Is a 2021 season going to happen?

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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

I am not attacking you, you just have a strong tendency to be hypocritical. Whether it's defending your "position" or not, that's the nature of what you are being. Nothing personal against YOU, just your inability to even acknowledge that there isn't only "one" way to view this virus. There is no benefit of I told you so, etc, etc. Assess you and your families risk, take the necessary precautions and live life to the fullest extent your local government allows. One way or another things will keep progressing. There's nothing you "yourself" can do about it, so continue to be optimistic and enjoy yourself. We existed as a society pre CV-19 and we will exist long after CV-19 is part of a history textbook. I'm taking a break, it's exhausting. And remember, I'm from a MUCH younger generation. Arguably the most important in the sense that we are just beginning to establish ourselves as parents,etc,etc. That does not mean your generation is not important in the slightest, but for once think about how 30 year old MD would have thought about this Pandemic, I guarantee you it wouldn't be the same in ANY regard. That's my ultimate point...

Joe, my son is 27 and I know how he's thinking about it.
And how angry he is that our country's leadership has been so ridiculously stupid.
Now, he did have the benefit of a couple of years in China and was there when this hit, so his perspective on mask wearing may well be quite different from yours.

But go ahead and tell me how my consistent views on this topic are "hypocritical".
Do you understand the definition of the word?
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

I am not attacking you, you just have a strong tendency to be hypocritical. Whether it's defending your "position" or not, that's the nature of what you are being. Nothing personal against YOU, just your inability to even acknowledge that there isn't only "one" way to view this virus. There is no benefit of I told you so, etc, etc. Assess you and your families risk, take the necessary precautions and live life to the fullest extent your local government allows. One way or another things will keep progressing. There's nothing you "yourself" can do about it, so continue to be optimistic and enjoy yourself. We existed as a society pre CV-19 and we will exist long after CV-19 is part of a history textbook. I'm taking a break, it's exhausting. And remember, I'm from a MUCH younger generation. Arguably the most important in the sense that we are just beginning to establish ourselves as parents,etc,etc. That does not mean your generation is not important in the slightest, but for once think about how 30 year old MD would have thought about this Pandemic, I guarantee you it wouldn't be the same in ANY regard. That's my ultimate point...

Joe, my son is 27 and I know how he's thinking about it.
And how angry he is that our country's leadership has been so ridiculously stupid.
Now, he did have the benefit of a couple of years in China and was there when this hit, so his perspective on mask wearing may well be quite different from yours.

But go ahead and tell me how my consistent views on this topic are "hypocritical".
Do you understand the definition of the word?

Fair enough, but judging from wide array of contacts in which I interact with on a regular basis in my age range (20-35) your son is an outlier (which is respectable) Possible had he not lived in China as you noted, he would probably see it differently. We can just agree to disagree, my difference is I don't place the same level of "expected trust" in the administration. Therefore, when they don't live up to perceived expectations it doesn't bother me any more than usually as I am smart enough to know that government alone cannot "control" a pandemic any more than they have attempted. I'm using this as an example ONLY due to the nature of it being contagious, The government is not able to eradicate "Influenza" even WITH a yearly vaccine. Whether you think so or not, the media has created the notion that this virus must be "eradicated" That is scientifically impossible until YEARS down the road. So each and every day as we continue to learn how to live with it and live our lives SAFELY AROUND IT, they better we can as a society progress towards much needed normalcy in every aspect of human life.

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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by RedIvy »

With age comes experience, perspective and wisdom. There are many things we likely would have done or even did when we were younger that we shiver at today. Wisdom is learning from that and maybe even trying to share that process to help prevent others pain or loss.

As someone else stated, I don’t think there is a person on this site that wouldn’t be disappointed if we don’t have a 2021 season. I for one think we can work toward a solution but that solution needs to be one that acknowledges and doesn’t discount the risks to everyone including society in general and creates protocols that can help us continue to move forward.

I would much prefer discussion on what that protocol might look like.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

I am not attacking you, you just have a strong tendency to be hypocritical. Whether it's defending your "position" or not, that's the nature of what you are being. Nothing personal against YOU, just your inability to even acknowledge that there isn't only "one" way to view this virus. There is no benefit of I told you so, etc, etc. Assess you and your families risk, take the necessary precautions and live life to the fullest extent your local government allows. One way or another things will keep progressing. There's nothing you "yourself" can do about it, so continue to be optimistic and enjoy yourself. We existed as a society pre CV-19 and we will exist long after CV-19 is part of a history textbook. I'm taking a break, it's exhausting. And remember, I'm from a MUCH younger generation. Arguably the most important in the sense that we are just beginning to establish ourselves as parents,etc,etc. That does not mean your generation is not important in the slightest, but for once think about how 30 year old MD would have thought about this Pandemic, I guarantee you it wouldn't be the same in ANY regard. That's my ultimate point...

Joe, my son is 27 and I know how he's thinking about it.
And how angry he is that our country's leadership has been so ridiculously stupid.
Now, he did have the benefit of a couple of years in China and was there when this hit, so his perspective on mask wearing may well be quite different from yours.

But go ahead and tell me how my consistent views on this topic are "hypocritical".
Do you understand the definition of the word?

Fair enough, but judging from wide array of contacts in which I interact with on a regular basis in my age range (20-35) your son is an outlier (which is respectable) Possible had he not lived in China as you noted, he would probably see it differently. We can just agree to disagree, my difference is I don't place the same level of "expected trust" in the administration. Therefore, when they don't live up to perceived expectations it doesn't bother me any more than usually as I am smart enough to know that government alone cannot "control" a pandemic any more than they have attempted. I'm using this as an example ONLY due to the nature of it being contagious, The government is not able to eradicate "Influenza" even WITH a yearly vaccine. Whether you think so or not, the media has created the notion that this virus must be "eradicated" That is scientifically impossible until YEARS down the road. So each and every day as we continue to learn how to live with it and live our lives SAFELY AROUND IT, they better we can as a society progress towards much needed normalcy in every aspect of human life.

Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:51 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:14 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:01 pm Any time you actually want to engage with either logic or new information or both, please do, Joe.

The personal attacks are none of the above.

It sounds like your issue is that I am simply consistent.
Hardly an accusation that bothers me.

btw, my sarcasm wasn't intended to be "thinly veiled", it was supposed to be very clear.
But not directed at you personally.

And if you want to attribute specific words and thoughts to me, how about actually quoting me directly and accurately?
Most of the words you attribute to me, I have not used; you're just falsely attributing them to me.

I am not attacking you, you just have a strong tendency to be hypocritical. Whether it's defending your "position" or not, that's the nature of what you are being. Nothing personal against YOU, just your inability to even acknowledge that there isn't only "one" way to view this virus. There is no benefit of I told you so, etc, etc. Assess you and your families risk, take the necessary precautions and live life to the fullest extent your local government allows. One way or another things will keep progressing. There's nothing you "yourself" can do about it, so continue to be optimistic and enjoy yourself. We existed as a society pre CV-19 and we will exist long after CV-19 is part of a history textbook. I'm taking a break, it's exhausting. And remember, I'm from a MUCH younger generation. Arguably the most important in the sense that we are just beginning to establish ourselves as parents,etc,etc. That does not mean your generation is not important in the slightest, but for once think about how 30 year old MD would have thought about this Pandemic, I guarantee you it wouldn't be the same in ANY regard. That's my ultimate point...

Joe, my son is 27 and I know how he's thinking about it.
And how angry he is that our country's leadership has been so ridiculously stupid.
Now, he did have the benefit of a couple of years in China and was there when this hit, so his perspective on mask wearing may well be quite different from yours.

But go ahead and tell me how my consistent views on this topic are "hypocritical".
Do you understand the definition of the word?

Fair enough, but judging from wide array of contacts in which I interact with on a regular basis in my age range (20-35) your son is an outlier (which is respectable) Possible had he not lived in China as you noted, he would probably see it differently. We can just agree to disagree, my difference is I don't place the same level of "expected trust" in the administration. Therefore, when they don't live up to perceived expectations it doesn't bother me any more than usually as I am smart enough to know that government alone cannot "control" a pandemic any more than they have attempted. I'm using this as an example ONLY due to the nature of it being contagious, The government is not able to eradicate "Influenza" even WITH a yearly vaccine. Whether you think so or not, the media has created the notion that this virus must be "eradicated" That is scientifically impossible until YEARS down the road. So each and every day as we continue to learn how to live with it and live our lives SAFELY AROUND IT, they better we can as a society progress towards much needed normalcy in every aspect of human life.

Joe, my wife and I also have 6 nieces and nephews, plus various boyfriends and girlfriends. They are all managing to continue working, with the exception of the niece with Downs who has not been able to return to group activities. Very high risk, and her mother is with her at home, doing her school teaching remotely, actually fortuitously able to do so. A sister is nearby and can help out, their grandmother is in long term care, mostly locked down. The sole early griper about restrictions was a nephew in the restaurant business in SC, however due to his roommate's irresponsibility, he contracted the virus, passed it to his sister and her boyfriend as they went to the airport to travel to vacation with their parents and grandmother...fortunately, the older folks didn't get it! The young folks were all horrified they'd put them in risk. They've all been very diligent with mask wearing.

They all believe now that considerably more could have been done by our government leaders, particularly in clear and consistent communications about the importance of distancing and mask wearing, of shared sacrifice.

Yes, the virus actually could be at a very low level. Other countries have crushed the spread and kept it low thereafter.

Though enormous damage has been done already, we could yet reverse the course of the virus if we were to collectively step forward and do simple things universally.

I do agree with you that a sense of optimism is essential.

Be well.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by RumorMill »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:33 am
Joe, my wife and I also have 6 nieces and nephews, plus various boyfriends and girlfriends.

Be well.
Anyone? No, fine I'll do it.

MD, congrats to you and your wife for having various boyfriends and girlfriends... that's impressive! ;) :D

Gotta have a little humor these days!

I used to spend a fair amount of time in China and Hong Kong for work (no longer have to)... have been wearing a mask in airports and planes well before covid19... I never liked the thought of getting a common cold or the flu, now we can add covid to the list. Can't understand the hesitancy to wear a mask. I don't need the President or any other official to "tell" me to wear it. Oh well.

Be safe.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

RumorMill wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:48 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:33 am
Joe, my wife and I also have 6 nieces and nephews, plus various boyfriends and girlfriends.

Be well.
Anyone? No, fine I'll do it.

MD, congrats to you and your wife for having various boyfriends and girlfriends... that's impressive! ;) :D

Gotta have a little humor these days!

I used to spend a fair amount of time in China and Hong Kong for work (no longer have to)... have been wearing a mask in airports and planes well before covid19... I never liked the thought of getting a common cold or the flu, now we can add covid to the list. Can't understand the hesitancy to wear a mask. I don't need the President or any other official to "tell" me to wear it. Oh well.

Be safe.
:lol: 40 years of marriage, gotta keep it fresh??

The folks in Hong Kong heard there was a new bug in Wuhan, and despite the HK government downplaying it, everyone immediately put on a mask. Everyone, all the time, including at the height of the protests (actually not a problem as they didn't want their faces seen anyway!) They don't trust the government in HK, so immediately assumed the worst. Shanghai residents did the same, but their trust in the government or at least compliance with government is far more straightforward. Heavy lockdown, total mask compliance, and then slow easing with total mask compliance.

And the results are obvious.

Most of Asia did the same, though with some variations. All sorts of different governmental systems.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by jersey shore lax »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by FMUBart »

jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!
There are different levels of “government”. The POTUS lying to the people and discouraging mitigation efforts because he wants to make it political is not helpful. Liberate your state and all that nonsense in direct contradiction to healthcare experts is just silly. It was going to be hard enough without the POTUS fanning flames. I said all along, had this not been an election year, we would have gotten a different federal response from the executive branch of government.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by JoeMauer89 »

FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by calourie »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

JM, the current massive uptick in cases and what looks like it is going to be deaths would seem to undermine your contention that most are acting as smart as you are in reigning in the numbers and thus impact both social and economic of this disease.
Last edited by calourie on Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 34057
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

The proven way to kill a virus is to keep it from finding a new hosts. I don’t know anyone who believes the government could stop it. You need to turn off the TV. It’s a global virus. Nut just here, but our numbers are awful. Our peers are Brazil, India and Mexico. We can do better. We are the United States of America.
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Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:02 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

The proven way to kill a virus is to keep it from finding a new hosts. I don’t know anyone who believes the government could stop it. You need to turn off the TV. It’s a global virus. Nut just here, but our numbers are awful. Our peers are Brazil, India and Mexico. We can do better. We are the United States of America.
I can agree with you there, we can do better. The rest, we will have our differences and that's what makes our society great, we are not some monotonous collection of like mindsets/viewpoints and opinions... :ugeek: :ugeek:

Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 34057
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:10 pm

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:02 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

The proven way to kill a virus is to keep it from finding a new hosts. I don’t know anyone who believes the government could stop it. You need to turn off the TV. It’s a global virus. Nut just here, but our numbers are awful. Our peers are Brazil, India and Mexico. We can do better. We are the United States of America.
I can agree with you there, we can do better. The rest, we will have our differences and that's what makes our society great, we are not some monotonous collection of like mindsets/viewpoints and opinions... :ugeek: :ugeek:

How to reduce viral transmission is not an opinion. It’s has been studied for decades.....all of a sudden, it’s a matter of opinion. We may not get every transmission mechanism correct but in the grand scheme of things, it’s simple. Stay away from people...wash your hands, wear a face covering when you can’t avoid people..... do those things and the spread slows. Don’t do those things and the virus spreads faster. It’s a fact. Not an opinion unless this virus doesn’t operate like most other infectious virus. I choose to do my part to help reduce the spread by taking precautions. My life has not really changed much. I don’t need to eat at a restaurant and drink at a bar and stand around drinking with people. I have been working from home since March. Our company is just as productive as we were pre-Covid. A lot of companies have navigated the virus and things aren’t as bad as anticipated and nobody is going back to a pre Covid work we made many changes post 9/11.
“I wish you would!”
Posts: 2009
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:39 pm

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:15 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:02 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

The proven way to kill a virus is to keep it from finding a new hosts. I don’t know anyone who believes the government could stop it. You need to turn off the TV. It’s a global virus. Nut just here, but our numbers are awful. Our peers are Brazil, India and Mexico. We can do better. We are the United States of America.
I can agree with you there, we can do better. The rest, we will have our differences and that's what makes our society great, we are not some monotonous collection of like mindsets/viewpoints and opinions... :ugeek: :ugeek:

How to reduce viral transmission is not an opinion. It’s has been studied for decades.....all of a sudden, it’s a matter of opinion. We may not get every transmission mechanism correct but in the grand scheme of things, it’s simple. Stay away from people...wash your hands, wear a face covering when you can’t avoid people..... do those things and the spread slows. Don’t do those things and the virus spreads faster. It’s a fact. Not an opinion unless this virus doesn’t operate like most other infectious virus. I choose to do my part to help reduce the spread by taking precautions. My life has not really changed much. I don’t need to eat at a restaurant and drink at a bar and stand around drinking with people. I have been working from home since March. Our company is just as productive as we were pre-Covid. A lot of companies have navigated the virus and things aren’t as bad as anticipated and nobody is going back to a pre Covid work we made many changes post 9/11.
I'm not disagreeing with what you said regarding transmission. Just have to understand that there are some who this statement does NOT describe. "My life has not really changed much. I don’t need to eat at a restaurant and drink at a bar and stand around drinking with people. I have been working from home since March. Our company is just as productive as we were pre-Covid." For some, their lives have CHANGED tremendously. It may be easy for you to make an adjustment but no matter how good the ultimate cause may be, there are PLENTY that have had a miserable time adjusting. That's what I'm trying to get across to you, it may be easy for YOU to do this but it is NOT EASY for others. Whether or not you want to respect it or not is fine, but you have to ACKNOWLEDGE it. We are not in different ballparks when it comes to our viewpoints, we are just in different "innings".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Location: Savannah, Ga

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by FMUBart »

Don't waste anymore of your time, Joe...some people would argue with a sign post! Many of us share your opinion, be smart, but this is a very contagious virus that is deadly to all but a small percentage. Stay safe and be well!
Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 34057
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:10 pm

Re: Is a 2021 season going to happen?

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:36 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:15 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:06 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:02 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:07 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:30 pm
FMUBart wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:52 pm
jersey shore lax wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:29 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:45 pm
Living safely with it as a society entails social distancing, washing your hands, wearing the best mask you can get your hands on and avoiding indoor gatherings unless it’s a must. These are things that we can choose to do to keep the spread down as we buy time for a vaccine or a slow burn off of the virus. What we want to avoid are outbreaks that run the risk of overrunning our healthcare system. I don’t know any reasonable person that believes we need to hibernate until we have a vaccine. It’s all about risk mitigation. I am doing my part to limit the spread. If guidance changes next year, I am ok with having made a relatively small sacrifice.
I could not have said it better myself (and I didn't.) TY Typical

I am Jersey Shore Lax and I approve this message.
I agree with the above as well; just don't understand the questioning government leadership part of the equation. I do all of the above, and not because some government bureaucrat or elected official tells me to...Trump is also heavy and apparently spray tans--I am neither overweight or sprayed!

Well said, I as well don't understand the persistent questioning of the government leadership. I do what I can to stay healthy/wear masks when necessary, etc., because I am smart enough like most to realize it on my OWN...

So you learned all you need to know about COVID-19 on your own?
:lol: :lol: Yup, just a little thing called common sense, the internet and learned experience. A close family friend's mother and father both died of it. Both in their early 80's, only interacted with one other couple within their complex, did everything the could regarding masks/social distancing, etc. and yet still sadly succumbed to it. So although I agree that social distance where necessary (And not overboard) and masks (where necessary) and hand sanitizing are crucially important, it doesn't stop the virus in its tracks. Everyone has to manage their own risk, and yes some do it better than others. But I would never put the onus on myself that not everybody does that, because it's impractical to think that just one thing (Government, Interventions, etc.) can stop the virus in it's tracks. Science and nature play an important role to, and I know that you are aware of that. Some are NOT, sadly.

The proven way to kill a virus is to keep it from finding a new hosts. I don’t know anyone who believes the government could stop it. You need to turn off the TV. It’s a global virus. Nut just here, but our numbers are awful. Our peers are Brazil, India and Mexico. We can do better. We are the United States of America.
I can agree with you there, we can do better. The rest, we will have our differences and that's what makes our society great, we are not some monotonous collection of like mindsets/viewpoints and opinions... :ugeek: :ugeek:

How to reduce viral transmission is not an opinion. It’s has been studied for decades.....all of a sudden, it’s a matter of opinion. We may not get every transmission mechanism correct but in the grand scheme of things, it’s simple. Stay away from people...wash your hands, wear a face covering when you can’t avoid people..... do those things and the spread slows. Don’t do those things and the virus spreads faster. It’s a fact. Not an opinion unless this virus doesn’t operate like most other infectious virus. I choose to do my part to help reduce the spread by taking precautions. My life has not really changed much. I don’t need to eat at a restaurant and drink at a bar and stand around drinking with people. I have been working from home since March. Our company is just as productive as we were pre-Covid. A lot of companies have navigated the virus and things aren’t as bad as anticipated and nobody is going back to a pre Covid work we made many changes post 9/11.
I'm not disagreeing with what you said regarding transmission. Just have to understand that there are some who this statement does NOT describe. "My life has not really changed much. I don’t need to eat at a restaurant and drink at a bar and stand around drinking with people. I have been working from home since March. Our company is just as productive as we were pre-Covid." For some, their lives have CHANGED tremendously. It may be easy for you to make an adjustment but no matter how good the ultimate cause may be, there are PLENTY that have had a miserable time adjusting. That's what I'm trying to get across to you, it may be easy for YOU to do this but it is NOT EASY for others. Whether or not you want to respect it or not is fine, but you have to ACKNOWLEDGE it. We are not in different ballparks when it comes to our viewpoints, we are just in different "innings".... :lol: :lol: :lol:

My point is that the “government” isn’t making it a “hardship” for everyone. Most of the people I know, it has been a inconvenience and sacrifice but nothing that can’t be overcome. I feel bad for kids in school but it’s an infectious disease and it was the first one down the chute to really impact us last winter/spring. I said then that we will learn and deal with it. My daughter is a senior in college. I know what it’s about. We have handled it in the fall better than last Spring and we will be better at it next year. Like many things, 80% of the people can get a long and 20% can’t.
“I wish you would!”
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