the attack on the Capitol was sooper cool?
Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.

You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ? They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.

If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes, you'd understand why the support for his policies will endure for a more acceptable successor.
He lost.
Declining in number by the quarter too. Simply by actuarial tables that number will drop by 10mm by the next election anayways
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Posts: 304
Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:06 am

Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Andersen »

An interesting read. We’re seeing it her at fanlax too.
Left pounce me to spin the events in DC.
Be wary of where you send your kid to school.

https://www.thecollegefix.com/academics ... narrative/
Academics, teachers pounce on the Capitol chaos narrative
JANUARY 9, 2021
SHARE THIS ARTICLE: The College Fix on Facebook The College Fix on Twitter The College Fix on Reddit The College Fix on Parler Share on Email

A nigh-perfect example of why so many believe America’s public schools are filled with progressive ideologues is featured in this Education Week report about Wednesday’s U.S. Capitol mob riot.

Ed Week is little different from other mainstream media; certain terminology and narratives often are utilized despite ridiculous hypocrisy.

And that’s the issue with what happened in Washington, DC: The vast majority of right-leaning folks and Trump supporters do not support what transpired at the Capitol. They do have an issue with the media treating the incident like the apocalypse while every possible excuse was utilized in commentary about last summer’s Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests.

The Ed Week piece begins with the title and first paragraph: “Insurgency at the U.S. Capitol: A Dreaded, Real-Life Lesson Facing Teachers,” with authors Madeline Will and Stephen Sawchuk referring to the protesters as “a violent, far-right mob.” But “insurgency” implies (and even denotes) folks being armed, and so far there is no indication any the Capitol protesters were.

(Keep in mind: When demonstrators are progressive, their actions are “mostly peaceful” with just a smattering of troublemakers.)

To help bolster their case, the authors note — devoid of context — that “a woman was shot inside the Capitol and later died.” According to reports, the woman was a Trump supporter and an unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran. She was shot by a police officer.

Need it be mentioned how progressives feel about law enforcement shooting unarmed people/protesters? (A police officer did succumb to an injury sustained during the Capitol riot after the Ed Week article was published.)

Will and Sawchuk then move on to the inevitable race component, because everything is somehow so linked these days: “Among the difficult subtexts [for teachers]: the unsubtle implication of scenes of a violent, mostly white crowd rampaging through the Capitol practically unchecked, compared with often forceful put downs of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests.”

Academics and several of the Ed Week authors’ subjects back this up, citing “white privilege” and hyperbole like “coup” and “armed occupation.” Social studies teacher Adam Dyche used the latter definitively but wasn’t quite “sure yet” about the former. (A social studies educator thinks a coup can occur with no weapons in hand and no military behind in your corner?)

The president of the Common App jumped in on this theme with an email to students claiming that “violent white supremacist insurrectionists” were responsible for the Capitol mob, and alleging that “the stark differences between how peaceful Black and brown protesters have been treated for years relative to Wednesday’s coup” once again show how America suffers from systemic racism.

In my home state of Delaware, the president of the Delaware State Education Association, (the state NEA affiliate) referred to Wednesday’s events as “seditious acts” and implored the state’s teachers to “come together and move forward” with the Biden administration.

But are these racial complaints accurate? Examples like this — where police allowed BLM/Antifa to illegally occupy a house stocked with firearms for months without consequence, and how a separate “country,” or “a homeland for racial justice” as The New York Times called it, was established in the middle of Seattle for a few weeks — are but two contradictions of the narrative.

Not to mention, consider the cost of last summer’s BLM/Antifa protests and riots, in both property and lives.

The first commenter to the Ed Week piece gives a glimmer of hope that there are still clear-thinking teachers out there: “How are we leading our kids to be independent thinkers when we push them in such an obvious viewpoint. I am disappointed and embarrassed that there is such little integrity in these pieces.”

Indeed. Let me assist those like Mr. Dyche with their seeming difficulties in planning and presenting “controversial” lessons in a balanced manner:

— First, note that violence against people and people’s property is not the answer when protesting a political issue, whether it’s Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street or Trump supporters angry about election irregularities.

— Do an in-depth examination of the complaints of Black Lives Matter and those of Trump supporters upset about the election. Compare/contrast their reactions and how the media covered both. Include statistical analyses. Compare and contrast how Democrat and Republican politicians responded and reacted to both.

— Play devil’s advocate from both sides in response to student queries. For example, note specific statistics about police shootings and bring up how courts treated objections to Trump camp complaints about election fraud. Compare and contrast how the media utilized both.

Unfortunately, with today’s ed schools churning out more social justice advocates than actual educators, balanced lessons will be fewer and further between. Conservative/Republican parents need to continue their vigilance about what is being taught to their children, and they need to confront teachers and administrators when the narrative follows that of Education Week.
How dare teachers talk to their students about an attempted Nationalist coup to overthrow our government likely planned and certainly instigated by the President. Much better to downplay and teach about the Webster Ashburton Treaty.
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