2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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old salt
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:30 pm Just like Cruz, he thinks he can manage them. Hawley is playing the same game.
Yep. Been sayin' it for four years. Republicans in Congress, and conservatives Republican Voter thought that they could play these Trump games for four years, and simply walk away when Trump leaves.

Nope. Once you put on the tin foil? It's not coming off.

Any Forum Republicans want to discuss polling on the events at the Capitol, and how many of your fellow Republican think that the attack on the Capitol was sooper cool?
Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.

You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ? They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.

If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes, you'd understand why the support for his policies will endure for a more acceptable successor.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:18 am
a fan wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:30 pm Just like Cruz, he thinks he can manage them. Hawley is playing the same game.
Yep. Been sayin' it for four years. Republicans in Congress, and conservatives Republican Voter thought that they could play these Trump games for four years, and simply walk away when Trump leaves.

Nope. Once you put on the tin foil? It's not coming off.

Any Forum Republicans want to discuss polling on the events at the Capitol, and how many of your fellow Republican think that the attack on the Capitol was sooper cool?
Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.

You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ? They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.

If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes, you'd understand why the support for his policies will endure for a more acceptable successor.
He lost.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by ggait »

Hawley, on Nov 6, well before he said he was going to object to PA.


Salty -- Take a look at the screenshot and chyron you posted. There it is -- staring you right in the face. The Big Lie. And you can't even see it yourself.

Hawley was making those comments just as the election was being called for Biden on 11/6 and 11/7. And at that moment, the chyron proves my point -- The Big Lie -- Trump won with "legal votes." And Hawley throws out a bunch of FUD about transparency and polls watchers -- all unsubstantiated and all false. Hawley and Cruz and Crenshaw keep talking for two forking months about audits and fraud and election integrity (all bull shirt) while Trump claims every day that he won in a landslide. They all tell The Big Lie over and over and over again. Because (as Joe G. instructs) if the lie is big enough and repeated enough -- people will believe it.

So those dudes (while not quite the POS that Trump is) aid and abet by supporting The Big Lie. They blather on and on about BS claims and concerns about "election integrity" and certainly not ever telling the truth even once. Which is that from the outset it is clear that Trump lost fair and square, and it wasn't even particularly close. Period.

So they are all responsible. Sure Crenshaw calls BS on Hawley and Cruz's craven and dangerous stunt on Wednesday. But show me when and where he first said Trump lost fair and square. I bet he hasn't said it yet -- even after the Capital has become a murder investigation site. Maybe Cruz and Hawley didn't light the match. But seeing that a huge pile firewood and kindling had been assembled, they had no qualms about sloshing around with some cans of gasoline. It is all fun and games for Cruz and Hawley -- until someone loses an eye. Or their life.

I know you know your history. So I know you know what the original playbook for The Big Lie strategy is. Of course you do -- it's Mein Kampf. So I am quite justified in calling all these guys American Nazis. Anyone who plays along with The Big Lie is too.

So tell us, Salty, did Biden win the election unequivocably fair and square? Was there ever even a whiff of fraud systematic/wide enough that would have ever changed the outcome? Please paste in a date stamped post of yours from early November where you said that. Apologies in advanced if I missed that from you.

Or, like Crenshaw, are you going to pee on our legs again with some FUD BS about poll watchers and junk mail voting?
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:27 pm
foreverlax wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:39 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:36 pm
foreverlax wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:22 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:30 pm
foreverlax wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:40 pm
ggait wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:55 am hawley fist.jpg
Show me the words of Hawley, Langford, even Cruz, or any of the other Senators who said the election was "fradulent, stolen, or won in a landslide."
Salty -- Here's a thousand words on that from Hawley. He puts the F in Antifa!
OS will claim that his actions dont matter, it's his words...which of course is his alt_facts mirror opposite of how he defend Trump.

Hey, he agrees with Trumpism and the rest of Trump's ilk.
What were his actions ? His words matter. Of course the jackals won't acknowledge what he actually said.
Hey, if he's your kind of guy, enjoy.
I'm not that hot for him. I'n trying to be fair, based on what he actually said. What he said and when he said, will result in zero changes.
Same with Langford, who backed off after the riot. He was able to save some face....
Hawley does accurately represent the views of his voters. And what views are those?
Salty's not trying to be 'fair', he's flying air cover again for Trumpists.

I do agree that Lankford appeared quite chastened and began to backpedal. But only after the attack. Cruz and Hawley did not at all.

Listen, there's absolutely no excuse in expecting that a 10 day delay, ANY delay, was appropriate in this circumstance. IF they had even the tiniest desire to actually have a Congressional investigation or set of hearings of this past election's security, the time to do so was the past 45 days (they had the power to do so in the Senate)..or to do so anytime going forward unrelated to the process of installing the new POTUS and VP. Investigate away guys...but this was ALL in bad faith.

Continuing to give even the slightest oxygen to the notion that there's actually been a serious problem, other than as caused by the misinformation campaign of Trumpworld, AFTER the attack is completely INEXCUSABLE.

You're DONE, forever.
Done forever ? What does that even mean ? Watch what happens between now & the next election in the states. They have to establish the rules for the next normal election. You're deluding yourself if you think there's going to be no changes based on this election.
Guess you wont give me the courtesy I give you, by answering your questions.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by seacoaster »


https://twitter.com/joshscampbell/statu ... 5777011714

And contemplate that, after this, McCarthy and his band of cowards and grifters went ahead and called the election a sham. No one, ever, should forgive the GOP members of the House and Senate who were co-conspirators in Trump's incitement to revolution against the Government.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Bart »

seacoaster wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 8:28 am Watch:

https://twitter.com/joshscampbell/statu ... 5777011714

And contemplate that, after this, McCarthy and his band of cowards and grifters went ahead and called the election a sham. No one, ever, should forgive the GOP members of the House and Senate who were co-conspirators in Trump's incitement to revolution against the Government.
That is sad. That is why I do not have the temperament to be a police officer.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Bart »

Curious what those in the legal profession think about this?

https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/fo ... ct-georgia

It seems to me there is potential for the political to interfere with the work of law enforcement.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bart wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:21 am Curious what those in the legal profession think about this?

https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/fo ... ct-georgia

It seems to me there is potential for the political to interfere with the work of law enforcement.
I'm not your target request, not a lawyer.

However, of course there's a risk of the political in prosecutorial power. It's super important that the people appointed to these positions, while politically appointed, be of high ethical standards..."loyalty" should never be the test of such.

I don't have any issue with there being an office to report any issues to, for fast response, and if your point is that law enforcement should be the point of contact, not prosecutors, that's an interesting question too.

In general, the intent of preventing, and responding to swiftly, and ultimately prosecuting any sort of election fraud, intimidation, etc is laudable IMO...making it clear where to report such and have adequate staffing to handle also seems to me to be reasonable back on Oct 8 when this was announced.

My only nit in the statement (other than your question if I understood it correctly) is the word "may" as opposed to "is". Perhaps that's required given that the 'pretext' part needs to be proven. A lot of history of such!

For example, it may be a violation of federal voting rights law for individuals to attempt to interrupt or intimidate voters at polling places by questioning or challenging them, or by photographing or videotaping them, under the pretext that these are actions to uncover illegal voting. Further, federal law protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice (where voters need assistance because of disability or illiteracy).

If I understand correctly, Bobby Christine is a Trump supporter, and notwithstanding my suspicion of all such at this point until proven not a cultist, I'd generally support the supposed intent to assure the public that they have access to report any issues for serious investigation.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Bart »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:43 am
Bart wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:21 am Curious what those in the legal profession think about this?

https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/fo ... ct-georgia

It seems to me there is potential for the political to interfere with the work of law enforcement.
If I understand correctly, Bobby Christine is a Trump supporter, and notwithstanding my suspicion of all such at this point until proven not a cultist, I'd generally support the supposed intent to assure the public that they have access to report any issues for serious investigation.
This is the part that got me questioning the appointments
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bart wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:50 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:43 am
Bart wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:21 am Curious what those in the legal profession think about this?

https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/fo ... ct-georgia

It seems to me there is potential for the political to interfere with the work of law enforcement.
If I understand correctly, Bobby Christine is a Trump supporter, and notwithstanding my suspicion of all such at this point until proven not a cultist, I'd generally support the supposed intent to assure the public that they have access to report any issues for serious investigation.
This is the part that got me questioning the appointments
Agreed. Of the three US Attorneys in Georgia, all appointed by Trump, Christine is the only one who didn't resign in the wake of the Trump pressure to illegally and unethically prosecute BS claims of election fraud. Just got the acting job in the Atlanta area as well...where such prosecutions would be most likely.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ggait wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:20 am
Hawley, on Nov 6, well before he said he was going to object to PA.
Salty -- Take a look at the screenshot and chyron you posted. There it is -- staring you right in the face. The Big Lie. And you can't even see it yourself.

Hawley was making those comments just as the election was being called for Biden on 11/6 and 11/7. And at that moment, the chyron proves my point -- The Big Lie -- Trump won with "legal votes." And Hawley throws out a bunch of FUD about transparency and polls watchers -- all unsubstantiated and all false. Hawley and Cruz and Crenshaw keep talking for two forking months about audits and fraud and election integrity (all bull shirt) while Trump claims every day that he won in a landslide. They all tell The Big Lie over and over and over again. Because (as Joe G. instructs) if the lie is big enough and repeated enough -- people will believe it.

So those dudes (while not quite the POS that Trump is) aid and abet by supporting The Big Lie. They blather on and on about BS claims and concerns about "election integrity" and certainly not ever telling the truth even once. Which is that from the outset it is clear that Trump lost fair and square, and it wasn't even particularly close. Period.

So they are all responsible. Sure Crenshaw calls BS on Hawley and Cruz's craven and dangerous stunt on Wednesday. But show me when and where he first said Trump lost fair and square. I bet he hasn't said it yet -- even after the Capital has become a murder investigation site. Maybe Cruz and Hawley didn't light the match. But seeing that a huge pile firewood and kindling had been assembled, they had no qualms about sloshing around with some cans of gasoline. It is all fun and games for Cruz and Hawley -- until someone loses an eye. Or their life.

I know you know your history. So I know you know what the original playbook for The Big Lie strategy is. Of course you do -- it's Mein Kampf. So I am quite justified in calling all these guys American Nazis. Anyone who plays along with The Big Lie is too.

So tell us, Salty, did Biden win the election unequivocably fair and square? Was there ever even a whiff of fraud systematic/wide enough that would have ever changed the outcome? Please paste in a date stamped post of yours from early November where you said that. Apologies in advanced if I missed that from you.

Or, like Crenshaw, are you going to pee on our legs again with some FUD BS about poll watchers and junk mail voting?
A very cogent explanation of the tactics of the Big Lie and its connection to the label "American Nazis". All those spreading the Big Lie are complicit. Plenty of 'good' Germans enabled their own Big Lie without actually being brown shirts...all those who did so, who profited from it, were complicit.

Salty seems to think there are 'reasons' why 75 million people hate Dems so much they just had to vote for a known POS of the worst sort.

The combination of white resentment and fear is what undergirds all of this, with 'any and all means' justified. American Nazi is appropriate.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Petey Brown, Come on Down!

With 5 kids he is probably killing it!
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by jhu72 »

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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Andersen »

Petey Brown, Come on Down!

With 5 kids he is probably killing it!
He just went to the Capitol to take a stand.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Andersen wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:30 am
Petey Brown, Come on Down!

With 5 kids he is probably killing it!
He just went to the Capitol to take a stand.
I wonder where he works?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Andersen »

Reportedly, stay at home Dad.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by calourie »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:18 am
a fan wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:17 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:30 pm Just like Cruz, he thinks he can manage them. Hawley is playing the same game.
Yep. Been sayin' it for four years. Republicans in Congress, and conservatives Republican Voter thought that they could play these Trump games for four years, and simply walk away when Trump leaves.

Nope. Once you put on the tin foil? It's not coming off.

Any Forum Republicans want to discuss polling on the events at the Capitol, and how many of your fellow Republican think that the attack on the Capitol was sooper cool?
Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.

You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ? They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.

If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes, you'd understand why the support for his policies will endure for a more acceptable successor.
And another last C'MON SALTY. No outrage from the big 3 (Ingraham, Carlson and Hannity) nor Fox and Friends nor I would suppose Bartiromo, Dobbs and the like (though I haven't watched their responses) over at Fox news, what used to be Trumps favorite network, though others there have shown more intellectual and philosophical honesty. Rasmussen still has Trump's approval rating at 48% as of the day after the asssault on congress. These two realities are inexorably linked. That's my understanding as well as the most plausible explanation of why Trump got 75 million votes; fake news perpetrated by the those who hold themselves up to be the enemies of fake news. Until that stops we can count on a nation misinformed and divided in a senseless ugly way. And by the way, Trump particularly, and by association his acolytes Hawley, Cruz, McCarthy etc didn't and don't swiftly condemn political violence, but actually encourage it as their lead up and response to the assault on congress and unwillingness to confront Trump at his rallies when he condones roughing up the press and his adversaries clearly demonstrate. Antifa and the proud boys are one thing, political leaders are another. There are bad people on both sides we just don't want them leading the country.
Last edited by calourie on Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by ggait »

The Big Lies get told over and over and over by folks calling themselves fair and balanced. Accuse the other side of doing what you do. Another classic propaganda technique.

Goebbels tools were the radios he ordered produced that were cheap enough so that all the volks could afford them. Trump has Fox News and Twitter to distribute his propaganda.

MSNBC is no competition. Because Maddow can’t ever slant at anywhere near the scale that Hannity and Rush can Big Lie at.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
a fan
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:18 am Polling ? (R)'s swiftly condemn political violence from the R or L, rather than rationalizing it or making excuses.
Yeah----no, they didn't do that.
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:34 am You think those morons in the Capitol are typical Trump supporters ?
If you're talking about the morons inside the Capitol? No. Those aren't typical Trump supporters. They typical Trump supporters were standing outside, just a few feet away. That's how close to the cliff the typical Republican voter is here in 2021.

My HS friends/acquaintances, with a few exceptions, are those people. They think Trump did about 100 things he didn't actually do. They bought everything he said. And they're all anti-socialist, attended State Universities----their kids are attending State Universities---and more hilariously of all, all but a handful work in jobs that are ENTIRELY dependent on Big Government spending. Health Care. Real Estate (who do they think backs all those home loans?) Pharmaceuticals.
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:34 am They're just the right's lunatic fringe, like Antifa is the left's lunatic fringe.
Nope. Not even close.

Those people are Trump supporters, OS. Who's the leader of your party, again? That's right, Trump. Do you see Antifa carrying around Biden flags? :lol: Not only does Antifa hate Biden----they hate the Democrat party. Why? Because the Dems are NOWHERE NEAR lefties. And to their credit, and in contrast to TrumpNation---at least the far left is smart enough to know the Dems are lying to them. The American right? They believe every single word their R government tells them. Every freaking word. It's pathetic.

Meanwhile, no matter what Trump does, your fellow Republican voters support it. Did you notice how many Senators and House members still protested the lawful results of the election? Your teams is bat*hit crazy, and that, sadly, includes you when it comes to this election stuff.

You have convinced yourself that if the people of Colorado, for example, don't run the elections the way that YOU want them? You think "that means" that they are suspect and/or fraudulent. Sorry mate, you don't get to tell us what to do, any more than I get to tell the leaders of your home State how to run their elections.

And laughably----if that's what you REALLY wanted? Sign me up. Let's standardize and Federalize elections. Is that what you want?

:lol: F no, that's not what you want. What you want----and what all my fellow HS classmates want-----are Republican wins. Thats' it. And if you don't get them, you're going to pout, and claim fraud.

Well---take a look at what happened in DC. And please, by all means, keep making your fraudulent claims. Keep sending oxygen to the fire. And then sit back, and play dumb, and act shocked when the right wing (and left, for that matter) buys what you and FoxNation are selling them. Keep it up!
old salt wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:34 am If you understood why Trump got 75 million votes
Oh, I do. Hate for liberals.

In 2016, you said he won because of economic promises to the "forgotten voter" remember?. Well, it's time to check in, OS: name one major economic policy that helped the average TrumpVoter. Average, meaning: HS diploma if that. Lives in Flyover America. And was left behind in the economic boom of the 2000's. What did Trump do?

Those people are, without question, further behind. And the bill for all of Trump's reckless spending is due----interest on borrowing will exceed military spending less than five years. Good luck running a country with that vig.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2020 Elections - Led to Impeachment?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/01/09/pro ... -riot.html

We need a Benghazi style hearing to determine who knew what and when. We lost 5 people.
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